Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

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Mid Fifties – Just starting and hoping to lose weight (yet again)?!

This topic contains 5,051 replies, has 218 voices, and was last updated by  vendor 3 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,751 through 1,800 (of 5,077 total)

  • Hello all. I have been AWOL for quite some time. Im finally caught up with posts. How great and inspiring it is to read everyones fabulous news!

    Salma, congratulations on the whole package. I love your outlook, it sounds exactly what the 5:2 plan was designed to be.

    Phoebe, well done! Only 1 stone to go, you must be so pleased with yourself.

    Lori, I think you have found a pretty effective way to keep yourself on track
    :-). A hike on Mt. Rainier sounds so nice. And how fun that you and Janey get to meet up. A few of the group on the Little Voices thread also got to meet up, I wish I didnt live so far away from everyone else.

    A belated good luck for the week Norlandlass and BB I most definitely will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    I am just back from a mini-vacation in Quebec City. It has been so long since I have been there and I have forgotten how beautiful it is. I also ventured out of the City to both Montmorency Falls and Canyon Saint Anne – areas of spectacular natural beauty. I got lots of opportunity to exercise given all the stairs I climbed up and down during the 4 days.

    Today is a FD and on the way home from work, I stopped in the store for some sparkling water. I ended up carrying around a box of cookies and a box of pasta for quite some time. I eventually managed to put them back and escaped with just the water. Im feeling pretty virtuous at the moment!

    Keep well everyone and good luck for anyone doing a FD today or tomorrow.

    Hi Salma

    good going – must say I’ve found the past couple of months quite hard, I keep losing and finding the same few pounds – getting determined now though, liquid fast tomorrow and Saturday!!! There, written, planned, decided, now for the hard part…………….. well done re the job Btw, sooo jealous of you able to have a couple of months off, though most folk think I’m unemployed. Well judging by my bank account, its a labour of love sometimes.

    Janey, good luck with the job, too – it will be good to get settled. Love to hear about your life, much more interesting than mine. Lori, great to hear you have hit a milestone, gives us all a gee up! Enjoy the holiday, hope you and Janey get a chance to meet.

    Getting ready for a fair at the weekend, four days of fairs in 9 days, phew, nice change but tiring, then hubby is looking after his mum for three weeks – there may be a murder – she is hard work, but my OH is her favorite son, so she will be happy, not she she is his favorite mother though. Still waiting for date fro son’s operation, so holiday is on hold, and cat is ill again after two weeks of practically back to normal. Think I get the prize this week for most boring life!!! lol!

    Hi DJ

    good luck with the fast, very impressed that you put the stuff back!!!

    Hi Ladies! I’ve been scanning your entries with interest! Any room for a 52 year old gal from across the pond (San Diego to be exact!) who’s just starting on this journey? I’m very hopeful that this is the answer after years of dieting and feeling quite defeated! Looking forward to joining/chatting with you all 🙂

    Hi Sheryann

    You are more than welcome to join us, we have company for you too, a few on here are from your side of the pond, so you are in good company.

    Can’t promise you won’t find the odd day a defeat, but the battle can certainly be won, lots of help to get you on the horse, into the fight and victorious!

    The secret is 5:2 isn’t a diet, its a way of life, a way of eating and a plan. All the best voctories have a reat plan!

    Quite a good metaphor eh?

    Tell us about yourself, and if you are fasting today, best of luck, I’ll be fasting with you!

    Hi folks,

    I’ve been a bit quiet, as have had friend staying, so the last few days have been fun, but too many wines, always my weakness, anyway fun done, and going to be back in the saddle after 10 days of on and off frustrating FD’s. I haven’t put pounds on, thank god, but have 10 FD’s until my holidays and want to reach to 1 stone goal.

    Have also made a big life decision, and slightly quaking in my boots, I’ve declined a very well paid overseas job (albeit with many restrictions in daily life) in favour of building my Zumba classes, and getting into alternative therapies, I’m going to train to do massage. So it’s “poor but happy” in theory, wish me luck! haha! I followed my heart as it were, not always sensible…;-)
    Hi Sherryann, this forum is very supportive, welcome!
    Wow Milena, that’s a lot of work, hope you work out holiday between son and cat..I’m also going on hols, end of August but have kept on moving it..
    Hi DJ, Janeyw, Lori and anyone else I missed..

    Hi Milena and Beldyboop. Many thanks for your support. Welcome Sherryann. I’m actually on maintenance now, but pop back in as often as I can because this forum was so helpful to me on reaching my goal–and is still very supportive so I want to return the favour. I’m a neighbor to your north in Seattle. DJ, that’s quite impressive that you put the food back. I’m usually very focused when I go grocery shopping–not on impulse and usually not when I’m hungry. I have a list of what I need and pretty much only get that–though there are some things (olive oil comes to mind) that I really go through, so whenever I think of it I check to see if any is on sale and get that. It’s great to keep up with what’s going on with you all.


    Good Morning!

    Welcome Sherry! I’m on the same side of the pond as you……just on the other coast! The more the merrier…hope you enjoy the IF life.

    Up early and watching The Open golf championship. I’ll be heading to the golf course myself in a couple hours. We have a fun ladies tournament today and lovely weather to go with it! Cool & sunny….perfect!

    No fasting for me today as we have all manner of treats pre-tournament and then luncheon after. This evening we’re going out to dinner with some friends who are in town for a couple days. Eat, eat, eat! Sigh…

    Have a lovely day!

