Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 4,051 through 4,100 (of 7,283 total)

  • Hi everyone especially Wiwi.

    Glad to hear you are on the mend and I hope you are back to full speed soon.


    My willpower is better when I’m out of the house and away from the kitchen and when I’m eating out with friends I find it easier than when I’m at home where no-one can see what I eat.

    I’m fasting again today and was at the gym this morning. As soon as I got home and walked into the kitchen I started thinking about food and I wasn’t hungry. It’s crazy and soooooooo irritating!

    I’ve kept myself busy and keep reminding myself that I’ll never reach goal if I don’t stick to the plan.

    So far so good……

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    From the Man who was SAMM.
    I get to 8400 calories a week so Iโ€™m not feeling deprived. However Iโ€™m adapting to eating the healthiest foods that not only provide the macro nutrition, but also add health benefits. Iโ€™m finding that I never run out an appetite for those healthiest foods.
    I moved on to 4:3 fasting in the second year. No more than 8400 calories a week. I exercise twice a day every day. Whether itโ€™s jump rope, stability ball, walking, sprints, or lifting weights. Thatโ€™s whatโ€™s doable for me after two years of really committing to the decision to go all way to goal. I no longer get hung up on what the scale says because itโ€™s always going down on me. Not as often as Iโ€™d like but doable none the less. I know there are more sophisticated and more accurate methods of calculating calories to match expected losses. However itโ€™s my understanding that if you want to be 120lbs the eat 1200 calories, if 130lbs 1300 calories, 140lbs 1400 caloriesโ€ฆ
    Not saying its sound science, but itโ€™s simple and pretty close.
    IMO this why I like the intermittent fasting approach. Say I wanted to be 120 lbs no matter what weight I am now. Taking the eventual approach. 7 days x 1200 calories = 8400 calories. However if I fast on two of those days. 5:2 that would be a different equation
    8400 cals โ€“ 1200 from the two fasting days= 7200 divided by 5= 1440 on the feed days
    If you want your goal to 120 lbs. Eat 1200 calories a day over a seven day period.
    130lbs- 1300
    140- 1400
    150- 1500
    Purple has always pushed the eat as if you are at you goal weight already which makes sense.
    There is something in this for all of us I think.
    Eat Fast and Live Longer
    Peace RT

    Thanks RT
    I don’t remember that particular post of Samm’s (miss him), but it’s pretty right. 60kg is 130 pounds (roughly) and I’ve always said 1300 cal is my tdee. It’s how I calculated from the very start. No point in eating 2000 cal and expecting to ever get to 60kg.
    Fasting regularly definitely reduces snacking and overeating.
    Keep spreading the word, people. ๐Ÿ˜Š P

    Well I hate to (as always…?) be a fly in the ointment, but… I’m also roughly 130lbs but my TDEE is currently higher than 1300 (although it will reduce as I age). Luckily I didn’t need to get hung up with calorie counting, daily weighing (me, not my food!) and no added sugar/refined carbs and sensible portion sizes got me to goal.

    It’s another beautiful morning here. I’m awake early, listening to the high pitched chatter of the house martins who are nesting on the wall tops above the bedroom window. If I open the curtains I can watch them whizzing in and out. Such amazing little birds. Three weeks ago they were in Africa and now they are here giving me joy daily ๐Ÿ˜€

    RT, one for you! At the weekend I very much enjoyed slow roast Chinese belly pork that had been marinading for 48 hours. I cunningly bought a big enough piece that we couldn’t eat it all in one sitting. Last night it became double-cook pork in a delicious stir-fry ๐Ÿ˜€

    Happy Wednesday, all.

    Happy you are not a fly in the ointment, you are a critical thinker who keeps us all on our toes! You also have a slight tendency to enjoy being a stirrer!!
    I hate to remind you, but you are a mere youngster compared to most of us….I can say with the voice of experience that it gets much harder to lose weight as one ages. So make the most of it!
    That pork sounds scrumptious๐Ÿท๐Ÿ–๐Ÿฝ
    I contemplated vegetarianism the other day as I travelled on a freeway next to a truck loaded with sheep…one of them had a back leg sticking out between the bars and I spent 5 minutes wondering how I could get the drivers attention as we barreled along at 100kph. I changed lanes and got next to his cab but of course there was no way he could see me because he was so high. I pulled back and crossed lanes behind him to check if the leg looked really stuck and to my joy the clever sheep had finally managed to pull it back into the truck. Then I tried to convince myself that the sheep were just going on a road trip holiday ๐Ÿ˜”

