Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

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  • Hi All,
    I too found back to back fasting very difficult and found myself over eating on day three thereby negating the very effective weightloss. I find ADF far more maneageable and just as effective. I never fast on Sundays( unless I have had a disasterous week.

    Remember you can have a light breakfast and a piece of fruit for lunch on a fast day, it’s not about suffering but listening and responding to your bodies needs( but not brains greeds).

    Good luck, be kind to youself

    Hi Jojo, thanks for the advice X
    The problem was that it was cold outside yesterday and with windows open and no heating on I couldn’t keep warm. Of course as soon as I had some toast today the sun came out and it is glorious now, streaming through the windows, and I’m sitting here in a tshirt!
    When I get back from Cuba I’ll make a decision about ADF or B2B. I do like to have two non fast days in a row so B2B is more attractive but I have no intention of making myself miserable.

    Happy Hump Day Fast Friends
    South Aussies (Nicky Emel and Aussie Oma) Victoria (Nama) ACT (Bay) NSW (PVE) and SAMM HappyNow Amazon Jojo Herm Ply Weemam Smiffy and Hello World (You know Who you Are)
    Tangatawiwi 14kg since July is very much spectacular a gold star for you,last year it took me 365 days to lose 10kg and it was a damn struggle perhaps our expectations are higher because everyone around us on this thread are fat blasting champions!! So pleased to read jojo that the pooch is on the mend great stuff we have bichon frise something ( a white fluff ball ) named β€˜ollie’ a complete joy to have and without doubt the most spoilt pooch on the street trust me oh well…..Samm I am really intrigued by the fasting break mate till the new year 36 days is very exact is this a reset and go again strategy maybe ?? emel skipping is in the mix now you star that’s awesome !!!..Aussie O leading the way for us South Aussies the emoticon queen methinks!! Nicky I have the cool glasses 😎 now its : the word cool and then : all together And bay how motivating and inspiring to read you’re a IF life member now & I’m taking a page straight out of your play book for sure and one more that I nabbed off you while you weren’t looking is why eat if you’re not hungry? Pardon the pun but dare I say food for thought.

    Hi all
    So glad health has returned to your little pal Jojo.
    Well done on the great success Wiwi and welcome back to our part of the world.
    Amazon and Nicky, don’t sweat the small stuff and remember separate fasts are longer fast periods than b2b, so you may have done your body a favour?
    I’m with my east coast mate, Bay. I don’t eat if I’m not hungry and am an IF for life.
    My 2 semi fasts this week, due to social commitments, resulted in a continued drop in weight. And, with the back problems, I have excerised very very little for 10 days. I guess my body knows how to burn fat efficiently.
    I β™‘β™₯ 5:2!! Cheers P

    Hi Purple.
    I’ve been doing 3:4 ie B2B M/Tu and Th/F which has helped me to reach my goal of 28lbs loss before my holiday, which makes a total loss of 52lbs so far.
    It isn’t sustainable long term, so I’ll be either doing ADF or fasting M,W,F after the feastive πŸ˜‰ season is over. I’m about 2/3 of the way to my goal so if the rest of the weight comes off more slowly that is fine by me.

    Hi Amazon
    You’ve done fantastically! Most of us find the later kgs (or lbs) take longer to shed, therefore your regime must he easily sustainable. The M/W/F could be good. Keeping set days seems to make it easier for fasting to become habit forming πŸ™‚
    Don’t forget to regularly reassess your TDEE as your body gets lighter. Then take more off. Eg if you calculate you could eat 450 cals on a fast day, aim for 400. Every calorie counts at this stage.
    Relax about reaching goal Amazon. Do your fasts, eat wisely the rest of the time, enjoy life (especially Cuba) and you WILL reach healthy weight. Go girl! πŸ™‚ P

    Ladies and Gentlemen
    The amazing AMAZON!

    Well done.

    RT. It is a planned reset, but I have trouble building muscle mass on 4:3 so even if the planned break is to stop fasting. It is opportunity to do strength training to build muscle. During the FOOD season starting thanksgivving day Christmas onto the the new years day feast. Then I plan to restart 4:3. With an eval of my journal.

    For the most part
    DHA foods on 3 fast days
    And exercise foods on 2 feed days
    Then the weekend is for lifting .

