Day 29 Chicago, Illinois USA – FD
Day 30 – NFD
This topic contains 2,268 replies, has 131 voices, and was last updated by Moammad 3 years, 6 months ago.
Hello all day 30 FD UK Co Down – had to skim posts to catch up
@happymargo – well done!
@Ciren – but you are still here which is what counts.
@Pissuposa – sorry about exam results and flooding – hugs x
@debster251 – how did the veggie patch fare while you were away and how is the yogurt going? – may try that when I return from holidays.
@krisnia – glad to hear you are feeling better after that scare!
@fatrabbit – love to hear your bunny stories and was going to say I wish I had your problem in that I wanted to slow down weight loss but have found you have hit a little blip – don’t worry that is all it is a blip!
@flourbaby – I’m fed up see sawing up and down too but we just have to keep on keeping on.
@annemarilyn – so glad your brother and dad have reunited – congratulations to your Dad on his 90th birthday and hope you get something sorted regards your Mums health issues.
@lindasue – what a boost to a gals confidence – brag all you want!!
@bigviking – I had a look at my tracker but unfortunately don’t see a pattern more like the hind leg of a donkey but a negative correlation – which at least is good!
@snowflake56 – sorry you have had a run in with a moron and that work is so hectic – remember to breathe – hugs x
I was clearing out some papers and found this and thought I would share
The secret to creating a habit of consistent effort? Just do something each and every day – a choice that will take you one step closer in the direction of your goal – consider the alternative
Doing nothing – gets you nowhere
making excuses – gets you nowhere
I’ll do it tomorrow – gets you nowhere
Something is better than nothing, something is what leads you to success and the only way to get results is to take action. You will not get the results if you do not follow through with consistency.
Pocketeers for 30, 31 – hope I haven’t left anyone out
@happymargo <– correction: Rocking all 3 days!!
Day 30 Maine FD
Very successful FD yesterday – thank you all – I do believe it was your collective support that kept me focused. It was very busy at work & that helped a lot also. I’m off today & have a shopping trip planned – have already planned what I’ll eat. Tomorrow will be the biggest challenge. I’m off (back to my tues/weds off schedule) & last week’s trip to the lobster pound was postponed ’till tomorrow. I’m thinking I’ll bring a big salad & lobster w/o butter should be ok. It’s byob also, so maybe just bring the fixing of a white wine spritzer. Really want to make May’s goal, so don’t want to blow it!
Wish the weather would warm – never have felt so cold as last night! Slept w/socks & still had a hard time – couldn’t warm my toes!
Make it a super day everybody & keep positive!
Day 30 Akron OH first of three b2b2b FD. I plan to do 500/500/800 to start June right. I purposely over indulged over memorial day weekend, I’m at my goal weight and just trying to maintain but love the health benefits of b2b fasts.
I also saw a friend I haven’t seen in a while and she told me she had never seen me so skinny and I shouldn’t lose any more weight. Well it was a bit of a bummer as you can imagine and I really began to second guess myself, but another good friend told me to ignore her comments; we both know she’s trying to lose weight herself as well and maybe the green eyed monster had a part to play in her comments. Idk but it’s definitely worth keeping in mind that not every body is going to be as supportive of your efforts as you would like. So I’m very thankful for this group.
@fordprefect, I share your feelings about the present occupant of the WH, but he does enjoy a lot of support and can do no wrong as far as some people are concerned, different strokes for different folk. We do live in some seriously different times that’s for sure.
Wish you all a good push to the end of the month.Adding myself to the pocket fasters
on a roll!!!Pocketeers for 30, 31 – hope I haven’t left anyone out
@happymargo <– correction: Rocking all 3 days!!
Day 26, Belfast, NFD
Day 27, Belfast/North coast, NFD
Day 28, Belfast/North coast, NFD
Day 29, Belfast, NFD
Day 30, Belfast, NFD
Had a wee trip away for the bank holiday…nice big walks along the north coast, around Carnlough and the Glens of Antrim. But I may have over-indulged yet again. At least the scales are moving (slightly…sometimes…) in the downward direction. I’ll try and have a low-cal dinner tonight and go for a big swim too. I’ve probably missed my planned target, but sure, June’s another month!
Day 30 – Cumbria UK – FD
Had a lovely walk with 3 friends this morning – 6.5km/4miles with some 500m elevation – weather was kind and the sun even came out to play – a refreshing pot of tea afterwards joined by the runners.
