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This topic contains 1,073 replies, has 83 voices, and was last updated by  abop 6 years, 7 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 1,075 total)

  • Day 5, 2nd post,

    @debster251 – I’ll accept congratulations on the wine ……………….. can’t say the same about the chocolate, potato salad or angel cake!!!!

    I feel a clear-out of the kitchen cupboards looming!!!!!!

    Just watched a re-run of Horizon’s ‘Sugar vs Fat’ with the Van Tullekan twins, that 50:50 fat:sugar thing is what gets us every single time!! The rats given sugar regulated their intake to suit, the rats given just fat did the same, the rats given 50:50 fat:sugar cheesecake couldn’t stop and grazed & gorged ALL day long, resulting in rapid weight gain – sound familiar??? Not that I didn’t know it, but the LOVE I have for fatty sugary carbs (read cke or biscuits!) isn’t really love, it’s that destructive relationship I wouldn’t allow in any other part of my life!!!!!

    The Dr at the end said (to paraphrase) that we needed superhuman self control because it’s purely a chemical reaction, being surrounded by the affordable & addictive stuff we call ‘food’ in order to prevent ourselves “sleepwalking into obesity” ……………..the truth really, really hurts ………… FD tomorrow I think!!!!

    I know, cheery post……………. Not!!!!

    Day 4 Adelaide South Australia NFD

    Hi Everyone – I continue to be inspired and fascinated by the different ways everyone follows their own path on the 5:2. Helps me to feel OK about experimenting myself to find the right path for me. I’m loving the tortoise club – I’m in no hurry as long as it’s trending down. The day after my 6th FD on Friday I hadn’t shifted any weight & was a bit disappointed but this morning (Sat) I had dropped 700g (from 70.6 to 69.7). That means I’ve lost 2kg over three weeks. Even more exciting for me is that I’ve also lost 2cm from my waistline! I’m very conscious that this is a key health measure. It’s good to know from others that even on the diet weight fluctuates and is sometimes stubborn – I’ll try not to be impatient or disheartened when this happens.
    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 5 UK NFD

    Another good day yesterday and so far, so good today.

    I am 16:8 on a NFD to try to nudge the scales in the right direction.

    So enjoying the sunshine – there’s something about not having to wrap up before you open the door that is wonderfully decadent!

    Planning to enjoy the weather with a long run tomorrow.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone

    Day 5 – SW WA USA – NFD

    In the midst of an in-house Women’s Retreat at our church. Heading back over shortly. Only had some decaf coffee & water last evening & planning to choose only LCHF foods at the lunch salad bar today. Trying not to have the weekend NFDs undo the FDs earlier in the week.

    @Strawberriesandcream – enjoy your week away. It’s nice to be with friends of like mind.

    @onlyhermes – good for you for having the scale move downward.

    @MatterserHead – 2 KG in 3 wks is wonderful. Sounds like you’re getting the hang of things in this WOL

    @at – amazing how you’re maintaining so well even on a month’s holiday. It’s encouraging for those of us still on the way to maintaince land.

    Together we are stronger even on the weekends!

    USA FD Day 5

    After weighing myself this morning, I realized I needed another FD to fix what I undid!! 🙁 In any case, it is going well!

    AT: Thanks for the support! I am back to the grindstone. This week I will be back on track, if I can keep myself very busy!

    Onlyhermes: Congrats! Every ounce and pound is a win! 🙂

    Toddybear: I am following you into those 16:8 days! They worked well for Diana123!

    AnneMarilyn: Good for you! No undoing all that work is a great incentive! I had to pat myself on the back the other day for a similar achievement at my golf luncheon!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 5–USA—NFD

    Beautiful spring day here in the Rockies, after a foot of snow on Thursday. But it was sunny and in the sixties F, yesterday, so it all melted. That’s springtime in the Rockies. Beautiful snow on the mountains all around us.

    More talk of bird feeders—the hummingbirds have returned to our area and I just put out our feeders. They are vicious little devils, so possessive about each feeder and dive bombing each other, but fascinating to watch and to photograph. I try to get their fast moving wings in freeze frame. Not easy, since they dart around so fast.

    I enjoy reading of everyone’s accomplishments, but don’t have too much to report myself. I had 2 disrupted FD this week due to unexpected social engagements, but still managed to maintain some control, so no gain at least. There’s always next week! I have been doing planks each day and plan to add some weightlifting too. I always hear how important that is for women of a certain age (62) to maintain bone health and muscle mass.

