Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 4,451 through 4,500 (of 7,283 total)

  • Amazon,
    I really enjoyed reading your travelogue, lucky you, nothing like a trip that involves wildlife. Beats all those sitting around pool/sunbathing trips I wasted my money on as a youngster. We live and learn. We couldn’t really afford holiday in child raising years so it was about staying with children’s grand parents every 6 months for a week. We only took them overseas once, visited a Greek Island. My husband is not really interested in travel so I usually travel alone if not going with my retirement club. I really would like to see more of the world. Must get planning.

    The weather was perfect for my horse drawn carriage picnic on my birthday. Very peaceful experience and good locally produced food. Champagne went straight to my head. Luckily Other half was driving home. More celebrating tonight at a local fish restaurant with my son, his girlfriend and my best friend. My birthday presents this year were very self indulgent Chanel no 5, red boots(very chic), black patent boots and a Radley watch. Only a few more years till I get my pension and bus pass.

    Time to get moving as I am in a flash mob at lunchtime. My choir are doing this for Charity at a local shopping centre. They are always fun.

    My son and his girlfriend are having a ‘Hypno Birthing Session’ for 12 hours this weekend. After it is over they can tell me what is involved in this experience. Very expensive, I hope they get value for money.

    Have a good weekend everyone. Keep Fasting. Lost 4of the 5 pound after 3 fasts but might add a little tonight. I will try to avoid pudding at least and only one G &T.

    Vertigo (BPPV) came back yesterday but not as bad as before, taking the tablets, see how it goes.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another lovely morning here 😀

    Thanks Jo,

    I like to put my trip down in writing as it reminds me of little things that contributed to my enjoyment that might otherwise be forgotten amongst all the more exciting stuff.

    There are a few things I’ve taken from this trip, and the most important is the reception we got everywhere we went and how friendly and helpful the locals were. There are many restaurants, shops and hotels in the UK who could learn from the sincerity and warmth of the welcome received everywhere we went. It was a joy to have the opportunity to engage with people who seemed so happy despite the hardship of their lives in comparison to mine. It was also refreshing amongst all the talk of deforestation, poaching etc to see how much regard the locals had for the wildlife and the deep understanding they had of how to live safely alongside elephants, lions etc.

    I also appreciate how fortunate I was to travel with such a great group of people as the camaraderie was so enjoyable with much fun and many laughs.

    I am very lucky to be able to travel and hope to continue to do so for many years to come.

    Fasting has not gone well since my initial success last Monday due to this cold which is in no hurry to leave and is making me ravenous the whole time, but I’ve decided not to worry about it, just eat sensibly and try again on Monday when hopefully it will have abated.

    Have a great weekend everyone 😜

    Jo, get someone to do the Epley maneuver on you…follow the instructions as they are side specific. You might feel like throwing up, but it works! P


    Thanks for the travelogue, it sounds like you had an amazing trip with a good group of people. I’m not sure though that I would want to go to Africa, I suspect I’d find it too upsetting… ‘last chance to see’ and all that… I know the money from trips like yours helps local communities, and puts a value on wildlife in its natural habitat, but it’s a losing battle against human overpopulation, trophy hunters, etc ☹️


    I understand how you feel but IMHO the only things I can do are visit Africa and spend my money there in the pursuit of seeing the wildlife and not buy, support or condone anything to do with sacrificing wildlife for human whims ie ivory, trophy hunting, Chinese medicine etc.

    Botswana has a population of less than 2.4m so is not in immediate danger of pushing out the wildlife for the humans but other countries are a different story altogether. Zimbabwe is smaller and has a population of just under 16.5m but there are vast tracts of uninhabited bushland so neither country is in immediate danger of squeezing out the wildlife.
    I visited Botswana in 2004 and was concerned that I wouldn’t see the huge numbers of animals that I saw then but was pleasantly surprised.
    I also saw a lot of animals in both Botswana and Zimbabwe outside of the National Parks and the locals seems as pleased to see them as we were.