Reading and catching up on the posts for a bit before I watch some of the French Open tennis…..
@ciren2 – what a lovely trip to look forward to in June!
@tillysmum – you are very welcomed – that’s why we are all here to support each other and to provide some encouragement when anyone is faltering – Keep GOING
@snowflake56 – HUGS – Sorry to hear about your “S” but you seem to have adapted around that so well. I am so sad to hear about your horrible experience with that particular patient on Wednesday on top of a what is a very stressful time at work for you. It is at times like these that you have to remember as you did the appreciative patients like the ones who brought you some 💐to say thank you. Sounds like both you and your OH will enjoy your holidays in a couple of weeks – bet it can’t come fast enough at the moment!
@brightonbelle and @pippapah – glad to know I was not alone……
@happymargo – 👍on your zero calorie day and the rhubarb cake was scrumptious according to OH – I liked it too 😈
@songbirdme – what a lovely welcome home from your favorite orange azalea and well done on maintaining whilst on holiday
@annemarilyn – hope mum moves to a good rehab place soon
@cream tea – well done to that 2.4kg gone for the month
@onahealthyhigh – I know I am so lucky to live in the Lake District but I do try to make the most of it. Sounds like you are in a good place with your b2b2b – Stay strong an Positive
@bert1802 – good to hear you are with us 🤗in case one is needed
@pissupoosa – 🤗 I think you need one of these too – someone once told me “The pleasure of success feels best after experiencing the pain of failure” and I so hope this for you in September xx
@coda – thank you for sharing – I love this “Something is better than nothing, something is what leads you to success and the only way to get results is to take action. You will not get the results if you do not follow through with consistency.
@basyjames – so glad to hear that you had a sensible friend to keep you positive after the green eyed comment from your other “friend”
To all Pocketeers for B2B2B – Days 29, 30, 31 – I’m definitely joining you for the day today and perhaps tomorrow depending on how I feel – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER
Day 30, USA, Missouri Ozarks, NFD
Today’s weight 143, below goal weight of 145.
Today would normally be a Fasting Day but I am being taken out to lunch by a local attorney and am looking forward to it. Our firm handles only family law cases and this attorney is our criminal referral so I (we) send him a lot of business. He sends the office beautiful plants in unique containers once a month the latest was a huge fern in a little antique looking washtub with rusty looking legs – looks like it has been sitting on somebody’s back porch for decades. He often makes charitable donations in my name although I have told him that I am grateful to have a good, competent attorney to recommend and it is not necessary to repay me (us) in any way. He is a very, very nice man. He is also very interesting and has argued cases before the Supreme Court – looking forward to a long, conversation filled lunch.
My boss said he told her once on Facebook that he is so grateful for all the referrals, she laughed and said – thank Linda, she does all the work…..
Wishing all a great day, can you believe this month is drawing to a close? Seems like it was just Christmas.
Day 30 UK FD 🌈B2B2B
Wasn’t the best yesterday really need to close the kitchen at 7 as was my intention, slightly over on my first of three FDs and did I suffer for it, last night, hardly any sleep and very dehydrated so had a headache. Not much water drank and hungry. Answer to hunger, DRINK WATER. 🐉💦
I have to keep retelling myself the most simple things.
Had a better day today, eaten all my calories, been to the gym, kitchen closed and off to work (again) in a minute so should be ok for today, and momentum will hopefully carry me on tomorrow!
Keep on pocketeers! Despite yesterday I’m not giving up on the rest of the days. 👊🏻
Day 30 – Toronto – NFD
Last NFD of this month and trying to be mindful – got a lower body workout in, had a healthy and balanced breakfast and lunch. The tough part will be dinner as I’ll be going out with my colleagues – will do my best to be very mindful with a goal of staying at least 200 calories below TDEE.
Day 30 US FD
I’m doing a b2b today! baby!😆😉✨
Yesterday for Memorial Day I was able to stay under 800. First time for me to stay below 800 for a holiday!✨
Getting smarter with the food.
I will be able to read more later.✨
✨Thank-you @pissupoosa for your spreadsheet and your hosting efforts. ✨🤝✨
✨Wishing all well today!