    Going to a Cinco de Mayo party this evening—an excuse to eat Mexican food and drink tequila and margaritas. I will try to be moderate and in control, but I do love good Mexican food 🌮🥑🥃🌶

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    Hoping to continue on my downward spiral (in weight).

    Day 5 UK NFD

    Still 155lb this morning so maybe the new low will stick. I tried magnesium oil for the first time last night, despite a very late night and not enough hours to make me feel rested. I only woke once briefly during the night and felt deeply relaxed this morning despite shorter sleep.

    Managed 30 mins of yoga & meditation ahead of 1/2 day trustees meeting. I felt really relaxed and grounded all day despite leaving all my notes at home and some difficult discussions, which feels miraculous. I’m going to keep using it and see how I got, and make some for my daughter to try too.

    Baked my weekly oat/yogurt/seed loaf last night as today was full, then ate 200g – but at least I ate it after the salad rather than before! Usual 16:8 day began with working lunch of salad & an apple but came home to some more bread & peanut butter – Oops. On the bright side, I didn’t eat any of the sandwiches or biscuits that were being passed round the table, and came home with weekend treats of lavender body lotion and a bag of tangerines 🙂

    @rainbowsmile hoping that the hard work’s all in the preparation and it gets better xx
    @daffodil2010 that’s a lot of birds! i use a squirrel-proof feeder which means pigeons, crows and rooks can’t get in either. But I’ve got coconut feeders tied onto the handrail in the front garden mostly for tits and finches. Last spring I discovered the magpies were untying the string with beaks & feet so they could eat the lot! I tied lots of decoy string around them which has flummoxed them for now
    @debster251 loved your post about the international community learning from each other – so true
    @sarahbob empathy with the chocolate! well done for resetting today
    @anna6 i love your menus 🙂
    @at you are a poster woman for this WOL – wonderful advert for maintainance while on such a special holiday
    @flourbaby thank you, I saw that programme on 50:50 fat /sugar and had completely forgotten. Luckily for me most freely available cake/biscuit contains wheat/gluten. I know it’ll give me joint pain & swollen abdomen so it’s a bit easier not to succumb to temptation/instant gratification. I’ve just about succeeded in convincing myself I can make something much nicer and better for me at home. Raw cacao has really helped as nothing else quite measures up, tastes as chocolatey or comes with the same boost of brain well-being – it’s a hug-in-a-mug as a hot drink and wonderfully rich in baking 😀
    @malteserhead well done, 2kg in 3 weeks is a fantastic achievement, as is 2cm from your waist
    @hyacinth wow! hummingbirds! how wonderful 🙂

    NFD today. Discovered a new painting style and I’m having a blast trying it out. Everything else is going pretty good. Will weigh in tomorrow. No idea wht it will be. Have stayed on th diet plan pretty good. So will have to wait and see.
    Have a great afternoon.

    Day 5, UK, NFD

    Its been a glorious day, so sunny and bright and not too hot either, just perfect. I used it to do all outdoor things like wash my car, go for a walk alongside canal, drive with the roof down … just wonderful 😊
    I have been good with food today too, focused on my gut microbiome so decided to make some sauerkraut.

    @daffodil2010 thanks for that little info about your bird feeder, it must be

    entertaining watching them all feed 😀 . The only bird I saw on my feeder so far was a magpie, no other birds at all 🙁

    @dykask so basically you are joining Club Tortoise? 😀 I totally agree with what
    you said about going down in kgs slowly and holding that new weight for a long time. That’s the way to do it imo 🙂

    @debster251 your post really touched me 😊 , I feel the same gratitude to this
    forum and all the people supporting each other here. And I’d love to have robin
    eating out of my hand 🐦

    @dingping that story about that poor elderly gentlemen is heart breaking 🙁 , thank God he will be cared for now.

    @at welcome back to UK 🤗 , its great to read about your holidays as well as the
    fact that you maintained so well. Well done 😀

    @onlyhermes congrats on the new down weight 😀 , keep it up.

    @flourbaby I’d like to watch that program about fat and sugar, but I can’t find it, do you know if its on iPlayer maybe?

