Lolly_ …. lots to lose, and everything to gain!

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Lolly_ …. lots to lose, and everything to gain!

This topic contains 330 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  Fuvvie 6 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 335 total)

  • Your post is making closet cleaning fun! Need to do it too. πŸ™‚

    Lolly, I cleaned out a dresser a few weeks ago…as part of my New Year’s resolution. Tossed a lot of stuff, listed a couple of things on eBay. VERY satisfying. On the the basement!

    Lolly, your thread is simply wonderful. I enjoy it immensely. You are a star! Thanks for a great reading and lots of Inspiration πŸ™‚

    Karen, I feel the same. I enjoy Lolly’s thread so much, and feel sad if there is nothing new to read.

    Lolly, What about another challenge – post at least once per day for your fun club?

    I’d have thought that watching someone lose weight would be on a par with watching paint dry, but who am I to deny you your entertainment? πŸ˜€

    You’re all so very kind with your comments! It’s the support we have here that makes all the difference. Each one of us walks a lone path but the intersections make life fun.

    I’ve been away for the weekend and am so glad to be back to a fast day. I can decompress and not have to even think about what to cook. There’s a lot of freedom in fasting — which is the opposite of what I expected when i first began.

    Over the last few weeks I’ve been testing myself with various levels of LCHF, searching for the — if you’ll pardon the expression — sweet spot. I didn’t mind strict low, but was curious to see how I responded at the moderate carb level with a greater range of veg and perhaps some fruit. My goal was to find a balance where I didn’t have to keep reinventing the wheel — where I’d be able to take it more for granted that my kitchen and menus would be safe.

    I’ve found that level, I think. I clearly felt more well at the lower end of carb intake. An apple was too sweet and I found that I didn’t really want it, but I had a feeling that if I had one too regularly that sweetness might become a problem.

    I’m happy with my choices. Chaos is not my friend. It feels a bit like dealing with a toddler: “Would you like the red or the blue balloon?” as apposed to the dangerous “What colour balloon would you like?” But in truth, my response to food has always been Terrible Two-ish: “I want it, and I want it NOW, and I’m not sharing!”

    I want nothing more challenging than choosing between kale and broccoli today. Hmm. Green balloon or green balloon… decisions, decisions….

    Ha ha, very good! I like this picture. Feels like a safe house, right? You can do whatever you want within the defined space and you don’t need to worry about a thing.
    I also thought about this a lot recently, as I want to make my new way of eating permanent. I do wonder what is sustainable in the long term? Here is my concern: If we get into a situation where we feel we are too limited in our choices, a rebellion might start inside us. We probably don’t notice it at first, but after a while it gets bigger and bigger and we might end up throwing the towel entirely. What we need is a good balance of limits and options. Not an easy one.
    I am still at the stage where I admire the many many options that LCHF offers to dieters. This morning, I had 32% fat cream in my coffee!!! It was so delicious πŸ™‚
    I set my carb limit on my app at 43% now, which is lower than I started (65%) but still allows me for the occasional fruit. I love apples, we have many apple trees in the garden, so there is no way I will give that up entirely. Still testing the carb level, though, as I am exercising a lot and might to add a few more carbs on the days ahead of a long run.
    All this testing and trying is great fun. Now, that is a funny thing to say about a diet!!
    Happy choosing, Lolly. I think you should go for the green one πŸ˜‰

    I agree completely about the dangers of feeling restricted, Karen. I also get rebellious! Diets always made me feel that way and even the best were doomed to failure because they weren’t built for long life. What I am building now is sustainable long term, because it’s not a diet — weight loss is merely an welcome side effect.

    I won’t pretend that weight loss isn’t my goal — it’s hugely important. But I was driven to try it again at this point because of the threat of diabetes. I didn’t want to have to go on medication. Finding 5:2 and then LCFH was the solution I needed. My blood sugar has stabilised and I have energy. I also have hope, because I can see a way into the future again that doesn’t involve feeling either deprived or rebellious.