    I know if I went amazons route I would burn more fat. But I’ve tried it , it works , but I personally struggle.
    Then to nail that door shut I was diagnosed diabetic. It felt like all my enthusiasm had a big door shut in face. I slowly wiggled my fingers into cracks and gently and steadily pry it back open. Not fond of all the extra stickping my fingers. However enjoy the fasting as it allows for bigger meals the next day.
    I actually like all the planning too. Not a chore for me. And when my sugar tests strips match my predictions I feel just a little more in control . So that’s why I take a two week break every month and instead of 3 fast days @600 cals. I keep the 3 days a week routine but @1200 calories. Asit helps keep me close to100 blood sugar lvl and I feel like I’m able to build muscle. Which I’m finding is not able to on prolonged 4:3.
    I’m in no hurry. Playing it safe but Keepin On.

    Purple and SAMM, thanks for the praise and the advice. What I’m most pleased about is that despite stopping for several months and gaining some weight I actually started again and have stuck with it. There will be no stopping or going back to old habits now, and with all the encouragement I get from everyone here it isn’t difficult to keep going.
    I reassess my TDEE after every 7lb lost. I am so thrilled to see my BMI down from 36 to 27.
    I’m hoping that once the osteopath has finished working her magic I can step up the exercise and start swinging the kettle bells I bought a couple of months ago, so I can continue to improve my strength and fitness.
    I know I’ll enjoy Cuba, and I’m not going to think about my weight, but I am going to try to make smart choices.

    You’ve done really well Amazon. P πŸ™‚

    I have to keep pinching myself. Every time I look in the mirror I can’t believe what I see πŸ˜†

    I bet Michael and Mimi had no idea of what they were starting when they wrote that book.

    How is your back?

    Back’s 85% now thanks Amazon.
    Yep M and M have started a revolution. The new reflection in the mirror is SO worth it!!!! P

    That’s good. It’ll be 100% soon πŸ™‚

    PVE how in sync we are today my friend 😯 Bay is the trial blazer life member to IF and that gem of ‘why eat if you are not hungry’ πŸ’‘ wow Amazon stunning results that give off a great vibe for every one here hope springs eternal and you are leading the way for us.
    SAMM cheers for your info and updated play book and I am glad you where able to wiggle your fingers into the door cracks to once again follow your formula all power to the cause….

    There plenty with far more impressive results than me, I’m just trying to follow in their footsteps πŸ™‚

    I rarely ate because I was hungry, but because I love eating. I’m now learning to love eating in moderation, and only when hungry.

    Does that mean I have to be thirsty before I have wine……………. πŸ˜‰

    Me too Amazon. Ate because I love food. Now I’m discovering new foods that I love, but aren’t damaging my health. All things in moderation Amazon! That includes wine!!! Train’s here….bye..

    Good evening all,
    Just back from choir, my voice is not in good shape unless you like husky with the occasional squeek. Guess that cough has had an effect.

    Planning yet another Christmas function – meal after our lighting tree ceremony carol concert. That makes 6 meals I have planned – not very conducive to fasting regime but fun.

    Looking forward to a feed day tomorrow but I will keep it light.

    Love Jojo xx

    Amazon, you definitely deserve a glass of wine (and a fantastic holiday). So glad to hear you’re liking what you see in the mirror. I haven’t lost as much as you but, 7 months after reaching my initial goal, I still can’t quite believe the evidence before my eyes πŸ™‚

    And yes there are people who have lost more than you, but your achievement is no less impressive for that. Be proud of what you’ve achieved, and celebrate your success.

    Jojo, so pleased your girl is on the mend. Hopefully that’s an end to your run of bad luck!

    I was amazed by the tale of your older (not elderly!) friend skipping. Half an hour?! Even at a leisurely pace that’s very impressive. I did a few minutes again today. God it’s hard! I can’t quite believe that we used to skip all break and lunchtime in primary school…

    Hi Happy Now,
    I used to stand on my head for half an hour during my lunch hour at school, god knows why? Came in useful at Yoga until I got high blood pressure. Don’t risk it now but maybe when I get to goal I might try again.

    Keep skipping if you can

    Jojo xx

    A quick note to SA and Aussie and maybe the world if the link works for telly watchers a report aired last night on the 18/11 specifically aimed at Alzheimers Disease & Dementia and a follow up is on tonight’s program of what we all can do to help ourselves prevent contracting it it is now tipped to effect 1 in 3 Australians
    Weemam I thought of you and your Dear Dad
    my father who will be 80 next birthday is now with the early onset..