    Hi all,
    Thank you for your warm welcomes 🙂 ! Milena asked me to tell a bit about myself. You can just call me “Sherry”. I am, as I said, just turned 52. I’m the “older” mom of 4 kids (three girls: 14, 8 year old twins, and a 9 year old boy). One of the twins was recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes which pretty much rocked our world. My husband and I own three non-medical senior care franchises (Home Instead Senior Care) in North San Diego & South Riverside counties in California and Honolulu on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Soooo, life can be a tad stressful, but we all of have our “stuff”, right?!

    I was 5’2″ but think with age I’ve shrunk an inch! Too scared to get on that scale yet…thinking of waiting a week or two after starting this way of eating (I know, stupid, I should just bite the bullet but I’m afraid it will be too depressing). I’m guessing I have about 25 pounds to lose.

    I’ve struggled with my weight since my teen years (and especially since my early menopause at 45…lots of eggs sucked out of me for in vitro procedures that brought that on!)and am so tired of the mental energy that I have to expend figuring out what/how to eat to keep my weight off. I think this plan sounds a lot simpler! Up to recently I was doing the Fast Metabolism Diet, which was super healthy and gluten free but a bit hard to maintain over the long term and so I started to gain weight back.

    I’d love to hear from any willing to share, what are your best tips for success on this plan? Thanks so much! I’m so happy to be part of this group!

    Hi Salma,

    Question for you: I’m trying to catch up…do you eat anything you want within reason during the 5 hour window or stay within the 500 calorie limit?

    Thank you,


    Hi Sherry,

    In answer to your question about best tips for success on this plan, I will refer you to the modifications my naturopath (who recommended me to 5:2) made. You can see them here.


    Please see the penultimate post. I realize this seems a bit extreme, but I pretty much stuck to the above in combination with a total of 6 Tablespoons of olive oil (spread out through the day/night) and 10-15 grams of fiber three times daily (I’ve been using apple flavoured psyllium because it’s lower in calories than chia or flax seed). I also exercised six times weekly. This was inconvenient for me, as I was exercising four times weekly before I started 5:2, but it was relatively easy for me to do my usual strength training/aerial dancing thrice weekly, and have the other three times be half an hour of HIT/HIIT each.

    Of course, I’m not suggesting you do everything I did, but in combination it made for the weight coming off rather quickly. I dropped just over 30 pounds from 10 January to 25 April of this year and have pretty much been on maintenance ever since. Since starting my weight reduction programme in June of 2008, by this past January I was pretty frustrated and just wanted the weight off as quickly and safely as humanly possible–but that’s just me. I offer this as one possibility for how to get your weight down in short order if that’s important to you. Please feel free to take whatever of these ideas work for you (if any) and leave the rest. However, I’m curious to know what you think of all this if you care to comment.



    So glad to hear from you (we are in the same time zone 🙂 )! I do for the most part stick to avoiding the foods your naturopath suggested, especially after being on the Fast Metabolism Diet for most of a year, which advocates avoiding them. I’m curious about psyllium, olive oil and coconut oil? Is that suggested to keep things moving through your digestive tract? Very interesting, and you certainly can’t argue with great the results you’ve experienced! Wishing I could work out as you do…a lower back injury/and I suspect pinched nerve keep me from doing the exercise I used to…lots of spin classes, stair climber, elliptical and weights. Now I can only walk. Very frustrating for someone like me who craves higher intensity workouts!


    Hi Sherry,

    That’s interesting that you have a similar list of restricted foods. As long as you’re used to that, I suggest you might want to keep it that way until you reach your goal weight. Actually, I stopped using coconut oil shortly after starting 5:2 and replaced it with olive oil (only because I’m 4’10” and every calorie counts–and coconut oil is ten calories more per Tablespoon (so an extra 60 calories if I used the same amount as olive oil).

    The naturopath says that a lot of olive oil really helps to control weight. Who knew? Not I. The psyllium is to ensure I get enough fiber–but it also keeps things moving in the digestive tract as well of course (as you mentioned). That’s a shame about your injuries. Have you had them looked at by a doctor? How long have you been dealing with them? All the best in that regard, and with 5:2 generally.


    Good morning Friends!

    Up early to watch golf on TV. I must be crazy! I wouldn’t have been able to sleep anyway as a thunder storm is rolling thru. I’m supposed to play golf a bit later but not sure if we’ll play because of the weather. I hope so….I was looking forward to chasing that little white ball around! 😉

    I had a pretty good week. 3 boot camps, a day of golf and my eating/fasting was on track better than 80% of the time, which is my goal. Our boot camp trainer uses 80% as a benchmark as he knows no one is perfect.

    Well, it’s 5AM and I’m ready for my 2nd cup of coffee already. It’s going to be a long day as we’re going to a party at our son’s about 5 this afternoon and will be late getting home. Tis the season…parties and lots of other stuff going on.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Hi Ladies,
    Thanks so much for all the encouraging comments this week they have really helped me, and welcome Sherry.
    Today is my way and measure day and I am really pleased to report that I lost the 2lb I put on last week plus another one so that is 16lb in 7 weeks and it takes me down to just under 12 stone, I was 13.1 when I started so am really pleased with this WOL, I’ve also lost inches from hips, waist, bust and neck so the clothes are feeling better now too.
    I’m off on holiday today with some girl friends so will probably be doing lots of eating and drinking but am not too worried now as will just start again once I’m home next weekend.
    Hope you all have a great week with FDs and weigh ins.
    And thanks for all the support I would really struggle without you all.
    Take care. Xx

    Hi everyone!

    Norlandlass, that’s such a great loss! enjoy your holiday!

