Afternoon everyone!
hope all the fab fasters are doing good, LD you are nearly there! yes I think better things are around the corner for you, you’ll see, you’ll have the last laugh 🙂
ta ta for now xxx
This topic contains 1,641 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by Jenki2 8 years, 12 months ago.
Hi LD I have just finished my M&S Country Veg soup and I am having fresh pasta with mushrooms and half fat creme fraiche tonight – that is my week of fasting over then! 3 days on the trot is hard but it is all in a good cause as I am really going to enjoy my weekend!! 🙂
Well done on managing to fast this week it is hard enough to do but more difficult when you aren’t having a great time at work. There is nothing worse but as you say better times are hopefully around the corner.
I am also getting nervous about my weigh in tomorrow – I don’t know what to expect – I am thinking a 4lbs loss (or should I say I am hoping!!):) 🙂 🙂
I know but I have had few mad/bad weekends (food and wine)!! I lost 8.5lbs in the first 3.5 weeks but I am still going for a 4lbs loss as other people say the weight loss slows down – eek I am definitely getting nervous now!!
However I did also measure myself so let’s see how many inches I have lost.
I will be weighing in early tomorrow as I am going to the gym so I will post first thing tomorrow x
No of course not LD no secrets here!! I would like to lose 2.5 stone in total but I am going to see how I feel as I go along.
We go on holiday at the beginning of June and I would really love to have lost 2 stone by then but if I have shifted 1.5 stone I, like you, would be super happy. I have had a knee injury so my exercise has been curtailed but I am now back at the gym and now the weather is getting better I am going to go back to my running if I can so hopefully that will speed things up.
Don’t forget 4lbs of fat is a lot – think of what 4 pounds of butter looks like and imagine losing that! I would like it all to come of my stomach as the rest of me is ok 🙂 🙂
good morning (afternoon) all! JFitzy, I also went over a little on my fast day yesterday. I ended up having about 600 cal for dinner and am trying not to be hard on myself for it. In the grand scheme of things, that’s still a lot less than I would eat on a normal day. It’s just hard for me to stop eating what’s in front of me when I feel full. I felt myself getting full and thought “I could just stop here” but it was tasty so I just “pushed through” the full feeling and finished it. Oh well, will try to do better next time.
Hilly and LittleDragon, I’m sorry to hear that things are so stressful for you both. I know that when things are stressful it’s 10 times harder to eat healthy. I go straight for the junk food as a stress response. I hope it gets better for you both soon. LD, isn’t that the best feeling when you can tell that your body has changed shape because some of your old fat just isn’t there anymore? I had these saddlebags on my hips that would fill either hand – they’re not gone, but no way can I grab them with my whole hand anymore – just a few fingers.
Angie, don’t be hard on yourself about that pound. If you are measuring smaller, and you’ve been exercising, I would bet anything that you’ve just converted some fat to muscle which we all know weighs more. I know how much we want those numbers on the scale to go down, but the tape measure doesn’t lie!
Wishing everyone good fasting today (those who are fasting), calmer days at work and an all round good day. 🙂
Afternoon all,
Hope all the fasting is going well. LD, yes so far I have managed to avoid the scales but it is hard! They call to me very loudly but so far so goo (hmmm just one day so moving on), anyway JF, keeping my fingers crossed for you for a great result tomorrow. I have also had many bad/mad weekends and lets face it weekdays too and so far to date have lost 12lbs. Now I am avoiding the scales I am in a state of blissful ignorance!
Have a good evening everyone and look forward to the results tomorrow!
I am glad to see I have managed to persuade you all not to weigh constantly!! Seriously though our body weight fluctuates madly from day to day, even hour to hour. As I said in an earlier thread when I weighed myself daily I was a typical yo yo dieter as if I gained I would get fed up and if I lost I would think dieting was easy and end up having a few more treats and gaining – mad stuff.
Anyway after tomorrow my next weigh in will be Friday 28 March so who wants to join me on the monthly weigh in?
Kilda you are right we are eating far less than normal so going over the 500 very occasionally should not make too much of a difference.
Hope you all have a great evening and roll on tomorrow !!! 🙂 x x x
hmm yes probably. I am away on holiday last 2 weeks of March so I expect the will to stay off the scales to see the damage of being away has done will be a tremendous one! However will try and stay strong.
My mini goal was to lose a stone in total by the time that I go away. Last time I weighed I was at 12 so hopefully the last remaining 2 will come off between now and 7 March.
Am going to be fasting tomorrow and its going to be tough – have to work until about midnight…..its going to be a long day. Oh well off to the gym shortly for a run.
Ugh. Feeling mad at myself ladies – I really overate at lunch. I forgot my lunch at home this morning and so I went to the cafeteria, where they have lots of heavy starchy food and also cake. All of which I ate. I have about 400 calories left in my TDEE for today so if I am careful with dinner I will still be ok, but I am so frustrated with myself. Normally I bring my lunch and eat quite healthy stuff and enjoy it. But put me in front of that cafeteria line and good sense just goes out the window. Sigh.
Hi everyone, woah it’s hard keeping up as I miss all the day time activities!!
Am so touched by everyone’s support, it helps me to persevere.
To the latest scale avoiders, I hope the three of us in our little pact are allowed to weigh in still on March 7th or I feel I may burst!! OO just read higher up the posts – yep I’m in for every 4 weeks, kill that scales obsession, we can be normal!!)
Still struggling a bit on non fast days this week!! Am fasting tomorrow, so at the very least that should stop me inflicting too much damage!!
