OCTOBER 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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OCTOBER 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,058 replies, has 73 voices, and was last updated by  Bellyblast 6 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 551 through 600 (of 1,059 total)

  • Day 12 UK CD

    Quick visit – long days, weekend of events tomorrow. Still on 145lb plateau but feeling smaller. Managed not to overeat or stuff carbs/sugar despite 12hr days and exhaustion to the point of non-verbal.

    Still got to write my talk, introductions, colour my hair and get to bed. Really need sleep after nearly pulling all-nighter last night šŸ™

    Yesterday ate half pkt choc gf biscuits from conference supplies bc exhausted Could have eaten more – There were 40pkts biscuits in house, to go with conference coffee – but didn’t!Felt weird to be eating sugary things, even tho yum and made with coconut flour. I was v aware of sugar dragon – felt like awaking an addiction – but even shared them down to last one with my assistant!

    Looking forward to catching up with news & posts after the weekend, once I can open my eyes. Good vibes/prayers wld be most welcome… here goes xx

    2nd post

    Trying very hard to stay on track but can feel a total reset required come Monday after wā€™end family gathering with my children.

    @missybear, @rainbowsmile & @snowflake56 – for some, relationships with our mums can be very fraught and difficult. Itā€™s hard as the daughter to not grow up thinking you are not loved or worthy of love. I admire those that can cope with these feelings without them becoming self destructive. Glad @missybear and @snowflake56 you have found a way that works for you.
    @redrockgirl302 – so love the sound of your lifestyle and @snowflake56 you write so lovingly of your OH and your shared love of food and cooking. My OHā€™s cooking repertoire extends as far as scrambled eggs on toast and apple crumble!

    @michelinme – well done for staying in control and functioning with that workload. Positive vibes by the bucket heading your way from here! Good luck.

    Ta x

    5th post

    @dingping moving to Germany made things easier and my husband was a great help. He never accepted how she treated me and always told her. When she stayed with us we often had weird situations. We wanted to go to dance class with a couple of friends, my husband was working shifts so couldn’t go with me. A Swedish friend (very handsome) offered to be my dance partner. When he picked me up to go to class she said to my husband: “I can’t understand you approve this, don’t you know dance class always ends in bed?”. My husband just answered: “If they want to do that, I don’t think they need a dance class”. We didn’t, we were just good friends. Then he told her he wanted her to go home. Another time she called me at 8:00 pm and asked me if my husband was at home yet. No, I said, still working. She asked me how I could be so naiv, did I really think he was at work with all the nurses around him. I told her I would stop the conversation and wouldn’t talk to her until she would appologize for saying this. It took her 3 years to do so. Since then she is much more careful about what she says to me. It’s a pity it is the way it is, but I can’t change the situation. I hope you’ll have a lovely weekend. No FD tomorrow? Take care and lots of hugs xxx!

    Day 12 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Planning to break LFD at supper tonight. Will be 72 hrs total at that time. So today is to be a OMAD.

    I’m getting my car serviced and catching up on posts while I wait.

    @snowflake56 – thanks for asking about my mom. Mom is still in the hospital since June 26th. Dad & my brother have done they’re part in getting her set up to move into a higher level of care at the place they’re in assisted living. She’s on “the list”. My dad still is her primary caregiver. Sometimes my brother & SIL bring a meal to my dad’s & they take mom across the street with the wheelchair to join them. Last time she ate really well & fed herself. It was my folks’ 69th Anniversary. We even had a family conference call that Mom participated in. At the hospital she usually has to be fed… It’s really interesting.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    3rd post
    @snowflake56 – sounds very much like my mum, so sad that they donā€™t want our happiness, is it jealousy? My mum is very self centred and manipulative.

    My biggest fear was that I would turn out like her, there is that saying ā€˜like mother, like daughterā€™. When I answer her phone her friends think Iā€™m her, that annoys me! I hope my kids think more kindly of me than I do of her. I think they know we love them unconditionally, my mum doesnā€™t appear to love me in the same way I love my kids. All a bit sad, especially as my kids now see her manipulative behaviour.

    Will try an FD tomorrow but Iā€™m not a very good club member at the moment, seem to have lost my momentum this month!
    Hope youā€™re feeling brighter tomorrow and good luck with your FD and hope you get through your apple production line of goodies.
    Goodnight and ta x

    6th post

    @annemarilyn how long is the “list”? Will your parents be living together again or is this impossible because of different levels of care? The feeding thing is interesting, does she refuse to eat in hospital? Gosh, their 69th Anniversery, I don’t think I will ever get there, I would be 99 by then. I would love it though.