    Have just completed FD yesterday, feeling good because it was plain sailing. Just don’t why some are such a struggle…I suppose like any good or bad day. Anyway am on a roll and will do Sun/Tue/Thurs. Hovering around the 1 stone target loss, which would be 10 stone! hoping to get there by end of July, so am going for the big push. Have not been running much, training for marathon next April, but have hip injury so have had to go slow, and my Zumba uses a lot of hip action!

    So taste buds are changing. Had a Mocha drink from a vending machine at work (pretty vile anyway) used to drink this everyday last year! my poor teeth and body, virtually gagged and had to give it away. Also since 5:2 can no longer tolerate red wine, get an hangover from hell, white wine still ok though..

    Janeyw how do you take the olive oil? by the tablespoon?
    hi to all, have a fab weekend?

    Hi all and welcome Sherry. I can so sympathize with not wanting to get on the scale. I worked hard at this diet for two months and lost four pounds only to put them all back on on a ten day vacation. So, last doctor’s visit, scale was right back where it had been. Since then I’ve been afraid of it, but my clothes are starting to feel a bit looser so hoping I’ll soon have the nerve to step back on.

    Janey, how good to hear from someone who has made it to maintenance. While I don’t think I can cut out all the foods you did, I can easily avoid a few of them. Also good to know there are others on the forum who are “vertically challenged.” While I don’t have all that much weight to lose, on those of us who are small every pound shows.

    Went out to a local supper club on a lake with friends last night. The food wasn’t that great and afterwards I felt I had wasted a bunch of calories. Anyone else have that experience?

    Nordlandlass, 16 lbs in 7 weeks! Wow, that’s impressive.

    Hope you’re all having a good weekend.


    Hi girls.
    Hello Sherry.. welcome to our little nook.
    To answer your question, when I do my “window” method, I ate pretty much what I wanted for 4 or 5 hours, but that did not mean that I went crazy. I was mindful, but certainly did not count calories or stick to the 500 cal per day. On the other hand, I did not wold down huge portions and I did pass up on the desserts most days, and if I did have some, it was only a small bite.

    Yes, Milena, taking a couple of months off is a real luxury that I have not been able to enjoy for a very long time. I am so looking forward to it. My current job was getting me down also, it is very stressful and demanding. I am ready for something a little slower paces. My kids say that I bring it on to my self, and they may be right, but the new job in January will show if this is true or not.

    I think I have to change my target for the end of August. I think it would be too difficult to lose 3.5 Kgs or so in one month for me, so I will just change the target to 81 Kgs. Why sweat the small stuff. I am currently on a mini break in the mountains where there is a lot of really yummy food. Not looking forward to the scales tomorrow, but whatever it is, we just keep plugging away until we get there.. whatever ‘there’ is.

    Amazing really how different we all are and how differently our bodies respond to changing how we eat. Some lose many pounds, while others (me included) lose at a much slower pace. The important thing is that we get there in the end.

    Have a great evening everyone, and stay well.


    Hi all!

    Just in from playing 18 holes of golf. Over 10,000 steps on the pedometer, even though I rode in a cart part of the time. It was very hot & humid, so I didn’t try to walk the whole way.

    A cookout at our son’s tonight will mean more eating and drinking, but I had lots of exercise today. Back to the course tomorrow for more chasing the little white ball around!

    Have a great weekend!

    Hi again all!

    Lori, funny, we both have the summer thunderstorms going on today…a rarity in the summer in Southern California! Very humid/tropical feeling here and a steady rain with the occasional lightning bolt/thunder. Glad you got to chase your little white ball around! My husband loves the game and even turned in his California driver’s license for one in Hawaii so that he could get the cheaper “local” rates at the great golf courses there :)!

    Salma, thanks for the insight into the 5 hour window…I’m thinking of using that option too especially next week when we leave to go camping at Mammoth Lakes in the Sierras with two other families. Both of the wives in the other two families are very thin (sigh!).

    I love how you and many others are taking the long term view with this way of eating and not getting too hung up on the occasional slip up. That’s always been a problem for me…the ‘ol, “well, I’ve really screwed up now, might as well eat the rest of that cake, pack of cookies, etc.!” You have company, I’m definitely a slow loser as well.

    Minnesota Miss, yes, the old scale can be scary, but when I find I’m avoiding it, that’s when I get in the most trouble. I keep saying I’ll weigh next week and meanwhile the pounds keep sneaking back on! I promise to weigh after that darn vacation! And, yes, why do we eat when the food just isn’t worth it?! Just because we are at a restaurant and paid good money for the food doesn’t mean we have to finish it if its sub-par! I’m still learning that lesson myself.

    Are most of you doing the fast twice a week or do any of you do it three times per week and if so, have you noticed greater losses when you do? Wondering if three days per week might be too much such that the body gets “used” to the fasting and it isn’t as shocked and doesn’t release the pounds as much as if you’re doing twice a week?

    Have a wonderful day ladies 😉

    Hi Everyone,

    Beldyboop, in answer to Janeyw how do you take the olive oil? by the tablespoon? I generally put a couple of tablespoons in a protein drink, on veggies, on salad, etc., so I have six tablespoons over the day.

    Minnesota Miss, I know what you mean about being vertically challenged–just one more thing to throw into the weight equation.

