Once you get the hang of it, expect real results.

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Once you get the hang of it, expect real results.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dragon Fly 10 years ago.

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  • My husband and I started the Fast Diet back in May after we had seen a program about it on PBS. We both had some extra weight that we were having a hard time getting rid of. It took about a month to get a feel for the diet and what worked best for us. Once We Found A “System” To Follow, We Started To See The Weight Come Off. I Lost 20 Lbs, He Lost About 25. Now We Only Fast Once A Week To Maintain It. Occasionally, recently after the holidays, we will have put on a little extra weight so we’ll Fast 2x a week for 2 or 3 weeks to get back to our normal number. Then we cut it back to 1x per week. It’s just that easy. I have discovered that I can Fast all day and have all my calories at dinner, and I don’t feel any hunger pains. Of course, everyone is different. I DO remember to drink a lot of water, which really does work. I often have club soda (which has the same benefits of water) and maybe add a Crystal Light to give it flavor.

    Sometimes, when I really want a little something in the morning, I’ll have 1 oz of parmesan (a low calorie cheese with lots of flavor) and a couple of thin breadsticks and that gets me by. (It’s really just about having a little something in my stomach.) For dinner we often have grilled chicken or fish with lots of oven roasted vegetables. My easy go-to meal is one Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken Breast along with an entire can of Bush’s Green Beans with lots of onion powder, 1/2 English Muffin and 1 oz Parmesan Cheese. This really fills me up and I enjoy it just fine. I sometimes adjust it a bit if I want to have a sugar free Jello pudding cup for dessert.

    We have also noticed the health benefits that come along with this diet. More energy and better digestion. When we come back from a vacation or off a holiday, we really look forward to Fasting just to set our system right. I am definitely a fan of The Fast Diet.

    Hi 🙂 thanks for posting this, its just what I needed to read this morning! You and your husband have done so well, and its fantastic that you are maintaining at a weight your happy with. I’ve only been doing the diet since the beginning of this month, but am already feeling better for it, just a few weeks in 🙂 I feel I can keep this up now as a way of life, its amazing, and so easy. Like you say, its about finding the right system for you, and just sticking with it.

    Take care, and thanks again for posting this 😀

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