LittleDragon & friends: 2 months in – going strong!

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LittleDragon & friends: 2 months in – going strong!

This topic contains 1,641 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  Jenki2 8 years, 12 months ago.

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  • LittleDragon – Grrr!! How annoying! Did you make any comment back or did you manage to hold your tongue?

    It would be lovely if everybody could just go about their business without questioning other people’s food choices!
    The trouble is, food is such a major part of our day to day lives; it’s no longer seen purely as fuel for the body!

    The fridge and kitchen area at work are actually within sight of my desk, so I get so observe the eating habits of our entire office…. I could say a hell of lot about my colleague’s diet choices if I was that way inclined!
    But I don’t. I keep my mouth shut. It’s none of my business what or how much they eat, and I wish they would afford me the same respect.

    Speaking of work, I’ve had a few very stressful days of it lately! I work in a theme park and we re-open for the new season at the end of next week, so everything is now GO GO GO!!
    My food choices have left a little to be desired… I keep finding myself at that ‘grab whatever you can and shove it in your face’ stage, and it’s leading me on a dark path!

    My chocolate cravings have gone through the roof! I mean they are serious, unstoppable, unquenchable cravings. One piece is not enough. I have actually continued to eat chocolate until I feel a bit sick. Usually that would be the signal for me to hold fire for a few days, but my cravings are going nowhere. I have no real desire for savoury foods at the moment, JUST CHOCOLATE!! I’ve no idea where this has suddenly come from…..

    Hopefully I can just get through this week without too much damage, perhaps hit a reset button on Monday.
    Swimming again tonight, so that should leave me feeling a little more positive.

    EDIT: I’d just like to clarify – I haven’t denied myself chocolate at any point since starting 5:2, so this can’t simply be my brain making up for 3 months worth of no chocolate. I really don’t understand!


    sorry it’s been a mad couple of days!!

    CB is the chocolate craving being caused by a blood sugar drop maybe? Try having a few nuts or something like that handy and eating them instead! I know they don’t hit the spot like chocolate but worth a try. Sometimes I kid myself that chocolate brazil nuts are a better option on account of the brazils!

    I went up 2 yesterday bit mystified as felt thinner but sometimes that happens so suppose I’m going to yoyo a bit around the stone and then suddenly have a bigger shift (well hear’s hoping anyway!!). Still planking; it has been relatively easy so far but have only got to 40 seconds!! Today is a rest day, think it is going to start getting harder!!

    Am fasting during the day tomorrow because we’re going to Smith and Western (American Wild West style place) for my son’s 12th birthday.

    Hope the rest of the gang are doing well.


    A bit disappointed today as weigh in showed I have stayed the same for the third time. Did really well this week too and didn’t go over TDEE, in fact stayed well under. Didn’t succumb to cake treats at all and kept fruit intake at a reasonable level. OH delighted as he dropped 1.75lbs this week. He’s now just 2lbs off his target. Well done! Did you all watch the BBC programme about sugar last night? Scary eh! These manufacturers and producers are slowly poisoning us and no-one seems to be keeping them in check. Think the only way is to totally boycott them, like that’s going to happen eh! Seems like kids are weaned off milk and straight on to sugar these days. Thank goodness I don’t crave sweets or chocolate of any kind, the odd piece of cake once a week, and after feel bloated and wish I hadn’t had it. Pastry is my downfall, although I’ve stopped making it now and just have that as a treat it I’m out for dinner. Better get organised for the day – long walk I think, beautiful sunshine and clear sky for eclipse. It wasn’t a full one here in Dundee, but went a bit dark and really cold. The TV coverage was fantastic and will def watch that later on. Happy days everyone, onwards and downwards.

    Had planned another fast day yesterday but didn’t quite work out that way. Beautiful day – went to Perth and walked along the riverside. Passing our fav restaurant discovered they now serve lunches so just had to try it. Great food and service at Deans. Totally blew the cals but delicious. Crazy but after checking actually stayed under TDEE, just had stewed fruit for tea and was full all day. May try for another FD today. Weather not so good but will try and get a long walk in this afternoon. Have a great Sunday all

    Hello everyone,

    3TL your lunch sounded wonderful, that’s the beauty of this WOE, it’s so flexible and doesn’t sound like you did anything too terrible anyway. So frustrating that your weight isn’t moving but it will eventually, measure yourself if you haven’t already often the inches change while the weight remains resolute.