    It’s lovely the way they take sheep on holiday trips, isn’t it, Nama? They take them on wonderful ocean cruises too…although that doesn’t always end very well ๐Ÿ˜
    You got in ahead of me with your comment to the young’n. I never understood the huge advantage of being able to eat whatever I wanted and never gained weight when I was younger.
    Enjoy your migrant birds, Happy. It’s wonderful to think about the sights they’ve seen and that they cleverly chose to visit you! โ˜บ P

    Hi Nama,

    Yes, I do appreciate the age difference… but I didnโ€™t like to mention it ๐Ÿ˜€

    Ah, poor sheep. Not a nice thing for you to see, but actually it would probably do a lot of good if more people saw it….I donโ€™t say everyone should be vegetarian or vegan, but I do think we have a collective responsibility and duty to think about what we do and ensure that we treat with compassion all living things, including the billions of animals killed to feed us every year.


    Well I never was someone who could eat whatever they wanted and not gain weight when they were younger. I was always someone who went on a three week holiday and came back 4kg heavier! So even if losing weight gets harder as I get older, with 5:2 etc it will still be easier than it was when I was younger!

    We are all SO varied in our experiences coming to this wol, aren’t we, Happy?
    Thank goodness it works for us. P

    Morning/evening all,

    Yet another warm and sunny morning and I’m off for a riverside walk this afternoon followed by dinner.

    When I was 21 and skinny, I went to Canada with my parents to stay with my aunt and uncle. I gained 10 kilos as did my Dad.
    It was the first time we had visted and my aunt fed us every time we breathed in…….
    or was it every time we breathed out…….

    I’ve always gained weight easily and always been able to lose it but never reached goal and always re-gained more than I’d lost. Every single day is a battle against my want to eat everything I can just because I love eating and not due to hunger. I’m getting better but I doubt it’ll ever be easy.

    I’ve had 2 good FDs this week, so far so good ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    I am in the same boat as you, my mind is never far from the next meal.
    I did my first weight watchers diet at 18 when I was 9 lbs over my goal. I lost 10 lb in the first week and did not bother to return to the club. The next time I joined WW I was 2 stones overweight age 28, it took 6 months to get to goal of 9 st 9 lbs, again I stopped going to the slimming club immediately, I found it all so boring. Marriage, babies and full time work for the next 20 years saw me gain 7 stones in weight. I did yo yo dieting during this time but never reached goal. Believe it or not I was still active during this period, yoga, daily walking and working out at the gym plus swimming every other day. It was not until I started fasting that I really began to change my diet for good. I had tried being a vegetarian for a year during the yoyo diet years but I didn’t lose weight because bread featured heavily in my food choices.
    Bread is really the only food I crave now but it’s under control. Vegan diet is well established and I am fine with no meat and dairy as a long term choice. My general health and energy levels are good. I have accepted that back, hip and knee pain are ‘my lot’ now but I know that losing more weight would reduce stress on my joints. I enjoy a full life physically and socially but I know it could be better if I could get to goal. I am lazy about counting calories and recording food intake yet I know this is the way forward. Maintaining focus is very hard. Fasting 500 calories today, meal prepared already for dinner tonight, veg curry. Water all day and an apple snack at bowls while others eat biscuits. I get lots of fresh air daily and it definitely stirs my appetite. I know I need help to succeed, I truely don’t think I will get to goal without it.
    Question is ‘what to do next?’ Another weight control group, most don’t agree with fasting or do I consider alternative therapy?
    I guess ‘self control’ has it’s limitations, I am doing my best but failing to win this battle.
    No choice but to keep on trying though.

    Good health everyone, that is the real priority.


    Why do you need a snack even if it is an apple? Teach yourself that you don’t have to eat just because others are stuffing their faces. If you learn not to snack it’ll be easier to avoid temptation in the future. If they are eating biscuits, drink your water and polish your halo because you’ve not succumbed to processed carbs that contain little nutrition.

    You’ve admitted you are lazy about recording calories and food intake so you’ve answered your own question as to what to do next and maybe a change of outlook would help.
    I also (if you don’t mind me saying so) think you set your sights in an overly optimistic framework expecting big results in too short a time.
    Try setting small goals ie how you will cope with controlling your eating today and making a plan for tomorrow.

    I would also say there is no way you can know if a vegan diet will work for you as a long term choice until you’ve been following it without erring for several years so you have already set yourself up to fail by declaring you are happy with it as a long term choice. And you’ve already cooked and eaten a roast dinner after only a few weeks of following a vegan diet.

    I am guilty of setting myself up only to fail too many times and I understand how disappointing and frustrating that failure is but it is self inflicted.
    We both need to stop trying to be the hare and be content to keep pace with the tortoise.

    Neither of us need to change things, we just need to stick to the plan and be patient.

