September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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September 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,071 replies, has 74 voices, and was last updated by  FasterJo 6 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 451 through 500 (of 1,074 total)

  • Day 10 UK NFD (mindful)

    Very tired yesterday so didn’t get up to much. Today feeling a bit light headed, maybe I over did it! I think its probably that I’m not drinking enough fluids. Tried very hard to be mindful – late b’fast, shared chocolate cherry mousse with OH and normally I would have had seconds of the yummy mushroom risotto but that’s in the fridge and not in my belly – that’s a win!!

    @anna6 – managed to resist steak. If I’m honest I’m more a reducatarian/flexatarian as I have eaten meet and animal based products since going veggie more than a year ago but this has been more in company where I haven’t wanted to cause undo stress to hosts who don’t know. Roast beef and steak are my downfalls if I stray to the ‘dark side’, so your Florentine steak was very tempting thought!
    @wellrounded – those sudden sightings in the mirror, ugh and cold shivers come to mind, my sympathies but hopefully a spur!
    @snowflake56 & @lilymartin – well done 2kg dispatched just like that WOW! Good luck @snowflake56 on the bottom preservation and @lilymartin – I’m impulsive like that, doesn’t always pay off!
    @skinnyminny57 – ouch, healing vibes.
    @rainbowsmile – did you explain how you gained your expertise in poo? A question that caught my eye a a few days ago, but your answer I might have missed when I was out of sync.
    @ciren2 – good luck getting your PF pain under control and hope you make it back as a faster soon.

    Those about to go on hols, trips away – enjoy and to those returning well done on not blowing it.

    Monday fasters wishing you success and those needing TLC sending it in buckets and to all have a happy Monday and a good start to the week.

    Ta x

    Day 10 – FD; Dublin, Ireland

    Hi everyone,

    haven’t had a chance to catch up on all the posts, just quickly checking in to add myself to the Pocket List. Weight is back to fluctuating around 71kg, which is 1.5kg more than before we went on holiday. Hoping for 2 proper FDs this week, as last week we only had one.

    Day 10 Pocket List:

    Day 10 UK FD

    Last day of level 1 30DS today. Not looking forward to level 2 tomorrow, eeeek!

    I’ve been roped into doing a Race for life on Sunday and I am totally unprepared for it. Hoping I can motivate myself for it as the week goes on but at the moment the thought of it is filling me with dread ☹

    Good luck to today’s fellow fasters and wishing you all a great Monday.

    Day 10 Pocket List:

    Day 10 UK FD

    After a strange weekend I’m back to fasting. Last week was hard work. Hungry and went a bit chilly on one FD. My dear wife has been shopping and bought more snacks than you could shake a stick at. That is not good! Even though they aren’t for me (they’re for the kids) the temptation is not funny at all. Add to this our freezer is full of pizzas from my sister in law who gets them free from work. AAAAGHHH! I have countered this by buying more veg to add to the veg she bought. Let us see how much will power I really have when I cook tonight 🙂

    I hope you all have a good day. If you can’t manage full on HIIT, just do a little wiggle now and again. You won’t lose much weight, but it’ll put a smile on your face.

    Day 10 London UK FD

    A quick one to add myself to the pocket list. I’m not going to be able to catch up on posts as today is turning out to be busier than I’d hoped.

    Weigh in this morning was a pleasant surprise, bang in the middle of my maintenance range. I think 16:8 must be the way to go when travelling/on holidays. I did the same on most days when we were away for 10 days in August and came back still within maintenance then.

    Oh I am tired today. 4 days without an FD means I am feeling hungry today!

    @sarahbob Good luck with the Race for Life – how many kms is it? And me too re Level 2 of 30DS. Especially after I had a taster yesterday! I will do a different one of JM’s next month and think you were going to as well? Can I join you for motivation please! Fancy doing (and being!) Ripped in 30?

    Day 10 Pocket List. Copy, paste and add yourself!


    Day 10 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Dad was taken into hospital yesterday with suspected cholecystitus so I’m hopelessly behind on reading posts. Hope everyone is doing OK.

    Strength to my fellow Monday fasters 💪

    Day 10, UK, FD

    I overdid it with food yesterday again 🙁 . Glad its a FD today!

