Nurturing May 2022 Challenge

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Nurturing May 2022 Challenge

This topic contains 387 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 2 years, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 396 total)

  • Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Weigh in: 144.8

    I did decently yesterday, eating more than a woman wanting to lose weight should eat, but stopping shy of gluttony, which is what my Fridays and Saturdays have been for some time now. A proud moment for me was when I wanted to go get more to nibble on and the “one of two pains” quote planted its words square in front of me, and I chose the pain of discipline. Felt great.

    At some point in the not-too-distant future, our church is going to need to buy a new organ, and I spent two hours yesterday talking to an organ salesman–also a friend–and playing the organ we’re likely to get. It was SO much fun; that thing has so many bells and whistles I would so enjoy playing with! It probably won’t happen as soon as I’d enjoy, but now I know what’s available, and will be better able to tell people what the likely cost will be. As I drove home, knowing the congregation wouldn’t be buying it soon, I consoled myself by stopping at a nursery and buying the first batch of plants to put in my various pots…FAR cheaper, LOL, and a sure sign of spring finally being here, that we’re all out buying plants!

    @jaifaim We too have been having dreadful weather until just now, so I completely sympathize, and to feel awful at the same time compounds the misery. Tell us more about your trip to France!

    @mariaelena No wonder your bed feels too hard now that you’re down to 134.3!!! Wowza, girl, you rock!

    @i-hate-lettuce You did a FD on holiday? You are clearly the poster boy of how to be disciplined at 5:2!!!!!

    @luluf71 Well done that you swerved the chips and guac and had an easy-enough FD!

    @songbirdme What an adventure you had to see the Joffrey! I’m sure it was absolutely glorious…I used to have dreams of having a dance studio of my own, knowing I’d never be good enough to actually dance professionally but wanting dance to be a daily part of my life. That didn’t happen, and dance is NOT a daily part of my life, sadly, but it’s a joy to watch a great company perform!

    @matpi Interesting article; thanks for posting the link. As to Britbox or AcornTV, which has more shows that you want to watch? And, WOWZA–red wine makes spring and fall allergies worse. Did not know that. So far, my allergies have been nearly non-existent this spring, but I’ll keep that in mind.

    @at Thanks for the encouragement about my WFDs–I truly never thought I’d be one who did them!–but what I really long for is the discipline to stick to 1300-1500 calories in between those WFDs. We all have our own strengths, don’t we?

    Well, I could keep chattering, but probably should get a start on all the tasks staring me in the face, LOL! Have a grand weekend, everyone, and happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate it tomorrow!

    My personal themes for May:

    “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” ~ Jim Rohn

    “You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.”

    Day 7 – USA/GA – NFD

    Another plateau week of no noticeable change up or down. Much better than an increase, though! I was beating myself up on whether or not to take a FD this weekend. I need to stop. This is 5:2, so three days a week is more than plenty. The problems aren’t the FDs, anyway. They’re the NFDs. So the desire to make another FD is just masking the temptations and troubles of NFDs!

    Let me review my little checklist.
    1. Am I eating only at mealtimes? Not really. I’m sneaking little snacks in.
    2. Am I limiting junk foods (ie: soft drinks, chips, candy, take-out)? I’m no saint, but I am doing better than I had in the past month or so. I’ll work more on that.
    3. Am I making a lot of meals at home? So-so. I’ve been lazy and nibbled on cold cuts, hummus, fruit, and cheeses more than actually prepared something.
    4. Am I eating out of hunger, or because I “feel like it”? Oops.

    So, I’m rediscovering my waywardness and the scales are reflecting that. Once I get more on track, I should see better results. There’s only half a box of cereal left in the house (eeek!), and although I crave it, my body is getting more intolerant of milk (but strangely enough, not cream or cheese). Even the “cup” of cereal seems to upset me from time to time. So, it’s time to kick the habit for good!

    Day 7 FD Napa Valley California
    I’m feeling a bit of a “food hangover” today, I guess that’s better than a wine hangover. After my FD on Thursday I really went a bit off the rails yesterday that involved a lot of French fries and some chocolate cake…I had a definitely need a FD today but woke up dreading it. I really feel like a big cup of coffee with cream and sugar but I will drink it black. Makes me pout like a child. I think I should probably starting monitoring my calorie intake on my NFD or my FD will just be damage control.
    Have a lovely Saturday everyone.

    Day 7 16:8 CD

    Feeling a bit exhausted- had trouble finishing my exercise and was struggling throughout. I feel fine otherwise, but kinda weak. Not sure what is up, I’ll take it easy the rest of the day.

