September 30 Day Challenge

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September 30 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,604 replies, has 110 voices, and was last updated by  lmrenfrey 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Day 27 Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 NFD.
    Late post but better late than never.


    If it’s still not loading correctly on your iPad, could you contact me at I’m not sure what is happening, sorry!


    Day 27, Gozo Malta, fd

    Good night everyone

    Day 28 Sydney NFD

    Day 27 Canada FD
    A liquid only day today

    @coda – hugs for your continued healing! Will there be physical therapy involved for your foot?

    BTW things are looking okay on my ipad just now.

    Hi all from a newbie,

    How does this monthly challenge work? I like a challenge and goals work for me, so it sounds like something that I’d like. I’ve just started on 5:2 and still trying to work out all the abbreviations – CD?

    Day 28/FD/Melbourne Australia

    Welcome @camcd have a read of the early posts on Page 1 of the September challenge to see how this works.

    CD controlled day
    NFD non fast day
    FD fast day
    WOL way of life
    WOE way of eating

    Is there a link to the October Challenge?

    Have a great and positive day everyone

    Day 28 NFD country West Australia
    good FD yesterday, controlled and able to make good choices . Had mainly liquids, a spoonful of Greek yoghurt and a strawberry.
    Dinner some curried broccoli – delicious!
    Aiming to stay controlled and within TDEE today.
    @coda good luck with your foot healing.

    Day 28, NFD
    Site still broken from my iPad, so logged on from iPhone. Happy birthday @steve-toon-taxi-driver! Looking forward to getting home tonight and tomorrow’s weigh-in.

    3 days left of this month’s challenge. Make it count!

    Day 27 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Chocolate continuing on into today. Need to cut it back for tomorrow.

    @krisnia – are you doing okay?

    Day 27 Vancouver Island
    FD We have been away visiting family, FD always seems easier when I’m traveling! No temptations in the car.
    Enjoy the chocolate AnneMarilyn..birthdays are now celebrated over several days!
    Welcome @camcd!
    @coda hope your foot rehab is coming along, I have had lots of issues with my feet ( no surgery yet…fingers crossed) but certainly can feel your pain!
    Thinking of those who have lost a family member or friend , sending positivity your way. 💐

    Day 28, Norway, FD

    Im liking my FD’s… easier to NOT eat anything, than to “try and just eat one piece of…” crap, some kind of monster sabotaged a CD yesterday…well, i guess i stayed below my TDEE …but not healthy choises after 6 o’clock. Need to work on my “NO!”‘s.

    Today im gonna do water only, as drink that is, i have a “Imsdal” waterbottle with a drinking cap/sportscap, makes it easy to sip all day. Maybe its the bottle and not the content im addicted to 🙂

    Day 28 -Ireland -FD B2B

    Maintaining at 150.5 after yesterday’s NFD which included some wine and cheese 😊🍷. So I am happy with that. I have three pounds to lose to hit September goal so it will be nothing short of a miracle if I get there 😆

    It’s 1st of a B2B FD so no eating until lunch which is a small plum and an apple, some chilli beef for dinner, then tomorrow will be a liquid only FD and then the final weigh in on Saturday morning.

    Good luck to all, you wonderful 5:2 fasting folk 😄

    Day 28 – Nuremberg, Germany – FD?
    Today is a travelling day so I may try to make it a fast day as I didn’t do my usual FD yesterday. This morning will be pretty busy with meetings, then I can avoid any bad food on the train and just get something light in the lounge at the airport – at least that’s the plan.
    Off on holiday in the early hours of Saturday morning so I’d like to have a good day today and drink plenty of water so my end of month weigh in on Friday is good. I suspect I won’t be under 17st though which will be the first monthly challenge target I’ve missed.
    Basically this commuting for work is playing havoc with my weight loss as I’m not exercising, plus spending lots of time sat in workshops or on flights/trains. My eating is not bad, but water consumption is awful and I’m retaining loads of water. Hoping a lot of swimming and walking on holiday gets me back on a more even keel.

