May 2020 Monthly Challenge

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May 2020 Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 690 replies, has 53 voices, and was last updated by  FlourBaby 4 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 695 total)

  • Day 26 Ohio, US — NFD

    Another very hot day, but I did manage to get all my walking in. I’ve been staying right at my TDEE on NFD’s so all in all things are going well, if somewhat quiet still.

    @daffodil2010 Hope your DH got good news at the optician!

    Day 27 – Lake District UK – CFD

    Good morning everyone

    @penz – It’s quite odd, being retired you would think all the days are the same but no, it’s rather weird, we still look forwards to weekends! Weekdays are for routine, (normally) Mrs I-H-L does her volunteering, meets her friends, WI, shopping trips etc I head off on walks, house and garden jobs, occasional fishing rip.
    But weekend starts on Friday evening as it always did when we were both working! Weekends are for us, starting with whatever food we fancy, decent wine, crappy fun TV or film. Saturday joint day out or occasionally have friends round or visit them or go see ‘the kids’. Sunday a quiet day off, maybe! So weekdays routine, weekends for us. Might not sound much but you’d be surprised where time goes.

    Had some good news, a very special holiday we had planned has been postponed, it involves the launch of a new ship. But got a letter yesterday saying when it is launched we will be on it, they’ll just transfer everything automatically, absolutely fantastic news, big party time when that happens! No FD’s for that trip….

    Beautiful morning, sun up and going to be a BBQ afternoon after this mornings walk.

    Take care all.

    Day 27 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Enjoyed the day off yesterday. Glorious sunshine so we took our camper van out as DH had to get car maintenance supplies in Dublin and I went for the spin and pretended that we were heading for the ferry. Ok, it’s not really the thing now to be driving around in a camper van, but we didn’t stop anywhere, just great to get on the road.

    Then the opticians appointments. Had to wear face coverings but the optician had a fan which stopped the lenses fogging up so all good. My prescription has not changed since my teens so I just bought a new pair of frames. My sunnies are fab still and I don’t need reading glasses.

    But DH…well, he is shortsighted and also has prescription safest glasses for work. The optician tested those glasses and told him to stop wearing them as the lense was twisted and it was damaging his eye…tearing his eye is what he said….and DH has been wearing these in work for 3 years! So he will still have to see an eye specialist to figure out how much damage……

    It could have been the perfect storm of damaged eyewear, new blood pressure tablets, Covid-19…all coming together to give him two scary nights of blindness and 5 weeks of excruciating headaches and migraine….I hope we will get to the bottom of it. I was so scared he was having a stroke that night, thank God he got the all clear from that, but still……

    Our health is our wealth for sure. Thanks @matpi for your thoughts.

    Pocket list day 27

    Day 27 – Ireland – CD

    Good FD yesterday / thank god I resisted the yummy almond chocolate 🍫… 👍
    Another beautiful day and just in from a spin 🚲.

    @georgia83 i know what you mean when you mention your social skills! I’m the same and I don’t really relish seeing people outside my comfort group at the moment… also like @ihatelettuce I find my memory is going to pot… more so than usual… I wonder why that is?? Sometimes when I wake up I can’t even remember what time I went to bed… and I’m unusually tired in the evenings…
    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 27 Melb Aust FD800

    It’s been a good OMAD day, around 800 cals, so a FD800 instead of a FD, but still okay I think.

    @daffodil2010, good that you and OH were both able to see the optician, and I hope the eye problems for OH get sorted, with better safety goggles.

    Starting the Pocket List:

    Day 27 Pocket List

    Day 27 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Brrr! Finally feels like winter today, although it doesn’t officially arrive until June 1st. 19ºC max today, going down to 9ºC tonight! ❄️

    @penz – I’d never even heard of ‘hump day’ until I joined this forum! I think it was either @flourbaby or @daffodil2010 who mentioned it. But as a ‘retiree’ (although I still tell myself I’m ‘between jobs’) I’m still aware of when it’s the weekend. Living in a seaside town it’s very obvious, or at least it was pre-Covid, just from the sheer number of people who descend upon us. As @i-hate-lettuce said, we still have our routines, & I prefer the slower pace of the weekdays. Like many people. I usually mark the start of the weekend with a glass of something that’s off limits during the week.