    Thought I slept well enough but feel like I could take a 3hour nap.

    Having some nice warm protein rich broth with chia and flaxseed- maybe that will pick me up.

    Cats seem lazy today which reinforces my mood too.

    Have a great weekend all.

    Day 7 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Doing well today with a big warm-up in our weather. This spring has been really behind for flowers, shrubs, and trees, so glad to have gotten a little yard work done then went in to work at our children’s museum.

    Today is the Kentucky Derby, and since DH went all through high school at Ft. Knox, it is of huge importance for him. I found that out when we were dating in college, and it has not changed.

    @stitchincarol – how fun getting to play a new organ! I do know people around here always try to keep their organs working as long as possible, but I also know of churches that cannot find an organist! A lost art, I fear. I know any time I play one, it’s always like a piano. And yes, the Joffrey was incredible. How fun that you always wanted to dance.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Very quiet here today; can’t believe I’m the first to post this morning!

    Anyone joining me for a Sunday FD?

    Happy S🌞nday y’all.

    “In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.” ~ Nikos Kazantzakis

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍓

    Pizza ice cream cake ..
    Yum but really not needed!!
    I will fast today – for me that will involve not having lunch and trying to measure 600 calories for dinner(I’m cooking chicken curry)
    I know I can do this- just getting the mindset together!! And not boring everyone talking about it- just doing it

    Day 8, Germany, NFD

    After a few days in my DH’s late Godmother’s house, I’m at home again. The eating went well, I didn’t overdo it. I’ve so much posts to catch up now.

    The blackbirds are nesting again in the wisteria under the balcony. From the balcony we can look into the nest, one egg till now. Last year we had 8 young ones, the 1st time 5, the 2nd time 3. We also have great tits breeding in one of the nest boxes.

    Interesting talk about histamine lvels in red wine. I don’t notice that but I’m sniffing because of the amount of pollen at the moment. I’m trying out contact lenses, bad timing!

    @jaifaim My condolences to you and your family. I don’t experiment much with cheeses nowadays, I don’t digest goat and sheep very well. I mostly stick to the harder ones, Brie, Camembert and Tête de Moine. I’ll look out for Mermaid gin, never heard or saw it here.

    @daffodil2010 Hi! Your Andalusian trip sounds great and luxurious!

    @brightonbelle Never heard of Tarquin’s either, but I’m novice gin drinker. I drink the expensive ones pure, I use the cheaper ones or the ones I don’t like for cocktails. Enjoy your stay in Dubrovnik!

    @stitchincarol Yes, it seems we picked the right men! I’m glad he doesn’t have a sweet tooth so we mostly don’t have any sweets in the house. How exciting to get a new church organ. Our neighbour and his 14 y.o. son learn play the organ in their church. The son wanted to play the piano but didn’t get along with his teacher. The church’ organ player asked him if he would be interested in playing at church so he and his father are both learning there now.

    @matpi I hope the after effects (sorry, I don’t know how to say it) from your visit to the dermatologist are gone by now.

    @mariaelena Another Hendricks fan! What a pity, you’re DH isn’t on your side on your weight loss journey. I’m glad my DH is so supportive and keeps me on track, it makes life easier for both of us. Are you feeling better today?

    @5413.5 Welcome! You’re plan sounds good. Pizza ice cream cake???

    @songbirdme Goldfinger has one of our favourite German actor’s in it: Gert Fröbe, who plays the villan. Goldfinger was the first (and only) James Bond I ever saw in German, hilarious.

    @at I read a summary of Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, I’ve never heard of her. Did you like it? Well done on the LFD, I tried it a few times but didn’t manage it, I have to chew something! Sorry for mentioning GIN!

    Enough talk for today, it took me forever! I hope I didn’t forget anyone.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 8 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there! Bouquets of flowers to you all! 🌷🌺💐

    Onward and downward.

    Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. I’m surprised because I did take my mother, and my brother and his kids out for pizza yesterday (with appetizers!) But I (mostly) behaved, having a ZBC, a nice salad before my slice, and just some soup and odds and ends for supper. Full disclosure: I did have a bowl of cereal. Yeah, I should just throw it out, but I have to teach my subconscious that although I crave it, I’m getting the same lactose-related aftereffects each time. Only a couple of servings left anyway, so that should be enough to finish my “re-training.” Yeah, makes no sense, but it’s helping me wean myself off of it.