    @malteserhead thats a good going, if you continue like that you might lose your CT membership 😂 . Only joking ofc 😀 , keep it up 😀

    @hyacinth its a fascinating story about feeders and hummingbirds, I’d love to see them in action 😀

    @michelinme it made me laugh reading about magpies untying the string with beaks & feet, how cheeky is that! 😮 On another note, I really like raw cacao too, its such a great addition to my oatbran as well as banana milkshakes and other things 🙂

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! ❤

    Day 5, Finland, NFD

    Only slept 3 hours after my night shift and have been feeling very lazy. This is a recurring theme of mine… I love my sofa… and while I understand I can’t achieve anything until I get off the sofa….I did manage to go for a walk in the local sports park, It is like a track through the forest so it was lovely. A warm 15 degrees, which is perfect Finnish spring weather. But anyway it is true what they say…. energy breeds energy, and I have made it through the day ok. Tomorrow I am going to try a longer walk or a bike ride.
    Post night shift eating is always off, so a perfect NFD.

    @basyjames yes love hunger games! How on earth do you get up at 4.30 am and exercise! That is dedication. Well done you!
    @Strawberriesandcream belated birthday greetings!
    @debster251 I have set the reset button!
    @at those flights from Aus are killers aren’t they, but always worth it to see family. Glad you had a wonderful trip. Sometimes I miss Melbourne very much…..

    Interesting conversations about Magnesium oil, I have difficulty sleeping on FD’s. I know though my shift work plays havoc on my sleeping. Like now…even though I only slept 3 hours after night shift, I have missed the cutoff for going to bed and will need to take a pill . Perhaps I will do some research on magnesium, lots of you recommend it.

    Thanks for all the welcome backs, its lovely to catch up on how everyone is going.

    Have a great weekend everyone, and may the scales always be in your favour!

    Michelinme thanks for your comment on liking my menues. That encourages me to share them. Tomorrow it’s chinese takeaway though.

    Good night 😴🌙💤

    Day 5 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Wow, wow, Wow, I went shopping today and to my surprise I have gone down 2 jean sizes. So excited I bought two pairs and I now am wearing size small in tops. Bought 3 new spring tops. I am so grateful I have found this WOL and this form. Don’t think I could have accomplished this without all the great post and support from everyone.

    Together we are stronger, asking for continued prayers for my brother, this is starting to take a toll on him. 🙁

    DAY 5, USA, Missouri Ozarks, NFD (but trying to keep things controlled)

    Doing great, ate out with friends yesterday and stayed sane.

    Will get plenty of exercise weed-eating this afternoon !!!!

    To your health all !

    Way to go Diana123, enjoy the summer in your new “smaller” duds ! Congrats.

    Of course prayers are continuing for your brother, Diana. And for you and all who love him.

    Day 6 a gloriously sunny Belfast (north coast actually) NFD

    Stepped off that wagon for a day – Sugar and wine taken (not as much moderation as I would like – you can read into that that I was a lush!). but back to routine today.
    I badly need a new summer wardrobe. Most of my trousers are too big….happy days. I tried on my friend’s size 12 trousers yesterday and they are a little big. 😀. The annoying thing is that I’m now between sizes. I’ll be fun shopping for some new ones though.
    @malteserhead – congrats on your weight and inches loss. Remember that it took a long time to get there so there is no quick fix. Sometimes the scales don’t budge but the inches do. Have you thought of finding a pair of ‘measuring pants’? Select a pair that you aspire to get into or are too tight and try on once a month to check progress. It’s good therapy when they suddenly slide on and button up!
    Diana123 just the boost you needed to keep your spirits up in diffficult times.

    You only get one body in this life – love it and look after it.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Quick check in. It’s bank holiday Sunday, the sun is shining, its forecast to be warm, and I am not working! Looking forward to the day ahead ☺️

    Have a great day everyone

    Day 6 London NFD (but mindful/controlled)

    Hello All,
    Sun and blue sky here.
    Successful x3 fast this week with two being B2B. Scales very favourable this am but will wait to see if this sticks before getting to excited (secretly very pleased!)
    Off for a lovely family day walking along the Thames from Richmond to Kew followed by a fab roast dinner in a lovely pub. Must be mindful, easier said than done but feeling positive, positive.
    Have a lovely day everyone hope you find joy in it.
    Ta x

    Day 6 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Its a glorious sunny morning here in Wales. Happy Sunday everyone 😎

    Day 6 UK NFD

    Well I had a successful fast day yesterday. I did my exercise & spent all afternoon gardening so imagine my dismay when I stepped on the scales this morning & I’ve gained 2 pounds!!!!

    I over indulged one day this week. I’ve had 3 fast days and I’ve done all my planned exercise & over 10,000 steps every day… is a 2 pound gain even possible?!!!!