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 27 🍌

    Day 27, London, UK, FD

    Mornin’ Gorgeous!!! …………………… that was how I greeted my mirror self this morning, the laughter alone boosted my wellbeing!!!

    So, as Monday’s FD went so well, and yesterday’s OMAD NFD was equally successful, I’m going for another FD today. This week I’m spending a little extra time praising my mojo …………………………… it’s when I get complacent and start taking it for granted that it disappears in a puff of smoke!!!

    @funshipfreddie, I used to have the same problem when I stopped smoking, I couldn’t see someone smoking on telly without the cravings starting up!! When I started 5:2 I had to change channels when fast food ads came on, now although there are frequent snackcidents, I lean towards more healthy choices, so fast food doesn’t hold much appeal …………………………. My real problem is awakening the dragon too early & portion control; still!!!! I hadn’t heard of hump day until this forum either …………….. did we invent this???? 😂

    @emma-taylor, I think the phrase I need here is ……………………….. “You’re preaching to the choir” 😂 😂 ………. Alcohol stops my weight loss dead in its tracks, has me tossing & turning all night, makes my face puffy instantly, brings my mood down, down, down and clearly messes with my memory, because despite everything ………………………… I still love indulging in a Shiraz or Malbec whenever I can!!!

    There are a few MIA’s at the moment, @michelinme, @springer, @erikaa67 & @quebecoise to name a few I hope you are all just waiting for the wagon to slow down a bit before you jump onboard again!!! ……………. @lilymartin, I hope you’re managing with lots of family staying & cooking up a storm, I think @aussiejill is having the same ‘issue’!! 😂

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫
    Pocket List – Day 27 🍌

    Day 27 Oxfordshire, UK – FD
    Day 26 Oxfordshire, UK – CD
    Busy day yesterday in the end. Visit to local food market, then a run followed by 6.5km walk in the afternoon. Although it wasn’t quite a CD because of all the exercise it wasn’t too bad.
    Today, hopefully more relaxed with yoga and a dog walk. The sun is still shining here so I might even get the washing on.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Joining the pocket list
    Pocket List – Day 27 🍌

    USA Day 27 FD

    Yesterday’s FD went well. It came in at 129 calories, so I decided to go at it again! Staying home even with exercise clearly is not burning the amount of calories I burned before! Adding myself to today’s pocket list,

    Pocket List – Day 27 🍌

    Flourbaby, love how you greeted yourself this morning! Excellent!

    I might try that dry till Friday, as well. I also see that my wine drinking brings in too many calories!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

    Day 27- Atlanta, GA- USA- B2B FD

    Day 27, UK, CD

    I was going for an FD today, but it just didn’t happen. However, I’m now trying for CD, which is very achievable at this point.

    @daffodil2010 sorry to hear about your DH and his eye problems, that sounds really bad, but I hope that some of the damage done can be reversed? 🙏

    I might have missed it …. who is hosting June? 🙂

    I intend to get really serious about this WOL in June 💪

    Have a great day/evening everyone 🌞

    Day 27 UK NFD

    Wow it just shows the importance of regular check ups – all may have been caused due to wrong safety glasses Hope it all gets sorted @daffodil2010 🤞

    It’s been 8 years since I worked @funshipfreddie but I always think the weekend starts at 5pm Friday usually with a 🍺 we are indeed creatures of habit

    Day 27 (#11), UK , FD

    Had a good day, felt more positive at work today, perhaps because I can see the weekend approaching.

    Also a good FD, had milky coffee for breakfast, smoked salmon amd bean salad for lunch and strawberries as a snack. During the evening kept busy with cleaning and meal prepping so time just flew by. Getting better at sticking to my FDs since I stopped sitting on the sofa in front of the telly in the evenings, which for my brain equals chocolate and crisps time. I have accepted I’m not strong enough to break this pattern (yet!) so I simply avoid the triggering behaviour. I still watch my tv series, but I play them on my phone while I do stuff around the house. Win win!

    @penz mmm cherry, that sounds like my type of treat! But those calories, yikes!

