November Small Group Accountability Challenge

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November Small Group Accountability Challenge

This topic contains 245 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  Karlanz 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Day4 – NFD.
    My first of the month NFD WITHOUT ANY SUGAR! Usually I allow myself a little candy or cookie with my tea or coffee. Not today. I did not have breakfast and only had soup for lunch. Evening went for a concert, and after had raw big carrot with some smoked salmon pieces because I did not want to cook. My scale was smiling at me today morning. 🙂

    Micky42 – i admire your strength. FD and party is impossible combination for me.

    J-ray – thank you for the information about American pizza. We had two pizza parties in last month, and I ate 4 pieces during the last one. No wonder that I gain… 🙁
    OK, no more pizza – at least till I am at my dream weight of 120 lb. Knowledge that one piece has soo much calories, might do the work, and keep me away.

    Today is NFD day again. I need to plan my food ahead for the weekend, so I don’t binge. Also need to plan some activities, so I don’t think of food in between meals.
    Have a great weekend everybody!

    Sorry for late check-in chaps.. firstly

    4 Nov FD

    Are we posting weight losses as we go through the month? Weekly perhaps? I actually started last weekend but have readjusted my start for this to Tuesday 1st Nov. I assume therefore that perhaps a weekly weigh / ‘statement of loss’ would be on Tuesdays if we do it?

    I can’t fast over the weekends, too tricky and it is easier to get to the fridge / cupboard. If I don’t take food to work there is no food available. I work on a farm, so no shops nearby! . . . which is good. So 5th & 6th Nov will both be NFD’s for me.

    Keep being good, everyone!

    Hi everyone –

    Do you mind if I join? I am new to your site, but would really love some accountability! I have done fasts in the past, and am hoping to re-boot with a solid 30 days.


    Hello! Early check in for the day for me. Nov 5 =NFD.
    @meon, I won’t be doing weekly with in, as I don’t have a weight loss goal but habit goal. I think it depends on the person!
    Hi freckledrunner! Are you another runner? (um, trying not to sound too ridiculous with that statement lol).

    Ate as planned today. Tried running intervals for the first time in over a month, coupled with the IF different way of energy utilization, and it was a bit rough. I forget who said that I might only be at 75-80%, they were right for the super high intensity! BUT warmup and cool down felt strong, even though I haven’t eaten much. I’m curious about how this will progress through the month.
    Had a lesson in self care today when my daughters ear piercing date turned into 3.5 hours and only 1 ear done lol. Cancelled our midday engagement to instead go to the park, for me to run and her to run through the sprinkler, and be OK with where she is now (which is not all the way done!) and me to be patient, encouraging with the process, and remind her that her body is her own aND for her to be patient with herself. I feel that there is a correlation to our experiences here but my brain hasn’t gone the full depth yet.
    Now, to thanksgiving, and feast! Have a great day all!

    Day 5 and 6 – NFD

    Went for a run yesterday, so have done my 3 runs this week, as well as two FDs (my first was on Monday, so not captured here).

    Bring on next week 🙂

    Day 5 = NFD.
    Went okay except for the 3 pieces of See’s Candy I ate mid-afternoon. What got into me?!? Tried to make up for it the rest of the day and think it was ok in the long run. Tomorrow is another day, as Scarlett said. 🙂

    Hi everybody,
    Day 5 and 6 – NFD.
    I also cannot fast on weekend. Looking forward to MOnday’s fast. 🙂

    Days 5 and 6 = NFDs. Was a little bit overindulgent at the weekend. Would be interesting to see how it affects the following week. This is the first time I am serious about 5:2 diet. Looking forward to tomorrow, hopefully FD+zumba class.

    I know I am a little late to the party, but is it ok to join? Day 1 for me today, but I have done it two years ago for about 6m then Christmas happened and I told myself I’d go back after New Years and well, every time I tried again it didn’t last! So hoping some accountability may help!

    I changed careers from a desk job to teaching and walk at least 10000 steps every day and tend to reach for food when I am tired too (which happens a lot as I am often up late marking), so the career change has been my challenge. I was able to focus on the task at hand at my desk and not think about food, but now I am easily distracted.

    I am 66.1kg today, and want to be 55-58kg as that is when I have felt the healthiest. Sugar is my nemesis!
    FD for me today, week 1 day 1. Here goes!

    Whoops, my goal for Nov is to consistently achieve the 5:2, fasting on Mondays and Thursdays.

