Christmas is 8 weeks away (57 more sleeps before the big fat man comes down your chimney and drinks your beer)
How many Fast Days are you planning between now and then, what days will you complete those Fast Days, what goal weight do you want to reach by Christmas week and more importantly what weight will you actually be at that date????
As the wise man said, “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail” All the good intentions don’t cut it when on the week before Christmas you find the scales tell you that nothing has been achieved and in reality weight has actually increased because you didn’t PLAN the past 8 weeks.
So now is the time to make that Commitment to yourself and to your friends on this Forum. 1 November to 18 December, 7 weeks, 48 days, a minimum of 14 Fast Days, but who is game to make a commitment and do 17 Fast Days over these next 7 weeks?
Sit down now and make a 7 week Calendar (here’s where to start, print out the blank Month, same for December) and write in all your known social events, birthdays, parties, etc, then write in any other known days/events that could be hard to roster in a Fast Day, then from this you’ll have a snap shot of how your next 7 weeks will look for your 5:2 WOL.
Does this now look like a PLAN???
It sure does and believe me not many people will do this so you can pat yourself on the back just for being so organised, this can be your first Commitment to your 17 Fast Days by Christmas (or as many as you want to achieve, nothing is compulsory in this Forum)
Reply to me who wants to join Little Vopices for November & December and give me a goal weight reduction you want to achieve, then report in at the end of each week and I’ll keep a running total for everyone. We’ll load up Santa’s Sleigh with all our excess weight and make his journey a heavy one when he heads off Christmas eve.
Talk again soon after 1 November but feel free to post your thoughts here for us all to read, we thrive on encouragement plus a little bit of cheek and freindly banter to keep everyone on their toes. There will be rewards for good performers each week, however EXCUSES for poor performance won’t be listened to. If you take RESPONSIBILITY for any trip ups then that’s great because you learn from those, you don’t learn by making EXCUSES, be ACCOUNTABLE for your actions and results.
Talk again soon, Cheers Mike π
7:08 am
29 Oct 15