Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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  • PVE,
    Sat at a table of 6 at lunch today. Interestingly not one person drinking alcohol, that’s a first. My starter was garlic mushrooms with water cress, yum and to follow I had poached plaice and carrots, potato and green beans, so I left the potato. No pudding so a good day. The two skinny ones at the table didn’t have pudding, three podgy ones had berry roulade, huge slices of mainly meringue on the plate. I had a cuppa instead and felt very pleased with myself.

    The conversations were very stimulating though, all of the group had lived in Asian and European countries for considerable periods of time. Understandably there was no support for Brexit, especially as several have properties overseas.

    The Professor who was sitting next to me, a linguist is currently teaching Chinese and tried to encourage me to join his course. I think not, still working on my Spanish.

    Jo is so nice to hear you had a fun evening! With me I prefer to talk to people about their experiences, history, families more then the paranoia going over food. Here in the US and I guess the world, people love to brag about this. Many people don’t eat healthy, they spend the whole day starving themselves and at night indulge themselves in drinks. Then when they are drunk they just eat whatever is in front of them.
    I worked to a catering company! I tell you many weird stories.
    I am glad you had a good time.
    Wonder why some people are skinny and graishing looking.
    I guess I missed the post when Amazon was going away! Bon voyage Amazon.
    Back later

    I’m glad you had a good meal out Jo. You CAN socialise, have a good time and not overeat 😊 Eventually you start noticing that you actually have no desire for those carb heavy foods and can enjoy the eating out experience knowing, it won’t mean regret.
    Fast day for us today. Things to do. Places to go. Keeping busy….P πŸ˜‰

    I wished every 5:20 would be a piece of cake lake today!
    Maybe all the jump-in comments called me back into where I am supposed to be.
    My soup was delicious. Chicken broth, 1 spirilized mediu zucchini, 1/4 cup of lentil, lots of spices, raw minced garlic and fresh parsley. Because I am an human being I had in the morning a splash of milk on my coffee. That actually sets the tone of the day. I think today I scored under 500 cal,
    Tomorrow I’ll be accompanying my husband for his annual physical. Why do I do this? Because when he comes home he didn’t asked the questions he should’ve so may as well ask myself.
    See you guys tomorrow

    I always forget to ask all the right questions at health checks too. Your hubby is lucky to have you.
    Today will be dull apart from Rock Choir. I need to get some serious housework done, the place is a mess and tomorrow I have overnight visitors. I will cook for them and then we are going to a live show, tribute Rock Singer. So we will be dancing all evening. Not sure if I am going to put my flared skirt 50’s dress on with net petticoat. May just go straight trousers and big elastic belt look. I have one that fits my waist, I think. Next month it Michael Buble tribute singer so that’s a definite booking.
    PVE- exchanged some pounds for Aussie dollars yesterday, a gift for my friends daughter who is getting married in Melbourne, ouch! Exchange rate really hit by Brexit.
    Dull weather here after stormy night, but all the lawns are good and green again now and I am off duty from watering pots.
    Oh well Cinderella need to get going, dogs are waiting for their constitutional.
    Have a great day, I will be fasting.

    Yes Jo. Better the other way around. My daughter is suffering from the exchange rate being paid in pounds. πŸ™„ P

    I really feel for her, is she on holiday here?

    Forgot to mention- another pound off today, very pleased that I am rewarded for my restraint.

    P.s. I really did miss the apple pie on offer yesterday….boohoo. Obviously not reached your level of control yet.

    No she’s half way through her 3 years of living “over there”. πŸ˜‘ P

    Jo, why did you really miss the apple pie? You always say you don’t have much of a sweet tooth, so perhaps visualise eating it and think about how it would have been over-sweetened (as most sweet ‘treats’ are) and in fact too sweet and might have left you feeling a bit queasy. And think about how it would have been enjoyable only while you were eating it, it would not actually have had any lasting effect on your happiness.

    I’m afraid the reality is that if you want to maintain a healthy weight and you eat out more than occasionally (which you do), then you have to get used to life without puddings when you do eat out.