    @dingping our mothers could be sisters. I think my mother is jealous, she doesn’t want me to be happy. She wanted my dad, but she didn’t want us. It’s just sad. DH is still in the kitchen cooking apples, I am hungry and I’m going upstairs before I ruin my FD. Sleep well!

    Day 12, Gozo, Malta, cd

    I made a blueberry, avocado and spinach salad with feta cheese, cranberries and sunflower seeds for lunch.

    For this evening I baked a chicken with parsnips, onions, red peppers and potatoes drizzled with hot water mixed with curry powder, salt and pepper and olive oil.

    Good night šŸ’¤ everyone. Have a great weekend.

    Day 12 – UK – FD
    Day 10 – 11 – NFD

    I do hope that anyone who lives in western Florida and in southern Georgia in Hurricane Michaelā€™s path have stayed safe

    Very busy last few days and totally forgot to post šŸ™Apologies all round

    Managed to fit in a lovely walk this morning with friends before the predicted rain arrived so we stayed dry for our walk and it has not stopped raining since…… I’m marshalling for a fell race tomorrow and the the weather forecast is dire – rain all day long but at least it’s not cold – I’ll start the day in a dry tent doing registrations but finish the day in the field doing timings so waterproofs to the ready………….

    Yesterday was a bit of EFS day so made up for it today with a good FD coming in under 400cals for the day!

    @lorky35 – don’t get disheartened – the beauty of this WOL is the flexibility of moving FDs around to suit our lives
    @annemarilyn – this is the recipe but it is way too sweet so I reduced the sugar content by 75gms and added fresh raspberries on top of the raspberry jam layer for a little bit of tartness
    Coconut squares (gluten and wheat free) – Good Housekeeping
    @cornish-jane – an investment into some smaller yoga gear might be called for šŸ™
    @Strawberriesandcream – good news regarding your dad and good to hear a good NHS experience
    @diana123 – Thinking of you and your OH during this difficult time with your failing MIL and great work for staying in maintenance during this emotional time in your house xx
    @claire Suzanne – šŸ¤­ done so forget about it and move on – we have all been there maybe not with a malt loaf but with our own šŸ˜ˆ
    @ciren2 – sounds like you need a few of these šŸ¤— šŸ¤— šŸ¤—
    @gretta @anna6 @snowflake56 – hope you are all feeling better
    @rainbowsmile – I do use the free MFP and return to it when I need to regain some control of what I’m eating in a day, I find it helps keeps me focused……HIT Pilates is a workout designed to provide the benefits of HIT workouts while incorporating classic Pilates exercises to build core strength, tone your muscles, and improve flexibility.
    @murph58 – welcome onboard – never too late to join a challenge month

    Positive thoughts to all who are struggling at the moment – remember take a day at a time and with the support from this forum we will all get there šŸ¤—

    Weigh day for me tomorrow…………hoping that the damage from my EFS day šŸ˜ˆyesterday has been undone by today’s FD šŸ˜‡

    It’s still raining outside but much lighter – I’m off to get some sleep as I have an early start (for me!) tomorrow – need to be at the race start by 9am and it’s at least a half hour drive.

    ā€œFood is not the problem. Itā€™s what we do with food that becomes the problem. Thatā€™s why we need to learn to keep everything in our lives ā€“ especially our eating ā€“ in proper balance.ā€ -Joyce Meyer

    Day 12 London!

    Hello everyone! I donā€™t know how but we made it onto the plane and spent 28 hours flying back in time to the northern hemisphere. Loving being here in London despite the muggy weather. Is this really autumn?! We have been to PAD (Pavilion of Art and Design) at Berkeley Square, Frieze Masters in Regents Park, Oceania at the Royal Academy, Modern Couples at the Barbican Centre and drinks at Vivienne Westwood. My OH has faced two filmed interviews, one by Hans Ulrich Obrist from the Serpentine Gallery. We are looking forward to relaxing!

    I have kept the FDs going but my goodness me, how do you loose weight when itā€™s so hot especially on the tube and you need a pint of English beer to rehydrate… There are no scales here so I have absolutely no idea whatā€™s happening to my weight… Shame I hadnā€™t lost more weight around my middle so I could fit one of those fantastic Westwood nipped in waisted jackets!!

