Newbie, any other shift workers on here?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  2-Big Al 9 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Hi I’ve decided to give this a try. I could do with losing about 4-5 stones. Are there any shift workers who can give me some advice about fasting when on night shift?
    I’m going to start on Friday as I’m away on a training course for three days so I’m stuck with hotel/restaurant food for all my meals and my colleagues will want to hit the bar every evening.

    I have started this diet last Thursday ( 15th January 2015). I have a lot of weight to lose and I work shifts. I am currently on two and a half weeks of night shift. I did my two fasting days together last week on Thursday and Friday when I was off work. Was off Saturday and started a run of 3 nights last night.
    I always struggle through the night as unfortunately I am always one of these people who is hungry…especially for carbs! I managed last night and have had 4 hours sleep and so far today have only had yogurt and fruit.
    If you are just starting too, it would be nice to have a diet buddy!

    I used to work nights so I know how difficult it can be. I tended to take little meals in with me to work and not eat at home but I did do 7-7 nights.
    If you work 10-6 I would suggest you have your “dinner” at home and then your smaller meal at work as late as you possibly can. Hope this helps.
    PS try to keep busy at work too.

    Thanks for the responses so far. Sherriah I’m happy to be a diet buddy I think I’m gonna need one. I’ll be back on the forum from Friday as I’m away for the next three days.

    Started today, had 1600 calories and walked from the station to work instead of using the tube. I’m having my first fast day tomorrow, lets see how it goes.

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