    Sherry, regarding fasting three times a week, that was actually how I finally managed to stay on track and reach my goal weight. I steadily fasted twice weekly until about the last two or three weeks before I ended up meeting my goal. In those last weeks ONLY I fasted three days a week. I purposely waited until the end in an effort to confuse my body into letting go of those last few stubborn pounds more quickly–and it worked. At first I fasted three separate days a week, with at least a day in between. However, in the last week or two I fasted on two consecutive days (i.e. two back-to-back fast days) with another fast day thrown in after a day or two. That really propelled the weight off in my case. However, I don’t recommend fasting three days a week until the weight loss starts to stall, as that can get it in gear again–at least it did for me. Also, the naturopath highly advised AGAINST fasting more than two days a week. However, in this case, I was madly trying to reach my goal weight by the time of my next visit with him (and it almost worked–I was .3 pounds/.13 kilos/.02 stone over goal at that point–though didn’t have to make any more weight-related appointments after that). Again, this is my experience, but I personally didn’t/wouldn’t make a habit of fasting more than twice weekly in general. I consider fasting three times weekly to be a very specialized tool in my weight management arsenal. Just a thought. What do you think?

    Have a great weekend everyone!


    Good Morning Everyone!

    I intended to sleep in this morning, but my cat had other ideas. She got me up at about 4:15, which is my normal time to get up during the week. Sigh….. Oh well, at least I’m getting some laundry done before I head to the golf course.

    Eating was ok yesterday, although I don’t use my eating window on the weekends. I got over 12,000 steps in yesterday on the golf course, so I think I still came in with a calorie deficit. Feeling thinner, but am quite sure the scale wouldn’t agree. I’ll weigh on August 1 and see where I am. I put on a pair of shorts that I had bought but never worn and they seemed a bit on the loose side, although very comfortable. When I decided to wear them, I was afraid they would be too tight. So far I’m quite happy just going by the fit of clothing and what I see in the mirror rather than the number on the scale.

    Today is to be quite hot & humid, so I’ll be riding in a cart at the golf course. I still try to do a good bit of walking, but it’s nice to have the cart for the hilly parts! 😉

    Hope you all have a lovely Sunday!

    Hiya all,

    To answer Sherry (although Janeyw did a great job of doing so), when I am doing the normal 5:2 (not eh ‘window’ method) I only fast 2 days unless I have really pigged out on one of the non fast days. Otherwise, this WOL is in danger of becoming as dreary as other diets and we do not want that – at least I don’t!

    I just had a huge breakfast and am feeling really full. I am also dreading the weigh in tomorrow (I weigh in Monday mornings).. but it WAS for a good cause.

    I forgot to say hi to MinnesotaMiss.. we have all been there and done that .. and are paying the price 🙂 Hop on board, there is much here to help you along the path.


    Hi All. Lori, don’t you love cats! I receive a very persistent paw tap in the face every morning at 5:30 am if I should be so slothful as to try and sleep in!

    I really can’t believe how much my stomach, and my understanding of what is real hunger has come into line. I am no longer capable of gorging myself on anything – witness the tub of frozen yoghurt in my fridge that is still almost completely full after a week! Untold of if you flash back six months.

    I was a former long distance runner, but severely tore my left meniscus in 2011/2012 when I was training for my first full marathon. This year I decided to truly work on a comeback, have been religiously doing physio excercises to build up all the muscles around my knee and my core. Today I am thrilled to report that I completed my first 5k, no rest stops, in x many years. Losing the extra weight put on after my injury was the major contributing factor. 5:2 is the WOL responsible for this along with the support of everyone on the forums. Only 2 lbs to go to my secondary goal which will be my flex weight. (between 125 and 128 lbs. ) Welcome MinnesotaMiss!

    Hello ladies,
    Thank you so much for your messaging. They have been heartening to find in my ebox and have given me solace and even hope sometimes.
    Recently I crossed the age boundary and am now 60.

    I feel, in good faith, I will have to leave this group and leave some chat space for a newly arrived 50-ish person.
    Thank you again,
    and good luck to you all

    Hi ladyfilospher

    Stay right where you are, I’m not mid fifties either, my sixtieth is next year, this thread needs us young at heart oldies to push the youngsters along, we may be grey haired and pert breasts are just a memory, but we are so wise!

    Oh to have our minds and the body of our twenty year old selves.

    Dj, imagine finding a thread for foodies and cat lovers, a marriage made in heaven.

    At the moment, if it gets to 5.30 and Willow hasn’t come in to demand her hot water bottle refilled, I have to get up and poke her to check she hasn’t died in the three hours I’ve left her alone!

    After a week of her jumping all over the furniture and demanding to be played with, she is back to struggling to walk . Though a part of me thinks she just likes the fuss and being hand fed!!!

    Well done on the 5k.

    Today we drove to Tynemouth, as seaside town where I used to live, showed hubby the route I took when I trained for a marathon in the eighties. I think I saw a grudging respect, as it was 20 miles to my mum’s and a cycle back , much along the beach and sand dunes.

    Made me feel quite nostalgic, we past the ‘Spanish City’ mentioned in song ‘Tunnel of Love’ by dire straits – I was brought up in the same town nearby as Mark Knophler – it’s isn’t there anymore. So sad.

    Great day though, stood at an antiques fair and dinner in a pub in Craster, facing the North Sea. Famous for skippers but the storehouse was closed.

    No starter, no pus, feeling virtuous but looking forward to fasting tomorrow.

    Have a great week!

    Hi Milena,
    Where a outs are you staying? I’m on holiday this week and am staying in Longhoughton about 4 miles from Craister.
    Are you on holiday or do you live up here?

    Hi Norlandlass

    live in just west of Edinburgh, was at an antique fair. Wish I’d known, we could have met for dinner.

    It’s close enough for a drive out, was in Hexham last Tuesday, and Bamburgh the week before. How long is your holiday?