    @anna6 thank you for your support 🤗 , I’m gonna try your method 🙂

    @bert1802 as much as I enjoyed reading your story, and what a story it is 😮 , I can’t help but being a bit concerned after I read the last chapter 😨 , please take good care of yourself, that co-worker sounds a bit unstable.

    @dykask you seem to be so busy, I hope you are ok 🙂

    @daffodil2010 have a fantastic holiday 💃 🏍 , I can’t wait to hear about it 😀

    @skinnyminny57 omg sorry to hear about your fall 🙁 , I hope you heal quick, sending you a hug and healing vibes 🤗

    @sarahbob see how you feel during the week about Race for life, if you still feel strongly later, maybe you should politely refuse?

    @missybear hope your dad is ok

    Day 10 Pocket List. Copy, paste and add yourself!


    Lets stay strong people, there is no other option! 💪

    Day 10 UK FD

    Weight this morning was 145lb, 2lb down on yesterday morning and 3lb up on Friday/Saturday. Clearly weight is a range and affected by what i eat – who knew?!!!

    Aiming for WFD today tho mindful that I have to eat something with evening meds and headache that comes with low salt, I’m expecting to add in hot vegemite and a little banana before bed. I KNOW that a WFD sets me up for the week, makes me feel more energetic, clears my Monday head & helps hugely with focus & sustained concentration, lowers stress levels… what’s not to love? And it helps with deflating my carbtastic breadfest stomach, currently putting me in the market for 2nd trimester maternity clothes.

    Weirdly a LOT of people suddenly noticed my weight loss yesterday, as tho I’d instantly dropped 30lbs in front of their eyes! So many comments on how I looked (well/great/fantastic) size (“SO much smaller” “not that you were big before” “even your shoulders have shrunk”). Glad my head was in a zen place and able to respond gently to what felt a bit like open season on personal remarks from acquaintances. I think it might be a summer thing – lots of people just back, haven’t seen each other around for a while and there’s the mental picture/current reality check. But strange they all did it on the same day!

    Slept well last night tho fell asleep sitting up and v slow start. Going to do yoga & meditation, check planned action list and crack on to get perhaps 6hrs project work today. Only 5 weeks until main annual event and TONS to catch up/pick up before it becomes pressured & stressful. Attending a 2-day conference Weds/Thurs – relatively relaxed time as delegate but representing an organisation so professional networking head on. And doing a short talk at linked event so zen mind and rested body also helpful! Plus remembering to prepare stall & recruit volunteers for a marketplace event next weekend – never dull 😀

    @missybear hope your dad does well in hospital x

    Wishing you all a Happy Monday 🙂

    Day 10 Pocket List. Copy, paste and add yourself!


    Day 10 NC USA FD

    Up again slightly another .2 lbs still under 191 lbs. Getting nervous as Hurricane Florence is getting stronger. Glad my daughters field trip to the coast was postponed. Hope it turns away from the coast!

    Did try the HIIT on my mini Elliptical but was hard to go all out on it. Still burned over 100 calories in just under 15mins.

    Day 10 Pocket List. Copy, paste and add yourself!


    Day 10, London, UK, NFD,

    Another CD planned, I certainly hope it’s more successful than the last 3!!!!! LOL!!!!

    @beththenew, the less calories you eat the more weight you will lose, low calorie diets WORK, smoothie diets WORK, juice diets WORK ………………… the issue comes with SUSTAINABILITY, we’ve all been there, done that, even exercised ourselves into the ground on minimal calories …………………………… then crashed and burned and given up!!!! You have to find what suits you, but be mindful, 5:2 isn’t a quick fix or a miracle cure for obesity, gluttony, laziness or greed!!!! There are lots of members here who’ve been doing this for years successfully, I don’t know anyone who’s been on a weight loss diet for that long because one tiny detour and most people just throw in the towel, 5:2 allows for that detour (Thank goodness!!!!) Stick to the basics, don’t force yourself to eat to TDEE or struggle to reduce TDEE cals either, don’t stress over slight weight fluctuations either, I can gain & lose 4lbs in the same day!!!! Stick to the basics!!!!

    @bert1802, your story has turned a little dark!!! Take care and watch your back ……………………… the word ‘unhinged’ seems a good description of your ARMED ex-colleague …………… scary!!!!!

    @missybear, I hope your dad is getting the care & treatment he needs. Thinking of you both!!!