    @jaifaim so glad someone else relates to it, feeling less like an oddball now 😊

    Day 28, FD, Aus

    Almost scary how something as deceptively simple as bad glasses can have such a detrimental effect. Glad you seem to have got Mr Daffodil sorted.

    I first heard the term “hump day” in the US in 1990, so it’s been around for a while. Being an Aussie “hump” had different connotations and when someone delightedly told me it was hump day, I got concerned!

    I’m hosting June @shinything tho I will need to rely on others like the wonderful IT-savvy @at for the spreadsheet. I’ll set up the folder on Saturday.

    Great morning greeting, @flourbaby.

    So please that you retirees still look forward the weekend. I think I’d hate to lose the excitement of a Friday evening once I stop work. (One day.)

    Yay, some more people for the Dry til Fri Prohibition list!

    Day 28 Australia FD
    Had a tentative start to the day as I have felt a bit ‘off colour’ the last 2 days.
    I’m taking it carefully today.

    I’m joining the Prohibition list but will stay this way until I can go to a cafe.

    My background, well one of my lives, has Grief and Trauma Counselling.
    Alcohol consumption can really increase during times of grief , loss, trauma and high stress. Our body chemistry changes during these times and we can be left more ‘down’ .That is separate to the higher caloric intake involved.
    No judgement at all, just passing on information.

    Best wishes everyone.

    Day 28 Australia FD
    Pocket FD List

    Day 27 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Just checking in. Happy for warmer weather so we have our little backyard pool open! I’m awful about loving all the seasons (which we get well in northern Illinois…well,maybe not so much spring). I am also awful about getting tanned in the summer. Old skin… more wrinkles than I used to get as young, but still makes me feel healthy.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27 Ohio, US — NFD

    Another very warm day. Fairly quiet on all fronts. I finally learned how to make a decent single serving of buckwheat groats in the microwave, something that’s eluded me for a long time. Small victories!

    @penz I retired at the end of last summer and now find that my Friday evenings have become something of non-events. When I was working my Friday evenings become routine movie nights and one big sigh of relief. I’m not sure how to make them something special again. (Though without the sigh of relief!)

    @therealwil78 Way to go with B2B FD’s!

    The more the merrier:
    Pocket FD List

    Day 28 Melb Aust TDEE

    Managed my FD yesterday (as an FD800, but better than nothing). I really have problems keeping to 500 calories if i actually eat on my FDs, have to stick with liquids, and that’s what happened yesterday – I ate at dinnertime, and couldn’t keep to 500 calories. Oh well. I’ll have a “proper” FD tomorrow to end the week.

    Interesting comments re retirement and days of the week. I retired about 20 months ago, but am still studying, so find it easier to separate the days into weekdays (when I’ll work on my study) and weekends (when I give myself permission to relax). Not sure what will happen when I finish, but that’s 2 years away yet.

    After today, 3 days till the end of May (where has the time gone?!), so have to make them count (which means no NFD day Sunday!).

    Day 28 -Ireland – FD

    I ended up having a FD 800 Yesterday which is great as I could do with as many fast days this week as possible as I am looking after mum and dad next week as their lovely carer is taking well deserved holidays. Eating healthily while there is just really difficult but I’ll do it I can’t..

    @flourbaby I love your morning greeting and it makes me think of Joey from friends and his: “how you doing?”

    @shinything, Penz is taking over the baton for June 🏃‍♀️ same as last year actually and @aussiejill has offered to look after July 👍.

    @aussiejill there’s no pressure at all – I know you’re quite new to this so fair play for offering 👏. Once the topic is set up everyone just helps each other along the way… use the info that’s on page 1 and just copy it.. anyway we can give you tips nearer the time… everyone should try it once 👍 as it really helps you to have a focused month 💪

    I first heard Hump day when I returned to work in Ireland… had never come across it in France..

    We are over the hump now and rolling towards the weekend… wheee heee…

    You’re all GORGEOUS!!!!! Go have a great day ☀️

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket list day 28


    Day 28 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    I do gave mojo back, that’s true, and I am exercising and doing the Leslie Sansone workouts, sore muscles, not eating until lunchtime….just need to get more mojo! I heard it was hard to disoatch weight as one gets to a certain time of life, but sheesh, this is difficult.

