Marvellous May 2023

This topic contains 252 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  MissyBear 1 year, 9 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 255 total)

  • Day 18 country west Australia CD 81.6 kgs🥵
    Yesterday was indeed a good FD. No trouble doing it as I worked solidly through from 9 am til 6.15pm then had a quick coffee and salad ( which I actually didn’t need but bought because I saw it when in buying my coffee)and then a meeting until 8.30.
    @funshipfreddie, so this is why I don’t usually note the weight after a FD.
    A ‘proper’ FD yesterday and my weight hasn’t shifted !!! I weigh daily but only record on a Saturday morning regardless of what the days before have been.
    Cruella has been most unfriendly this time 😔. In the past this is where I would have had a hissy fit and thought that since my best efforts weren’t achieving anything I may as well give up BUT this time round it has just made me more determined to drill down and do even better !!! 😬
    I WILL be in the 70s by months end !!!!!!!!
    @ccco well done on the fasting. Dizziness due to low BSLs ??
    @jaifaim, life happens! The main thing is you are back on the wagon. We’ll hold you on.
    @stitchincarol, good luck with the choices. EEEEKKK! It’s a hard one. Yes I agree it has been very quiet on here for the past few months.
    Hello!!!! Is anyone out there?????
    @northgeorgia perhaps attempt a FD on both days? If it goes pear-shaped today you can always re-set for a FD tomorrow.
    ?? Why do so many of our sayings have to do with food ???🤔🤔
    @at I am in awe of your 4 days B2B 😲😲
    Time to put on our big girls/boys pants and see the second half of May out with Much Marvellous Motivation Making Momentous Movement !!!! 😊

    Day 18 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Morning all. ZBC today, then small bowl of tuna and black olives fir lunch and dinner will be home made burger without any of the buns or other accoutrements. Keeping it protein rich for today.

    Very very stiff today. I started back doing Leslie walks in Monday, three days done, as I realised I hadn’t been doing any of that for a few weeks, and I need to be supple for motorbiking season.

    The stiffness might be due to that, BUT I also found a half pack of salted peanuts in the cupboard and promptly finished them off. Would too much salt and too little water cause this stiffness and joint pain out of the blue?

    Going to have me a little research 😄 Needless to say I have already drank 1.5l water this morning and will up my intake for sure today.

    Have a great FD all those Thursday fasters.

    Day 18 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went well. Back to work tonight and hopefully not as busy as last night – I ended up feeling like I needed crutches to take the weight off my poor foot. I have been icing it since I got up and it now feels better. I think on my break I’ll rest it on an ice pack and hopefully that will help.

    Aiming for a controlled NFD tonight and tomorrow. I will try to keep busy tomorrow as the first day off after my night shifts is usually pretty much of a nightmare in regard to eating.

    It’s weird hearing about a day that gets dark at 10.30pm. Our long days in summer will get light at 6am and dark at 9pm. In winter we will get light at 7am and dark at 5pm which feels like a very short day. My sister lives in the north of Australia and her day is pretty consistent in length all year.

    Have a good day all.

    Day 18 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I didn’t get much done yesterday, as the renovators finally showed up to fix a few ‘snags’ they hadn’t sorted out; despite sending me a final bill a week ago?! I told the boss there was a snag with my bank account, which would only be fixed once he’d done his job properly. Then just as they left, another guy arrived to sort out my garage door. It works fine, but I needed to get a bypass key installed so I can open/close the door during our ongoing power outages. Another cold & cloudy day here. I feel like just curling up with a book, but I think I’ll tackle some painting & cleaning first.

    @daffodil2010 – “Salt also causes fluid retention that can trigger tissue swelling, and hence joint pain.”

    I’m not gonna lie, but I thought it was just me who was driven nuts by these phrases. My bad… 🤦‍♂️

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍏

    Day 18 UK FD

    Ha ha my thoughts exactly on those phrases @funshipfreddie

    On the list for today 💪

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍏

    Day 18-No. VA, USA-FD800

    Stuck on the dreaded “plateau”, where weight goes neither up nor down (but one never seems to get to the lowest weight to plateau….). I do weigh daily, so ups and downs are expected, yet still annoying. I have not been using MFP regularly, so perhaps I have been deluding myself a bit on daily intake…This is the point where in the past, I have often given up, and I don’t want to do that! I will be joining the pocket list today! Hanging onto “the wagon” for dear life!

    Pocket list–day 18


    Day 18 – UK – FD800

    Forgot to weigh this morning as was out of the house early…..

    Yesterday was not the 5th B2B FD800 as planned but it ended up nearer a CD than TDEE – After doing 4 x B2B FD800 I was happy with that (Can I blame OH as he was keen to have Mary Berry’s Roasted Pepper, Beetroot and Feta Tart for dinner)

    Today started off with my regular 9am aerobics class followed by coffee with the gang (definitely no cakes!!) then some food shop on the way home for a refreshing shower, followed by brunch and a chance to catch here!