    Norway, Day 28, FD

    I was hoping to see the number 86 (189 lb 10oz) by the end of September, but I don’t think that will happen. BUT, this morning I was 88.7, which means I CAN reach 87-sometning by tomorrow! I am thinking of making it a liquid only fast, but I didn’t bring any boulion to work, so we’ll see how the day goes by. Usually a lot of coffee works fine ( in addition to sparkling water of course).

    My semi-goal (not end-goal) is to lose 10 kg until 17th of November, as I am then going to Sydney for my friend’s wedding. There will be beachlife and bikini, and small dresses. I hear the weather is already very warm, so little clothing will be a thing. And thus a loss of 10kg by then would be great so that I feel like I can wear small dresses without being too selfconsious. Anyway, that is my hope and goal. Now it is 1.5 month until I leave and I have 4.7 kg to lose in that time. So I guess I need to be really strict, especially on my NFDs. It is påossible, and I will give it my best shot!

    Oh well, off to the lab to do scientist-stuff. *putting on my white lab coat that feels quite big now*.

    Have a great day!

    @coda, hope your leg heals fast!

    @bigviking see message above from @fastdiet – If it’s still not loading correctly on your iPad, could you contact me at I’m not sure what is happening, sorry!

    Hello day 28 from co down ni fd

    And happy birthday to @bigviking 🎂 and @stevetoontaxidriver 🎂 hope you both have a great day.

    @songbirdme yes I’ll have some physio once the pin comes out in 4 weeks. Thanks for all the healing thoughts sent my way ❤

    Day 28 Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 NFD.

    Day 28, London, UK, FD (2nd of B2B)

    @bigviking & @steve toon Taxi Driver – Happy joint Birthday guys, enjoy your day, indulge in cake and reset tomorrow. @bigviking, I can’t believe you joined the Dry wino’s in your birthday month, if I didn’t think you were crazy before………………………..

    Yoga after work today, so much less time to obsess about chocolate……………………. Must be hormonal, I’m currently dreaming in chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The finish line is in site and the BIG PUSH is ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Day 28, Guildford UK, FD

    Happy Birthday to @bigviking and @stevetoontaxidriver.

    Condolences to those who have lost loved ones.

    Feeling better today, slept well last night makes so much difference to my mood.


    Norway, Day 28, FD.

    I wrote this long post, posted it (or so I thought), and then went on with my day. Coming back just now; it’s not htere. Well, anyway, don’t have the time or motivation to write it again.

    Whish everyone a good day, FD, CD, NFD, OOCD or other types.

    Day 28– Colorado USA— FD

    @onahealthyhigh @at @steffieagle @songbirdme @lindasue (and many others!!) I am so grateful for you successful maintainers! You are so very inspiring!
    Thank you for continuing to stick around these threads long term, telling your personal stories & giving us all HOPE that this WOL is sustainable. Your time & advice is so greatly appreciated.

    I over indulged a bit yesterday & shot past my TDEE (dang hot delicious salty chips/ fries!) But today is a clean fresh start. No punishment. Just making healthier choices and caring for the one body I’ve been given.
    I’m so glad I was introduced to 5:2 intermittent fasting and this wonderful group for support!

    Day 28…..Florida…….?

    Up a bit earlier than usual this morning….. between the young kid getting ready for work and the hubby banging around, staying asleep was becoming problematic. Okay, I really can’t blame it all on them, I did go to bed extremely early last night.

    I’m kind of glad this month is ending…… I can’t wait to have a recharge in Oct. I really need to make a decision here…. Do I finally say, I’ve made it to goal and just try to maintain my weight loss or continue to lose until ?. See that’s the problem, I have no goal. 130, 125, 120…… man, it looks like I’s got some thinking to do!

    @coda……glad to hear the toes are healing and you lost your bandages…….

    @camcd……Welcome……. your gonna love it here!

    Well….. I sat that @saffy has Oct., up and running already, so I’m going to pop over there put my two cents in, so I can be included. Then while I’ve got sometime, I’ll begin the search for an ending……

    My husband told me to stop acting like a flamingo, so I had to put my foot down!

    Day 28 Wales FD

    Happy Birthday @bigviking and @stevetoontaxidriver

    @coda hope the foot heals quickly.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 28,South Wales, CD

    Happy birthday to those celebrating today.