    I rarely eat two courses even in the evening now, it’s just too much food in most restaurants, and wouldn’t at lunchtime except on special occasions (weddings, Christmas). I’m always tempted by the menu of course, but it’s usually a case of eyes bigger than my stomach! And if I do choose two courses it is always always starter and main, never main and pudding. Thank you intermittent fasting for retraining my palate πŸ™‚

    I am learning to control my mind, I did resist the pie but I like apples in any form and quite simply, wanted it. No I wasn’t hungry and no I very rarely have a pudding at a restaurant, even when not on a diet. However I am usually surrounded by people who say’ there is always pudding space’ or ‘I love a pudding after a meal out’ . Temptation is all around me but I am resisting it. I do go out to eat a lot because I am involved in lots of groups. It’s s good chance to socialise and meet people, that’s why I go. I have no interest in creamy or chocolate puds at all. Personally I wish they would walk instead of eat but many are physically impaired by age or health conditions.
    There is a reason I am not at goal, I am not perfect and still battling my urges. Currently I am winning. I mainly have one healthy choice meal per day and an apple or homemade soup.

    Hi Jo,

    I hope you appreciate my comments are not meant as criticisms. I know you’ve said before you don’t get enough support at home, or socially, so think of me (and the other maintainers) as the angels (ha ha, not really) on your shoulder, providing counterbalance to the devils on your other shoulder always trying to tempt you!

    We all want to support you in getting to your goal, but I must admit I’m not always sure what you want/ need from your support network.. in my case, probably just that I’d go away and leave you alone…!

    You UK folk have probably already seen Prof Alice Roberts looking at Britain’s Favourite Foods. It aired in Australia tonight. Some interesting things came out of it…

    Surprise, surprise, potatoes are your favourite food!

    Mushrooms can develop Vitamin D (one of the important vitamins missing from them) leaving them in the sun for a while.

    Milk rehydrates significantly better than water or energy drinks.

    The calcium in dairy allows us to pass 50% more fat from our bodies than a low calcium diet!! Eat/drink full fat dairy to lose weight.

    Protein (including vegetarian protein), not only helps you feel full longer, it reduces cravings, hence the temptation to indulge in unhealthy snacks.

    Britain eats more ready meals than the rest of Europe combined! Ready meal portion sizes have doubled in 20 years.


    Oh, and eating carrots and capsicum (peppers) can give you a healthy, attractive glow ☺☺

    Good Morning Angels πŸ˜‡
    Yes! Life is filled with temptations of all sorts.
    The shopping list of the week is sitting at the counter and my husband wrote in big letters “no ice cream”. Really! Yesterday someone gave him a gluten free cookie and his intention was to make me happy thinking that gluten free is something that adds any health benefits to ones life. I told him that anything gluten free has extra added sugar to compensate. I do believe many people are gluten intolerant or have celiac … not my case. Anyway as this morning the cookie disappeared and I am glad! He must’ve eaten last night.
    Jo I really admire how social you are! Sometimes I have no interest listening to what people have to say. I guess I haven’t found a group that really gets my attention.
    The days are getting cold but is so beautiful to go for a walk. I had a great yoga this week and tomorrow I’ll do the same followed by a sauna and Fast.
    Purple my second batch of Kombucha turn out to be delicious! I am still practicing. One bottle has ginger and the other cranberries. That mushroom πŸ„ really looks weird.
    RT we miss you!
    Have a good one πŸ‘Ό

    Well done with the kombucha, HCB ☺ The ‘mushroom’ is called a scoby. Enjoy your produce!
    Funny how many people think gluten free is a healthy option. Just as many calories, much more expensive, tastes lacking. Really only needs to be eaten by people with serious gluten intolerance. Not a healthy option for normal people as it is still refined carbohydrate. P

    Good evening all,
    Happy, I take what advice I find helpful and ignore comments that don’t help me stay positive. I think negativity is probably at the root of my failures. This is why I try to fill my life with positive experiences. If I get down I can’t focus on on weight control. If I need help I will ask for it. This thread is my only support but also I hope that we can share experiences that will help others. But I think it is important to be honest about failures during weaker moments. Threaders are supportive at these times, encouraging us to get back to it.
    HCB- well done on your Yoga and cooking of Kombucha. It’s been a tough fast day today mainly because I have been bored doing housework. At least it is finished now. Now to think about my packing.
    PVE – I have been drinking more milk lately and found it very effective and filling yet not causing weight gain so all good.
    I will check out Alice Roberts

    Jason Fung’s latest blog talks about the direct connection between weight and Type 2 diabetes. Here are a couple of interesting quotes:

    “Weight gain of only 5.0-7.9 kg (11-17.5 pounds) increased the risk of type 2 diabetes by 90%, and weight gain of 8.0-10.9 kg (17.5 – 24 pounds) increased the risk by 270%.”

    “Women with a BMI of 23-23.9 compared to less than 22 have a 360% higher risk of type 2 diabetes. This is all the more stunning, since that BMI is well within the normal range.”

