September 30 Day Challenge

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September 30 Day Challenge

This topic contains 1,604 replies, has 110 voices, and was last updated by  lmrenfrey 7 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,351 through 1,400 (of 1,605 total)

  • Day 25 NZ FD
    Day 26 NZ NFD

    Day 25 – ABQ – FD

    Hello all! I did miss ya’ll all weekend and thank you @coda for calling me out! My babysitter (who has basically become family) asked for our help moving her mom out of her apt and into hospice, and boy was it a job! It is incredible how much stuff you accrue over a lifetime! It was so fun to listen to stories and I was so glad I was there to help her through this time. Losing a parent isn’t easy, and knowing it will come any day now can’t make it any easier.

    With that said, I apologize for not posting – we were out the door by the wee hours of the morning, and not back home until very late! I did stay really good though! Both Sat & Sun were regular NFD for me, but with how busy I was, I barely had a chance to even think about eating! I can’t remember who suggested eggs, but that did help me have energy until the late afternoon both days (with cheese of course – I can’t live without cheese!!), only 2 small slices of pizza the for lunch and a terriaki bowl for dinner on sat, and sunday I splurged a little with a hoagie sandwich for lunch and 3 slices of pizza (left-over) for dinner. Nutrition-wise it wasn’t that great – but I was limited to what was brought to me, calorie-wise I did great staying under 1500 both days (1374 sat & 1412 sun). I checked my steps each day and both were well over 12,000 too!

    Today’s FD is going well. I decided to give a liquid fast day another go, and so far so good. I can say I am getting a little hungry, but I keep either distracting myself or drinking a nice ice cold cup of water!

    I would say that September so far has been a half success. I did add a HIIT workout 3x/week each week, and I haven’t had a drop of alcohol all month long, however my weight goal hasn’t even come close – I was hoping to lose closer to 8 lbs (2lbs/week), but so far a total of 3 isn’t terrible – it would put me solidly in the 1 lb/week. Perhaps I can help “speed” up my loss by actually eating better on NFD too. A brownie every NFD probably isn’t going to help me get to 2 lbs/week, but also a loss is a loss and that is something to be proud of. Today I am lighter than I have been all year and I actually don’t hate this “diet” or dread FDs, so that does really say something about this WOL!

    Let’s finish this week strong!

    @stevetoontaxidriver It appears we are sharing a birthday! Unfortunately, due to Dry Wino, I won’t be able to toast our birthday. Roll on October!

    Day 25 Vancouver Island
    Happy birthday stevetoontaxi and BigViking ,that is pretty strong to not celebrate with some kind of alcohol! Good for you!

    2nd post

    Awilson I confess that when I’m on the internet I browse mostly on amazon website for cooking books. I have way too many recipe books altready (more than 200) and I’ve started giving some away to my friends.

    I like also to see Facebook and my emails.

    However decluttering and fall (autumn) cleaning the house beats anything you do with your spare time as you get to enjoy the cleanliness and neatness of your house not to mention having extra space.

    Happy birthday stevetoontaxi and bigViking. Many happy remains.

    Good night

    Day 25 – SW WA USA – FD

    Going for a liquid FD today after an indulgent weekend. Tomorrow will not be a FD because it’s my b-day & will be taking treats to my adult ESL class. Thanks for the FD list @snowflake56. BTW, no one in Germany. My dad always said we were Canadians from Dutch decent. It’s a long story of how “my people” got to Canada, connected to religious persecution. We’re from Mennonite background from southern Holland way back, then over to southern Russia at the invite of Catherine the Great, then over to Canada in 1874. Some how a low German was the home language and High or standard German was used at church and for some at school, even in Canada.

    Anyway, I better get back to work after a lunch break. Trying to make this FD count!

    Day 25—ABQ—FD

    @rainbowsmile—congrats on your fresh start at college! I bet your life will definitely take a turn for the better with all the new things you will be learning and thinking about!

    @msraven—Sounds like you had fun at the triathlon. We spent some time this weekend watching the World Cycling Championships (on tv). Really inspiring—especially watching the women’s races.

    ****DAY 25 POCKET LIST****
    The Sweet Dreams & Ab-ers

    Day 25, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Day 26 Lancaster, PA US FD
    Day 25 Lancaster, PA US FD

    So far 22.5 hours water fasting ✨😊 Since 8:30pm last night.