    I’m putting it down to that ‘time of the month’ but it’s still disheartening.☹😭

    At least the sun is shining. 🌞

    Day 6, London, UK, NFD,

    Aiming for a CD today, I should be ok.

    I’m a little torn, because I want to enjoy the sun, but the housework isn’t going to do itself…………. Maybe I’ll delay the sun-worship ‘til tomorrow.

    @shinything, I don’t think the Horizon programme ‘sugar vs fat’ is available on iplayer anymore, I caught it on London Live purely by accident, but you can watch it here

    The sun is shining, what’s not to love about this blue sky Sunday????

    Day 6, UK, NFD

    I had an epic face stuffing yesterday! No idea why, but I just kept eating all day long. Feeling t he effects today, very sluggish and just blah 🙁 .
    Note to self: do yourself a favour and control yourself with food!

    @diana123 congrats on smaller sizes 😀 , and your brother and your family are in my prayers.

    @sarahbob i know how you feel, it happened to me (and I think almost everyone) that scales show weight up for no reason whatsoever! Its very disheartening and annoying indeed, but don’t despair because it is just temporary and keep doing what you are doing. We are here to hold your hand 🤗

    @flourbaby thank you so much for that link, I’ll watch it tonight 🙂

    I hope everyone is having a fab weekend and enjoying this glorious sunshine 🌞

    Day 6 – Dubai – FD#11

    Just a quick check in – busy time at the moment. Good luck everybody.

    “Three months from now, you’ll thank yourself.”

    Day 6 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Keeping very busy with family activities. Holding my own on DD’s scale.

    @at – I will write down that Aussie Pinot Noir. Would love to visit there again someday, but there are so many new places we want to go. Very hard to decide. I enjoy the Aussie wines we can get here, 19 Crimes being my fave now. This Pinot was from USA, Oregon!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 6, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    Diana123 congratulations 🎊 on your smaller size. Well done. Prayers for your brother.

    It was Chinese food for lunch today. It’s sunny 😎 weather here in Malta. This afternoon I’m going out with my sister in law for a coffee while my husband watches football.

    My son has his biology exam tomorrow and he’s studying right now.

    Have a great Sunday everyone. Onwards and downwards.

    Hi everyone!
    It’s a gorgeous, sunny day here in beautiful British Columbia on the west coast of Canada. Has anyone explored or tried the paleo diet or the ketogenic diet? I am reading Nora Gedgaudas’s book PRIMAL FAT BURNER (2017). I’m thinking I’ll use this eating plan on my non-fasting days.
    I’ve come to a decision in these last four days: I’m retiring from my job as an English teacher. I will switch to working casually a few days a month as a Teach-On-Call. I’m nearly 63 and it is time! I’m very excited to have more time for myself for exercising, writing, cooking and researching all the topics that fascinate me–like diets! (I also write fiction. I’d love to write like Liane Moriarty or Kristin Hannah.)
    I love 5:2 and I have lost 4.4 (2 kg) in the last two weeks!
    Have a beautiful day, everyone!

    Day 6 UK NFD

    Yesterday was another Bread Overeating day, and my digestion was pretty unhappy. My abdomen swelled up enormously – by evening I looked 9 months pregnant and had no idea what clothes to lay out for the morning! Luckily much of it went down overnight, but not all. Note to self – Do Not Eat 200g Bread Again even – or esp? – when it’s oat bread

    Up & out early just fine today tho forgot to eat my packed lunch until I got home, now planning a huge salad for supper. The sun is shining and it’s 25C out there – already too hot for a redhead with a family history of melanoma so I’m enjoying a breezy shade.

    Haven’t stopped talking about magnesium oil today bc I slept like a baby and woke up refreshed for only the second time in years – despite my longterm sleep deficit and a very short night. I only stirred once and woke up with an enormous sense of well-being, and I’ve been relaxed all day despite some pretty stressful stuff. My anxiety seems to have just disappeared as tho someone has switched off a light. I’m so grateful to the wonderful people here who recommended it – I cannot thank you enough!

    @shinything enormous empathy! here’s to trying again, again xx

    @diana123 congratulations on dropping a whole 2 sizes in jeans!!! Prayers continuing for you and your brother

    @diwantsthin 2.2kg is amazing – well done! i’m veggie so paleo a little harder but been following a mainly LCHF diet for the last couple of years. Still stay away from refined carbs, wheat, potatoes, pasta etc, have the odd serving of brown rice and small loaf of oat bread each week. NB portion control is still important when eating LCHF – that’s how I put on the last 14lbs!