    Thank you Jayney and Salma for your thoughts on 2 vs 3 days fasting. I agree!

    Who among you ladies sticks to a calorie limit (obviously higher) on non-fast days or eats what they want, just mindfully? Being new I’m just trying to get an idea of what works best for most.

    DJ, you are my hero! Congrats on the 5K! I hurt my back (SI joint area) during a stair run 5 years ago and haven’t yet found a way even with physical therapy/docs to fix it such that I can run/work out hard again. Very frustrating! You’ve done so well on the weight loss too! 🙂

    Milena, your seaside trip sounds wonderful…would love to see your part of the world some day!

    Norlandlass…congrats to you too on your weight loss!

    Finished my first fast today and did pretty well…gluten free toast with a bit of almond butter this morning, some watermelon mid-day and slowcooker pork carnitas on a gluten free tortilla with veggies for dinner. No walk today due to too much rain 🙁 Here’s to a GREAT week for us all coming up!

    Ladyfilospher, You must stay in this group. Like this new WOL, the definitions are a little blurred and whatever goes. As Milena says, we need the wisdom and the encouragement. I am one of those who need the occasional kick up the backside as I tend to meander too much and lose focus every now and again. We love having you here. Please stay. We will all not be mid-fifties much longer anyway.

    Let’s have a show of hands for Ladyfilospher staying with us on this journey. I vote a loud AYE.


    Weigh in = disaster!
    I am up 1 kg (2.2 lbs) from Monday last week. I did overdo it this weekend as we had a long weekend and I took my son, who is visiting, up to the mountains and stayed at a nice hotel. We just chilled and had a continuous flow of lattes (with delicious chocolate chip cookies), wonderful breakfasts and the most amazing type of Armenian pastrami and melted cheese sandwiches… my eyes glaze just thinking about them! Sorry about going on, but this IS one of Milena’s rules: When you have had amazing meals, you have to tell all.

    Back to the drawing board for me.. My ‘window eating’ method worked a treat this last month, but I am a little tired of it. I also do not want to stick to an ‘unnatural’ way of eating, so I am back on the normal 5:2. Today is an FD for me and, like you Milena, I am NOT looking forward to it especially after the hiatus this weekend. However, having just weight myself and been informed of the less than pleasant news, I simply have to grit my teeth and get on with it. I have a sneaky feeling that I will go to bed really early tonight just to get the day over with.

    Sherry, really well done on completing your first FD. Did you find it hard? It does get easier as you go along. One quick piece of advice: As you progress with this WOL and get used to fasting on the two days, it might be an idea to create a longer period of time between meals. Ideally, if you can, don’t have any breakfast or lunch and just have the dinner. Some of us try the occasional fluids only day ; I am not a regular on this as I like to have something to look forward to at the end of the day, but it is surprisingly easy to do and does seem to be effective.

    As for the calorie counting on non-FD days, I don’t do it, but I know others do. It depends what works for you. I, personally, find that NOT counting calories on non-FD days is what makes this work for me. However, I am mindful and avoid desserts (most of the time – definitely not always) and fried foods. Having said that, I will add that I do have these things when I feel like it, just not because they are there as I used to. I used to feel like it was an obligation to vacuum everything in sight. DJ is so right in that our taste buds get re-educated. I do get the odd day when I have to have chocolate or massive ice cream ( like this weekend) but knowing all damage is fixable makes it easier to not think “Now I have messed up my diet, might as well throw all caution to the wind”.

    DJ.. congratulations on completing your 5K. I should get back to exercising and I am promising myself that I will.. soon..very soon.


    Hi Selma,
    I will be starting this as of tomorrow as a fasting day I have put on 8 kg and am Peri Menopausal the reason ovaries stop making Estrogen and fat makes it so Women put weight on, also there are two or three herbs to try as well as your diet to help give yourself a boost these are Pueraria Mirifica & Labisia Pumila these work together for Estrogen then you might need Testosterone in a plant base such as Tongkat Ali if we read why women need this in Menopause it helps stop us drying out and boosts our libido and muscle mass and by doing so increases our fat loss.

    Once i have sourced these I will let you know !
    And how I go on them.

    Good Morning!

    Yes ladyfilosopher, please stay! 50’s is just a number, all are welcome here. We need all the support we can get!

    Feeling quite tubby this morning. It is so hot & humid that it just makes you feel “ick”. I had a bowl of cereal last night that has added to my bloaty feeling, I’m sure. I haven’t had a bowl of cereal in ages. Nothing else would satisfy, so I ate it. Now I’ll be starving until my eating window opens today.

    Off for boot camp in a little while. What a sweaty mess that will be. We do have air conditioning in the studio, but it’ll still be very hot.

    I had the most frustrating round of golf yesterday. I don’t know what was wrong, but I just couldn’t find my swing. Not much fun, to tell you the truth. Some days are like that, but yesterday was particularly bad. Oh well….no one died. 😉

    Have a good day my friends, whether fasting, or not!

    Hi Everyone!

    to ladyfilosopher AYE!, you can’t leave! this forum is so supportive 🙂 where everyone’s voice counts, I’m not officially mid 50’s yet, have that joy to come
    DJ! great result! with 5k 🙂 awesome. I injured myself just before half marathon (hip) and have been gradually building up with lots of exercises and etc, am now back running, training for next April’s marathon, lol..