    The biggest issue IMHO is where African nations seek trade with other richer nations. Just before I went away I read that the new leader of Botswana had just visited China on a trade mission and on his return apparently decided to disarm the anti poaching squad.
    While I was away 20 elephants were poached in Chobe NP………

    The trip was very special and I’ll remember it for a long time 😊

    Thanks for such a detailed description of your travels, Amazon. It sounds fabulous, and you were very fortunate seeing all the animals you did. And so heartening that the ordinary folk are concerned of the need to protect the bushland and the animals. No doubt they are very aware that their livelihoods depend on the tourists visiting.

    We lived in Kingston for nearly three years when we came back to NZ in 2003, Jo. I’m pleased your daughter is more settled, and it will be great to catch up with you again in January.

    I’m a bit behind with my spring cleaning, having been away for most of September, and overdid it yesterday with windows and garden. It is now five years since I discovered 5:2, wonderful tool for weight reduction, but I still need vigilance, two FDs a week, greatly reduced carbs and snacks, just to stay near goal.

    Morning/evening all,


    My list of species seen which is by no means extensive as I made notes at the end of each day, comes to 62 so it is probably nearer 70. I always make notes because someone invariably asks me about the photograph of something I’ve not seen before 😆 In this case it was the woodland kingfisher I noticed when we were driving to a viewpoint which looked out over the Chobe river.

    The last day of September greets me with a clear blue sky and sunshine. We’ve been so lucky to have such fabulous weather since the beginning of May but autumn is definitely here as it is much cooler early morning and evening.
    I love autumn and all that comes with it especially the foods that appear in the shops, English apples, pears etc, mushrooms, squashes, brassicas. I also love watching the leaves change colour.
    What I don’t love is the short days so I must make the most of the next 4 weeks before we go back to GMT and it’s dark so early.

    I can’t believe I’ve been home for a week already, where does the time go?

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Thanks for the stories of your travels, Amazon.
    My daughter is off to Namibia and Botswana tomorrow for a camping trip. I am happy they will be camping in designated campsites with protection. I will never forget the crocodile which walked through a tent on the Cape York peninsula in Oz(not our tent, but one near), and the deer which slipped on our tent in the French Alps and nearly squashed us.

    I have been on holiday too(for 3 weeks), but only in the South of France and Italy. I had been wondering how to cross Genoa, but we just went through the centre, and saw the bridge from the spot we rejoined the motorway. In Italy we visited some interesting places in Toscany, with the highlight a trip to the marble mines high above Carrara. We went up to 1000m by 4×4 and looked down on all that whiteness. It was 30° in Italy, but back home in France it’s 15°. We were camping in our tent for most of the three weeks we were away and it’s strange sleeping in a bed inside again. We spent a few days in the French Alps before coming home which was a beautiful detour.

    Happy Birthday Jojo. Glad you had a good day on the carriage. I will be back in NZ in January, so hope to see you too.
    Fasting today, Wednesday and Friday this week. Being on holiday made fasting very difficult.

    Have a great day.

    Morning/evening all,


    Your trip sounds like something I would enjoy 😃

    I did a 2 week wild camping trip in Botswana in 2004 and we camped in Moremi Game Reserve and Chobe NP. Wildlife in the camp while we were present including a hyena and a leopard proved to be exciting highlights and were no danger whatsoever. The lions kept themselves to themselves by creeping around in the middle of the night leaving nothing but tracks.

    While camping in the Okavango Delta this time we encountered elephants and other wildlife very close to camp but they were aware of us and not interested in anything other than their normal daily routine.

    We were also visited by baboons, vervets, elephants and buffalo in our tented camp in Zimbabwe, but once again, they knew we were there. The vervets were on a mission to steal our food but the other wildlife was merely passing through.

    I’m sure your daughter will have a fabulous time as Namibia and Botswana are two completely different but wonderful countries to visit.