    @sarahbob Loss isn’t always linear, keep on doing what you are doing and the rewards will definitely come!

    I’m guessing many in my hemisphere are out there enjoying the wonderful weather, and the UK is on a bank (public) holiday weekend so some may be away. Whatever you are doing, here’s to keeping a weather eye out for the big picture and strength to resist those tempations which don’t truly feed us xx

    Day 5 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Yes, a gorgeous sunny Sunday here as well!
    Am pleased that I kept to good choices yesterday at the Women’s Retreat. My scale is not doing the crazy NFD weekend swing as has been too common. It’s only a moderate uptick following the FDs of the week prior.
    @diwantsthin – I am switching to a more Keto or LCHF way of eating. I believe it’s starting to make a difference. I used to do that mainly on FDs but now switching to all the time. There are some others like @metatauta who are more seasoned in this way of eating.
    @flourbaby – thanks for the link. Looking forward to watching that

    Together we are stronger even on the weekends!

    Day 5 NFD
    Day 6 NFD Oregon USA LONG POST warning (carb control)

    Good morning from the PNW! Looking to be a cloudy but dry day here. I’ll take it!

    So steady on with the LCHF diet and just read your post @diwantsthin regarding The Primal Fat Burner. I’ve read a similar diet I believe called the Wild Diet and it’s very much a cross of paleo and ketogenic. I just started this month with a LCHF (low carb high fat) strategy. My son has been on ketogenic for about three months now and has lost an amazing 40-45 pounds. He has gone “full tilt” and keeps his carbs to 20-25 grams per day. But he also eats whatever processed meats he wants to that are carb free. I didn’t want to really go too far down that path as it feels like sausage, salami, and pepperoni just can’t be good for you.

    So…@debster251 asked as well, I’m not really following any “plan”. I’m not going full Wild diet which is basically the healthiest version of keto, and not going full keto either. My goal is to keep my carb intake to 40g or below each day.
    On FD’s that’s of course a no-brainer. It’s almost impossible to stay at 500-600 calories and go overboard on carbs. On NFD’s (my nemesis) it’s helping me to NOT have to focus on calories because again if I focus on 40g of carbs it is really hard to go overboard on calories. Though I’m sure I could plow through a lot with cheese and those processed meats if I went down that path. 😂😂

    For me what feels “easier” is that I CAN have a piece of cheese or handful of nuts and the carbs are very low. And happily I can have a very low carb beer (2.6g) and still hit my goals. It’s amazing that the recommended guidelines of carbohydrates is 225-325g for adults but under that, it says that if you need to lose weight you will get faster results at 50-150g.

    I don’t know if I’m in full blown ketosis or not. I’m not buying the strips or really worrying about that as I will just let results speak for themselves. 😊

    I have discovered that a cobb salad (something I LOVE) is almost a perfect keto meal.
    Romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, hard boiled egg, bleu cheese crumbles, cherry tomatoes, bacon bits and sometimes avocado or olives, with a low-carb dressing (easy to find) it is a completely great meal for me and like around 5 net carbs and 35 grams or protein. I actually had one out last evening on Cinco de Mayo!! And was able to pass on chips and salsa, beans and rice, burrito…everything I LOVE about mexican food. 🌮🌯 I tasted one bite of jalapeno cornbread, but that was it. I did succumb and have one IPA last night, but still didn’t go over my daily allotment. That one IPA though, about 15g of carbs!

    I’ve re-discovered very dark chocolate as a treat, as well as raspberries and strawberries which are the lowest carb fruits.

    Today I’m trying to make a low carb bread mix that I bought. Here’s hoping that it’s better than the disaster I made at the beginning of the week.

    @songbirdme–thanks for the shout out on our lovely Pinot Noirs! Friends if you haven’t had an Oregon Pinot Noir, I can only say you MUST. 🍷 I live right at the gateway to wine country so come one over, up or down and we can go wine tasting. Happily most wine is relatively low carb so I can have a glass of wine (or two) if I plan ahead.

    @at I really like most Austrailian wines but have not heard of that one.Would like to try it simply because of the name. “Nanny Goad” ❤️️ Glad to hear you are safely back home and look forward to hearing about your spring walks.