    In a way, despite having a lot of weight to lose, I have the advantage of clear motivation on my side. This will carry me a long way. It’s not an optional case of wanting to lose 10 lbs. for a special event, or a summer bikini. I’ve seen what happens to people with uncontrolled diabetes — and it’s not pretty. But I’ve never before had the right tools, and now that I do — well, it’s exciting!

    You’ve used the magic word: sustainable. If we spend some time now doing our research and testing, we will create a food plan which will be our new normal. We lose weight. We eat well. We enjoy life.

    Pure win.

    I found out that the longer I am on that plan, the less often I have the rebellious mood. Eating less, fasting regular, avoid sugars and bread really gradually becoming the way of life.
    Still not eating chocolate waffles. I hope that you, Lolly, still walking 30 min. every day.

    I am indeed still doing my 30 minutes, coldpizza, and kudos to you for keeping your promise as well. This is impressive stuff!

    Another Wednesday Weigh-In, but no weight loss to report this week. Not a shocker, as I suspected that might be so because of the experimenting I was doing with carb levels. Disappointing, but it was worth doing just to be SURE — and I am that now.

    Curiosity was more than satisfied. There is no lingering doubt about whether I can be a little more lax — I can’t. Fact is, I don’t want to be, either. I really didn’t feel as well. Not physically, not emotionally.

    One good thing I noticed is that unlike a diet where one small step off the narrow path would signal the end of sanity and the beginning of a binge-athon, I was able to keep this in a bigger context. I was looking for answers, not an excuse to jump ship.

    This change in attitude has been the most welcome surprise in my 5:2 journey so far. I wouldn’t still be here if it were only about a physical goal. I’m in new territory here and I’m just going to enjoy where the ride takes me.

    Mind you, I’m still only human — I want those lower numbers, too!

    We’re strange creatures, we humans. We resist change, yet adapt to just about anything. Crisis can be an opportunity, even if it isn’t much fun at the time.

    There is a scenario so many of us keep describing. We feel stress, we eat carbs, we feel temporarily soothed, we crash, we feel stress, we eat carbs…. Followed by self-loathing and despair.

    If I were to substitute “heroin” for “carbs” would the pattern be any clearer? It is a pattern of addiction. A desperately miserable way to live.

    My addiction is to carbs in general and sugar in particular. For me, there is no safe level of sugar. Period. There’s no “a little bit of what you fancy does you good”. When sugar is in my system, I crave constantly and want to binge until I am sick.

    It’s not a question of willpower, intelligence, or moral fibre. Some of the most brilliant people I’ve ever known have been alcoholics, powerless in the grip of a drink.

    I am not drawn to alcohol. Cigarettes failed to snare me. I can’t imagine doing drugs. But sugar? It excited every cell in my body and I had no further to look for a fix to cope with stress. Cheap, legal, socially acceptable — and deadly to people susceptible to its charm.

    The only answer for me may seem too drastic for some and unnecessary to others. Something along the lines of “I can have a drink and not be affected — why can’t alcoholics just stop?” translated into food terms.

    The sugar had to go. The high carbs had to go. My body simply couldn’t cope with them. They made me sick, then I wanted more. Being denied my sugar only made the torture worse and the inevitable binge longer, so giving sugar up seemed impossible.

    And yet — I did. And the voices of craving are completely gone.

    We are all different. We’ll find solutions to fit ourselves. I do not presume to know what will work for anyone but myself, but — if any of my experience resonates with you, I will simply say that LCHF eating has changed my world. I hoped to improve my health by eliminating the sugar, but I also expected to be white-knuckle fighting it for the rest of my life. But to my great joy there’s no fighting at all. No desire for sugar or binging.

    Seek out help for the emotional issues. I did, and it was tremendously enlightening. Ultimately though, understanding the issues only got me so far. I had to move from my head to my body. With sugar in my system, I just kept banging into the same wall.

    No cure, but a solution. I can live with that.

    Good morning Lolly πŸ™‚ I’ve just been reading the updates. I’ve been off the site for the last few weeks, and havent fasted at all. I’m back on it today.

    I agree with you about the emotional issues, that is a lot of my problem. Once that gets easier to deal with, the other stuff will fall into place. Definately not a cure, but a solution.

