Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

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Lose 2 lb per week – join Jojo in this quest

This topic contains 16,527 replies, has 252 voices, and was last updated by  Bob23 11 months ago.

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  • Afternoon, all! Boy, am I sore from all that exercise last night and this morning! Not my usual routine, but just this once. Took a little nap after Pilates this morning, now spending the afternoon in the kitchen: fancy grilled pizzettas for dinner with a salad of arugula, piquillo peppers, toasted almonds and Parmesan sformata. Making 2 soups for a family party tomorrow, gazpacho and corn chowder. Unfortunately, looks like our beach day will be rained out, but dinner is on!

    Well of course I’m going to read all I can about what she or we could do, besides what the doctors recommend. Vitamin d for her has studies indicating best prognosis .

    But see I also read about orange pith , seems nuts, so other advice falls into the they know what’s best song and dance. Basically. I’m just wondering if she’s going to start fighting it rather than go with the flow.
    See my uncle, a very smart man IMO . Had cancer recently and his treatment plan was laid out for him.

    He discovered that the plan should have been reevaluated for success or failure. Instead of just following the plan. I discovered if he had. He would undergone treatment that would have negated a very important step of his treatment. He shared that story and I e er forgot it. Yes. Doctors are the besets bests of all time. However. , they can be busy juggling many other important matters and not always as vigilant as we ourselves should be.

    Ok. This is my third fast day of the week, and a second fast ay tommorrow. This is new territory for me. As I’m checking my sugars, and very hungry. So. Red kidney beans blended into fat free can of chili. 300 total calories worth. Vitamin water with a splash of coconut soda.

    Pedometer says 31,111. So I know I zapped some fat . I feel like I have narcolepsy though. I keep getting drowsy. And is time for a 20 minute nap.

    keep on Keepin on! I seemed to lose more when restarting after a break. Glad you’ve restarted if that’s what you really wanted. Glad for you.

    Good morning fast trackers,
    It was a great musical evening and our show went down a storm, we all remembered words and dance. We wore a flowing chiffon top and had tea lights fixed to our hands. We performed in the dark, it was very effective.
    Bad news, the only food available was burgers in buns. Seriously! I was starving hungry after my fast all day so ate one. Danced for most of the evening and drank only water so I hope I burned it off.
    I have decided to be anti-social this month and avoid meals and events out, hopefully I can then get some control over my food. At least I control my drink.
    Looking forward to more music and dancing today after an hour long walk plus I have all my housework to do and the dogs to walk, busy girl. I think I will be resting tonight, feet up and catch up on the Commonwealth Games.
    I have accepted my failures of July but intend to press on in earnest this month, 2 lb per week is definately back on the cards along with recording everything on fitness pal. Committed to a minimum of two hours physical activity daily, walking, yoga, badminton, dancing, swimming, kettlebell swing, skipping(5 mins only) whatever I am in the mood for that day. Of course drinking 4 pints of water daily. Weighing weekly on Sat mornings- start point 14st 2 3/4 which is up 2. 3/4 on 1st July( first increase in last year – damn these anti- histamine tablets and my own lack of control), it’s a wake up call, no doubt about it. I think I may ditch the nut and sultana snacks this month, I am sure I have been over indulging on these and not weighing or counting them. It’s not a treat putting on weight.

    Hi JoJo
    Not sure I would call July a failure for you.
    The way I see it you got to enjoy all those events and basically maintained weight.

    This I why I’m so chuffed on Intermittent Fasting . A new month and we just start in again.
    I’m struggling with my second fast day in a row. This morning as I have a lot of helpers about and donuts came out of no where. No one even knows about my fast day today. Just drinking a lot of green tea with lemon and stevia to sweeten.
    Will have 300 calories of beans for lunch.
    Haven’t made up my mind on dinner@5 300c.
    Beans or fish I guess because there’s no time to cook . Not that 300 calories is worth a lot of time or fuss.

    If you’re sore and rubbing on the soreness? Pushing sore muscle tissue towards the heart may help .
    Instead of back and forth.

