My Weight Loss in over 5 to 6 months…

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My Weight Loss in over 5 to 6 months…

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  viking55803 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi! I’m new here and here is my story.

    I’m 23, male and I’ve started Fasting back in July. One day a week only, Mondays to be honest, here’s what I do, every Sunday by 7:00pm until Monday 7:00pm I don’t eat anything solid, just water or yogurt (lately).
    The first week I lost 3 kilos. I felt great because I could see some of my muscles that I didn’t knew I had developed, I like fasting, but I have some questions.

    How much will affect if I reduce it from 24 hours to 18/19 hours?
    I only eat Watermelon or other fruits on Mondays, and I don’t have dinner too.
    Because, after I started fasting back in July, I lost my appetite on the evenings, is that good or bad? Sometimes I don’t feel hungry in the mornings too. Even though I eat something, a Yogurt mínimum.

    I’m stuck with 75 to 76 kilos, I should weight 70 to 72, I workout 3 days a week for 2 hours, what else can I try? Are there any other things to try or a list of things to avoid or something similar?

    Anyway, thanks for Reading.

    You don’t say how much you’ve lost in total.
    24 hours is barely a fast so I wouldn’t see any advantage in reducing it to 18 if you still want to lose weight. You also say you’re eating when you’re not hungry. I think you’re answering your own questions here.
    Well done on your loss so far and keep it up!

    Hi! Thanks for replying! You’re right, I’ll keep it in 24 hours, with no Breakfast and no dinner. I’ll keep checking myself every week as I’ve been doing.

    I’ve lost 8 kilos in 5 months. Still more to go, thanks for Reading! (:

    On the 5:2 diet or way of eating, a fast is actually more like 36 hours and is not a “true” fast: you eat about 1/4 of your daily calorie needs. So, for example, I last ate 12 hours ago (8 PM) and except for my 500-600 calories sometime today, I won’t eat a regular meal until 8 AM tomorrow which is 36 hours total.

    The advantage of eating 500 calories of mostly protein and plants during a “fast” day is that it probably helps protect against muscle catabolism. We want to lose fat, not muscle mass.

    I think the FAQ section on this site explains most of this pretty well. Good health!


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