    Planning on another FD800 today which should be do-able as I have a Pilates class at 6pm to keep me focused – food planed and entered on MFP

    @jaifaim – it always feels so good to get back on the wagon after some over indulgence – that’s the beauty of this WOL – a bad week or two can be negated by getting back on the 5:2 wagon
    @ccco – is the dizziness due to low blood sugars or are you prone to vertigo?? hope it settles soon x
    @lilymartin – your positive attitude is so infectious – thank you for the inspiration 🤗
    @daffodil2010 – I’m still very much part of the ZBC – brunch and dinner or OMAD depending on social commitments remains my go to mode – I still struggle with late night snacking especially if wine is involved so trying to tame that 🐉 – According to my retired medical OH the immediate symptoms of eating too much salt include: Increased thirst – Swollen feet or hands – Headache (in some cases) – Rise in blood pressure
    @malee57 – hope the foot pain improves soon – so debilitating!
    @funshipfreddie – you are not alone about those phrases 🙄
    @excelsior12309 – hang on to that 5:2 wagon and don’t give up – I’m on that FD800 with you today 🤗

    Joining the pocket list for support and motivation – TOEGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    Pocket List – Day 18 🍏
    @excelsior12309 – FD800
    @at – FD800

    “Moderation. Small helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness and good health.” ~ Julia Child

    Day 18 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Yesterday did turn into a FD. I did think about another FD today, but will probably pass. I am trending a pound heavier each day over last week. Need to take better care on my NFDs and especially get more sleep.

    Day 18 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WF/FD500/Free-for-all 😂 – 153.2

    I struggled to go to sleep last night because my brain was racing with everything I have yet to do today, so when I woke up at 6:23, I was soon out of bed and across the street to church to practice the hour’s worth of organ music I’ll play tonight, and I feel much more prepared now…whew. The funeral yesterday really interferred with what I needed to get done, because I’d normally have finished far more, and then been frustrated today by having to simply wait for the hymn fest to start at 7pm…perhaps it’s a blessing that we had a funeral so that I don’t have to suffer through the waiting with nothing to do?? 😂😂

    I’m off to sweep up the “helicopters” that fall from our trees and make a mess of the front sidewalk and porch…do you all have trees that do the same? I forget what kind of trees do that, but I think there are several types, in fact, and they make a MESS. Oh, and our new windows are wonderful–for one thing, they’re CLEAN!! 😂😂😂

    My vagueness about what I’ll eat is because I still don’t know how long I’ll be comfortable without food, and on a day when I need lots of focus and accuracy tonight, I can’t be ignoring my body. And then at the afterglow tonight, I intend to have the food and a glass…or two…of wine. But so far, it’s been mindless to skip food; I’m too busy to care, a rarity, but lovely when it happens!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 18, second post

    It’s now 3:33 in the afternoon, and I’m free to sit and mellow for a half hour or so; it’s been lovely being busy, and it’s lovely now to sit and do nothing. And to top off the feeling of accomplishment, I’ve also had no calories yet today, so it’s been a WF so far. I’m going to go ahead and eat my two hard-boiled eggs in the next hour or so, and they will tide me over until the party at my house afterward.

    The excitement today? (Because every day this week has had to have excitement, right?) The doorbell rang around noonn, and there stood a man to tell me he was from the company that’s going to replace the house’s siding and he and the other guy were ready to start ripping off the old siding.

    I stared at him in some horror, then managed to ask what time he’d be gone today; when he said 5 or 6, I smiled and said, “Oh, that’s all right then!” And when I explained, he volunteered to start removing the old siding–and making the house look awful in the process–in the BACK of the house so that it would still look fine as people arrive for the party. Nice guy, huh?

    I will be back to my normal self tomorrow!

    Day 19 country west Australia CD 81.1 kgs.
    Cruella is being very stingy this week.
    Despite being very mindful of what I eat or don’t eat; being very diligent on FDs Cruella is having great pleasure in making me work for every gram of deficit.
    @Exccelsior12309 PLEASE do not give up. I will rope you to the wagon of necessary because I know EXACTLY how you feel at this point. Unfortunately for me the dreaded plateau did for me, I stopped doing 5:2 and 5 years later am back on the wagon with so MUCH more to lose than when I started 5:2 in the first place. 😱😱
    Hold my hand and we will do this together and get fitter, healthier and thinner!!

    Day 19 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was a success, although thoughts of food really do come up more frequently during colder weather. And the rain again last night?! We have a two-day breather before we get more on Sunday.

    @lilymartin – but you’re down half a kilo from the previous day?! I’d call that progress. In the past, some of us did an egg fast to get off a plateau. Three to five days. I think everyone lost at least a couple of kilos. It’s very easy and there’s no hunger. But it can make you feel a bit crummy. And you can adapt it to suit yourself, you don’t have to follow it to the letter. E.g. ‘you must eat an egg-based meal within 30 minutes of waking up’. No, you don’t. And a few people found they just couldn’t manage 6 eggs in one day 🥚

    @excelsior12309 – the egg fast might just help you get off that plateau too 🤔

    @stitchincarol – you’ve had quite a week?! And it sounds as if you’ll have a whole new house soon. 🏡