    Hoping to do a B2B WFD tomorrow and Tuesday! Happy Mother’s Day to all!

    Day 8 – Ireland – NFD ✅ 🚫🚶🏻‍♀️

    Hi everybody and Happy Mothers’s Day to those celebrating today.
    I have felt shattered this weekend when I wake up but I wonder if it’s sometimes in my mind as forced myself up and out both days and had a good hike yesterday and a good cycle today.. still feel tired but good distances both days.. the weather is fabulous! Mum is sleeping lots so it’s great to get up and out early.💕🌸💕
    I haven’t caught up on posts but wish you all a lovely day and catch up tomorrow 👍

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    @snowflake56 – how fun that you know Gert Frobe from “Goldfinger” – we heard that director Guy Hamilton wanted him so much for that part, they didn’t care that he really could not speak English! Much of his dialog is dubbed.

    Managed to fast until dinner and eat small portion of my homemade curry.
    Same tomorrow- need to lose some weight- so another FD
    Thanks for the welcomes

    Day 8 Ohio, US — NFD
    Day 7 — NFD

    Yesterday the weigh-in showed 182 lb (82.5 kg), which is about where I started the month. So matters turned out not to be a disaster.
    A friend whom I haven’t seen since 2019 came to town and we were able to connect and our getting together took up most of the day. Lunch was out and I had a small spincach quiche and a raspberry tart. Otherwise meals were just the regular ones.

    Best of the day to everyone!

    @jaifaim Hope that tiredness clears away entirely!

    @snowflake56 Fortunately I’ve recovered from the main effects of the dermatologist’s treatment. All that remains are the blisters that will take up to two weeks to heal. It’s still tricky having to shave around some of the spots — two weeks is a long time not to shave random places on the face!

    @northgeorgia Your self-monitoring with that checklist is phenomenal! Keep up the good work!

    @ihatelettuce Sounds like you’re having a wonderful trip! Around here most apple cider is non-alcoholic. Only a few places carry the alcoholic.

    Day 9, FD, Aus

    Hello everyone!!! Wow – I’ve been MIA for a while now and the scales are showing the results. As Linda_B said “our monthly Forum challenge is an essential element to our successes.” And with my not logging in, and throwing 5:2 well and truly out the window, I’ve had the opposite of success (not saying that F-word!!)

    But in good news, I’ve changed jobs – some of you may remember how miserable I was in my last, which also did not help the downward spiral of drowning my sorrows in vino, not exercising, sleeping badly, coping even worse etc etc. While this new job is not really my preferred cup of tea it is with a good bunch of people, which more than makes up for it.

    So I’m back – with huge thanks to @at for keeping this wonderful forum going for another month. I will be channeling the inspiration of @mariaelena, @IHL, @northgeorgia, @jaifaim and – all of you really – to get back on track. Also, next year I will be hitting a rather big milestone birthday (which digits I dare not type down as I don’t want to see them on the screen) and I want to be looking as good as I possibly can by then. A year to drop around 20 kilos in entirely realistic – I’ve just got to do it. And that outcome is entirely within my control and ability.

    Day 9, Germany, FD

    One week in and a loss of 200g (presumably just water or the normal fluctuation), so FD800 doesn’t change my weight. My TDEE is ~1350, I guess the deficit is too small to lose weight. Back to FD500 from now on.

    @jaifaim I hope you feel better this morning.

    @matpi Can’t you just let your beard grow for the next 2 weeks? Perhaps you’ll like it!

    @penz Hi! Congratulations on your new job, It’s always better to work with people you like as you spend so much time with them. 20 kilos in one year sounds realistic to me.

    Pocket List – Day 9

    Have a nice day everyone!

    2nd post

    @at Could you please take a look at the spreadsheet. It seems so empty, I thought more people are using it. Weird, I took another look and now everything seems to be back on again.

    2nd post

    thanks for putting me on the pocket list, @snowflake56 – I think I’ll need it tonight. I’m sooo out of practice!

    So lost some😊
    It’s very welcome feeling to be on a path- a wee bit more control!
    Any way I will see how it goes – if ideally like to fast until dinner…
    Thanks again

    Day 9 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Something is working as I am down a pound or so over the weekend, would it be the reintroduction of apple cider vinegar each morning 🤔

    To all of you asking about the histamine intolerance course. I will post more later as rushing to get to work, but it was eye opening for sure. Histamine are good guys essentially but a lot of us have histamines that go rogue and vigilante, and it’s usually due to intolerances in our gut. And get this, it could take 6 months for a flare up to settle 😱 There was an analogy about buckets nd histamines and the bucket tipping over….I found it interesting. So I will update more later. And yup, red wine is a no no, but white wine isn’t much better either 😨

    Welcome back @penz

    Day 9 – near Bath UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Still on holiday, quick call in for my usual Monday listing on the pocket list, even started planking again this week 😉 Out on the back lawn in the countryside and sunshine!