    I’m having a weird 4 day weekend where there was vino (lots!!) and I wasn’t particularly mindful………………… BUT ………………. I’ve had a 3lb whoosh!!!! Don’t ask me, I have no idea what’s happened perhaps the carbs have jump started something???? Time to re-read ……………………………..

    Keep the faith people!!!!!

    Day 10 Northern NSW Australia FD

    I pulled it off after all, well I think so! I ended up keeping to under 500 calories and also complete the altitude contrast work out. I’m surprised and happy and we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

    Day 10 USA-Wa, NFD
    I ended up having a FD yesterday so today I am going for a low key controlled eating day. The scale is not moving much, but I am trying to be patient and not add extra FDs. I am very much wanting to lose this time and join the maintenance club!

    Hi, all. I’m new and just started the FastDiet yesterday. Is it too late to get in on the challenge???

    Day 10 Canada NFD

    A busy weekend and no time to post, happily catching up with a cup of tea!

    @michelinme I am working on letting go of regrets and judgement and focussing on acceptance and understanding. The TED talk was a great way to reframe that, thanks @rainbowsmile (yes a fabulous outfit)

    @dingping it sounds like you are finding your feet with this WOL. It doesn’t take long to figure out what works and how to manage the NFD’s- the good news is that if things don’t go according to plan you can hit the reset button and all is good.

    @beedoo wow 20,000 steps! I also have friends who I know would never understand 5:2, missing one meal is something we were indoctrinated with growing up. Sadly it is often those people who would really benefit from this WOL

    @flourbaby I agree all diets work, even the crazy ones, we all know people who have lost fantastic amounts of weight only to put it on again. 5:2 is by far the most sustainable in my mind, it does take work though like all things that affect our quality of life- relationships, work, exercise……

    @katymeg welcome this is such a supportive group from all over the world, never too late to join!

    OK off to do some positive stuff!

    Day 10 second post

    Goodness, I’m SO hungry today – don’t remember a FD like it. Nothing is distracting me and all i can think about is food.

    I’m also very sneezy and feeling like a ball of energy but concentration not working so well. Successfully managed yoga & meditation and writing this week’s action list but just took 20 mins to craft a 3 line email. Last week my brain was buzzing and I was able to get lots done but this week I’ve ground to a halt 🙁

    Reminders, hints and tips very welcome indeed.

    Day 10 USA – CD

    Going to do a 16:8 day today, so not exactly a FD.

    @michelinme – it seemed for me too that all of a sudden people noticed my weight loss about the same time I reached my goal weight. More than anything, even within the next several months, they seemed to notice most when I was wearing more form-fitting clothes. I found I enjoyed wearing snugger jeans with tucked in shirts that gave more accent to my shrunk waist and hips.
    ~hope you’re not too hungry too!

    Onward and downward!

    RIght. Thought I might give those of you who know me an update on why I’m back.

    I have ballooned and slapped-on 8 stone in 13 weeks!

    Only joking! (not funny I hear you all cry/shout at PC/Tablet/phone).

    I have put on a wee bit this year, but nothing I wasn’t really in control of (kids himself). I was doing OK before July/August, but had a weird knee episode caused by age/general knackeredness. This stopped me running/exercising for a bit, then holidays were in the way 🙂
    Sooo… long story short. Need to jump back on the waggon and do more fasting than the cheating fasting. Not sure I can or want to do the old 4.5 FDs in a row like I used to do, but I am determined to get down to my target weight of 74 kgs by Xmas-mid Feb. I find it hard in the family scenario where I’m the only one doing it (Mrs JohnnyR won’t, and my kids think I’m barmy.)

    @johnnyr: Hello, good to see you back, even if there’s more of you than before…. I’m here but not participating (yet). FDs seem out of reach for me at the moment, I’m afraid. I just can’t stand being hungry!!
    @dingping: PF not too bad today at work, so I’m hopeful the longer town deliveries haven’t messed up three months of slow progress. There’s no such thing as light duties on Royal Mail…ha…ha!

    Day 10 – Atlanta,GA,USA – FD

    Day 10, Gozo, Malta, fd

    Dingping you can try the Florentine steak whenever you want. It will wait for you!

    ShinyThing after yesterday’s feast day I’m 68.1 kilos 0.8 kilo more than Saturday. Either the soy sauce in the Chinese food or I ate far too much. In the evening I went out with my sister in law and had a couscous and smoked salmon salad. I’ll lose it these coming days I hope. But it’s quite a good method and sometimes on cd I eat up to tdee. Let us know how you go on.