Little Dragon hope your two weeks of hell go quickly so you can start to take your foot off of the pedal a bit. I’m a teacher, but currently working as a learning assistant, the amount of pressure the teachers are under is incredible, they are constantly stressed, work horrifically long days and often can’t sleep for worrying about the things they haven’t done!!! It’s no way to live – so I really hope things quieten down soon for you and that they begin to appreciate you properly!!
Holidays 🙂 I usually go to my cousin’s in Weymouth (beautiful seaside town in the south west of England for my American pals) but have been invited to Helsinki by a friend, most tempted to go with my son (his sister is off to Spain for a week with her school. Not been abroad since 1999 other than an overnight stay in the Pad de Calais! So my goal is to have lost another stone by then (August), have lost 7.5 in 6 weeks so hope it will be achievable! My long term goal is to lose 2.5 stone, so that I’m back to a healthy weight for my size, started at 11 8 1/2, so roughly 2 stone to go!!
Jenki2 – wow bet you smash your goal – that’s fantastic 🙂
Oh Angie sorry about that pound but I agree with the others, sounds to me like you’re beginning to look amazing, maybe it’s time to stick those scales in a cupboard and forget them, you seem to be very in control and maintaining well.
To those of you fasting today – you’ve done it!!!
And to anyone joining me tomorrow, have a superb one.
Morning all today as you know was my weigh on day. I lost a total os 2.5lbs since 31 January. I thought it would be more but I have lost 3 inches off my waist and half an inch from each arm and an inch of my hips. I thought I would be disappointed but I am not as in just ovwe 7 weeks I have lost a total of 11lbs and my BMI has gone down by 2 full points.
I went to the gym this morning an the trainer there said that fat loss and inch loss are more important than the scales and he also told me that 5;2 is enough :e had in fairness told me not to so 4:3 – I should have stuck with what worked but it was a good experiment! So I am now starting the next month back on 5:2 and I am going to see how the next 4 weeks go.
I feel great and have loads of compliments and 2 pairs of jeans that I could hardly zip at Christmas are now far too big!! So my point is don’t go only by the scales as it is just one part of the picture!
Sorry for the kong post! 🙂
I am a happy bunny though as if this weight and inche loss continues I will be at goal by late summer!! 🙂 x x x
Morning all!!
hope you are all well!
well I don’t know about where you are but its horrendous here 🙁 rain lashing down and winds, so cant go out on my walk just yet grrrr I am fasting today instead of tomorrow, I feel ready for it, not sure why lol!!
who’s with me then?
have a good one everybody, hope the sun comes out soon!!
take care xx
Thanks LD it does really work – don’t be nervous just keep going and you will be fine.
I had a very busy social month in February and had I not been doing the FD I am positive I would have gained this month.
Have you measured yourself yet? It is never too late even if you haven’t done so from the start.
Anyway roll on 5pm so my fab weekend with my lovely hubby can begin 🙂 🙂 🙂 x x x
Morning all and congratulations JFitzy – losing those inches must feel really really good.
Angie – am fasting today as well so with you in spirit. Have a horrible day today and think it is going to drag on well into the night so might be a bit of a challenge today!
JFitzy – hope you have a lovely weekend and an early Happy Birthday!
Have a good day everyone,
Thank you LD!
I was thinking that maybe if you don’t feel like breakfast you could possibly turn today into a 16.8? ie, eat at lunchtime and dinner but nothing after 8pm, just a thought but I think you could do this easily!!
JFitzy I bet you cant wait for the weekend to begin, i’ll second LD and wish you a super time, enjoy!! 🙂
have a good day fab fasters xx
hi LD!
I am no expert but I think 16.8 is quite easy to maintain as it requires you to eat within that window, ie lunch, dinner, then no more food after 8pm.
As for the benefits I know a lot of people like to mix 5.2 and 16.8 sometimes to speed up weight loss but as always different tactics work for different people lol!!
I guess the only way to know would be to try it out, say maybe over a week? obviously you would still have to keep to your TDEE on those days but you do that anyway 🙂
its up to you, sometimes I do it without even realising when I don’t fancy breakfast, then I eat around 12 for lunch then if I can go without snacking after 8, then that’s my 16.8 done lol!!
good luck hun, I think there may be a section on this,i’ll look it up now 🙂
hope your day is going well xx
Hi Angie, how are you getting on? So almost 1pm and so far so good. Am out from now onwards so not quite sure what or where I am going to be able to eat this evening. Might have to try to find some sushi. Am sure it will be fine, just need to drink a lot of water and coffee!
Hope your day is going well x
Hi Jenki2, am not too bad thank you for asking!!
had a greek yogurt so far, now its the long slog till 6pm grrr, but like you lots of water in between!! walkies soon, whilst its sunny, hope your afternoon does not drag on too much, half way there!!!!!!!! 🙂
LittleDragon, am not sure I understand your question, sorry for being a bit slow! do you mean during a 16.8 day or a normal fast day? if its the latter, then as long as its a 36 hrs window then I think its ok, but I am going to check this so don’t quote me on it just yet :-)!
hope your day is going ok too, and work not too stressful xx
here you go LD, its like I thought, a real fast should last 36 hrs, hope this helps!! xx
Hi Kilda
Thanks for your post. I love that world AWESOME it is so much better than fab or great there is real punch to it LOL!! 🙂
I have already started my birthday weekend as I went out for a lunchtime drink and and quick snack (very healthy veggie tempura 🙂 ) and out tonight with one of my best friends (been friends since we were 7 aaaahhhh).
Good luck with your fasting today and enjoy your weekend and speak next week x x x 🙂 🙂
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2:25 pm
26 Feb 14