Newbie – help

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  bluezoo 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi all just started today and im struggling to find a good site or app for calories for all foods!what do you use?

    Ive made a carrot and coriander soup but cannot work out the calories (feel thick) Also was thinking about doing 4/3 at 411 calories and slimming world the other 3 days is anyone else doing this? or am i better just calorie counting ive got 3 weddings and a holiday and need to lose! I know the 5/2 is more about health benefits which i am also conscious about, any help will be very much appreciated.

    I am 53 12.8lb and struggling even though ive previously been a WW leader it just feels that nothings working – depressed and food/diet constantly on my mind i know im putting to much pressure on myself with this roller coaster. xx

    Hi Tooshie

    I find my fitness pal the best app for cal counting. I juiced today so I just put in all the raw ingredients and it worked out the cals for me so you could do same for soup. If you type carrot it gives you options on sze or weight then you can select 2 medium carrots etc. Also anything in a packet you can scan the barcode and it works out what it is, ie stock cube packet.
    Don’t give up. Apparently once it’s part of your life style I geta easier and easier, well I hope anyway! 😉
    I found this evening the hardest time, not been too bad all day.
    On my feast days I’m planning to stay below 2000 cals and exercise when I can. Hopefully at least 3x per wk. Hard to stay motivated. Don’t think I could do 4:3 just yet. Slimming world on other dayd sounds good plan.

    Good luck

    Going to enjoy

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