    Went to work in size 38 jeans,couldn’t find my belt was going to be late. I totally mooned a whole line of pickers when I had my hands full. ARRRGH !

    Hi Fast Trackers

    We saw a news item on NZ TV news yesterday about 5 :2. The food producers in NZ are worried that demand for food will drop if the whole population starts on 5 :2 FD.
    Dream on.

    Amazon, inspiring! 52 lbs! Let’s hope I am there too at the end of next April.

    Thanks again for all the positiveness.


    What if they start to grow their own hydroponic foods for fast days.
    Say carrots, onions , and broccoli sprouts! The cancer fighters.


    Oh SAMM you’ve done it again mate this is freeking amazing great πŸ’‘

    Morning all.

    I read Jojo’s post and realised that I have one lunch organised between Cuba and Christmas. I must get organised when I get back and try to get together with a few people I’ve not seen for a while.

    One last FD before I find out what Cuban food is like.

    Hi Amazon,

    Not Cuban wine…? πŸ™‚

    Hi Happy, from what I’ve read Cuban wine isn’t very good, but imported wines are available but not cheap. I’ll probably stick to my usual holiday lunch time beer and have a rum or two in the evenings πŸ˜‰

    Good morning all

    There don’t seem to be enough hours in the day at the moment! Haven’t had chance to post for a while but I have been following the thread when I can. Jojo, I’m so sorry to hear that one of your dogs was unwell and glad to read she is on the mend. Hope she is much better today.

    Amazon – what can I say?? You are truly inspiring. Knock ’em dead in Cuba and have a wonderful time.

    Weemam – you are shrinking fast too – soon To be Wee Weemam.

    I weighed yesterday after a fast day and was surprised to find I had stayed the same. Surprised because I was sure I must have put on weight during our 9 days in Wales. I missed one fast day and was not particularly careful on the non-FDs (drank a fair bit of wine and had a few meals out) but we did average 3.5 miles walking every day, which must have helped. I’m still 2 lbs off my 2.5st (35lbs) loss but am determined to do it by the York trip at the end of next week. That said, we’re out with friends for a meal tonight, at a dinner party on Friday and at a pig roast/firework party on Saturday. Will try and be sensible in between and may get in a third FD next week.

    Oh dear – the Festive Season has well and truly begun!

    Smiffy x

    Hi Smiffy,

    IMO The one thing with this WOE that is difficult to come to terms with is that eating normally will not induce weigh gain. Most of us have eaten badly and/or too much for so long and been on so many diets we’ve been brainwashed to think that every glass of wine, slice of cake or nice dinner is going to rush to our hips and hang on for dear life, rather than do what it is supposed to after we’ve enjoyed eating/drinking it, and act as fuel for our daily function.
    When I went away for 3 weeks last September, I was convinced that I would gain at least 7lbs. I ate the same as everyone else did and didn’t gain an ounce, and could hardly believe it.

    No more weigh ins for me until I’ve been back from Cuba for at least a week.

    While I remember I hope the Yorkies have a fab time, and I’ll look forward to Glasgow!

    Hi Smithy,
    I hate to say it but my social life is far too busy to be helpful to dieting too. So frustrating, I am sure there could be calorie counted 5:2 meals on offer in restaurants. That would be so good. I still haven’t managed to lose my last 2 lbs gained on holiday and now I am going on another trip this weekend. Progress has been very slow this last three months but I remain positive. I may need to put my deadline back, I was hoping for March but it may be April or even May. However I am still aiming at 2 lb per week which should happen if I count my calories. I think I have been having too many snacks, fruit and nuts. I know they are better than other snacks but ultimately they still have lots of calories. So snack free until Sunday is the plan.
    Amazon, if you fancy a day at the coast you could join me for a Christmas meal, perhaps Hermaj will join you? I think you too are the nearest to here. I often visit the big smoke too so we could meet up there, my son lives in Shepherds Bush. Bless him he is currently flat hunting but he and his girlfriend are not hopeful of getting anything bigger than a rabbit hutch. He was supposed to be going to San Franzisco next year for his work but the company are now holding back on expansion. I am a big fan of young people travelling the world while they have no family responsibilities. I only visited Europe when I was young but I really want to see a bit more of the world before I pop my clogs. Next year New Zealand and Australia, can’t wait.