    Finally life is back to normal today as my cold has almost disappeared. I had a good workout at the gym this morning and am fasting today 😀

    It’s a cool but sunny morning and set fair for the remainder of the day.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hello Fasters,

    Is Monday the most popular Fasting day? Is for sure here… more about it at the end of this post.

    Amazon – what a unbelievable trip! You are a great story teller as well. It never crossed my mind to go to Africa. I guess I don’t know enough about that vast continent. Also I haven’t met people that did so. My husband NEVER would go there and he’s not to fond of Asia as well, NEVER China I heard as well.
    We never traveled or had any vacation as child. Our parents worked to keep us alive. Vacation I still believe is a luxury.

    Wiki – another adventurer one!

    This thread is not just about Fasting! Through your this years I’ve learned and traveled with you whenever you went.
    We were in Dallas,Texas last week. It was different. We’ve seen very flat and some hilly land. I would say the Texan is a very proud, conservative American. It was an okay trip.

    Again I have my Fasting intentions for this week. My weight is up of course. I don’t want to play the card of hormonal changes. Pure lack of incentive and discipline.
    Soon I’ll be heading to my gym!
    We hadn’t have an Oktoberfest at our house for 2 years. My husband really likes this party, it’s his only party. Guess what! My dindl doesn’t fit!

    We do finally have cooler weather here.
    Hello to the rest of the tribe, you know who you are 😘

    Have a wonderful week and beautiful day.

    Morning Everyone,
    I was taken out for a birthday dinner Sat night, it was delicious, there were 5 of us and everyone had a really good experience. We had a lazy day yesterday, paperwork and sorting out(how I hate both). Just ate snacks all day which is always a mistake but we didn’t fancy a meal.
    Fasting today and finding it difficult, too many treats over the weekend. I did avoid pudding and alcohol at the meal so it wasn’t too calorific Calamari starter and Sea Bream with samphire for main course. Vegan dishes were pasta based so I chose fish, vegan starter on offer was just melon which doesn’t inspire me. No birthday cake though which solved that problem.

    HCB – we didn’t travel much as children, large family, just two UK seaside trips before the age of 15. I went to Spain when I was almost 16, with my sister, I loved it and vowed to travel great deal. However the reality is I have not travelled very much at all apart from my adventure around Australia and NZ for 3 months( my retirement trip)
    I have been to Italy, Greece, France and Spain plus Islands but I really want to see more of the world. I admire Amazon for her dedication to travel especially on her own.
    I am getting set in my ways and really need to plan my next great adventure.

    Meanwhile I will be stuck doing lots of decorating as my son gets the keys to his house tomorrow. Every room needs to be stripped, lots of big jobs too like new windows, taking down a wall in the kitchen and goal new kitchen and bathroom. I have to admit that even I couldn’t live with the crazy 60’s wall paper and patterned carpets. Better off just stripped walls and paint.

    Still suffering with vertigo but manageable. I will check out Ellet Manuever today.

    Good Morning fast trackers and welcome to October 2018 a 600cal fast day here for moi as yesterday was a family gathering in the shed of webber roast meat numerous salads and a roast veg with garlic and balsamic vinegar olive oil fetta cheese.
    It was a public holiday here in South Australia all 4 grand children 5 sons and partners were present.the disturbing conversation of where what when and who was mentioned about Christmas Day and as yet no consensus however eldest lad gets the keys to his newly built home on Thursday all family members are helping shift and he has claimed first dibs on Christmas Day this year..Hope everyone stays the fast course and keeps on keeping on.

