Related Science articles people might be interested to read

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Related Science articles people might be interested to read

This topic contains 991 replies, has 70 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 2 years, 6 months ago.

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  • You should read things before you knock them, PBH.

    I’ve read plenty but thanks for the condescension.

    While we tend to think of sugar as the white foodstuff we buy in bags and that’s a major contributor to conditions such as obesity and diabetes, there are actually many types of sugar molecule with different properties and effects. Now scientists have found that one naturally-occurring kind of sugar called trehalose could actually help prevent a type of liver disease.

    This review, while quite interesting as a review, is more useful as a synopsis of the lead role taken by insulin in getting us fat and retaining fatness. It’s a very succinct outline of why “calories in, calories out” is not the main story but is a bit like the route direction ” If you want to get there I wouldn’t start from here”. Read on below the bit about the book itself.

    An Australian-led study has shown that a person who becomes obese because they ‘overeat’ may actually have a clinical addiction to food that is high in fat and sugar.

    The eating habits of obese parents around the time of conception might influence whether their child will be more prone to developing obesity and diabetes, according to new research.

    If this research on addictive eating is so, why weren’t there so many obese people in the past? Or have they been breeding?
    Sounds like yet another study to allow an opening for a drug company to me. Developing self awareness and self control is a much cheaper, healthier option I think. This is what 5:2 does. P


    Including the main study, there are about six studies reviewed in this video – all of them quite interesting:

    I highly recommend everyone that is overweight watch this, if only to be jealous.

    Hi Purple, If humans brains are like the mice in this study, then only a third of us have the propensity for the addictive eating, and historically not many of that third of the population would have the access to high fat/sugar food like we have today.
    I liked that they made it a medical issue rather than about being greedy/lazy/lacking willpower, and that they said people should be offered psychological and medical support. Maybe the medical support should include info on 5:2! And the psychological support should include a link to this website! 🙂

    Sorry Cinque, I have to disagree. My parents and their parents generations and probably the one before that, in Australia, had plenty of access to food. They exhibited restraint, something many people don’t do any more. Sure, there will always be, and always were, people with addictive personalities, but they will also be a very small proportion of the total population. I doubt it is an explanation, or an excuse, for the modern obesity problem. It is always easier to blame an external force, inherant, societal, than to take responsibility for and control of one’s own actions. If I pig out, it is my choice. I, like everyone else, have free will. I can hardly blame my parents or the farmer who grew the macadamias! 😉P


    Agree, that our parents had plenty of food, but there is a slight difference:
    our parents had potato, we have chips. When my parent was hungry, she should peel potato, boil it, add some butter and salt and mush it. At least hour till the potato is available to eat. Now I just buy a bag of chips or maybe two. 🙂

    Still, you are right, we should not blame anybody except ourselves: It is ME who is buying the chips. 🙂

    thank you for starting this blog, and for many interesting articles.

    Simcoeluv, that was a fascinating video! Lots of great information and food for thought. I’ll be sharing it with the nutrition class I’ve recently joined. I’ll be researching the FDO gene that was mentioned in the video. I’ve always thought there was a genetic link to obesity but I also believe that self control is a factor. Over-processed foods are so different from what earlier generations ate and are so much more readily available. It’s tough to eat the healthy diet of the past. But I’m determined to be as healthy as I can possibly be. All of these links are pointing me in the right direction.


    I’d hazard a guess that many of the processed foods of today are less hazardous to health than those of the past. It would be enlightening to see what horrors have been banned from our foods and what horrors have replaced them.

    Right, I’m off to guzzle some good old fashioned trans fats.