    🎁🎉Happy early Birthday! 🎶🎁✨🎂🎉 @steve-toon-taxi-driver & @bigviking ✨ I hope you enjoy your Birthday’s ✨🎈🎶🎉

    Day 26 Sydney NFD

    I haven’t checked in for a while, life’s been busy and I’ve been struggling a bit, but have been able to keep up with fasting, so that’s good.

    I’ve decided to increase my calorie limits on FDs and NFDs and I think it’s working better for me. Also concentrating on making sure I’m getting really good nutrition. I think part of the reason I was having a hard time was I just wasn’t getting all the nutrients I needed and it was taking forever to get over a bad cold.

    I know my weight loss will be slower, but I prefer to be healthy and energetic and lose weight slowly than to keep losing heaps of weight!

    I’m now at the stage where most of my clothes are too big. I can wear them, but they’re not the best. What a lovely problem to have! I hope everybody is well and able to do their fasts today.

    Stay strong!

    Day 26/CD/Melbourne Australia

    Happy birthday @steve-toon-taxi-driver and @bigviking

    Day 26 – Tokyo, Japan – NFD 80.0kg

    I had some gas pain while fasting. I sometimes get gas pain but this is the first time it was bad while fasting. I guess by gut bacteria were busy converting each other into gas.

    Today I almost considered fasting another day. I’ve been doing push-ups a couple hours before breaking my fast and I really don’t like doing them. The amount is getting high again at 171 this morning. I like the effects of building muscle, I just don’t like the pain. However hormone levels are favorable to building muscle before breaking a fast and I really don’t think protein is a major issue.

    @bert1802 – I love reading your posts. It also is nice knowing I’m not the only one married to an ex-flamingo, as my wife put her foot down right away without me asking for it. 😀

    Day 26 | Sydney Australia | B2B FD

    Yesterday was great. I had tuna from a can and some cherry tomatoes for lunch. Some instant soup for a snack. A couple of chicken drumsticks for my evening meal.

    It is almost midday and hopefully I’ll be able to sneak out of work and head to the gym shortly. When I get back I’ll have my first light meal of the day, a couple of boiled eggs and some cherry tomatoes.

    My wife was telling me this morning that I need new pants to replace the baggy ones I’m wearing now. But since I’m only at about the halfway mark, maybe not even that far, in my weight loss journey, I might put that purchase off at least until I’ve lost another 10 kilos.

    Day 26 FD country West Australia
    Today’s FD going well. Spurred on by my sister who dropped in and has been doing 5:2 for a few months since I told her about it and she is thrilled to be 9 kgs doing and looking great.
    Very cold here today – winter has returned with a vengeance and it is only about 12ºC and very very wet and windy.
    ( Not complaining as we are on a farm and were desperate for rain up until this week when we had a few good downpours.)
    @stevetoontaxidriver and @bigviking, early Happy Birthday wishes to you both.🎂🍷🥂🎶. I really hope you enjoy celebrating your day.
    @dykask – sorry to hear about the gas pain,unfortunatley no helpful hints I can think of so I hope it settles. Have I understood correctly that you do 171 pushups before ending your fast?? Seriously impressed if so.
    I have just found a HIIT programme for 15 minutes ( about all I can manage at present) incorporating squat jumps, planks with salutes ( yay for our mini challenge), tunnel push ups and ‘V’ core exercises with arms and legs extended. Giving it a go from today.
    @bert, I have been decluttering for a while ( OK a LONG while )now and it is so good to get rid of stuff.
    My family think it is amusing that I go on Pinterest and pin posts about decluttering and tidying up etc.
    Because now I have to declutter my decluttering file ! 1400+ articles and counting!!
    They suggested that I actual Do something instead of just READING about it.🙂
    Hope everyone has a good day.

    @lilymartin – It kind of started a ritual of stressful exercise before breaking fasts, at first to take advantage of higher HGH levels and higher testosterone levels but now it more of a habit. It was easy at first, but now I’m getting to levels that it is getting painful and boring. One of these days I’ll just say, I’m just going to push it off until tomorrow and fast another day. Before going to China last month I was doing over 200 push ups before breaking a fast in 5 sets. Today I did 171 push ups in 4 sets. I can’t do that many in one set yet. I did 41, 42, 44 and then 44 push ups again with around 10 minutes of stair climbing between sets. That gives the body some time to stock up the glycogen in the muscles again.

