November 2018 Monthly Challenge

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November 2018 Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 756 replies, has 62 voices, and was last updated by  steffieagle 6 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 760 total)

  • Day 24, Barendrecht Netherlands, FD

    @debster251, @matpi, @northerndawn, @dingping, @annemarilyn, @at thak you all so much for thinking of my friend and her OH. Surgery went well, without any complication, unfortunately she felt really sick in the evening but the nurse gave her something against the nausea. When everything goes as planned she can go home in the late afternoon. It’s weird, she’s in a 4-bed room with 3 men, all there for prostate surgery. One of the man went to the toilet and we got the full Jack Nicholson. Just weird. The husband has no intention to get out of bed but was able to complain about the temperature of the soup, grrr! He doesn’t have much pain anymore but enjoys the attention, he can have it as long as my friend’s not at home, then she’s the one that deserves it.

    @daffodil2010 nice to have you back, what a pity it rained all the time. You do have a very bright stepdaughter, you and your OH must be so proud of her.

    @debster and @at Planks are the only thing I’m good at, I can’t do any sit ups and I’m struggling with push ups.

    @dykask I was able to hold the frog stand for 3 whole seconds! It took me a while to find out how to do it. I don’t think I can ever do a planche, but I’m pleased with the frog stand, I’m satisfied if I can do a few seconds more. Keeping the balance is the problem.

    @dingping I think I forgot to response to one of your posts. I think the hardest phase with dementia or Alzheimer’s is the one where the ones suffering from it, realize the state they are in and know it’s just getting worse. I don’t have any scales here and I must say it’s a relief, you can get a little obsessed by weighing every day. I also decided not to weigh anymore this year, I used to weigh once a month in the past and went by the fitting of my clothes, I liked it a lot more and I did better on this. Are you with me today?

    I’m using my friend’s Fitbit, yesterday I managed to do 28k steps, 19 km in 291 minutes!!! I spent most of the day with my friend’s 26 y.o. daughter, when walking the dog we did 100 lunges and had a lot of fun. Unfortunately I have 4 blisters now, one of them is under a toe, very inconvenient. My friend had the same shoe size but her feet a a tad shorter but wider so her shoes don’t fit well. Let’s see how it goes today, I’m waiting for more daylight to go for a walk with the dog after I made the friend’s husband a can of hot! tea.

    Pocket list day 24


    Have a nice day everyone!

    DAY 24 – UK – NFD

    @fatfingers your figure sounds lovely and you are in a very healthy bmi range.

    Day 24 Pocket List


    Day 24 UK FD

    Not a perfect FD yesterday, but ok for me at the mo, going to bag another today.
    Can’t believe December is nearly here and 2019 is just around the corner – WOW!
    Dipping into posts and trying to keep up with you all but feel very much like I’m half over hearing stuff.

    @snowflake56 – yep with you today.
    Sounds like you’re doing a great job with you’re friends. Even with blisters you’re outpacing me on Fitbit, I shall have to get a dog!
    Poor uncle we visited fell over and broke his hip, surgery yesterday, very confused and a being a handful for the nursing staff. Poor chap.

    Wishing all a wonderful w’end, enjoy whatever you do.

    Day 24 Picket List

    Day 24
    2nd post

    @dingping I’m so sorry for your uncle, things like this make everything just worse. Had a lovely walk with the dog this morning but the toe blister opened so I had to go home. Only had 8k steps, 5.5 km, I think yesterday was the last time in my life I walked 28k! Don’t want a Fitbit, I don’t want a mobile phone and I don’t like the design, it was interesting to try it out though. A friend came by to have a chat, I really enjoyed catching up with her.

    Day 24
    2nd post
    @snowflake56 – Rotten bad luck for uncle, he lost his wife in the summer and has now gone into a home. Stressful for his 3 kids who live in USA, Australia and one in London. His daughter in the USA luckily can get free flights as her OH works for an airline so she’s planning on coming over next week.
    You’ll have to explain the ‘full Jack Nicholson’ didn’t quite understand what you meant?
    Any news as to when your friend can come home? Hope her OH feels a lot better by then so he can be the rock of support she needs. Relationship dynamics are fascinating!
    Good luck with your FD, is it harder to do whilst out of your normal routine?
    Good luck

    Day 24 – Ireland – NFD

    up early and started the day with a nice 60km bike ride with friends. Cold and windy but dry. Off to do Saturday chores now so will check in later. Wishing everybody a good day!
    Onward and downward!

