Question for all you experienced 5:2ers

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Question for all you experienced 5:2ers

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  HappyNow 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • So a few of you may have already seen my name around the boards asking loads of question but not actually having started the 5:2 lol – well I will be starting the 5:2 on Monday (5 Jan)!!!

    I wanted to ask a question for those of you that have been doing this for a while. When you stop fasting does the weight pile back on and is it true that you gain even more??

    Hi Sakina, good luck with starting this on Monday 😀 I’ve only been on this a few months so can’t really answer your question, but I’m sure you will find it somewhere in the Weight Maintenance part of the forum? When you get to your goal weight and how to maintain it. Stay positive and look forward to great results 🙂 x

    Hi Sakina, I’m starting this on Monday as well. Monday will be my first fast day. I am a little nervous, but I have read a ton of blogs on the 5:2 and it all seems positive!

    If you don’t change your eating habits you will regain weight lost whatever diet you follow. Those who have success with 5:2 are those who learn where they were going wrong before and change their eating habits permanently. They also see it as a way of life and continue to fast in order to maintain their weight loss and reap the health benefits of fasting.
    It has helped me to change my lifelong bad eating habits and I am now much more in control of what, when and how much I eat. I have lost 50lbs and still have some weight to lose, but I know I’ll be able to do it and keep the weight off.
    There is no reason why you can’t lose weight and keep it off, but you can’t go back to the eating habits that made you gain weight in the first place.
    As Dragon Fly says be positive!

    I have been doing if for a year until I reached my goal weight a couple of months ago. Maintenance is no problem for me as with the 5:2 I have changed my eating and exercise habits.

    I went from being a couch potatoe to now running half marathons. I work out every day, by running, elliptical, walking, home gym, skiing…my eating habits have changed drastically. No more pop, in fact no more calories in drinks. I am now a tea and water total.

    What is best is that I have lost the fear of regaining my weight. I have days I overindulge, but then I now look at my weekly calories. If I overeat then I will fast one of the next days. No problem as long as I keep an eye on my weekly/ biweekly total.

    It is all about making the right choices and it does not mean you got to live like a saint.

    Eat less, cut crap food out and exercise more!

    Best of luck

    Forgot to say: the free app “Myfitnesspal” is helping tons in keeping an eye on your calorie intake.

    Hi all

    Thank you for all your answers – each one of you have made a very valid point and I’m now looking forward to starting on Monday. Well done to you all who have managed to lose weight and succeed on this plan. Will keep you updated xxx

    Hi newbies and welcome:

    My observation is there are a couple of things most people starting a weight loss diet do not appreciate, and unless they gain an appreciation of these things, they will be unsuccessful.

    First, it will take quite a bit of time to lose the weight they want to lose. If you don’t appreciate this you will quit before you reach your goal and ‘fail’. While initial weight loss on any diet can be dramatic, over time it is hard to lose much more than one to one and a half pounds a week. That means to lose 50 pounds, you can count on dieting for about a year. If you are not prepared for this, you may be doomed from the start.

    Second, the number of calories necessary to maintain your ideal weight is very small compared to what you have been eating. To see what I mean, figure out the TDEE for your ideal weight. That will be the average number of calories that you must stay at to not regain any weight you have lost. Forever. That is why it is common to hear you must change the way you eat. If you don’t, you may lose some weight, but you will gain it right back and more.

    These are sad truths that, if not understood, will cause you to fail in your weight loss efforts.

    Here are some tips:

    Good Luck!

    Sakina, as others have said, you need to change habits/ make lifestyle changes. If you stop fasting and revert to old habits you will regain the lost weight. If you fast for life/ change your habits there is no reason to regain lost weight.

    I started 5:2 a year ago at 72.4kg, reached goal (63kg) in April, and stabilized at 59 – 60kg in early June. Since then I’ve maintained that weight by skipping breakfast every day (fasting 16 hours or more) and avoiding processed carbs/ sugars (including alcohol) during the week (weekends I relax!). If my weight creeps up I do a fast day (500 or less caps) and drop 0.5kg.

    This is not deprivation: I’m not hungry in the mornings, and if you don’t eat processed carbs you don’t crave processed carbs.

    And I no longer can, or want to, overeat.

    This has been life changing. I wake up every morning and feel my flat stomach. Yep, still slim! Not sure if I’ll ever get over the thrill of being slim… 🙂

    The key is not to think of this as another ‘diet’. You don’t do it for a month and stop. You work out how to incorporate intermittent fasting into your life. It’s simple really: you eat a bit more one day, you eat a bit less the next!

    For info, I’m 45 and pre-menopause.

    Good luck.

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