    I won’t be finishing May with any loss but I am going to pat myself on the back for staying on the wagon. I do get these cyclical two to three years where I lose the weight, maintain for a year, then start to gain…’s like that bell curve in statistics… right now I sincerely hope I have reached the peak and will start to head down that curve again….

    If I can keep the peak of each curve lower than the one before then I am doing something right? The highest I have been is 12.5 stone….I am circa 10.5 stone so nowhere near that so if I mark this as the peak, then I aim to get going on that downward slope.

    Ha ha @penz I love the Aussie translation of hump in Hump Day 😆 I was going to bring down the tone by using a slang word that has different meaning in Aus to what we would use it for in Ireland but I don’t want to offend anyone 😉

    @shinything, thanks for your post the DH’s eyes….it was so scary back in March when we had just gone into lockdown, and I had to call the ambulance late at night as he had gone blind in one eye. The eye specialist hopefully, when he actually gets to see him, will advise whether it’s permanent damage.

    So have a great day everyone, sun is glorious here, and we are coming up to another bank holiday…..our 4th since lockdown and not able to go anywhere!!!!

    Day 28 – Lake District UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Glorious morning, very warm so going out for an early walk again before it’s too warm. Back in time for the weekly food delivery this lunchtime, then a FD BBQ and (no surprise) lazy afternoon out on the decking, under the shade with a book and nice cold drinks … seeing as it’s a FD, no beer or wine around!

    @daffodil2010 – glad the mojo returned, I feel as if I need a good FD today, see you on the wagon today!

    Take care all

    Pocket list day 28

    Hi just dipping in quickly to merge the pocket list.

    Pocket list day 28


    I had written a long post early but lost it … hate that… but forgot to say in my re-draft… @daffodil2010 I’m very glad to hear your DH is on the right track with his eyes now.. 👍

    Day 28 UK West Yorkshire NFD Had an accidental FD yesterday as I woke up convinced it was Tuesday!That’s what a bank holiday does to you in lock down. Been for the usual bike ride was given a very funny look by a fox! Have a lovely day one and all

    Dee Ire FD

    Good morning.
    This is my second fast day this week and I’m surprisingly getting used them. I’m delighted with a stone down so far and without much hardship I must admit. I put 14pounds of sausages in my shopping trolley yesterday to see what it looked like and thought ‘imagine all them wrapped around by body’. Ha Ha I did put them back. 😉😄 The walking has stopped unfortunately as I hurt my knee but it’s on the mend so I’m slowly getting back to it. Everyone is so encouraging and I’m glad not to be alone with feeling a certain reluctance or unease with socialising again. I think it’s a bit like living in a goldfish bowl at the moment.
    Anyway thanks guys and I’ll take inspiration from you and try and be a bit more active. I’ll big deep for some mojo.

    Day 28 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    It’s a lovely sunny day in Kwazulu-Natal; ‘African cool’ at 21ºC. But so cold last night; I almost went into hibernation, & slept for +8 hours!

    Nice to read so many positive, cheerful posts. What a difference a couple of months make! @daffodil2010 – we all deserve a pat on the back just for staying on the wagon during this crazy time; I read recently that almost half of the UK has gained weight during the lockdown!

    @aidan64 – sadly, I’ve never had an accidental FD. And so long as there’s chocolate on the planet, it’ll never happen 😕

    Let’s make it a good one, Thursday faster! 🏋 💪

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍒

    Day 28 – UK – FD800 (aiming for B2B FD800)
    Day 27 – FD
    Day 26 – FD500
    Day 23-25 – NFD

    We have been really spoilt with the weather here, did get some much needed rain at the end of last week and my garden was very grateful 🥀 🌹 Today is another very warm and sunny day☀️☀️ 🥵

    Been keeping busy since I last posted and I did successfully complete my FD800 x 5 that Friday 👍 Been doing lots of baking and experimenting with recipes here are a couple that were very 😋
    Rick Stein’s Clementine, Almond and Olive Oil Cake
    Milli Taylor’s brown butter banana bread recipe – I found the recipe on her Instagram page