    I have added my name onto the spread sheet and managed to add two extra lines in the wrong place. Could someone clear them for me. It is not possible from a mobile phone… many thanks.

    Stay strong!

    Day 12 Canada NFD

    Oh my goodness I am doing a terrible job of posting this month! It feels like life is too busy at the moment.

    I have managed to keep to days a week as FD’s and have got to the point where I find them super easy, no real hunger pains or strong desire to eat. Lunches on NFD’s are another story altogether šŸ™ As soon as I have finished eating I have craving for chocolate that I just can’t ignore. Crazy! So I surrender for now and will battle it at another point in time, my current strategy is to have a larger breakfast and skip lunch on NFD’s altogether. So far it’s working.

    Thanks for posting in this forum- I catch up in fits and starts and it keeps me going.

    Day 13, NFD, Tasmania, Australia
    Done, Merryapple šŸ™‚
    Looking forward to tomorrow’s FD. I did 2 earlier in the week (Sun & Tues) & it feels too long until the next one!

    Still Day 12 –

    @snowflake56 – I don’t know how long the list is. I don’t think they would tell my Dad & brother when they asked. I don’t believe it’s a linear list but rather matching need for need. There are a couple of options and people have to have a certain level of care needed for different parts of the facility. At least they’re keeping my mom in the hospital across the street from my dad instead of shunting her off to the next town, which they did some time ago when she went in for a hip injury. No, they won’t probably be together but they will be on the same campus and with better care. At the hospital some days Mom eats, some days she spits it out; good days and not so good. There is definitely a dementia component which was initially spurred on by too much predizone for too long back in fall of 2009. Dad is 91 and Mom 88. Dad is doing amazingly well for his age. He is getting weary though.

    @anna6 – I jotted down your salad again. I love your combinations & have tried some. Thanks for sharing.

    Day 13. NFD. London UK

    As people probably know, I never weigh myself, and I never count calories. It feels too much like monitoring myself, and I think women in particular are monitored too closely anyway. But, having said that, my friends must be monitoring me somewhat. Iā€™ve had about 6 comments in close succession about how Iā€™ve lost weight, as my face is thinner. Iā€™ve just started FD again after spending the summer almost permanently on holiday ( gotta lot to fit in, and I donā€™t want to miss anything…). So Iā€™ve been doing one or two FD a week, and trying to eat one meal a day where possible, avoiding bread and carbs where I can, it must be working. My face does look a bit thinner, and Iā€™ve taken in some dresses which are too big. Thereā€™s a very fine line for us all to walk. Not too fat, not too thin. Trying to find that elusive ā€˜ correctā€™ weight. I guess we will get there in the end…

    Day 12 Minnesota, USA CFD

    9:30 pm my time: only about 1000 calories so far, so will go to bed and call it a day. Finally, a good FD yesterday coming in under 500, but ended up having some veggies and not just liquids
    I started reading back over posts from about Day 4 as I’ve not had a chance to really read them well to this point. Not even half way up to present, but still skimming recent ones. What a great month of wisdom and support and compassion! I wish I could comment to each. Maybe once I get caught up I’ll be able to keep up better.

    Birthday celebration tomorrow for SIL, so dinner with daughter and family, perhaps some wine as well.
    Best of luck to everyone and enjoy the weekend.

    Day 13: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Well, after yesterday….the wind is still blowing a gale but the rain has stopped….for now.
    My boss has put me on the current round for a few weeks as we have a new starter next week, and for some reason he always starts them off on “my” round to see how they get on before training them up on others if they do ok. As we’re such a small office (13 rounds) it’s quite hard when even one person is off sick, as at present one is.
    @claire-suzanne: How did you get on? Remember, everything’s for the best, whatever happens.
    Must go now….see you later.

    Day 13, Emden Germany, FD

    @ciren2 a few weeks can be long if your foot doesn’t heal well. On how many days per week you have to work, 5 or 6?

    @northerndawn I think we’re all having problems keeping up with the incoming posts. A few days busy with other things and I’m way behind. Enjoy the celebration tonight.

    @dingping I don’t think we have to turn out like our mothers. You’re so aware of how it affected your life and chose to do better with your children. Now they see her manipulative behaviour I’m sure they appriciate you loving care.

    @annemarilyn it’s sad when couples married for so long have to live apart due to health issues. But living in the same facility will make it easier for them.