    Day 24 Canada NFD

    I see my post from yesterday vanished, that’s so annoying!

    @snowflake56 I can’t imagine walking for 28K, no wonder you had a blister
    @fatfingers thanks for the advice on maintenance, I’m not there yet but am starting to think about how it will work best. I totally agree with your comparison between fasting and exercising. Sometime it all seems a bit much and too much effort, but if you push yourself forward rather than avoiding it you feel so much better afterwards.

    I have a busy weekend and am going to spend it as if I am in maintenance and planning how I can have great FD’s next week to finish off the challenge. All the best everyone!

    Day 24 – UK – NFD

    A good 400cal FD yesterday!

    Late start to my day today – a bit of general tidying up at home then had a lovely brunch out (sourdough toast with avocado, savoury granola, sautéed wild mushrooms and a poached egg 😋) before doing the food shop whilst OH went for a long run in the fells!

    Settling in for an afternoon of Rugby 🏉

    @michelinme – I’m sure that hosting for December will be a great motivator for you – again many apologies for giving you a head scratching moment – looking forward to joining your hosting us for December 🤗
    @fatfingers – great post on Day 23 – I’m with you in that I see fasting as an ongoing part of my life in maintenance – not just for keeping my weight stable but for the health benefits I gained.
    @annemarilyn – sounds like you had a fab and controlled Thanksgiving sharing with your family and friends – let’s go for a strong finish to November!
    @missybear – You can survive Christmas in maintenance – this will be my second one – just keep in mind how far you have come and how good it feels!
    @anna6 – hope you feel better soon x
    @dykask – if anyone here can achieve the planche – it’s you – definitely needs strong abs as well as upper body strength – look forward to reading your progress 💪
    @snowflake56 – good to hear your friend’s surgery went well and wishing her a swift recovery. I still can’t do pushups for the life of me but can do sit ups and can now just about do a proper transition through Chaturanga Dandasana to Upward-Facing Dog in Sun Salutation sequences – practice and more practice build strength and confidence I’m hoping.
    @dingping – your poor uncle – not good to break a hip after a fall when we are older – recovery is always slower…….. positive and healing thoughts coming your way
    @jaifaim – great job fitting in that early 60km bike ride

    Strive For Progress, Not Perfection – Don’t be too hard on yourself if you couldn’t adhere to your healthy routine today. Tomorrow is a new day and a new chance. Appreciate how much you have achieved and how far you have come. It is OK to skip the gym or have a hearty meal once in a while!

    Day 24 UK CD

    Mostly lazy day today, my first quiet saturday in a month or so. Slept till really late and listened to audiobooks until early afternoon. Had to work hard to keep the day quiet and not just answer the phone or emails – trying to relearn good boundaries.

    I’ve made a lazy loaf and just finishing up some rosehip syrup – the hips had been sitting in the fridge for 10 days so needed attention! Now for yoga and meditation, then potter through some chores and return phone calls. My DD and a couple of my friends have had tough week Inc funerals, bereavement and a police case, and its always easier for me to be a listening ear if I’m pottering.

    Had toast and marmalade for brunch so feeling very full and not tempted by the fresh loaf. Carefully weighed the ingredients this time to recheck calories. 1kg loaf has 400g oats, 500g ff Greek yogurt and 100g seeds, just under 250calories per 100g. Cool, slice and freeze to make resistant starch, and Bob’s your uncle.

    I’ll set up December challenge early next week – as soon as new laptop up and running. Would someone else be willing to set up the spreadsheet please?

    @annemarilyn thank you for your bread recipe
    @snowflake56 hope your friend is home and well soon
    @anna6 hope you feel better
    @suresh3101 welcome back!
    @daffodil2010 hope you have had a good transition back to New normal routine
    @dykask 84 water fasts! Thank you for posting about muscle strengthening, it’s always encouraging to read.
    @jaifaim sounds like an excellent bike ride!


    Day 24 – USA – NFD

    Wondering if anyone else is having a problem accessing the spreadsheet? It says “file is in owner’s trash”, so I sent a request to be able to edit it.

