New and excited!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  MrsBlueSky 10 years ago.

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  • Hi all! I am going to start on Monday. Just planning the meals and then do the shop and I’ll be good to go.
    Same story as many I’m sure. Busy mum, working full time and forgot to take some timefor me and look after my self. Put weight on and tired of feeling uncomfortable so time to change.
    Would be good to have a bit of moral support if there’s any takers.

    Hi! I am excited too. I am part way through my first week and I am loving it. My fast days are Tuesday and Friday and they were a lot easier than I expected. Are you using myfitnesspal to record your calories, it’s really good.
    I was slim once, for about 6 months, 30 years ago hahaha! I want to know what that feels like again. I want to lose 20 pounds initially, then maybe another 7. Can’t wait for my weigh day on Monday.
    Good Luck!

    Hi. I had seen someone else mention that app. Will have a lookat it,thanks. My fast days are going to be a Monday and Wednesday as that’s when I have more on at work so hope not to be thinking too much about it.
    It’s good to start with realistic goals. I too was slim once and look forward to picking up something I like and seeing something I like looking back at me.
    Good luck for Monday and let me know how you do!

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