Monday and Wednesday faster needed!!

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  • Hello all,
    It’s that time now when I need to take myself off to bed with a good book, decaf coffee or tea and make sure I don’t get up again. Thanks to all this support, I think I’ve turned a corner and went from 6pm on Monday’s fast day until 11am yesterday and finally got through the hunger and out the other side and now remember how good it feels. Had to try v hard not to then binge! Today I had one egg on dry toast for brekkie and then managed to drink loads and keep going until 3:30 when I had some berries. Tuna, rice cakes and asparagus for dinner whilst watching the family chomp pasta wasn’t easy.
    I’m just experimenting to see if going longer between food might work for me. I just really need to control myself tomorrow. Planning is the key! And not pile it all back on over the weekend as is my tendency….
    Keep going everyone!

    Hi Lazycat- did you eat in Edinburgh? I love so many of the restaurants there, it’s definitely the place to eat.
    D – I have been experimenting with Mason Jar salads( Kilner Jars here) you can see them on Pinterest, I love them, and it’s absolutely amazing how long they last, if you like pre-preparing and planning ahead I can’t recommend them enough. Goosey x

    Thankyou for the warm welcome everyone.
    I think my success first time round was sheer will power and I exercised to Davina a lot,well at least 4 times a week (I think her DVDs are the best especially fit in 15)
    I tried not to get too hung up on the number on the scales and measured myself (in cm not inches) I didn’t count calories or refrain from anything on my non fast days eithe. My appetite naturally curbed.
    I think one of the secrets to successful fasting is to keep busy!
    Can’t seem to get my mind in the right place again……..
    Can I ask what people think about avoiding carbs on a fast day? I never have bread but sometimes might have 2 new potatoes with fish/chicken. Had quite a successful fast yesterday….apart from the 4 peanut m&m’s
    Zacindie 72 well done that’s a fantastic achievement

    Hi all.

    Weigh day today, the 3lb is off!, obviously that’s the 3 that went on last week, so really back to pre mini break weight.

    Very happy

    Hi all,

    Michelleg22, good on you for good ole’ Davina, I haven’t exercised for ages, you have inspired me to get myself moving:-)

    Well done Elc72!

    After a few fasts now, I have concocted a low cal dinner which is huge and filling. 2 x courgettes spiralled, half a tin of tomato’s, 2 x fresh tomato’s, 2 large mushrooms, chilli, black pepper and garlic.

    Fry the mushrooms and garlic in 1 cal spray a bit of water, add all the other ingredients and let it simmer (whilst I prepare the family’s fodder!), it reduces into a thick sauce, top it with a generous sprinkle of parmesan. Its comes in at 173 calories according MFP.

    Has anyone started to make much healthier choices on non fast days, and cut down on carbs? Read Michael M, suggested cut back on white carbs to maintain weight loss if stuck on plateau.

    I’m a Monday WEdnesday and Friday faster if you are interested perhaps we could start a what’s app group

    Hi All, well done Elc72, – big effort paid off! So, – llast time you lost the weight and went onto 6:1 it didn’t work for you, what are your thoughts going forward – long term, sticking to 5:2?
    Michelleg72- you are so right about keeping busy, it’s essential! I have become so productive, the house has never been cleaner and I have even started some knitting for the evenings.
    CARBS have somehow lost their appeal for me, I allowed myself some mash with a saucy meal last week, now I know this would have been my idea of heaven a couple months ago, and I just wasn’t bothered, I was actually taken by surprise at myself and was able to leave it.
    Zacindie, spiralled courgettes? Do you use a spirallizer? If so what do you think of them- my kitchen is quite small and everything has to earn its space, but I have been contemplating one.
    Hi yoyogirl, what’s a “what’s app group” sorry if I a being thick.
    EXERCISE-Still thinking about it, but I do have the guilt, I suppose it’s a start. Goosey x

    I still love my carbs but bread wise I only have 2 slices of wholemeal from a 400g loaf and not on fast days. Bought a soup maker and it’s wonderful.
    Zacindie and Goosey i would def recommend one of Davinas HIT workouts like intense or fit in 15 you will laugh and feel great afterwards. It’s just getting motivated that’s the problem :/
    Lost 2lbs since last weeks weigh in so here’s hoping it’s going to keep going down!
    Just had 2 chocolate digestives though lol
    4km walk this evening so I’m sure that will burn the choccy biscuits off.
    Good luck in whatever you’re doing today everyone x

    Hi all,

    Goosey, no I didn’t really have time to eat in Edinburgh but it was such a long stressful day a fast was the last thing I wanted. Will be up there on a regular basis so plenty of time to check out some nice places to eat.