    Hope all our American 🇺🇸 friends had a Happy Memorial Day even under the conditions we are living in

    Day 24 did a 2.5hr mini yoga workshop on line with my regular yoga teacher
    Day 25 was a gorgeous bank holiday started with a 7am Broga class then did a lovely hike – Ambleside to Rydal Park, up Nab Scar to Alcock Tarn then down joining Coffin Route just above Grasemere and back to Rydal and home!!!! Around 8km/5miles and around 450m ascent @i-hate-lettuce this link is a good description of the walk › walk_74
    Day 25 was a good FD500 with a High Impact Pilates Class and a bit a volunteering
    Day 27 included a drive to Silecroft Beach to meet with DD and her 🐶 for a long walk as the tide was out we walked for a couple of hours along the water’s edge with Archie the 🐶 having a fab time too

    Started today with a 7am Broga class then a 9am Aerobic class so enjoying a well deserved rest catching up here before some volunteering and hoping to stick to do B2B FD 800 to end the week and the challenge on a positive note! May also go for a low level walk after my lunchtime volunteering session as it is so nice out there……

    @penz – I have done the spreadsheet for the June Challenge and will post it once you have set up the challenge – looking forward to a good month as it’s my birthday too!
    @i-hate-lettuce – so envious that you could get delivery from L’Enclume 😋 when I saw they were doing this I was keen to try but unfortunately I live out of their delivery range……so glad you and Mrs I-hate-lettuce enjoyed a fab dinner after your long walk on Day 23
    @daffodil2010 – I too have not left my village to visit any big shops since lock down started – it must have felt very strange!!! We are lucky that our small shops in the village cater for us so well that I have not needed to head out – just missing a few foodie luxuries….Our local garden centre has just reopened this week but I have not ventured there as yet
    @matpi – thank you for sharing that article
    @flourbaby – 🤞your tooth settles and I love your greeting to yourself in the mirror – we should all do this more often 😁
    @aussiejill – I’ll happily do the spreadsheet for you for July if you step up – here is the link for the June Challenge – I had added your name so you can have a look and a play at filling in you data if you wish – happy to answer any questions ☺️
    @jaifaim – you are right “time with my parents is so precious” and you are so lucky to have your parents near you – I have lost both my dear mum (2014) and dad (2005) and they lived in Australia whilst I’m in the UK – when they were both ill that distance was immense – I did not manage to be there for Dad but managed to get there for Mum 💕 Today is actually the anniversary of my Dad’s death so he has been in my thoughts a lot this week.
    @funshipfreddie – congratulations on reaching your first year in maintenance – absolutely right that you “just can’t ever get complacent if I want to remain a healthy weight” In December I will have reached my 4th year anniversary in maintenance and I definitely find that I need to remain vigilant otherwise the weight just creeps back on but TOGETHER WE CAN ALL DO THIS

    Good to read some positive weight loss stories too and everyone seems to be keeping busy

    Joining today’s pocket list for motivation
    Pocket List – Day 28 🍒
    @at – B2B FD800

    Timely reminder “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. and when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 28 UK FD

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍒
    @at – B2B FD800

    USA Day 28 FD

    Had a few FDs this week and am doing another today. I did one WFD and the other FDs I ate one orange and a bowl of soup. It seems to be going well, since yesterday I weighed myself and am down 3 lbs. Thank goodness because even though I continue to exercise, since Covid began, I find it difficult to sustain weight loss, even when not overeating. In any case, for now, this is working!

    Adding myself to the pocket list.

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍒
    @at – B2B FD800

    Hope everyone is having a nice day. We have rain today, so I will have to find some indoor activities to keep the day going! 🙂

    Day 28. London. FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list. Dry till Fri going well. It helps to have plenty of that fake beer in the house….
    I learnt how to make babaganoush this week. That was a massive mistake. I’m a hopeless cook and always assumed it would be beyond me, but it turns out it isn’t. It’s turned out to be delicious. Last thing I need is an oily dip which I can’t resist….
    Happy Thursday all.

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍒
    @at – B2B FD800

    Day 28 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Used up some very ripe bananas for good grain muffins this morning. Won’t eat much until supper.

