Nama, you’re right. But this madness didn’t start with big business, it started with a huge ego and bad science by Ancel Keys in America. If you’re interested, the best book is ‘The Big Fat Surprise’ by Nina Teicholz. Keys was determined to be the man who found the answer to heart disease and he ‘found’ it in our most ancient food (fat). He didn’t even consider smoking. At the same time a British scientist called John Yudkin said the evidence against sugar was far stronger, but Keys viciously abused and silenced him.
Big business saw the marketing opportunity of low-fat and jumped onboard. I think vested interests now keeps the thing going. It’s the only explanation for what’s happening in Australia where doctors and sane nutritionists are silenced. Look at the list of sponsors of the Australian Dietary Association. What an appalling list!
This morning I was in Sainsbury’s looking at the sugar-added junk fest that is the modern supermarket. I have American friends who tell me it’s genuinely difficult there to buy a decent full-fat yoghurt or more than one decent butter. Fotunately, that’s not the case here, but I looked at display after display of packs and cans loaded with added sugar. Six spoons in a soup, seven in beans and so on. And the result is 5,000 new diabetics diagnosed each week, who will then be told to eat mostly carbohydrates (glucose). Medieval.
4:11 pm
10 Oct 16