Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years ago.

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  • Oh my Makica……I can relate to the yelling at other drivers thing! I have got to get a magic wand for my car! LOL! I’m usually yelling something like “Come on you idiot!” I’m always telling myself to just relax. I think the “wand” will be just the thing! Oh and the funny accent, of course! 😉

    Cure to road rage a magic wand! I wish I had one for hunger pangs and cravings.

    Hello everyone..

    Makica.. you sound like me.. grappling with your own reactions to other people’s stupidity (as well as my own).. I agree it is best to let go of the anger.. it just does not make anything better. Just a thought: I use Audible to listen to audio books when I am stuck in traffic; it takes my mind off the irritation and it is a great way to get caught up on my reading. My next book club book is “The Forty Rules of Love”. I have read it before but will go through it again. I bought it in the airport and will try to read while I am at my sister’s.

    On the food front: Hotel breakfast.. need I say more? I had a lightish lunch and am planning not to have dinner or just a soup again. It is not exactly eating well.. there was a chocolate biscuit that did not allow me to resist.. a couple of small salmon sandwiches, bite sized fruit tart, a couple of fried chicken balls. I have no idea what all this adds up to.. I estimate 1500-1600 calories? Still reasonable if I don’t have dinner. Maybe I can do better tomorrow.

    Have a great evening everyone.


    Salma I did the same in the years I commuted. Only there was no Net on the roads so I would burn Audible books onto a CD and listen to them while I drove to Belgrade every day and back. I am an avid reader. I am more dangerous with a credit card in a bookstore than a boutique. Well maybe not in a shoe shop… but then we all have our little weakness…. 😉

    As for food my father just brought duck pate from Hungary. I had to try a little toast with butter and the dam pate. Then the little toast with the butter and pate started crying for some good red wine. One thing led to another and the sexiness of it all just got to me. Not really taking care of the 3 year old but then transformation like that takes years. Excuses excuses…..

    BTW letting go of anger does have a great benefit. I can vouch for that. I had a bladder problem for months. Doctors gave me antibiotics and all kind of stuff, but it didn’t make me feel any better. So I went for a second opinion and stumbled onto a doctor who said there was nothing wrong with me, that in his opinion I was in spasm because of stress or anger or…. well that is when I tried all of this kind of meditation (I think I wrote about it a few weeks ago) letting go, forgiveness… and it just all went away all of my symptoms.

    When I do the forgiveness meditation I can feel my heart close and contract. Less and less now but it is evident. Then when I follow a feeling I come to a spasm somewhere in my body and if I work on it, it goes away. So letting go of anger changes a lot for you.

    You can try it. There are great meditations on YouTube, I personally like Jack Kornfield. You don’t have to know anything about it, just listen and be there.

    Love m

    Hi again!

    I was just browsing thru my Kindle and came upon another fasting book that I had downloaded long ago. I just read it again and wanted to share. It is an easy read, but makes perfect sense. The author makes the science of it all understandable. He does not advocate one form of IF over another…he gives 3 examples of ways to do it. The book is “The IF Diet” by Robert Skinner. It never hurts to read again how good IF is for the body, not only for weight loss.


    Thanks Lori 🙂

    Good morning everyone, how delightful to imagine you driving down the road wth your wand sprinkling magic on all the crazy cars, Makica. And yay for a healthy bladder.

    Good luck with finding beautiful food today, Salma, and everyone else. The best food, not too much, eaten mindfully.

    I’m heading off for a feast mind you! A sisters birthday, and more sisters to celebrate. We are going to a Vietnamese restaurant so I am expecting lovely food.

    Thanks for the lovely posts!

    Good morning Cinque, and all of you gorgeous fasters. Another day of juice fasting after the threesome with the pate and wine from last night. The morning after regrets are here just no morning after pill for the damage done.