    Day 24, UK, NFD

    After a couple of successful FDs I’m down 0.5kg 🐢 . At least its a small move in the right direction, even though I suspect that’s just my range and I’m plateauing 😐 . Onwards we go ….

    @metatauta this is the valid link for the spread sheet, it’s been changed a while ago:
    Happy editing 😀

    @michelinme I don’t mind helping with the spread sheet, I can set it up tomorrow 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend everyone 🌹

    Day 24, London, UK, NFD.

    Thai meal out last night ……………….. with vino, sorry @coda …………..November is even less dry than I planned!!! Also, I’ll have a drink tomorrow to celebrate my brothers’ B’day and another next week for the other brother!!!! Maybe we could go for a ‘”December-of-Drought” ????? ………………………………… who am I kidding!!!!!!

    Thanks for your enlightening post @fatfingers, this WOL is definitely here to stay, and who doesn’t love a FD anyway ……………. It’s NFDs I can’t navigate …………….Yet!!! I look forward to maintenance with an arsenal of tools and support right here!!!

    Welcome back @suresh3101, getting back on the wagon is the first step to success!!

    I’m still struggling to up my water consumption, I get as far as filling the bottle, now I need to DRINK it!!!!

    Stay strong everyone!!

    Day 24: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Daughter passed by today for a flying visit on the way to spend time in Bristol visiting a friend. Had to drop her off at Swindon railway station….what a nightmare.
    Google satnav sent us to the wrong side of the tracks and the footbridge was closed! Dark and lonely area. Found another young girl equally lost in the dark…so got them both into the car (they turned out to be after the same train) and followed some vague directions round goodness knows where, time being short, and no-where to park, and a busy one-way system taking us further away, we dropped them off on double yellow lines and they went running through some side streets to find the (un-signposted station)They made it.
    Awful! Don’t go there!!

    Day 24 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Turkey noodle soup great use of leftovers for the turkey bone broth and meat. One granddaughter was thrilled with the noodles.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 24
    3rd post

    My friend is at home again and not doing too bad, not too much pain, just very tired. We made her a bed on the couch so she could be with us, she was very pleased with that. Her husband had to get out of bed and come down if he wanted to be with her so he decided to do so. So everything is fine. The pathology results will come in in a fortnight.

    @ciren2 navigation systems can lead you to scary, lonely places. Glad it turned out well.

    @dingping this is really sad, your uncle has had so many changes in a short period of time. It’s always hard when a parent is not doing well and you’re far away. I hope the hipfracture heals well. The Jack Nicholson thing comes from the film “Something’s Gotta Give” where he’s in a hospital walking around wearing just this kind of nightgown without a back you have to wear when having surgery. An old bum is not what you want to see when you just had a surgery. When in hospital some men often lose decorum. I’m good at fasting when I’m not at home. At home I have the food I like, I mostly don’t like the food at other people’s houses. I’m a bit difficult when it comes to food. I hope your FD went as well as mine.

    @michelinme I love a lazy day now and then.

    @bellyblast I don’t think I’ll ever walk this distance again, the weather was lovely and we were in a great area for dog walking. Today I managed to do 13k, more than enough with blisters.

    @at isn’t it strange we’re all good at different things when it comes to exercise. My abs are not bad but I try to do sit ups I have the feeling I tore them apart.

    Have a nice evening and sleep well everyone!

    Day 24 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    So pleased to have the scale down a pound this morning, marking a low I haven’t seen for over 2 years. This even with Thanksgiving on Thursday. It makes me optimistic for this whole holiday season. If I just keep up fasting before days I know will be having some feasting, and then eat only until satisfied, things should continue in a good place.

    @SonBirdMe – yes, the Microwave Bread is quite different than the Cloud Bread. That soup sounds yummy. That’s on the agenda for some of the leftover turkey for me as well.

    @snowflake56 – my you’re getting some good walking in! I’m impressed. You’re inspiring me.

    @dingping – so sorry to hear of your uncle’s woes. That’s rough. He’s fortunate to have you in his support system.

    @ciren2 – what a nightmare getting to the right train. Usually the GPS gets one around construction etc but obviously not always. Good thing you were there for your daughter and the other young girl.

    @gretta – you’re probably off enjoying your honeymoon. See you when you get back.