    Take care all

    Pocket list day 9

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @penz – welcome back, & congrats on the new job!

    @5413.5 – Pizza ice-cream cake?! Never heard of that; doesn’t really sound tempting. Pizza yes; ice-cream yes; but a combo?! 😱 What part of Manchester are you in? I grew up in New Moston. Please could you start your posts by indicating the day & whether or not you’re fasting? Then you can be added to the list; e.g. Day 9 – UK – FD/NFD. Then if you post again, it’s just ‘2nd Post – Day 9’.

    @i-hate-lettuce – fasting on holiday?! Kudos. Sounds like you’re having fun anyway.

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍒

    Sending RESOLVE to the Monday fasters 💪

    2nd day
    Fasting in Cheshire
    Made carrot fennel soup
    Contemplating aubergine curry
    Will not eat until 5pm

    Day 9 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. Ugh. Oh well, let’s try again. Looks like a water bloated outlier this morning.

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍒

    Day 9 – FD 800

    Been feeling just a tad under the weather the past few days, and this morning is no better. Nothing too alarming, no fever (and sense of smell and taste intact) so I do not suspect Covid or any anything other than a strong spring allergy attack.

    @5413.5 I adore fennel and some Carrot fennel soup sounds amazing- I’ve never heard of such soup.

    @penz – quite glad to hear from you and know you got out from that job that was a bad fit! As you said, this forum can be a big help keeping on track, I sure find it so!

    @daffodil2010 I find the info on Apple cider vinegar confused and contradictory but I too have decided to have a slug of it with my mid-day broth (my ‘break-fast’ meal) for the past few weeks. My DH dismisses it as a fad, but I’m not so sure – I think it might be helpful for my gut. Glad to hear you are seeing results!

    @jaifaim I think it is so great that you are keeping up with the exercise even tho you aren’t feeling 100%. I did less strenuous exercise the past few days as well, (exercise bike) and I credit the accountability I find in this forum for giving me the resolve to do so, and not just laze away the past few days, so I send you Kudos for your hikes!

    Adding myself to Monday’s pocketlist per usual.

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍒

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Lovely day yesterday with just DH as both boys had to work (they’re servers at a country club), and I indulged far too much. Didn’t like the scale number this morning, but would like to mention it did NOT reach 150, so I’m being thankful for that. 😲😢😰

    Woke up way early and have been knitting (I’m racing to finish DGD-3months’ dress before it no longer fits her, LOL), did some planting in pots, and now realize I must head out; we’re spending the day with the boys (well, they’re men, but, you know…) and I’m getting a pedicure first, so it will clearly be a lovely day.

    I’ll catch up on posts when I have a chance.

    USA. Day 9. FD

    Down 6 lbs.! Yeah! Adding myself to the pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍒

    Have a great day!

    2nd post

    Musings on histamine. They are the good guys essentially but can turn rogue and vigilante in our bodies. That’s when we see problems but often extremely hard to pinpoint that it could actually be food related.

    A few years ago I was on holiday and was feeling unwell one morning, I knew it had something to do with the food I had eaten the night before, but it didn’t feel like food poisoning, nor did it have any of those symptoms, just an ache in the gut that no alkaline seltzer would get rid of.

    Something told me to try an anti-histamine for the stomach ache, and within 30 minutes I was much better.

    About 20 years ago I had a traumatic incident at the dentists, and since then I have become intolerant to the smell and touch of latex, no problem prior to that, now it’s an issue. So. Was the food on holiday prepared using latex gloves in the restaurant? Who knows?

    Last year I went on a healthy juicing diet, juicing copious amounts of apples, spinach, celery, citrus fruits, eating avacado, kefir, bananas a lot….within a few weeks my insides felt awful. Not what I expected from my heathy juicing regime. I did some research and most of the foods above are linked to the latex family of foods. To which I am intolerant. I was effectively poisoning myself!