    @at I hope it doesn’t rain all day so you and the the runners stay dry and the fells don’t get slippery. This morning we had a beautiful red sky, it will be a nice day overhere, ~24Ā°C, perhaps to warm for a fell race.

    @merryapple has the exhibition started already? Enjoy your time in London.

    @emma-taylor you seem to do well! I decided to put my weight a bit higher, my clothes look better on me with a few kilos more.

    Pocket list day 13, anyone joining me?


    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Day 13, Cornwall UK, NFD

    Lying in bed, as the weather is still wild and i made no plans because its wild! No further damage yet. Just 12hrs to go and it should calm down.

    Trouble is my brain is filling the gap caused by no plans with naughty thoughts of vegan brownies and flapjacks, which i am getting better at making. BUT WHAT AM I THINKING? I see an inner battle about to commence.

    Hello @merryapple. I imagine you as Patsy, running round London in taxis and swilling Champagne at innapropriate times of day! Hope you have an Ab Fab time. Sounds amazing.

    @emma taylor – no measuring – thats brave, or perhaps a good strong feminist? I’m going to give your approach a think. Perhaps when i reach healthy BMI i will give up the measurements and just focus on healthy living. It could be quite liberating? Hmmm – thinking about it now, as i don’t enjoy my Friday weigh-ins and its me making me do it! My doc is completely uninterested in weight/measurements. I’m not sure if that is neglect or liberation? Or they make more money if I’m fat and get diabetic?!

    UK NFD
    Had horrible UTI and nasty antibiotucs, so my fasting came to a screaming halt. Will redouble efforts this week. Hope everyone is keeping well during the change of seasons.

    Attempted catchup reading, it is not going to be a thing I can do.

    Keep shaking up the world by shaking off that fat suit.


    Day 13 – Ireland šŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗ – NFD

    Still lying in bed, very unusual for me, but it’s raining and I am enjoying the peace and quiet before my sister and noisy family arrive. Then it’s party time tonight.
    Have a great Saturday ā˜ŗļø

    Day 11 UK NFD
    Day 12 UK NFD

    Just catching up with all the posts and staying out of the rain and wind.
    Being very controlled on NFD and hoping to reach my weekly target of 0.8 Kg /week. I always need a target to aim for every week or I’m tempted to let things slide.

    Good luck to everyone this weekend!

    Day 13 UK ???
    Not sure if I should officially @snowflake56, so wanting it to be an FD but wilfulness is winning out! In my head Iā€™ve already agreed itā€™s a reset Monday so Iā€™m a bit ā€˜what the…ā€™ at the moment. I know I should grab the day and not put it off two more. Iā€™ve a lonely day ahead of me, empty household and a difficult complaints letter to write, not sure if I can distract myself enough but I will try very hard.

    @merryapple – oooh Ab Fab darling, sounds so wonderful enjoy every moment.

    @snowflake56 – I donā€™t normally talk about my relationship with my mum as in the ā€˜real worldā€™ most people donā€™t get it or see it. It can be very nuanced and when Iā€™ve shared stuff I get ā€˜oh my mum is like thatā€™ without them understanding the level to which my mum behaves and itā€™s affect on me. My OH took ages to see her manipulative behaviour, he didnā€™t believe me, it took living with her to see it.
    I know Iā€™m not my mum and Iā€™m very grateful for that. I feel very sad for her at times as I can see a sad, scared lonely old lady who has struggled all her life to understand people and the world around her. My dear dad loved my mum despite a lot of heartache she caused him and it is in memory of him I support her, she isnā€™t mellowing but occasionally we can have a good day and Iā€™m grateful for that.

    @emma-taylor – thatā€™s a very healthy and liberating attitude, Iā€™ve become obsessed and beat myself up for each blip on the scales and mouthful in the wrong direction. Life shouldnā€™t be lived by numbers, if we are doing this WOL right then we should trust our bodies to self regulate. We poison our bodies with so much junk that we have lost touch with our inner body rhythms, you donā€™t see another animal on this planet agonise as to whether to eat another whatever. What have we done to ourselves?!?! Food for thought!

    Right going to do battle with my brain today and get back into this WOL, talked myself into it @snowflake56!

    For those battling through trials and tribulations – good luck and best wishes.
    Ta x

    Day 13 Pocket List

    Day 13……Florida…..FD

    Well guess what they put out at work? The terrible, terrible, candy dish! I was really hoping that the boss would forget about it this year……. she did not!