    Planning liquids only today to attempt a final push before Saturday’s weigh-in!

    Day 28 – Reykjavik – FD

    This will be a nail-biting finishing sprint to getting under 95 kg in September.
    Keep weighing just above it. It’s like my body is protesting going under this number.
    I´m fasting today and tomorrow as well if necessary. I´m going to get there…


    Day28 UK NFD

    Happy birthday @stevetoontaxidriver & @bigviking🍰🎉🎂. Celebrate in style guys.

    The October challenge forum is open for business, just jump across and introduce yourselves when you want to.

    This training course is a combination of boring/tempting (Danish pastries anyone) and good fun, the other people are really nice, last night was a Chinese meal and tonight will be curry. I cracked on alcohol last night and had a couple of glasses of wine. It’s our last night tonight so I have a feeling I’ll crack again. Oh well I had a feeling this week would be a bit of a write off, so I’ll just have to reset next week.

    Can’t believe September has gone so quickly.

    Day 28, Northumberland UK, NFD

    Maintenance continues. This week 16:8, ish, and back under control yesterday in terms of junk and below TDEE. Aiming same again today.

    Day 28 Akron OH FD. Couple more days till the end of the month; lets make it count. I am going for B2B FD to finish out the month. I am with you @bert1802. When I started 5:2 I thought getting to 153 pounds would be impossible, I got there surpassed it and my lowest so far has been 151 pounds, now I want to see if I can hit 149. technically I don’t need to, I am at my happy weight with a BMI of 22 and so far my body is resisting – I keep ping ponging between 150 and 154. So I might just leave well enough alone, plus my clothes fit just right too.
    I think I have settled into a good rhythm for my FD vs NFD, I finally found a good maintenance schedule that works for me. I know I cannot go back to eating the way I used to before 5:2, and for that I am eternally grateful.

    Day 28 – USA – NFD

    Whoops! I entered my day 28 info on the October spreadsheet by mistake. Here it is:
    28 Sep 17


    Day 28 – USA – NFD

    Great FD yesterday, 425 cals. and lots of water/ACV; @Stevetoon & @bigviking, happy birthday!!! With 1 more FD to go for September, hoping the scales will be kind on Saturday. I was wondering if the long-time members of this group would be a good test group for MM to monitor the long-term health benefits of IF…would be interesting to see from a medical perspective.

    Day 28 – USA (Illinois) – NFD

    It’s been a good month for me, still at maintenance, mostly because of these challenges keeping me on my regimen. Thank you all for your virtual existence to help us all!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 28 North Wales FD

    Day 28, Gozo Malta, nfd

    Fast day successful yesterday. Today I weighed 0.9 kilos less than last week. I’m 66 kilos and a healthy bmi now. I’d like to lose 2.5 kilos more. But I’ve already done three fast days this week and I’ll fast no more till next Monday.

    Take care everyone, onwards and downwards.

    Day 28 Lancaster, PA FD

    I had a salad with grilled chicken yesterday evening keeping my calories @ 425 for the day. I’ll weigh myself for the last day, on the 30th. Best Wishes Everyone!✨🌈✨
    ✨Welcome @camcd So nice of @onahealthyhigh to jump in. I had written this post before I saw hers. I’m thinking it could still be helpful. Wishing you well with your Fasting, non fasting. Looking forward to seeing you in the October Challenge also.
    Reading posts will help with understanding. Asking questions, because they are welcome.✨ We post the Day of the month of the Challenge, not the days individually fasted. An example:

    Day 28 your location – FD or NFD, or NFD
    For me today is:
    Day 28 Lancaster, PA USA FD

    CD = Control day
    WOL =Way of Life
    WOE = Way if Eating
    TDEE = Total Day Energy Expenditure, here is the link to calculate. As per @at, myself and many people in the group. It works best if you calculate from the goal weight that you would like to be.