    Stay strong, you’re doing great!

    So good to see you, Dragon Fly! You are here because you see something that works. We approach weight loss from so many angles but we all want happier and healthier lives. Beyond that generalisation is a world of paths, one of which is yours.

    It seems odd when we don’t do what’s best for ourselves — why wouldn’t we? Why deny ourselves health and happiness? Why punish ourselves? And how do we turn that around?

    I’m one of those stubborn people who doesn’t change unless forced to. After I do, I invariably wish I’d done it sooner! But each time, it’s the same. Inertia, it seems, is my norm. So, I have learned to see my pattern and recognise when change is due. I still resist the process but it helps me hold on through the bumpy ride because experience tells me I’ll feel better once I’m on the other side.

    Eating for emotional comfort is a coping mechanism which appears to work well — at first. It makes us feel happy and forget pain. But for the more susceptible of us, it’s a trap. We do not develop other solutions. We don’t solve our problems, we eat to feel better about that, which creates the additional problem of obesity, stress and anxiety increases, but our only source of feeling better has become our poison.

    We’re not stupid people — we KNOW being fat isn’t good for us. After years of dieting, I knew the nutritional content of everything and fully believed in the low-fat mantra. Yet I was binging daily. It was clearly my fault for failing. Certainly my doctors, family, and society at large thought so. There seemed no hope.

    The last couple of months have been a non-stop learning experience. 5:2. LCHF. Insulin resistance. Reversal of type 2 diabetes. Once I realised that there IS a solution for me — everything shifted. Finally, my stubbornness can work FOR me! I won’t let up on this now.

    Different problems, different people, different solutions. But we can all find answers and support here. Bloody amazing!

    Karen, are you trying LCHF after all? I seem to remember that you said you thought it wasn’t for you.

    Lolly, your thread is the equivalent of watching color changing nano paints dry – exciting patterns emerge and the many different colors make the reader very happy while the slowness (is that a word?) of the process calms her and puts her in a meditative state. πŸ™‚

    Can I ask you how you resolved emotional issues that you coped with through binge eating? Did you get counselling or just talk to friends? Just don’t answer if it’s too personal!

    So, now it’s official — I AM as exciting as watching paint dry! My life ambitions are fulfilled.

    It was an thoughtful compliment — thank you, Austrian. You put things so well and make me see it in my mind. A writer’s gift.

    I don’t mind answering your question at all. I did get counselling using cognitive therapy and found it highly effective. I already knew what the issues were so I didn’t need years of Freudian analysis! It’s a very practical therapy and in a few weeks I had the tools I needed. It was a good fit for me.

    There was no way I would have spoken to friends about any of these issues. My position always was that there was nothing wrong with ME. Of course, that just added to the isolation and to comfort eating, but it seemed better than the alternative.

    Once again, I wished that I’d done it years ago, but we do what we are ready to do. I’ve used it a lot in adapting to new food patterns and letting go of beliefs which no longer serve me well.

    Wednesday Weigh-In slightly delayed this week but I am delighted to report another pound given the heave-ho.

    Due to a family issue, I will be away from home and may not post much for a week or two, but I remain committed and strong. Whatever happens, overeating won’t be a solution to anything.

    Be well!

    Lolly, glad you a) sent off a pound packing and b) found the right sort of counseling for you. I agree, it is much less sensitive to talk to an outsider & professional, friends and family are sometimes just too, I don’t know, close to oneself.

    Best of luck for the next two weeks, I somewhere read that those people who have a very cognitive approach to things best succeed in permanent weightloss, and you seem to be what Wodehouse calls “a very brainy sort of chap”, so I think you’ll find a better solution than chocolate, however stressful the situation may be!

    We will miss you here, come back soon. πŸ™‚

    Hi Lolly, hope everything goes well & you will return in good spirits πŸ™‚

    Austrian, indeed, I said that LCHF is not for me. Because I just couldn’t see myself without any carbs. And the idea of restricting me in my food choices didn’t appeal to me at all! But I guess I was so impressed by what Lolly said about having no cravings anymore. And I had my cravings on both FD and non-FDs. Sometimes more and sometimes less. But it never all came easy to me. I had to discipline myself. Restrict my desires. What Lolly wrote sounded easy. So I tried it. Very carefully at first and now I am in full ketosis for a few weeks already. Love it! Feel full of energy, always in a good mood, can feel my body humming along while living well from all the good fats I am eating. I owe Lolly loads!