    Dreaming of “healthy” foods of the past ….mmmm…home made jams…full of sugar..baked dinners with masses of potatoes….home cooked cakes with all those lashings of icing (frosting for you, Yanks).
    Don’t kid yourself food in the past was only wholesome or that it was scarce. But it WAS eaten with restraint. Children were always told not to have another slice of cake or it would “spoil your dinner”. People ate only at set times, and very rarely anywhere other than at a table, sitting down with others. Greed was seen as a totally unacceptable behaviour.
    It is not the availability of food, healthy or otherwise, that causes people to eat to excess, It is the social normalisation of overeating. PVE

    A paper published in the latest edition of the journal Science has revealed a key enzyme that acts as a control for overeating and obesity. Though the enzyme O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) was known to be involved in both neuronal development and insulin signalling, the enzyme’s precise role in the mature brain was largely unknown.

    Thanks Cecile for this link:

    Menopause and Weight Gain
    Losing Weight While on Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Some people today are hardwired to have improved health when on a vegetarian diet, suggests new research that reveals how our ancestors’ food choices continue to impact human health today.

    Excellent, thanks Happy! Love research that is pro legumes! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    While I understand all the basics of this way of eating, I am interested in reading “The Book.” My question is ..which one? When i look on Amazon, there seem to be…updated…etc. Which Mosley/Spencer book is the best?

    I think they are both very good and informative. If you only want to buy one, I suggest the BSD, as it has such sound info on insulin and also explains intermittent fasting a bit. Depends what you want, K-Lo. They both have a good rundown of recent research. The Fast Diet relies primarily on Intermittent Fasting of course, so many of the references relate to that. The Blood Sugar Diet has a lot to say about insulin resistance, lowering blood sugars through lowering insulin and keeping it stable without spikes. It’s more recent. It relies on a combination of low carb through the “Mediterranean Diet” ( ie low white carbs, high veg, olive oil, eggs, nuts, seeds, unprocessed meats, fish and chicken, butter etc) and calories of 800 per day for 8 weeks. The topic of insulin is essential to weight loss as understanding its action is the way to keep off whatever you lose. You can lose weight on either diet but keeping it off is the next tricky bit.

    I’ve just read the clearest book on dieting of all: Dr Jason Fung’s “The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weightloss”, published recently. Very clear on both the science and the strategies fFor losing weight and keeping it off. Not sure whether there are reviews out yet but will post links if found.

    Here’s a review by another doctor

    Hi Apricot:

    It sounds like he converted his six lecture series into a book. Here are the links to his lectures for those that are interested but don’t want to or can’t purchase the book – 4 is on fasting and 6 is on the importance of fat.


    Yes Simcoeluv that’s true to an extent. But I think there’s quite a bit more there too and he’s developed the material on insulin and on fasting rather more, particularly in relation to what you actually can do. However the lectures are pretty good. And this item he wrote for the Daily Mail a couple of weeks back

    Foods are becoming richer in carbohydrates and poorer in some essential nutrients – the result of pumping carbon dioxide into the air, warns Irakli Loladze.

    Hi Cinque:

    I did not read the article, but those with an agricultural bent know skim milk is one of the absolute best foods for fattening pigs:;jsessionid=F1EC9AD95F5D02983A9850863CC6521D?start=150. (Just one example – it depends on cost, not effectiveness).

    Hi Simco, The heading is a bit of a joke, the research shows that people drinking whole fat milk were less likely to get diabetes than people drinking low fat milk, (probably because the low fat milk drinkers ate other low fat foods that had added sugar).

    (But I much prefer the taste of whole fat milk, so I enjoyed the headline!)

    This is a very useful thread as otherwise these links get scattered all over the site.

    Here’s a link to an interview Dr Mercola did roughly two years ago of Dr Moseley. It’s an interesting chat between two like minded doctors on intermittent fasting, HIIT exercise etc. Dr Mercola’s website is also worth exploring for itself.

    There’s an interesting Canadian study that’s been published showing that when children were allowed to eat as much as they liked of potatoes prepared in different ways and pasta, they stopped eating sooner with some than others. The one they stopped first with (av 506 cal) was boiled mashed potato prepared with butter (38% of calories), and with French fries and pasta prepared with Canola oil they carried on to consume up to 900 + cals before they felt full. The question is, what made their Leptin levels respond at different points to tell them they were full? Was it butter v Canola? Or did they just hate mash?!
    Read Hyperlipid on this here and use his link to go through to the science report, which by the way is free if you look for the link saying free.