    HGH (Human Growth Hormone) production in mature adults mainly happens while sleeping or during very intense exercise. It is very easy to impede production of HGH and even eating a few dozen calories of almost anything will shutdown the production of HGH. Furthermore it tends just to happen in acute spurts at almost random intervals. However as we fast the production of HGH tends to greatly increase both in frequency and amount. Unlike injected HGH there doesn’t seem to be any negative side effects with naturally produced HGH. The main advantages are our bodies tend to behave and look more youthful. Teenagers tend to have insanely high amounts of HGH and that is one of the reasons they can thrive while they so thoroughly abuse their bodies.

    second post.
    @dykask, thanks for the info. I didn’t know any of that. I might try some intense exercise before breaking a fast but then again …..
    Still I’m very impressed at that amount of pushups. Sounds enviable to me.
    On another note, I watched the opening of the Invictus Games in Toronto last night.
    Very inspiring. I hope to watch some of it during the coming week.
    Good on Prince Harry and well done to ALL the athletes. What special people they all are.
    Sometimes we don’t appreciate what others do for us.

    Day 26, NFD
    On my travels again with work, so about to discover what the hotel breakfast is like. Got to be more mindful than last week!

    Day 20 to Day 25 UK NFD 🌈
    Day 26 UK FD 🌈

    Not been very good this month, been a bit under the weather and lots of challenges, managed 4 FDs this month but in the other days not good at all little comfort eater that I am. Anyway I’m still here hanging in there.
    Keep on keeping on all.

    Norway, Day 26, NFD

    Oh wow, I haven’t been able to post in here for a few days and there were 3 whole pages to read! We truly are a chatty group 🙂

    I had an indulgent weekend. My 3rd FD of last week didn’t end well, I fell into the food and snack dragons cave. But I was so tired and relatively happy about losing weight again, so I don’t think it mattered too much. The weekend contained a party, OMG I drank too much and got really drunk, so Sunday was not a good day. But it was so much fun and worth it, I think.

    Had a successful FD yesterday, but the scale this morning still told the tale of the weekend’s party, I think I am holding some water still. Need to drink more water!

    BUT, yesterday, several coalleagues said “Mari, you have become so slim!”, and I was really caught off guard. Very happy to hear it of course, but I have only lost 4-5 kg and still have A LOT to lose, but it is really nice to hear that it is showing at least 🙂 I am wearing tighter clothes now, so it would be more obvious now than when I was walking around in tents to hide my body.

    @keetseel sorry to hear about your struggles and not being able to be confident that your body is good enough and great as it is. I know the feeling, I felt like that for many many years. After getting two kids in two years my perspective on my body changed A LOT. My body looks way “worse” because of strech marks and boobs hanging low and, well, it is just very changed. But I have this tremendous respect for my body now, and what it has done by producing and giving birth to two beautyful human beings. So the feelings about it not looking great have more or less vanished. I am just a bit angry with myself for not enjoying my pre-children-body more, because it was actually quite great, haha! Anyway, I hope you one day get rid of those thoughts, because it is not good to walk around feeling like that!

    @basyjames It is good to hear that it is normal to feel good about the control of an FD, and that it’s not just my old habit from 20 years ago that are sneaking in to my head again. I just need to get used to it I guess.

    Have a great day everyone!

    DAY 26 – UK – FD

    Day 26 – Ireland – FD 2nd B2B
    September Goal: 148lbs
    Current weight: 150.7 lbs

    Successful liquid only FD yesterday. Down another 2 pounds !!

    I have to say, I am amazed at the whooshes I am getting after my liquid only FD……I seriously suspect that it will end soon as losing 4 to 5 pounds a week is unheard of for me. I was averaging half a pound a week when I was in Weight Watchers 😱. With the Dukan Diet it was around 2 pound a week and I hit a long plateau at 150lbs…which is the weight I am now 😳 This WOE will move me on.

    Today is my second B2B FD but I plan to have some eggs at lunch and homemade tomato soup for dinner ..under the 500 calories. Fingers crossed for September challenge.

