New member in Spain (ex-pat Brit)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  linanne09 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Just started my 1st fast day today, although I bought the book last year. I’ve tried many diets in the past, lost weight, re-gained weight – the same old story. This one has to work, or I’ll die. Diabetic, arthritic, hypertensive, hypothyroid, BPH, overweight under-fit. Otherwise OK.
    I look forward to reading other peoples progress and hopefully my own.

    Good luck with you diet. I started mine two weeks ago and so far I haven’t found the fast days difficult.

    Hello pequod, I’m in Australia and am new too, planning to start tomorrow, so not far behind you. I’m hypothyroid too so sympathise on that. Nice to meet you.

    pequod & teekayjay, that makes three of us who are hypothyroid. I started my fast diet a couple of weeks ago.

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