    Today I fasted at 800 calories.

    I made a new recipe with chicken, carrots, potatoes, runner beans, onions, tarragon, seasoning and light double cream. I had some too.

    Onwards and downwards, stay strong everyone.

    Day 10 – USA – NFD

    Started new p/t job today at 3am…lots to learn and running around, so hoping to dispatch down to maintenance within a few weeks. No FDs yet this week…@Skinnyminny57, what a nasty fall; I hope you heal quickly. It’s just one of those things where doggies are so happy to see you! @missybear, I don’t remember if I congratulated you or not on your wedding, but CONGRATS! And I hope your dad recovers quickly.

    Day 10 FD UK

    Thank you for advice and feedback on my NHS impending Health Check. Still not booked it… But, my FD’s are starting to become more manageable, have made a concerted effort to increase fluid intake and managed to come in under 500cals today!(Woohoo). Still feeling tired at the end of the day, but foggy brain less overwhelming. Starting to feel my ‘motivation muscle’ growing stronger. Even started Park Run on Saturday with my partner. Getting back to a previous hobby, and accepting 5km taking 43mins, even though it’s so much worse than my time a mere 5 years ago, it is better than not doing it at all.

    Happy FD everyone

    Day 10 Florida

    FD. Done pretty good. May go over my 500 at dinner. Thanks for your comments @songbirdme, @annemarilyn,@michelinme.

    Day 11 Tas, Australia- FD (B2B)
    I have to do a fasting blood test this morning so decided to try another B2B. If I get too hungry I will abandon. I got through my FD much easier yesterday with the help of a hard-boiled egg mid-afternoon. Day 4 w/o any wine.
    Pocket list

    Day 10 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Keeping NFDs at 18:6 this week & making T, Th & Sat FDs. Shortening the eating window, I think is something that helped the scale stay level and even move down a bit on the weekend rather than going up as it often does on NFDs.

    @dingping – hope you get feeling better 🙂
    @skinnyminny57 – ouch! What a fall. Hope you’re healing up well.
    @michelinme – as @songbirdme mentioned, it probably depends on what we wear whether people notice our weight loss. Were you wearing something particularly slimming?
    @daffodil2010 – that’s quite a good, long ride you got in on the weekend. Good practice for France & Spain. Are you trying to pack all you need in the saddle bags or are other family members taking some of what you’ll need? That’s one of the things I used to like about biking, the challenge of packing light. It would make me go to a wash and wear hairstyle, thus less supplies etc.
    @JohhnyR – you can do it! One thing I’m finding is as I move over more to LCHF choices in my food, I do better on my FDs. They’re more satiating. Also, as others have mentioned, sometimes it’s just good to go back the the basic 5:2 to get your feet wet again.

    Glad we’re together on this journey!

    Day 11 CFD country West Australia
    WAs it really 17 years ago that the Twin Towers were hit?
    I can remember it as though it was only a few years ago.
    Thinking of those near the east coast of America with the hurricane looming Thursday. Hope it isn’t as bad as feared.
    Watched the US Open on Sunday and was very disappointed at Serena’s behaviour. Poor Osaka’s biggest sporting triumph completely overshadowed. Bad form Serena:(

    Day 10, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    No hike today but Tai Chi. Otherwise busy with donating books and gardening.

    Have a good Tuesday/Wednesday! 🌺🌸🌼

    Day 11 (Day 10 here) Ohio, US — FD (#9)

    Just a “routine” fast day here. It went well, so not much to report.

    @snowflake56 Thanks for the comment on my dog. And I really am following the 5:2 plan with Monday and Thursday fasts. After going way, way over my TDEE on Friday I just cut back on Saturday to keep the average at my TDEE. I got the idea from a poster on this site who said that he added in an extra fast day if he really binged out at any time. I didn’t need to fast, just cut back some. In any case Sunday was back to normal eating.

    @redrockgirl302 I also do Tai Chi and qigong. The Tai Chi style I follow is the Lee family style which is very popular in England. Although I didn’t do it today, since with all the busy-ness of the day I’ll clock more than 12,000 steps by the end of the day.