    Thanks for the tip, SAMM. Not doing any rubbing, but if I do it will be toward the heart.
    Your performance must have been lovely, Jojo! What a creative idea with the tea lights on your hands! Perfect for the ethereal atmosphere you were trying to create.
    I am sitting at a coffee shop right now, having a latte and a pastry. Woke up wanting a treat, and I decided to give in. Will work the calories into my allowance for the day, of course! Sometimes a girl needs a donut!
    I almost always find the second fast day in a row difficult, SAMM, and the day after that as well. Seems to be more mental and feeling deprived for a longer period than physical hunger.
    Jojo, the good part is you are back on track, and you know what works. No doubt you will reach your goals for August.

    Good afternoon my friends,
    I have walked my feet off today, in glorious sunshine(15,497) but I will add some more now as my dogs waiting for a walk, too hot for them earlier. I walked from Margate to Westgate and back along the coast. Stopped for a cuppa half way, nice crowd of walkers, lots in common with them. We then visited the Turner Art Gallery and listened to the live music at the beach. Lots of West Indian people from London and beyond converge on Margate sands every year for the day in the sunshine or rain whatever?
    They bring huge hampers and barbecues, music and lots of rum/ beer but they have lots of fun and it is a spectacle for the locals to experience the townies.

    I was chatting to the walk organisers about my plan to organise a walk. I have to go on a training day to become a walk leader, need to do risk assessments blah, blah. I really fancy starting a coastal early morning walk( dog friendly). Seems there are lots of things to consider plus I need to get yet another security check done for working with adults. Not sure I really fancy all the red tape.

    Pity you don’t live locally Ply, I do a good (strong)massage. My daughter, son and his girlfriend always claim my skills when they are home. I haven’t had any training but I learnt from getting massages myself. Studying seems to cause the most problems, long hours at a laptop or desktop computer. Another friend who has ‘fibromyalgia’ always asks me to do a very gentle massage( more like stroking) as it gives her comfort when she is really suffering, horrible illness I really feel sorry for her.

    I have avoided all food temptation today, took fruit with me on the walk. I am determined not to eat any junk this month. Treats are for those who have earned them, like all of you. Being realistic and honest about what we consume is vital if we are to make progress. Yes Ply I will reach my goal this month, it is guaranteed even with my medication issues.

    The choir performance must have been good, there was silence in the audience throughout and no jeering from the usual crowd of chauvinist men. Our choir mistress was exceedingly complimentary and proud of us. My autograph will be available to close friends and family(Teehee). The video is hilarious because it was very dark, it actually looks like we have real flames in our hands. As for balletic, I think it was more robotic( haha) perhaps we should post it on u tube, might catch on?

    Ah well, rest over, dog walk beckons.
    Speak tonight after my lovely sea breem dinner – I can almost smell it!

    Hi SAMM,
    5 hours walking today 21,185 steps, don’t think I will ever catch you up. Boohoo

    Aftet lose to my goal I look forward to never ever taking another step . Its different to volunteer the waljing and yet anothet to do for hourly wages. The motivation and competirion is in my face and on the loud speakers if I slack. Trucker and checkets waiting on me standing still till put product into their baskets.

    the weight is coming off wether I fast or not.

    however I see it this way.

    I can diet and lose weight

    I can exer ise and lose weight

    but if I overeat. I still gain weight no matter how much I exervise.

    so my formula is to do maintain fir two weeks at 1 lb calorier restiction. And then two weeks of 2 lb calorie reztiction + exercise. Its about the limit fir me.

    today my hunger managment plan is beating me down.
    I got extremely hungry. But like micheal said in eat fadt live longer. . It get to a point and goes no further.
    I ate my 300 calories of mo

    Silly mobile

    I feel bettet after the beans. And planto go to bed afyer I get hungry again . Very happy to made it through. But was tougher than I thougjt it woyld be.