    @daffodil2010 – enjoy your weekend getaway 🚐

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Day 19 – Ireland – CD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅
    159lbs – going slowly…. But in the right direction. 👍

    Hello all’
    @ccco sorry to hear you are also suffering with dizzy spells is it? A few of us have had that recently… I hope you are ok.
    @excelsior12309 don’t give up!!!! A few of us are struggling now… let’s all hold hands now… 🤚
    Funny @funshipfreddie I find fasting in the summer harder… have to apply myself 😊

    I am glad to be back to routine but it’s crazy how holidays throw us… I know what works for me and how bad the indigent food is for me but still can’t stop myself going for it when I’m out of my routine and love trying new foods…an interesting conundrum that I hope to get my head around in the future 😂

    @daffodil2010 have a great weekend in Cork 🚐

    Sorry very brief check ins… but I’m here… life is super busy just now.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 19-No.VA-USA-FD800

    Thank you for all the support, fellow fasters! I was down one pound this morning, which while it may change upward tomorrow, is enough to give motivation! I like the idea of an egg fast, @funshipfreddie. Hard boiled eggs are one of my go-to easy protein foods…
    Onward and downward, as @jaifaim would say.

    Day 19 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 219 lbs. My cousin’s daughter is having a graduation cookout on Sunday, so I’m hoping my calendar is clear Monday for a FD 🙂

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – nFD – 152.8

    I’m only down 0.4 pounds from yesterday, unlike a usual WFD, but I ate exactly how I wanted to yesterday: nothing during the day, two hard-boiled eggs around 3:00, and then food and wine at the party. And while that felt indulgent (smoked salmon cheesecake, bacon-wrapped lil smokies, jalapeno poppers, cheese, crackers) I didn’t actually eat all that much, so food wise, it was very much a success, and I’m thrilled to actually be down, not up.

    The hymn fest also was a complete success. The choir had its moments where it faltered, and I made plenty of mistakes on the organ (😵‍💫) but people who are musical didn’t realize. I find that shocking, but it also makes me very happy. 😂

    And now it’s finally time to start gardening…except, of course, the siding is being replace on our house and there’s no garden space that isn’t right next to the house, so there’s nothing I can do. LOL, I simply can’t win for losing, huh? Oh well, they’ll be done soon and THEN I can get out in the yard.

    I have a pedicure scheduled for 9:00, which gives me just enough time to drink a smidge of coffee and walk the two blocks to the salon. My poor toes need some attention!

    Have a grand one, everyone, and I hope you all manage to find the RESOLVE to follow through on your eating plan for today, just as I want that for myself!

    Day 20 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Sooo quiet here? Quick check-in for accountability. Planning on a FD tomorrow. Maybe… 🤔

    Dr Michael Mosley’s weekly column:-

    Have a good weekend everyone 🌤 🌈 ✨

    Day 20 – UK – NFD

    Weight this morning 59kg – I stepped on and off Cruella at least twice to make sure before I did my happy dance💃

    I managed to complete a successful FD800 on Day 18 – 2 exercise classes kept me motivated!

    Yesterday was a CD although the food choices may have been poor……..Went out for my usual group walk and then had coffee and cakes at a friend’s house who is celebrating her 60th on Monday (I managed to restrict myself to a small piece of a ginger traybake and homemade whiskey fruit cake!!)
    Then back home for a quick shower before meeting up with an old friend from Suffolk for “coffee” but ended up with a large glass of Sauvignon Blanc and a small bowl of fried whitebait and Aoili sitting out in the sunshine (well I needed something to mop up the wine 🤣) and as we kept talking I also had a skinny flat white but nothing else passed my lips apart from water for the rest of the day and the weather was definitely T-shirt weather!!! ☀️

    @daffodil2010 – enjoy your weekend 🚐
    @northgeorgia – just keep the faith – one day at a time….
    @stitchincarol – my keeping busy and yours are in a different league – you never stop……hopefully the weekend allows you some time out to just BE – I bet you enjoyed that pedicure – very relaxing….
    @funshipfreddie – RE the egg diet – where one eats only eggs, cheese, and healthy fats – it’s a version of the ketogenic diet – and as Ketogenic diets in general can have several possible short-term and long-term side effects I would only recommend it for a few days as a boost or perhaps to get off that dreaded plateau – I remember trying it out in the day but did not get on with it, personally I find that B2B FD800 works well for me! Dr Michael Mosley’s weekly column today certainly was an interesting read 📖
    @jaifaim – strange on how different we all are as I find fasting in summer easy with salad variations and lots of water works (the temptation of a glass of white wine or bubbly sitting out in the garden on a hot summer’s evening is my downfall – good thing our summers are so changeable 🤣) and in winter I find hot soups and porridge are my go to meals

    Today is definitely not a FD as we have a “Simon Rogan at Home” delivery for tonight’s meal – it was a good motivator for behaving this week and OH and I are so looking forward to it 😋

    Sun is out again and it’s getting warm out there so I’m going for a longish low level hike to earn the calories in tonight’s meal……

    Remember “Don’t let a stumble in the road be the end of your journey”