    And there lies my frustration I have to clearly meditate on. I put through some serious schooling 4 kids, not counting the youngest of fighting for human rights I have a PhD in Pharmacy, a MD doing clinical trial and a real scientist like Ludwig Von Drake (the crazy scientist from Mickey the Mouse) the PhD in Molecular Biology and Genetics. So the plan was to find a cure for cellulite, weight issues, bad knee…. a some other stuff. But what do they do with such a mastermind plan of mine??? They all go their separate ways into some other interesting scientific stuff and there goes my investment into all of these middle aged problems. We could have made a fortune and I could be Scrooge McDuck with the magic wand of loving kindness.

    You have to forgive me for all the cartoon analogies. It is the wine from last might speaking.

    Love ya all 😀


    Where is everybody?

    Hi Makica. I’m in Philadelphia, still lying in bed while my lover snores his head off. We got in around 11 last night, got lost on one way streets trying to find the hotel (they don’t believe in signs in Philadelphia. I should have remembered that from my childhood.) Finally found it, went to the last open bar for some dinner, drank 2 glasses of wine and found out they had just closed the kitchen. So dinner was two glasses of wine!

    What brilliant children you must have. And I needed that magic wand last night. Crazy drivers at that hour!

    No fasting for me today. Beef Wellington for dinner tonight. Yum. Anyway, last night was a sort of fast, right?

    Good luck to all of you. Lori, did you see me wave as I flew over?


    I’m here! I’m here! I didn’t have time to post this morning before boot camp.

    Official weigh in after 1 week of the “eating window” fasting plan……down 2.4 lbs! I know this won’t be a fast loss, but it will be FAT loss! I don’t want to lose the precious muscle that I work so hard to build at boot camp.

    Feeling VERY hungry this morning as I didn’t eat enough yesterday and closed my window early, and with an oatmeal raisin cookie. Not the smartest move as I was awake at 2AM with hunger pangs. Note to self…Do not close your window with sugar!!! Live and learn! I’ll hold out as long as I can this morning, but I have a feeling my window will be open by Noon at the latest. My sister and I are going out for appetizers around 4, so that will work out well.

    I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

    Hi MM! You snuck in while I was posting! Hmmm…….I must not have been looking up at the right time….I missed your wave! LOL! Have a lovely time in Philly.


    Hi Minnesota girl, Serbs do not believe in sings either. GPS Navigation is my only hope. Or Google maps. You will not find me without those 2 even on my own street. You never know. One day it’s there and the other… puf gone.

    Now I can understand your food choice. All of them. So you have complete understanding here honey.

    My kids are great but did not fulfill their purpose of hard paid schooling all over the world. I still have the dam cellulite, a bad knee, some FAT to lose and so on…. but I forgave them. What can you do. There all mine. I only have myself to blame that I didn’t push my agenda harder. Yeah, like it could of changed anything with those genes they got from their parents.

    As for snoring I also understand you on that point more than you think. I left my marital bed about 10 years ago because my husband is the guinness world record holder for the strongest snorer ever. The glass on the widows vibrate when he is at it.

    Lori my dear I came home today so hungry that I ate like a mad woman. I was supposed to fast on the green liquid stuff. But I am in my window at least. I know hunger. We all know hunger when you are shaking and dizzy.

    So nothing new here. Work and the weekend finally. Shall eat smart, heathy and windowed in. LOL

    Love m

    Good morning everyone, I hope Philadelphia feeds you better today Miss M.
    I am going to have a slow Saturday after such a social day yesterday (a lovely social day!)

    I have a similar experience with my daughter, Makica. All the wonderful ideas I had for what she could do with her good brain! But she just rolled her eyes and did what she wanted to do! ?

    I think today I need to make a big pot of delicious soup. Best wishes to you all, for your day. ?

    Hi girls,

    Day gone by the wayside I am afraid, 5:2 – speaking! Too much temptation and a big gala dinner tonight. I have just come back to my room after having plished off a three course dinner with wonderful desert (this PLUS breakfast AND lunch AND coffee breaks). Sigh!

    On the positive side, tomorrow my sister rescues me from the incessant food spreads at the hotel and I am hoping to eat somewhat more sensibly.

    Lori.. closing a window with a cookie! I almost felt the hunger pangs myself (I say “almost” as I am totally stuffed tonight). Why do this to yourself? I find a half avocado before going to sleep or a half glass of milk is a good way to stave off hunger pangs. Really well done on losing. I am cheering for you. It must feel great.