    “A weight gain of 20-35 kg (44-77 pounds) increased the risk of type 2 diabetes 11,300%. More than 35 kg (77 pounds) weight gain increased the risk by 17,300%! Even smaller amounts of weight gain could raise the risk significantly.”

    As usual, Fung is interesting reading. P

    Good Evening,
    Jo for most part everyone here is very supportive, positive and carrying. I would not be here if otherwise. To be honest I envy your social life and abundance of energy. You are the first person i know talking already about Christmas πŸŽ„ parties lol.
    Perhaps I became an introvert! Who knows .
    Purple Dr. F is so good isn’t it! Didn’t make into the mainstream yet. What he sales is the truth and that won’t make money. Also I read don’t remember where that a glass of milk is the best after a work out.
    Today’s report from my hubby’s physical.
    At 86 he’s perfectly in great health. The issue is that he is loosing muscles. His legs looks skinny and I have warned him already about possible problems. We’ll get an stationary bike or he should go to the gym. Also his blood sugar level is up although he has lost body fat. That is that snacking at night and not obeying that non eating window. He has a seeet tooth big time. Otherwise he is one of those born blessed with good health.
    This person here will be Fasting tomorrow.
    Be good kids 🌺

    HCB, I have a lovely image of your husband in lycra, skinny legs pumping the pedals, sweat pouring out, as you time him. He’s a lucky man to have you. 😊

    Purple I am visualizing the same! Spandex 80’s style. He has some ridiculous clothes decorating the closet from when he was hot, out and about. Don’t forget a whip in case he rebels against the work out πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Perfect 😁😁

    Well it’s a good job Mr HCB is in good health… he’ll need a strong heart for the workout…and for the excitement of Mrs HCB with that whip!

    I cant talk I am laughing so much! Lucky, lucky Mr HCB!

    Have a great day all, finally got some glorious weather in Melbourne, off to do a spot of clucking over grandaughter! Fasting today but should be easy, DIL makes great coffee and my arms will be mostly too full to pick up food!

    Good morning All,
    Ah Lycra, I can but dream of wearing it one day, as for skinny legs? Never been there, always been (shall we say shapely). Saying that we do have some very large people at the gym who wear Lycra. Good for them I say! I suppose my swimsuit might have Lycra in it! It certainly doesn’t last long with the daily chlorine effects.

    Another lb off today so feeling really good, consistent work this last month and consistent results. doing an extra fast day today, pre holiday effort. Soup then Salmon salad planned for dinner guests tonight. I have bought them some bread though, smallest loaf I could get. At least we will be dancing all night and I won’t be drinking. I will try to make a real effort this weekend and during my trip. I am planning to stick at one meal per day so taking emergency apple ration and green teas. It’s a hotel so hopefully there will be tea making facilities.

    Have a great Friday/Saturday everyone, thinking of you RT and in your honour.

    My wife is a light eater. As soon as its light she starts to eat.
    Did you hear about the Dr Doolittle Diet? You talk to the food instead of eating it.
    You shouldn’t fall in love with a pastry chef. He’ll dessert you.
    Why are most horses in shape? Because they are on a stable diet
    How do you know a low fat diet is working? Because the fat hangs lower everyday.
    Dieting is not a piece of cake
    Dieting is for people who are thick and tired of it

    Not a blonde joke in there. Ha ha! Leave those to you!

    Well done Jo. Have a good weekend.
    Miss you RT. P

    Good morning,
    That’s right Jo! Let’s laught all together… loved the “light water” one.
    Today I had the nerve to step on my scale! She is not rebelling against me, I guess. My last glass of wine was a single one last Sunday so this entire week I behaved “normal”.
    Fasting today and the menu is that same easy soup.
    Glad your scale is cooperating with you Jo and the rest of our virtual gang πŸ’‹
    P.S – Yoga later πŸ™

    The pool was freezing but I stuck with it because the dreaded Aqua class was going on indoors. I cannot bear the music or the shouting from the instructor. They say you burn more calories if you are cold so there could be a bright side. Still feeling cold though even after a nice cuppa. Guess I will be dressing warm this evening.
    HCB- I hope to get to a yoga class tomorrow, haven’t been since I strained my back last time. Really need to take it easy on some of those bends. Enjoy!
    Thanks PVE

    Good morning from a very jaded Jo, danced out. I had forgotten what a strain on the joints ‘doing the twist’ and ‘jive’ could be. But bowlers are great at a dance, full dance floor all night. The singer was very talented, Elvis, Bobby Vee, Buddy Holly impersonations amongst many others, some I didn’t know, all 50’s and early 60’s. But all upbeat so kept us on the dance floor most of the night.
    I was driver so stuck to low cal tonic water as they didn’t have sparkling water. My guest brought a homemade ginger cake so I was obliged to have a slice, delicious. Our main couse(only course) was salad and sea trout so not a big problem. I bought skate for their lunch, just love it with caper butter and hot veg.
    I must go do the dog walk before everyone gets up. Have a great weekend guys. Sending yo all positive vibes.
    RT and Amazon- missing you lots

    Sounds like you had fun Jo. Dancing is great exercise, I always find muscles I’d forgotten about!