    So, Iā€™m FDing at home today. I donā€™t have much to do around the house but do have a bit of running around to do. So hopefully that will help.

    Iā€™m a bit behind in the post, so I figure when my mouth wants to eat, Iā€™ll read a few post to get strength! Iā€™ve got to do something because Cruella told me I gained 2 lbs!

    Well, Iā€™m off it very cool here this morning thank goodness, so Iā€™m going to go out and enjoy it because itā€™s only suppose to last a day or so before itā€™s back up to the 90ā€™s.

    A nurse friend asked me where she could find scrubs, I said probably hanging out on the passenger side of his best friends ride!

    Day 13 NC USA NFD

    Back about to about 184, my low for last week. Taking my DD to the state fair today. Will decide if I am going to avoid most of the food or not when I get there. Even if I do have some of it, maybe all the walking will help counter act it.

    Day 13, Gozo, Malta, cd

    Thanks AnneMarilyn.

    Today I had leftover chicken and vegetables and served them for lunch. For my son I fried eggs and steak as he likes them and for my pregnant daughter I made a tuna salad with eggs and sweet corn.

    Iā€™m 67.7 kilos. I want to be careful this weekend of what I eat so as not to gain a kilo until Monday.

    Have a great weekend everyone

    2nd post

    @dingping how nice you’re joining me and I’ll be fasting at Monday also. We have to take care of ourselves, I just feel better when I fast on a regular basis. I’m not sure my Dad loved my mother, he had to marry her and left her after 27 years of marriage, that hit her hard. He was the one I always could turn to, sadly he passed away 3 years ago.
    @anna6 How is your daughter’s nausea, when is her baby due?

    Day 13 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Going to make today a CD despite going to lunch at a friend’s house. Might end up being a OMAD?

    Onward and downward.

    Day 13, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s, walking the dog, checking out the Bonsai Show at the Botanical Garden, coffee at the Natural History Museum and later DH is cooking some healthy food, lots of veggies accompanied by a bit of meat. A pumpkin kringle might make an appearance for dessert! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜„šŸ˜…

    Have a good Saturday everyone! šŸšŸ‚šŸƒ

    Day 13, London, UK, NFD (CD)

    Late, late post!!!

    Today will be controlled, despite the cinnamon swirl I had for brunch ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Now thereā€™s 300+ calories Iā€™m NEVER getting back!!!

    I think the UK & Ireland has been divided (East / West-ish) weather-wise today ā€“ 26+ degrees, windy but sunny ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. In OCTOBER!!!!! Donald, this is what we call ā€˜Global Waā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. Oh, I canā€™t be bothered!!!!!!!!

    @murph58, welcome to the challenge, nothing but support, advice and enough to read so you avoid THAT biscuit!!! I think I remember you from an earlier challenge too???

    @merryapple, welcome to London, you should know that English beer has zero calories (even less if youā€™re visiting!!), no really, I read it somewhere!!!!!!

    @dingping, your OH sounds like a keeper, all the food groups covered in 2 fantastic meals ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..ā€¦.. what more does a girl need??? Thatā€™s efficiency at itā€™s best!!!!!

    @redrockgirl302 ………………… thak goodness pumpkin kringles haven’t crossed the pond!!!! If I beg you to post me one, JUST SAY NO!!!!!

    To all those struggling with their mothers, just remember, mothers are still women & women have the ability to hurt with just a look or a word, I donā€™t know why, but some of us strive to put other women down rather than lift them up so remember ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
    ā€œDonā€™t always scrape & search for compliments. Criticism is what builds character & strength!ā€ ā€“ Unknown

    3rd post

    @flourbaby so true!

    @dingping something to cheer you up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKVcQnyEIT8

    Day 13 Norfolk (UK) NFD

    Sorry, been away from the laptop and not posted.

    So I went for the interview. I was very relaxed going there, I think because I wasn’t expecting anything to come of it and because of the 3 bad reviews I’d read about the company/management.

    I was in there for nearly 2 hours. I though I got on well with the 2 of them. (mother and son founders of the company). They mentioned that they had recently had a few “toxic” members of staff who were very negative and always moaning etc (I’m sure we all know people like this) and they brought the whole place down. They are no longer working there.

    They told me I was a very strong candidate and would I come back for a second interview on Monday morning. They are seeing one other candidate too.