    Good morning fast trackers,

    My long walk and restricted calorie intake plus vigilant recording is paying off already. 1.5 lbs down today, hooray. I plan to kick the other ‘gained pound’ off today by limiting to 1000 cals and doing another 20,000 steps. Tomorrow I fast at 500 and do my usual busy exercise programme on Monday. I am really excited to see the scales in the 13 ‘s next week(not going back to 14 again). I can and will do this!

    Thank goodness for retirement, I finally have the time and energy to walk for hours each day in the lovely weather. It’s good to meet the new people in walking groups too.

    8 months to my final target of 10 stone, 7 lbs per month, it is a challenge for sure. Also I really will need to get another job at that stage but in the meantime I am putting together an advert as a dog walker and posting it at every vet clinic and small shop locally. That should keep me active and out of the shops. I also will keep myself busy in the evenings de cluttering and decorating (when I am not out having fun that is) you know me by now, never refuse a social evening or class to improve my fitness.

    Anyone think of a good business name? I was thinking – Alpha dog walking service or maybe just Jojo’s dog walking. What do you think – Professional or friendly emphasis?

    How is everyone else getting on? Summer is a mixed blessing, it’s great to be out in the sunshine but murder to watch others eating ice cream while you bite on an apple.

    Off to the shops to buy some berries to keep me on the straight and narrow.

    Speak later my slim, healthy friends. Keep drinking water guys, hydration is key to keeping hunger at bay, not bad for you skin either.

    I LOVE Alpha Dog for a business name!
    I am going to do 2 fast days today and tomorrow. Need a little detox, also have lots of prep work to do for course that starts on Wednesday, so busy days all around.

    Woke up as hungry as can be . Just plain ole oatmeal with cinnamon and stevia. Everyone wants me to go to buffet today cause my daughter told everyone that I’ll be hungry due to two day fast. I figured wife and daughter should of known , but anyone curious just comes around asking questions and being supportive . Then they talk about food. I was going nuts! Not stepping on scale until next Saturday at the end of this 12 days ADF. Glad it’s over. I think I can do it once a month. My sugars were in normal for me ranges.

    Walking Buddies
    Hope you’re walking service Is a joy! Perhaps you could have 3 routes. A short, medium and long route. Where you get lots of exposer. And tee shirts that promote you, because these days cell phones are ever present and if you’re number Is on your back . Just thinking is all.
    Hope you’re feeling better ply.

    Hi Ply and SAMM,
    Alpha dog walking it is, and getting T shirt done is a great idea SAMM. Fluorescent yellow might be good, really visible in the park or on the beach. Maybe even a safety tabard with a picture of a dog on it.

    Need to get some leaflets and cards done this week.

    Good couple of days for me, no junk, plenty of healthy fish, veg and fruit.

    I have just spent two hours pimping my woods( painting the dimples on each side of my bowls in red and blue alternating colours, they look great) they were a dull black colour before, some people buy coloured woods(balls) but they are very expensive.

    I cannot wait to play on Tuesday.

    Just been watching the summary of the Commonwealth Games, England came top of the medals, Scotland did fabulously well too. Loved watching Bolt too, brilliant games. Well done Glasgow for a fabulous games. Shame about the rain for some events.
    Those poor lady vaulters, I really felt for them.

    Hoping to speak to my daughter in New Zealand tonight, she is loving it over there, lucky girl.

    Have a good couple of days both of you.

    Ate at the buffet. Too replenish my vitamins and minerals. That’s my story and I’m stickin too it.

    We will back you up, SAMM! I did some stress eating today myself. 🙁
    Tomorrow is a new day.

    Jojo, your excitement is contagious!

    I’m happy though because my calories counting is getting good enough eat whatever I want in just the measure. The steak and lobster were great, but the asparagus dipped in sweet butter is unforgetable.

    I stll can’t believe I lose weight eating this stuff! 🙂

    Yes, i agree with SAMM. Follow this habit of Counting calories to know what kind of food you are eating. You should know how to locate a food’s caloric content and its serving amount. Comparing labels between different foods and beverages is vital for making the improved choices necessary to lose weight.