    @lilymartin..I had to smile when you said winter was back with a cold 12C – here in Ireland that’s a grand soft temperature ☺️

    Good luck all

    Day 27, Guildford UK, FD

    College yesterday, it went well. I was pleased.

    Haven’t sorted out my study space yet and it shows. I was studying in bed and that’s not great.

    Then I studied at my health club (free wifi) and I can exercise, it’s expensive to eat there so that will be WFD. Saves heating at home though. Concerned about posture etc. It’s certainly less lonely being at the club.

    @dykask very impressive push ups. 🔜

    @coda thank you

    @okeydokey I missed your post, thank you for the support.

    My clear out is for selling the house, I even moved the fridge and cleaned behind it, underneath it and I hoovered the elements. Dedication dear hearts!

    Time to get up.

    Bloat is less and I awake with gnawing hunger these days.

    Have a great day


    Day 26
    Happy Birthday @annemarilyn – best wishes for a lovely day.
    Happy forthcoming birthdays @bigviking and @SteveToonTaxiDriver.
    Thanks for asking after me @coda. Yes I’m back from our holiday but had very sad news during it. My very dear friend died 7 weeks after her diagnosis of a very aggressive cancer. Fortunately I was able to see her two days before we went away. She is now at peace after a wonderful celebration of her life at the weekend. She was a very special person who touched many lives and will live on in our hearts.
    My OH goes into hospital tomorrow for his knee replacement and is understandably anxious.
    Needless to say, fasting has not been top of my agenda and I have put on nearly half a stone since my lowest weight way back in August. However, still on the right side of 140lbs and preparing to get back in the groove next month – with a new handle. I will be reappearing as @sc as @Strawberriesandcream really is a bit onerous.
    All the best to everyone on the September challenge and I look forward to joining you in October.
    @fatrabbit – how are you? – will we see you in October? – hope so – your lovely and funny animal stories are good for the soul.

    Day 26 Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 FD.

    Day 26, NFD, UK

    Oh my word – I spent a few days on Jersey, being inspired by the Triathletes and came home yesterday, having a fast day.

    This mornings weigh in has left a HUGE smile on my face 1.1lb loss and into the 140’s in terms of weight 🙂

    I am soooo happy. I cannot recall the last time I got down to this weight and I feel wonderful; I have more self confidence, my body feels “tighter” and I’m sleeping really well

    Good luck to those fasting today, I’ll be joining you tomorrow

    Day 23, 24, 25, 26, Belfast, NFD

    My dad passed away on Sunday morning. He was suffering from meyeloma and took a very bad turn on Thursday.
    I tried to do a FD yesterday but with family visiting and emotions, I think I just needed fuel. Will re-boot next week.
    Good luck everyone today xx

    Day 26 Wales NFD

    @belfastsink – so sorry to read of your sad loss, take care x

    Day 26, London, UK, FD (1st of B2B2B)

    As usual, starting a B2B2B today, as the next 3 days will be manic at work, making for doable FDs (I hope).

    @annemarilyn – Happy Birthday!!! I expect you’re looking forward to a slice of cake and copious amounts of alcohol???!!!!! Or am I just projecting my own thoughts!!!!!!

    @big_bill As a ‘clown/ parachute pants’ aficionado, I can almost guarantee your current pants won’t last until you’ve dropped another 10kgs!!! The threat of being blown away by a strong gust of wind will have you rushing out to get your ‘intermediate’ pants!!!! It took a tactless colleague to get me to see just how ridiculous I looked wearing pants 2 sizes too big!!!!!

    @lilymartin…………….”I might try some intense exercise before breaking a fast but then again …..” – LOL, my thoughts EXACTLY!!!!

    @lynzm, feel better soon, stay strong, 4FDs are better than none!!! Do you think you could find comfort in a stick of celery???………………….. No? Me neither – what a shame!!!! Maybe just incorporate some serious dragon drowning to kick start ‘that’ feeling.

    @strawberriesandcream, glad to hear from you, but sorry to hear your sad news, I’m glad the weekend was a celebration of her life!!
    That 7lbs will be eradicated in a couple of weeks, you know that’s the beauty of this WOL!!!!

