Loss of appetite

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MaryAnn 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Well this is day 4 on the 5:2 diet and I know it’s early days but I seem to be adapting to it fairy quickly. My fast day was on Monday and Wednesday. Just wanted to know if it’s “normal” not to feel at all hungry the next day. For me this a first ever!!! Today (my feast day) I have not eaten 419 calories! Maybe because right now in London we
    Are having a heatwave, i just don’t know! When I get home I will have some naked cod and a little bit of rice. My BMR is 1401 calls and TDEE is 1681 so I’m well below today ! Is it my body getting used
    To this ?? In short space of time !

    Hi Kolojo:

    Yes, your body is getting used to it.

    Most newbies are surprised to find they are not hungry after a diet day. The standard fear of hunger most newbies have is soon replaced by a recognition that the body does not need to eat all of the time, and skipping meals, or even days of eating (diet day water fasts) can become natural.

    Just keep focusing on doing your diet days correctly and you will probably make some more ‘discoveries’ gong forward. You are doing well!

    Thanks Simcoeluv .. Your like my mentor haha. And I meant baked cod not naked haha.

    The other thing that happens is if you eat too much, and too much is much less than it used to be, you feel uncomfortable.

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