    @flourbaby you are allowed those days of indulgence as you will so quickly dispense. You have been a rock star and a great inspiration for me as you show that you can lose your mojo for a bit, but not just throw in the towel and give up. (Which so many of us do). And really who can pass on potato salad?? 😊

    @kerryn73 I laughed out loud at “I love my sofa” only because I can totally relate. I used to (about 6-7 years ago) be a real exercise fanatic. Loved zumba (still do really) and did it at least five days a week. About five years ago I trained and ran a half marathon. AND THEN…I went back to work full time. Since then, my exercise routine went out the window. EVEN THOUGH, I went back to working 3x days per week in August of 2017 (nine months ago) I have not been able to motivate myself back to consistent exercise. I too, love my couch, my bed, my chair in the backyard. You name it. I kept saying that once I lost a little weight on 5:2, I’d start again. Well I did lose 10 pounds and had a goal of running another half marathon, but that got derailed. I’m giving myself May to build this keto habit, but I am going to get back to exercise too. At least with walking which clearly is a no-excuses really work kind of exercise. ❤️️ I’ll cheer for you!

    @Diana123–that is just fantastic! Nothing better than smaller sizes. I have clothes I could fit in when I lost a lot of weight in 2009-2010. I’m hoping that by August I can fit into them again. And buy some new ones! Healing and comfort for your brother. 🙏

    @Sarahbob–you have just found out why many of us call the scale “Cruella”. Also why many have different strategies for weighing. I’ve tried them all–daily, weekly, monthly. And can only say that don’t give it another thought. Keep doing what you’re doing because it WILL get results. I have a tendency to reward and implode based on a number on the scale and it’s incredibly frustrating, so I really get it. Just know that your efforts will pay off and stay the course. 💪🏼

    @daffodil2010 in the spring days I just imagine you walking around the Irish countryside (or riding on the back of a motorcycle) with a big smile on your face. I hope your Sunday (bank holiday) was fantastic.

    @shinything your day and mood is infectious! So wonderful to enjoy the sun, the birds ( we have six different birdfeeders as it’s my DH’s passion) and getting things done. My car could use a good washing, so I think I’ll follow suit.

    Alright my friends….I have taken up a lot of space in our forum today.

    For all the newbies, I’ll only reiterate what so many have said. This place has become a great source of support, inspiration, and sanity. I’m ever so grateful to it’s international flavor, laughter, love and kindness that I always find.

    I have no sign off this month….so I’ll only say, have a great day everyone! ❤️️❤️️

    NFD today. YoooooHooo. Weighed in and down again. I might make my goal for May. Have a two-weeks trip coming up. Granddaughter’s graduation and seeing the rest of my family. So, if I can maintain or lose, I’ll be pleased. A lot of eating out but my plans are to stay on track with my FD and really monitor my portion sizes on the other days. Will not weigh until I return home.
    Everone have a great afternoon.

    Day 6- UK- FD turned CD

    Thanks for konjac noodles, I won’t blow all my efforts and will stay between 500 and 800kcal!
    Too difficult to fast on a long weekend!
    You all are such an inspiration today and every day. I like reading your ups and your downs, it makes my day lighter and often keeps me on track!
    So a big thank you too All!!

    USA FD Day 6

    Today was going to be a NFD but turned easily into a FD. I got myself back on track. I fasted and returned to my low carbohydrate high fat high protein diet (Southbeach) and immediately dropped 2 lbs. Happily, I am now going in the right direction, even though I have to make up for lost time. Exercising and yoga are all good, No problems there!. Summer is so great for exercising, since we can spend so much time outside in the beautiful weather. Have a great weekend and congrats to all your successes! 🙂

    Day 6, USA, FD

    Way to go @ccco!

    Just a quick check-in and putting myself on the pocket list which…hmm..scrolling back through today’s entries is apparently only @ccco and me. 🙂 (I hope it’s okay if I take the liberty of adding you.)

    FD Pocket List:


    Day 7…NSW Australia…FD
    7.12am Monday – start of a brand new week!

    Hi everyone
    Just checking in!

    Been 2 weeks since a decent FD, due to thinking I could forgo them and just enjoy my holiday – not good thinking as difficult to get back into it! In future FD’s will be on holidays with me – so fingers crossed today will be ok!

    Enjoy whatever you are getting up to and bye for now!

    Day 6 – USA – NFD
    Day 5 – USA – FD

    Got my FD in for this week a day late, 561 cals. Did not measure this week, but size US 14s are very loose, hoping to get down to a solid 12. Size 10 would be great, but I doubt I could sustain it with only about 9 lbs. to go before maintenance. We’ll see.

