Looking for a buddy for an emotional eater to start the 5:2 journey

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Looking for a buddy for an emotional eater to start the 5:2 journey

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  CameronsDad 10 years ago.

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  • Hi all

    I’ve been through a fair bit of yo yo ups and downs in my time, and been on a diet most of my adult life, I’m 40 this year and still 50lb too heavy.

    I now have a 3 month old boy and all of a sudden priorities have shifted in life so now it’s time to just do it.

    I’ve seen a councillor about my eating habits and I’m going through CBT at the moment so feel I’m on the right track but after watching the Horizon show tonight and done the BBC test, I have found myself being categorised as both emotional and a craver which means by their reckoning I need to do the 5:2 with peer support. Makes sense to me

    Oops, the first post was cut short for some reason.

    I wanted to add – I also have set myself a bit of extra motivation by putting £20 per lb in a box for when I reach my goal to buy something nice, maybe a spin fit bike or a treadmill for the house.

    So if anyone fancies joining me on my journey id love your company.


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