Happy I am indeed very low maintenance my beard and head is all over a number one clipper operation weekly so I actually buff the dome (head) as opposed to shampoo and condition with soap on a flannel or in some households a face washer 😉 I multi task and brush my teeth in the shower as well my youngest son on the other hand has every balm lotion face cream (acne fighter) man wash body lotion coconut water shampoo coconut water conditioner he will be 16 next Sunday his bathroom routine is very regimented correct lighting clear choice of music so the poor bugger down the street can appreciate those dovv dovv beats shaves and trims that one chin hair for what seems a very long time and totally enjoys the experience 😆 I cant remember the last time I shampoo and conditioned at home that said most likely the last Hotel we stayed at obviously one is required to use all gifts when paying for the privilege of having a bed to sleep in right?
11:04 pm
2 Sep 16