    A cold front came through with rain, so the pool will be there whenever it gets dry and warm again. Just glad to have it all working. Every spring it takes a while to get hoses, filter, heater, and chemicals all working.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 28, UK, NFD

    Yesterday was a FD, coming in just over 600 cals. Today will be a CD, which hopefully should end at just under 1200.

    It’s been a gorgeous couple of days here in Cheshire. Took the dog for a long walk yesterday, just walking along the canal. It was beautiful but as she is 12 and small, the 6 miles was a bit too much and my DH had to carry her at the end. We’re both a bit red headed today.

    @EmmaTaylor, babbaganoush ……mmmm.

    Scales were kind this morning- I had a lovely whoosh and I’m down to where I was before lockdown. I expect it’ll go up again tomorrow but at least I know it’s there – hovering in the background.

    Keep safe everyone.

    Day 28 (#12), UK, NFD

    Posting for accountability. Busy at work today, will sleep well tonight. Had tofu chilli and a lovely salad for lunch, overnight oats with chia seeds, strawberries and a banana as snacks. Also ate 3 celebration chocs mindlessly (i dont remember even tasting them), but stopped myself and questioned the need for more. So pleased I exercised some mindfulness, hopefully I can do it more often. Also had a solero icecream (weather still fab, it just made sense!).

    Keep going everyone, May is almost over!

    Day 28, London, UK, NFD

    Late check-in from me today, I’ve just returned from the chemist with my second round of antibiotics!!! Although feeling better, the remaining dull ache means the infection is probably still there and brewing for a ‘Big Bang’ return; hence the antibiotics!! Gut bacteria be damned, give me drugs!!!

    This morning’s mirror greeting was a solemn promise ………………… “You love yourself unconditionally”

    @daffodil2010, those extra 20lbs came on from my ATL practically overnight!!! Now even with the miraculous ease & sustainability of 5:2 the hormonal crap associated with this time of life business is making any weight loss soooooooooo slow!!!! BY the way, now I NEED to know what ‘that’ word is!!!

    @funshipfreddie, I know fake news when I hear it!!! ‘Almost half’ should read ‘almost BOTH halves’!!!! 😂

    @at, I did the BBBB a few weeks ago, (I think it was in the Times) and promptly gave 97% of it away!!!! The rum soaked sultanas were pretty good on their own though, as was the rum!!!!! 😂 @songbirdme you’re so lucky you didn’t have the banana bread recipe, grain muffins are a much better choice!!!

    Stay strong everyone, we’re on the home straight!!!

    “If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it to yourself.” – Jane Travis

    Day 28 – Switzerland – FD800

    I‘m sorry about not posting regularly, I try to keep up reading. I‘m still doing well with my 2 FD800 per week. Had to stop counting calories on NFDs, in the end it was stressful and I had the impression that I ate more than if I was just trying to be mindful.

    I have a secret weapon against snacking – I‘m wearing braces (if that is the correct word for it) because I decided that 40 years of crooked teeth is enough. I have to wear them 22 hours per day, everytime I take them out to eat (or drink other things than clear liquids) I have to brush my teeth and clean the braces. A lot of work for just a small snack… so I almost don‘t snack anymore. 👍

    Pocket List – Day 28
    @at – B2B FD800

    USA – 800 calorie FD

    I’ll plan on joining the group officially for the June challenge.

    I’m re-reading the 800 calorie book to get some inspiration and knowledge. My plan is to do as many 800 calorie days as I can (unless I have a social obligation), then switch 2 FDs once 10 lbs. is gone.

    So far, I’ve had one whole egg, one egg white on whole grain toast. Planning on a small dinner with a protein bar added in. 800 calories seems more doable than 500. I remember hating the feeling of the emptiness after a 250 calorie dinner last time.

    I’m not sure what a pocket list is…

    Have a good one

    Day 28 Canton OH FD

    I have been sporadic at best with posting, I must do better.

    @shinything What?! wow, that’s a cautionary tale of epic proportions. I am so glad that they found out the problem, hope Hubby is well on the mend.