    Thanks, Onlyhermes! Everyday is a good fasting day!!

    Rooting for you, metatauta! 🙂

    Day 7 – Japan – FD 83.5kg
    Day 6 – Japan – NFD

    Now I know why I fast on Fridays. A three day weekend is a bit too much as I tend to relax on my eating over the weekend. This is more to keep my family from freaking out than anything else. I’m a bit bloated after a 3 day weekend.

    @shinything – I’m definitely in the Tortoise club! In 2012 I hit 106kg and I’ve taken off about 4kg per year to get to where I am now. Sometimes more, sometimes less. However I’ve only been fasting for just about two years. I started reducing sugar about a 2.4 years ago. In 2012 I started with just short HIIT workouts and slowly slipped into extreme amounts of cardio. I don’t do so much of that anymore. There were four years of calorie restriction which is far from pleasant for me, in fact it was miserable. Fasting is so much better than that!

    @mjrbcd44 – I agree with you, processed meats are risky. There is even a lot of concerns over too much saturated fats although vegans like to point only to saturated fats from animal products. (All sources of fat have at least some saturated fat and coconut oil is probably the worst for that.) However the research is mixed on LDL. There isn’t any doubt that saturated fats increase LDL but the association between LDL and CVD isn’t that strong. It may be more related to VLDL (Very Low Density Lipids) and that could be a serious downfall of LCHF diets and also vegetable oils. The “experts” are all over the map on these topics. However, when it comes to processed meats, they are certainly high risk if frequently consumed because of many of the other compounds besides the fats.

    My theory is the less processed foods one eats the better the diet. A good diet won’t keep one from getting fat but it really helps a lot!

    2nd post – Ugh … VLDL, LDL type A, LDL type B … I’m so confused and clearly I don’t know how it actually works. The only thing that makes sense is too much processed food is bad for us. At least most of the “experts” agree on that.

    Day 7 North Wales FD

    Hoping for more lovely sun today. The glorious weather certainly makes me feel better. Hope everyone has a lovely day. X

    Day 7, Emden Germany, FD

    Day 5 & 6 NFD, way too much sweets.

    @kerryn73 welcome back, I decided to stick to the basics as my life was complicated enough when I started 5:2, as it worked to well, I never changed it.

    @diana123 isn’t it great to buy clothes in a smaller size?

    @sarahbob don’t be dishearted, this WOL works, your weight will go down, just stick to it.

    Pocket list Day 7, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list

    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    Have a good day everyone!

    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    There, I have called it, today I will try for an FD.

    As its bank holiday Monday and the sun is shining I have all along planned to have an NFD today. But I am working until around lunchtime so won’t have time to think about food. My DH is working until midnight so won’t see him. My stepson is moving in with us later today (he is starting a course in Dublin and it’s an easier commute from here rather than where he lives with his mum) so I want to be OK to oversee his arrival.

    Otherwise the afternoon could become a pleasant sit around the garden with chilled white wine watching the birds at my bird feeder 😆 That’s what I did yesterday. It’s so good to have sunshine and heat.

    @mjrbcd44 I would have loved to be on the back of the motorcycle yesterday but DH had to work. I DID have a big smile on my face as it was lovely out there.

    So, I will be mindful, but I might, just might, turn the day into an NFD just because it’s a sunny bank holiday 😎

    @diana123 super congrats on the new jean sizes

    Have a wonderful day everybody ☺️

    Day 7, London, UK, NFD

    Today a better food day is required, I’m falling into that – ‘relax, it’s the 1st week of a new challenge’ – trap!!! Desperate to get back to work tomorrow, just so I can regain some B2B2B control!!! @shinything, although not quite an EFS, yesterday was certainly a FS day ………………… I’ve got to get away from this tendency towards self-sabotage as soon as things are running smoothly. I used to have friends who did the same with good relationships, I always thought they didn’t believe they deserved that ‘Happy Ever After’ thing …………………….. I wonder if subconsciously I don’t think I deserve to be slim & healthy???? Time for some self-reflection & self-care I think!!!!

    @mjrbcd44, Thank you, I really wish I had read your post prior to falling face first into that jar of peanut butter …………… @penz, if you’re out there, I was using an ENORMOUS spoon in order to fool myself ……………. What’s a few spoonfuls after-all!!!!

    @dykask, every weekend for me is a 4 day weekend and this one has proved harder to deal with than most, I might need to change things up a bit and throw a FD in here or there over the 4 days, because at the moment, I’m a bit ‘all or nothing’ so CDs aren’t working.