    So yesterday was a first, I took a stroll down the seafront, in shorts and a vest/tank (U.S) and “so what? you may think, but this is def a first for me, have probably not done that in about 12 years! (in such flimsy attire) so felt awesome, and will carry on, am nearing 1 stone milestone, have another one after that to reach goal. I have lost weight very slowly, and don’t often lose 1 Ib every FD, if I’m lucky every 2 or 3 FD’s. Now looking forward to holiday, last week of August, and dread of a finding a one piece might be a lot easier?

    Hi to Lori, DJ, Salma, Milena, Sherryann and Minnesotamiss, Hope your FD’s are inspired

    [water welling in eyes]Sniff, sniff,
    Thank you Ladies, I am so touched by these 2 (Salma and Lori_PA)exhortations to stay. I really was just being courteous and honoring all your constant sincere engagement by writing to inform you of my pleasure in being part of each others path….. I am told I ‘look’ 50…. so as Lori_PA says 50 is just a number… When we all get to 60 we can adjust the name of the group!

    I hope to become ever wiser as the years pile on; technique is needed rather than brute strength as we get on in years and lighter in Kgs.

    As Salma has mentioned, I do not actually weigh food on feeding days, but my sense of portion has adjusted. Congrats Salma in realising that there is no obligation to be the left overs “larder”. I am sure that is a natural atavic sentiment but not our case in these days and places of abundance.
    I remember during a strict food intake period, I stood under a tree laden with the ripest purple plums and realised that NO! I could not honor the beauty and ripeness by eating them all. The tree was truly toooooo big, and old, and the fruit was just simply in such abundance that a single person could not have made use of them all. I tipped my proverbial hat to the forethoughtful person who had planted that tree, and found some solace that the fruit would go to the ground and be wonderful compost…. probably the reason the tree was soooo big and bountiful.
    There are many ways to deal with left overs, and not being a squeamish person, I will take certain items back to the kitchen and save for some other moment as a treat. What does not fit that category goes to the compost to feed the plants I have in the garden.
    But, it is true, we westerners WASTE food. With that in mind, I try for smaller portions, or just eat one less meal and drink even more tisanes and teas.

    I have found having coffee without milk a drag, but necessity on fasting days. I need those calories for vegies and protein, and i need that caffeine push in the afternoon if I cannot take a nap.
    I found cod is the least calorific of all the meats so far….even whelks are more calorific. Less calories, more quantities (always strategising !)

    I was very down last night but philosophical about the plateau I seemed to be staying at. I had weighed myself at night at the end of a fasting day. Alcohol and chocolates had been on the scene, but not much; rice,and gnocchi, pizza and i was resigned to eating less of everything and no oatmeal etc. The following morning (this morning) I weighed in just for curiousity’s sake and VOILA’ 2.3 kgs lower!!! I held my pjs in my hand got on again, measured, off again, (digital), got on again and the number kept coming up.
    94.5 kgs!!! Plateau broken?
    I was perplexed before, because actually my body size difference is evident. Water retention?
    Thrilled. As Salma points out, damage is fixable because this is a healthy, non gimmicky way of living with food.
    Thanks again, there really was no other place I wanted to go to… was even contemplating not joining another group….
    hear from you all soon

    Hi Milena,
    I’m staying in Longhyhouton near Alnwick till this Saturday, I’ve come up with some girl friends from work for a holiday, it’s been lovely so far, lots of eating and drinking but that’s fine. Xx

    Hi all!

    Ladyfilosopher, do stay. I’ll be hitting 59 in a few months (and planning to stay there for awhile 🙂 ) And congratulations on the loss!

    Thanks for all the support, ladies. I’m still avoiding the scale, but have noticed when I’m lying in bed in the morning that my stomach is now flat! Too bad it doesn’t stay that way when I’m upright. I’ve started a 30 day plank challenge to see if I can work on that.

    I’m off for the summer (I teach at a university here) and finding it harder to work in fast days than during the year. On days I teach it’s easy to skip breakfast and lunch and keep busy all day. Much harder when I’m home all day at the computer. Seems to be more socializing these days too. But I have a FD planned for tomorrow and as some of you have noted, I’m actually looking forward to it.

    Sherryann, hope your first week went really well.

    Milena, you said it. If only we had the bodies we had in our twenties or even thirties but could keep the wisdom and cool we’ve fought for over the years! Much as I miss that body I wouldn’t go back to those years for anything.

    Good luck fasting everyone.


    Yes to Ladyfilosopher staying on board. I LOVE your philosophical outlook and would hate to see you go!

    Salma, I didn’t find the first fast day too terribly hard, but curious about the suggestion to just eat at the end of the day. Does this just make things easier for you or does it help the weight loss? Do most of you other ladies fast this way? I’m happy that I’m not famished today after the fast; on the contrary I’m not terribly hungry and would be shocked if I clock in any more than 1000-1200 calories today!

    Also, Salma, my experience has been, “easy on, easy off” with the weight. Getting right back on the horse this week with your fasts will no doubt knock off those pounds you gained while on holiday in short order! ;).

    Minnesota Miss…yes, you and I are still on the same page with scale avoidance! Let me know when you’re ready to buckle down and step on that
    scale…we can clinch our teeth and do it together!!! 😉

    Beldyboop, how fantastic to be able to wear shorts and a tank top again! What a great feeling I bet! Congrats!

    Btw gang, just saw something on Doctor Oz’s website entitled “What’s your hormone type? Customized weight-loss solutions”. It gives suggestions on foods and natural supplements that can assist your weight loss depending on if you’re moody, sluggish, etc. Interesting!

    Talk to you all soon!