    Elc- well done on getting back to pre-break weight!

    You are all shaming me into getting back into exercise. Will try to start with a run on Saturday morning (been sooo long it will probably be walk/jog).

    Weigh in day tomorrow but not feeling too optimistic.

    Hi All,

    How did you get on lazycat?.

    Michelle, Davina is definitely one of the best workout dvds around.

    Goosey, I did 6.1 for 2 weeks last year and gained a pound each week. I will continue with 5.2 forever I think, I actually enjoy it. I love the feeling when I wake up Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    I will not count calories on other days but my tastes have definitely changed, for example, last night I had fish and chips and 3 beers, felt awful all night and this morning, got up later than normal, and was really sluggish on my walk.

    I have actually taken one of my quorn diet day meals out of the freezer for dinner.

    Hi all,

    Elc- no weight loss this week, bit disappointed to be honest. I have been thinking when I have been reading these posts and have came to the conclusion that it may be due to bread. I think on the weeks that I have lost I haven’t had any, and only had crackers and oatcakes. To numb the pain I had a bit of munch on cakes at work, now feel awful due to the gluten. No bread for me starting on Monday even if it is gluten free.

    Can I ask if anyone has a greater weight loss when they eat less carbs? Would be really interested in you thoughts/experience of this.

    I think that I need to get back to exercise classes and running.

    Sorry, I meant to say that I pleased that quorn is going down well with you.

    Lazycat, There is always going to be a greater weight loss while going down the no carbs route, but that is simply Atkins. It works short term and the minute carbs are reintroduced, weight returns.

    I eat carbs all the time, fast days included, but must admit a lot less quantity than before. Come on, a life without bread!!!.

    Maybe an answer short term for a boost is going wholemeal.

    Elc, thank you! The voice of reason. I think that your right, it is the amount of bread/carbs I eat. May stick to oat cakes and crackers during the week and bread over the weekend.

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend

    Hi everyone,

    After reading other posts I decided to be proactive rather than dwelling on a no weight loss week. Took a trip into town and bought slim rice (16cals for 200grm) and the noodles and pasta, and all gluten free. I hope that this reduces the carb intake on fast and non fast days then I can still have nice bread when I feel like it. I have made a big pot of chick pea and spinach curry for fast days so with the slim rice it works out at 250cals for a large meal. I will let you know what I think of them as plan to try it out tonight.

    Is that the bare naked noodles and rice??

    I think they are much the same but different brand. Got them in Holland and Barrett who are doing a deal if you buy one get another for a penny. They sell the slim rice, pasta and noodles all low carb, gluten free and around 10 cals for 100grms. Which is great for me as normally gluten free are higher in both fat and cals. Appears to be made of Konjac flour and oat fibre. Think they are worth a try. They appear to have reasonable reviews. Will keep you updated.

    Yes I’ve heard of them, think they came out before bare naked noodles.

    Morning all,

    Update on the slim rice. When you open them they do smell awful! However, once rinsed a few times and cooked they went ok with my curry. Unfortunately I had a good old munch last night which I enjoyed. Going shopping and plan to make a quorn chilli (great for fast day). Going to be really focused this week and keep an eye on my cals non fast days over the next week.

    Hi all, not sure if I lose less after eating carbs but I definitely feel hungrier on a fast day if I’ve had a carb overload on non fast day. My biggest sin on non fast days is full sugar coca cola and we all know that’s not good for me. I’ve cut down a lot and try to only indulge at the weekend and stick to flavoured waters. I bought a fit bit a few weeks ago and I’m trying to get my 10,0000 steps in everyday but especially fast days as I’m hoping it will eat into my fat reserves lol it’s surprising how few steps I do take to be honest. Thought I moved a lot more :/

    Michelleg22, I totally agree with you about being hungrier the day after a carb heavy day. I am just keeping an eye on this to see if there is a connection with too much carbs and no weight loss. However, I think that I have not been watching my cals on non fast days. Sometimes count and do well and sometimes I go over and think what the hell, in for a penny and in for a pound. Think I need a consistent approach for at least 3-4 non fast days of being careful of how much I am eating. Also need to excerise rather than thinking about it. Hope this week is a week of action rather than contemplation!