    The histamine intolerance course I attended noted the list of high histamine foods of which most would be classed as good to have in your diet, eg spinach, avacado, oily fish such as tuna or mackerel, dried fruit such as prunes, figs and raisins; nuts including walnuts and cashews, fermented foods such as kefir, vinegar containing foods such as pickles and olives. Alcohol worst offender. Chocolate, bananas and strawberries release histamine too ☹️

    It takes up to six months for your gut to recover from a histamine issue, but really who consciously does that, so our histamine intolerances grow and grow, and we wonder why we feel icky after an indulgence in something.

    Lots to ponder.

    Day 9 – UK – FD800
    Day 8 – NFD

    Sorry guys for being absent yet again – life just very busy atm…..

    Out dog walking with DD for most of the day, back home just in time for a lovely hot shower and a little rest before heading out for my 6pm Yoga class – feeling rather tired and ready for my bed soon 😴

    A below TDEE day on Saturday but sadly a rather indulgent one yesterday….as I’m away next week on a girls week to Scotland I’m aiming for several FD800 this week and to be alcohol free which should make it easier to stay in control

    @northgeorgia – love the way you do a review and stock take
    @songbirdme – I see that Rich Strike, 80-1 Long Shot, won the Kentucky Derby in stunning upset
    The colt wasn’t even in the field until Friday, when he drew into the race after another horse was scratched. But he came from behind to pull off one of the biggest shocks in Derby history. How amazingly wonderful is that!
    @snowflake56 – just starting on the book, it’s our new one to read over the next 4 weeks and the LFD was not planned just happened – not planning on trying to repeat that one!! I’m not sure what happened with the spreadsheet but it seems to be working OK now x
    @penz – great to have you joining us once more 🤗 Good to hear that you are in a new job which sounds a lot better for your mental well being
    @i-hate-lettuce – good on you for fasting whilst on holidays and planking in sunshine!!!
    @mariaelena – hope you feel better soon, however it might be worth doing a Covid test just for your peace of mind as I gather that folks are getting a whole range of new symptoms now……
    @ccco – WOW 6lbs down – great job you
    @daffodil2010 – thanks for sharing about histamines – a lot of my favourite foods are on that list of high histamine foods – so glad I don’t have any issues in that regards but certainly lots to ponder as you say!!

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍒

    Right my bed is definitely calling now……..😴😴

    Day 9 – Ireland – FD ✅ 🚫🚶🏻‍♀️

    Happy Monday everyone!

    Hoping for a good week before I leave for France We are off to Paris, Lyon and Strasbourg for a week and cannot wait. It has been so long since I caught up with friends and family over there. Work is so busy so I must knuckle down for the next three days and also I must try to eat sensibly before I leave 🫤.

    I actually would like to try cut dairy again this month as @daffodil2010 that’s another thing that affects me – I know it… i think it raises histamine… not sure… but hard to avoid it and I really like milky coffee but.. France is not the best for that so the break will make that easy.. what won’t help is the cheese!! All of the cheeses you mentioned @snowflake56 are favourites of mine too particularly Tête de Moine 😋 I jut loooove it – yes that will be tricky 😂

    I read posts earlier and then got busy so haven’t caught up on all the news and so many thoughts but so little time today … hoping to catch up tomorrow and have a good controlled day tomorrow followed by another FD on Wednesday 💪..

    Be well everyone! I’ve been with you on the pocket list 📝 … just didn’t get to post earlier but what a healthy list it is today 💪

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 9 Ohio, US — MFD

    Another medical visit today and another mini-trauma. The fasting was going well until that visit. I wound up hurting quite a lot, so I wasn’t sure if I was going to make through the fast. It looks as though I will, but will probably make an early night of it. I’m not sure why these little events should hit me so hard now.

    @jaifaim Your trip to France sounds wonderful! Hope the work days pass quickly and then you’ll be on your way!

    @daffodil2010 In the past I’ve had problems with allergies and high histamine levels too. Here’s a link to an article about histamine intolerance:
    And you’re right — a completely low histamine diet is very restrictive. Fortunately there may be work arounds.

    @ccco 6 lbs down is awesome!

    @mariaelena Hope you get to feeling better quickly! Spring allergies are no fun! Apple cider vinegar is supposed to really help the joints. I tried it, but it really upset my digestive system; but then again I don’t do well with almost any fermented food.

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍒

    Day 10, NFD, Aus

    PFDS! 🙂

    Thank you again for putting me on the pocket list yesterday. I normally do a LFD but I am so out of practice, I did have a small cup of homemade tomato soup for lunch and a small serve of leftover beef curry for dinner. Pretty confident it was under 500 cal for the day but I feel very much back on track.