    Morning All,
    I am in bed under my nice warm covers keeping warm. First time the air has been cold enough to delay me leaving my duvet bliss. But I will drink a cuppa and stop ignoring my alarm clock. Brrhhh!
    Quit my fast yesterday and not contemplating it today. So much worse when you feel cold.
    Busy, busy day ahead with Retirement Club and an indoor bowls match (away) so 3 hours travelling too.
    RT how could you mention the C word in October. Bad enough that the shops stock C stuff in August now. Scary how quickly time flies. You describe a happy family group and I guess most live locally. My family are spread over big distances and sadly only get together for weddings and funerals. But it’s s good feeling having them out there.
    Have s great day everyone

    Morning/evening all,

    A dull, cool and overcast morning here.

    I’m fasting again today and have a huge list of things that need to be done so I should be able to keep out of the fridge!


    You’re not the only one who’ll be up to their ears in paint. I have plans to decorate every room in the flat except the bedroom between now and the end of the year and I’m aiming to start next week.
    I’ve already got the paint for the hall, kitchen and bathroom and the living room will be done while the sofas are away being reupholstered.

    Before I can start a major de-cluttering exercise needs to be undertaken 😳so I have my work cut out.

    As for holidays, I can remember 4 family holidays before I left school as there was little money for such luxuries.
    The first time I travelled abroad I was 21 and went with my parents to visit my aunt and uncle who lived in Canada.
    I had a wonderful time and realised that I wanted to see more of the world.
    The following year I went on holiday on my own but on a group beach resort based holiday and since then I’ve been travelling regularly both with friends and alone.
    Group tours are the perfect solution for someone who doesn’t have a companion to travel with and I’ve met some wonderful people over the years. Other travellers are also a great source of destination ideas for the next holiday.

    I think we can forgive RT for mentioning the C word as it’s all over the TV and shops, pubs and restaurants everywhere are advertising what’s on offer.

    I’ll hopefully still be painting………. 😉

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    I’ve similarly rediscovered the joy of my duvet on cold dark mornings!

    I do hope you can summon up some enthusiasm for fasting when it’s cold though! Think of your holiday and impending grannyhood!

    I fasted today, but coincided it with a day in the office (always guaranteed to be too warm) and have spent the evening by the fire. Autumn brings some benefits 😀 But I do have to take issue with Amazon on the subject of loving everything that comes with it…! Even though my back is pretty good at the moment (thanks for asking last week, Jo!) I always lie on the lounge floor. I was idly wondering what the cat was looking at tonight, moved slightly and discovered a bl@@dy huge housespider snuggled up next to me 😱 I’m now sat on the sofa, wondering if it’s the same spider I saw upstairs this morning or whether I’m going to be sharing a bed with one later!!

    Morning/evening all,


    I was thinking of autumn in the romantic sense, season of mists and mellow fruitfulness and all that 😉
    I’m not particularly fond of shortening days and cold, damp weather but I don’t mind spiders. I tend to ignore them as they disappear without intervention.

    Another fine morning here with a lovely clear blue sky.
    I’m meeting some friends for lunch in Windsor and meeting another friend locally for drinks this evening. Anyone would think my social life is so busy I need to schedule two events on the same day 😆
    I need to exercise some control though as I don’t want to undo the good work of B2B FDs.

    I got my decorating equipment out yesterday and made a start on removing the wallpaper in the hall and sad though it seems, I’ve realised that I enjoy DIY once I can drag myself over the start line……….

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    My mother was absolutely terrified of spiders, even the smallest, and inevitably she passed that fear to us as children. I’m not scared of them now, but the spiders that come in in the autumn are very large and very fast and I’d still rather not have one crawling over me! So I do tend to remove them from the house (glass and card!), but not only for my benefit – the cats tend to like ‘playing’ with them.

    I’m impressed by your diy. My OH has always taken charge in that department, and I’ve only ever been trusted to do preparatory work such as stripping wallpaper and paint. I’m well versed in the theory of everything else…..

    Enjoy your social whirl 😀


    My Mum was terrified of spider too and Dad used to pick them up in a duster and release them at the end of the garden.

    Dad always did DIY and I spent a lot of time watching him. When I was very small he took the wooden cot used by me and my brother apart cut it down and re-assembled and painted it for me to use for my dolls, and the house contained many cupboards, boxes and containers all made by him from recycled items.