    Good morning fast trackers,
    It’s a beautiful day and I am feeling really good. Lost another 1 1/4 pounds so in the 13’s hooray! hooray! hooray – jumping for joy. This is of course where I was at the beginning of July but I have accepted that now. Today is a fast day and packed with activity so it looks promising for the scales next Sat. Sorry but I could not resist jumping on them this morning – pre fast check.

    SAMM and Ply – we need to find an alternative to comfort eating – any ideas?

    How can we re train our brains to take comfort in other ways. I am sure every person who has to diet has this weakness. Let’s do some reading Guys, we can beat this!

    Sympathy and support is all well and good but is it helping? I am not being harsh especially after the last month of weakness on my part. But this is the ‘key’ issue for our long term success.

    Ok new mantra – eating ‘too much’ is not a treat for your body, eating junk doesn’t help your healthy long life goals. We need brainwashing to cleanse these long term eating habits. We need a replacement activity that gives us the same satisfaction without the calories – ideas?

    Mine are:-
    Always carry healthy treats – apples, seeds, nuts, oranges
    Drink a glass of water every waking hour
    Breathing exercises
    Get an extra hour sleep every night

    I am going to start reading more about habit breaking today.

    Be good to your bodies today my friends – MIND OVER PLATTER(Teehee)

    Hi all,
    I was thinking whilst on the dog walk.
    How about a commitment to prepare five small pots to be taken everywhere with us daily that will help us stick to our fast or calorie control day. Each pot not to exceed 70 calories. They must satisfy our urges for sweet, salty, protein(boiled egg), crunchy etc. obviously we do not allow ourselves to eat all but just the ones we need which will prevent us from eating something not as healthy. Starting today with half an orange in slices, blueberries, bread sticks, sliced apple in lemon juice and almonds
    What so you think?

    Great news on the scales, Jojo!
    You are on the right track with the prepared snacks. Preparation is key for me, especially when I get stressed. If something healthy and tasty is ready, I will go for that instead of the easy unhealthy food. The combination of being busy and away from home, so no healthy meal or snacks prepped, and worry about this course coming up is what did me in yesterday.
    I got a lot of work done last night, so today will be a better day,. Fiber One breakfast, gazpacho for lunch, and Thai chicken salad for dinner. I will fast today, then Wednesday And Thursday. Those are teaching days, so it is easy to avoid food during most of the day. I will be staying at my mil’s apartment again, and I will pack healthy meals and snacks to take along with me to avoid temptation.
    Mind over platter, indeed!

    Hi Ply,
    Have a stimulating course and well done on the snack packing. I have found lidded individual ice cream pots are perfect. The ice cream eating does present a problem of course, luckily I already have some empty pots.
    My battery in my kitchen scales packed up today, just when I really needed them to pack my little boxes. Had to guess 70 cals worth. Three bread sticks ( 60 cals) are good for that moment when you need something crunchy.
    Dog walk, bowls and yoga done today now working on my Spanish until it’s time for dinner then badminton, no rest for the wicked. Your thai chicken sounds good. I don’t think we have Fibre One in this country, all our bran breakfast cereals seem to have added sugar.

    Did you know that ‘Fibre One’ contains ‘aspartame’ as a sugar replacement. This product carries side effects which cause headaches and stomach upsets. It’s not highly rated as a healthy food in the UK, maybe that’s why I haven’t seen it. I assume you have not had side effects?

    I did know about the aspartame. The cereal is only very slightly sweet, and aspartame is the last ingredient on the list, which means it is the smallest proportion. I eat it for the fiber boost for very few calories. Since I very rarely eat any artificial sweeteners and almost no processed food, I think the tiny bit of aspartame is okay for me. Thanks for looking out!

    I haven’t been getting all the posts on E-Mail so I had quite a bit to catch up on . This is such a brilliant way of life . I am glad all went well jojo . have you decided on a name yet? . SAMM I do hope your wife takes some of your advice . She must see how well you look in mind and body too .Ply I love the mind over platter lol .
    I have lost another 1 lb this week 10 in 4 weeks so I am over the moon .
    I bought myself new digital scales today and bottled water . I don’t like the water but I wanted the bottles to fill with tap water and keep it handy . I have been using pepsi max for so long but refused to by it today .