    Am not feeling too well today, cold with a horrible headache to go with it! So have had a day at home! Am fasting as usual; it’s been okay. Am looking forward to dinner, I made Hot Hungarian Goulash from the cook book yesterday and am looking forward to having it with spring greens and other veggies.

    Had a good moment yesterday in Next. They have a mid season sale on, was looking for some trousers for work (everything I have is very baggy now!!), saw a suitable pair in an 8. So I took them to try not expecting them to fit but they did!! Think I was about 22 last time I was in an 8!!!

    A few of us tend to fast on Mondays – how are you all getting on?


    Hello everyone, hope the scales have been kind to you this week and all the aches and pains are going. Wow, Hilly – Size 8 eh? you must be near your goal weight by now?
    Unfortunately, the scales have stayed the same for me again! Can’t seem to get moving yet am staying within my cals and exercising religiously. Aqua fit today as pool is closed tomorrow, feel shattered for some reason today, Usually feel full of beans so taking it easy this afternoon. Hail storm raging outside so not going out for a walk today.
    BTW – some kind person posted on the forum a couple of days ago about aqua fit. (I’M going to rant now!) This person said the pool was full of fat people, wearing jewellery and makeup, jumping up and down to loud pop music. Well I agree – the pool was full of fat people, but these people are some of the most courageous people I have met. They had the courage to put on a swimsuit and get some exercise that can only do them good. Some of the ladies are in their eighties and one is nearly 90! Lets not forget we are all on this forum to lose weight and get fit, and support one another. Jewellery and makeup, who gives a — as long as they are doing something to help themselves, not expecting the NHS to pick up the pieces when they are ill. Jumping up and down to loud pop music. Sure, but you can do it in water and not jar those fragile knees, or irritate the sciatica, I couldn’t do in the gym what I do in the water. And the music is great, takes me back to the seventies and eighties when I was 1 stone less than I am now and able to jiggle my bits with the best of them! Maybe Aqua fit isn’t for you (you know who you are!), but don’t knock it for everyone else. (Rant over!)
    Sorry mates, had to get that off my chest, which now measures half an inch less than last week. Also my thighs are 1/2″ less too. Must be all that jumping up and down in the water!!! Happy days

    Gosh, where is everyone – hope I haven’t scared you all away with my rant!!!???
    1/2lb loss today. 1/4lb for OH. No change on measurements.
    Def going for another FD tomorrow. We are out with friends for dinner tonight so wine, three courses, cheese etc will be coming my way. Have to do something soon to get into my white trousers for hols. Def not size 8 Hilly! Running out of time now!

    Good Morning all. I know what you mean Click about people commenting on every aspect of you when you lose weight. Some (in the minority) are really nice and complimentary but then you get the not so nice, usually people who are overweight themselves. I wonder how they would feel if I commented on how much weight they had put on in the same way e.g.

    Ohh, you are looking too fat!
    Your face is really plump
    Your legs look like tree trunks
    When are you going to stop this silly overeating?
    You will make yourself ill

    Happy fasting everyone!

    Oh dear – don’t know what’s going on with my body at the moment. Did a third FD yesterday to balance the overeating on Friday night, and guess what – increased by 1/4lb! I am sure now that it’s the throat sweets I’m eating. 135cals and 30gms sugar for 5 sweets that I have been eating each day and not recording! So – now the sweets are gone we will see what happens. My clothes are def looser and my love handles have diminished. I actually have a waist now and my bum is not as rounded as before. I cooked the Tikka Marsala Lentils from Mimis book last night. It was delicious though very hot and more than enough for me. Didn’t sleep well last night though, think it might have been the spiciness. At last found something to help sleep – PUKKA Night Time. Totally natural aeuverdic(?) Has been working till last night. Very cloudy and dull here in Dundee so don’t think we’ll manage a walk today. Plan on trying on my holiday clothes today to make sure they still fit. Happy weekend everyone.

