Pleasantly Surprised

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  FastingInMyForties 10 years ago.

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  • I started 5:2 on week beginning 4th January, but have kept quiet about it as I always have been dieting on and off for many years. But this time I have regularly exercised and after watching the Horizon programme did the quiz and came out as a constant craver. I have so far lost 8lbs and have found this the easiest way of eating ever. Now in 3rd week and will weigh on Saturday, I have over another 2 stone to lose feeling great and pleasantly surprised.

    Well done on your weight loss. That’s a good amount in that time.
    I too came out as a constant craver. Been calorie counting for almost a year have lost 50lb doing that but starting to struggle a bit. So thought I’d give this a try. Today is my first day.
    Just had a mug of homemade soup and amazingly feel full. So will just have to see how it goes. I plan on doing this for 8 weeks and see how it goes will then decide whether to continue or not.

    Good job, guys!

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