    It is funny but I was feeling so good in myself today ,when I went to the care home to get my Dad the staff nurse said ” you are looking really nice today”and My son bought me a lovely bunch of flowers ( the one who has CP and in his own home now ) so it ha been a lovely day .
    I am getting my head around myfitness pal too and that is another plus .

    Thank you all so much for the encouragement. onwards and downwards . sorry if my posts are a bit mixed up 🙂 .

    Im just stunned by my best friend get sick.

    for me diet isnt just about weight loss. Its about heakth and well being. I got lucky that I like fish and tea.

    Jojo I take comfort sometine in just eating the healthiest foods in ways that are tasty. ..

    Instead of just thinking less is enougj. I actually feel like im rewarding myself with healthy stuffs. Jumping jacks the same way.

    I love getting thinner but my biggest kick comes from eating the longevity foods. Even if it doesnt turn out as I hope to live another 50 years. Today I feel good that I tried .

    Glad to know you are on the case. I use prunes for fibre but admit they are high in calories. I put three in porridge oats and add water then cook, very sweet. Why not try it? I have boiled eggs for breakfast on fast days as my dinner is usually 320 cals I can afford to have breakfast again. I have porridge on non fast days now it gives me energy.
    You have a good attitude
    10 lbs in 4 weeks – you are an example to all of us. Glad you are having a fabulous time at the moment. Being happy is another key element for dieting success.

    I started eating the prunes after I recommended it after reading.
    They were on special so bought some . Eat them every other day on feed days. Now I practically crave these things. They are good for bones! At any age .if you want to grow really really old , but stay active. Healthy bones all along are essential.
    Was hard to do all the work myself that my friend and I always completed together. I used to bombard him with nutrition factoids just like I do on this thread. He would make sure I always saw him enjoying his burger and colas.well be great friends , but I’ll miss him sorely at work.

    Sticking with my red beans, dried blueberries , and lemon green tea.most of the newbies in lunch room freak when they see me eat the lemon peel. However in my defense I dip the peels cut a thin as can be in a dark chocolate dip. Usually get asked is the chocolate healthy?

    Uh. He’ll yes it is dark chocolate has 2/3 the amount of resveritol as red grapes! IMO fasting and resveritol.go together like friends on Fridays .

    SAMM I am one of those weird people who doesn’t like chocolate( I thank my lucky stars for this saving grace). Several badminton players noticed that I have improved significantly since I have lost so much weight, I was having rare evening of being on form, it’s a good feeling.
    Did I miss a note about your friend getting sick? What happened?
    Can they get a replacement, you shouldn’t be doing his work.
    Feeling hungry tonight so I am making herb tea and eating blueberries.

    He was diagnosed with a stage four cancer. I’m just stunned! I don’t think he will Handel it well. So he’s on my mind. Yea they have replacements. , but we were a good team adapting to the situations that make getting things done more like clockwork.

    Well chocolate as most people know it isnt good for us, but dark chocolate is an antioxidant and lord knows if you’re going for health food and dark chocolate is in the lunch box. I’m happy to share with others . Especially on feed days a small amount of dark chocolate is very satisfying. With something so delicious it hardly feels like I’m on diet at all. I mean it’s not like I ate chocolate ever day any way. 2-3 times a week I eat bar split over several days. In my lunch on feed days.

    Another fast day behind me 🙂 only two more for this week an month. I just can’t say how glad I am about finding what works for me. It started with 5:2. Then 4:3. Now I’m just focused on weight loss. Fat in particular. This is how 5lbs a month is looking for me.

    Monday 600
    Wednesday 600
    Friday 600
    Saturday 600
    Monday 600
    Wednesday 600
    Friday 600

    The rest of the month eat 500-600 below BMR on Monday,Wednesday,and Fridays . So the schedule is the same days every week wether fasting or calorie restriction.
    However I increase my exercise to 600 calories worth so that it’s still 1lb plan for the week.