    It is no longer a diet for me. It really is a new way of living. Because it is no hardship at all! No fighting with temptation anymore. I am finally at peace with all the food out there πŸ™‚


    It is more than 2 weeks now. We are missing you!

    Thank you so much for the kind messages. I really missed this connection and am so happy to be home again, in every sense.

    It’s been a chaotic couple of weeks, but I expected that. I did my best to surf the waves rather than fight them but my batteries need a serious recharge of alone time!

    I didn’t even try to do any fast days, and I modified my carb/fat intake to a moderate level. I waved the magic word “diabetes” when anyone approached bearing sugar or snacks, so that helped tremendously.

    The bottom line for this Wednesday Weigh-In: no weight loss BUT also no weight gain. Considering what I was surrounded by this past fortnight I’m claiming a victory.

    Back to business! I welcome this FD with open arms.

    Happy fasting Lolly! So happy you are back. πŸ™‚

    It is so exciting to see this story covered in major UK papers. I am far from alone in my recent experiences of low carb living. It is brilliant to see such a large group of people going against standard medical advice and proving it wrong. Diabetes can be prevented and reduced without medication, simply with a change of diet — as my own test results have confirmed.

    As I was catching up on my favourite threads on the site I was struck by the fact that I was even doing so.

    In the past, after staying with other people for a visit, I couldn’t wait to get home — to binge. I was always “good” when in the view of others but my suitcase would be heavy with chocolate (nice and quiet for midnight feasts) and I’d be plotting my shop for binge foods on the way home. It would be days before I’d resurface, sick in body and soul.

    This time, after a couple of weeks staying with family under stressful conditions, not only did none of that happen but I came straight home and jumped into the fast day I’d been planning for a week! Then right into strict LCHF today with such a feeling of relief.

    Wow. Wow. Wow. Can this really be ME??

    All those years with a sugar monkey on my back. Everything I thought was unchangeable — has changed. As a person who thought she was independent, it’s humbling to see just how much our thinking is controlled by what we consume. And addiction of any kind is a terrible thing. There may be no cure but there IS a solution. I’m proving that to myself, every day.

    It’s so good to be home!

    It is so peaceful to be fasting again today. I feel like I have my own life back once more.

    And I just thought of some non-food benefits to add to the list of things to cheer about:

    1) food bills MUCH lower,

    2) shopping time drastically reduced, and

    3) fewer dishes to wash. ALWAYS a good thing.

    Lolly, you make me smile with your cheer list. I will add those to mine. πŸ˜€

    Fasting today as well. Was reading some of your anti-sugar posts on other threads’ and so glad (and proud) that I did not eat doughnuts today in the office (Today is a national doughnut day in USA, and our boss is always bringing a lot of doughnuts to celebrate). I did benefit list for NOT eating doughnuts :
    1. My insulin resistance is getting lower.
    2. I am losing my fat
    3. I am avoiding major binge by not eating doughnut
    4. My weight is going down right now

    Still it is hard to be peaceful knowing that there are still some doughnuts left. I hope that I staying strong until they are all gone. πŸ™‚

    Wait. National DOUGHNUT Day????????

    I do not have words…

    Loved your benefit list and you definitely have reason to be proud if you stood strong against that much temptation all day. You may have a case to sue for employee abuse… πŸ˜€

    Dear Coldpizza, National Donut Day defies belief. You would Do your Nut if you indulged in such a destructive food fest. Well done to come up with such a great benefits list. Donuts are guaranteed to undermine the best of intentions. Isn’t it extraordinary how food can do our heads inπŸ˜œπŸ€”πŸ˜–πŸ˜«
    It is the most glorious sunny day here after over 200mls of rain yesterday. The dam at the bottom of our yard is sparkling like thousands of diamonds. I’m also very happy after weighing in at 113.6kgs. That’s 10.3kgs gone since 29th April and I’m tripping. Who needs drugsπŸŽ§πŸŽΌπŸŽ‰ Dr Fung’s bone broth worked a treat last night but I have to admit to having more than one cup. Not sure how many calories in a cup of broth but shouldn’t imagine there would be too many. Off to have more broth for breakfast. Good luck to all those fasting today. And forgive my spelling of doughnut. Couldn’t help myself.