😊That means you!😊✨
@pissupoosa — ((Hugs)) to you. So sorry about your exam, that must be so disappointing. I’m glad there’s a time to retake it. Best wishes for your next round!
@coda — this bit you wrote really connects for me:
“Doing nothing – gets you nowhere
making excuses – gets you nowhere
I’ll do it tomorrow – gets you nowhere
Something is better than nothing…”. That’s why the minimum-minimums you wrote about earlier work so well.
I’ve mapped out my minimums for Fitness (quick full-body weight-lifting circuit I can do at home.) Food (more green veg!) and Fasting (at least one full day per week under 500 calories.) plenty of room to accomplish more, but still feel like a winner because I DID something!
@basyjames — whatever happened to “if you can’t say anything nice…”? Sorry you had someone try to knock down your success. Luckily you had a friendly voice of reason to balance it out!
@lindasue — I’m with you…I feel like I just wrapped up Christmas & New Years. And blink, it’s June!
Also, that fern & antique washtub sounds very pretty.
@basyjames if you’ve eradicated enough weight for people to notice. ✨Good for you!✨ checking your height to weight ratio will help you decide for yourself your comfortable and healthy weight. Don’t let anybody else decide that for you! ✨
✨Congratulations on your success!✨✨
Day 30, Germany, NFD
@lilymartin, @onahealthyhigh, @strawberriesandcream, @anna6, @coda and @at thank you all for the so much needed (virtual) hugs and flowers, it feels like a warm blanket when you’re frozen to know somewhere outthere someone is thinking of you. News is travelling fast in a small town, this afternoon a patient came in, just to ask me if I’m fine, that was really nice. I’m fine now, I still don’t know why the patient got so angry, I’m glad he’s gone. Hugs to all of you xxx
We have tried to convince 8 obese patients of the benefits of this WOE, the response is maigre, we thought. This afternoon a diabetic patient came in for his appointment, he has lost almost 6 kg, his longterm sugar got down and he is no longer in the obese range. He was so proud and really made our day.
@pissupoosa I’m so sorry about your exam
Only one day to go, where has this month gone?
Wishing everyone a good last day tomorrow, stay strong fasting or non-fasting.
2nd post,
@pissupoosa, ‘Don’t look back, you’re not going that way anyway!!!!’………………. You are going to NAIL that exam come September!!!!
I’m with you @lynzm, I closed the kitchen yesterday at 7pm, polished my halo, then went to the kitchen to fill my water bottle …………………….and snagged a packet of crisps on the way out!!!!!! I wish I had drunk the water, waited 10mins then made a decision on the crisps, no such luck, the pack was ½ empty before I got back to the lounge……….. So annoyed with myself!!!
The worst thing that happened since starting this WOL was the introduction of the 800cal limit, I’m forever saying , since then, ‘It’s ok, it’s still under 800cals!!!’ but it really isn’t ok, because I tend to make that extra 300cals from CR*P!!!! I have to stick to 500cals or liquid fasts on my scheduled FDs……………… Simples!!!
I had a much better day today and tomorrow will be even better than today!!!!! Keep pushing pocketeers, 2 down 1 to go!!!! (Until June anyway!!)
Day 30 Belfast NFD
We were at the most fabulous wedding yesterday. The best food I have ever tasted and the breakfast this morning was to die for…. Put my sister on a plane home this evening. The bar, fridge, cupboards are tightly shut from now on. No more late nights – only 4 hours sleep last night. I am going to fast tomorrow and am planning a serious swim tomorrow morning to get back into the swing.
@snowflake your account put MY blood pressure up – can’t imagine what it did to you! And breathe….. sending you hugs xo.
@onahealthyhigh – hold on tight. I’m starting June with a new vigour!
Yes @Strawberriesandcream I am stronger than any excuse.👍
@pissupoosa I’m so sorry to hear of your exam and then the flooding. Big hugs to you.
@fatrabbit I hope you have a better day tomorrow!
@coda the veggies are doing great but won’t be harvesting just yet! We really started a bit late. Am starting a new batch of yogurt tomorrow, but my last batch didn’t set properly. I’m not sure why. Will maybe try another recipe. When do you go off on your holiday?
@ Belfastsink – no nicer place to spend a weekend!
I got some sad news today – a young friend (in her late 30s)’just passed away from ovarian cancer. It puts life totally in perspective, and makes me more committed to being the healthiest me I can be.
