LittleDragon & friends: 2 months in – going strong!

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LittleDragon & friends: 2 months in – going strong!

This topic contains 1,641 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  Jenki2 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Morning all.

    Another day from hell at work. Exhausted after working 15 hours yesterday and Monday. Horrible expectant bosses. Would love to win the lottery so as to never have to come back to this place!

    JF I have also decided to fast today – not had anything to eat yet, just herbal tea and water, and so far it’s fine. Sometimes I prefer fast days to non-fast days because on non-fasting days, the flood gates open (LIKE YESTERDAY!) and I just keep eating. Not good.

    Planning on keeping my calories for the evening like I did on Monday, and have a nice dinner tonight. Not going to push myself if I can’t manage it though, and have food in the fridge if I decide to have lunch.

    Anyway wishing you all a good day! enjoy the sun if you can! xx

    Great stuff JFitzy!!

    fingers crossed for you 🙂 yes Sicily is gorgeous, my dad emigrated to France in the sixties and that’s where we were born but we used to go there on holiday every year, how I miss those days!!!
    then in 1983 I decided to come to the UK and the rest as they say, is history 🙂

    have a fab day!!!!!!!!!! xx

    Hi LD – sorry to hear work is still a pain. Hopefully it will be better next week. I know what you mean about non-fast days and going overboard so I am being ultra careful on my non-fast days. it is a new month I have started really well – all healthy eating this week and I am only going to have one day of treats at the weekend instead of 3 (ha ha) x 🙂

    Thanks JF, that means a lot. Good for you for starting this month off well. I can’t say the same for me I’m afraid! Well, to be fair, I’ve only had one day of normal eating so far this month… oh and the weekend when I wasn’t particularly good and was just eating brownies (did go to the gym and do a run though.. does that make it better?) I find pushing through work on a fast day to be quite motivating in a bit of a perverse way, I’m not thinking about food all day because I’m so busy. And at least once today is over, I’ve finished my fasts for this week and only got two more days of this horrible working week!

    How are you using your calories today JF?

    Hi LD I am going to have my trusted turkey stir fry tonight but I am saving most of my calories for that and I am going to have a couple of oranges now to keep the wolf from the door 🙂

    Ooh I just remembered LD your weigh in is this Friday – I cannot wait to hear how you have done. I bet you it will be more than my pesky 2.5 lbs ha ha xxx

    Afternoon girlies!

    LD so sorry to hear about your day at work 🙁 hope it improves for you..

    just been for another walk, its very mild and no need for jacket 🙂 I know I shouldn’t go on about the sunshine when everyone is at work, sorry guys! I will be working sunday so it’ll be my turn then 🙂

    have a lovely pm and stay strong fasters, you’re doing great xx

    Angie remind me are you weighing in on 28 March with me? I think you are but just checking. Lucky you enjoying the sunshine – I hope it will be good weather at the weekend 🙂

    Hello JF and Angie

    JF – well remembered, I am indeed weighing this Friday – although I’m considering whether to do it tomorrow morning instead because I’ve fasted today and and Monday.. literally only just thought of that. What do you guys think?

    Angie – thanks – today isn’t as hectic but I think I’ll be in for another late night which is slightly depressing.

    I’ve not had anything to eat today yet and haven’t really felt hungry. Perhaps I’ll make saving my calories for the evening a regular thing… xx

    morning ladies! Jenki, I’ll be fasting with you tomorrow. Today someone brought doughnuts in to work again and as I am not fasting I had one. (actually 3/4 of one – someone else must be dieting as someone had cut 1/4 out of one, so I had the rest of that one to shave a few calories off). It was delicious.

    LD I’m sorry your work has been so hellacious. What kind of work do you do if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve often said it’s too bad stress doesn’t burn calories. If I were you I’d do the weigh in tomorrow since you will be just post-fast. I weigh weekly and always do it the morning of my last fast for the week. Nothing wrong with stacking the deck in your favor a little. 🙂

    Angie I’m jealous of your sunshine. I’m so tired of cold and snow, I can’t wait for spring!

    Hi there everyone!

    yes JFitzy it sure is the 28th, I will defo weigh in then 🙂

    LD if you want to weigh yourself instead of tomorrow then id say go for it, not sure one day will make much difference! you are doing real well with your fasts 🙂
    very glad your day isn’t too bad but I hope you will not be there too late either, good luck hun!

    have a good afternoon peeps 🙂 xx

    LD – yes do weigh in tomorrow if you fancy it. That is what I did last week as I have been fasting earlier in the week so weighed in on Thursday instead of Friday.