    And it was almost 1.30pm before I remembered to post!

    I thought of you this morning, @at, as I was taking my dogs out for a walk as the sun was rising. There’s something so calming in ambling along with pooches, I find! A great start to the day.

    Day 10, Germany, NFD

    I’m away for a few days again. We’re going to see an exhibition about plaques.

    @penz You’re welcome! Yesterday I thought a lot about you, I’m glad your FD went well. PFDS here as well.

    @daffodil2010 Thank you for the information on histamine.

    @matpi I hope you will be fine soon and had a good sleep last night. Thank you for the article on histamine intolerance.

    @jaifaim Only a few days before you’re off to France, it sounds wonderful. The problem with Tête de Moine is that we buy it as a 500 g piece and I’m the only one eating it. My DH doesn’t like it very much.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 10 – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – FUN DAY – FD 🌻🌻🌻

    Helloooo everyone!!!! Apologies for being AWOL. I’ve been bogged down with work and putting in some very long, late hours. ⏳⏳⏳

    I also went away last weekend (for Mother’s Day) visiting my DD and family (SIL, 2 x teenage grandies). So good to just be with them and away from the office. My 13yo grandson seems to just grow before my eyes. I only saw him at Easter (April) and I swear he has grown even more since then…. he is now taller than me and I’m 5’8″!

    I’ve been reading the posts and see so many interesting blogs. You really do all inspire me!

    So good to see @penz back and so many newbies joining the tribe as well. 😀😊😉
    I haven’t seen @lilymartin in recent posts, and hope she is recovering from her covid after-effects.

    In my absence I’ve managed to continue tohold the course with two FUN DAYS (FDs) per week and mindful not to undo good habits on the NFDs. I’ve definitely plateaued though (sound familiar @northgeorgia?😜😝😜 … you and I are on the same plateau I suspect!).

    I can’t seem to push through this plateau. I’ve really only a few kg to go but it seems the closer you get to your goal weight the harder it is shift!

    It’s raining again at this end of the world so that has put paid to any meaningful exercise for a few days. 🦆🦆🦆🦆 The sun will come out eventually 🌞🌞 and I’ll be back walking🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️ with renewed vigour.

    I’m hearing that so many of you have issues with histamine intolerance and have read the posts etc. I’m afflicted with the same issues stemming from pollens, foods, alcohol, temperature (cold or hot), hot flushes (the list is endless!) …. It’s a real issue and I keep a box of tissues in every room of the house 😵😵 I once had a Ear,Nose,Throat surgeon specialist offer to cauterize my sinuses to stop the persistent drip! She said it might have a 30% chance of success ie BBQ my nasal/sinus passages and then find it doesn’t work…. NO THANKS!😣😣😣 I’ll keep with the tissues thank you very much. I didn’t want to be her guinea pig for experimentation 🙄🙄

    Haven’t had much time to grocery shop so this is probably good. On the weekend I picked up some fresh veg at a market near my daughter’s house, so have enough to eat which reminds me that:

    If it’s not there, you can’t eat it🤩🤩

    So onwards and downwards from downunder


    Day 10 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    A little ACV in hot water to start the day, chicken salad for lunch, homemade cabbage soup (which is my own Spring cabbage) for dinner. Tons of water.

    Feeling good, and definitely more supple than I was last year, I can sit on my hunkers (is that a word??) without struggling to get back up, I noticed that in the office a few weeks ago when I wanted to do a bit of filing but didn’t want to bend over, so I squat down for a bit and no issue whatsoever popping back up 😄 Yay. Leslie helps.

    Great to see everyone back and chattering. @jaifaim, ohh your trip to France sounds great, and good luck swerving the amazing food in Lyons. Have a great time. Like you I am counting down the days in work this week.

    Have a great Tuesday all.

    Day 10 – Travelling day – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Travelling day today, excellent visit to an area of the country I’ve not explored before, so a great deal of interest.

    Yesterdays Fast day went a little off course yesterday, so today I’m throwing in a Fasting Day on a Tuesday, but should be easy as going to be busy. Beauty of 5:2 get off the 5:2 FD Pocket list at the wrong stop, get back on the next day!

    While we’ve been away from our coffee machine I’ve taken to drinking tea again, just normal everyday tea, not a flavoured fruit drink/tea. Think I might even manage a liquid FD on tea, tried it with just a WFD and couldn’t manage it.

    Take care all

    Pocket list for Tuesday

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Just checking in to add myself to the list.