    Day 20 country west Australia NFD 81.0 kgs
    I agree with @funshipfreddie that it is SSOOOOOO quiet on the thread now 🤔🤔
    Was it something we said ?? Was it something we did ???
    Anyway a big shout out to everyone and wondering how @penz; @maui; @ccco; @flourbaby; @songbirdme; @dingping; @brightonbelle; @ Snowflake56; @dramaqueen6;@LitProf; @gardenlily and @merryapple are faring??
    I am glad to be back here after 5 years of putting on all the weight I lost – and then some!!
    The accountability, support and. motivation here is really helping me.
    I am happy to be able to support others who are considering 5:2 or who are struggling.😊

    Day 20 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. OK, good, better sleep, less caution thrown to the wind, and down a pound from yesterday in spite of a NFD. Yes, please, more NFDs where we also lose weight! 🙂

    Next FD will be Monday.

    USA. Day 20

    Good morning everyone! I just started a 7 day water fast and I am already down 2.4 lbs.! Yay! I am determined!

    Thank you, FUNSHIPFREDDIE, for Dr. Mosely’s weekly column. We don’t get that here!

    We don have a pocket list that I can see, so I thought I would start one

    Pocket List Day 20

    @ccco WFD

    Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! 🙂

    USA. Day 20 WFD

    Also, thanks, @lilymartin, for the shoutout! It might be quiet here because everyone is doing some form of seasonal work. I am not usually this busy In May and now that it is spring, that includes yard work. Next weekend is our annual Memorial Day weekend here in the U.S. and that involves pools opening, barbecues, parties, and many other activities to open the summer season. I also am having a brunch at my club because my grandchildren are being christened that weekend. I am very much looking forward to it!


    Day 20 USA/HI
    Thanks lilymartin. I certainly don’t feel anyone said something offensive. For me, I am in a strange space right now. Lots of exhaustion and lack of focus for much beyond my caregiving. I am forgetting to do things. Everyday I think of you and all the 5:2 family and plan to post but somehow the day fades away. On a positive note, DH is hanging in there and making some improvements. DS53 (with help of caregiver) has managed to get him in a lift to his wheelchair and out in the living room for about 4 hours a day… everyday for the past 8 days. It’s quite a production but DH is tolerating it well and always wants to do it each day. He’s unable to do anything for himself .. eating small amounts of blended foods which we feed him.,, but I try to make them flavorful and he seems to still enjoy the food. Not very verbal but still comes up with a few short comments everyday that show us he knows everything we are saying…, and the best part is that he still has his sense of humor. Makes us smile everyday. We are blessed to have him with us at home. Anyway… I am still in the 150’s and for now that’s my only weight goal.
    Sending good thoughts and much aloha to all. I know each of us deals with the many challenges of our shared journey.

    Day 20 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 154

    DH and I went out to eat last night (every Friday) and my hamburger was so daunting that I finally cut it in half–and brought the other half home. 😇 Tonight, we have a patio party to go to, so I’ll have to spend much of today persuading my thoughts to be in control of what and how much I eat tonight, rather than my impulses to make the choices.

    (Just for an understanding of what my world is like right now, there are three men on my front porch right outside my living room windows pounding nails into the house as they work to finish installing the new siding…and many of my plants are squished. They are nice and they are careful of many things, but the plants are apparently too far below their concern to even notice. I’m struggling not to be furious at the damage done, for example, to my large rhodedendron bush. Oh well, right? I try to point plants out to them, and it seems to have no impact.)

    OH! LOL, I wrote this at a normal morning time, got interrupted by a phone call, and never once realized I’d never finished and posted it.

    @at How nice that you’re going down, and a happy dance is very much called for. I had to chuckle at your “traybake” and “whitebait,” two things I had to Google. Is whitebait similar to anchovies, perhaps?

    @northgeorgia Being down a pound after an NFD is indeed a rare and wonderful thing!

    Wow, @ccco, SEVEN DAYS??? Are you sure? Do you have someone to check in on you? While I can do 40 hours, I find that going past 45 hours is beyond my will power. Do tell us more of what motivated you to choose such a long WF.

    @maui My heart goes out to you. Thanks for sharing the current report on you and your DH.

    @lilymartin I sure wish I had a portion of your mojo–I can do part of what’s excellent, but I’m not succeeding with the vigor I used to have for behaving, LOL!

    Okay, now I’ll actually post this. I think they may finish up today, as they’re certainly close to done, and then I can go out and try to persuade my wounded plants that they can recover.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 21 NFD Wellington

    Goodness knows where I’m up to – no scales and eating what I’m given! I’m staying with family – my brother, his wife and two teenage school boys.
    The Mini broke down at the top of a mountain pass – great views but… I had food, water and a sleeping bag with me but because the electrics were down the boot wouldn’t unlock… An old Maori man stopped to help and it turned out one of the battery leads was loose. So off we trundled again for 9 1/2 hrs all up. I am here to celebrate DH’s researcher receiving a DLitt from her university. Quite an honour so I’m very proud!

    Go well one and all!

    Day 21 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    Yesterday was a lost control day, definitely EFS day. Today I am aiming to have a sedate eating day. I’m unexpectedly working tonight and hopefully that will help keep me on track.