    Thanks @penz for hosting in June.

    must do better with posting…I must.
    Pocket List – Day 28
    @at – B2B FD800

    Day 28, UK, FD

    @penz and @jaifaim thank you, I will join June challenge 👍

    @daffodil2010 hopefully your DH eye damage is not permanent 🙏, and you are doing really great by staying strong and staying on the wagon 💪

    @aidan64 you really made me laugh with your accidental FD because you were convinced its a wrong day 😂

    @beck100 I don’t count calories on NFD either, it makes me feel like I’m on a low calories diet, and that’s not what I want, but I do try and make my portions smaller 🙂

    @breakfromcookies pocket list is the list of all the people from our challenge that are fasting on the particular day. Its just for support and encouragement, as all of us can see that there are many other people going through the same and doing the same thing 🙂 . I added you on today’s, I hope you don’t mind.

    @basyjames it wasn’t my husband who had the problem, I think you are referring to @daffodil2010‘s hubby?

    @at – B2B FD800

    Have a great evening everyone 🌞

    Day 29, NFD, Aus

    Good FD yesterday and I had the best night’s sleep. Slept straight through and woke 8 minutes before the alarm was due to go off. I feel great today! Fridays is normally my weekly weigh-in and the scales showed no loss. But I know I had a good week, so I’m expecting a woosh sometime soon.

    I’m impressed @jaifaim that you knew (recorded?) that I hosted last June. I did? Seems like forever ago! But you’re right, hosting is not that difficult, everyone is super helpful, and it really really does boost one’s individual accountability and motivation!

    Oooh @daffodil2010 I’m tempted to ask… but maybe it’s safer if I just google “different meanings for hump” in the privacy of my own home! But well done on the return of your mojo. Handcuff it somewhere!

    Thanks in advance for the spreadsheet, @at. I’ll create the folder tomorrow (Sat 30 May)

    Day 29 – Japan – WFD #42

    Been a week since I last fasted. We’ll see how this one goes. My weekend was extremely active. I believe in working out while fasting but there is a limit, I’m not sure where the limit is, but I’m pretty sure I was well over it.

    My son is back in Japan now, but currently international overseas travel isn’t easy.

    Day 28 Ohio, US — FD

    This day has gone well. Somehow I got deleted from the pocket list. I’m not sure how the weigh-in will go in the morning: The belt goes in another notch easily (good sign), but my abdomen looks quite flabby (not such a good sign). Well, the new day will tell.

    @dykask Looks as though your son has made it back in time. There was an opinion piece in The Guardian about how travellers from the US aren’t exactly welcome in many countries due to the inconsistent US policy about covid-19. The URL for the piece is:

    @penz At the risk of being scatological, way back when that word referred to an activity by male canines.

    Have a great last weekend of May!

    Day 29 -Ireland – NFD

    Good morning beautiful people!
    You are all winners 🥇 in my eyes… being here is a win in itself.

    Yesterday was a struggle… I was tired and found it hard to resist food… came in around 800 – maybe a bit more but it was day 3 of B2B2B….
    I’m finding that some days in lockdown I’m just really tired and listless… maybe it’s all this sun ☀️ too but it’s strange… I should have more time and energy rather than less… 🤔

    @at you were in my thoughts yesterday – I consider myself very blessed to still have them here and in the same country 💕

    Welcome @breakfromcookies!! If you take a look at the first page of this May thread you should find many tips and answers to questions you may have.

    Hey @penz my memory is pretty rubbish but I remembered that… I think it just doesn’t feel like that long ago so when you said you’d host June earlier this month it brought the memory back … I probably should record more even in terms of what people write etc so that I can respond to everyone but I’m just not that organised… 😂

    I am leaning towards getting myself an ice cream cone 🍦 today… have wanted one since last week… I think today I’ll crumble 😂😂

    Just one weekend to go guys 💪💪

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 29 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    @at thanks for link to the walks, having a browse last night, will be useful!

    Friday is weigh in day. Now it’s taken me a while to get used to the quirks and oddities of the 5:2 WOL, accepted them and don’t really worry too much any more about landing on a ‘plateau’ for a week or two. In fact getting very relaxed about it, especially after reading the link from @flourbaby re Whoosh.