    Lazycat I’ve just had a sausage sandwhich on white bread and have no intentions of exercising today haha! I’m of the same thought sometimes in for a penny in for a pound. Surely that’s the point of the fast diet though? Eat what you want on non fast days?? I’ve succeeded in the past so I’ll carry on. My appetite definitely diminishes after a month or 2 of fasting. In the past few weeks I’ve definitely noticed a reduction of my waistline mainly the top of my tummy (under my boobs) . Walking again tomorrow as it keeps my mind off food. Hope you have a great Mon and Wed fast! X

    Hi everyone!

    I just started this diet last week and I’ll be fasting on Monday and Wednesday too.

    What does everyone eat on their fast days?

    I’m lucky, the low calorie noodles (shirataki/slim noodles) are Japanese, and living in Japan, I can buy huge bags of them and have a nice big meal even when fasting. (Although my Japanese coworkers are pretty grossed out that I use the noodles as a pasta substitute since they’re supposed to be used in traditional Japanese dishes haha)

    How does everyone cope during work on a fast day? I’m a teacher, so I spend a lot of my day jumping up and down and singing songs with kids. I found myself feeling pretty faint at the end of the day.

    Sorry for the long message! Good luck fasting, everyone (:

    Hi Doracat, welcome to the club.
    I’m sat eating a cup a soup as I write. I’ll have an omelette with cheese around 6pm this evening and (hopefully) nothing else. Go as long as you can without eating as that’s the whole point of the “diet”. Try and stick to high protein and low carbs on fast days. Keeping busy is the key!!! If you’re feeling faint at the end of the day you may not be drinking enough. You have to keep hydrated. Good luck and let us know how you find your first week x

    Hi Dora,

    Do you work as an English foreign language teacher in Japan?.

    I only ask because I work as one in Spain.

    The jumping around singing songs gave it away.

    Hi all and welcome Dora,

    I only have one meal on a fast day and usually quorn or home made soup with plenty of herbal tea and water. Being busy at work does help to distract me from food so always try and have jam packed days at work when fasting. It is during the evening that I struggle.

    Hope everyone’s fast goes well!

    I’ve just had a 3 egg omelette with peppers mushroom and a bit of cheese.
    I try to only have 1 meal a day too lazycat but had a cup o soup today as well. Just been for a 4km walk so I’m not worrying too much. Already thinking about what I’m having tomorrow. Early bath and bed for me cos I know I’ll be struggling in an hour. Good luck everyone x

    Hi Mechelleg22,

    I am exactly the same about having early night with a book and thinking about tomorrow’s dinner. Am living the dream!

    Haha lazycat I’ve got an options hot chocolate on standby if I feel I need it 🙂

    Oh sounds tempting, may get some for a wee treat on fast and non fast day. I having a boiled sweet at 6 cals. Can’t belief that the day has come when I am looking forward to a boiled sweet and a good drying day to get my washing out on the line. Have turned into my mother and didn’t notice it happening,

    Lol I know what you mean. Like you said living the dream 😉

    Hello 5-2ers!! Can I join you?

    I am a 52yo living in Australia. I am fairly active and healthy, but have put on a few kilos in the last few years, so I want to shift them. A friend who has been overweight for years has lost quite a bit of weight with the 52 program, and he recommended it (and I’m 52, so it’s a sign, right??)

    I just started yesterday – it was much easier than I thought! – but I think that was because I was hyper-prepared. I planned what I was going to eat, and measured it all out in advance so that it would be harder to cheat. I even hid the chocolate at the bottom of the freezer, so I wouldn’t see it (although I could still hear it calling “Eat me!! eat me!!”). I intend fasting on Mondays and Wednesdays. Any tips are welcomed!!

    Hi Batty,


    Planning is the key, I’ve got a menu on my fridge with about 10 300cal meals, it really helps.

    I am a 1 meal girl also, usually I eat about 9 pm, but fast days rarely make it to 7pm. I always choose something really filling, I made a mistake last week with a smoked salmon salad, didn’t fill me up at all, had to go to bed at 9pm, every food advert on the tv was killing me.