    Makica.. I can’t live without my GPS/Google maps. I have a real disability when it comes to directions. I can read a map, but I cannot find any place on my own, sometimes, even places I have been to many times. It is actually quite embarassing that I have a below zero sense of direction. Thank God for technology!

    MM.. a dinner of 2 glasses of wine is definitely low cal in my book. You can even count it as an FD, I think 🙂

    So ok… breathe I just lost my post the second time.

    Cinque kids will be kids and all we can do is teach them manners. No way you can make them do something they don’t want to after a certain age. And even before that.

    Salma you are surrounded with enemy lines honey! All those Swedes and their tables with buffets and all and then people offering yummy food all the time. And the loving friends trying to feed you… run, Salma run!!!! I would if I could. If my knee my kids haven’t repaired could support me!

    Of to another day of 5 hour window eating. Interesting concept so lets try it in combination with 5:2.

    My first 2 posts were funnier. Sorry I blame Gates and Jobs and …. the list is too long. 😉

    Love m

    Ha Makica, you are not telling me anything I didn’t learn decades ago!

    Night time here,
    And I’ve decided to have a Fast Day tomorrow.

    Best wishes everyone!

    Cinque wasn’t even trying to tell you anything new, the first 2 times was a joke on my behalf. But then when I wrote it the third time it didn’t come out that way. Sorry

    Good Morning!

    Well, I stayed within my eating window yesterday, but WOW did I eat more carbs and calories than I’ve eaten in a week. They say it’s good to do that once in a while so your body realizes that you are not in the midst of a famine, but I sure didn’t feel well last night after eating all that. My sister and I ended our eating day early….5:30, but we ended with sharing a piece of Bananas Foster Cheesecake. OMG….it was SO good!

    Of course my tummy is growling this morning since I ended my day with sugar yesterday…AGAIN! I explained my plan to my sister and we are both committed to not eating until around Noon today. She is not very overweight, but does have the dreaded “muffin top” that she is desperate to get rid of. She is very short and every ounce shows. Thank goodness I’m tall!!

    We are off for some shopping today. Hope you all have a fun day!

    Great to hear that Lori. I opened my window at the planned time and am now eating an apple after a good lunch. Not sure I will go out to buy some great chocolate cake. Thinking…

    Rooting for you and your sister. This is now my second day of appetite correction eating thingy.

    We can do it!

    Love m

    Good morning everyone,
    No problem Makica. I am sorry the Internet ate your first version. So frustrating when that happens.
    Lori, enjoy your eating window today!

    I’m doing a rare Sunday fast, but I think it is a good day for me to fast! I’ll find out!

    I’m on my iPad so here are some pretties:


    Oh my goodness! I’m gone for a few days & so many posts- I read them all but too much to comment on everything! I did check in on my computer and saw no new email notifications from the group so didn’t think anyone was online lately- don’t know why this happens periodically to me! My iPad received the updates!

    I did have to relay my own funny driving story: Lori , like you, “idiot” is my word of choice for horrible drivers. So when my 15 year old was a 3 year old we were driving and my husband drove up along side of us and beeped his horn a couple of times as he drove past. Not knowing t was her dad, my then 3 year old threw up her hand in the air and screamed, “IDIOT”!!!! So terrible! It was like holding a mirror to my face ?! I’d like to say this cured me from my road rage but it has not! Makica, please pass on the name of the magic cracker wands!

    Lori, so happy the eating window is working for you! Yay!

    Salma, I am completely directionless too! I need people to give me directions like ” turn left or right” not ” go east”! Out here I only know where west is because the ocean is that way! So embarrassing! I hope the eating gets easier on this leg of your trip!

    Cinque – what delicious soup did you make? I saw that you started a thread here on beans, pulses, lentils, etc.

    MM & Makica- re: the snoring men: investing in good earplugs & the beds that raise & lower help a lot! My hubby keeps his head raised & most of the time it works- when he’s had too much to drink or his allergies are acting up though, all bets are off- it’s the off to the couch for him! Losing some weight really helps them too if they’re carrying a few extra lbs., as the fat consticts their breathing. Sometimes those Breath Right strips help open up the nasal passages too.