    Day 21 country west Australia CD
    @stitchincarol, I have SOOOOO much mojo at present because I went for years without ANY !!!
    After I had done 5:2 for a while in late 2016 with good results , I reached the dreaded plateau for 3 months !!!!!!! Sad but true.
    I then became a ‘sooky la la’ ( as my children say !!) whinged, moaned, complained, ate everything in sight -and then some – put on weight yada yada yada …..
    I lurked around this forum and attempted 5:2 at times without any real commitment BUT a terrible picture showing how FAT I was plus health concerns pulled me up with a start and have made me much more serious about my health and weight loss.
    I like 5:2 for the health benefits – fasting is said to be good for the body anyway – but also because I have so much weight to lose.
    And since being committed to doing 5: 2 , because I am and I WILL continue to lose weight , this forum has certainly helped.
    And oddly I have got my mojo back in spades.
    Which is possibly irritating for those who’ve lost their motivation/mojo or are on the dreaded plateau or finding ‘ life happening’ and fasting difficult…. I have so been there !!
    But this year, at this time my motivation and mojo are BACK so I am more than happy to share and support others.
    It may not always be so with my mojo but I am just glad that it is currently the case.😊
    I fel for you re your garden and plants… hope they survive. 🤞
    @merryapple, goodness what a saga with your car. I hope you and your car are OK.
    @maui, I think you and your family are doing a wonderful job. Caring for someone is very difficult, full-time and exhausting.
    I bet your DH loves the change of environment despite the time and effort it takes to get him there. ( I work in Aged Care ). And lovely that he still has his sense of humour. So important.💐💐
    Just letting you know we are thinking of you – remembering to care for the carer!
    @ccco, it sounds as if you have a very busy May! Congratulations on the 2.4 lb drop. 7 day WF – 😲😲
    I would never manage that!! Good luck.
    @Northgerogia, well done on the weight loss. I agree more NFDs like that please !
    Have a good Sunday wherever you are , whatever you are doing.

    Day 21 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @at – yay for the 59 kg! 🕺I never know what to think about the very low carb/keto diets. Some people swear by them. I’ve tried them, & for me it’s just not sustainable. I felt really well doing low-carb, but there are just too many foods I miss. 5:2 works, & I can eat what I like.

    @ccco – a 7 day water fast?! That’s pretty hard-core. Have you done it before? 🤔

    @lilymartin – loving your mojo. I’m also thinking of @linda.b, @mariaelena & @michelinme 👀

    @maui – good to hear your DH is making some improvement & still making you smile 🤗

    @stitchincarol – I hope you got your siding all finished & that at least some of your plants remain unscathed!

    It’s bucketing down here again, very windy & cold. I won’t be going anywhere today; maybe a walk around the complex if the rain lets up later. Going to stay busy & away from food. If @ccco can manage a 7 day water fast, I can manage a measly Sunday fast day 🌞

    Pocket List – Day 21 🥚
    @ccco – WFD

    Day 21 UK NFD

    I’m still here @lilymartin 👋 just on the quiet side for now

    See you on the list tomorrow

    USA. Day 21 WFD

    Good morning (afternoon), everyone! My water fast is going well. I am down 5 lbs already, even though I know at this point it probably is all water weight. I feel very good and not at all hungry! I am very positive about this. Although I have never done this before, I have done a lot of research. I was particulary eager to read some people’s fasting journals online and I found them extremely helpful and encouraging. I have a scale I bought from Amazon a few years ago that also measures body fat, which I plan to use on the last day of my fast. The scale works amazingly well but I don’t want to measure fat content while I am losing water. I think I might find that discouraging. I will keep everyone apprised how this goes. I am not even tired! I am going out to play golf today and I feel better than I have in a long time! :). BTW, I found out about this scale from someone on this site from England but it has been so long that I can’t remember who. I love it!

    FUNSHIPFREDDIE, thanks for putting me on today’s pocket list.

    Have a great day, everyone! 👍

    Day 21 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 220 lbs. Going to a cookout in a few hours. Will put down tomorrow as a FD.

    Day 22 Country west Australia FD
    @ccco well done the consecutive WFs. I would not even attempt it!!😳
    A big shout out to everyone posting or lurking.
    Wondering how @quadpa; @dingping and @missybear are going.

    Day 22 – Ireland – FD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Hello! Happy Monday all!
    @ccco wow! Just wow… 7 days.. I hope it goes well. I couldn’t do it but all the power to you 💪
    @excelsior12309 🤚 still holding hands!! I need the support too and aiming for a good week to end May – maybe get back to mid 150s and then focus hard in June.
    My god June already…
    Hope everyone is well and hello to all those not posting… please come say hello whenever you can.
    @maui sending you love and support and to all those struggling.

    Life here is super busy and a little more complicated recently with mums care and the inevitable deterioration with her Alzheimer’s but… she is still at home and loved and content. Mum is an amazingly strong woman in body which is standing to her now. 💕

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket list day 22 ☀️

    Day 22 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Quick post as need to rush out the door to work. Great weekend in West
    Cork, a non stop 5 hour drive on Friday night, but had light in the sky until around 10.30pm so it was great. Super relaxing day by the sea on Saturday, and then the joy of watching fin whales breaching and spouting off shore, surrounded by dolphins and cormorants, for at least 30 mins on Saturday evening. Top entertainment.

