New to 5:2! Anyone with underworking thyroid?

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  • Hi all!

    I have read and heard a lot good things about Fast Diet, so my hopes for finally getting rid of unwanted KG are massive!

    I never had problem with weight, size 10, 170cm, was good to me. About 2 years ago I started putting on weight, so went more to the gym, cut down some foods, but had no results… Went to GP, blood test and been told I have underworking thyroid, that’s why I’m getting fat.
    Since then I put just over 2st. Tried diets, gym and sports at least 3x a week and struggling a lot with loosing weight!

    I forgot to mention that I eat healthy, no ready meals, loads of veg, lean meats, fish etc.

    I’m just wondering if any of you is with underworking thyroid and how are you finding Fast Diet, what results you got?

    Any help and tips are more than welcome!



    Hi there,

    I also have an underactive thyroid and now take thyroxine. I’ve been doing the 5:2 for 8 months and have lost 23lbs. For me it has been the only diet that has worked for me. I think this has been partly due to the fact that it is the most sustainable for me, 2 days a week doesn’t feel like a diet!

    I tend to delay eating until 4pm on fast days (or have a cup a soup at around 1pm if I can’t manage!) – then I have ‘lunch’ at 4pm & my dinner at around 8pm. I like having my calories to look forward to! I am very lazy on my fast days & generally have an M&S children’s ready meal for dinner – the cottage pie is only 185 calories and the other meals don’t exceed 250 cals. Although the mac N’ Cheese is not good! 🙂

    I also have to admit that I do rely on the odd diet coke to get me through the day!

    I find my energy levels have improved (a real benefit when you have underactive thyroid) and I don’t tend to put the weight back on (even over Christmas).

    One thing I will say – I set off with the diet only aiming to lose 2lbs a month, and I only weigh myself monthly – it has been a slow process, but my patience has paid off & I am so thrilled with the results.

    I’d love to hear how you get on with diet – I can’t recommend it highly enough!

    Good luck! x

    Hi I also have put on over 2 stone in weight due to an under active thyroid. I have been put on a low does of thyroxine to start with. I am a veggie so and tend to skip meals. As you can guess I am struggling to lose weight, only eating breakfast which I measure out and evening meal. I never eat in-between or rubbish food. So maybe I shall give this a go.
    Any ideas for veggie meals….

    Thanks for your replies!

    My first Fast Day was yesterday and it wasn’t difficult, lets hope they’ll all be like that, had banana for breakfast, boiled egg for lunch and 1/4 of tin toms with 80g green beans with poached egg for dinner. I heard some people go without eating on fast days, I might try on Tuesday and see how that go.

    Problem with diets I have they are just too complicated! I am a rep, so im out and about all day, can’t really follow any diet… This though sound just perfect!

    I am really looking forward to results! I can only say to myself ”be strong girl!”

    I’m sure we can make it! Good luck to us 🙂


    I think with underworking thyroid it’s important to eat regularly to boost metabolism. Also spicy food are good, i’m a chilli lover so it work for me.

    Good luck x

    Hi there, I’m in the same situation as you with the thyroid, about the same weight gain and the same results with dieting. I have just finished my second week of the fast diet and am thrilled with the results! I have lost 5 lb so far….so there is hope for us and this one seems to really work. I’m thinking of it as a new way of life because it is so easy! Good luck and stick with it!!

    So my first week went quick… and quite good results, 1.5kg down 🙂
    It definitely made me believe this is finally the diet that works for me! Just hoping the weight loss won’t slow down or stop.

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