    Afternoon all

    Apologies for my silence. How is everyone doing?

    I only managed one fast last week but have been keeping up with exercise – ran twice and did a circuits class. I haven’t weighed myself in a while, last time I checked I was 10.5 which was a few weeks ago. Hoping that the next time I weigh, I will see some decrease. Weight loss has been quite slow recently, but going to stick to my fasts, exercise and hope to see some more change as the weather gets warmer.

    Will probably weigh in on Thursday morning to keep an eye on things.

    Have been eating what I want a lot recently and not being as careful as I was on non fasting days which may explain why I don’t feel any different. I will be better after Easter!

    How’s everyone else doing?

    Yehh! 1.3/4lbs off the scales today after being on a plateau. Proof that if you persevere with this WOL you do get the rewards! Happy Easter All!

    Woo hoo well done TTL that’s great news 🙂 It definitely does pay to keep persevering!.

    Sounds like you’re doing well too Little D – IF truly is amazing 🙂

    I’m plodding along, haven’t weighed recently and I think maybe I have gained a bit, but my new small clothes still fit so feeling ok. Have been doing the 30 day plank challenge to see if it makes my stomach look any better!! Am on day 20 at the moment and holding a plank position for 150 seconds!! It’s difficult, not noticing a huge difference to my tummy – think maybe the loose bit will remain as a memento of my chubbier days!!

    Had a family funeral on Tuesday so have only managed one fast this week!

    Have a great Easter Weekend everyone.


    Cleaning out freezer yesterday found a small pack of bacon so treated myself to a ‘fryup’ for brekky. Two rashers bacon, grilled with large tomato. 1 egg poached and a teaspoon of tomato ketchup, 220 cals. Less than my porridge and fruit. Not that I will be having fryups regularly, but it’s a nice treat that’s not rocking the boat with extra calories. No chocolate in this house for easter, but the hot cross buns are calling to me. Might have one and freeze the rest (they are packed in 4) If they are in my face I will eat them.
    Determined to get down to 10 stone for my hols. (4 weeks to go)
    Well done Graham for your loss. I’m amazed given that you seem to have lurched from one programme to the next. Your poor body must have been giddy. Remember this is a way of life, and something that must be doable for the rest of it to keep the weight off. Go easy on yourself and your body, and give it time. It took a long time for the weight to go on, it will take time to get it off, but 5:2 is remarkably doable. Great result and keep going one day at a time!

    Hi everyone,

    have just made it through an Easter Monday fast!! Bought some locally grown toms, salad leaves and watercress, made a massive salad and added some roast beef slices and an egg – it was delicious! Still quite hungry though so may have to have a little something extra. Am on 415 calories so have some wriggle room. Have found the Easter Weekend tough, my children went to their Dad on Saturday, so have been on my own! But they’re back now, so mad normality has returned!!

    Third time Lucky that fry up sounds heavenly – very jealous!! How much do you need to lose to get to 10 stone by your holiday? Am sure you’ll be able to do it. Plus you will feel so much better on holiday.

    Hope you’ve all had a good Easter.


    Oh well, guess it was inevitable that I would put on 3/4lb again after the ‘extras’ I ate over the weekend. Still I know it will come off again. 4.5lbs to get off to reach my 10st. goal before holiday end of April. it’s going to be touch and go I think! FD yesterday and actually went over my 500cals for the first time. Was really hungry all day, but tried really hard not to give in. Ended up with an early dinner. (Big salad and Poached Salmon) Great to get out in the garden for the last two days, had a big clear up after the winter and turns out burned 260 cals at the same time. Not looking forward to a cyber slap from Up so need to get my head down now the treats are finished. Easter gone now so we can all concentrate again on getting rid of those pounds, once and for all. Good luck all

    Curses to that 3/4 of a pound Third Time Lucky!! Maybe slip a few weeks with three fasting days see if that gives you a little boost before your holiday.