    When I bought my flat the first thing I did was paint the kitchen as the walls were a most unattractive shade of pale brown…….
    Once that was done I took on the task of removing wood chip paper from the hall and hanging wallpaper which I’m now removing (30 odd years on…) I would have had no idea where to start if I hadn’t watched Dad.
    I made a good job of it and I know that because he said so and him making a complimentary statement was as rare as hens teeth!

    I’ve rewired lights and switches (the first time I did so I got it wrong and when I used the bathroom switch the kitchen lights came on 🤣 ) and carried out numerous repairs but I leave gas and most plumbing issues to the experts.

    It’s all about either finding and paying someone to do it or trying myself.
    I’m aiming to try my hand at tiling when I do the kitchen…………

    Tiling is really easy, Amazon. Wiring is an issue as it can kill. Tiles rarely kill!
    As to spiders…they don’t worry me, except when bailed up in the hall by a very agressive funnelweb! They are not only deadly, they are also very agressive if taken by surprise! Like snakes, most spiders keep away.
    We also have deadly redback spiders, that live under houses and loose bricks in gardens. Huge huntsmen live on walls inside houses, look scary, but are only there to eat mossies.
    I worry far more about people’s unrestrained dogs, frankly.

    I think it’s just a natural instinct, and of course there’s the surprise factor in the house? Feeling something tickling your skin then realising it’s an enormous spider… I have the same response to mice in the house – I’m quite happy to catch and release them outside, but when I’m lying on the floor and one runs across the floor at me it still makes me jump!

    Yes, the thought of something crawling over you is pretty horrible, Happy.
    Thursday fast rapidly approaching 🤨 Gee, they come quick and fast! P

    Lots of thatched roofs in Africa.
    One of the group told us over breakfast one morning that bugs had been falling onto her all night. The next night I went to bed (in a different lodge) and something landed on my hand. I touched it with the other hand and it felt squidgy and was moving. I shook it off and turned on the light.
    A caterpillar was crawling along on the bedside rug 😆

    Amazon, PVE and Happy,
    I am pretty brave with creatures of most sorts but fast moving 🕷 are sure to make me jump. I will catch and remove them, never killed one knowingly. I did meet a few scary spiders in Australia but luckily they were behind glass. When I was a nursery teacher I handled some very large insects with confidence including a terantula. In fact we looked after one for a few weeks for a friend. My husband really hates them. He didn’t like our pet stick insects at all. The children loved them, they were handled daily, even though they tickled on bare skin. I know I would freak out if something dropped on me whilst in bed. Everything is always worse in the dark.

    Back into Fasting mode today as I attended a talk on dementia yesterday. High risk factors are obesity, sleep apnea, lack of enough quality sleep and lack of exercise, healthy diet and sensible portion sizes.

    She was a fascinating speaker and didn’t pull her punches, she said sugar is poison so cut it from your diet, she also said sweeterners are just as dangerous, check out side effects of sweeteners. She is a UK general practitioner but originates from Croacia and specialised in research into age related memory loss and dementia. She suggested that we should all learn new skills at least annually. I might have another try at knitting. See the lovely things Wee makes gives me the urge to try.
    I have sufficient exercise and my diet is healthy but I still need to work on portion control. Cheese portion is only the size of your little finger and no meal should be larger than your clenched fist. I think these visualisations do help.

    Keep Fasting everyone

    Cheese portion no bigger than my little finger?!!!! That’s not happening 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀

    Cheese portion no bigger than my little finger????????

    The politest response I can think of is balderdash and poppycock!!!!!!!

    Where is the science to back up such a preposterous notion………… and I won’t even begin on meal portions smaller than a clenched fist.

    Soundbites don’t cause weight loss.