    By calculating your TDEE, you can establish your goal weight TDEE for your NFD (non fast days). We say 500 cals Of Healthy food, or less, or just water for FD’s. Some times we eat no sugar at 800 Calories or less for longer periods of time. Some do IF intermediate Fasting. Alternating NFD’s with FD’s. @camcd Try it out and find what works for you. We will be here to listen and support.✨

    @coda I understand You have more to go for healing and therapy for movement for your toes. I know it is not easy. I also know how strong and motivated you can be. I’m sending you {{{{hugs}}}}} and Wishing you well. . You are smart, making money sitting is better than not making money and sitting.

    ✨Wishing everybody well on the last 3 days of September Challenge!✨

    Thank-you @basyjames for leading September and your supportive words and hosting kindness!✨🌈✨🎶🎉

    ✨🎶Thank-you @saffy420 for leading and hosting the October Challenge! ✨😊✨🎶🎉

    Day 28 – SW WA USA – ?

    I’m impressed by those who’ve achieved their goal weights & some even going lower. You help me to hang in there. I need to regroup again & figure out a plan to stop the plateau bouncing I’ve been on for several months. I’d like for the trend to move downward once again.

    Off to a training during the day and day 2 of adult ESL teaching in the evening.

    I believe that together we are stronger!

    Day 28 =) USA & FD !!!

    Thanks for all the encouraging words and advice. Down a couple of pounds today with a fast day planned. I was bound to hit a plateau and thought I was ready for it. I guess I wasn’t! Still here and planning on joining next months challenge.

    Day 28-ABQ-FD

    Having trouble with motivation these days…

    @lilymartin, something you said in your post reminded me of a youtube video I saw once called “Sh*t Bicyclists Say”–it was part of a DYI series inspired by the Saturday Night Live skit from a couple of years ago, and a lot of the videos were really funny. One cyclist says “all I had today was a Goo and a banana peel”…later he says “all I had today was an orange, an espresso and a piece of ice.” The joke is that cyclists, who are already incredibly skinny, are always going on about how they need to lose weight. I just went back to youtube and re-watched it and it made me laugh. Thank you!

    Day 28 – ABQ – FD
    Day 27 – ABQ – NFD

    OMG I can’t believe that this month is already at an end! It just flew by didn’t it!?
    Happy Birthday to @bigviking and @stevetoontaxidriver! @bigviking you’ve done awesome with the Dry Winos this month and you can indulge finally this weekend!! YAY!!

    Yesterday was a very busy day! I could have made it a NFD, but a lunch meeting ruined that idea. Today is going well again and we shall see about doing a final B2B tomorrow to finish out the month!

    I am definitely in for the October challenge, and I will also be the first to say that I will be doing Dry Winos again! Anyone else want to take on the challenge with me? I will also try joining in on the Plank Challenge – since it’s finally getting colder here (I mean for NM), indoor workouts will be easier to commit to, though I am hoping to keep up 30 min of walking everyday after work too.

    @keetseel – I am feeling you with motivation – tis the season of ALLLLL the breads, and it is hard to turn away on FD when they smell sooooo good. Plus seeing such a slow loss isn’t helping. But we CAN and WILL do this 💪 stay strong and the motivation will come back! Have you tried giving yourself small goals each week with a reward? I’ve been doing that this week to keep myself from overindulging on the pumpkin breads!!

    Also thank you to @basyjames for hosting this month’s challenge and to @saffy420 for hosting the October one!!

    Just 2 more days ya’ll! We can do this!!

    Day 25 – Cumbria UK – FD ( 160cals)
    Day 26 – 27 – NFD
    Day 28 – FD (1st of B2B)

    Hello all

    Sorry been mostly absent this past week – too many unexpected visitors resulting in days out and lots of good food and wine – did manage to stick to my 2 FDs but definitely overindulged on the NFDs…….so I am pressing my RESET button with B2B 500cal FDs to finish this September 30 Day Challenge on a high note and hopefully still below maintenance weight…….