    Well done, Fuvvie — brilliant results for you! I am also a huge fan of Dr. Fung and his generous sharing on fasting and LCHF.

    I’ve been making changes to my food plan as I’ve gained knowledge or was willing to let things go. I went searching for answers this week to get myself back on the downward path and realised that I’ve been making a common newbie LCHF error — too much protein.

    Part of the mind shift into LCHF means putting a big black X through most of what I thought was true about healthy eating. Eliminating sugar and starches was a no-brainer. Reducing carbs made sense. Adding fats — hello butter! But I didn’t have my eye on the protein, and too much of that will affect weight loss. No ketosis.

    Adjusting and fine-tuning is bringing me closer to where I want to be. It’s also sustainable, and this is essential since I want a food plan and not a quick fix. Diabetes is no joke, and I’m not going back there.

    Fortunately, on LCHF, there’s no desire to do so. Cravings are gone, and I feel full and satisfied. My scales are telling me good news again so I’m a happy Lolly. πŸ™‚

    I agree with you: the broth is really helping me too. I am too lazy to make it, so use pre-packaged one. It stated only 20 cal/cup. I have several in case of emergency. It is really filling and distract from other food. I bought dry sea weed, and put a little with the hot broth. It is also very low calories.
    No problem with donut or doughnut – I spell it both ways too. πŸ™‚

    I must thank you for your continue posting on refined carbs evilness and emphases the benefits to avoid them.

    I congratulate you both on your success! Keep it up!

    Thanks, coldpizza!

    This is Wednesday Weigh-In, and I’m so excited to report the dismissal of 4 — count ’em — 4 pounds!

    The refinement of my food plan seems to have done the trick and I think I’ve done enough experimenting to know what works for me now. I’m happy doing 16:8, with 2 24-hour fasts. I’ve tried different levels of LCHF and strict is where I feel best.

    I just staggered in from the shops where they had coconut oil, butter, extra-aged cheddar and bacon all on sale. An LCHF dream come true! I think I appalled the entire check-out queue…

    This 4 lb loss is extra special because it takes me below 20 stone for the first time in I’m not sure. This weigh loss is no fluke. I finally know what to do, and I’m going for it all the way.

    Lolly, fighting refined carb evilness — everywhere. πŸ˜€

    19 st./12.5 lb.

    Lolly_ What great news !! weight loss is always good !!

    I also when I buy butter, bacon and pork, all look at me with a strange way …. it will take for people to know that fat does not hurt!

    You said that adapted well LCHF? with time you will see that it becomes increasingly easy and natural not consume carbohydrates.

    Happiness to you and many kilos off

    Congrats on new lower weight!!!

    Lolly really glad that you are doing so well. You’re an inspiration. πŸ™‚
    I re-downloaded Amanda Stanhope’s ‘I can make you thin’ – it’s a gentle listen audio assistance …. encouragement that ‘You deserve it’.
    Years ago that advice was really meaningful to me. Perhaps it is to a few others too! (It’s an audio file that you can play on your smartphone and v cheap to buy ! I think it was Β£1.69) Pound Sterling.
    I don’t see ‘fast days’ as Fasting – although a ‘fast route to my better health’ is to me a better way to interrupt it… however I see the ‘reduced eating days’ as that. Fasting to me sounds depriving and negative. So a Reduce Day seems a little more encouraging ! ? πŸ™‚ Just my way of being ‘me’ and I hope success! πŸ™‚

    So kind of you — thank you, coldpizza, Anaide and AuroraMagic. I am still so excited about this weeks results! Hope yours are just as positive.