    Should of waited to post this on Friday when I’ll weigh in at the end. Im very hopeful, but I know the scale can disappoint hoping it’s 214.

    My new neighbor is very nice. A busy body kind of elderly. She was delighted to play scrabble with us and drink my dandelion tea. She considers herself a health nut? So asked her how many carbs did you eat today? She couldn’t answer that question. So convinced her to download an app for her phone. I believe it’s very easy to get the hang of counting carbs , by tracking them on a mobile device. About 6 months and you don’t need the phone anymore.
    Snacking on a prune, and 3 dried apricots for my last 75 calories of the day.

    Sorry about your friend, SAMM. More incentive to stay on the straight and narrow with diet and exercise. We may not be able to prevent disease, but we can do everything possible to try. Like how you are spreading the good word to your new neighbor!
    Good fast day for me today, I was too darn busy to eat! Tomorrow should be the same, so it makes up for my bad Sunday.
    I eat chopped dried prunes in my cereal on non-fast days because of SAMM’s info a couple of months ago. Fast days I stick with blueberries. I would be very surprised if Fiber One is banned because of aspartame, Jojo…you have diet soda there, right? It has a lot more aspartame (Nutrasweet) than half a cup of cereal.
    Great news, Weemam! You are a star!

    Yes weemam is off to great a start. I wouldnt be surprised if the scale starts to slow though… as since this isnt starvation or crash diet. A slow scale is safe.

    For me I make sure my fast days and feed days are equally important. Especially last year when I first started the scale was very slow until I took my feed days seriously.

    When I stopped fasting for 4 months I did regain some weight. But when I looked through my journal I had very few. Negatives. And the negatives would apply to any diet. This intermittent lifestyle keeps me eating great food and when junk food happens all is not lost. Its the food on feed days that I can have what ever makes me happy. And fast when i feel up to it. I did step on the darn scale cause my wife Insists she weigh daily. Im 213. 61 lbs weigh loss.
    even I look I n the mirror and see it now. Hard to believe because I just ate a buffet a few days ago.

    So when I read your posts. Im inspired to keep going.
    But safely with my dr supervision. Appointment tommorrow. Just a check up.

    Hi Ply,
    Probably not banned just not available in my local shops, yes we have diet drinks everywhere but they have a very bad press in the UK, not encouraged at all for kids.
    Well done SAMM, sorry about your friend, goods news about your neighbour.
    Scrabble eh, not a game I enjoy, prefer crib.
    Be good everyone, off for my walk

    One of those days.

    busy busy busy.

    I cant believe its only 39 lbs to go!

    if I only lose 1 lb a week
    That will be some time in april . But im too chuffed to think about just 1 lb a week .

    6 years ago I started a piggy bank that if I ever got to 200 lbs I would start taking ju jitsu classes again. .

    Havent counted yet but its only quarters and scale says its 42lbs heavy. Hoping it will be enough. For a two years worth to get one of those belts. Yet another goal to get my visceral and subcantaneous fats into athlete’s body fat percentages

    You are a force to be reckoned with, SAMM!
    Tucking into a big Greek salad for lunch…so good!

    SAMM it has slowed down it was 5..3 1 and 1 this week . to be honest I am having problems eating enough BUT I am really happy with the way things are going and especially thee way I am feeling 🙂 . brilliant WOL xx

    SAMM I meant to say congratulations on the 61 pounds … brilliant and keeps me going too . xx

    Good evening fast trackers,

    What a lovely day, weather great, enjoyable walk to the lighthouse and back( 90 mins), winning game of bowls(2 hrs) plus dof walk in the shady woods(1 hr). Final result 16,188 steps – so met my walking goal today.

    Feeling good about life and diet at the moment but I seem to have booked quite a lot of activities and free time is premium. Now agreed to volunteer part time behing the bar at the bowls club for two weeks during a tournament, that should be both busy and fun.

    Folk week starts this Friday – should be good.

    Happy fasting my friends, I will be fasting tomorrow too.