    With all the talk of gut health & histamine I thought some people might find this interesting; by best-selling author and dietitian Dr Megan Rossi — aka The Gut Health Doctor.

    Pocket list for Tuesday 🍊

    UK Day 3 FD
    Good Morning
    Lost weight-91.55 k 👍
    About to do a Joe Wicks 20 mins HIT
    Have a fab day – I won’t eat before 5pm

    2nd Post – Day 10

    @5413.5 – well done!🎯 Enjoy the workout. I hate to nit-pick, but it’s day 10, regardless of whether or not you’re fasting. Adding you to the list..

    Pocket list for Tuesday 🍊

    2nd post
    Day 10😊
    What is the pocket list please?

    3rd Post – Day 10

    @5413.5 -the pocket list is just a list of people fasting on a particular day. It may give one a psychological boost to get through a FD by knowing you’re not alone, especially if you’re struggling. As I’m a bit OCD about this sort of thing I tend to round people up & put them on the list if they haven’t put themselves on it 🤪
    This is from @at‘s intro at the start of the month

    “Over the course of these monthly challenges, there have been small groups doing their own mini-challenges – called ‘pocket fasters’ or ‘pocketeers’ – they set a target and support each other through it. Anyone can join one of these groups or start a mini pocket list – it’s entirely optional and flexible.”

    Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. I was going to do a B2B WFD with today being day 2, but when I got to work, I saw I had a chamber of commerce dinner on Thursday night. So, I will fast tomorrow instead. I might fast again on Friday or Saturday, but not sure yet. I have a family reunion on Sunday, so no fasting this Sunday!

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Weigh in: 149.4 lbs

    Yikes. It’s clearly time to face the music, eh? I didn’t actually over-eat yesterday (we went to the best Mexican restaurant I’ve ever been to–glorious flavors!), so I’m hopeful today’s water fast will drop me much closer to 145. But even then, I’ll have 5 pounds to lose to get to where I’d hovered for several weeks. Food: bane and blessing!

    Life is blisteringly crazy right now. Perhaps some of you remember I do a Hymn Fest for Ascension every year, which is essentially an hour-long organ recital. I have a choir that will sing a few pieces and a professional soprano who will sing Handel’s “Rejoice” and I write the program folder to tell about what to listen for in the notes, and how the text ties into my theme for this year. This will all be May 26, and I’ve been doing lots of practicing over the past few weeks.

    In the meantime, DH and I leave Thursday afternoon for the 10-hour drive to Indiana for our new granddaughter’s baptism. And Vacation Bible School is coming up, and I’m still ignoring it, pretending it will get organized on its own. And somewhere, I have to find a venue and a date for my piano students to have their piano recital.

    I’d rather be gardening, LOL!

    So perhaps all this weight gain is all related to stress, yes?

    @penz Welcome back, I’ve well and truly missed you! So glad your new job is such an improvement; that should help dramatically in managing to focus on your weight loss goals.

    @matpi All this time, I thought you were a woman!!!!! How’d I miss that detail??? 🤣🤣🤣

    @songbirdme One of the most amazing features of the two Allen organs I was looking at is that you can record hymns–or preludes, or postludes, or service liturgy, etc.–that can then be played back from the app on a smart phone. Lots of churches are getting around not having an organist by hiring someone to record the hymns when they have time, and then playing the wanted hymns during service. Technology grows ever more impressive!

    So fun to read everyone’s chatter. Have a grand one, everyone!

    My personal themes for May:

    “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” ~ Jim Rohn

    “You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.”

    Pocket list for Tuesday 🍊
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 10 – 16:8 CD

    Whelp. Our home air conditioner has bit the dust😞

    Was quite a night at around 85° a 90° indoors. Plus hot flashes. Definitely did not get proper sleep.

    The small silver lining is bro-in-law has lent us his portable air conditioner so the bedroom will be sleepable tonight. DH made an early morning trip before work to pick it up and it is bringing an oh so necessary coolth to that room.

    My agenda today, get HVAC guy here today and keep fingers crossed, but it doesn’t look good.

    Hope all are having a better day than I.

    Day 10 – Ireland – CD ✅ 🚫🚶🏻‍♀️

    Hi everyone! Just a quick check in …

    I don’t know what’s going on with the scales… seriously I think they might be broken… showing 162+ lbs last two days but honestly I don’t know how I’d have increased that much.. but then… it’s possible…. Stranger things have happened and I can tell you the situation is not going to get any better anytime soon 🫤😂

    @matpi and @mariaelena I’m sorry to hear you both haven’t been well and hope you’re on the road to recovery..

