LCHF and the 5:2

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  The Big Dogg 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I’m just going into my third week on the 5:2 eating plan. I do back to back days Tues/Weds as it suits my schedule. Found it reasonably easy to do as I’m usually quite busy. I plan on running a LCHF diet alongside the 5:2 eating plan.

    After many years of struggling with my weight the newer thinking of LCHF dieting gave me a light bulb moment. I have always ate carb heavy and love my real ale but time for change.

    Does anyone forsee any problems with running a LCHF diet alongside the 5:2 eating plan?

    As I am not big on butter and fats in my diet anyway is it feasible just to eat a healthy LC diet without adding the excess fats?

    Any opinions would be greatly welcomed…

    Cheers TBD

    Hi TBD,
    There are lots of us doing 5:2 or variations of and combining it with low carb and low/no sugar. Many feel that carb heavy diets especially processed carbs, slow down weight loss and make you feel more hungry.
    I have cut right down on carbs and eat meat, fish, dairy, pulses, nuts, veggies and some fruit. I do eat cake and bread occasionally and have the odd glass of wine 😉
    It works, I’ve lost 4st and have a bit more to lose before I reach maintenance, and I feel better than I have for many years.

    Good luck

    Cheers Amazon, 4 stone is what I’m looking to shift. I don’t feel daunted by it as I have shifted it in the past. This plan looks great and definitely something I could stick to long term.

    Way to go on the 4st what an achievement, I hope some day in the future I will have the pleasure in saying that also.

    The ale and wine is where I will struggle as I don’t want to cut it out completely as this would be not be sustainable for me. I am viewing this as a full lifestyle change and not a diet. Slow and steady is where I’m heading.. With a little indulgence over the weekend to keep my mind set positive.

    All the best


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