    Amazon – I am green with envy – Cuba – heat – dancing – heaven. Is the painting finished, cold here today, not much fun if you have windows open bbbrrrrrrhhhh.

    Dog (Tilly) fine now, thanks for your good wishes everyone. My daughter will look after her while I am away. Actually she is a bit fed up being offered her usual dry food after fresh chicken and rice special diet. Can’t blame her for that. Funny really when dogs have a health diet they get better tasting food, if only the same was true for us. I am very disciplined about snacks with my dogs, they have never been overweight, pity I didn’t apply the same rules to myself.

    Shopping this morning and bowls this afternoon, life is good. One last look in the mirror to check that I really am looking good(for me anyway) yep. Must get to work on my abs after christmas.

    Have a great fast or non fast day friends, not long to go before York.

    Hi Jojo,

    The word of the week is cold. The windows have been open all day, every day, so no point inputting the heating on. I’ve discovered that leggings under my now too big jeans are the perfect thermals.
    The painter will be finished by the end of the week. He has a set of keys and will lock everything up and give them to my neighbour when he is done. He is very meticulous, spent 4 and 1/2 days doing prep before wielding a paintbrush.
    Everyone will see the finished article before me!

    It would be great to meet up some time, Hermaj hasn’t been around for a few days. She is probably busy working. I’m sure she’ll appear when she gets her results.

    Shephers Bush is only a few miles from here πŸ™‚

    I’ve got another session with the osteopath today, and am hoping it sets me up well for the flight tomorrow. I’m putting a couple of heat packs in my hand luggage so that if it gets sore or stiff I can put them on.

    All the best with the trip Amazon. Hope the back is ok for the long flight.
    Enjoy Cuba. We’ll all be waiting to hear how you go. P

    Amazon I hope your Caribbean adventure is wonderful!

    Hi Amazon
    Have a wonderful trip to Cuba. I went in 1990 and really liked the people and the old towns. No doubt it is completely different now. It will be great to hear about it when you get back.
    Cheers, Bay πŸ™‚

    Hello again to everyone! I’m so happy to see this thread is going so well. It has been several weeks since I logged on and there’s too much for me to go back through at the moment but even the past couple of days tell me that everyone is doing well and supporting each other as always. I am totally inspired by your successes, this WOE is what I’ve been looking for for many years. I’m sure it doesnt suit everyone but it definately suits me!
    I have had to prioritise other things recently and not give it the focus I would like. In the past I’ve had an all or nothing attitude and would have gone straight back to old (unhealthy) patterns of eating especially when stressed but not this time. I have ‘shifted ‘ my whole attitude to food. I can’t explain really but I’m so glad. I no longer eat for the sake of it and I’m not afraid of being hungry. Eating nothing for a few hours is a freedom! I think we in the 1st world we are contantly surrounded by often high calorie foods that to contantly make ‘good’ choices is challenging and exhausting. Not eating is sometimes the easy option! I can then really enjoy a totally guilt free treat now and then.
    My weight loss (26lb) is now noticable and I’m getting some positive comments which is encouraging and I am so much more comfortable in myself.
    I hope to be in contact, continue to use your shining examples and useful info even if sporadically. I would hate to miss such gems as the ‘midget attack’ -priceless!!
    Best wishes to all

    Great to hear from again tartan lass.

    Something I plan to do once I reach goal is to make 6:1 the minimum for me .
    Mainly because it will keep this WOE apart of my WOL.
    My hope will be that I could simply go 5:2 if needed, but if I’m maintaining on 6:1 should be a day before or after 6:1 that may be more than TDEE meal especially for muscle health.
    So with that thought I think it gives way to a planned 500 experimentation day once I reach goal. So if I fail for the day it’s no big deal.
    There are so many recipes of 500 calories I haven’t even tried yet.
    So for now I want to stick to what works, but also want for the chance to expand the menu.

    Congratulations on your loss.

    Hi Samm,
    I don’t really think 6 :1 will be an eventuality for me. Living on 1200 per day keeps me stable not losing so I can’t really see light at the end of the tunnel. Increasing to a reasonable 1500 average( still low for my level of exercise) would mean doing 5:2 at the very least during maintenance. I need a miracle solution or just acceptance that ‘this is it’ for me anyway. What’s this I hear about you doing a ‘moony’at work? Really young man you should be ashamed of yourself. But seriously I snapped my belt the other day trying to put another hole in it using the buckle tooth, had to tie string around my trousers (which I got from the butcher), honestly you couldn’t make it up. I felt like a ‘bag lady’ ( tramp) for the rest on my Saturday Group Walk. But I didn’t expose myself which is just as well because it was raining cats and dogs( raining heavily).