    Anaide, bem-vindo Γ  minha casa. It’s so nice to see another LCHF person. One by one, we shall convert the world! πŸ™‚

    Welcome, AuroraMagic! You are so right about choosing words. “Fasting” for me is a time of reflection and renewal so the word doesn’t trigger anything negative. However, “diet” sends me off the rails — even though I quite understand the scientific use of the word. A β€˜fast route to my better health’ sounds very encouraging so “reduce” away happily!

    My philosophy is to find what works for me and support others doing the same for themselves. As you have already found, this forum is a goldmine of information, experience, and encouragement. And being “you” is all you’ll ever need.

    Congratulations Lolly. I can see that getting under 20 stone is a milestone for you and you deserve to feel fantastic about that. I think you have hit the nail on the head in recognising that high levels of protein are also guilty of raising insulin resistance and making it more difficult to shed the excess kilos (or stones and pounds). I have always eaten an excessive amount of meat being a total carnivore. You would think I would have changed my habits as dad died of stomach cancer and I take after him more than mum. Slow learner but the message is finally sinking in. I find it harder to cut down on the meat than giving up sugar and refined carbs.
    I have started having real cream in my coffee (Vienna Coffee) as straight black coffee can be very bitter. And I’m now permitting myself to eat triple Brie guilt free. I look forward to seeing where this takes me.
    I too love”the fast route to my better health” but I love my fast days as well as they take the necessity to make choices away. No decisions have to be made and once I get the taste for something, that awakens cravings. I am so grateful for this website and these wonderful threads. All the best everyone.

    I just started rereading your thread from the beginning. It is so true that people notice you are losing weight and comment on it and that becomes the point where we self sabotage and fall off the wagon. Austria alluded to it when she said that she looks in the mirror and likes what she sees. I too have done that in the past. Mark Stevens, a psychologist who wrote Think Slim, said that we are moving away from something we don’t like, which is a negative state, instead of thinking of moving towards something like a strong, healthy fit sexy attractive person of such and such a weight ( put whatever you like in there), a positive state. The further you get from the negative, the less pull it has on you and hence the falling off the wagon. If you think about moving towards something positive, you reinforce the efforts you are making to get there and keep your goal in sight. Food for thought?

    πŸ™‚ Yeah for sure ! ‘Imagine yourself Slim’ was written by ‘err someone’ … ! πŸ™‚
    But the principal of thinking how you want to be provides ‘self-interest’ in achieving that purpose. πŸ™‚
    God I hope I stay this positive! πŸ™‚

    Saw this on another thread and wanted to post it here for future reference — Michael Mosley’s article in The Telegraph:

    It won’t happen all at once, but the message is getting out and I’m so excited to see this public change of awareness. How much suffering could have been averted if the low-fat bandwagon hadn’t dominated the scene for the last few decades.

    Thank you, Fuvvie — yes, breaking that 20 stone barrier was a real psychological boost. I know it’s only numbers, but those milestones give us focus and something to aim for. I’m already squinting down the road to spot that 18 stone something!

    I find it really helpful to use an online site to maintain my carb/protein/fat ratios daily. I hadn’t been a huge meat eater before but as I reduced carbs my protein did go a lot higher. Adjusting that back to a moderate level seems to have had a good effect. I remain open to making changes as the need arises.

    After you mentioned re-reading my thread I went back to that post. It’s particularly relevant as I’m going to a family birthday party tomorrow. I have to say that I have a lot more confidence now than I did then. I’ve cleared the menu ahead of time and arranged to bring any extras I might need. My food will look perfectly normal, minus dessert. And because my emphasis is on health and not vanity, I can take any comments in stride.

    This time, weight loss is a very different experience. I’m not clinging to the cliff’s edge, starving and knowing I’ll have to fall off eventually. I’m on solid ground, feeling full and well, and knowing in every part of me that this is how I can happily live for the rest of my life.

    Aurora, keep doing what you’re doing and that positive won’t be leaving!

    Hi Lolly,
    Thank you for sharing your journey.

    I started back in March and after an amazing start have been floundering terribly the last couple months. I think I need to give up sugar too – it’s just too hard to lose weight with it still in my system.