    @belfastsink – so sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours during this sad time.xxxx

    I really hope everyone is doing ok in this final week, LIFE may get in the way of our plans, but we just have to keep on keeping on………………….. We’ve got this, good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Day 26 – Reykjavik – NFD

    I´m on course for a good final sprint this week, with mindful eating on NFD.
    Had a good FD yesterday apart from a bad headache in the late afternoon/evening which I usually never get. Maybe a lack of water consumption.
    Have a great final week everyone.

    My condolences @belfastsink for your loss.

    Day 26 UK NFD

    Weekend was a bit of a loss, Saturday was a silver wedding party then Sunday was my nephew and mum’s birthday- celebrated in an Italian where I had all 3 courses. Not had pasta since March! Boy I felt horrible and bloated yesterday. I’ve arrived in Nottingham for my training course which starts after lunch so caught up on posts. Trying to be mindful, brought a bag of apples for lunchtimes, hoping this coupled with no breakfast might get me through the week.

    @stevetoontaxidriver. @bigviking, happy birthday to you both. I’m so impressed it will be a dry Birthday for one of you 🎂.

    A couple of pages back @coda asked for a volunteer for hosting Octobers challenge. I can’t see that anyone has volunteered yet so I’m happy to do it – anyone else feel free to jump in here! 😀👍🏾.

    I’ve had a look at the spreadsheet and I think I’ve saved a sheet for October- using my new work laptop so the excel looks a bit different from what I’m used to. I think I’ve saved the name to October 2017 challenge, but can’t find a way to change it back! There’s a separate tab for October.

    I think this is the link, if anyone can rename it back to September please help!

    so sorry to hear about your Dad @belfastsink ,

    Day 26, Gozo Malta, fd

    BelfastSink condolences for your loss. Prayers for you dad.

    AnneMarilyn happy birthday, many happy remains.

    Saffy420 thanks for hosting October challenge, please count me in.

    Yesterday I fasted at 760 calories instead of 660 calories as planned.

    Today I’ll fast at around 700 calories.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone, keep on keeping on.

    Day 26….,Florida…..FD

    As far as yesterday’s FD, I didn’t do good but I didn’t do badly either; however, I’m going to do another one see if I can get a good proper 500 calories in. In less than a. Month, I will have been doing 5:2 for one whole year…….Oh my gerd! Seems like such a long time in a relatively short period.
    So, what have I learned…… I can fall down and still get back up!

    @steve toon and @ big Viking….. Happy Birthday……. you are both fabulous!

    @awilson…… I figure at 20 min. a day, I can accomplish anything with time…..

    @ Dykask……. you made me giggle this morning…… I’m not sure about your wife but even though I’ve put my foot down, I’m still a big ole pink flamingo in my heart and soul……

    @big bill….. I think you deserve a new pair of trousers….. just think about watching the new ones fall off too!

    @lilymartin…..I confess, I’m guilty of pinning on Pinterest too….. oh, plus, my family thinks I’m nuts because I watch cleaning videos on YouTube. I think they’ve always thought I was crazy but there are times that I reaffirm it…… lol

    @belfast sink……. sorry to hear about you Dad!

    Okay, well, I’m off. Last night my dryer decided to take a dump, so I’m off to order parts?

    My husband told me to stop acting like a flamingo, so I had to put my foot down!

    Day 26, South Wales, FD

    Had to swap yesterday’s FD for today so adding myself to the list for today…

    On variations in weight – this article’s author describes how his weight varied by up to 4lb a day when he measured over the course of a weekend.

    Just a little encouragement for those of seeing blips and jumps of a few lbs up and down…water weight etc.!

    Day 26– Colorado USA— FD (below 800 cals.)

    Back from my birthday vacation! It was lovely & relaxing & filled with sunshine!
    OH & I thoroughly enjoyed our long weekend get-away.

    To my Dry-Wino Cohorts: I am now officially a Cheap Date.
    We knew this trip was coming up, so I planned to allow 🍷🍺🥂🍹for this weekend only. Well, lounging at a gorgeous water park, I had my first September beer. Just one. And ended up unable to say the word “grapefruit “ correctly. My OH & bartender kept giggling at me. ☺️ Saved us a lot of $$ in restaurants because I could only order one wine. And I’d be toast. Wow.