    Angie – great glad to have a fellow monthly weigh in friend!

    Hope you are all having a good day – roll on 5pm! 🙂

    Thanks for your feedback ladies, appreciate it, I think I will weigh tomorrow morning in that case!

    I felt like I needed something to eat having not had anything all day and just had half of a Warburtons with some ham and laughing cow cheese. I think it’s just under 80 cal for that. I’ve also got Hartley’s sugar free jelly, I think it’s 6 cal.

    Kilda – I’m a lawyer – this would explain my crazy hours 🙁

    Afternoon gang!

    hope you are all ok and fasters are going strong 🙂 Kilda I am sending you some sunshine your way, hope you get it soon!!

    LD now I understand why you work such crazy hours 🙁 hope you are ok and well done on your fasting today, oh and I love those jellys too 🙂
    so now if I ever need a lawyer I will know who to go to hehe!!

    Take care everybody, the day’s nearly done, hang in there xxxx

    Hello Angie – haha, you do indeed – the toxic working environment makes sense now!

    In for another reasonably long night tonight I think, sigh!

    Never mind… tomorrow it’s Thursday! xx

    Hang in there LD!

    Hope its not too long for you now… And as you said tomorrow is thursday 🙂
    Take care and have a good evening xx

    8pm and dinner at the desk… hope to be out by 10 tonight though, cross your fingers for me guys! xx

    Hilly here checking in late 🙁

    Excellent effort on the fasting girls – I’ve been fasting today too has gone well though did have the hungry shake wobbles this afternoon at about half three, fortunately there was nothing edible near by and it did eventually pass.

    Hmmm LittleDragon am liking your thinking on the weighing front – maybe I’ll join you for an extra boost too :-), rather than waiting ’til Sunday! You’re doing incredibly well stress makes our blood sugar levels drop through the floor, so it’s very hard to then not eat, because it’s no longer a matter of will power, but a primal instinct to eat!! Only 2 more days to go and you can breathe a sigh of relief 🙂

    Am in an odd situation I have 101 calories left and have had my meals for the day – don’t quite know what to do!!!

    Anyone fasting tomorrow – have a good one.

    Kilda – sending you some warm spring sunshine, tweeting morning birds, with a bouquet of snowdrops and crocuses xxx

    And evening from me too girls!!

    LD hope you get to go home soon now, gosh, you must be wacked poor thing 🙁
    Hilly66 how about a low cal hot choc with your remaining cals? Options are really nice and lots of flavours to choose from, and it makes you feel like you finish off the fast with a nice choccie treat 🙂

    Nite nite fab fasters, well done to all of you who fasted today!!! Have a nice night xxx

    Thanks Hilly66 – I feel like I’m crawling to the weekend – well not even – DRAGGING myself to the weekend, willing the days away. I am exhausted. Can’t wait to go home (probably about 10.30pm at this rate).

    Treat yourself to a little piece of chocolate or like Angie said, Options Hot Choc – I like the Belgian chocolate the best!

    Thanks Angie for thinking of me – your messages are always so kind. I feel a lot of support from this forum.


    You are very welcome LD!

    So sorry you have to work so late, not good 🙁 have a good rest when you get home, not long to the weekend now!!

    Chat tomorrow, with new look forum, cant wait lol!! Have a lovely evening 🙂 xx

    Hello ladies – how are we all today.

    Angie – I have a confession to make (eek)! I had such a big birthday weekend (Thursday to Sunday) that I had a sneaky peek on the scales this morning as I thought I may have done a lot of damage but OMG – I cannot believe it I lost a quarter of a pound since last Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise I will be not weigh in again until Friday 28 March I was just curious to see how well 5:2 actually works if you have had a badish week and it really does 🙂

    LD – did you weigh in today – I am dying to know how you got on. Also I am so pleased for you that it is FRIDAY tomorrow so you can have a rest after your hellish 2 weeks.

