Day 5, 2nd post,
@debster251 – I’ll accept congratulations on the wine ……………….. can’t say the same about the chocolate, potato salad or angel cake!!!!
I feel a clear-out of the kitchen cupboards looming!!!!!!
Just watched a re-run of Horizon’s ‘Sugar vs Fat’ with the Van Tullekan twins, that 50:50 fat:sugar thing is what gets us every single time!! The rats given sugar regulated their intake to suit, the rats given just fat did the same, the rats given 50:50 fat:sugar cheesecake couldn’t stop and grazed & gorged ALL day long, resulting in rapid weight gain – sound familiar??? Not that I didn’t know it, but the LOVE I have for fatty sugary carbs (read cke or biscuits!) isn’t really love, it’s that destructive relationship I wouldn’t allow in any other part of my life!!!!!
The Dr at the end said (to paraphrase) that we needed superhuman self control because it’s purely a chemical reaction, being surrounded by the affordable & addictive stuff we call ‘food’ in order to prevent ourselves “sleepwalking into obesity” ……………..the truth really, really hurts ………… FD tomorrow I think!!!!
I know, cheery post……………. Not!!!!
1:23 pm
5 May 18