Second day in!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  symba7 10 years ago.

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  • Hi everyone

    Just wanted to say hi. My husband and I started this diet on Monday and fasted straight away – and will continue to fast on Monday’s and Thursday’s. We were worried about the hunger pains and going to bed hungry but it really was so manageable. Absolutely appreciated my lunch today but I’m already feeling aware of what I’m putting in my mouth and totally avoided the fizzy drink and chips that would have normally accompanied my meal.

    So excited to see how this all works out…

    It’s been lovely reading everyone’s journeys so far:)

    Hi Aussiechick,

    Glad to have you both on board, it’s a good plan and easy to do. After a couple of weeks it gets easier.
    Measure yourself bust, waist hips and tops of legs and Hubby’s waist, do it monthly it helps when weight slows down, you can see the fat melting away.

    My Hubby lost 8″ off waist in 4 months.

    Good Luck

    Hi I started at the beginning if the week eating less and healthier today is my first fast day. I was wondering if I should cut down on pasta cos it’s a carb and I’m trying to eat less carbs I’ve cut out bread completely anyway as it makes me feel I’ll. what could I replace pasta with? And if I exercised on a fast day would I be ok or should I do it on a non fast day?

    Hi Emlovesaz,

    Do your excerise on a fast day and burn the fat!! And any extra. Sorry don’t know about pasta, but no carbs on a Fast Day, it stops the fat burning.

    Good Luck

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