New and scared!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  MaryAnn 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Just joined….anyone else starting tomorrow?
    And any advice from old hands,wether it’s best to start with a ‘fast’ day?
    And what is the best book please?

    Hi Lesley:

    All of the information you need to do 5:2 is on this site for free. Read the segments on the top of the page to start. This thread will answer most of your questions along the way:

    Good Luck!

    Hi Lesley

    Well done for resolving to give 5:2 a go. Hope you’re not toooo scared!

    It took me several attempts – over a couple of years – to get into the swing of fasting regularly and not over-compensating on my non fast days. It was all good experience, though. I ‘got serious’ about 9 months ago and rather than yo-yoing, as I was before, I have had a steady rate of weight loss/ size reduction. I am not quite at my goal but have lost enough weight to feel very happy and confident that I will reach my goal. Lots of cliches such as ‘It’s a marathon, not a sprint’ come to mind!

    I agree with simco, there is loads of good advice on this site. However, if you do want to buy a book, I would suggest getting the 5:2 fast diet, rather than the Fast Beach one, simply because it takes you through the basic process.

    If you enjoy ‘chatting’ and mutual support, have a browse of these threads and join in any that you like the sound of.

    Best wishes for the journey 🙂

    Thanks for your replies both of you…so tomorrow sees a new start…don’t have a problem with fasting,.just maybe a migraine, but sometimes as long as I drink, I should be ok…

    Coffee and tea are zero calories if you don’t add milk or cream, but also drink plenty of water. (Milk and cream are fine, btw, as long as you count the calories)

    Also, I find that a salty soup – bouillon or miso – perks me right up as well.

    Finally, stay busy. I often exercise when I feel hungry. Or tidy my office. Or do some gardening…

    Good luck!

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