    Curses to me too, because I’ve gained 3.5lbs since I last weighed!!! First major gain since I’ve been fasting!! A little too indulgent on non fast days I think! Shall just have to have a little less cake etc – hopefully will be ok, I did find 3 days on my own at Easter hard – so am hoping that was it!!

    How is everyone else doing? Hope you’re all ok?


    Sorry to hear you had increased so much Hilly, it’s horrible how it creeps up on you isn’t it? Still we know this WOL will get it off again. We had neighbours round last night and got stuck into the wine and dips n chips, so I will probably be joining you. FD today vege stir fry for dinner tonight. No Pilates class cause of hols, but will try to do a session at home so I don’t stiffen up. Feeling really muzzy headed today – just not used to the wine, looks like another nice day here so will try and fit a walk in too. Have a great day all.

    Morning all

    Fasting today and fasted yesterday so will be glad to be done this week!

    How is everyone doing?

    HIlly sorry to hear of the gain, but think of the positives – how great you look and feel!

    Third Time Lucky – 3/4 of a lb isn’t too bad, I wouldn’t be worried about that – sounds like you’re doing all the right things.

    I’ve not really been sticking to it as rigidly as I should be – been very relaxed on non-fasting days and eating all sorts of carbs, cake, ice cream, cheese.. which has been lovely but might explain why I have gained 1 pound. To be honest I think I deserve more than just 1 pound gain but I’m back on it this week. Plan to go for a run tomorrow and gym this weekend.

    Thinking back to my progress last year, I was 10 stone exactly on 1st May – I won’t be that this year, even though I was starting at a lower weight, which is disappointing. Maybe my body is getting used to fasting – I don’t think I’ve been doing anything different from what I was doing last year. I am currently 10.6 which is still a good 8 pounds down from my Jan weight, feeling much better but I will keep going and not worry too much about slow progress and the occasional slip up.

    Sorry for my silence recently, been a bit of a mad one this Easter! But back on it!

    Have a great day.

    OMG! I can’t believe I’ve put a lb back on! Two glasses white wine, a few Doritos and guacamole have done this to me. It has to be this as all other days have stuck ridgedly to 5:2. That’s the 1.3/4lb lost last week all back on again. Feeling so fed up. My 10 stone target before hols is getting further away. Will try doing 4:3 this week as I really don’t want to plateau again, it’s so disheartening. I stick to the myfitnesspal t
    TDEE of 1200 cals which is 350 less than 5:2, and I do wonder. If I am actually eating enough. My last diet class leader told me ages ago that was why I wasn’t losing, but I’m almost scared to eat more now in case I put all the weight back on again. Guess I’ll just stick with it till after holidays and then look again at it from the beginning.

    Hi Third Time Lucky

    Don’t worry too much about the gain, I know it’s frustrating, and you are looking at trying to get down a target before your holiday but try not to put too much pressure on yourself and the numbers. Your body has been through a big change since you started fasting, you are leaner, healthier and overall just more in tune with what your body needs. There is an overall downward curve with regards to your weight and every day you are working towards a better you – try not to get hung up on numbers too much. Sorry to sound like I’m lecturing you, I just wanted to help and offer some advice.

    Last year I put so much pressure on myself to get my weight down, I wanted to see a decrease in the scale every week and got so caught up with the numbers. Then when I didn’t see what I wanted, I stopped and ended up gaining almost everything back that I lost. I think I just put too much pressure on myself back then. This time I have tried not to do that – I will weigh almost as often as I did before, but not worry too much if I don’t see a decrease each time. I try and remember where I am compared to where I was when I started, and that keeps me motivated.

    Don’t be scared to eat – it’s just a little slip up on the scale – in the grand scheme of things it’s very minor, and you are much lighter and healthier than you were when you started. It could be anything from water retention (lots of salt in tortilla chips) to the time of day you weighed. Don’t beat yourself up, just enjoy your holiday.

    As for me, did Wed & Thu fast which went well, had a tuna salad for dinner last night which was yummy and filling. Weighed this morning and I’m down another pound from my most recently recorded weight – went from 10.7 to 10.4 this week after 2 fasts. Also went for a run but felt difficult. Glad it’s done. Glad it’s lighter and warmer in the mornings but wish men didn’t think it was their place to have a good old stare whilst I’m out running!