    I had a bad eating day yesterday ? making food foe the girls’ bday party. As I get older I just can’t take cooking most of the day any more- it really wears me and my back out! I ended up taking a nap this afternoon!

    I made vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting and a Devils food chocolate cake with chocolate chip mint ice cream in the middle and chocolate buttercream frosting on top. I can’t resist raw cake batter ( or the cooked cakes for that matter!) or homemade frosting- yum- all that lively butter! So of course I indulged in all! So as to stay away from the pizza, I made a yummy tart with an almond meal, Romano cheese & fresh thyme crust and caramilized onions, roasted tomato, goat cheese & toasted pine nuts on top.

    The little party girls strayed awake on their sleepover as long as humanly possible- I gave up & went to bed at 12:30am! Took them to the trampoline park this morning for two hours . I really can’t believe they’re still awake!

    Time to figure out something for dinner! Have a good night everyone!


    Whoops- sorry for all the typos! I really should check befor I hit “send”!

    Hi Sherry, I did have chickpeas in my soup.
    I just made it up out of what I had to hand: which was carrots and celery! I cooked the chickpeas with turmeric (I am a bean snob and don’t buy cans! Lucky I have a pressure cooker!)so that made for some great liquor/stock to go in too. I fried chopped onion and chili in the tiniest bit of oil, a spoon of ground coriander, then chopped at least half a kilo of carrots and half a head celery and threw them in as I went, then chickpeas, liquid and a bottle of tomato passata. The saucepan was full to the brim so I simmered it quite gently! Right near the end I added some peas (frozen: I am not as much of a pea snob as I used to be) and some grilled capsicum, chopped up. Finished it off with as much parsley I could scrounge from the garden, chopped finely. It was yummy last night, and should be even better now after sitting for a day. I’ll have some in about an hour. Three containers in the freezer too, for future Fast days… and the day following!

    It sounds like your daughter and her friends had a great birthday celebration! When I was growing up we had a wonderful aunt who let us make a double cake mixture, so we could eat half raw! I loved raw cake mixture! Oo and that savoury tart sounds so delicious!

    I’m having such a lovely Fast Day I think I will make Sundays my regular.

    Hi Sherry and Cinque *waving with a the magic wand crackers* Bobi Stapici. You can only find them in this part of the world. Maybe I can make a good profit from shipping them all over the world for the certain cure of road rage. 😉

    I love your food stories but now have a problem with a hunger pang and my eating window opens in 3 hours. I joined Lori in this experiment. This is my third day. I was a good “window” girl for the first two. Didn’t even peek out. Not one peek. Lets see how I do in the next 3 days that are supposed to be a challenge.

    We are having a traditional dish for dinner. Sarma – it is sauerkraut with minced meet and smoked ribs. The seasoned meat is wrapped in the sour cabbage leaves, wrapped in little bite size rolls. Very yummy. If you ever visit this part of the world, including Greece and Turkey you have to try it.

    So of to Skype coffee with my middle daughter that lives in Bern, Switzerland. The one that was supposed to battle cellulite for us. But she is doing some very interesting research on the flora of our intestines on the difference of the stick people and us normal chubby people and the content of their colon flora and fauna (this is me with the fauna). This research has been going on from the 50s of the 20th century but nobody wanted to talk about the poo. So we got the probiotics for our stomach but nothing for the rest of the digestive tract. It seams that we destroy our flora so badly with the antibiotics, food, drink… that we absorb too much of the fuel we don’t need. But those really skinny people that can eat anything have a totally different bunch of good bacteria so they can consume tons of calories and not suck them into their thighs!!!! This combination of bacteria can not be reproduced in a lab, so no miracle pill from big pharmaceutical firms. So there might be a way by freezing the bacteria, putting it into a special pill that will dissolve in the right place so that the acid in our stomach does not kill them of. Hope… for the poop pill!

    Now of to that coffee with my mad scientist.

    Love ya all


    What a delicious dinner Makica, I am sure you will savour every mouthful.