    Hope everybody else is doing well and happy fasting to all who are doing it today x

    Morning all!!

    lovely to see our new shinny new look forum 🙂
    JFitzy you little cheat lol, but whoohoo well done lady!!!!!!!!!!!
    LD hope you are ok today, and like the others dying to find out how you got on with the scales, come on tell us 😉

    have a good afternoon peeps, hope its a sunny one xxxx

    Ha ha Angie you are right! I have to say I did feel bad and in fact jumped on the scales, thought better of it and jumped off again but when I looked down it had already registered so I saw the result (hee hee)! Anyway it has given me a great incentive to be really good over the next 3 weeks and to behave myself at the weekends (only one treat night this weekend me thinks!).

    Speak later x 🙂

    Hey JFitzy its great though, so well done again!!

    just goes to show, 5.2 works!!!!!!!!!!!! have a lovely afternoon, am sure you’ll be grinning all day hehe 🙂

    LD hope you are ok hun? check in soon! xxx

    Calling LD – where are you? Hope you are not too snowed under today and that those bosses of yours didn’t make you work all night again! x

    Hello ladies – I was trying to get onto the forum this morning to catch up with you all but it said it was down for maintenance for ages and I couldn’t get on.

    Thank you for thinking of me, it felt really weird not being able to log in and to catch up with everyone this morning. I wanted to tell you all my results as soon as I knew them!

    So here we go… I am down 4 pounds! It was really nice to see the scale this morning. I know weight loss has slowed a bit since the first 4 weeks of doing the 5:2 but I had a feeling that would happen (as JF had experienced and I’ve seen others say that).

    Overall, since Jan 13, I have lost 12 pounds. I am really happy with that. It’s my birthday in two weeks so if I am able to lose another 2 pounds by my birthday and make it a stone in total that I’ve lost since starting, I’ll be really really happy.

    Thanks so much for your support everyone!

    PS I had a thought as I was walking to work this morning – what if I were to give the scales up for lent!?!? and then not weigh in again until Easter?! (apart from the day before my birthday…?) thoughts, anyone?!

    Enjoy the sun! And good luck to all those fasting today! xx

    JF don’t worry about cheating on the scales – at least it was a good result!
    Angie – thanks so much – I feel pretty happy with the overall picture, especially when I’ve known I’ve had blips along the way both with feeling I’ve eaten too much chocolate and dealing with work stress. Thanks to you, JF, Hilly55, Kilda and everyone else who has encouraged me! Let’s have another great month! xx

    Sorry I should have said that’s 4 pounds off in 3 weeks – not 4 weeks – because I cheated for the first week and set myself the date of end of this week to weigh!

    Hilly – how has your weigh in gone? Look forward to hearing how you’ve got on!

    morning all! LD congrats on your loss, 4 lbs in 3 weeks, and 12 lbs totatl, that’s great! 🙂

    Well done LD that is fantastic news!! Good on ya girl 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Now you know that you can have some chocolate without feeling guilty and still lose weight.

    If you can give up the scales until Easter Sunday I will be extremely impressed it would be a great achievement. I think I will still do my monthly weigh in (not counting my SP this morning) as I do like to have some idea of my progress on the scales.

    My new target now is to lose another 19 lbs by Thursday 5 June which is 13 weeks from today. It works out at an average of 1.4 lbs per week. I think I can do that it I start my running again now that my knee seems to be better.

    My weekend starts a bit earlier as I am leaving at 4pm today. Have a great weekend everybody if I don’t speak to you all tomorrow x x x 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Afternoon all!!

    LD whoopwhoop, well done you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! way to go now, brilliant results and what a better early birthday present for you 🙂

    hope your afternoon goes well, and keep grinning , you deserve it!!

    enjoy the sunshine if you can xxx

    Hello Kilda, JF and Angie – thanks ladies, your lovely messages are really really appreciated – I feel positive about how I am going to stick to this way of eating and as the weather gets warmer and my hours get less crazy, I intend to pick up a bit on exercising outside, which will be nice.

    JF – have a lovely weekend – goodness, I would love if my weekend started at 4pm on a Thursday! Take it easy with the knee and wear a support when you’re running – and I would make sure you’re wearing shoes from a specialist running shop – my other half has problems with his knees and he has been told about the importance of supportive trainers!

    Angie – thanks so much! 🙂 and thank you (as well as the others) for always encouraging me – even when I slipped up! You’re a ray of sunshine to have around.

    So – mini goal – another 2 pounds to lose before my birthday.