    Great to have you checking in Tartanlass – good work on the weight loss. I am seriously considering booking a detox for a week, anyone tried this?

    Good afternoon.
    My jeans look dreadful with a belt, I look like a sack tied up in the middle!I’m going to have to recycle them.

    The osteopath has worked on my back, which continues to improve and I’ve booked an appointment for when I get back.
    I’ve checked in for the flight, so just some packing to do and I’m ready.
    It is a very cold and wintry day today, but the sun is shining.

    What do you mean by a detox Jojo? I did a juice diet detox a couple of years ago, and I’ve had some treatments at a spa.

    Hi Amazon,

    I know we’ve not exchanged comments on this thread, but I wanted to wish you a wonderful holiday – you sound like a woman after my own heart in many ways! Don’t worry about putting on weight while you’re away, it’ll come off easily when you get back. Just proved that after 10 days in Florida eating for England!

    Hi Silva, thanks for the good wishes.

    Hi Tartan Lass. Isn’t it great that this WOE seems to re educate everyone and change their attitude to eating. Time after time I read comments such as yours, and it is the same for me, my eating habits have changed and I don’t like the thought of eating too much because I’m no longer able to put up with feeling so full. I’ve no idea how I coped with it before. I no longer turn to food at times of stress or when I’m unhappy either.
    It is wonderful when you get comments regarding weight loss isn’t it? Despite still being 21-28lbs overweight I’ve already had a “I hope you’re not going to lose much more” from someone who is obviously horrified that for the first time ever, I’m slimmer than she is πŸ˜‰

    I’m all packed and ready to go πŸ˜›

    Hi Guys . sorry I have been AWOL but something going on in my life at the moment I am trying to sort out . Not life threatening for anyone but upsetting the household . Will go into details another day .

    Amazon I just jumped in to say ” have a great holiday pal . Hello to EVERYONE else . FD today and doing well so far . I think AFD is better for me rather than BTB ..

    Welcome back Tartanlass

    Wee xx

    Hi Amazon,

    Hope you have a fantastic holiday. I think it’s safe to say a lot of us (at least in the NH!) wish we were going with you.

    Funny you should mention jeans today. I got back into a pair this summer and had a couple of months of thinking ‘nice!’. Caught sight of myself today and it’s now definitely not… I’ve been the same weight now for 5 months, but my shape has continued to change. I know others maintainers report the same. It’s all gone a bit Benjamin Button on me… Next stop babygrow πŸ™‚

    Hi Happy.
    I bought these jeans last year after I had lost 3 stone on 5:2 and they were a perfect fit. I put on 18lbs before starting again in August and when I had lost that weight I put the jeans on and they were loose around the waist. 10lbs later and they are falling down. It is interesting the way we lose weight but it takes our bodies longer to “shrink”
    It would explain why no-one noticed that I had gained 18lbs.
    Maybe I won’t need that tummy tuck after all πŸ˜‰

    Thanks to everyone for the “bon voyages” I know it’ll be fab.
    Happy fasting everyone πŸ™‚

    Amazon hoping you have an amazing holiday in Cuba πŸ˜€

    RT thanks for the Hump Day reminders, lol, was a great but busy day yesterday.

    I’ve been reading on phone so not responding very much.

    Jojo glad your dog is now on the mend and hope she continues to do so.

    SAMM great info but a bit too much re mooning … mental pictures had me falling about laughing btw πŸ˜†

    Smiffy glad to see you’re still here, same for Tartan Lass and all the others who only post occasionally.

    PVE glad to hear your back’s almost 100%

    Wee I hope that problem is sorted soon, hugs πŸ˜€

    Catch up more later everyone, sorry if I’ve missed people it’s not intentional.

    Happy Thursday Day Friends
    I hope all your fast plans go well today and the scales go down tomorrow..
    a 1.2 kg loss this weigh in and I’m loving life. Life is fatal no-one gets out alive so I am making the most of mine.
    Amazon have many significant and memorable moments in Cuba (how sexy does that sound) I hear Dragon playing β€˜April sun in Cuba’ as we speak a Bacardi and diet coke barman when your ready thank you.
    I am so much looking forward to the graduation and the evening meal tonight..
    May The Force Be With You All
    We are ALL losers that’s why we are ALL winners

    Wee….sending love and strength to you mate. You are the rock for us and your family. P x

    I hope it’s just a wee issue , best wishes!