    Have a great Monday all. Xxxx

    Day 22 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I’m so glad yesterday is over with. I was NOT in the mood for fasting, & it rained the entire day; even the cat was grumpy. But I stuck with it & the scales show 68.5 kg this morning. BMI 21.1 🎯

    @ccco – I’m intrigued by your 7 day WF. When was your first day? I’ve watched YouTube video accounts from people who’ve done them. How you break the fast seems to be almost as important as the fast itself. Sending you RESOLVE 💪

    An article re sleep from today’s UK Mail:-

    Wishing everyone a good final 10 days of Marvellous May ✅

    Pocket List – Day 22 ☀️
    @ccco – WFD

    Day 22-No.VA USA

    Still hanging in there! Did a lot of yard work this weekend and did not overeat, but no change in weight this morning. Well at least, not going up! Yet, aggravating. Am doing a FD 800 today. Definitely want to lose another lb. before the end of the month!

    Pocket List Day 22

    Day 22 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. No change over last week, thankfully only up a pound from yesterday’s cookout. FD will be today and Wednesday, then it might be next Wednesday before the next FD due to the holiday weekend! Yikes…

    Pocket List Day 22

    Day 22 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Sorry I haven’t been posting, I have been lurking. I’m not feeling very chatty. I had a head scan recently and the results are concerning……good news in that the possible issue they were investigating was clear but there are ‘incidental findings’ which require further tests 😬 and as you would expect I have spent hours googling and reading medical articles about all the scary conditions I might have! Tests are scheduled for early June and I won’t know more till I get the results so I need to restrict my time on the computer otherwise I’ll just keep researching and convincing myself I have every brain disease known to man. Nothing like a health scare to keep me glued to my seat on the wagon……. I am doing my Monday and Thursday FDs and remaining careful on NFDs, only opened one bottle of wine last week! I’m also putting more effort and discipline into daily exercise.

    Glad of company for my FD today.

    Pocket List Day 22

    Day 22 – UK – FD500
    Day 21 – NFD

    The weekend was a food and wine fest so definitely need to get back on track with a good FD today!

    Weather has been fab – did an 8mile-1550ft height gained hike on Saturday and it was hot 🥵 and a fab evening meal with some delicious wines – Sunday was a lazy day lunching and dining with friends and more 🥂

    Out early this morning before it gets too hot for a 6mile – 900ft height gained hike – back home for brunch and now catching up on here

    Definitely missing a lot of our old friends…..hopefully everyone is doing well just busy with life – do pop on to say 👋

    @ccco – so impressed with your 7 day WFD – looking forward to reading on how you are feeling and what your energy levels are like as the days go on – we are all there for you x
    @maui – you and your family are doing amazingly well with caring for your DH at home – you cannot overestimate how hard it is both physically and mentally being a full time carer for a loved one 🤗
    @stitchincarol – Whitebait is an old English term for tiny fish that are often dusted in flour and fried until crispy. It’s a favorite British snack, and since whitebait is always smaller than your pinky finger, you can eat the whole fish – the aioli, a garlicky and creamy sauce goes well with those small fried fish 😋
    @merryapple – lucky that the old Maori man came along – long car journey but so nice to end up spending time with family x
    @malee57 – sadly my weekend was also a bit of an EFS time too
    @funshipfreddie – shame about all your rain but over here we are enjoying a great start to the summer and I’m making the most of it whilst it last…..🤣
    @daffodil2010 – sounds like a fab weekend and to top it all you got to watch fin whales breaching and spouting off shore, surrounded by dolphins and cormorants, for at least 30 mins!!!
    @missybear – sending positive vibes your way and hoping that whatever is finally confirmed is not as scary/worrying as you are imagining – the waiting is always the worst as once you have a diagnosis you know what you are dealing with and can focus on that 🤗

    Meeting friends for coffee soon then a yoga class this evening to keep the motivation going… joining the others on that pocket list – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    Pocket List – Day 22 ☀️
    @ccco – WFD
    @at FD500

    “Good habits are as addictive as bad habits. But far more rewarding.”

    Day 22 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD – 156

    Yesterday was an absolutely lovely days. The boys invited us down to Lincoln where we went on a picnic and then did a 2 mile walk on a trail in one of the parks there. Most of it was shady, which was welcome on the 80/27 day. Then we ran a few errands, went out for a lovely Mexican meal, then went back to their place for a game (Azul–anyone know this? Fun) and blackberry pie. Yum, and fun. This was my Mother’s Day treat because they’d had to work on Mother’s Day.

    The guys putting on the new siding quit at 2pm on Saturday, so I had a few hours to do some pruning on some scraggly bushes; they’re hear again and will finish today… possibly even early? Dunn0, as I don’t know how long the finish work will take. I’m going to go do some more clean up outside; it’s a joy to finally have good weather and the time to do so.