    Apologies 😐 I’d a really busy few days, hence the silence. OK so Day 4 NFD, Day 5 NFD and Day 6 NFD.
    Day 5 went really badly for me. Really badly. A lack of planning and organisation coupled with me feeling tired and sorry for myself lead to a mini blow out. I managed to pull it back a bit yesterday and today. I did 45mins on my exercise bike on Day 4, walked for an hour yesterday and did another 45 mins on the exercise bike today. I just need to focus and organise myself more. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Hello willworkforhealth,
    Day 1 nfd
    Day 2 nfd
    Day 3 fd
    Day 4 nfd
    Day 5 nfd
    Day 6 nfd
    I plan to fast 5:2 Monday/Thursday
    Or as much as I can.
    My start weight nov 1 is 227 lbs
    My goal weight is 136 lbs
    Thank u so much

    Day 6 = NFD
    A fair day, fairly successful. Not much to report, which is often a good thing. Hoping for a great day for each of us tomorrow.

    Wishing you all a very successful week! Let’s stay focussed!

    Day 6 – NFD. Happy to report that gym visit happened! Scale was smiling. Even though I know it is all water loss due visiting steam room, but I will take it. 🙂
    Monday is my fasting day, hopefully.

    Have a great Monday!

    Welcome @freckledrunner and @jaybee78! That makes 12 of us!

    Loving hearing about how things are going for everyone. Way to go on the weightloss Tanchora and on being sugar-free on an NFD coldpizza!

    @freckledrunner please provide your starting weight, your goal for November and if Nov 1-6 were in fact Non Fast days?

    Today is a FD for me with excercise – starting the week with a bang! 🙂

    Good luck everyone!


    Hi All,

    Is it too late to join? Just wrapped up several weeks of business travel. Started tracking my eating Saturday and today is a fast day (5:2).

    Looking forward to the accountability!

    Day 6 = NFD
    Day 7 = FD with exercise – got 4.3 miles in at a 9:17 pace! Was hungry starting off, but after the first mile it subsided. However, instead of doing a small lunch and dinner for fasting, as done last week, I needed a bit of refueling so had some oats+ berries when I got back from the run.
    It doesn’t appear I’ve lost any weight, through that might have to do with the excessive amount of wine I drank at pre-thanksgiving on Saturday, and the plate-sized cookie I shared with my daughter yesterday after a hike. 🙂 But that’s ok – my run this morning is evidence that my body seems to be adapting ok to fasting.

    I got my official 5:2 book, and noted that the guy who did the TedTalk is the same doctor who contributed to the original research. Anyone else feel smarter yet? lol

    Day 7 – FD

    Quite proud of myself, as I had an exam in the morning, which didn’t go brilliantly, so I’d normally have used food to make myself feel better…. I did have quite a lot of sugar on Sunday while studying, but apart from that I’ve been being pretty good on my NFDs.

    Day 8 will be a NFD, about to go for my first run for the week 🙂 Just hopped on the scales, and they’re happy with me (down to 67.4kgs despite Sunday’s sugar), hopefully they’ll keep going down…

    Have a good week everyone!

    I just wanted to wish everyone a successful week. 🙂

    Thank-you willworkhealthforhealth for organizing this board.

    Well done J-ray and Karlanz!

    Not that successful on my side. Day 7 FD turned into NFD + zumba. I was very proud of myself up until about 5 p.m. And this is when I decided to cook my lunch for tomorrow while my hubby was working late. I had to try it, of course, and this is where it went wrong!

    Did zumba though. Made me think (trying to find an excuse to feel ok about today) that maybe FDs turned into NFDs are better than full on NFDs? In terms of calorie intake?

    Wishing everybody better willpower than mine this week!


    You fasted till 5 pm – it is definitely better than not fasting at all.
    Additionally, Zumba will take majority of calories that were eaten after 5 pm.

    Almost 3pm here, in Texas. A little bit afraid to go home, to refrigerator, to all candies that left from Halloween. Too bad that I cannot go straight to gym: have to feed my dog and let him out.

    Hello all, NFD today and final day of my first week. Weighing in first thing in the morning 😬 What will be will be! I’ve learned a valuable lesson this week-fail to prepare, prepare to fail. I’m going to organise myself more this week.

    Thank you willworkforhealth.

    Hope everyone doing well.

    Day 7 NFD

    Was supposed to be a FD failed epicly will try to fast tomorrow.

    Day 7 = FD.
    Getting tired of losing and regaining the same 2-3 lbs over and over over the past few weeks. Hoping for a break in my plateau soon. Hope we all have a good day tomorrow.