    Reading about your experience I am going to do at the very least 3 days with no sugar and see how my cravings decrease. Hoping the cravings go away and I can finally get off the roller coaster of addiction to sweets.

    Thanks for the inspiration and happy fasting!

    Sailed through the birthday party. A gathering about people and not about what’s being served — what a novel idea!

    Being prepared made all the difference. I am finding true liberation in planning ahead each day. I can focus confidently on what I CAN have and ignore anything else.

    Not so long ago, I would have thought this restrictive. I was all about the freedom of choice, being open to 24/7 eating. What’s life without treats to make me feel better? But being a slave to sugar is no freedom at all.

    What’s changed? First, the sugar had to go. Although I thought I was, I wasn’t making good decisions with sugar in my system. After three days of withdrawal I began to improve and only then was genuine freedom of choice possible.

    “Possible” is important here. It’s not “three days, I’m cured, let’s eat!” It just meant that my body was clear and I had choices to make. I had a chance to make some good ones. I didn’t want to go back, but how to move forward?

    Withdrawal, uncomfortable as it may be, isn’t the hard part. The actual mechanics of weight loss are fairly simple. 5:2 combined with LCHF works for me. But facing up to living a life without my drug of choice — sugar — meant dealing with the issues I’d been eating to avoid.

    As long as my “problem” was obesity, I could ignore everything else.

    We talk a lot as humans about wanting to be free but our definitions can be a little vague. Is it my 2-year-old self’s “I want what I want and I want it NOW”? Or is it the power to set goals and find creative ways to enjoy the journey towards them? Given the freedom to grow, do I embrace it or run back to my familiar cage?

    As my health improves and my perspective shifts, I see doors I couldn’t see before. It’s my choice to walk through, or not. Every day, I will make choices until they become such habits that I don’t even see them as choices but as normal routines.

    I salute your courage and I wish you well on your 3 days without sugar, Melinda. Followed by the joy of a real life without it.

    When I read about Melinda’s 3 day without sugar challenge, I remembered that I am also in the 90 day challenge from April 18th – without chocolate wafers. I was addicted to them, and now I don’t even remember that there is a challenge going on for me. πŸ™‚

    So Melinda, You can start with 3 days, and then continue until you actually forget about refined sugars. πŸ˜€

    Lolly, How is your 30 min per day walking challenge going on?

    It’s funny you should mention it, coldpizza. I was thinking of that just yesterday — as I was doing my 30 minutes of walking! I have kept to my pledge, but had almost forgotten that I’d made it. It’s just what I do every day now. And that’s how good habits are formed. πŸ™‚

    I’m so glad it worked for you, too!

    Hi Lolly, so good to read from you. Congrats on your weight loss. But what is this loss compared to your whole new live and attitude? I am so happy for you πŸ™‚

    It is such a great way to eat and live. Thanks to you I can also enjoy this and I am still doing fine as well.

    Just had a salat (only with greens and some mushrooms) and lots of olive oil for dinner. Followed by some cheese with large chunks of butter. Dessert was a mascarpone with almond butter and cream. I enjoyed every little bite of it. Am now satisfied, full and happy. Yum. No more appetite for anything else. Well, maybe a bit more butter with cheese later.

    I had to get used to eating this much fat though. Was careful first. Now I am still amazed about the amounts of fat I am eating. But it simply never shows on the scales (as long as I keep my carbs and also the protein down!).

    Indeed, I also noticed that I know think about what I can have instead of what I cannot have. I keep asking myself whether I’m missing out on anything. If it comes to food, this is a clear no for me.

    There is one little downside and that is the wine. As soon as I drink more than a glass, I don’t lose any weight, or even gain some. Guess that is because alcohol is treated by the body as sugar. So while my white wine has hardly any carbs, it is still slowing down ketosis. So hardly any wine anymore, which is a real shame. Because the water and coffee I find a bit boring. Oh well, nothing is perfect πŸ˜‰

    But I try to tell myself that ketosis is like a very cool drug – really, it makes me so alert, awake, happy, grateful, stable (with regards to moods) – guess some people would pay a lot for a drug that makes such promises!!