    It’s true that I have eaten ‘off piste’ from Vegan diet a few times but I really prefer Vegan food now. I am cooking for friends on Friday night and have already decided to prepare two versions of the casserole ‘vegan’ and ‘meat’. I have tried the ‘no snack’ choice at bowls but it was too tough on the will power. My Apple keeps me on the straight and narrow especially when faced with ‘bread pudding’ which is often the snack offered mid game. It has taken me a long time to beat that temptation.
    I don’t snack at other times and still have one meal per day. On holiday I did have a couple of gin and slimline tonics in the evening then switched to water. It’s a fine line to tread what is a treat on special occasions.

    I know I need to weigh and measure the bulk cooking meals I make. I think I have convinced myself I need not worry as they are basically healthy and low calorie ingredients. Next batch I will count and record, see what they come out to per meal. I don’t add rice or pasta but they include potatoes.

    I don’t include ‘patience’ in my skill set, I wish I did.

    I like tortoises and will try to work on ‘small steps’ approach.

    Cloudy but calm here, where is summer?

    Hi everyone,

    It’s been a lovely day here albeit with a cool breeze and we had a lovely walk along the Thames followed by a really nice dinner. The walk was great as there was a lot going on along the river, lots of pleasure boats, new constructions, children learning to row and paddle canoes and a swan with 6 cygnets one of which was hitching a ride on Mums back!
    The restaurant we went to which is one of our usual haunts gets a regular fresh fish delivery from Newlyn market in Cornwall and today’s special was a whole plaice served with charred little gem lettuce, samphire, the tiniest Jersey Royal potatoes (think quails eggs) I’ve ever seen and some really nice tartare style sauce with garlic. All washed down with a very nice Rosรฉ Rioja ๐Ÿ˜€

    Back to the gym and fasting tomorrow.

    Now THAT’S my sort of meal, Amazon.
    Happy Thursday fast, early risers. ๐Ÿ˜P

    OMG Amazon you had me at slow roast ๐Ÿ˜† this is now sensual Thursday ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Morning/evening all,

    I was woken up at 3am by a very loud thunderclap overhead. It was a good thing as the rain was tipping down and the breeze blowing in through the open bedroom window!
    It is still drizzling but the forecast says sunshine later ๐Ÿ™‚

    FD today and I’m still feeling full from last nights dinner.

    Have a good one everybody ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Well itโ€™s another glorious morning here, though I gather weโ€™re forecast some rain tomorrow (for one day only ๐Ÿ˜€) before back to full on summer again. I must be dreaming!

    No fasting this week. Itโ€™s been a busy and slightly stressful week, and my weight has been dropping naturally as the week has gone by. As always though I am still thinking about my next meal, and yesterday found myself thinking about what I might eat on Friday evening ๐Ÿ˜Š

    I’ve already planned the BH weekend menu as I went shopping this morning and wanted to ensure I’ve got everything I need.

    I’m experimenting with new recipes this week.
    In last Saturday’s Guardian food magazine AJs page included feta, tomato and pepper parcels which can be cooked on a BBQ or in the oven. The peppers are blackened, peeled and sliced before going into the parcels and that was enough to convince me I needed to try it and I can make a single parcel, so I’m going to make it on Saturday and serve it with roasted asparagus and a green salad.
    On Sunday it’ll be AJ’s charred aubergines with baba ghanoush which is basically a cooked salad of aubergine,sweet potato, grilled little gem lettuce served with baba ghanoush and flatbread.
    Any leftovers can be served on FDs minus the flatbread.

    I’ve also been looking at veggie/vegan burger recipes and am going to attempt to take bits and pieces from several recipes and see if I can come up with something good. They can be served with salad/grilled veg and/or with toppings such as cheese or guacamole on non FDs and it would be good to have a few stashed away in the freezer.

    I was going to make sag panner today but my homemeade paneer has not kept well in the fridge so is now in the food waste bin so I’m making spinch, cauliflower and chickpea curry for my FD dinNer this evening and there will be enough for tomorrow.

    When we were talking about food and diet yesterday and discussing where to go for dinner, my friend informed me yeaterday that 2 vegan restaurants have opened near where she lives and we’re thinking about giving one of them a try in the near future.

    Time to stop talking about food and do something productive ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Her dog was on heat, but she had agreed to look after her neighbor’s male dog while the neighbor was on vacation.

    She had a large house and she believed that she could keep the two dogs apart.

    However, just as she was drifting off to sleep, she heard awful howling sounds.

    She rushed downstairs and found the dogs locked together and unable to disengage, as frequently happens when dogs mate.

    Unable to separate them, she was perplexed as to what to do next.