    So for me, the Dry Wino experiment was “a smashing success” when I consider how many calories I’ve saved!! And how many poor food decisions I’ve avoided while buzzed!

    For October, I may try a modified rule, such as, wine only on Saturday Date Night. Or maximum of 2 glasses per week. Think I’ll keep doing this Wino Challenges until I hit my final goal weight.

    Hope you all are well. I’ve got 4 pages to catch up on. It’ll be good treadmill walking + reading time !

    Day 26, USA, Missouri Ozarks, FD

    The Prodigal Daughter has returned ! So sorry for my absence, so much going on in our lives. Two very sudden deaths in the family which were very sad, a couple birthday celebrations which were wonderful (a four month old great granddaughter and her four year old sister always brighten the day), busy at home and at work.

    AND I MISSED YOU ALL ! Weight is staying steady at 145, my goal weight, but would feel better in my clothes a few pounds lower. I really have had to recommit the last few days to get back on track. I have felt puffy and bloated and tired and restless – know that it is due to excess sugar and not eating as cleanly as I should have been the last couple of weeks.

    That and the inability to exercise as I would have loved to (on the road a lot) and probably not enough water.

    But, we are home and settled in. Stocked up on a lot of yummy fruits (got some heavenly peaches from an Amish store) and vegetables and am back on my three day a week fasts. Exercised a lot last evening and it felt great. Lots of water and green tea.

    Will try to catch up on the posts, do wish you all the very best !

    BelfastSink, So very sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and if comfort food brings you comfort right now – that is what it is for…..

    Day 26 Akron OH FD.

    happy Birthday Anne Marilyn, Big Viking & SteveToonDriver. Many happy returns of the year to you guys.

    @big_bill I would change those pants; trust me-women are usually right about these things, LOL

    I am so sorry to hear about your dad @ BelfastSink and your friend Strwaberriesandcream life is so short, we have to celebrate the people we love while we can. my thoughts and prayers are with you both in this difficult time.

    @saffy420 thank you for offering to host October, I will be first to say sign me up and I have fixed the spreadsheet. I made the same mistake myself when I was trying to set up the September sheet; no worries.

    Counting down to the end of the month, finish strong people!
    The Sweet Dreams & Ab-ers

    Day 26 third post
    Well today’s FD wasn’t !! Will try for one tomorrow. Went really well until I went out to dinner unexpectedly and then just completely lost the plot and ate like one possessed.
    Lack of self control is such a bugger ( apologies to all, I don’t usually swear but honestly, why I don’t do the sensible thing around food is beyond me….)
    @lindasue, welcome back!
    @saffy420, you’re a legend for hosting October. Thank you very very much. It will allow me to reset.
    ( Have I said that before a time or twenty??)
    @belfastsink, so sorry for your loss. thoughts and prayers with you and yours.
    @bert, glad to hear I’m not the only one with the Pinterest pinning proclivity!
    My family think I’m a crazy lady too! Why not ‘ just do it’? they say.
    I have a family of ‘action’ people…except me. It’s SOOOOO much easier to read about it than to actually do it – even 5:2 sometimes. ( Now THAT’S a confession!)
    Off to catch some sleep which is good for weight loss apparently.😴

    I, too, want to send my heartiest birthday wishes to
    Anne Marilyn, Big Viking & SteveToonDriver.

    Wishing each of you a wonderful year ahead – and many more ~

    Filled with health and happiness.

    Thanks, lilymartin ! Sleep well.

    Day 26 Sicily NFD Today was the open Mercato day so we bought things for a healthy dinner, even though it’s not a FD. We’re having shrimp sautéed in garlic and local olive oil, fresh green beans, and mixed green salad. I think I’ll forego wine and get some gelato tonight!

    Day 26 – USA – NFD

    @Strawberriesandcream (a/k/a @sc), welcome back! Sorry about the loss of your best friend. @belfastsink, my condolences on the loss of your dad ((hugs)). AnneMarilyn, happy birthday! @saffy420, thank you for volunteering to host October and can you count me in, please? @happymargo, you are so right about how alcohol “hits” your system while on 5:2, and I believe you are LCHF/keto; am I correct? It doesn’t take much to keep your OH entertained at that point, lol. Welcome back from a nice getaway. @lindasue, welcome back and sorry to hear about the sudden deaths in your family. I almost feel like it’s wrong to post condolences along with jokes and social banter; please know that I mean no disrespect; this is the stuff of life and we are all along together on this roller coaster.

    metatuta, thank you so much. And certainly do not feel badly about posting anything lighthearted among the condolences. That is what reminds us that we have a life to live and that we should try to honor the body we have and treat it well.

    strawberries and cream, so sorry for your loss.