    Sadly my exercise today is strenuous but not such fun! I’ve got a compost bin to empty, but will be saved later by a trip to town for a haircut. I’m not one for a lot of grooming, so need a haircut that looks after itself (wash it, brush it, trust it to airdry as brushed!). But I always feel I should try a different style…then bottle out because I’m not really sure what would suit me! How do you ladies (sorry RT if you’re reading! No offence!) choose a hairstyle?

    I just get it cut off when it annoys me! Wash, dry and straighten. If that looks bad, drag it up. Hairdressers get very little money out of me πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    Thanks for the help, P πŸ™‚

    Unfortunately our private water supply is really harsh on my hair, and if I don’t get it cut every couple of months it’s quite capable of felting itself during the course of the day! So I’m forced to the hairdresser… And if I’m going to pay for a cut, I’d rather it was a nice one!

    Just get a good conditioner. You can do anything a hairdresser can!! πŸ™‚

    I’m afraid it’s not that simple! I even have additional filters upstairs, but the water is full of crud. The only home solution would be washing my hair with bottled water, but that’s hardly environmentally friendly!

    I guess the only alternatives are shaved or tied up! Bald IS fashionable ☺☺

    Yep, you’re still not helping πŸ™‚

    That’s what I’m here for πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜žπŸ˜¨πŸ‘ΏπŸ’‡

    Good Morning,

    I guess Jo is partying for all of here in the group. The reason why we don’t go out dancing is because there aren’t any adult places for us with suitable music.
    I believe the dancing places are far, music that I don’t understand and the time they start partying is when I go to bed lol.
    And yes! Those are the times when some muscles all say hello.
    Happy I told myself when I turned 50 I would give myself a short hair cut. Right now is so long and to wash it and style is quite a production. Also touch up the roofs I do myself…I am not the type who needs the hairdresser all the time.
    Maybe you should keep it short but the key is to find someone that understands your hair.
    Wouldn’t be worth once a week wash it with bottled water if this is the case? Yes it is a crazy idea but I am sure you do you conserving in many other ways.
    Fast went well! Keep an eye on NFD πŸ‘€
    Cold here today!
    Talk to you later and enjoy the day ❀️

    Hi all,
    Its after 1am here but too wired to sleep after a lovely evening out. Son and his new wife had a housewarming sort of party and his Vietnamese MIL insisted on cooking a BBQ for us all. She marinated and skewered all manner of meats and seafood, cooked them to perfection on hot coals and we ate like kings. Interesting take home messages/observations: Only sides were the coleslaw and greek salads that I made, no-one interested in adding dressing to these. Crusty vietnamese rolls were there, but no butter in sight. No potatoes or rice or other starchy carbs apart from rolls. Dessert was fresh fruit salad that I cut up – melons, pineapple etc. No one considered cream or ice-cream. The room was full of slim, active and healthy Aussies and Vietnamese – not a fattie in sight! Interesting! One sweet cousin kindly baked a cake especially for me after I had tasted her baking previously and complimented her. This was cut into small pieces to share and no-one had seconds. It was a ‘Japanese Cotton Cheesecake’ sort of a lighter healthier version of cheesecake (can cake be healthier??) . Easy to see why there are not many obese Vietnamese.

    Go for the cut Happy, good for your hair to have a regular chop! I enjoy a monthly tidy up and colour, always feels better afterwards…

    Day 15 was a non fast day. Started a WF at 6pm yesterday.