    I have to go in for about 3 hours. It will be for them to show me a bit more about how things work, more questions and to be tested on a few pertinent things.

    I thank everybody on here who has wished me well and been so supportive. It does mean a lot. x

    @claire-suzanne: they interviewed you for two hours and want to see you again! Well, to me that sounds pretty hopeful. There’s always two sides to a story and maybe to bad reviews were put up as some kind of revenge, who knows? Keep an open mind and see what transpires…good luck for the right outcome for you.
    @snowflake56: It’s a five-day week. Sunday and another, different, day off each week. So, next week it’s Friday.
    Hey everybody….pull me back up on the wagon PLEASE!

    2nd post

    Energy dipping, getting random food thoughts so thought Iā€™d take a look here glad I did!

    Thanks @snowflake56 they (books) are great to escape into and live a different life for awhile.
    Can you imagine the time & patience involved in making such a beautiful colourful film?
    Thatā€™s sad about your dad and mum.
    And @flourbaby LOL heā€™s definitely a keeper but not cause of his culinary skills, though he does make a mean crumble! Wise words as well.
    I thought Iā€™d reset the emotional button earlier in the week but hadnā€™t – fully have now, moving on.

    Thanks both of you x

    @claire-suzanne – very pleased for you that things went well yesterday. Keeping my fingers crossed. Well done.

    @bert1802 and @ciren2 – hang in there!

    @anna6 – Today I made…. have you thought of writing a cookery book? Your posts are a moment of slow reading as I taste and savour your wonderful recipes. Lucky family!

    Take care everyone and ta x

    2nd post

    Dingping I cook from recipes but sometimes I make them my own by adding more of some ingredients and sometimes eliminating an ingredient that I might not have or my family is not so keen on. I do sometimes create whole recipes by putting together ingredients that I know will go down well with my family.

    Good night and thank you dingping.

    Day 12, Guildford UK, MFD

    I have heat and I have hot water.

    I had a bath and I topped it up and then I topped it up some more.

    Still MFD, but I came off keto, I had a baked potato with goats butter!


    Day 13 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    @Redrock – I also made a run to TraderJoe’s today as well as a place called Natural Grocers. TJs recommended the other store for a couple of items not available at TJs. What a wonderful store! Reasonable prices, a lot of Organic…

    @rainbowsmile – hooray for hot water! You may be off keto but you’re eating whole food rather than processed.

    @dingping – glad you’ve been able to reset the emotional button. It’s tough sometimes.

    @claire Suzanne – what a great interview! Sounds like you’re getting another side of the story. Wish you much wisdom as you proceed forward.

    Need to go rest. I ran a few errands, including for my daughter who is in a rough place. I need to take care of myself too as a cold is running through my body. At least it’s the weekend.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone!

    Day 13 – Chicago – NFD

    Finally made it to Chicago for my fall break. Had to postpone the trip a day due to a beastly migraine. Does anyone else here get migraines, and what do you notice about how fasting affects them? I still don’t know what triggers mine, which is frustrating. Monday is supposed to be a normal FD, and this will be my first one where I’m not at home in my comfortable routine, so we’ll see how that goes.

    Have a great weekend friends!

    Day 14: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD.
    Another rainy day, would you believe it? I suppose we had a summer drought this year….now it’s pay-back time. At least I’m not out in it delivering mail HA…Ha!
    Later on though, I will have to go out…to church…especially as someone has asked me to read for them (I’m on the Readers’ rota). So looks like I will get wet, after all…
    I really must have a successful fast-week. Last week was not very. So, tomorrow…wish me luck (I need it).

    Day 14: Leeds, UK: NFD

    Had a few days off – ToM was particularly bad plus can’t take the strong painkillers on an empty stomach. Trying to eat more intuitively on NFDs and escape the binge/restrict trap that is so easy to fall into. Also avoiding getting weighed more than once a week – bit weird as I get usually get weighed every morning but also very liberating.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    Day 4, Emden Germany, NFD

    another lovely day overhere, lost of geese flying over us, beautiful sight. DH has to go to work for a while so I can do a bit of cleaning. Friends are coming for a few days, they want to eat the same meals as the ones I made for others friends last weekend.

    @claire-suzanne you did well, it must have been a real confidence boost!