    Broccoli Sprouts

    Broccoli sprouts.
    Broccoli sprouts are the richest food source of glucoraphanin, the precursor to sulforaphane, or SFN, also known as glucoraphanin sulforaphane. Three-day old broccoli sprouts are concentrated sources of this phytochemical, offering 10 to 100 times more of it, by weight, than mature broccoli plants or cauliflower, according to research published in September 1997 in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.” A 1-ounce serving provides 73 milligrams of sulforaphane glucosinolate. Per 100-gram serving, broccoli sprouts offer approximately 250 milligrams. You can purchase broccoli sprouts at many health food stores and certain grocery stores. Lightly cooked, they taste similar to steamed spinach.

    Reflective post: I just updated my data on the tracker. I am a fairly average sized woman, now at a similar size to my 30 year old self.

    My TDEE is 1500, meaning 350 calories on fast days. This is why I question the 2000 calorie allowance for “normal” women. It is far too high. I took the attitude that even if the calculation was higher when I was heavier, to lose weight I had to have a TDEE that reflected my eventual weight, not the weight I was then. You seem to be doing similar, Jojo.

    To maintain, I need to continue 2 fasts a week for life, and I don’t go overboard on eating days (usually). It does seem it is WHAT we eat as well. Low carb, full fat and LOTS and LOTS of veg, exercise and regular fasts seems the key.

    I am embarrassed that my waist used to be over a foot bigger. No wonder I looked like Michelin woman!

    I’d love to be a fly on the wall in York when the FTs meet and share stories. Have fun girls. P

    Good evening all,

    Weemam, sorry to hear your news. All the best to your family. Priorities are caring for our family and pets – no contest. Cyber hugs coming your way.

    I went back to counting calories today as I have been getting lazy. I know it works when everything is counted as opposed to guessed.

    Brocolli sprouts can cause gastric problems so be careful of the quantity SAMM.

    Nice Mediterranean veg omelette with jacket potato for dinner tonight.

    Amazon – good journey.

    Happy fasting Thursday all

    I’ve gone out on that limb too many times to chance the fall. Lol

    But you’re fine at 500 if it’s less than TDEE.
    Of Course there’s no suggestion that the 500 must be Ingested. .

    If were admitting embarrassment. . I once found out I was fat as a very pregnate woman on tv while watching at. A family reunion . And they were just all aghast . Humility .
    1 day at a time. And I get to choose everything this day. To lose the fat and hopefully live longer too.

    PVE my TDEE is just a smidgen under yours around 147 . . I am always worried about eating up to that amount and often go 800 or sometimes 1000 this week I have gone a wee bit higher and usually 300 to 400 on fasting . What do you all think then . should I go to my TDEE? This is always a worry in the back of my mind :(..

    I don’t want you to worry that my problem the last couple of days is a health issue . Well!! it is in a way as I have been really stressed .

    I have been getting Marketing Calls even in the early hours . Talk Talk ( our phone company) have been brilliant and have given us call barring BUT I am still getting some of them .today I got more and this is what I wrote to a couple of Direct marketing places

    THE CALLER said it was a market survey . I have talk talk and they have barred some but the think this is an american number . My husband has had a triple bypass and I have a disabled son and father . I managed to block 2 numbers 1 which was calling me before 8 in the morning . The number above . I said politely ” please can you take me off your database ” he said ” why are you being so rude” I replied ” I am being very polite” and he put the phone down . My dad is 97 and in care ( Alzheimers) my son in his own home HE HAS CP . I am not sleeping as these calls are upsetting me AND MY HUSBAND so much . Please can you do something to help . The number called today was only 6 digits long……..



    I HAVEN’T POSTED MUCH AS I HAVE BEEN CONTACTING EVERYWHERE i CAN TO TRY AND STOP IT . I HAVE EVEN E-MAILED THE ELECTORAL ROLL (oops ss caps) . When something like this happens I go into a kind of OCD mode and Have to d EVERYTHING possible to try and fix it . NOW I have I know I can do no more . I just didn’t want you all to worry .

    Love you all

    Wee xx

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