    Thank you all for such a warm insistance to stay. I had not expected it. Sherryann:I do not eat only one meal a day on fast day (called ‘healing day’ by husband and I). I start my day by drinking tisane, usually redbush because green tea makes get soooo hungry. When I have liberated my innards, [which the liquids really seem to push out of the gut] only then do I think of eating breakfast, which in the end is a brunch. I make sure that it is high protein, fish usually, or even hamburger with chopped mushrooms patted inside it. The other day I made myself a summer whelk salad with fresh lime juice and tons of parsely for breakfast. I am usually fine food wise until late afternoon but can get very cold. If I can fit it in, I take a nap. Dinner is a couple of boiled eggs and salad or more fish and salad. I try to stay just under the 500 kcal.Drinking tisanes and water all day at all times is a real help.
    An aside: here in England at 60 the health service starts testing for bowl cancer. I learned something new from the brochure about the gut: the small intestine is all bundled up in our belly (OK, i knew that. The large intestine, instead, goes from the bottom of our belly goes straight up and over to the other side and down again framing the small intestine. The large intestine’s job is to suck fluids out of our waste and also where intestinal cancer nests. My studies have informed me that our gut is our second brain, and we know that our brain is what helps stay on track with our decisions about food and feeling better…. science now knows that when our brain finds itself lacking in chemicals it fishes them out in the gut, where there are as many neurons as the brain. I try and balance that out with probiotics.

    Contrary to many others, despite being a recidive insomniac I sleep sooo well the night of a healing day; no abundance of calories begging to be burnt up, I suppose.
    Happy days to you all tomorrow.

    Hi Lady

    My hubby put it well, 60 is just 50 -10 its only a number and when you get to 50-20 you will realise 50-10 is actually mid-fifties.

    I must have caught him in a good mood, he rarely has that sort of logic! But true anyway

    Another cheer from the crowd, happy in the fact that ladyfilosopher will be staying with us. As Salma says, it is all relative and soon enough many of us here will be hitting our 60’s.

    Sherry, I also was following Salma’s strategy for fasting, but lately I have been finding that my fast days have been completely unsuccessful. Once I put that first bite of food in my mouth, I was incapable of putting a halt on the eating. My so-called FD’s became no different than my feed days, I was eating the same amount of food in a very tiny time-frame. Today I am trying a liquids only fast in the hopes that the FD will be more successful. So far, so good – it is 7 pm my time and have stuck to coffee, water and veggie broth all day. I am completely exhausted from last night’s insomnia attack (2 hours sleep tops), so I will be going to bed soon and that should be that!

    Take care all and strength to all today and tomorrow’s fasters.

    Hi MM

    I’m 59 in six months, a few days afore Christmas, when is your birthday?

    Did anyone see the photos of Jerry Hall in the Daily Mail. She is 59, and frankly looked amazing for a fifty nine year old – amazing but by no means perfect. Showing signs she is aging, which rather pleased me. We’re never going to be 25 again, nor even 35, but hey, we can try to be amazing, even though at our age our grans and perhaps, our mums, were old ladies.

    Oh, and the really expensive face cream I bought with the money saved by not buying booze on the FBD in May, that is amazing too!

    The weight loss off my face exacerbated the lines down either side of my mouth, they have all but disappeared now, and my skin is great.

    So slather on the cream girls, cos we’re worth it!!!!!

    Please give the uninformed among us the name of the fab face cream! We can all use all the help we can get. As the mom of young kids, I don’t want to be confused as being grandma…haven’t yet, but it could be just a matter of time!

    Hi Sherryann

    Will get the name of the exact one in the morning,but it’s by lancome.

    Though you have way outdone me, I had my boy when I was 38, and to think they call 28 years olds geriatric mums!!!!

    I’ve never been mistaken for his grandfather – yet. Hubby was called a grandad though just a few weeks ago, he was mortified, though I did explain that a 56 he was grandad material. And, at 52 my sister was a great gran!

    I think they will keep you young, if they don’t wear you out completely!

    DJ, how’s your liquid fast going. Lately I’ve been eating as you are, though when I stay in a three or four hour window, similar to Salma’s strategy, I’m much better. Preparing for my first 3 day liquid fast – got in loads of liquids, and I doing the pork shoulder and bacon James Martin did on Saturday kitchen tomorrow night!

    Hello ladies.

    Fast Day over.. thank goodness! I did okay.. I was working from home, which as MinnesotaMiss says, is much more difficult to do while fasting. When I am at work, the hours seem to slip by and I hardly notice that I am minus food for the day, but yesterday was tough. However, I did pull it off and I am proud of that. I drank gallons of water to stave the hunger away, coffee, and tea too. I am sure that when I get back into the rhythm of things, it will be a lot easier.

    To answer your question Sherry, I think that the effects of longer fasting windows is beneficial for the body. At least that is my understanding, so when you only have food in the evening (or only in the morning) leaving a good 18 hours without food, it seems to do something to the biochemistry of the body (in a good way) which apparently helps the body to self-repair. Also, I understand it is good for weight loss. So, I would try to work up to that if you can. At least try it and see if it works for you.

    Milena, we NEED the name of that cream! I thought Jerry Hall looked great. Not without wrinkle, but great for her age. We need more representations of older women who are not faultless.. aging is a natural process and we should not be made to feel past our sell-by-date. So, that’s my speech for the day. I so completely agree with MM that you could not pay me to go back to being in my 20s again. I would, however, pay good money to LOOK like I did then, again (sigh!).

    Beldy.. shorts??? Wow.. I would never DARE wear those again (not that I ever did much). The cellulite on my thighs are NOT a sight for sore eyes, but rather a sight to make eyes sore. I HATE the way my thighs look, all jiggly and un-toned. I guess that should be my next project, but I highly doubt I would ever allow anyone to see me in shorts. Well done.