    Thanks Little Dragon for your ‘Lecture’ – it’s what I needed to hear. I get so disheartened when the scales don’t give me what I want! I forget that when I started I was 10st 11 lbs ( now 10st 5.1/2 lbs) lost 4″ waist’ 1″ hips, 1″ thighs and instead of tight size 16 am now loose size 14. This has happened in 11 weeks whereas it took me a lot longer to get here on my previous diet. Maybe I just need to lighten up a bit. Thanks for your help, this forum is great to keep on track. Have a great weekend and bugger the scales!

    That’s more like it Third Time Lucky – try not to get too obsessive with the number and focus on your overall progress, you’re really done very well so far in such a short amount of time, and it really is a sustainable way of life – I think the key is to understand that some weeks you won’t be able to stick as rigidly to it as you want to, and some weeks there will be gain and others will be lost. Try not to get too disheartened! xx

    Oh I typed out a message to you guys yesterday but it’s not here!! Suppose I must have forgotten to press enter!!

    Not sure what I wrote exactly now!

    Anyway Little D seems you seem to have said it all for me. Third Time Lucky you are already looking and feeling better. The scales can definitely be our enemy! Not quite sure what happens with the fasting but there are definitely times when the scales go up a bit, down a bit, up a bit and we effectively stay the same – yet behind the scenes are bodies are changing, becoming leaner and much healthier. Just keep at it and you will see a difference. I promise x

    Little D loving your ethos this year! You’re definitely doing all the right things. Know what you mean about hard runs – it’s strange some days, my legs feel so heavy and it’s an effort to get round, others I feel like I could run for miles!!

    Fasted yesterday and Monday this week. Both were good fasts – feel so much better for it today. Hopped on the scales and have lost 2.5 lbs, one more to go to get rid of that naughty gain but it will go when it’s ready.

    Now on day 27 of my plank challenge!! Can’t say I can see any difference to my tummy, which was the motivation but can feel it in my legs, bum and arms so must be strengthening my stomach muscles too – guess it doesn’t show as I still have a bit of a “mummy” tummy. Maybe if I ever make it to my final goal (not stressing about that) it will finally look a bit better!!

    By the way love our thread, you’re all amazing xxx

    Hilly you are amazing, I tried the 30 day plank challenge but I couldn’t get past 90 seconds so you have done much better than I could manage! Well done, your core must be so tight. I quite like training my core by balancing on my knees on an exercise ball. Going to circuits class on Sunday so looking forward to getting back into it as have had a week off.

    I like to think that I have a bit of a better attitude to fasting this year than I did last year. I think I put unrealistic expectations on myself last year which is why I couldn’t stick to it when I didn’t see the loss I wanted so desperately. So I am going to put less pressure on myself this time, understand that sometimes there are blips and slip ups and to focus on my overall progress rather than being obsessive each day and week. If this is a long term change then I think the key is understanding that the graph won’t always be a downward curve!

    My friend mentioned that perhaps the reason that I found today’s run hard was because of the heavy pollution in London today – it’s really hazy and I was finding it difficult to breathe and got stitches so that makes sense I guess. It’s been about 8 days since my last run so I can’t have lost fitness that quickly!

    Well done on your loss this week Hilly. My scale only shows whole pounds so maybe I should invest in a new one that tracks decimal points?

    Love the support on here, whenever I feel I have something to share I always come to this forum – fasting is often something I have found that people don’t understand in day to day so it’s nice to share experiences with people with the same goals and going through similar things. x

    Ha ha not sure about that Little D – lol looked at my stomach once while planking, imagining this toned sculpted amazing thing emerging – omg looked like something from Alien!!! Horrific!!

    Wondering whether to try something called the 30 day shred next!! There has been a lot of talk about it on Face Book group – it’s 20 minutes of intensive activity every day for 30 days. Not sure one of the girls posted before and after pics – amazing but I love my running and don’t want to do anything that will zap all my energy for that!