    Over the weekend I came across some work from a psychologist who maintains that the reason why most people have trouble maintaining a heavily rule-based eating regimen for a long period of time is that such an approach activates the “reptilian” brain and eventually people’s desire for freedom overrules that. She maintains that when people focus more on a decision-based way of eating there is better success, because then people activate the frontal portions of the brain.

    In “The Fast Diet” book the two M’s mention that as they followed the diet gradually their eating patterns changed and they made better decisions about foods. It seems to me that perhaps the 5:2 diet is not so much a rule-based WOE as a framework for making decisions about eating. As people follow the diet they gradually shift from using their midbrains to using their frontal brains and achieve what the psychologist would consider a successful approach to eating. What do you think? Does this make sense?

    Incidentally, considering some of my recent NFD’s, I still have a way to go before I make such a transition!

    Help! I posted the following and then went in to edit it and when I re-submitted it the post just disappeared. What happened?

    Day 11 (Day 10 here) Ohio, US — FD (#9)

    Just a “routine” fast day here. It went well, so not much to report.

    @snowflake56 Thanks for the comment on my dog. And I really am following the 5:2 plan with Monday and Thursday fasts. After going way, way over my TDEE on Friday I just cut back on Saturday to keep the average at my TDEE. I got the idea from a poster on this site who said that he added in an extra fast day if he really binged out at any time. I didn’t need to fast, just cut back some. In any case Sunday was back to normal eating.

    @redrockgirl302 I also do Tai Chi and qigong. The Tai Chi style I follow is the Lee family style which is very popular in England. Although I didn’t do it today, since with all the busy-ness of the day I’ll clock more than 12,000 steps by the end of the day.

    Over the weekend I came across some work from a psychologist who maintains that the reason why most people have trouble maintaining a heavily rule-based eating regimen for a long period of time is that such an approach activates the “reptilian” brain and eventually people’s desire for freedom overrules that. She maintains that when people focus more on a decision-based way of eating there is better success, because then people activate the frontal portions of the brain.

    In “The Fast Diet” book the two M’s mention that as they followed the diet gradually their eating patterns changed and they made better decisions about foods. It seems to me that perhaps the 5:2 diet is not so much a rule-based WOE as a framework for making decisions about eating. As people follow the diet they gradually shift from using their midbrains to using their frontal brains and achieve what the psychologist would consider a successful approach to eating. What do you think? Does this make sense?

    Incidentally, considering some of my recent NFD’s, I still have a way to go before I make such a transition!

    Day 11, Emden Germany, NFD

    @daffodil2010 have great holiday, you really deserve it. Enjoy the ride, the company, the delicious food and the sun. Thanks for hosting this month’s challenge. Hugs

    Will catch up on posts later.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 11 – Melbourne AUS – NFD

    Had a bit of an indulgent weekend (tasting the menu for the wedding for lunch, followed by dinner at the pub) but it was a wonderful weekend – and managed to fit in some exercise and down time.

    Feeling pretty ravenous today after yesterdays FD, so figured it was time to check in and read some posts. I’m a few days behind, and I have no doubt there’ll be plenty inspiration i need to stay away from the work Milo tin!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

    I find doing B2B FD’s easier, so might try doing them from now on, with the proviso that if I wake up ravenous on day 2 next time, I won’t fast. I’m feeling hopeful for a loss tomorrow. This plateau can’t last, surely.
    I must confess to being an Excel novice. How do you change the colour on the spreadsheet so that my FD’s are shaded, like other people’s please?

    Just worked it out!

    Day 11 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Holiday time at last! @snowflake56 Many thanks my dear ☺️ I am really looking forward to it. Bags are packed and it’s always a challenge to fit so little for 3 weeks in small pannier bags. @annemarilyn I write a list and stick to it for packing, and we were both surprised yesterday evening when we realised there was still room in all bags…….now the temptation used to be to pack more, but not this time. I bring everything I need, and yes, wash and wear hairstyle will have to do for the next three weeks. 😎🏍

    Heading to Southern Ireland to catch the overnight ferry to France soon. Looking forward to it very much.

    I will check in daily if I have wifi but so far I have been snacking a tad too much. Got to stop that.

    Au Revoir 😀

    Day 11, UK- FD

    Yesterday was not a good day for me (I won’t well on it now) but I am mentally prepared to fast today.

    @matpi- an interesting idea, the shift to using the frontal lobe.

    I quite liked the mantra of @happymargo: Don’t deny, just delay.