    Sherry and MM.. the scales are a scary monster in the corner of the room.. but you have to “own your fear” and just jump in (or on). It is important to have a baseline. The trick, though, is to only weigh in occasionally (I do it “officially” once a week on a Monday morning after the worst damage of the weekend – what can I say, I am a masochist – and that is the weight I note down) and not to let the scales rule your life. I won’t lie and say that when the scales are being unkind it does not affect your mood, but it does help to jolt you into fixing your ways when you have veered off.

    Normal food day for me today.. yay!

    Have a great one ladies.

    Hi All,

    I join the chorus of applauding ladyfilosopher for staying–though agree about changing the name of the group at some point.

    DJ, since you mentioned you’re a former long distance runner, it’s nice for me to not be the only quasi-athlete here. All the best to you as you get back up to speed.

    Sherryann, you asked, “Who among you ladies sticks to a calorie limit (obviously higher) on non-fast days or eats what they want, just mindfully?” Being all of 4’10” short, I do. If I didn’t there’d be hell to pay. Depending on where I am in relation to my goal weight, I either use my normal TDEE (lowest on days without exercise, higher on days with exercise, and highest on two refeed days). If I really overdo things on refeed days, I use below the lowest number from the TDEE calculator. I have daily meal cards I use in my planner/diary for weekday workout meal plans, weekend workout meal plans, refeed meal plans, and fast day meal plans. This is probably too much information, but I hope it helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thanks all,


    Good Morning All!

    I’ve had an attack of the “lazies” this morning and have wimped out on my run. I overslept and sprang out of bed, but decided I didn’t feel like running. Sigh…I’ll be sorry when we do more running at boot camp and I’m struggling.

    Oh yes….let us know the name of that magic face cream! I have been using an Oil of Olay night cream for the past couple years and really like it, but Lancome night cream was always a favorite. I think it was called Primordial Nuit. I switched to the Olay based on $$.

    My eating window got stretched yesterday to nearly 7 hours. I had a sinful ice cream bar at about 7:30. It was good, but made my teeth ache! Weird. It has been a long time since I’ve had a treat like that and I guess my teeth didn’t like it.

    Fasting today until around 1 or so. Not sure what I’ll eat to open my window. Lately I’ve been eating a lot of Hummus. I’m addicted! I suppose there could be worse things to be addicted to. 😉 I may pan fry some Cod for dinner tonight.

    Ok….coffee and watching the news for me. Have a lovely day!

    Good morning, ladies, and good afternoon to those of you across the pond.

    Fast day today. Sherry, I have found it easier to eat nothing all day and then have a reasonable dinner. It’s always fairly easy for me to skip breakfast. Skipping lunch is harder, especially when I’m not teaching. But today I have a noon appointment with the vet for my dog Rose (a big black standard poodle). She hurt her paw, and rather than healing as it should it seems to be getting worse–she fell on the stairs to my loft yesterday. The vet murmurs words like “amputation of the toe” which are rather scary. So hold Rose in the Light, if you would.

    Milena, my birthday comes up a bit faster, in September. This year it falls on our holiday of “Labor Day” as it frequently does–something my mother found quite amusing.

    And Sherry, how about we get on that old scale tomorrow morning?


    MM, OK! Let’s virtually hold hands and jump (or gingerly step!) on the scale together tomorrow. Are we going to officially post our weights or state how much we need to lose 😉 ?

    Will keep Rose in my prayers (it is after all, my mom’s name too!). Sometimes those vets don’t know anything. We have a cat who’s leg (we think) was somehow yanked when it jumped out of a tree or maybe even a coyote tried to get at it and it was dragging the leg around limp for a while. The vets ($800 later!)had no clue and thought maybe he had a foxtail sticker deep in it. They said he’d just keep dragging it until it was raw since he seemed to have no feeling in his foot so they wanted to amputate. Well, a year later and he’s adjusted to walking on the tip of the bad toe (not dragging) but he’s fine.

    Salma, congrats on getting back on the horse and successfully completing your fast day! It is nice to know we always have a plan to “fix” things after enjoying ourselves a bit much! Thanks for the feedback on saving your eating for later in the day. I’d read too somewhere that giving your body ample time to rest from digestion helps it in healing and improving your health. I will strive to get there!

    Yes, Jayney, I can relate. While not as petite as you, at 5’1″, I’m also challenged in the height department and can’t eat much or I gain! I will have to look up the calculator to see where I should be. I’m assuming you use the weight you want to be as opposed to the weight you are when figuring out how many calories you should consume?

    Milena, yes, that’s what they say, those kids keep you younger (or what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger 😉 ? Yes, I was 37 when I had the first one and 43 with the last two. My husband, who turned premature grey early on, was confused as grandpa by a young boy in a pool about 10 years ago and has used “Just for Men” to cover his grey ever since!

    I’m off to the local trampoline park to get the “wiggles” out of these kids. They eat you alive during the long days of summer if you don’t have activities/play dates constantly planned! I remember as a child laying on the grass for hours looking at shapes in the clouds and being quite amused. I think possibly all the electronics our kids are exposed to (and I do try to limit them but it is hard!) today makes them not appreciate the simple pleasures 🙁

    Best of luck to you all today!

    1st fast day yesterday. Don’t want type 2 diabetes like my mom. Encouraging to read of everyones persistence. Will fast on friday and check in then. Oddly I felt the worst the morning after the fast headachy. It was not as hard as I thought it would be at least the first day!

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