    Cheers to your daughter and the work she is doing! MUCH better than cellulite research! I have been reading about this over several years ( gut flora may be implicated in me/cfs that I have). I love how much new knowledge is coming out.

    I bet fasting changes our gut flora too!


    Couldn’t resist!

    I love that little brow emoticon. 🙂

    Good Morning!

    What “interesting” conversations are going on here this morning! Seriously, I so admire our researchers. Not having a scientific mind, at all, I am in awe of those that do. Tell your daughter to keep up the good work Makica.

    Sis and I stayed within our window, but ate a good bit while it was open! We were talking about how having the window keeps you from the mindless snacking and walking past a treat and grabbing just a bite. She brought these wonderful thinly sliced pretzels coated with dark chocolate. Oh my..I could eat 100 of them! If I weren’t doing the eating window thing I would be walking by the counter and grabbing a handful every 10 minutes!

    The husband will be on his way home later this morning from his hunting adventure. He called yesterday and said they didn’t see any bear…just a few deer.

    Sis and I are going to the grocery store a bit later and I’ll get my supplies for Thursday(Thanksgiving). I’ll be cooking for 8-10. I’ll be glad when that day is over…..I get so stressed out!

    Well….have to go feed the birds, they are clamoring for their morning seed.

    Have a good day!

    Hello ladies (everning here in Dubai),

    Makica.. such interesting research that your daughter is undertaking. I hope you will keep us informed of any new discoveries.. it really does make sense.. how many times have you watched other people consuming double or triple what you do and still maintaining a very good figure? One of sisters has remained slim all her life despite a healthy apetite, while the rest of us struggle (to various degrees) to stay somewhat average or at least less fat. My youngest sister is the heaviest and both her children tend to the heavy despite her husband being quite slim.. they are all eating the same food!

    Well… I finally get some R&R. I spent the day today sprawled infront of the TV watching a very good American series. My sister and I managed to watch the entire 10 episodes. We did manage a 30 minute walk (the weather here is fabulous) and she is now preparing a chicken curry dinner. Tomorrow we are booked into the Turkish bath/spa after a leisurely breakfast, sollowed by a fancy dinner somewhere. Not too bad a way to spend your time, eh? I feel I deserve it after 3 days of solid meetings. I have no idea what the weight is doing, but I am being mindful. I hope to do some swimming and sitting in the sun reading for the next few days before I have to go back to real life!

    I am also not getting email notifications about new posts. Strage, isn’t it?
    Anyway, I hope all you gals are doing great. Where is Milena by the way? I hope all is well with her.


    Salma, your R & R sounds wonderful! Enjoy every moment.

    Strange about not getting notifications any more. At the bottom of the posts, you may have to click on the subscribe link again. Odd.

    Sis just left. She has about a 2.5 hour drive. Hopefully traffic will not be too bad for her. We went to the market and I got most of my supplies for the big day. Now doing laundry…sounds like fun, right? 😉

    Have lovely days!

    Dear ladies I will keep you posted on the research and the poop pill developments.

    Lori so glad you kept in the window. So did I just forgot to eat at the end before it closed so hope I will not be starving tomorrow before it opens again.

    I am so envious on you having your sisters. I am an only child. Cherish your time with them.

    Love ya all


    Makica, I’ve heard of that research. I thought I remember something about scientists implanting feces from normal skinny people into obese people to change their gut flora? Is this something your daughter has been involved in? Sounds disgusting, but if it works…?

    Cinque the soup sounds yummy! It’s so nice to make a big pot and freeze leftovers for another day!

    Salma & Lori, so nice that you’ve gotten to spend some time with your sisters. Luckily my two sisters (& brother) live close by so I see them fairly often. Lori I empathize with you getting stressed making the Thanksgiving meal! Like I said, cooking all day wears me out now! I make a giant Christmas Eve feast which I’ve told myself I’m cutting back on this year. Even though my family all bring something to share, it’s still a lot of work.

    Took a nice walk with the kids as they rode their bikes this morning. Now on to making something to put in the cockpot for later and do some organizing around here ( a never-ending task with four kids!)

    Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!