    Day 11 UK NFD (stay mindful)
    OH elderly aunt died yesterday, it’s sad but she seemed to have the death we would all want surrounded by her darling children, slipping away in her sleep having had time to put her affairs in order and time to say her goodbyes to friends and family. The saddest part of it all is her DH who has Alzheimer’s wasn’t there as he’s now in a home. My heart goes out to him as he was the most devoted husband and he would be so upset if he had was able to understand the seriousness of her illness and not be there to support her and say that final goodbye.

    On a different tack and much lighter note.
    @johnnyr – ha ha loved your intro, for a moment I was thinking ‘How?’ (I am gullible!!). Admire your willpower given the many distractions and obvious possible derailments of living in a busy household. Good luck.
    @beedoo – interesting I’ve never associated tiredness with the need to fast, but can see how it makes sense after a tow of NFD’s
    @missybear – best wishes to your father.
    @michelinme – shame your WF didn’t resent your energy button, hope you’ve woken refreshed. Strange isn’t it what and when people notice change.
    @katymeg – welcome never too late.
    @bellyblast – thanks, constant viligence and work in progress.
    @ciren2 – hate to say it but that festive event isn’t far away, hope things are 100% better by then.
    @redrockgirl302 – love your lifestyle!
    @matpi – must be website gremlins, I got your first post! Interesting re using different parts of our brains and makes sense and Dr M says (paraphrasing) that dietry change will not be long lasting if willpower alone is being used. Learning creates change in behaviour. Thanks.

    Positive vibes to everyone for a successful day in all you do.
    Ta x

    Day 11, UK, NFD

    I decided to try and implement Anna6’s method of this WOE and fast to 800cal, but instead of 2 it will be 3 times a week, mon/wed/fri. The other days will be mindful, apart from Saturday when I will allow myself to indulge a bit and have some wine if I feel like. It might get me control better my NFDs because I’m failing in them big time now, therefore not succeeding overall in losing weight. Lets see 🙂

    @katymeg of course its not too late to join 🙂 , welcome to the challenge and good luck 😀

    @lilymartin totally agree about Serena’s behaviour, couldnt be more shameful and unsportsmanlike, and turning it into something its not.

    @matpi many of us here had posts disappearing, it happens sometimes, its something to do with this site spam filter I was told. Your post is showing now, but good thing that you copied it, I always make sure I do that before posting 😉

    @daffodil2010 Au Revoir 😀 , enjoyyyyyyy 💃 ⛱ 🏍 . I’m impressed with your packing skills 😀

    @dingping so sad about aunt’s DH :(, Alzheimer’s is such a cruel illness. May she RIP.

    Have great day everyone 🌹

    Day 11, London, UK, FD

    Back to work today so it’s a FD, and I’m in desperate need of one!!! Today is my reset day as the last 4 NFDs haven’t been great. I’ve lost some weight. But I don’t feel it’s deserved and may yet come back to bite me somewhere substantial!!!!!

    @johnnyr …………………………….. NOT FUNNY!!!! I nearly fell off my chair!!!!! I’m off the exercise wagon too, I tweaked my back last week …………….. classic lift & twist!!! …………….. and I haven’t been able to complete my 30 Day shred since, I’m thinking those few days have reversed every single thing I’ve done for the last few months, (no muscle memory here) and I might keel over the next time I even try a jumping jack!!!!!

    Welcome @katymeg!!!! Have a read of the first post on page 1 from our lovely host this month @daffodil2010, stay faithful to the programme and you’ll have it nailed in no time!!!!

    Stay strong everyone, fellow fasters …………………. You’ve got this, NFD-ers …………………….. mindful, Mindful, MINDFUL!!!!!

    Day 11- Colorado USA— FD

    Worked 13 hours yesterday. Was glad I It was NFD so I could eat a hearty dinner when I finally arrived home. Also happy I’d lifted weights in early pre-dawn because I had nothing left in my tank for post-work exercise. Just enough energy to flop on the couch for one show & then 😴 💤

    Up again today at 3:15am. Another full day of surgeries ahead. We are definitely moving into “busy season” I suppose that’s good…makes the days fly by with no time to eat at all. It’ll help get me closer to my Christmas goal! 😃🎅🏻🎄👍🏼

    Off now to walk the dog, lift weights & jog before heading to work by 5:40am.
    Thank goodness tomorrow is NFD. I’m already dreaming of breakfast then!