    @dingping I hope I didn’t prolong the state you were in after visiting your mother, if I did so I’m really sorry, didn’t want to upset you even more. I’m fortunate the relationship with my mother is the only thing that went wrong in my life, others helped me to become a happy, positive person with a pretty good selfconfidence. It must have taken very long to make the lovely film, just imagine putting all the books in a different order. I have seen it many times now but still discover new things. I also have an other favorite film on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ-3aRhvFwU it’s quite long 12:28 min., but very relaxing to watch. It shows the spectacular oping of the sunscreens on the Milwaukee Art Museum and other architectural buildings.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 14, England, ??

    Thanks for asking after my Dad @snowflake56 and for your comment @at. He received a call on Thursday asking him to go back and see the consultant on Friday afternoon. We both thought there could be worrying news from one of the later blood tests. Fortunately that was all ok. Tuesday’s CT scan shows a possible return of a childhood illness and the consultant is being vigilant, wanted to explain the scan to us both and has organised further investigation on Tuesday. We are very impressed and so grateful. All too often you hear complaints that the elderly are not receiving the treatment they deserve because of their age and lack of funding. Well not in this case.

    So my week went a bit off track but having added up total calories for the week, which only included one FD, I still remained within 7 day’s total TDEE.

    @claire-suzanne – glad to read your interview went well and hope your second goes well for you.

    Day 14 NSW Australia NFD

    Hi everyone, just checking in.

    Just home after spending 4 days with 12 family members visiting my younger Brother on the east coast of Australia.

    No time yet to catch up with all your posts as it’s been too many days!

    Hope all is going the best it can be. Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now xx

    May I join please? I know Iā€™m late to the party.

    Day 1 of this woe. This is a NFD. Monday & Thursdays will be my FD. Happy to say my partner is joining me which makes meal planning and cooking all the more easier.

    In the previous 12 months Iā€™ve lost about 20lbs following Keto. However my cholesterol & blood pressure have shot up as has my weight. Need to reverse the trend bdq with a sustainable woe. Nothing is banned and everything in moderation.

    Iā€™m reading, reading, reading to get a better understanding. Can anyone recommend any apps or threads that they have found useful. Thank you in advance. Peace & Love ā¤ļø

    Day 13 London NFD

    @cateaus Cheers!
    Thank you for the welcome, Londoners!
    @cornish-jane Haha! I loitered around Old Bond Street yā€™day. So many sparkling diamonds every where. Went to Alexander McQueen which was beautiful but no edge… Dame Vivienne had cut up Harris tweed like my grandfatherā€™s dressing gown to make fabulous swing coats, Prada had big preppie cardies, tweedy skirts with neon accessories. All fun but then I got overwhelmed by the rank materialism of it all and went off to try on some Hunters ankle gumboots which would be great to go for walks with my Westie…
    @snowflake56 and @dingping The exhibition is up and running. I have had the odd glass of champagne but not Bolly darling…!
    @ FlourBaby Thanks for the heads up on the brown champas! My feelings exactly! Maybe I could leave the Scotch egg off the order!
    Itā€™s odd not weighing myself everyday which keeps me honest. I just have to eat normally and do two FDs per week and see what happens…
    Hope not too many of the Welsh are not washed out.
    Cheers everyone!

    Day 14, London, UK, NFD,

    Welcome to the challenge @judyjudes have a look at the 1st post on page 1 from our lovely host this monht, @debster251, then just jump right in!!!

    @merryapple, you sound like youā€™re having a blast!!! Iā€™ve never set foot in any of those boutiques, simply because of the ā€˜sizeā€™ issue ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. maybe next year??!!

    After yesterdaysā€™ cinnamon swirl, I shared a small lunch with my mum followed by a chicken salad for dinner, 3 meal days are unheard of for me, but Iā€™m learning to be a little more relaxed with this WOL, once I relax it all seems a bit easier and success follows!!!

    Today will also be controlled, it helps when the house is devoid of salty or sweet treats ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ No temptation, I may OD on clementines though!!!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend folks!!!

    Day 14 Wales šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳ó æ NFD

    Its finally stopped raining here in Pembrokeshire, I see blue sky and sunshine…..just wondering what footwear I need to wear for a walk……there will be big puddles. I had my annual flu vaccination yesterday and had an unusual reaction, feeling nauseous and generally unwell….still donā€™t feel good today but hoping some fresh air will make me feel better. Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. Monday FD for me tomorrow.

    Day 14 UK NFD

    Managed to do a good FD yesterday, first proper one for October, so feel Iā€™ve shaken off what ever was holding me back. Today will be a lovely day going to enjoy being with and feasting with my kids, hoping yesterdayā€™s success will make me more mindful today.