    Sounds like a wonderful day, Jojo! Congrats all around!
    Just finished a second fast day, so that’s a plus! Haven’t done b2b in awhile.

    Good morning Ply,
    Well done you too, B2b was very successful for me with weightloss but I found I was non stop eating for the next couple of days so it negated the effect. Back to the original 5: 2 now and restricted cals on other days to 1200. Fingers crossed it will work, if not I will add a third day. Don’t fancy ADF again because it messed with the weekends, just not practical when you socialise as much as I do.
    Just off to bowls( in the rain) may get cancelled if it pours down. No problem, lots of housework to do here.
    Speak tonight
    Be strong all you Wednesday fasters, I am with you today.
    Avoid that platter it makes you fatter!

    Good evening all,
    I have had problems getting on this site today, have you?
    Bowls was cancelled because of the rain so we had choir practise for our next event in September. A charleston number ‘All that jazz’ with flapper dresses and feather boas, really looking forward to that performance. I did lots of paperwork and clearing out.
    We have a new anti cancer treatment and prevention of heart desease- aspirin 75 ml per day, according to research. They say it’s the second best thing you can do apart from giving up smoking. Of course it can cause internal bleeds or a stroke but the risk is deemed worth the life saving numbers. However anyone considering taking aspirin must get their Doctors approval and should be age 50 +. Of course they also recommend weight loss, healthy eating and reducing alcohol consumed.
    One of the parents from my pre-school is currently a participant on the ‘Great British Bake off’ tv programme, so I will have to ensure I see every episode. Great to cheer on someone you know. I can definitely say her baking is very good.

    I am making some cheese scones tomorrow for a bowls tea, not a speciality but I have a new recipe to try.

    Did you see the pictures from the Rosetta spacecraft of the comet, interesting experiment. They even plan on putting a landing craft on this moving comet.
    How long before we get a hotel up there? Not in our life times I think

    Ate too much for dinner tonight, chicken Korma with rice, fancied a change from fish, still feel too full three hours later. Incredible how my body has decided that starch and meat are too difficult to process in quantity. I am certain that

    Think I will have a cuppa and then an early night.
    Be good everyone
    Speak tomorrow

    JoJo I hope my quest to eliminate my risks of preventable death and age related diseases allow me to live long enough to see mankind on mars. I’ve always been fascinated with space exploration in the physical sense. The moon is too radioactive, so mars will be the ticket.

    I ate beans again , but had a coffee and chocolate beverage – choffee. Very bitter and when sip with ice Keepin me extended. About to sleep fir a few hours and on to a feed day. Only 1 more fast day and then two weeks of alternate day 600 calorie restriction days. Moving on to the exercise phase of the month.
    What I’m exploring or experimenting is to see if I go low carb, then start a two weeks of compound lifting. To see if my waist fat is being used. I can already squeeze into size 34 zipped and buttoned , but it’s just a measurement because it’s to tight to be comfortable. Would like to get to size 32 zipped and buttoned before going all in on abdominal strengthening.

    My understanding with asprin regimen is to take a break once every 6 weeks. Only to offset any long term issues. Also guessing should be taken with morning meal as opposed to no food just before bedtime. As it will lay in the digestive tract and cause weakness on spots over long periods of exposer.

    I miss my garden already 🙁
    My friend came back to work. I’m dumbfounded , he has more money than I’ve made in my entire lifetime.
    But really he seems so unhappy while working, just really stimed, and pissed off most of the time. Life’s too short. I’d be sailing away into the sunset.

    Stopped jumping rope and skipping as the bulging disc in my neck is barley getting better. I don’t need walking ,because of my work load. So I’ll be focussing on the compound lifts as Finnish putting my home in order. Yoga room not quite what I planned. Turned Into a tv room, but the exercise theme can’t be ingnored. 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40, and 50lb kettle bell weights around the couch. I use them to anchor my feet as I do sit ups from the couch.