    Day 11 Belfast NFD

    Home from a busy weekend and behind on the posts. Autumn has kinda set in with a bang. Puppy is away to day care to acclimatise her in preparation for her week in kennels, so I shall make the most and get some serious cleaning done then Pilates. (That is, of course, after I’ve spent an hour catching up on is forum!)

    @at hope you feel better soon. Xo
    @snowflake your dress sounds gorgeous!
    @rainbowsmile – have just googled superbetter and am intrigued. Something to investigate. I’m a big fan of TED talks. If you meet your ex, he’ll be gobsmacked at how good you look. Think how far you’ve come and hold your head up high!
    @michelinme – loved your day 8 post – so wise. What inner strength you have. My friend had Guillaume Barry disease in 2000 – an auto immune decease which almost put him on an iron lung. His strength, determination and plan of short goals has given him his life back. Amazing.
    @happymargo love the ‘cut loose’ mantra
    @ali wants to wear a bikini – happy house hunting!
    @anna6 well done on ditching those excess lbs.
    @FormerlyFatPete congratulations on fitting that belt! We share a G&T weakness. I’ve just discovered pink grapefruit instead of lemon… so lush!
    @minka – have just googled ‘Live O2.’ That looks serious stuff!
    @wow @metatauta that’s an early start!
    @bert1802 I think your story would make a scary movie! Take care of yourself.
    @behthenew – Dr Moseley also wrote a fast exercise book which is worth the read.
    I try to incorporate it into my swimming routine and also I have an old spin bike which is good for it.
    @beedoo glad you enjoyed your break. I loved ‘on holiday wearing what I wanted.’ That’s what this WOL is all about.
    Stay strong @dykask
    @sparklyshoes – it’s a great achievement to have a weekend away and maintain your weight. And you’re so right about skinny people.
    @skinnyminny57 – hope no serious damage was done!
    Welcome back @ JonnyR
    @missybear – wishing your dad swift healing.
    @katymeg – never too late to join. Welcome to a great place. There’s an excellent introduction on the first page.
    @matpi – interesting post. Even after all this time, I’m still working on 5hose wise food choices. 😦
    Have a great holiday @ Daffodil2010
    Sorry to hear about the death of your aunt @dingping
    @lilymartin – totally agree. Serena has no case to prove and her behaviour was not a bit sportsmanlike.

    I salute any weekend Fasters!

    Now off to do my chores. Have a good day everyone

    Second post ….

    I was editing the spreadsheet with my new FDs and later realised that I edited the wrong line 😮 . I corrected it but apologies to @sicin if its not correct since its your name/line I edited 🌹 😳

    And I just weighed myself. 500g up! 😡

    Day 11 UK NFD

    Fast day went well yesterday and for the first time in ages I didn’t spend the day hungry and obsessing over food. 😁

    @beedoo I most definitely am up for getting Ripped in 30 lol. We can do it! 💪 How many days a week are you thinking of doing it? Eeeek, level 2 30DS today.

    The Race for life is 5km. Probably just be walking it as I’m doing it to give my Mum support as she’s a bit nervous and not in the best physical fitness.

    Wishing everyone a fab Tuesday.

    Day 11, Surrey (UK), FD

    Here we go again – thanking you all for holding my virtual hand through this FD. I thought my eating was well controlled over recent days, but once more I find myself the wrong side of the door to 10-stone-something land. So it looks like I’m stuck here for a bit in plateau-land! On the other hand (literally), my fat fingers seem to have suddenly deflated. My eternity ring is constantly swivelling around so that the stones slip round to the underside. I’ve had to re-order my rings and put my wedding band – slightly smaller size – above the eternity ring.

    @rainbowsmile – yes I do remember the Tango ads! I now have an image of my sis-in-law with an indignant orange face! That will get me through this FD, if nothing else does!

    To anyone else out there facing oppression, bullying, snide comments or other unpleasantness, just say to the offenders (in your head of course):

    Bully….you’ve been tangoed!

    Day 11…….Florida….. FD

    I’m a bit behind in reading the posts but I did want to touch base. Yesterday ended up being a NFD, as the hubby surprised me with date night. When the kids were little this is something we always did twice a month, carve out a night for us to reconnect as a couple. As the boys started to get older, started driving and having lives of there own we used to have date day where we go out ion an adventure for the day. Recently, money has been tight, so our time together has been sidelined to the homestead.
    The hubby said after everything that’s gone on, we needed a couple night.