    Half way goal – a total of a stone and a half by 1 May (I HOPE that’s do-able given that my weight loss has slowed down). That’s another 9 pounds in 9 weeks – I think that’s realistic.

    Ultimate goal – to have lost a total of two stone overall and keep it off!

    Here’s to the next four weeks! 🙂

    Thanks LD – yes I have proper running shoes and a knee support (I sound like an old granny :)) as I was doing really well with my running until my injury. I was in physio for 6 months and have been told I can go back but to build it up very slowly.

    This is lovely running weather so a great time to get back into it.

    I know you will lose that 2 stone (same as I want to lost) as you are doing really well.

    I wouldn’t normally leave at 4pm but I am going to a big dinner at the Mansion House tonight so have to to home and get ready (v. exciting!!) 🙂

    Awww thank you LD!

    hope everybody is doing well on this sunny afternoon,JFitzy good luck on taking up your running 🙂 oooh that dinner sounds grand, enjoy!!

    take care fab fasters so much inspiring results at mo, love it!!!

    have a sunny afternoon xxx

    JF have a wonderful dinner and thank you for the encouragement – we will get there! WE WILL! Here’s to many more success between now and our target goal. It sounds like we’re currently around the same weight!

    Angie – good luck with your fast tomorrow but I’m sure I’ll be checking in anyway.

    The sun seems to have disappeared! Where’s it gone!?

    hi all – anyone else fasting with me today? I’m feeling extra puffy and chubby thanks to the time of the month (sorry for the tmi). I find that I’m actually more comfortable not eating when I feel like this so it makes the fast a little easier.

    LD I think I have your sunshine, but it didn’t bring much warmth with it. Still not above freezing out there. Come on spring! I have no motivation at all to exercise currently but am hoping that when it’s warmer, and also gets light earlier, I can find motivation to do a morning walk with one of the dogs before work. Till then I’m just not going to worry about exercise as the motivation just isn’t there and I don’t feel like forcing myself.

    Hi Kilda – glad to hear that it’s a little sunny – but hope it warms up soon, I don’t think I could deal with so much cold and snow! Like you said, don’t force yourself to exercise if it’s freezing outside and you don’t feel up to it. It’s always a lot nicer to exercise when it’s warmer.

    Evening fellow fasters!

    LD hope your evening does not drag on again for you, fingers crossed! Kilda LD is right, no point doing any kind of exercise if the heart isnt there, did you check my 10 m workout on an earlier post? Quite easy and leaves you feeling really good but not all hot and sweaty and puffy lol!! But a walk with the dog is good too, i walk my two twice a day for about 30 m each time 🙂

    Have a lovely evening everyone, fasting tomorrow, am sooo ready as i ate far too much rubbish today grrrr

    Take care , a demain! Xxxxx

    Evening everyone,

    hope you’ve all had a fabulous day.

    I made an extra special effort to get up early this morning to find out all the news, only to be met with the site under maintenance notice!!! Bah!!!

    Fantastic news Littledragon – see you can do it even with all of that stress! 🙂

    Just a flying visit off out in a second!! I have lost 3 1/2 lbs since our last weigh in brining my total to 11 lbs in 9 weeks! I have made it to the illusive 10 – allbeit the 10 stone something club, am very happy with that!!! Not sure where I want to end up but somewhere healthy for my height, am currently 10 11 and a 1/2, maybe aim for 9 and a half!! Will just see how it goes.

    Love to all of you and TTFN 🙂

    I haven’t checked that one out yet though I do plan to. I can only do a long walk with one of my dogs – the other one is a little elderly and a long slow meander to the end of the block is about all he is up to.

    am I the only one who finds fast days a bit of a relief? It’s easier just not to have to think about food for the day.

    Back now, that dinner sounds divine – hope it’s with excellent company too. Shame we can’t post pics, you could post a picture of yourself looking fab 🙂

    Afternoon Kilda, glad the sun has finally made an appearance for you, hopefully it will warm up soon too. Not sure what’s worse endless cold or endless rain, we’ve all had difficult weather this winter! I agree with others don’t exercise ’til it feels right for you.

    LittleD hope you’re not still at work but if you are at least there really is only. one more day and you’re done. Reward yourself with something of a non edible nature, maybe go back and swap that skirt for the 10.