    A clenched fist of salad? Muffin? Creme brulee? Fish? Mmmmm…. comparing fists is a strange informal dietary unit.
    Simply eating healthier and less sounds sensible to me. P

    I’ve just been googling it, apparently it is a thing to use your hand as a guide to portion sizes!

    This links to British Dietetic Association advice – meat no bigger than the palm of your hand, a serving of most veg (or carbs) no bigger than a clenched fist, cheese equal to TWO thumbs 😁

    I guess you’d always have your measuring device on hand! 😉 P

    Gloves = portion size measuring device covers.

    Morning/evening all,

    There’s a big difference between a portion of meat or a meal being the size of a clenched fist but I hadn’t decided to start eating my dinner on a tea plate……

    I wouldn’t fancy getting a portion of dhal out of a glove 😆

    I had a really good day yesterday, a nice lunch and a catch up with some old friends and out for drinks in the evening with another friend.
    When I was walking home last night there was a distinct whiff of wintry weather in the air and was pleased to get home and into the warmth of my bed which is now wearing it’s winter duvet.

    FD today and only 9 hours until dinner 😉

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    You go too far! Dhal in a glove??? Everyone knows that’s what mittens are for 😁

    Hello All,
    According to this Doctor, your stomach is the size of your clenched fist so therefore your meal should not be larger. Interestingly this part of the meeting caused the most debate as not one person in the room cculd accept this reasoning. I am glad that she got it wrong and cheese was two thumbs, sounds better. But two rolls is definitely off the Agenda as is a whole punnet of strawberries or a whole banana.

    I did ask her if there were any links to vegetarian/vegan diet and dementia but she said that research has not been done. She doesn’t feel the either represent a balanced diet and both required additives. I guess not too many vegans in Croatia. I didn’t think Fasting would go down too well in my retirement group so didn’t ask about links to Dementia.

    Pretty chilly here too, may need a fleece in the park today.

    Fasting again today to make up for Monday


    I can see the logic of not distending your stomach with a huge portion of food, but when the ‘hand portion size’ guide drills down to quantities of individual foods it just becomes a way to visualise e.g. the Eatwell Plate. I note for example it states that fats should be no more than your thumb tip (last joint to end), which suggests it’s based on the old advice that dietary fat is bad for you…

    Good luck with your fast. I may fast again tomorrow, we’ll see. I’m hoping to go for a swim first thing and that usually leaves me starving!

    Whose palm? Donald Trump’s.
    I am on B2B fasting finishing at breakfast tomorrow in front of a 3800 metre peak with the beautiful name of La Meije.
    We can’t accept summer is over, so we are off on one more jaunt into the high Alps, but without the tent this time.

    Our grape vines are just dripping with grapes. Shame that any processing requires mammoth doses of sugar. The edible dormice will be happy. I am joining the no alcohol in October campaign, so partaking in none of the lovely Italian reds floating around in this house either.

    Have a lovely autumnal/spring day/evening.

    Great attitude, Wi! Grab the last of summer and wring out every drop. Your mountain jaunts sound wonderful.
    After a stunning October long weekend,
    We are “enjoying” a rare rainy day, bad timing for fasting, but much needed.
    So much harder fasting when we can’t get out and about. There is only SO much black coffee and water a girl can down. 🙄 P

    Hello Tribe,

    What a beautiful day here today! Last Tuesday we had again so much rain. Our lawn, which is a lot is on terrible shape already resulting excess water. Well that is not my department…

    Spiders – insects normally don’t scare me. Now I have to watch for mice trying to rent their spot for the winter.
    One instance I was traveling between the border of Brasil and Bolivia when I wanted to
    go to the toilet. What a wishful thinking. When finally a suitable place showed up there was a wooded out house. I go inside, close the door and there was a huge hairy black spider that caused me trauma to this day. I can’t even thing about it. I don’t even remember how I exited it.

    Who’s hand? Donald Trumps 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Well! I do have biggg eyes and normally go to far with portions. I do admire the japaneses when they mentally understands how to stop when they are 3/4 full. I neeeeeverrrrr had 2 thumbs of cheese in my life.