    At least there hasn’t been any wine, just PB, chocolate, biscuits, cashews & cheese!!!

    Enjoy the rest of the Bank Holiday and this fabulous weather everyone, despite a ‘few’ issues I’m staying faithful to this WOL; Onward & Downwards folks!!!!!!!!!!

    @flourbaby a four day weekend every week sound nice. I think I would figure out how to make it work! 😉 However my 3 NFD weekend shows me I would have some work to do!

    Day 7, UK, FD

    Much needed FD today as I’m still feeling the effects of my FS the other day. I’m working today so that will make it easier. Not nice to be working on bank holiday and this glorious weather though, but hey, it has to be done 🙂

    @diwantsthin congrats on loosing 2kg in 2 weeks, thats great 👍

    @kaywesterman have a great trip 😀

    @daffodil2010 I’m jealous that you can watch birds on your bird feeder, I saw few of them on mine briefly, but so far no action there 🙁 . Maybe they are nervous about the new place to feed?

    @flourbaby I will join you in self-reflection & self-care, lets stay strong and carry on 🤗

    Have a lovely day everyone ❤

    Day 7 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    FD today, need a wine free day! Sunny days and sipping wine are just so seductive. Time to reset for the new week.

    Pocket list Day 7, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list
    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    Pocket list Day 7, if you want to join us, please copy and paste and add your name to the list
    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    hello all Day 7 from NI Bank holiday Monday – not a fast day as out of my usual routine but will be mindful with plenty of work in the garden.
    day 4 I will call a successful fast day even though when I got to sons place they produced a nice cheese with apricots which I sampled and found I was back for a little bit more and a little bit more – it was very moorish – but as I had not eaten anything all day I feel I kept to plan.
    Day 5 I ate mindfully and enjoyed a meal in the evening with a glass or 2 but again felt I was in control.
    Day 6 another travel day on return home – the only treat was a finger of shortbread with a coffee – back home we had a BBQ with a large salad and baked potatoes. Again I was mindful and in control.
    A few pounds less this morning from when I hit the reset button at the beginning of last week – so I call that a success. I just need to repeat it again this week and keep on keeping on.
    Have a good day everyone x

    Day 7, USA, FD?

    2.5 pounds down, yay! Today was supposed to be a CD, but I’ll be so busy and I feel very good and energetic this morning so I may make it another FD. I really like getting those extra ones in when I can.

    @flourbaby, I can so relate to your thoughts. Locking in our successes is what that Jamie Foxx quote was all about. We need to lock in our success and then make it our new normal. You do deserve it, and I appreciate your post, because it brings to mind old and unhelpful self-talk that I’ve had. I’m clearing out my closets and trying to clear out my old mind-set too. 🙂 We’ve got this!

    Have a great day everyone! 🙂

    Adding myself to the list:

    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

    Day 7 UK FD

    Lovely sunny bank holiday Monday and looking forward to enjoying some downtime today. I’ve got my sights on an overgrown lavender bed for a gentle sit & weedpull later on, but it’s 36C there right now so I’ll wait for it to cool down. Going to aim for a good FD of 500 calories – I can eat a lot of salad for that!

    Amazing night’s sleep for the 3rd time, woken only by dawn around 5am. I can imagine this will get me right back on track with earlier nights and earlier starts (BH Mon excepted) But I also had a significantly swollen abdomen again last night and wonder if anyone else has come across with magnesium oil? I’m wondering if it’s something to do with the body rebalancing and drawing a lot of water into the guts – come morning it’s all gone down again.

    My weight’s been stable (yay!) but my size is fluctuating wildly. I’ve not had anything else that’s new to me the last few days – homemade salads, no processed foods. It might perhaps be the oatbread – homemade from gf oats, yogurt, seeds, baking soda – which I had a lot of on Sat and a little yesterday. I’ll give it a miss for today’s FD and see if it makes a difference. I’d be gutted to lose the miraculous benefits I’ve had with 3 nights of magnesium oil – restorative sleep, calm mind and better concentration.

    We’re a whole week into the May challenge already and have gathered a great group from all corners. If you’ve got off to a good start – well done! If you need to press the reset button – why not do it today? Every day is a new chance to get back on the waggon. Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can – the best is yet to come 🙂 xx

    Fasting Pocket list Day 7 – if you want to join us just copy and paste and add your name to the list

    @snowflake56 1st of B2B

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