    @rainbowsmile – hopefully you’re doing better and better. Sending you some sunshine just in case you need it.

    Remember that together we are stronger!

    Day 24 Minnesota, USA CD
    Day 23 NFD

    7:15 pm my time. Quick check in. I had hoped for a FD today but it just wasn’t possible. I may try tomorrow. I hope to come on forum early and catch up on posts from last two days.
    Best of luck to everyone! Stay strong and carry on.

    Day 25: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD, still trailing behind the wagon….
    Restful day today after the traumas of yesterday evening! Oh for the days when good and up to date paper town maps were readily available, eh? Call me old fashioned but there’s nothing wrong with map-reading.

    Tomorrow, at Royal Mail, we start what’s known in the trade as “Christmas-Pressure”. Different work plans based on extra post and many, many parcels to be cleared. All leave cancelled and sickness frowned upon more than usual, and NOT expected!

    On Tuesday, however, my long awaited hospital appointment to have my arthritic wrists injected has come up. I will manage to get my day’s work completed and then go straight to the hospital. My day off has been altered to the Wednesday and, because I’ll probably need an extra day off, we’re going below the radar by “borrowing my following week’s day off for the Thursday. That way I won’t come to the notice of the
    management (who, luckilly, are not based in our small office…ha…ha)!

    Sorry such a long post. I know how difficult it is to read them all…

    Day 25:Gloucestershire, UK: NFD….strill running behind the wagon…

    After the traumas of yesterday evening; a restful Sunday. Why can we no longer get decent up-to-date town maps? Call me old fashioned but map reading seems so much more dependable then Sat Navs.

    Tomorrow, at the Royal Mail, we start what is known in the trade as “Christmas-Pressure”. Work patterns are adjusted to take account of the increased load, all annual leave is cancelled and sickness frowned upon even more than usual!
    Just as my long-awaited hospital appointment to have my arthritic wrists injected come up on Tuesday.

    Now, without saying more, I’m going to submit this….because I lost my last post.

    Day 25, London, UK, NFD…………….. with wine!!

    @annemarilyn, YEAH!! for that Thanksgiving 1 lb, I’m cheering you on!!! As a member of that infamous tortoise club – ‘Club-Tortwah’, I love the unexpected losses, where you think ……………………… ‘But what did I do differently, except loosen up a bit & enjoy myself without gluttony??’ ………………. Ah-Ha!!!! …………………… lightbulb moment!!!! Back to basics, no pressure, no stress & enjoyable NFDs seems to be working for me!!!

    It’s a quiet weekend on the forum ………………………. Are our American friends STILL recovering after Thanksgiving??? LOL!!! I’m posting to avoid eating the 6-pack of Wotsits I bought!!!! They’re pretty much 90% air anyway …………. Aren’t they?????

    My brother turned 48 yesterday, so I’m off later to celebrate with a glass of vino and probably food & cake too ……………….. THAT’S why it’s a NFD!!!! Thank goodness for this WOL!!!!!

    Keep the faith people!!!

    Day 25 NFD USA

    Still carrying on eating leftover Thanksgiving food! LOL As soon as we finish this, it will be Christmas food, and the celebration of the new year to contend with! Here in America in the Fall starting with Halloween we have way to many reasons to eat what we shouldn’t, even when it’s healthy food! Anyway, there are still the quiet days of January to come!!

    Day 25 – Ireland – NFD

    @ciren2 I feel for you at the moment with the increase workload! I have two postman pals who are in the same boat …also notice the increased number of deliveries to our’s still ONLY November 🤔

    Knocked two longstanding tasks off my to-do list this week having been inspired by you all. Ended up being not as difficult/pricey as I’d thought… It feels great!

    Club 90 km spin early this morning in dreadful cold and wet weather but great times had all the same.. coffee and cake is mandatory but i will take it handy for the rest of the day…

    Wishing you all a good Sunday!
    Onward and downward ⏬

    Day 25 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Trying to eat smart, but there continues to be lots of carb-laden food in our daughter’s house! Oh so tempting… indulging just some.

    I took youngest granddaughter to “Ralph Wrecks the Internet” movie last night and had buttered popcorn for our supper. The rest of the family went to the Utah vs. BYU (big rivalry) football game. 🏈 Our SIL played at the Utes, so big fans there.