    Haha – I feel the same when I look in the mirror, so many lumps and bumps – we all have them! The thing about planking is that it strengthens your core, it doesn’t blast fat or tone the skin, so your muscles underneath will be super strong but it’s cardio and low carb that will wile away the excess fat. I have been going to circuits and can notice some great changes – perhaps not visible but I can feel my thighs are a lot more toned and for once in my life I have noticeable muscles in my arms.

    30 day shred sounds pretty intensive – if you like running and it works for you then I would say perhaps stick to that! x

    Morning all, how are we today? Any Monday fasters out there?

    Had a very indulgent weekend – fish and chips for dinner on Friday, a friend’s birthday on Saturday so had Thai food and cake, Sunday did manage an exercise class but also had a sugary pudding after a rich dinner. Back on track today with a fast, and tomorrow also fasting as have a busy week so won’t be able to do alternate day.

    Feeling zapped of energy this morning, anyone feel like they just couldn’t get enough sleep at the weekend? That’s me…

    Hoping today flies by – not just because of the fast but also for Monday work… ugh!

    I am fasting today too LD, then liquids only tomorrow. Kippers, spinach and a poached egg for tea. What are you having?

    I think I’m having sushi and miso soup for dinner tonight – from Itsu and only 367 calories, yummy, have you tried Itsu?

    I don’t even know what Itsu is. I have eaten sushi before but not miso soup.

    Itsu is a sushi chain in the UK – it’s a go – to dinner for me on fasting days.

    Applepie, I’ve seen on other threads that you’ve lost an incredible amount of weight in a few months, I think you and I have been doing the 5:2 about the same amount of time (i did it for a while last year and started again this year) Can i ask what your eating / exercise patterns are?

    That explains it. We live in Spain 🙂

    At the moment, as we are fast approaching pool weather, I am doing at least one liquids only day a week, together with a fast day of approx 350 calories. It works for me. I never get hungry in the slightest on liquids days. I do miss mealtimes. And I do enjoy my food. But believe me I eat well for the rest of the week and still lose weight. A lot of my eating habits have changed for the better, but I still enjoy a glass or 3 of wine most nights.

    See my profile if you fancy joining our little FB group.

    Having a good fast day so far. Actually did a food shop today as we had used up all the ‘Fridgy bits’ over the weekend. Totally bypassed anything I might be tempted with in Tesco, but bought Miso soup – never tried this before. Now at home I find I’m not ready to eat yet, so will spin it out.
    Question: how important is it to leave 12 hours between eating on FD . Now we are retired I sleep tilll 9am, so have breakfast at 9.30′ then eat dinner about 7pm. So 9.5 hours, then eat nothing till breakfast next day about 9.30 so 14.5 hours without food. No way I will be getting up at 7am just to eat. I don’t sleep well so grab what Zzzz’s I can. Is this the reason why weight loss is slow?
    Hilly, tried planking when I was practising Pilates during holidays. Couldn’t even raise up off the floor – just about wee’d myself laughing (I was alone! Good job we can laugh at ourselves eh?)
    Little dragon, I too am looking lumpy just now, although my second spare tyre has just about gone, but left the original firmly in place for now.
    Will weigh in as usual tomorrow and hope something good happens. Good luck all.

    Evening everybody,

    a late hello from me too. Mmmm sushi sounds nice. I had a lot of Miso soup in the winter but moved onto Bovril now!

    Was fasting too, somehow resisted all goodies that were in the staffroom on the INSET day – not entirely sure how and demolished a giant salad with 1/2 an avocado, 1 egg and it would have had a slice of ham too but I’m afraid that got demolished before it made it to the plate!!

    Am hungry now as I type this just past 11, must go to bed before I start eating the cat’s food!!

    For any of you fasting tomorrow make it a good one.


    PS Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow TTL xxx

    Morning all. Lovely day and could certainly get used to this warmer weather. How are we all?

    Had a little blip yesterday and probably ended up about 100 over my 500 for yesterday but I’m fine with that. Had sushi, miso soup and a bit of choc – should not have had the choc but had a terrible day 🙁

    Fasting again today, feeling it a bit but will be glad when it’s over. Going to have a small steak for dinner with some broccoli and mushrooms, I think.