Night night everyone.
I knew it, Jolly and Magic had a big fight:(( They are now back outside in separate hutches, with nobun to snuggle:((
But I am holding fast to today’s fast. I am not going to eat anything else. I will just have a cup of Peppermint tea after I put the rabbits to bed, otherwise kitchen closed.
I forgot all about the bee sting earlier and was wondering why my eyebrow was all swollen as if I had walked into something. Silly me!
@snowflake56 Hugs.
Second post
Hi friends
I hope u had great FDs &NFDs. Today for me was a very tough day. Physically I was weak and I had difficulty doing my normal daily stuff. As a result I got to 1000 calories at the end of the day. I am not sure if it can be considered a FD :-D. Anyhow I tried to eat in a 16:8 frame and I ate very healthy foods. That makes me happy for now. I don’t want to start blaming myself as usual 😐 aaand tomorrow I hope I can fast and keep on. Let’s see what happens.
@coda ur point about consistency was great. Thanks for letting us know.
@debster251 I guess u had many fun in the wedding 🙂 and swimming is such a great idea
@basyjames we are here with u 🙂
Day 30 | Alaska | FD
I traded my Monday fast day for today, since yesterday was a holiday. Friday, I was feeling so good about my progress this month. I was sitting at 146 which was a six pound loss for the month and since I’ve only done this WOL since the first on the month I was pretty happy with my progress.
This weekend was terrible. Not only was it cold and rainy outside, which is not what you want when it’s summertime in Alaska, but my hubs and I had serious issues and spent the weekend at odds. Since I am an emotional binge eater, I spent my weekend emotionally distraught and completely failed myself and undid all of my progress.
I’m super sad on many levels. I know each day is a new day and a new opportunity to respect myself and honor my goals, so that is what I am doing but I’m still very disappointed with myself.
2nd post
@lola907 don’t be sad but have a backup plan. I put a blog up about days such as you had and emotional eating. I’ll look for it again and repost it as it’s worth reading again. We have all been there done that, lol eat emotionally and have been at odds with the OH. As as someone else said recently they eat when sad and they eat when happy. Again something most of us can relate too.
@debster251 was the wedding here or mainland? Flight is next Tuesday 6th feeling nervous excitement!
Day 31, Newcastle UK, FD
Yay!!! Did it, managed my first FD in May. It really helped being at work all day and then we went to see a cruise ship sailing out of the Tyne so it was 7pm before we ate. Working today too and dancing tonight, so I’m confident about today’s FD.
@xrox – sounds like good progress and ‘good luck’ for reaching your 28th birthday target.
@pissupoosa – commiserations on your result but onwards and upwards for your resit in September. Do you get feedback so that you know where to do some extra studying? Sorry to hear about the situation in Sri Lanka – which I have totally missed. It just shows how much the media control what world events we are aware of. Prayers for all involved.
@lindasue – lovely to hear you are appreciated – we need more of that in the world.
@debster251 – sounds like a lovely wedding – for which this WOL makes it perfectly acceptable to enjoy to the full, knowing you can get back on the wagon when you choose. Sad news about your friend. It reminds us how fragile life really is and certainly does put things in perspective.
@Schatzii – You may not have had a FD yesterday but it was still a very good day. Well done, you sound happier 🙂
@lola907 – don’t be too hard on yourself, you’re reaction is completely understandable and normal. At least you recognise the triggers that make you turn to food. I hope you and your Husband are ok. It’s awful to fall out but a completely natural part of any relationship.
@lynzm, @flourbaby, @lilymartin and all my fellow pocketeers – I’m holding on tight!
@pissupoosa – thank you so much for leading us this month – especially when you had your exam looming. I look forward to seeing you again in June xx
The last day of May 2017 – let’s all have a great day.
Day 31 UK B2B2B
Final day! Fast went well yesterday. Have to admit feeling really hungry today.. but…. will be holding on for the final push. Out for dinner tomorrow with friends to the pub and am I going to enjoy that meal!!! Going straight from work so will have the car and not drinking, so that will cut the calorie intake somewhat but it’s more the food I’m interested in anyway! Will weigh in tomorrow and post final May weight and target for June.
Good luck to everyone for the final day!