    I hope to catch up on news and posts when the family all goes to work & school on Monday.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 25 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    I plan to keep it a 16:8 today and take care of some of the leftovers by eating them and fixing things with the rest of them; freezing etc. That’ll set me up for a B2B Monday & Tuesday. Want to end November strong.

    @flourbaby – yes, it is a light weekend post wise on the forum. Maybe folks are hibernating as the weather gets colder 🙂 I think I did learn something new – the “sensible” feasting days don’t have to derail everything if I prepare for them with fasting before and after. I did have an “ah-hah”. I’m encouraged for the rest of the holiday season. Last night, I was out with my son a couple of friends for dinner and fireworks, followed by going to an Improv performance. I again tried to choose well and then only ate until satisfied. I ended up taking 1/2 the meal home.

    @ciren2 – BTW, I did see your post twice back to back. It’s interesting that your view was different. I do wish you well this week with your injections. Hopefully they help more than they hurt.

    @songbirdme – it is a little more of a challenge when you’re in someone else’s home. It sounds like you’re enjoying your visit.

    @ccco – yes, there are a lot of food events at this time of year. I love how flexible the fasting is. We can work it around the celebrations! Who would want to live w/o celebrating? We need it 🙂

    @jaifaim – Wow 90km in the rain? You’re amazing!

    Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday whether feasting or fasting!

    Day 25, UK, NFD

    Today I don’t count calories but just enjoy my Sunday. Tomorrow is an FD 🙂

    @michelinme I created a spread sheet for December, should I post it here for you so you can add it to your December OP post? 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend everyone 😊

    Day 25, Gozo, Malta, just had a flapjack

    Michelinme I’m a little better and my daughter said I don’t have to take antibiotics.

    Yesterday I didn’t post. I just had a flapjack for lunch and cooked beef steaks for my son and OH with salad and an egg for my son. I prepared a tuna fish salad for my pregnant daughter. In the evening my OH and I went out for dinner. I had soup and pork shank with veg and some roasted potatoes.

    Today I had two of my daughters and their families over for lunch. I prepared my son s favorite carrot soup, individual beef Wellington’s (which I prepared yesterday ready to be popped in the oven) with baked parsnips, onions and squash, and my pregnant daughter and her OH brought desserts from one of my sister s son coffee shop. I just had diet soda and no wine.

    Tomorrow it will be a fast day for me.

    Good evening/night everyone.

    Day 25 UK CD

    Today was a Go-with-the-flow day, and all the better for it. I had lunchtime coffee with DD while she ate her lunch, then peppermint tea when we went out for coffee – was more about keeping her company & catching up than eating. We’ve sorted out a plan to reset my wardrobe…starting with me going over to help sort thru her clothes, incl looking for those too big for her/ might work for me. Then we’ll fix a trip round our favourite charity shops – much more fun than buying new clothes 🙂

    Realised I hadn’t eaten so had a banana and an apple on the way home, and resisted bread (yay!) in favour of a quick salad with mozzarella. Almost an unexpected FD but after road closures, railworks and bus diversions I feel the call for warming up and filling up 🙂 But mindful of looking after Future Me,

    I’m going to start Monday with meditation and gentle adapted yoga – time to reset that habit to frame my days. It would be good to wake feeling I have energy for the day, and prep for an easier FD. SO this evening will be a light supper of wild rice with spinach and some protein, a hot bath with epsom salts and essential oils and an early night. Aiming for 9 hrs sleep and 7am yoga & meditation – not hugely early, but hopefully well-rested 🙂

    @shinything thank you so much for doing the spreadsheet, that’s really kind of you! Yes please, if you could post it here I’ll copy it onto a December thread – hopefully set up tomorrow, if I can make the borrowed laptop work 🙂 x

    @ciren2 stations, satnavs, closed roads, trains… aagh! So glad they caught their train. Best of luck with your Busy Time, and with your hospital appt – hope it’s helpful

    @annemarilyn congratulations on your new low – and during Thanksgiving 🙂

    @jaifaim well done with the To Do list triumph – and 90km in the rain!