    This afternoon I found myself very very snacky, and would eat a couple pumpkin seeds at a time every 0.5-1hour. I wasn’t hungry, I just felt like eating. There is some discipline to investigate there, though I wasn’t as busy, maybe that hurt me today.
    I *think* I did ok with dinner but it was HARD! I made the yummiest fish tacos ever with our own supply of caught fish. I ate more sauce on them than I should have to stay under 500 today, but, eh. It was flippin awesome.
    My husband also took a look at our deep freezer, and I’m banned from shopping at Costco on fast days lol. At least until hunting season is over.
    Good luck for the day those across the lake! Where is everyone from?

    Nov 7 FD
    I thought I had been careful enough over the weekend but my scales say otherwise 🙁 Weekdays are much easier for me.

    JRay I am in the south of England in Hampshire.
    Tanchora this is also the first time I am doing this seriously and I am hoping this group will keep me on track.
    JBells forget the past days, every day has new opportunities, don’t think of it as a week or month or whatever period each day is a unit, focus on the now where we have some control.

    Be strong everyone.

    Coldpizza, thank you for your comments. Hopefully my results will be ok this week.

    Meon, this group helps me a lot, we are all sharing our journeys!

    Day 8: NFD for me. I already decided I am sticking to the same days of the week for FDs as previously, i.e. Wednesday and Friday.

    Find that I feel much better when I fast. It is about being in control but also I feel light. Will be buying much less treats this weekend.

    Micky42, I know what it feels. This is why I am thinking about being more careful on NFDs.

    J-ray, North of England. It is freezing today!

    Sorry seem to have missed my weekend stats ..

    Nov 5 NFD
    Nov 6 NFD

    as all my weekends will be . .. 🙁
    Thank you willworkforhealth . . . much appreciate your efforts to support us all . ..

    @Right on – hey if you’re going to fail, epicly is a great way to go 🙂 There is always another day.
    @mickey – how long have you been doing the 5:2; and how long have you been plateued for?
    @coldpizza, we’re practically neighbors! I’m in AZ. After this past ridiculously hot October I’d love to have some freezing weather!
    @tanchora I also know I feel better when I fast! Surprisingly so. I’m finally reading the original Mosley book – there may actually be a physiological reason for it. 🙂

    Day 8 – NFD. I did a weigh-in this morning and am at 118.7. The loss is quite likely because of the run + fast yesterday, but I’d hoped to get back to the 115’s range, so I’ll take it. The one thing I know is I’m not dehydrated the mornings after fast, ie, the loss is not one of water weight, since I drink so much on fast days.

    Tomorrow is FD + a 5 mile run, so need to fuel properly today. 🙂

    Hi @lessofme34 we are limiting the group to 12 so that we can keep track and respond to eachother but it seems maybe @ruby1986 and @freckledrunner will not be joining us after all. I’d like to give them a couple days to respond if we don’t hear from them we will add you in!

    Day 7 = FD
    Oh boy that was a difficult one. I went 140 calories over but I feel good about it because they were carefully considered calories in order to maintain minimum needed energy to finish with my responsiblities of the day. When it got hard I pictured being able to tell you all about how I stuck to it! So thank you all for being here. 🙂

    Tanchora I absolutley belive FD’s turned NFD’s are better than NFD’s from the start. I think any effort at all is better than none! For me it’s just about trying and then trying again. And then again. And then again. and eventually I look up and I’ve made it! ha!

    J-ray – I’m in Washington DC.

    Good luck today everyone!

    Thank you WillWorkForHealth for organising us once again.
    I am looking forward to the end of this week to see how it went for me! Tomorrow’s FD should be ok but the one on Friday will be a challenge again.

    J-ray, I would like to read the Mosley book too. Might have a look on Ebay or Amazon. I find that pchycologically this diet could be the winner for me, I just need a few tweaks in my head. How to be more determined!

    Day 7 – FD. Well, There were no calories up to 7pm, and then I ate some of Halloween candies to celebrate my fasting success. LOL! Even though my treat was so unhealthy, still it was about 500 cal, so hopefully still qualifies like a fast day. What do you, guys, think?

    Day 8 started as a disaster – I had big breakfast!
    Usually I am easily stay without breakfast and only have black coffee in mornings. I notices that after I had sugary sweets, I do feel hungry the next day. Anybody else experiensed that?

    I am having lunch with friend, but I already planned what I will order – soup and salad – no overeating. Evening will be well spend in gym. Will report tomorrow how are my plans actually turn out.

    J-ray – hi, it is nice to have neighbors here! I thought that when I am typing those posts, everybody already asleep on the other side of the world. 😀

    Day 8 = NFD.
    Yesterday’s fast went fine. Forgot to weigh myself this morning — couldn’t wait to go vote (wore my pantsuit, like every other workday!).
    Tanchora, thanks for that – misery loves company!
    J-ray, in answer to your questions, I’ve been doing 5:2 very faithfully since mid-March 2016. I’ve been stuck in the same yo-yo region of my scale for more than a month. It’s happened to me before on 5:2, but never for this long. Hopefully these reoffending 3 lbs will be gone for good soon — I’m trying very hard to make it happen 😉


    I am in Phoenix, Arizona.