    I can’t thank you enough lazy for the quorn advise, I made a massive Bolognese/ chili, portioned it and it works out at 213 a bowl, and it’s a big bowl. Last night I had it with 50g of pasta, which I have only just found out has exactly the same amount of cals as cous cous. Was really filling. When I can get hold of slim noodles or bare naked noodles, will use them instead. Not available here.

    Hi all and welcome Batty,

    Elc am so pleased that you are enjoying the quorn products. The quorn chicken pieces are also great. Just had 2 fajitas with quorn chicken pieces and pile of peppers, salade, onion and a few left over mushrooms which totals around 360 cals. Am happy with a full tummy. Having a small gin to celebrate the beauty and goodness of quorn!

    Thanks for the welcomes.

    Yes, planning IS the key! I didn’t check my calories before eating on my 2nd day and ended up at almost 350 before noon. For the rest of the day, I had to make do with a bowl of miso soup with some steamed veges thrown in. On the upside – it was quite filling and tasty, and I didn’t go over 500 cals, so feeling quite encouraged by that….

    I eat quite a few quorn products normally – I didn’t realise I would be able to incorporate them into a fast day. I really must start reading more calorie labels!

    Yes lazy, had the chicken pieces in a slow cooker curry last night. Also nice. The only thing I haven’t tried is the sausages, everyone says they’re really nice.

    Made a major mistake today, had lunch!!.

    Only have 200 cals left for dinner and I’m starving. HELP. any ideas

    Think repulsive thoughts. Like maggots. Maggots are repulsive.
    Appetite? Whoooooooosh, GONE!

    Good tip Randi.

    Elc, I am the same when I have lunch on a fast day. One minute I think no worries I have loads of cals then the next I am wondering where they have gone or like today when I am slightly over my 500 due to a slice of low fat cheese. Elc you sound as is you have done great on the diet. The only thing that I can suggest is tin of soup.

    I’ve decided to go cold turkey and have nothing.
    I was considering porridge, but of gone past the hunger now so will have a cup of tea and an early night I think.

    weigh day tomorrow is spurring me on.

    Elc, Good luck with your weigh in!

    (It was the maggot mention, wasn’t it? Makes it easy!!)

    Stay strong, Elc72!!!

    I’m fasting today, too. So far, coffee and water. We got this!

    Same here ELC72 had a small toastie at lunch and a cup o soup . Omelette for dinner. Going to try the quorn and make a chilli or something I think. Will stock up on the low carb noodles too, my friend works at Holland and barest so at least I get a discount. Mad with myself today. 🙁

    Hi all,

    Well that was a hard one but did it.

    One lb off 1 inch off the waist.


    Well done Elc, you must be delighted! weigh in for me tomorrow. My fingers and toes are crossed for the scales telling me good things. If not will need to be super good with calorie counting next week.

    Hi lazy,

    I am thrilled, good luck tomorrow.

    Thursday is normally my fat day, but today I’ve just not been hungry. Had a tuna sandwich for lunch and having a salad for dinner, weird.

    I am having a gin and tonic though!haha

    I have been good all day at work then munched like mad on crackers and cheese since I had lovely healthy dinner.

    Think you totally deserve a gin!

    Hi There everyone,

    Boring day for me today, cleaning, dogs are malting (not sure it’s spelt like that), so having to hoover twice a day, thank god they don’t go upstairs!!. This afternoon we will go swimming.

    Haven’t even thought what’s on the menu today, think I might be careful all day, then have a nice dinner, or go out.

    Anyone got any plans this weekend?/

    Where’s Goosey?

    Hi all,

    Just weighed myself and 1/2lb on, not a happy bunny! Think I need to have more self control on non fast days.

    No idea where Goosey is. Hope that She is back soon.

    Hope everyone is doing okay and have a bit more self control the me.

    Enjoy the weekend

    Lazycat 1/2lb is nothing. My weight fluctuates between 2-3lbs all the time. I’m not weighing myself much as I can tell with the way my clothes fit. Get your tape measure out and measure in cms and I’ll bet you will notice a difference.
    Don’t beat yourself up. Monday is another fast day and you can try again. 🙂
    I have no self control what so ever at weekends but I’m finding I can’t eat as much these days (good job)

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