    Is anyone else fasting today?

    Weight loss is going slowly but will be very happy to reach the 10 stone exactly mark! Come oooooon… patience is not my forte…

    Had a really good fast day yesterday. Didn’t feel hungry at all till dinner time and thoroughly enjoyed my chilli prawns and noodles (Mimi’s recipe). Phew!!! 1 lb gone, and guess what, another 1″ off my waist, and 1/2″ off my neck. THE WHITE TROUSERS FIT!l a bit tight but with a sun top over look good. Still would like to unload the 4.5 lbs down to 10st in two weeks but can’t see it happening. (I am never satisfied!). Didn’t manage a third FD last week but did stay under 1000 cals. Will have a serious go this week – just have to get my head around it. Thanks everyone for your never ending support – without this I think I would have thrown the towel in a while ago. Like you little dragon I’m not very patient. Good luck all, onwards and downwards.

    Well done Third Time Lucky – really pleased for you. You will look and feel fantastic on holiday regardless of the number on the scale. It’s just patience and persistence eh!

    Morning all.

    Just popping in to say hi. Completed my fasts this week, and went to circuits class this morning which felt good. My instructor also commented that she’s seen improvement in me which was pleasing to hear.

    Hilly66 – I wonder where our old friends are?! Angie, Kilda, JFitzy and Jenki?!

    Really good fast day yesterday – tried miso soup for the first time , it helped a lot and bridged the gap about 4.30 when the pangs start. Cooked Harissa chicken with cous cous for dinner and could barely finish my portion. I am definitely more aware now of when I’m full, the trick is now to stop eating. I’m not very good at wasting food and hate to throw stuff away . Woohoo weigh in shows 1.5lb loss (that’s 2.5 for the week). The most I have ever lost in one go. Now 10st3lbs – two weeks to go to hols – may be I can do it after all. Wish me luck! OH has lost again and is now 1/4llb away from his target woohoo again! This WOL impresses me more and more (except when I’m on the dreaded plateau! ). Good luck to everyone fasting today. It works if you work it!

    Gosh, where is everyone? Feeling lonesome! Happy to report last week lost 3 lbs after doing 4:3. Blew it all yesterday with fish and chips for lunch which was great at the time but boy did I suffer afterwards. Def didn’t eat anything in the evening , had to take indigestion gunk to settle my bulging stomach, followed by a horrible sleepless night. Finally slept about five just in time for the alarm to get me up. FD today and hopeful that it will put my system right after my blowout. Off to chiropodist today, love getting my feet pampered ready for hols. We all forget about our feet don’t we, yet they are the ones carrying our heavy load. We should look after them better. Even a pampering session at home is nice for them. Fingers crossed for tomorrow’s weigh in. Good luck everyone.

    Afternoon all

    Third Time Lucky you are going full steam ahead – well done you. That’s what it’s all about though I think, being good in the week, sticking to fasts and eating what you want at the weekend. I had a lot of treats this weekend, lots of chocolate yesterday, roast dinner, burger on Saturday and some chocolate, Friday thai food, but tried to balance it out with a run on Friday and gym on Sunday. I haven’t weighed since last week, the battery in my scale is dead which is perhaps a bit of a blessing in disguise really… I will replace it when i remember but I’m not really in much of a hurry to do so….!!!

    Hi all sorrow I’ve been a bit quiet – horrible end to the week, my wonderful cat Chubby jumped awkwardly off of the sofa and broke his leg. Since he was old the vet thought it was probably caused by a malignant bone tumour, his kidneys were getting worse and he haa a heart condition left me no real choice other than to let him go. Am heartbroken and really missing him!

    3rd time lucky you’re doing so well – I know how you feel about your fish and chips; my body rebels too if I over do it!

    Finally a way to stop you hopping on the scales so often – enjoy the freedom 🙂

    I’ve lost my Easter gain now and am 6lbs from my ultimate target. Feel so much better for it – my current weight loss is 2 stone 9.5 lbs. Love IF 🙂

    I fasted today – good luck for any of you on the Fast Train tomorrow x

    Was talking to little dragon about the scales!!