    I think I found two before pictures 1 I’m sitting next to Ronald Donald fully clothed. And another that needs to be cropped due to nudity. Not full frontal though. Not that I want anyone to see the unclothed picture. But it’s a naked truth of picture. Why my wife took it I’ll never know. And I may just be a before picture for my wife and I .

    JoJo, re the cheese scones. My secret!!! ingredient is a small pinch of Paprika, (just a small pinch mind) along with the required amount of Mustard powder. (My 8yr old grandson makes and loves them). Then of course the wedge of ENGLISH BUTTER that will start to gently melt on the still warm scone….Oops I have just put a pound in weight on thinking about them.
    Talking of cheese, coming from Up North (East of England) one of my favorite treats is a slice of Wensleydale (Wallace and Gromit fame) coupled with a slice of the best fruit cake you have. Try it, fantastic. Another favorite is Stinking Bishop, fantastic taste but the smell!!! will keep the flies away. Oops, another pound just gone on.
    Good luck.

    JoJo58, re the cheese scones, I made a mistake with the Paprika. Ignore the Paprika, it is Cayenne powder I meant, (I have an Indian recipe on my mind).
    Good Luck.

    Good morning all,
    Well as suspected I overdid my fast day yesterday and put on half a pound, I guess chicken and rice are not for me. Back to fish, it just works consistently.
    Cayenne pepper sounds a possibility, I may make two batches, or even more if I burn them. That’s tonight’s project so I don’t head into the garden and forget them, fatal.
    Off to bowls practise now, then a long walk, loving this retirement lark, well until the bills come in – car insurance next, wonder if I should risk using my bike more, petrol so expensive.
    I will watch the calories today and maybe add an extra fast day tomorrow, before Folk Week starts in earnest on Saturday.
    Have a good day everyone, life on Earth isn’t so bad SAMM.
    P.s. I think your job is probably all the exercise you need what with the walking and the weight lifting- chill.

    Mmm, cheese scones!
    @samm, nudity and Ronald McDonald? You are one crazy guy!
    I ate too much for dinner last night, too, Jojo! Had dinner with my sister-in-law, brother–in-law, and niece. Grilled chicken cordon blue, grilled potatoes, and tomato salad. Reasonably healthy, just too much of it. It occurred to me afterward that serving family -style, with big platters and bowls of everything on the table, leads to overheating! I almost never have a second helping of anything at home, but if everything is right there, you almost do it unconsciously. I plate everything at home before serving, and what’s on my plate is always enough. More evidence for “The platter makes you fatter”!
    Away from the scales until Saturday, not a bad thing!
    Have a great day, all!

    So true Ply, the scones are not for me, that’s why I am making cheese, can’t resist sweet version. know your enemy.

    Doing well today, no breakfast and just a few prawns for lunch, sea trout and veg for dinner.

    Sun shining, bowls practise magical, off for a walk

    Hello friends,
    Really great day, lots of fresh air.
    Off to ten pin bowling now, not sure I have the energy but I promised to go.

    Still full after dinner tonight, I think I need to address my portion control, maybe I need to reduce further. Strange problem, not one I am used to dealing with to be honest.
    Anyone else feeling full. I do measure portions, I guess my body is finally telling me to get a grip and cut portions.

    Dealing with more mosquito bites but it seems everyone is having the same problems even when using 100 % Deet. I went into a chemist to get some anti histamine cream and they had run out three times in the last week. I bought hydro cortisone instead, hopefully it will deal with the inflammation. Seems to be doing the job. One of my friends at bowls hot 37 bites during a game on Monday evening. How awful.

    Still looking for a preventative, Weemam, what do you do up in Scotland where the midges are renowned.

    Two days to weigh in – feeling optimistic of losing 2 lbs – certainly done enough exercise – weekly step average over 15,000 per day.

    Speak tomorrow – be good everyone- oops I just remembered the scones, it will be a late night for me – cooking up a storm.

    Jojo we don’t get them in the towns . Mostly out in the country . I heard tea tree frightens them off . maybe worth a try xx

    Or an old net curtain over your head lol ( just joking 🙂

    Wee xx

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