    My Fast Monday went well! Today I am on board again. Dry week here … no alcohol.

    Happy Health and Fun Fasting to all 😘

    The biggest risk factor for developing dementia is age.

    There are numerous others


    I don’t like mittens, I could never get on with them, didn’t find them comfortable and I wouldn’t fancy scraping dhal out of one either!

    I’ve just had a very nice plate of stir fried squid with veggies. It was definitely bigger than my clenched fist. and today is a FD………


    You telling us you are giving up alcohol for October reminded me of this

    I’ve got the day off today, and decided to go for a swim. I used to swim regularly, but haven’t since we moved here 7 years ago. Funny though, my brain was quite confident that I’d still be able to swim, if not the previous 1.5-2km, at least 1km without stopping… and fully expected that I’d be able to keep pace with an older lady in front of me…. Ha ha, neither happened 😂 I had to catch my breath every 4th length, and give up on the old lady. I managed 750m, and was saved by the session ending! I’m off again on Monday, so will go again..if I’ve recovered by then!

    Home now and just making preparations for an afternoon baking – the dreaded Christmas cake and mincemeat. I was thinking of fasting today, but not only was I starving after swimming, but I know I’m weak where Xmas cake mix is concerned 😊 And there is only one day in the year when I make an Xmas cake…!

    Happy, even though I swim regularly in my own little pool, I was staggered how exhausting I found swimming in the huge rock pools, with waterfalls, in the Northern Territory last year. Distance swimming really does require regular practice to get the lungs back in practice, doesn’t it?
    I made a cake with a granddaughter yesterday, while fasting. I was glad my little offsider was so eager to lick the bowl. After it was cooked, she kept offering me some, saying how delicious it was! I waited until today … and she was right. 😉😉 P


    Well I expected it would be hard on my upper body, but the lungs took me by surprise! Not only am I out of practice, but I don’t have my inbuilt buoyancy aids anymore…

    The cake is in the oven. I did lick the spoon, but there’ll be no eating the cake… not til Christmas anyway!

    It’s stopped raining now, so I might get out for a walk this afternoon too. Probably a good idea as I can feel my lower back/ hips after swimming. I’d love to start going again regularly, but it takes half an hour just to get to the leisure centre so it’s not something I can easily squeeze in before work or during lunch… roll on retirement 😀

    Hi everyone,

    It’s turned into a lovely afternoon.


    I love swimming but I never push myself as I usually swim after working out.
    I have no idea how far I swim but usually do between 15 and 30 minutes depending on how I feel and how busy the pool is.

    When I was last in Australia I used to swim at least 1k every morning at a leisurely pace and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have to admit that swimming outside in the Australian summer isn’t quite the same as the leisure centre…….

    I haven’t been to the gym since Monday as when I was there, every time I coughed I was glared at. I’m feeling OK but still coughing and spluttering a bit so postponed my afternoon outing until next week and am taking it easy at home as I think I’ve been overdoing it this week which hasn’t helped.

    I haven’t given much thought to C*****mas yet and I suppose I ought to. but the redecorating needs to take priority and as I don’t usually make my cakes until the end of October, I’ve got plenty of time.

    I’ve no mincemeat left so that’ll be first on the list but before I do that I want to use the chillies I’ve grown on the windowsill in some chilli jam. They are tiny but very, very hot and will make wonderful jam some of which will be used for gifts.

    I’m also wanting to do something different this year other than staying home alone so need to explore all options. As happy as I am with my own company it leads to over-indulgence AND it would be nice to socialise.

    I ordered some paint test pots on-line and they arrived this morning. I opened the one intended for the living room wall and applied it.
    Guess what? It’s the colour I’ve already got on the wall 🤣🤣🤣

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    I’ve already pickled my jalapeños and made chilli chutney. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it 🌶🌶

    I thought I’d better get on with the cake now, as I’m going to be fully occupied through November and if I don’t make it til December it won’t get many feeds before the big day.