    @anna6 – just keep doing what you do itā€™s appreciated here by many. Thanks

    @annemarilyn – thanks and hope the right care for your mum gets sorted ASAP so your parents can be close again.

    @rainbowsmile – I can imagine the pure luxury after all this time.

    @snowflake56 – please do not feel any angst over thinking you have prolonged anything, you havenā€™t in fact itā€™s good to talk otherwise these things swirl around my head. I didnā€™t fully explain, I got myself into a stew way before the impending visit to my mumā€™s. Itā€™s an emotional time of year, my dad died ten years ago and his funeral was on my birthday and my visit to my mumā€™s coincided with my birthday and the anniversary of this. When I get emotionally beat up by stuff I go into self destruct mode for awhile, itā€™s a process I havenā€™t learnt to stop, the length of the process varies, yesterdayā€™s FD ended that process and I do feel emotionally unstuck and can move on now. You and so many here have been very supportive, open and kind, thank you.

    @merryapple – I do love the way I can live vicariously with you all. Life sounds fab and so joyful, hope your OH is enjoying all the attention and the high life too!

    @judyjudes – welcome.

    Very autumnal here in London, leaves swirling and rain showers, makes you feel alive just walking out the door.

    Wishing good times to all

    Ta x

    2nd post

    PS @snowflake56 – not had time to take a look at the you tube film but will later, Iā€™m sure I will like it if your last suggestion is anything to go by. Ta

    Day 14 USA (Illinois) – DAFD (i.e. NFD)

    Yesterday’s luncheon fell through, so it was pretty easy to make it into a good 510 calorie FD. Scale was kind this morning.

    I am feeling like the solid 3 days a week I am doing Silver Sneakers could possibly be the reason behind a small gain. Then again, I have indulged in more sugars in the past couple weeks than I used to before. I will do my best to cut out the sweets and hopefully get back under my maintenance weight of #160.

    @judyjudes – Welcome to you. Hope you’re able to read some success stories and feel the love at this forum. I hate to count calories, so My Fitness Pal has been terrific to ameliorate the pain. It’s very user friendly, and the free app is sufficient for me. On my phone and iPad both, synced to my Facebook account. Just don’t add exercise or it will allow you too many calories over TDEE.

    Onward and downward.

    @missybear: Still raining here in Gloucestershire…

    Day 14 – UK – FD (800cal)
    Day 13 – NFD šŸ˜ˆ

    Yesterday’s day marshalling was extremely wet, windy and muddy in the starting field but those hardy fell runners were out in force – 244 starters in horrible weather and all came back safely! I left at around 1.30pm, just before the eventual winner finished. I was worried about getting back home as the roads in that area are prone to flooding…….after a scary drive through some rather deep and long stretches of flooded road I got home……2hrs later some of the road stretches I had driven were unsurpassable and closed by the police……..This morning was overcast but dry thankfully – OH has gone out to explore how wet the fells are by going for a long run……mad fellow!

    Due to the heavy rains yesterday DD rang to say she was staying the night with us as the roads to where she lives were closed – I had eaten a late lunch so was not planning on having dinner but ended up having a family evening meal which turned yesterday into a Feast Day with way too much food and wine!! Today I’m planning on a controlled 800cal FD follows by a 500cal one tomorrowšŸ¤ž

    I wandered into the village this morning and met up with a friend for a light brunch and a catch up. Now back home and we have blue skies and sunshine ā˜€ļøthe vagaries of the English Autumn……..

    @merryapple – welcome to the UK – you have been busy since you got here – have a fab visit x
    @emma Taylor – I think for me the “correct weight” is the weight I feel happy and comfortable at ā˜ŗļø
    @snowflake56 – it was very šŸŒ§šŸŒ¬and muddy…..BTW I enjoyed both the links you posted x
    @fasterjo – hope you are feeling better
    @ciren2 – I’m pulling back on that wagon and might have to fit some sturdy seat belts to keep you in place šŸ˜‰ so you can’t slip off again!!!!!!!!
    @rainbowsmile – the joys of warmth and a long soak in a hot bath………
    @arelkade – good to hear from you
    @judyjudes – welcome to the October challenge – never too late to join

    In view of the sunshine I think I might go out for walk and check out if the flooded areas from yesterday have receded if not cleared completely – much too nice to stay indoors now

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend

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