    @anna6 glad you are beginning to feel better, and thank you for sharing your lovely menus 🙂

    @rainbowsmile hope you are doing ok despite all the home & health issues x

    Here’s to restful Sunday evenings and hopeful Monday mornings. It’s never to late to begin again …

    Day 25
    NFD @kaywesterman welcome back 🤗 , try this spreadsheet link, it’s been changed:

    I copy the spreadsheet so I can find it easier. The one at the beginning of Nov. wouldn’t let me logged in, this one does.

    Hope everyone that celebrates Thanksgiving had a great one. We did not go home this time. However was able to facetime my son and some family members. We had two turkey dinners. One on Wed night and the other on Thanksgiving day with several arts friend. Had a great time. Learned some new games as my hubby and I don’t play a lot of games but we did enjoy playing.
    Weighed in today and to my surprised stayed the same. I have been walking more and today did a great walk. Hoping that will get the ball rolling.
    Having a company next week so hopefully, I can at least maintain.
    Have a great evening.

    Day 25, Barendrecht Netherlands, FD

    decided to do another FD, went fine.

    @annemarilyn at home I only walk when I have a goal, I don’t like just walking. With a dog it’s different, he has to get his walk so I have a goal, today I had 21k, not bad. When I come home my legs will be in great shape (I hope).

    Second post …

    @michelinme no worries, its a pleasure to chip in 😀

    Here is the link for December spread sheet:

    I copied the names from the November spread sheet, if anyone needs to be added please go ahead 🙂


    DAY 25 – UK – NFD

    Tomorrow is a FD. With that in mind I’ve had protein at each meal today to keep my appetite low tomorrow. Fingers crossed it works.

    Day 26 – Japan – WFD (really feel like I need it!)

    @snowflake56 – 3 seconds sounds better than I’m doing so far. This seems harder than learning out to ride a bike. (Frog stand)

    Day 26. London Uk. FD tomorrow.
    BLEEEEEURGH! Just been away to Hastings for the weekend and seem to have eaten non stop, including tons of bread, which was ok but now I feel bleeeeeeurgh. And DH decided to press for a curry on the way home, even though we had a Sunday lunch as well. It seems like ages since I’ve got down about food. Probably since I joined this forum at the end of last year. I’ve always just done what everybody here encourages us to do, put it behind me and look forward. But I just feel horrid. Bloated and podgy. WHY eat when you’re not even slightly hungry? I should have said no to the curry but I was being acquiescent. I could kick myself. Sorry. Moan over. H

    Day 25 Ohio, US — NFD
    Day 24 — NFD

    Did a good job of keeping within the TDEE on these two NFD’s. Tomorrow is back to work for a mad-dash three weeks.

    @emma Taylor Sometimes I think that some part of our inner self needs reassurance that it’s okay to go overboard once in a while with this WOE. With other diet plans one has to toe the line for ever so long and every little infraction carries a penalty in guilt. For me this WOE has given a lot more freedom, but it has taken me some time to get a balanced freedom. In fact, that is still a work in progress, but I feel that it is happening. Patience is good here. Hope this helps!

    Day 26, Barendrecht Netherlands, FD

    going for another FD and lots of walking with the dog, I want to reach 30k steps, if my feet allow it. I’m a bit bored so need a new challenge.

    @dykask I’m still with the 3 seconds, balance is not my thing, I keep falling to the right side. I’m terrible at bike riding, my balance and reaction time were always poor. I have a bike and we live in the flattest part of Germany but if I can’t reach my goal walking, I don’t need to go there. Don’t have a driver’s licence either, never needed one.

    @matpi how is your dog? Any news about the endoscopy?

    @emma-taylor I still go overboard with the amount of food I put in my mouth sometimes. I don’t really know what’s causung this, I can go overboard with things I don’t even really like, I just feel the need to eat a lot then. Perhaps there’s something missing in my food although I try to balance it. I try to even out on the days after, it mostly works.

    Pocket list day 26


    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 26 – Ireland – FD

    As predicted I have bobbed back up from my post fast day low over the weekend but knew that would happen… what a bummer!! But know I just have to stay steady and will get there …
    @emmataylor you should not feel too bad, I don’t understand those blow out days but know that we all seem to have them – I probably do more than others – but new day, new focus 👍
    Fast day, no exercise other than commute for me today..
    Onward and downward ⏬

    Pocket list:


    Day 26 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    I didn’t post this weekend. I was very poorly yesterday, slept until 14:00 hours, could not get out of bed to go visiting my granddaughter with DH, aches and pains, no appetite, pain in my abdomen. Was back in bed by 20:00 and slept through until alarm woke me (I am always awake before the alarm) at 6am.