    But after a really good FD yesterday was pleased to see a loss of another 1 lb this week, thats -4 lbs for the month.

    Yesterdays figures were really good, calories consumed 740, calories burnt exercise 1273, so 533 more used on exercise than taken in! Basic Metabolic rate is 1835 so really pleased, although one or two muscles are reminding me that the walk was 8.5 miles yesterday and give it a day or two before repeating!

    Take care all

    Day 29 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Glorious morning, it’s bank holiday Friday and the forecast is great for the next week!!

    Hanging on in there thus month, no loss, but staying on the wagon nevertheless.

    Just a quick check in as need to go to work now.

    @flourbaby and @penz….that word…..well, in Ireland when we are looking for something we say we are just going to have a “root” for it….I believe it’s a completely different meaning in Aus 😂😳😳😏😏😏

    Day 29 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Fast days all done for this Challenge. Scales tell me I’m 1.5 kgs down, so I finally got some wiggle room back. Aiming for a very mindful weekend so I can start June on a positive note.

    @flourbaby – I think you’re right. Even as I read it I couldn’t helping thinking, ‘is that all?’. But according to King’s College London study, ‘48% have gained weight’.

    @breakfromcookies – welcome to the forum. Great name!

    Nothing to do with fasting, but I wanted to share this amazing story of an Australian guy who rescued & befriended a mapie:-

    Day 29 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Very good CD yesterday at about 900 calories. Yeah for that. Various activities are opening up here in Illinois! My hairdresser called with my appointment for next week, and my masseuse wrote with the guidelines for my massage next week. We will be able to eat outdoors at various restaurants this weekend. YEAH! I’m already excited to wear something other than sweatsuits.

    Enjoy the weekend, everyone.

    Onward and downward.

    NFD Ire
    Hello, FD yesterday went well. I kept really busy. The yogurt with added protein is great for taking the hunger off. I’m going to a neighbours back garden for a BBQ tonight (social distancing rules observed) and it’s like getting day release. I haven’t worn makeup or got the glad rags on in prop 9 weeks !! Looking forward to it so much and will be having some wine too. 😂
    Roll on August for the pubs to open would love a cold pint of beer chatting with friends !!!
    Thanks for the support x Dee

    Day 28 – FD – USA
    Day 29 – NFD – USA


    I am so sorry for not posting! Thankfully, it’s not because of hiding failure – Successful FD Monday & Thursday, easier as it’s getting warmer and humid in the Boston area. I’ve just had quarantine-fever brain fog and forget to post. I’m on the computer most of the day with work and feel so mushy when I’m done. I’m one of those strange people who prefers to work outside the home – instead of working from home. I feel like I can leave the work behind, whereas at home – it’s always there….! So I shall be better to post – support is awesome and keeps me on my toes.

    I woke up this morning hungry for a hearty brekkie, so oatmeal with an egg mixed in (for protein) and blueberries on top. I’ll be full until 1pm. Trying not to count calories onNFD but be mindful of portion size and 3 meals a day – no snacking! So far so good – weight loss is slow but surely – I look lighter. (It’s that damn belly fast that doesn’t budge!)

    Day 29 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Well I have done my Monday and Thursday FDs as usual this month but totally lost the plot on NFDs. Too many lockdown treats and wine drinking on almost every NFD has resulted in a gain of over 3 pounds 😳. If I keep this up I can kiss goodbye to maintenance… so I am today making a promise to myself that from Monday 1 June I will resume sensible healthy eating and restrict wine to weekends. I can hear you all thinking ‘why not from today?’ Well its the weekend and I’ve already bought naughty treats 🤷‍♀️.

    @jaifaim thanks for keeping the wagon rolling this month 💐💗

    @penz I will check in more frequently next month, I’m going to need support with getting back to ‘dry till Fri’, so thanks for picking up the hosting baton.

    Enjoy a lovely weekend everyone, see you in June. Stay safe 🤗

    Day 29 UK NFD

    It’s a similar tale for me @missybear I have been sticking to Mon & Thurs <500 cals Been dry through the week Done a lot of exercise and still not seeing results on scales so it MUST be those overindulgent weekend even though I thought I was reining it in I need to come up with a revised plan for June

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