    Hope the weigh in goes well 3rd time lucky.

    Apologies for typos am on my phone!!


    Hilly so, so sorry to hear about you losing Chubby. I can understand your heartbreak.
    We brought our cat Lola here to Spain with us, it was a traumatic journey for her but she made it and seems to love it. I don’t know what we would do without her.

    Sending hugs xxx

    Thank you so much Applepie, much appreciated.


    How is everyone doing? Did you weigh in 3rd time lucky?


    Hi all, fabulous day in Scotland today, we were in St. Andrews today to change trousers OH bought a month ago. They are too big! He is now 10 St 13.5 lbs, his target was 11 St. He is going to carry on as he still has a paunch. I on the other hand gained 1/2 lb thanks to yummy fish and chips at the weekend. Why do. I keep sabotaging myself? It’s like I press a self destruct button. Mad, but I know it will come off again. Four more fast days before we go on hols. Pleased to say all my summer clothes fit – just need to get them in my suitcase now Haha.
    Hilly – so sorry your lovely Chubby died. When you have them so long they are part of the family. I still miss my two daugies and they haven’t been around for 8 years!
    Just had a cuppa sitting in the garden and can’t believe I’ve caught the sun. Good start for the holidays!
    Have a great week all you fasters!

    Just back from a run and feeling relaxed.

    Well done 3TL and to your OH – the weather is beautiful was wonderful driving home today with the sunroof open and the sun on my arms. Much appreciate your thoughts for my departed furry friend.

    Little D only just noticed your comment about our old friends – I wonder how they are too. Hello you guys Angie, Jenki, Kilda and Jfitzy just in case you ever pop by!

    Am fasting again tomorrow, are any of you joining me?


    Helloooooo Ladies! Hope you are all well. I have been lurking but not posting as I haven’t being doing 5:2 but low carb. I keep meaning to give the 5:2 another go but since Christmas I have been away a lot for work and various other commitments so have been struggling to find a good time to restart. Anyhow I am going to give it another go in the middle of May when I can have a good stab at it.

    I am please to say that I have not gained (well up and down the same 2 or 3 lbs for months now!! ) so I am happy enough.

    I will try and pop in more often but rest assured I have been keeping an eye on all of you and your excellent progress !!! 🙂 x

    Hello all

    JFitzy lovely to hear from you and great to hear you’ve been maintaining. I can’t remember what your start and end weight was, it’s been such a long time, but I’m pleased that you’ve found something that works for you. I did wonder where you had gone! Glad to see you’re still lurking around.

    I bought a replacement battery for my scale today so will pop that in and see where I am. Weight loss is much slower than I had hoped this time around. Only 10 pounds between Jan and now seems very very slow. What do you think guys? My clothes are fitting better and I have been going to circuits class and I am overall more toned so perhaps it’s muscle weight or that I’m not being as strict as I was before. Struggled a bit today and thought about sacking it off but low and behold we are already at 5pm and nearly made it through the day. I’m off to buy some more skinny jeans after work so that is a motivation if any… Off to squeeze myself into some size 10s.

    Some days are funny aren’t they, you feel so motivated, have a good fast day and feel invincible, and others you struggle through the day, like I have today, wonder why you do it, consider quitting and wondering why you’re still fat, despite sticking to your fasts etc.

    Hilly so sorry for your loss – how sad 🙁 I can imagine you’re missing him lots but I am sure you’ve got lots of happy memories with him 🙂 sending hugs xx

    Evening everyone,

    so good to hear from you JFitzy, we have missed you 🙂 Even better to hear that you have been maintaining your weight. I’ll be pestering you for tips if I ever get to my final target!!

    How has everyone else’s week gone?

    Walking up to Zumba tonight I bumped into an old Slimming World friend, she couldn’t believe how slim I was – am so pleased I found fasting, has changed my life 🙂

    Have gone a bit mad on the exercise front today and am buzzing!! Hope I can sleep.

    If any of you are fasting tomorrow, hope it goes well.


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