    Cold Pizza are you from Arizona also?

    Willworkforhealth: On the spreadsheet Nov 7 was a NFD

    Nov 7: NFD

    Sorry was supposed to be a FD but didn’t get through it.


    Thanks WWWfH – makes sense and appreciate you leading this forum! Hope everyone has a great day!

    Right on this girl, I am from Austin, Texas. 🙂

    Day 8 NFD
    Weighed myself this morning and was down 3lbs. Whoop whoop!!!!
    Also completed 40 mins of exercise today.
    Thank you Meon-Dweller 😄

    Just to summarise…
    7th Nov was a NFD for me.
    8th Nov was also a NFD
    Thanks again willworkforhealth 😊 Your input is v much appreciated.

    Haha @coldpizza, still definitely qualifies as a fast day! And look what I read today in mosley’s book: “another reason not to eat foods that make your blood levels surge, particularly on fast days, is that when your blood sugar crashes, as it inevitably will, you will start feeling very hungry indeed.” So it makes perfect sense that your only calories resulted in a huge breakfast! I’m the same way with candy… it’s a slippery slope that results in me going back for seconds, thirds, fourths…
    I remembered this morning that I need to finish off our pomegranate tree, which satisfies my sweet tooth really well! I’ve also been seeing them on sale in the stores, so I’m munching happily on one today during my NFD.
    @Right on this girl, I’m closer to the border, south of Tucson. 😊

    That’s fantastic JBells, hold onto that feeling of success and power.
    Nov 8th FD
    I’m in bed now so I’ve finished my day, I’ve had a few challenges today, firstly my boss brought in fresh cream cakes as it was her birthday.. She knows my favourite too.. Fresh cream Belgian Bun… Ooh I was soooo tempted, but I politely declined. One of my work colleagues had it as well as his own, but I threatened to slap him if he made any noise eating it when he brought it into my office to eat!! Then I got home and my adult son (who is doing the blood sugar eight week diet) was eating shortbread.. (my absolute favourite biscuits) after his challenging day… Then to cap it all my parents were eating chocolate this evening.. a thank you gift from my brother.. AND I resisted them all.. And do you know what? I felt SO empowered!
    Just hope something shows on the scales in the morning.
    Another day tomorrow, but hopefully I will be stronger each day that passes as I develop a habit.
    Sending positive vibes to you all..

    I really don’t know HOW had you resisted?! Magic maybe? Only reading your post makes me drool. GRRR!
    Hats off for super-powered Meon-dweller! Sweets run away!!!

    One time I was reading that you can create a negative impulse to candies if you put a rubber bend around your hand and pull and strike your wrist it every time you have candy cravings. NO WAY it was working for me. My wrist got swollen, but candies got eaten. Have to find more reasonable approach…still looking. LOL!

    Coldpizza – I find that once I start saying ‘no, I don’t *need* that’ to things I shouldn’t really be eating it becomes much easier to resist food. I feel really empowered. . and much stronger. If I give in, even to a small temptation I want more. I want to lose quite a bit of weight so I am prepared to live like this for a while. . I am not sure how I will maintain when I get there. . .
    Seize the day. . . Gain Control. .

    Meon, well done to you! Sometimes you just get in this “zone” and the main thing now is staying there.

    First snow for us here, in the North of England. I am working from home today, I am glad I have this flexiibility sometimes. Definitely not prepared to spend three hours driving to work, as happened last time.

    The only problem today is FD. I am at home. It will be a challenge.

    Day 8 & 9 – NFD

    Tomorrow I’m planning to be a fast day, which will probably be a challenge, as I need to travel for work….

    And for those wondering, I live in New Zealand 🙂

    Almost 2-30 p.m. and I am doing ok. Wishing everybody who is fasting lots of strength.

    Well done Tanchora.. sending you positive vibes. Keep strong and remember why you are fasting.. your end goal is more important than any brief satisfaction of food.

    I am also Fasting today, finding it a bit more difficult today but still on track. What time do you break your fast? I’ll probably be eating about 7pm.

    Meon and Tanchora – you are inspirations! Meon I like your mantra of “I do not need that.” It does feel empowering to say. I am NFD today but need to work on getting nutrient dense food in. My challenge is emotional eating. I will have to find another outlet for my high emotions today.

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