    Do you also have muscle cramps at night? Am already taking magnesium and do have a broth at least once a day. But they still wake me up quite often in the morning. The books say that this goes away once fully adapted to ketosis, but I am still dealing with it. Grateful for any advice.

    all best


    Great to read your posts and ideas…!

    I am on day 3 1/2 with no sugar. (woo hoo!) I used your trick of telling folks it is on doctor’s advice to cut out the sugar, worked like a charm! And it’s true….

    I am due for a fasting day soon, but decided to cut out sugar first and give myself a chance to adjust before doing a fast day. I should be ready in the next day or two.

    I doubt I will ever get really happy about not having sugar, but the craving and obsession feels much less at this point. I know if I start again it will be near impossible to stop so I will continue for as long as I can.

    Interesting you mention muscle cramps Karen – I had unexplained soreness last night after no significant exertion so I wonder if I need some magnesium. Which book are you referring to?

    I can understand about the wine, Karen, even though I rarely drink it. (Make that “never” now.) There are some things which really can’t be replaced by an equivalent so you have to be creative to find a good substitute. There’s nothing that replaces a pint of bitter or Guinness, either! Perhaps, once you have reached your goal weight, a little white wine can be acceptable again. It’s not evil in itself, it just slows the weight loss we are focused on right now.

    Sorry to hear about the leg cramps. I never got them, but I was aware of the possibility and took the advice of drinking a lot more water and taking extra salt. I began using a magnesium supplement this week only because my intake was on the low side from food. Other advice says to increase carbs a bit if neither of these remedies work, so I hope the water and salt does the trick!

    It delights me to see how well you’re doing on LCHF. And you’re right: we’re getting from food what people would pay a fortune to get in a pill! No-one who hasn’t tried this really believes how good this feels. I certainly didn’t.

    Well done, Melinda! Now the fun can begin. You do right to be gentle with yourself. 5:2 isn’t going anywhere, so prepare yourself, and have a fast day when you’re ready. Be scrupulous about checking labels for sugar. Even better, just have real food so you know what’s in front of you. It’s all about discovering what works best for you, so pay attention to your reactions as you try things on for size. My own plan is still evolving, as I change. This is not a programme of rigidity! I look forward to reading about your experiments and, of course, about your success. πŸ™‚

    Wednesday Weigh-In is here and I’m excited to report the dismissal of another 3.5 lbs!

    That this was achieved without a single moment of feeling deprived in any way is something I wouldn’t have believed without experiencing it for myself. I know this much weight loss won’t happen every week (though a girl can dream) but I’m enjoying the moment.

    19 st./9 lbs.


    Today marks three months since I first found this forum. What a lot of change since then! I am so grateful for the inspiration and support I have found here, for the kindness and acceptance. I thank you all.

    What I was seeking was a way to lose weight. I found that, and so much more. 5:2 gave me a way to think about my choices and be mindful when making them. Being restricted has never worked long-term for me, so this freedom to create my own plan has made all the difference.

    I knew I didn’t have another “diet” in me — and I’m not on one now. I’m eating real food that I love, inside a LCHF plan which works for me. This plan will evolve as I do, and I can see a way forward for life.

    Have I given some foods up? Certainly. But only the ones which were endangering my health. I don’t miss or crave them at all. I have pulled back from being diabetic and can maintain that through food alone. This to me, is little short of miraculous.

    Three months of learning, of discovery and recovery. Life is good.

    Melinda, here with me it’s similar – terrific start, floundering now, and I am also convinced it’s a lack of discipline when refined carbohydrates are concerned. I rarely eat sugar any more and didn’t eat any for more than 1 year, and I can only say for me it greatly reduced cravings. So give it a try, for longer than three days if necessary!
    Sending you a (mental) big box of encouragement,

    you are such a voice of reason and kindness, it is so refreshing and encouraging for me to read in your thread – whatever else you do, keep posting please!

    And how wonderful that you seem to be getting along so successfully and how this doesn’t feel like a diet for you but has seamlessly integrated into your everyday life and everyday choices!

    Big hugs from me!

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