    Day 26 Canada NFD

    Home after a fantastic 4 day holiday. Ate some amazing meals all guilt free as I know in the long run I am still continuing on a great WOL.
    Scales are not surprisingly up but only by 1kg, not a disaster!
    I have 2 FD’s left this month and will be onboard the October challenge!

    Day 26 Annecy NFD🌞

    Just a quick check in from glorious France. Lovely18-20 degrees, lots of fabulous food, (the pastries and ice cream, the cheeses,…..) good girlie company and wine but still sticking to 16:8 and trying to be mindful.
    Am averaging 20,000 steps a day so keeping busy. 
    And OH! The shopping! I’m in shoe heaven👠👡👢👜 I’m exploring options to squeeze a couple of not very cheap but beautiful shoes into a small and quite full case!

    I’ve missed so many pages but have skimmed to keep up.
    So sorry @strawberriesandcream, @belfastsink and @linda Sue for your sad losses.
    @steve Toon Taxi Driver and @bigviking and @annemarilyn happy belated birthday
    @saffy420 thank you so much for hosting October. Please count me in.  The September spreadsheet is still running from my drive.  Could you take a copy and post the link to that please?
    Standing on the scales will be a revelation when I get home.  @coda I’m definitely with you on no sweets.
    @rainbowsmile congratulations on a new beginning. It sound like you’ve got it sussed!
    Stay strong everyone. The vibes are very positive💪

    Day 25 – McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
    Gads yesterday ended up being way over my TDEE. A very stressful day with stress eating to match. Why do I always go to food when stressed???? This Dry September seems to have brought out the “poor me” dragon. It’s not like me to be a victim. I must remember my goal.
    I’m going to wear out the reset button this month!! 😞

    @belfastsink – I’m so sorry to hear about your fathers passing. A big hug for you (((((HUG)))))
    @anna6 – What an amazing number of cookbooks you have. Are you like me where you keep using the same few all the time? My hobby is photography so I spend a lot of time editing photos on my laptop. I love both the creativity and the technical aspects of photography, it challenges my brain.

    @steve-toon-taxi-driver & @bigviking – A early Happy Birthday   🎂🎈🎈
    @happymargo – I very impressed with your control during September, good job, you inspire me!!

    Day 26 USA. Hello everybody, I have been out of country for almost all September. Good news…. I did not gain any extra pounds :D.I will fast today.I havent read any posts, I will begin today to read some. Have a good day everybody!

    Day 26 -USA (Illinois) – FD

    Doing 6:1 in maintenance is working for me. Even on my 6 days, I try for 16:8 keeping them CD’s.

    @belfastsink – so sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. It seems even when we know of the inevitability their actual going is still so sad. My deepest condolences.

    Congratulations and happy birthday to all who are celebrating! Seemed like there were 3 or 4 of our midst!

    @lindasue – good to see you back again. What a whirlwind of emotions you must have been experiencing.

    @saffy420 – I plan to continue with everyone on to October!

    Our first Choral Society rehearsal went very well last evening. Four new singers, all who seem will be great additions to our 55 or so numbers. The concert will be in November, so it’s a fun couple months.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 26 California USA NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was successful and I lost what I gained over the weekend. There’s now still a chance to meet my September goal of 132 lb 59.9 kg. I’m going to have to be more mindful on my NFD!

    @annemarilyn – Hope you’re having a very Happy Birthday!

    @big_bill – Trust your OH and get some new pants that fit properly! She’s probably embarrassed to be seen with the guy with the baggy pants! 😁👖 10 kg more off and you’ll be tying them up with a rope!

    @lynzm – Hope you’re feeling better soon.

    @strawberriesandcream – So sorry to hear about your friend. It’s shocking to have that happen so quickly after a diagnosis.

    @belfastsink – I’m so sorry to hear about your father’s passing. Losing a parent is awful.

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