    I love that you’ve bought tester pots in the existing colour! It shows what classically good taste you had last time round! My OH was thoroughly unimpressed recently when he discovered I’d chosen a paint shade for the bedroom that dried to pretty much the colour of the new plaster he’d just painted over 😀

    I really like the colour and am not anxious to change it so I’m going to go with it. The room will look very different anyway with new fabric on the sofas and the old curtains replaced with blinds.

    I usually bake myself a very alcoholic cake that doesn’t need feeding and I don’t feed those that are gifts as there are cake loving children in both households so it doesn’t really matter when I bake them but I would become very anxious if they weren’t done before mid November.

    I no longer do any Christmas baking. We buy a gorgeous charity pudding (Mr P’s indulgence) and that’s it. I’m more into creative salads for Chrissy fair these days.😉
    Chillies are the one plant guaranteed to grow here. The possums and bugs aren’t interested and they are hardy. I’ve taken up chopping them roughly, seeds and all, and freezing. Makes it simple to add to cooking.
    Don’t imagine you’ll have more time when retired, Happy 😊😊 P

    Morning All,
    Well we still have summer here, lovely bright day. The beach was packed yesterday with lots of people swimming in the sea and sun bathing. Crazy weather!

    I am off to strip wall paper at my sons new house, it’s going well, the 60’s psychedelic combo with 1920’s Huge swirly pattern carpet and big, patterned heavy curtains were a sight to behold. But not for long before nausea set in! The previous Tennant is still living at 103, now in a home, so it didn’t effect her too badly. The smell is pretty grim though

    Should burn off a few calories.

    Keep fast and keep well.

    Morning/evening all,

    I am also preparing for a day of wallpaper stripping.

    It is dull and overcast with heavy rain forecast later on so it’s a good day to be busy at home and as it’s a FD it’ll keep my mind off food.

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    Well it’s dry here, but currently 5 degrees, with a maximum of 10 forecast. Definitely not summer! The sun is out though, so at least I’ll make some vitamin D today.

    I was toying with fasting, but I’m making spelt sodabread for gardening sustenance.


    I’ve stopped for a break and to watch a tennis SF. I could murder some spelt soda bread which is not a thought to hold onto on a FD ☹

    I had forgotten how hard stripping wallpaper is and am amazed at how well I stuck it to the walls all those years ago. I’m determined to get it done by the end of the day.

    Hi All,
    I definitely spoke too soon it rainy and windy now. Got soaked on a trip to the skip with my son’s old kitchen in my boot.

    We had a really easy time stripping paper as it was all vinyl, walls are really good which is a blasting. We had two steamers on the go and stripped every room, hall and stairwell. Marathon effort. We also removed an old kitchen and got a start on stripping of brown patterned kitchen tiles. Two fireplaces are being removed tonight, old tiled jobs. Art Deco Design, shame really but they are both damaged and horrible shades of brown. Next week they are taking down a wall to make a huge Kitchen dinerwith central island. I might avoid going for a few days when that work is being done. Noisy and dusty not my chosen working environment.

    Sanding down walls and paintwork will be next, so much of it, 4 bedrooms and three reception rooms plus kitchen 2 bathrooms. I don’t know why they can’t do one room at a time. Hopefully it will all be done by Christmas as baby due Jan.

    I am sure it will look wonderful as they both love design and prefer contemporary style. Light, spacious and minimal will be their chosen decor.

    Can’t say I was sad to see the end of the heavy patterned curtains today, the smell from them was putrid.

    I really quite enjoyed the decorating today. So much more fun when you know you haven’t got to go to work on the next day. I realised I hadn’t done any decorating since I retired. I think I might have a go at my place next year. It could do with a face lift.(so could I really)

    Nice long shower planned then a quiet evening of Bridge, happy days.

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