newbie here

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jitterbug 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • hi folks

    i’m new at this 5:2 plan . . . started today. does everyone weigh themselves daily?

    i’m fasting today to kick start my plan . . . so far, good. it’s the afternoon.

    i am not too computer savvy and can’t figure out how to track my calories. any help? . . . thanks in advance.

    There are a number of sites where you can try to plan your intake for the day, like, the counter on or If you have a smartphone you can log easily and quickly with apps like My Fitness Pal (again), Lifesum or Fatsecret. If you google “calorie counter” or “calorie tracker”(or search for it in whatever app store you use) you’ll find lots of tools!

    Hi and welcome jitterbug! I know a lot of people use but like Moa said, there are lots of options available. Good luck!

    Hi! I am also a newbie and have just finished my first week on 5:2! Last week I fasted on Monday and Wednesday. I decided to try two consecutive fasting days to “jump start” my weight loss, so fasted Sunday and Monday this week. I weighed in this morning and am down 3 pounds! I am so motivated now!! Question: is it smart to weigh the day after a fast or to wait a day? Do most weigh just once a week? Thanks!

    thanks moa. . . . my third day in, taking it “one day at a time” . . . still trying to figure out how to go about this diet . . . did two fasting days back to back, am afraid to eat more today.

    brenda5265, i also did two days in a row of fasting. am down 3.2 pounds and afraid to eat today. am really pumped!!

    i have been eating between noon and 6 p.m. and will continue that pattern.

    my sleep has improved 100% when i don’t eat past 6 p.m.

    Glad you are doing well jitterbug! Keep up the good work! I am fasting today!

    over a week, i’m doing 2.4 pounds.
    will fine tune my intake.

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