    BUT I do feel better today. Still achy but the exhaustion does not seem to be there. I am off to work soon so will take care.

    Thanks everyone for your kind remarks re stepdaughters graduation. We are really proud of her. And this Friday another proud day as we go to middle stepdaughter’s passing out parade from the police force. ☺️

    Joining you on an FD but maybe this viral thingy might scupper it

    Pocket list Day 26

    DAY 26 – UK – FD

    Wishing everyone a positive week.

    Day 26 Wales ??

    Unscheduled FD yesterday owing to an upset tummy and not sure what today will be….

    Day 26. London UK FD

    Thanks for the sympathetic and encouraging comments. It’s been so lovely not to fear food and relax into the 5:2 I forgot how I USED to be. Not a nice way to live. I still have plenty of friends trying to lose weight using calorie restricted diets and they talk about what they are ‘allowed’ and not allowed all the time. I find it really wearing and depressing that they are controlled by a system that doesn’t really work in the long term and sets them up for failure. Anyways….

    Adding myself to today’s pocket list

    Pocket list day 26
    @snowflake 56

    Have a good day all. Seems to have warmed up a bit in London. Or else Hastings was very cold…..

    Hang in there pocket fasters!

    Day 26

    10pm here … I should make it just fine to breakfast!

    Also I been able to hold a frog-stand for a few seconds twice today. A very long ways to go to holding for 60 seconds, and that is supposed to be the easiest skill to master on the way to a planche. 2019 might be tough year. I probably wouldn’t have made as much progress today, but Snowflake56’s success spurred me on to try harder.

    Day 26 UK FD

    20:4 CD yesterday with fruit, salad and little bread, strange supper of peas & eggs plus delcious chocolate rice pudding – wild rice, cacao, coconut milk, date syrup, raisins and cinnamon – yum! Comfortable CD tho weird balance of food 🙂

    Phone software update killed my phone when I was setting the alarm last night 🙁 I stayed up late trying to understand/fix it, sort out new SD card and explore replacements. Both phone & laptop down now so I’m feeling rather stuck while trying not to stress! Glad to have use of borrowed laptop to keep me connected with the world and sort out solutions, tho v old and slow.

    V late night as a result, and v slow start today. Going to focus on yoga & meditation for the next hour then plough through emails ahead of this afternoon’s skype meeting. Some tricky conversations and decisions this week, need a helpful mindset and feel able to go with the flow rather than stressing. Good FD will be helpful for focus, then aiming for early night & good self-care…

    @shinything thank you! December challenge thread will appear in a day or so 🙂
    @daffodil2010 @missybear sorry you’ve been ill & hope you are better soon

    Day 26 Pocket List


    Day 26 North Canton FD and Recovery week

    I jumped the shark from Thursday to Sunday. I planned to take it easy but I was overtaken by greed and a penchant for mindless snacking. Ok, enough of that, it’s a new day and self -titled recovery week.

    EFS aside I had a wonderful time over the thanksgiving weekend. My baby sister spend the weekend with us and we all had a really really good time. Plus tree and Christmas décor are up, I am almost caught up on gift buying, just need to wrap, and I watched a video of myself and was rather impressed with the way I look. So not too shabby 🙂

    This week is about relearning self control after I let it get away from me and finishing strong. I am sorry I did not log in over the weekend, very poor hosting of me but I was super busy just try to keep up with family events.

    @michelinme, I would be tearing my hair out
    @dykask congrats on your progress, and I agree @snowflake56 is very inspiring. So many inspirational people on this forum actually. I am so glad we hang out together 🙂
    @daffodil2010 @missybear I hope you are better soon

    Day 26 Pocket List


    Day 26 Canada FD

    I’m with you @basyjames on making this a reeling in the snacking week. Not sure what has been going on the last few days but I have been munching constantly. Today is a FD then a mix of CD and at least one more FD to finish off the month. Here we go!
    Day 26 Pocket List


    Day 26 Belfast FD

    Having just completed a not very sensible weekend, I always look forward to a FD on a Monday. I was talking to my neighbour yesterday who has been to Slimming World and lost lots of weight. She was complaining that she went out for lunch last week and put on 2lbs, lamenting that she will have to watch everything that goes in her mouth for the rest of her life. It made me so aware again, that this WOL is so flexible and successful.
    @daffodil2010 you must be on cloud 9. Well done to your other step daughter.
    Adding myself to the list

    Day 26 Pocket List

    Let’s make these last few days really count!