    @missybear Oh, that’s so hard to have to wait and wait and wait to find out the answers! I do hope it turns out to be nothing of significance. ❤️

    @at Great quote today; I’ll have to keep that in front of me.

    @ccco I’m delighted for you that you’re finding the extended WF so rewarding and (relatively) easy. I find my one-day WF easy enough, but can’t imagine going 7 days, and I too look forward to your reports!

    Off to do some yard work. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 23 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    A lovely sunny but cold morning here. @funshipfreddie is the rain falling in the right places to hopefully fill up the water storage. We had the millennium drought when we were having short showers and not watering gardens and the water storage levels were reported on the news. And the farmers had a really rough time. It’s a nuisance when it rains but even now there is not a lot of complaining. Unless it is a flood which has happened in a few places recently.

    @maui lovely hearing from you. It sounds hard but so lovely having your DH home. Keep in mind that you need to look after you so that you can continue to look after him.

    @missybear such a long time to wait for the extra tests. Google is not your friend in these circumstances as it is too easy to find all the scariest health outcomes. Good luck and hang in there.

    I’m concentrating on eating normally and not bingeing. When I have that back under control, I’ll think about fasting again. But I’ll still be on the forum while I’m working on this issue.

    Have a good day all.

    Day 23 country west Australia FD800
    yesterday’s FD wasn’t….. Courtesy of an unplanned roast pork with all the trimmings for lunch and toasted sandwich for dinner. Both were delicious and I enjoyed every bite.
    So reset and fast today.😊
    @missybear, oh!! Dr Google…..I do hope the further test results will be good.🙏
    @maui, sending good thoughts for you and your DH and family for each day.💐
    @at, I love hearing about your walks. They sound terrific.🏃‍♀️
    @stitchincarol, hoping your garden survives the rigours of the workmen ! 😊
    It is SO dry here in WA it is becoming very serious. I would love to plant out some seedlings but no sign of rain and water levels are very low.
    We are all having to buy feed in for our sheep as there is no longer any grass in the paddocks and the forecast for rain in the future is very grim.😲🙏🙏
    @malee57 , babysteps. Getting your eating under control is a good place to start.
    Off to walk around the sheep as we have to bring them in to the yards to draft them ( sort them out) and put wether ( boy) lambs in one paddock and ewe ( girl) lambs in another.
    Early morning exercise on a beautiful crisp, dry autumn morning.
    Still have 1 kg to lose this month to reach goal.
    Can’t believe it will be winter and June next week. Where has the year gone ??????
    As Tom Venuto ( American natural world champion body builder) says, words to the effect , ” If your goal is not terrifying and exciting at the same time you aren’t aiming high enough ”

    Day 23 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️✅

    Morning all! I hope you are well. I had the day off yesterday and a had a lovely hilly cycle in our Wicklow mountains. It was great to get away early morning with a group of friends and just decide on the route as went.. stunning countryside – lovely cafés and a nice bright day for a change ☀️. I’ve been doing a lot less cycling than usual but feeling I’m back in the zone after my holiday 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️. I managed to stick to about 700 cals so going to bank it as a FD. I had eaten enough over the weekend ahead of the day out so didn’t need to refuel 😊

    Oh my @missybear I am sorry to hear that and hope that you get some good news following the next round of tests. I can understand that you are not very chatty while processing all of this but it is great that you are here and that you are keeping up the routine of fasting..

    @at sounds like you are having fun! And lovely weather… it’s still weird here and every day it’s a big decision as to what jackets to wear.. and we are nearly though May!

    @daffodil2010 your Cork trip sounds fab but of course it was.. it’s such a beautiful part of the world ..♥️ 🤍

    @stitchincarol you two seem to be having lovely sunny fun times… happy belated belated mother’s day 🎉 😉

    @funshipfreddie thanks for that article! My sleep is getting better recently – I’m not sure what the difference is but I’m not overthinking it – just very grateful for whatever is working… 🙏

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 23 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Yesterday’s FD wasn’t, and not in the mood today either ☹️ Oh well, at least logging in here means I am not giving up.

    Oh @missybear, many positive vibes going to you, hopefully it won’t be too long now, but the waiting is the worst.

    Weather wise, @jaifaim is right, hard to know what to wear ….cloudy now but promise of sunshine and heat later.

    Going to start the motorbiking season this weekend, we do a Photo Rally every year, visiting 24 different points around Ireland on the motorbike, take a photo, enter the competition. It’s a bit of fun if you are a biker. I have been preparing by doing lots of Leslie walks and other stretching exercises, nothing worse than not being able to get the leg over the pillion seat of the bike 😀

    Have a good Tuesday.