Day 31 UK FD
180.8lbs, 82kg (down 10lbs since 30th April)
waist 32 (no change)
bust/hip 40 (down 2 inches)
I didn’t quite get under the 180lb mark but did lose ten pounds and did get under 13 stone. I am going to do an extra fast today to try and start June under it though, it is doable. I do need to keep going full on as as soon as I relax my concentration it all goes pear shaped, I eat too much, and my weight goes up. It happens so quickly. I can see what a challenge maintenance is going to be, which I am up for but for now I need to be patient and stick to going at this full on with something close to ADF and with my strict eating window in place. That helps so much by concentrating the difficult times down to just the afternoon. My bugbear is wanting seconds. Perhaps eating slower will help. Everything tastes so good now that savouring every bite is worth doing anyway and it will give my hormones a chance to tell me I’m fed. The important thing is perseverance. Step by step forward. Thanks everyone for your support this month. I am not very good at remembering who said what when I come to post and replying but I really appreciate everyone’s comments. Together we are stronger.
2nd post
@lany36 – hi – I got your sign-up post to the June Challenge thanks. You also posted a reply about the May challenge which you might want to copy and post here too as I’m sure there are folks on the May challenge who would love to read it.
@ratrabbit – outstanding result for May – well done you!!
2nd post
@strawberriesandcream – nothing like ending on a high, and a good feeling for the next month! 💃🏼
@flourbaby – that kitchen not keeping to its closing hours ha ha. Think I might have to put a sign on the door that actually says closed at 7pm 😂😂😂
@fatrabbit – good result, yay you 🤸🏼♀️🤸🏼♀️🤸🏼♀️10lbs is brilliant.
Thanks for this group, the scales are going down I’m winning the battle slowly and surely and never committed to anything this long. Thanks all for the posts, and to our lovely host 🌺🌼🌸
Day31/FD/Melbourne Australia
Doing a happy wiggle dance. Weighed in @ 56.8kg this morning. Over my May goal but so much better then expected. It really has been a difficult month. Thank you b2b2b pocketeers. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Stay strong everyone. See you in June
Commiserations and hugs @pissupoosa and thanks.
Day 31, London, UK, FD (3rd of B2B2B)
Well it’s the last day of this months’ challenge, and I’m definitely up for a fantastic last, last, last push!!!!
Yesterday went well and the kitchen remained well and truly closed after 7pm, I’ve arrived at work today loaded down with the remaining 5 packets of crisps and a box of Cadburys fingers to be left in the kitchen, I give it about 10 mins before the lot is devoured!!!!!!
@lynzm, I’m back at the stage where I can’t have any ‘treats’ in the kitchen, ‘cause that door is NO barrier to my dragon!!!! They have got to GO!!!!
@fatrabbit, you’ve got today (as the last day of May) to eradicate that 0.9lbs to get below 180…………….. doable????????!!!!
I hope everyone is finishing strong, pocketeers…………….. I’ve got you!!!
@pissapoosa I didn’t know anything about Sri Lanka, there hasn’t been anything on the news.
Sorry about the exam it’s a stressful time. I work in a secondary school watching them do GCSEs AS and A levels is stressful enough. Good luck in September
Day 31 FD B2B London fingers crossed for everyone out there.
This is the longest I’ve stuck to any plan so fingers crossed
Day 31 🎉 – UK – FD
Final FD of the month for me, going out with a bang. Thank you to each of you for your wonderful support and especially @pissupoosa for hosting this month, I’m looking forward to continuing our journey in June. Results tomorrow…
@coda – love your advice on forming habits and just starting.
@pissupoosa – sorry to hear about your exam result and what is happening in Sri Lanka
@lola907 – I am so sorry you are going through such a rough time, I hope you can get back to how you felt on Friday really soon. I understand the self sabotage of binging, don’t know why we feel we have to feed our emotions with food but unfortunately we do. Big virtual hug, I hope you and your hubs sort things out soon.
@xrox – well done so far, your doing really well on the WOL
@debster251 – so sorry to hear about your friend, we should be so grateful each and every day…
@fatrabbit – your results are super impressive, well done, you give me great motivation and your rabbit stories are so funny.
Good luck everyone for our last day 🤗
2nd post
@steve toon taxi driver, so sorry to hear your news, I hope she had a lovely send off; my condolences to you and yours, it really puts things in perspective.
@steve toontaxidriver
Myheart goes out to you. x
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1:59 pm
30 May 17