    Good morning from this slice of the world everyone!
    So glad to have had a Fast Day yesterday.

    Sherry you are so right! A pot of good soup is a wonderful thing. (Even with the hot weather coming!)

    I hope you get a break some time in the day, from the extreme business of caring for 4 kids.

    It is an interesting question: how to feel festive, and generous, without cooking too much and eating too much. I think so many modern societies are feasting every day, so actual festive occasions just get ridiculously over the top. But we start to feel mean when we think about cutting down.

    Mind you I have been protected from these things greatly! Firstly I’m Australian and so Thanksgiving isn’t an issue. Then I became vegetarian at the age of 14, so many of the traditional foods were off the menu. Then I hung around with alternative types who sometimes gave Christmas a miss, and celebrated the solstice instead. And then I got too sick to play a part in family gatherings. Then, cleverest thing of all!, my daughter grew up into a good cook who likes making lovely simple convivial feasts. So I just sit back and concentrate on eating just what I want, and enjoying everything without stress.

    So, everyone, What will your Festiveness be like?

    Good morning Cinque, we don’t have Thanksgiving around here either. I mean we haven’t imported that yet as we did with Halloween and Valentines Day and other globalization stuff. But we have Slavas. Those are Family Saint Days from the Orthodox Christian Church, like name days Catholics have here in Europe. Special my other half the Hungarians. I am mixed, mother Slav and father Hungarian.

    The Slavas are an excuse for 10.000 calorie meals 3 days on…and you have to go to visit the family with a Slava. And there are the most Slavas around New Years and then the Orthodox Christmas and New Years… and some more Slavas. So if you Wake up on the 1st of February with less than 5 kilo gained under your belt you are lucky.

    My family is not overly religious but more lets say spiritual so lucky me no 10.000 calorie meals here.

    I agree with you that a good pot of soup is a great thing.

    Sherry, my daughter does not do the poop but the separated bacteria from the poop of a healthy skinny person and compares it to a fat, worn down, like I suppose ours are. No offense to anybodies flora and fauna but that would be the closest description. And you are right that this procedure is done, FMT fecal matter transplant for people with various sever gut inflammation problems. Ans it works compared to anti bacteria treatment. In those studies it came out that if the FM from a skinny person was given to an obese patient he/she would lose weight without changing their diet and vice versa, when a skinny patient was given FM from a overweight person they would gain weight for no apparent reason.
    I hope you are coping with the kids well. I know it would be a huge challenge for me. Brought up 4 that was enough. I have a “take them clean, return them dirty” policy with my grandkids. And I don’t babysit. If all of them just have 2 it means 8. I could open a kindergarten!!! And I work. So my weekends are holy. I help in emergencies of course but I pay for nannies if needed. Never had one for my kids.

    I am ranting early in the morning instead of getting ready for work.

    Love to have you all around,


    PS: Not fasting today, just keeping in the window. Fourth day. Lets see how it goes. Going to the dentist at closing time so my window is going to be short.

    Hi all, sounds like you are all getting ready for T’giving and damage limitation- hope you all have fab family times.
    Don’t do T’giving here in Uk, we just stress about Xmas! Shops are full of sweet treats etc now and everyone buys loads more than needed every year. Each year I vow to buy less but…
    Have been messing about re eating, so FD today for me and try and keep on track or I will feel fat and bloated when I get to Xmas let alone after.
    So today, plan HB egg late morning, portion soup and ff yog lunch, about 200 cals and cooked chicken and salad veg for dinner- defo doable if I manage to keep away from all,the sweets etc at work.
    Hope you do well today, fellow FDs,

    Good Morning!

    Oh yes, Thanksgiving stress has begun around here. I’ll be cooking for 8-10..I’m never quite sure the exact number until the hour arrives. I’m making turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes, corn, roasted Brussels sprouts, fruit salad…..oh..and cherry crumb pie & pumpkin pie. What have I forgotten? Sigh…..I’ll begin pacing around the kitchen early Thursday morning and won’t sit down until nearly bed time. Exhausting. I am taking Wednesday off work so I can do some prep work.