    It’s tough for me checking in at times when there is talk of delicious foods. πŸ˜‰

    Hello All,
    Lovely day with guests. They have just departed. We had a lovely walk along the coast and stopped for a cuppa. I cooked them skate in caper butter with veg for lunch, very small portions. Followed with fresh berries and yogurt.
    Marcm- I know how you feel about reading about food on a fast day. It’s tough and makes you feel hungry as do TV adverts. Keep a bottle of water close by for these moments.
    Happy- I always had short hair when I was teaching, mainly because of headlice risk and time for hair dressing. I used a home hairdresser, cheaper and more trustworthy.
    These days I have it long and mostly wear it tied up or French Plait which I do myself.
    I have a friend who uses clean rainwater to wash her hair, obviously she heats it up first. Her hair is certainly very soft and she uses a minuscule amount of shampoo. Like me she uses Aussie conditioner. As for cutting my hair, I just chop off a chunk myself, not worrying about strait lines as my hair is curly. Good Luck! Not sure about a shaved look, bit chilly for winter! You could try a hairstyle app. Shwarzcoft do one, you upload your face and overlap hairstyles.
    Nama- you are so right! Our cultural eating habits are very much linked to obesity.
    HCB- glad to party on your behalf. Luckily I live in an area where 60’s, 70’s and 80’s music is very popular. We love our tribute bands and fill the local venues.

    Is anyone else having to log in each visit regardless of whether they have ticked the box to be remembered.

    I have reported this technical fault.

    No Jo. But I can’t log in at all on my laptop, that I rarely use, even using the correct password. Have to stick to one fingered phone typing.
    Eating more this weekend, for no other reason than a cold snap. I still keep well within my wriggle room, just up a bit before another fast on Monday. Great way of life, this. ☺
    Sounds like a great house warming Nama! I hope your sleeping in this morning. P

    No problems here either Jo, haven’t dropped out lately!
    Hi Purple, I was awake at 7am, don’t seem to need as much sleep lately – maybe I am not as physically tired without lugging around all that extra weight? One of the guests last night owns a Strawberry Farm, so I am eating some new seasons beauties for breakfast! It was also a celebration of Jack (the poodles) new Doggie Door, he spent the evening demonstrating his delight!
    Some gardening today, we seem to have your warmer weather now…

    I’m the same Nama. Don’t get nearly as tired.
    We had only one very hot, 32 deg, day (Monday) then it plumetted…snow on the mountains, freezing winds. Where the heck is spring? I want to use my new 2 piece swimmers πŸ™„

    Morning All,
    Mild day today Purple but definitely not bikini weather. I will be swimming outside but in my new one piece costume. The heated pool makes it possible but getting in and out is done very quickly.
    Please report all logging in problems to tech department, they need to get the full picture of the problems.
    Nama- I often have a sleepless night but it’s usually linked to not enough fresh air that day, too much fluids or nervous worry before a big event. I like to spend at least two hours outside per day eg swim, garden, walk. Last night I was disturbed by stomach cramps, but ok this morning and had a long lay in so not tired. Yesterday was a lazy day as chatting with guests, when they left it was raining outside so an evening of television Strictly then Lord of the Rings DVD, watching the set again.

    More rain expected today so getting out now.
    Leftovers this evening – cold sea bass cooked with chilli dressing and salad, 500 cals

    No change on the scales today so fasting again. 5 day holiday starts tomorrow but at least it will be active. I have promised myself to avoid breakfast and lunch in the hotel. I hope I can be strong. I may have one G&T per evening but we should be dancing every evening. The hotel is known for its entertainment.

    Well Jo, the air temp ended up 30 and the pool temp 24, so I christened my new 2 piece. It was very comfortable. Blissful cruising around in the water again.
    We even had a few grudge matches of table tennis πŸ˜‰ A good Sunday. P


    I hadn’t thought about a hairstyle app, thanks for the tip! I know what I look like with long hair, but not short.

    Good luck with your holiday! That ‘I’m on holiday’ mentality is one that I’ve struggled with most of my adult life. Having reached my maintenance weight though, I think I’ve finally let go of the idea that I’ll be missing out if I don’t eat (and drink) anything and everything that’s offered to me! Only took 45 years πŸ˜€

    Well it’s a damp dark day here, although we’ve been having an otherwise beautiful autumn so I can’t complain. And there’s plenty to do indoors…cleaning, and laundry, putting away my summer skirts and shorts. And now I can get back to some piano practice and my knitting – there are some benefits to long winter evenings!

    I never go mad on holiday but compared to frugal normal living it’s enough to add those pounds albiet short term. But at least I am going away with a good attitude this time so we shall see if the resolve holds. Packing done so ready for the off.
    Hope the new hairstyle works out well, it’s always good to have a change. Are you changing the colour too?
    Purple- Great news! Swimming is so relaxing, real therapy, provided other swimmers dont cross your path of course. Table tennis is a good sport too, I imagine I will have a few games this week.

    Ha ha Jo, I’m not changing the colour…although the colour is changing! I’m watching the spread of grey, hoping to develop an interesting cruella de ville streak…

    Have a great trip. I’m sure you’ll be fine, you seem to be in a good place at the moment.

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