    Day 23 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I bought a stunning Ficus tree yesterday, (aka weeping fig) to fill a big empty space on the enclosed patio. I really should’ve had it delivered, but I couldn’t wait, & somehow managed to cram it into my tiny car. I probably committed a couple of traffic offences in the process, but managed to get it home in one piece. It’s the Golden Princess variety, i.e. small dark shiny leaves with cream borders. Boo Boo immediately showed up & gave it a good sniff, & if she even thinks of digging around or peeing in the pot…😠 I love indoor plants; I think a really nice one in the right place can transform an entire room 🌿

    @malee57 – not sure yet if the rain’s falling in the right places to fill the dams. We didn’t get much last week in what they call the ‘catchment areas’, despite Saturday’s headline stating, ‘Heavy Rains Wreak Havoc’. Just above that a banner read ‘189 Days Of Water Supply Left’. The municipality haven’t updated their website since Sunday’s heavy rain, & it can take a couple of days before the runoff water reaches its destination. It’s one of those things we take so much for granted. Can you imagine turning on a tap &… nothing?!!

    @lilymartin – I hope you get some rain on the west coast soon too! It feels like winter here already, although it’s my first time in the Eastern Cape at this time of year. One of the reasons I moved here was for the cooler summers, but the winters are another story 😅

    @missybear – sending you a big hug. And I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to worry. You’ll drive yourself crazy, & then be kicking yourself when it turns out to be nothing. 🤗

    Pocket List – Day 23 🍋
    @lilymartin – FD800

    Day 23 UK NFD

    I’m going through something similar @missybear and I concur it’s the waiting and not knowing that’s the tough bit
    Stay strong 💪

    Day 23-NO. VA. USA-FD

    Yesterday’s FD 800 did not come to pass, as work day was busy and stressful and in the afternoon, thoughts turned to pasta…so I made that for dinner and had a glass of red wine to speed things along (?)
    But I didn’t make too much (I usually make the whole package of pasta) and the sauce was a fairly lean chili from the other day, so it could have been worse! But morning scales said it was not good for the weight loss. Reset for today!

    @brightonbelle and @missybear: you have received good advice from others: Dr. Google is so helpful and also so troublesome at times. The unknown is so much more fearsome than the known, I think. Your worldwide friends on this site are sending you the very best wishes now. And also best wishes to@maui: being a caretaker is exhausting, and it is hard to remember your own needs at times…

    PocketList Day 23:

    Day 23 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Funny how one event can affect your whole month. Was headed down until around Mother’s Day, then bounced back upwards. Anyway, just trying better on NFDs, especially since I’m likely to only have two FDs the rest of the month: tomorrow and the 31st.

    Day 23 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WF – too much to even say

    I got a lot of weeding done yesterday and was able to protect my plants at the same time. Sadly, my will power was lacking where eating was concerned. It’s time for a change of attitude…don’t know where I’ll find it, but I truly must: it’s beyond time.

    There was WAY more to finishing the siding job than I realized, and the men were here until after 9:00 last night. It looks fabulous, however, and I’m thankful to have only lost a few plants. The new windows still need “wrapping”–the finish edge put on–so I’ll have to be out protecting my plants from those workers, I imagine.

    @lilymartin I’m so sad for your drought and such dangerous lows of water supply. If we don’t start getting rain, Nebraska will also be at dangerous lows. Quite a contrast to the massive flooding we had in 2019.

    @jaifaim Aww, thanks for the Mother’s Day wishes, and what fun your bicycle ride sounds!

    @missybear <<<<<<<hug>>>>>>>>

    @daffodil2010 Isn’t it hard when you intend to fast, but just can’t get up the motivation to do so? Hopefully you’ll find that mojo soon! 💪

    @funshipfreddie I too love houseplants and have them all over…too many, actually, in this small house, because what starts out as a small plant does eventually become large! 😂

    @brightonbelle Oh dear, you too??? <<<<<<<<<<<hug>>>>>>>>>>>

    I’m impatient to get my flowers bought so I can start planting them…but just realized I should wait another week, as DH, DS26 and I are driving to Indianapolis this weekend, and I don’t want to ask someone to water them while we’re gone, and it’ll be too warm for them not to be watered. This is one strange May, that I haven’t planted things yet! Maybe I’ll buy some plants and chance it…

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    PocketList Day 23:
    @lilymartin – FD800
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 23 Second post

    I’ve been thinking today–I have lots of driving time to do so in between lessons. At one point, realizing that I weighed 142 a year ago, and in that year I’ve only gained weight, not lost it, I asked myself in some disgust, “Who ARE you?” As in, am I a woman of restraint and control and discipline and responsibility, or am I a child who gives in to any impulse that comes over me?

    I didn’t like the answer.

    As I thought further, I realized the place to start examining the details is with fasting–water fasting, in my case. Many recent WFs have been undone because I got hungry. As I thought about that, I quickly remembered the many, many FDs in the past where I was so delighted to go to bed hungry, because I liked that feeling. I also liked the feeling of being empty–a feeling I don’t remember experiencing in quite a long stretch.

    Then I also remembered I used to remind myself–back when I was actually losing weight–that “Hunger is God’s gift to me, to help me know when I should and when I should not eat.”

    So I asked myself what is my goal with a FD? Is it simply to get through the day with success? Or do I actually WANT to feel hungry, or feel empty, by the time the day is over? And is feeling hungry the same as feeling empty, or are those two different things?

    I don’t have answers yet, but I think those are valid questions for each of us to ask ourselves. What are your answers? And do you have a reason why your answer is what it is?

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