    Not sure what I’ll eat today, but it will all be within my eating window. I’m not doing much cooking the next couple days…I’ll have enough of that on Wednesday and Thursday. We’ll go out for dinner Wednesday night. I think I may eat eggs for dinner tonight and give the husband some chicken strips and potato wedges. He’s quite easy to please.

    Off to boot camp in a few minutes. It is cold out this morning. 28F..-2C, I think. Anyway..cold! I’ll have to go out and start my car and let it warm up.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Hi All

    Salma, thanks for missing me – us to me a*se in aligators, and the swamp ain’t being cleared!

    Busy weekend and now into full Christmas flow – Lori, if I win the lottery tomorrow will be an extra seat at the table – oh how I wish!!! But hey, health and happiness is better than anything – I read somewhere that Steve Jobs wishes he had eased up when he was wealthy – bugger me, I think we should ease up and smell the daisies even if we are dirt poor – they will still smell as sweet! In a world of turmoil, no more worrying about how to pay the gas bill – its suddenly seems so doable!

    Have a great week everyone – I am not doing a fast day today, cos hubby is looking after me, I have to go with the flow and breakfast was a danish pastry, lunch was onion bargee and pakora, and there are still leftovers to have for tea – M&S afternoon tea tomorrow – free for OHs birthday – but I reckon by Thursday will be in harness – here’s hoping.

    YAY Milena! So good to see a post from you again! You are so right, we need to ease up and smell the daisies!

    Milena.. hiiiiiii
    It is nice to hear from you.. you have been away for ages.
    You are so right about being chill.. nothing is worth the distress we cause ourselves over small things like gas bills.
    I am still trying not to gain any more weight.. forget losing (at least temporarily) but I am having a great time with my sister. The Turkish bath was heavenly.. I fell asleep for two hours after we got home only to wake up to a royal dinner cooked by her husband, washed down with an excelent bottle of Chilean wine. Life is good my friends 🙂


    Hi all
    My day went well- I actually ate and counted it all, just shows that counting / tracking does help to keep us on track. Got to do it again tomorrow as got stuff on other days. Fingers x.
    Salma, your holiday sounds fab, you can regroup when you get home.

    Great news Susie! You are doing back to back? All power to you.

    So glad that life is good Salma! Oo for a heavenly Turkish bath!

    So interesting to read how everyone does the celebrations at this part of the year. The slavas sound wonderful!
    So does Thanksgiving! When my sister lived in the US she loved that there was Thanksgiving for family, and then Christmas was focused mainly on children. We have the family and children celebrations all together at Christmas, and it can be overwhelming (especially in our family!).

    Best wishes everyone!

    Good evening ladies,

    Cinque, thank you- I do get mini breaks from the kids, just not during weeks like this when they’re off of school on holiday break! Yes, I definitely struggle with the idea of making things festive without as much emphasis on tons of food! As I’ve said before, the Italian in me refuses to not make an over abundance of food, especially sweets. For Christmas Eve this year, I’m trying this year to just make the relatives’ favorites and not go overboard. We will see if I can actually adhere to the plan ? . So nice you have a daughter who’s a good cook and that you can just relax! I was just thinking the other day that my mom retired from cooking/hosting the holidays when she was in her mid-forties since she had grown kids ( primarily me!) to do it! I, having younger kids, will have no such luxury for many years to come! No wonder I’m tired! ?

    Thanksgiving will be at my sister’s house and I’ m making/bringing an apple pie, a baked chocolate mousse, and spinach/artichoke dip. Thanksgiving is one if my favorite holidays ( proclaimed by former President Abraham Lincoln!) since the whole point is to give thanks for how God has blessed us and to take time to appreciate friends and family- and no presents required!

    Makica, that’s it! We all just need some skinny people poop ?! Glad there’s smart people like your daughter who will hopefully figure out how to translate this research into a pill we can all pop and become magically skinny someday! Well, a girl can dream! And, yikes! That’s a lot of overeating opportunities where you are! Glad you’re not exposed to too many of them!

    Lori, your Thanksgiving does sound yummy, albeit busy! Doesn’t anyone else in the family help out/bring food to share?