    @i-hate-lettuce. @snowflake56 @brightonbelle and others who are travelling I hope you have a fine time! @daffodil2010 i Hope you’re enjoying the run in to your holiday! I can’t wait to hear all about Andalucia ♥️ And it’s fantastic that you are feeling so well… I’m going to take inspiration from you now.. 👍👍

    Congrats on the new job @penz you really were very unhappy in the last place so I’m so glad you have switched… 👍👍

    Be well everyone! Sorry got to rush but I’m looking forward to going back on the list tomorrow 👍👍

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting other

    Day 10 USA (Illinois) FD

    Yesterday was my every 8-week blood donation, so had to eat fairly normally. And no wine. But today will be a FD for my 6:1 maintenance.

    I hope to take part in a test for Crestor to have it lower my cholesterol. My 2nd Zoom appointment is shortly to see if I will quality. I am supposed to be paid as well as free medication! My LDL isn’t really that high (154) but we will see if they take me.

    @stitchincarol – fascinating about those new organs! I know Allen was one of the first ones to be electronic. I can remember talking to someone back in the mid 70’s about what they were creating, and sure enough, they have continued to be innovative. A couple years ago our region’s best (and about only) organ tuner/repairer passed away. He is greatly missed! His wife donated a little parlor organ to our Children’s Museum. A delightful instrument! Ver similar to this one. Ours is no longer pump but plugs in. So far the kiddos have not broken it completely. 🙂

    Pocket list for Tuesday 🍊
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Onward and downward.

    USA. Day 10. FD

    Ugh! Procrastination for any reason doesn’t bode well! Now that I am behind in so many things that I cannot yet respond to everyone’s posts but I promise I will get there.

    Adding myself to today’s pocket list,

    Pocket list for Tuesday 🍊
    @stitchincarol WFD

    One thing is for sure. Being overwhelmed with things to do is helping me to lose weight! LOL

    Have a great day today, everyone! 🙂

    Day 11, NFD, Aus

    We had family unexpectedly drop by last night – so there was wine (which I drank) and dessert (which I ate) and while I thoroughly enjoyed the catch up, I do wish I’d been more restrained!

    What a shame you won’t have your new organ by the time of your Hymn Fest, @stitchincarol! I’m also amazed at the tech these days but can’t help but think the pre-recorded version is not the same as having a real live organist. Years ago I sang in a chapel choir (I’m not religious at all but I do enjoy singing) and we had the most talented organist. One of the choristers had a birthday, and on one hand in the middle of playing a hymn, our organist somehow wove in the notes to ‘Happy Birthday’ – I think (hope!) only the choir noticed but it was such fun.

    I missed the news/post of your upcoming trip, @jaifaim but from others’ descriptions, it sounds divine. French food!! I’m sure we will all understand if you put 5:2 on hold temporarily.

    Urgh, @mariaelena – I’m also crossing my fingers that you can get your HVAC fixed ASAP.

    Day 11 – Wednesday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – NFD 🌼🌺🌼

    Good morning everyone from downunder

    @funshipfreddie that was very interesting newsclip about Dr Megan Rossi — aka The Gut Health Doctor. Great incentives there to keep up the plant-based foods and also the oily fish and meat. Broccoli and I are the best of friends…. yummy, chewable and, most of all, filling🥦🥦

    Won’t chat on today, I’m not feeling quite right…… bit of a headache and feel very tired (even though had more than 8 hours sleep) …. hoping it’s not you know what! I’ve avoided it thus far. I’m very busy with work at the moment and it would be very inconvenient!

    cheerie dearies 🥰🤩🤩🥰

    Day 11 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Delighted to see another pound down, though still in the same darn weight range that I have been for a YEAR!!! However health wise I feel great so those extra pounds are muscles right? 😀

    @linda.b sure hope you feel better soon. I have also avoided you know what and fully intend to, so fingers crossed for you X

    @jaifaim, I have already packed and my flight us not until Sunday…see how eager I am? I am so looking forward to the airport experience too (once we get through the tedious faff of security), so I hope I have time to do my airport only musings and shopping at the Yves St Laurent make up counter. Never bother buying YSL anywhere else so after two years I have ran out 😆

    Great to hear of everyone getting ready to go or being on trips. Have fun all.

    @matpi, thanks for the link, my old iPad couldn’t open it, but histamines are something I am definitely going to do more research on.

    Have a good Wednesday 🐫

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