    Well night all and Good Morning since I doubt I’ll catch up tomorrow morning.

    zzzzzzzzzzzzz xxx

    Morning fab fasters!!

    hope you are all ok, well its not quite sunny here today but it should brighten later!
    fasting today so I have been keeping myself busy with walkies, workout, house chores… tummy is telling me feed me and I am telling it to shut up 🙂

    who’s fasting with me then? lets have a good one peeps!!

    have a lovely day xxxxxxxxxx

    Morning all – hope we’re all doing well, where is the sun?! Apparently it’s meant to be 17 degrees on Sunday in London, yay!

    It’s my last day of hell – I cannot wait! Although I am expected to work this evening and weekend too…

    So, I thought I would just give a little update – because originally I had earmarked today March 7th as weighing day, I thought it can’t really do any harm in just having a quick.. check.. shall we say – and I’m another pound down, bringing my total in 8 weeks to 13 pounds down.

    I am really really thrilled – just one pound away from a full stone, which I had originally planned as my mini target for 1 May.

    Hilly66 well done on your loss and thanks for being my weighing buddy! Let’s have another great 4 weeks, we can do this! My eventual goal weight is around the same as yours as well.

    Kilda I’m the same as you, sometimes I prefer fasting days to non-fasting days because there’s no deliberation over what to eat.

    Angie – I’ve misplaced the receipt for that dress so perhaps I can’t exchange the skirt! But perhaps I’ll try anyway – if it’s a straight exchange hopefully they don’t need the receipt.


    Well done Kilda!!

    I am sure they will exchange the skirt for you, I don’t see why not, go for it 🙂

    ALmost a stone down, wow, you truly are inspiring, before you know it you’ll have to get a whole new wardrobe 🙂

    have a good day, hope it won’t be too stressful for you, not too long now!

    Lets have a good one and enjoy the sun if you can! 🙂 xxx

    Morning all – I don’t check in for one day and come back to a redesigned forum and loads of great news!

    Well done LD, Hilly66 on your weight loss that is fantastic!

    Kilda – totally with you on fast days, so nice not to think about food and is such a relief to just get on with your day!

    Angie – hope Pete has settled in well.

    I am fasting today and fasted yesterday, have had to do 2 days in a row due to a terrible week of travelling, hotels, late nights etc. Feel ok so far and am going to weigh in tomorrow. Haven’t weighed myself for a couple of weeks now so hope to see some positive movement. On a brighter note my trousers are really quite loose now.

    So my mini goal was to lose another 2 pounds so that I would have lost a stone altogether so keep your fingers crossed and send positive vibes my way.

    On a brighter note only a week until my holiday – yippeee! Have a great day everyone!

    Oooops so sorry LD!! got all muddled up with the names, please forgive me!

    of course I meant you lol about the skirt, apologies Kilda!! grrrrrrr my brain is a bit foggy on fast days hehe!

    Thank you Jenki for asking about Pete, he is doing quite well, some of my girls are veering for his attention, his colours are just amazing, the lady who sold him to us does a lot of shows and he has won quite a few awards 🙂

    the little four new hens are running around happily too, cant wait for them to start laying though!

    well I am fasting with you today, good luck with your weigh in tomorrow, I bet it’ll be fine 🙂

    lets do this, have a lovely day xxx

    No worries Angie – it is difficult to keep track! Sounds like Pete is doing really well. My mother’s friend has hens and the eggs they produce are the best – far better than supermarket bought ones!

    Jenki2 well done with doing back to back, it is tough but I am sure you will manage.

    Angie & Jenki wishing you both a great fast day!

    Thank you LD!

    yes the eggs are amazing, my colleagues at work love them 😉 often I get some larger ones and they don’t fit in a standard box lol!!

    have a lovely day everyone!

    roll on 12 o’clock 🙂

    Hi Angie, and all fasters.
    Good to hear pete is doing well,
    Always look forward to reading everyone’s posts, I have been on 5,2 for six weeks and I have stayed the same for last 3 weeks can’t seem to get any weight to move,
    I have also been trying to give up smoking for the last 6 weeks, im down to 1 cig a day but I can’t seem to get off it,
    Will keep trying with both lbs and cig.
    Any suggestions would be great I would like to see some movement on the scales
    Has anyone else found doing both at the same time is difficult,
    Fasting today. Good luck to everyone.

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