    Milena, you have been MIA for quite a while! Is it because this is a busy time of the year for your business with Christmas right around the corner?

    Salma, so happy for you that you’re finally getting some well-deserved fun and relaxation!

    Susie! Glad you’re having success. I know you said you were a nurse- do you work in a hospital because I know there’s lots of goodies brought in to those places not only by co-workers but also thankful patients’ families! You are strong to resist!

    Thankful for all of you! ?


    Hi all- yes I do work in a hospital so usually chocs and cookies all day long, except in our office where I try and hide out to avoid it all!
    Have to confess would not choose to do back to back Cinque but its the only way I will get 2 days in this week and I need to stay focused. I did consider waiting until after Xmas to focus but then I would be a whole load bigger so that would be really stupid of me.
    Started tracking again, see how that goes, previous weeks not counted much and certainly not on non fast days but reading back over newbie threads I think I should be doing that, so will see if that keeps me more honest about what actually goes in.
    Even caught myself considering joining WW again as they have a new plan out soon- am a sucker for a new plan. But then…I remembered, there are other health benefits for doing things this way, so need to refocus and get on, instead of wishing my life( read weight ) away!
    Happy FD girls!

    Good Morning!

    An early stand up this morning. I was already getting awake at 3:15 when Miss Furball decided it was time I got up. So, I’ve already had a cup of coffee and still have an hour or more before I need to get ready for boot camp. It’s going to be a long day.

    I had quite a low calorie day yesterday according to my quick calculations. My window closed at 6 and at 8, I was quite hungry. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to sleep, but no problem there. I think I will need to figure a way to get more calories today. I’ll probably be ready to eat my own foot by the time my window opens at Noon or so today! No time to go out for lunch as I have to run to the meat market and pick up a turkey breast that I’m going to roast in addition to the whole turkey I have thawing in my fridge. I think I’m really cooking too much turkey, but I can freeze it after it’s cooked. Tomorrow is the day I’ll roast the turkeys and then slice them, put them in a pan with chicken broth over them and then reheat Thursday for 1 o’clock dinner. My kitchen is small and to try to carve turkeys when I’m in the middle of making everything else is a nightmare. Doing them ahead of time saves me a lot of stress and the meat is just as delicious.

    Well, I certainly have gone on and on this morning! Have a wonderful day my friends!

    Hi everybody! Welcome back Milena, we have all missed your presence, wit, humor… beauty and comments that bring a smile to our faces.

    Also hi Susie, Sherry, Salma, Lori and Cinque. Hope you are all living fully these days.

    I have had 2 very difficult days at work with a lot of chest pain. I need ti visit a cardiologist. This is the part when you question everything not because you have only one life but because stress keeps the f*****g fat glued to you. Right? The funniest thing is, there is no problem. Only we humans create them when we don’t at least listen to each other. Being understanding and emphatic would be a stretch to ask but then one can always hope.

    So I am trying to let go of all that b****t and fat and become free. But easier said than done.

    Hope also, that you are having great FD and NFD and keeping inside your windows.

    Love all,

    Oh my gosh Makica! Chest pain? Get thee to a Dr and to he!! with work! This is scary. Please take care of you!

    Thanks Lori. I will make an appointment in the next hour. Promise, really don’t feel well.

    Makica.. I hope all is well with you. What did the doctor say?

    Oh my goodness! Yes, Makica, please get to the doctor today! If for some crazy reason they can’t get you in, go to the emergency room of the hospital right away! Better safe than sorry! Please keep us informed when you get the chance! You are in my prayers!

    I’m getting a pedicure right now because I screwed up & thought my Pilates appointment was at 10- it isn’t- it’s at 11 so just switched gears & went to get the pedicure first.

    Yes Susie, with my business we are in hospitals a lot &
    I see all that food hanging around! Poor thing!

    Yesterday I finally got officially back on track after the weekend’s indescretions! Amazing how truly addicting sugar is for me- really like a drug!

    Hoping you all have a great day and sitting here worrying about you Makica!


    Man, also been thinking about you! I know you were busy through the end of last week. Are you on break now from teaching? Is all going good? Just a friendly check in! ? Sherry!

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