    What a wonderful night, we went to a restaurant called grill smith, it was a little over an hour away but well worth the drive. It is at this fancy upscale outside mall, which kind of designed like a little city itself. We were going to walk around after dinner but could because of course it was raining again.
    So, we took the long way home, talked and sang to the radio.
    What a wonderful night.

    So, today has got to be a FD!

    While we were out I saw a sign, with the best saying on it which I’m going to use as next months ending…. can’t wait your all going to love it!

    It was me….I admit it…..I let the dogs out!

    Day 11 – NFD; Dublin, Ireland

    Hi everyone,

    successful FD yesterday coming in at 730kcal (as I said before, my FD goal is to stay under 800kcal). Was also pleasantly surprised by fiance who skipped dinner because he had had a slice of cake at work – dedication!

    The scales are down to 70.3kg this morning, so managed to shift some more water weight. Lets see what they say tomorrow, still doing my daily weighing to monitor the fluctuations.

    Fiance has full-on manflu and I can feel it creeping up on me. We’ve been working long days and are feeling generally tired, so I’m extra happy that we managed to stick to our FD.

    Good luck to everyone fasting today!

    Day 11 North Canton OH Healthy eating day

    I actually ate a little under 800 calories yesterday. I have decided to be more mindful about logging my meals to make sure I stay under TDEE on healthy eating days; those LCHF meals can add up if you are not careful.

    @bert1802 it makes me smile to see that you and hubby really enjoy each other even after so many years. That is so special and such a blessing 🙂

    @dingpping I am so sorry for your loss 🙁

    @matpi I agree it feels like 911 happened just yesterday, I was trying to explain to my kids how devastating it was on the day it happened; I could not believe there was that much evil possible in the world. I was a very recent immigrant to America at the time (just 1 month in) and I remember sobbing hysterically with an overwhelming sense of loss and devastation for all those people who lost their lives and the loved ones they left behind. I will never forget it, and to put it all in perspective, none of my kids were even conceived at the time and they are both teenagers now.

    Have a blessed day everyone, did not get a chance to read all the posts. gotta dash to me next meeting. Stay strong.

    Day 11 NC USA NFD/CFD?
    Made it under 190lbs, now 189.6lbs! About 9 pounds down since I started this WOL. Debating on doing a CFD but will definitely try to stay at least a little under TDEE so the weight loss sticks better.

    Really getting worried about hurricane Florence. Not been through a really bad one in this state yet. Looks like it’s going to get to up to Triangle area where I live. Really feel scared for those at the coast though.

    Hope everyone’s plans goes well today.

    Day 11 – France – FD

    Today I am trying my first B2B fast day. So far it’s mid-afternoon and it’s going quite well. Not any worse than a regular fast day. I do confess I’m fantasising about my Korean lunch tomorrow! 🙂
    I have found a way to replace my daily glass of red in the evenings on FD: I drink a tablespoonful of organic apple cider vinegar in a wine glass full of water. Sounds very unappetizing, and it sort of is, but it’s good for you and gives me something to sip slowly! Hubby and I like to sit down outside while it’s still warm out, and drink some wine, unwind and talk about our day. Happy I found a solution to be able to keep that going. But the cold weather will be here soon enough.

    @matpi I agree completely that this WOE seems to rewire my brain, it refocuses me on smaller portion sizes. I have not lost much weight (cruel body 🙁 ) but I am no longer snacking throughout the day. Waiting for the whoosh…
    @bert1802 how cute!
    @dingpping so sorry.

    On 9-11 I was heavily pregnant with my now 16-year-old and wondered what kind of world this child was about to be born into.
    Good luck to all!

    Day 11 NSW Australia NFD

    Hi everyone, just checking in!
    Better late than not – it’s 11.30pm here!

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now.

    Day 11, Rocky Mountains, US, FD 800 cals

    Planning a 800 cals FD today.
    Tonight I have my first Qigong class @matpi. Love Tai Chi and am sure I also will love Qijong.
    @daffodil2010: Definitely have to take packing lessons from you. Have fun and be safe! 😊🏍🌻

    Have a good Tuesday everyone!😊🌺🌼

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