    Firstly a Big Welcome to any who has joined recently – you will find great support and advice given readily here and there will always be a virtual hug when you need one

    @coda – thank you – yes all good but life just took over and I slightly lost my way but back on the right path again – as I have said before I’m never going back where I was…..hope your recovery is going well too 🤗
    @snowflake – hope the ribs are healing and less painful by now and Thank you for adding me to the Pocket list on Day 25 it gave me the resolve I need to stick to my plan
    @fatrabbit – Hope you are keeping well – we miss your stories….and your input into the forum – hope you are in a good place!
    @mogaman – hope the holiday in Sicily was brilliant – such a beautiful place to visit and as you say great food and wine!
    @mari84 – Thank you for sharing with us – great honesty – I have never suffered with an eating disorder but most of us here have lost track at some stage or other of what constitutes healthy eating habits or we would not be here – like others have shared I also like the feeling I get on FD and the day after – I am always full of energy and can easily do a 1hr aerobic class on a FD or go for a 6mile/8km hike in the fells (mountains) around where I live. These challenges offer such great support – stick with us and ((HUGS))
    @bigviking – now that’s what I call stocking up on wine 🍷🥂in October of course……As @saffy420 said can we come to your house in October and help you drink some of that collection you have built up 😉
    @rainbowsmile – 🤗and what a wonderful feeling when we can clear the old and replace with new smaller sizes in that wardrobe!! Enjoy your new start at college xx
    @steve-toon-taxi-driver and @bigviking – So sorry I missed your birthdays – I’m sure you both had a fab one and just think of all that wine waiting for you for a belated celebration in October @bigviking
    @Strawberriesandcream (@sc)- welcome back – good to hear that the holiday was enjoyed and weight maintained. Sorry to hear about your good friend 🤗 Hope you OH’s knee op went well and that he will be on the road to recovery soon
    @belfastsink – so sorry to hear about your Dad (((HUGS)))
    @annemarilyn – Happy belated Birthday – hope you had a fab time xx
    @happymargo – good to hear that you had a fab birthday vacation! We are all here for each other – a big global family with support, advice and a hug for each other whenever needed x
    @lindasue – great to have you back with us – sorry to hear about your family’s loss 🤗
    @big_bill – agree with others – get those new trousers – it will make you feel so good and give you incentive
    @debster251 – glad to hear that you are enjoying Annecy – such a beautiful town in the Rhone-Alpes region of southeast France
    @bert1802 – the best advice I can give with regards to what your goal should be – whenever you feel happy in your body! Originally I decided to try and get back into my wedding dress – well I now accept that is never going to happen, although I’m now an English size 8, as my waist is never going to be back to that size again but I’m happy, healthy, asthma no longer an issue, full of energy, sleep well and feel good so that is my goal!!

    Sorry if I have missed out anything important – thinking of everyone – For anyone struggling at the moment “No one ever got to the top of the mountain in one giant jump. Challenges can be overcome and goals can be reached. But it can only happen one step at a time”

    @saffy420 – Thank You for taking up the reins for the October challenge – will be there celebrating my 10th month in maintenance! Here is the link for the October Challenge if anyone has missed it when @saffy420 posted it –

    “You can’t cross a sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” ~Rabindranath Tagore

    Day 28 Sicily FD This was not going to be a FD but heavy rain interfered with going out to eat. So I’m finished for the day at 501 calories, all of which were exquisite. I’ve become more accustomed to small portions so I can shift midstream from NFD to FD.

    Day 28 California USA FD

    This last week hasn’t been a very good one for me in terms of mindful eating on NFD. Went out to dinner a couple of times and ate too much. I hope today’s FD can negate some of that. I really need to get back on track!

    Day 29 NZ NFD/CD

    Day 28 Vancouver Island
    Happy Thursday Everyone!

    Day 28, Emden Germany, NFD

    @at you’re welcome! My DH got a call from the nephrologist here in Emden today, he asked if my husband would be interested in working once in a while in nephrology again, and guess what, he’s interested and is going to have a chat there tomorrow. Ha, retirement?

    Day 27 UK NFD
    Day 28 UK FD
    Day 29UK FD

    @okeydokey thanks 🌻

    @at – nice to see you back. How is your friend doing? I thought the worst during your absence especially as we have a run of ones losing loved ones. Relieved you have been enjoying yourself lol.

    Weigh day for me on Saturday morning as we are going out for a meal on Saturday night.

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