    Hi Apricot,

    I suspect Jason Fung would say it’s due to the highly processed and unnatural canola oil. If you’re going to eat chips, best fry them in dripping or lard 🙂

    Hi apricot:

    I posted this last year:

    It really is basic. Natural fats are healthy, man made fats are not – just like carbs.

    Canadian researchers from the University of Alberta have used an editorial, published in Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, to call upon all industrialised societies to better promote an increase in the daily intake of dietary fibre so that our gut microbiome (the population of microbes in the intestine) can recover from the sugary and fatty nasties we regularly consume.

    Yes, that’s exactly what Hyperlipid said, choose butter over Canola and when heated saturated over mono or poly.. But I think they are all still exploring the “whys” in terms of insulin, satiety hormones, hippocampus etc.

    Just been reading Jason Fung on the topic of fibre, Cinque. He has a lot to say about the fibre in many foods with mild toxicity, like wheat, being there to help speed the toxins through. Of course when we remove the fibrous part we’re just left with the toxin, as with white flour. He also points out that proteins and fats are not toxic and therefore don’t need the fibre because we can use all of them. Several large studies have shown that fibre combined with low glycemic index foods help keep glucose lower and therefore make us less likely to get diabetes 2. But he also says that they don’t help us lose weight.

    A report of another study on saturated vs unsaturated fats…

    One of the conclusions is that the Findings… “add to growing evidence that incomplete publication has contributed to overestimation of the benefits of replacing saturated fat with vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid.”

    Thanks again big business!

    Atkins was right all along…..with every new study debunking the old.

    Yes, and later versions of Atkins succumbed to pressure and lowered fat!

    By the way, though some of his blogs are interesting, and the one about science studies lumping together red meat and processed meat is useful and clear, Dave Asprey’s pronouncements on diet need to be treated with great caution. Here’s a Telegraph article from when Asprey’s book was published. Sounds like a “don’t buy it” to me, in every sense.

    There was a lot of news this week about a study, published in the medical journal BMJ, that looked at how diet affects heart health. The results were unexpected because they challenged the conventional thinking on saturated fats.

    There seems to be some quite strong evidence that Ancel Keys suppressed the data, perhaps because he had already built a career on the unsaturated fats hypothesis. Gary Taubes and Nina Teicholtz have a lot to say in their books on the Minnesota study and Ancel Keys’ attitude to it. There were other conflicting studies at the time which suggested that saturated fats were not bad for you. In at least one case, possibly two, Ancel Keys seems to have gone out of his way to make it difficult for the researchers to present their findings at conferences and in peer reviewed papers. As a top researcher, he was usually one of the peer reviewers so in a position to veto publication.

    Hi Apricot:

    There is more to the story.

    Keys was highly regarded in U.S. government circles because he developed the ‘K-ration’ used by U.S. soldiers in WWII. He was also the author of the ‘Minnesota Study’, commissioned by the U.S. government to try to predict what would have to be done to feed refugees after the war. That study spawned the starvation mode myth, which he had noting to do with.

    So when it came before the U.S. Senate/George McGovern to ‘decide’ whether it was sugar or fat that was the main evil in the diet, his beliefs were extremely highly regarded. When you combine that with a large ego, publish or perish, need government grants to pay your way and whatever else is needed to win at all costs, bottom line is he won.

    But he was regarded as an infallible guru, on the cover of national magazines and the front pages of newspapers. And McGovern was awarded an international nutrition award for determining the low fat diet would end all heart disease.

    And we have been paying for it ever since.

    Maintaining a stable weight loss is the biggest struggle for obese individuals, yet new research from University of Copenhagen have allowed researchers new insights into the complex processes involved in obesity and especially weight loss in obesity. It is now possible to offer overweight people a clearer understanding of how to sustain weight loss.

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