    Day 26: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    @daffodil2010: hope you continue to feel better. Do trips abroad do us any good, I wonder? My brother-in-law has ended up with kidney failure after catching some sort of bug while on a cruise round Italy! Currently in the renal unit at Brighton Hospital..

    Well, this week is the start of “Christmas Pressure” at work. Expecting loads of parcels to come through from endless “Black” Fridays and other cyber-sales. Tomorrow, straight after work, off to the local hospital for my long-awaited cortisone injections. One, ultra sound guided, into the wrist and the other, in the opposite hand. Over use injuries and arthritis, I’m afraid. I hope I can get away without taking sick leave, as it’s “not allowed” during Christmas pressure. We may have to put it under the radar….

    Day 26, London, UK, NFD

    Very late check-in today, Ive had a run in with a CARTON of wine gums!!! They were on special in Tesco’s for a ridiculously low price & I just couldn’t walk on by!!!

    Anyway, it is what it is, tomorrows FD is much needed and of course I’m really looking forward to it.

    Today has been a really lazy day, I could kick myself for getting so little done, I’ll do my nails later and at least that’ll be one achievement!!!

    Onward & downwards folks!!!

    Day 26 – Eastern WA – FD

    @basyjames – “jumped the shark”, you got me on that one? Haven’t heard that expression 🙂

    @daffodil2010 & @missybear – may you be feeling better soon

    @anna6 – it’s amazing to me that even while not feeling well you are fixing wonderful food for your family. Be sure to take care of yourself.

    @debster251 – fasting, rather than constant calorie restriction, is so freeing and flexible. So glad to have been introduced to it a couple of years ago.

    Day 26 Pocket List

    Together we can end November strong!

    Still day 26.

    Just wanted to share something from a friend:

    “Let’s talk about discipline. Are you haphazardly going through this process hoping that you are going to get results? Some days you are on target, other days you are in the fridge cutting a wedge of leftover pumpkin pie?
    When it feels overwhelming to get back on track I have a suggestion. BREAK IT DOWN. One day at a time….one meal (or fast) at a time. RIGHT NOW you can make the right choice for your meal. That’s all you have to do. Make a good choice. Then relax, have some hot tea, coffee or water. BREATHE. RELAX. REPEAT. This is how you get back on track. We see so many of you saying “I am going to do a 7 or 10 day fast”. You don’t need to go extreme. Just focus on TODAY. You got this!”

    Day 26 – UK – FD
    Day 25 – NFD

    Saturday ended up as an EFS day 👿 However I did manage to just about stay on TDEE yesterday ready for today’s FD 😇

    Started off early this morning with my 7am Broga class – met friends for a coffee early afternoon followed by my Pilates class and this evening I had my yoga class – all helping me stay focused on this FD – I’m now back home so logging on for support to keep me focused and out of the kitchen!!!!

    @flourbaby – I do love a good Thai meal – my favourite wine with that style of food is a dry, off-dry Alsace Gewurztraminer. Happy birthdays to your brothers
    @ciren2 – hate it when that happens – glad you had a better Sunday x
    @snowflake56 – did you walk 21km? or 21,000steps??
    @emma-taylor – we all seems to do that to ourselves every now and then and always regret it the next day – will we ever learn???
    @basyjames – how organised for the festive season – Our Christmas tree only goes up the weekend before Christmas……….
    @daffodil2010 – hope you recover soon
    @debster251 – I too love my Monday FD always resets me for the week
    @annemarilyn – thank you for sharing – love it! But can’t open your link!

    Great reading all the posts and catching up on everyone – Only 4 days left in this November Challenge – where has this month gone??? I’m joining the pocket list even though I’m nearing the end of my day – just want to make sure that I don’t venture into the kitchen tonight – I have closed that mental door …….I hope………………

    Pocket list day 26 – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
    @dykask WFD

    “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results” Jack Dixon

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