    Although it was very late at night, she called her vet, who answered in a very grumpy voice.

    After she explained the problem the vet advised.

    “Hang up the phone and place it down alongside the dogs. I will then call you back and the noise of the ringing will make the male
    lose his erection and he will be able to withdraw.”

    “Do you think that will work?” She asked.

    โ€œIt just worked for me.โ€ He replied.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers ๐Ÿ˜†
    Peace RT

    Thanks RT!

    Didn’t see that one coming, RT ๐Ÿ™‚

    Morning/evening all,

    Yesterday’s FD didn’t work out so I’m fasting today instead.

    It’s a BH weekend here and the forecast for a dry, hot and sunny weekend now threatens thunderstorms. Fingers crossed they are isolated and short lasting so the UK can have an outdoor weekend.

    Whatever you’re doing this weekend and wherever you are,
    have a good one ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Send the clouds this way. We’ll send the sunshine…it’s lovely, but the fatmers need rain. P

    We have had a lovely birthday lunch with Wi and her OH – thanks for that, guys ๐Ÿ™‚ . And so good to hear her medical issues are resolved. Now she can focus on fasting. She will catch you up on this when their social whirl gives them a moment’s break.

    The kitchen bloke came in with the final invoice this afternoon, and glory, the total comes to no more than the original quote. I think he probably didn’t dare after the mess he made – and again admitted to.

    I was very good this week. One of the workmates brought a birthday shout on Monday, but as that’s a FD I didn’t indulge. I couldn’t abstain yesterday, as the shout was my own! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great weekend, everyone.

    Happy Birthday Barata, I guess for yesterday now. Sounds like you had a nice meal with Wiwi. Hope you got some nice presents? Difficult to abstain from birthday cake.

    I was playing a County Ladies Triples match yesterday and a Pairs today. My teams won both but they were point for point throughout which is very nerve racking. Next week I have three County Games so it is all go at the moment. Luckily my Ballroom Dance Teacher is on holiday so she has cancelled her classes. Gives me a breather.

    My guests enjoyed their casserole tonight. I served my Vegan version on a jacket potato while they had rice. Pudding was fresh tropical fruit salad and home made yogurt. I was really hungry after my match so it was demolished in no time. So much for mindful eating and slow chewing.

    Swimming tomorrow, planning on doing 100 lengths of the pool, lately I have only been doing 50 due to time pressures. It’s is good exercise for my back. My bowls adversary today said she has cured her back issues with daily early morning swimming. Not sure I fancy early morning swim daily, usually only swim after my dance class three times per week. I could probably squeeze a late afternoon swim in on some other days but I have a time restriction on my gym membership.

    Fasting tomorrow instead of today. Lots of ironing to do and tidying. Very lazy lately, well in terms of housework anyway.

    Oops! It’s very late, time for some shut eye.

    A great game from the pies last night Nama a come from behind win after seemingly being down and out by 4 goals and the doggies had their tails up. But 2nd half domination shut them down much to like..

    I did enjoy it RT, our coaches seem to be skilled at making changes half way thru a game.

    Jo I think consistency is as important as frequency with swimming…I would never aim for daily as I would certainly fail. Three times a week keeps my knees lubricated and pain free and improves my heart/lung fitness. My only complaint with swimming is having to wash hair afterwards…cant find a leak proof cap! And not ready to cut it off a la Judy Dench …. saving that style for my 80’s!

    Nama, I took up wearing a bathing cap and goggles for laps this year, as I was sick of “swimmers hair”. It was fine for laps, but awful for diving…one of my biggest joys.
    We have sampled country produce at a rural farmers’ market this morning, and bought some wine and kimchi to take home. No lunch for us now ๐Ÿ˜ P

    This is the report for today: “Frequent showers, some heavy with hail until mid afternoon. Southerlies, gale in exposed places, gusting 120 kmโ€‹/โ€‹h until evening”. And yes, there was hail as I was walking from the station! Winter is here – and they are forecasting a cold one!

    FD today, needing my warm miso soup for lunch.

    Thanks, Jo. It was a very enjoyable weekend, with lunch with Wi on Friday, then catching up with son and DIL from Sydney on Saturday, and drinks with friends in the afternoon. We don’t usually do presents, prefer to buy when we find something we like, but two bunches of flowers ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    It sounds like a very pleasant birthday weekend B ๐Ÿ˜Š
    We aren’t getting your weather extremes, but are predicted a cold change and chance of rain (whoopee) tomorrow.
    I’m busy “doing a Bayleaf”, to occupy my fast day. Two bathrooms shiny, now the kitchen floor before the dusting and vacuuming. Ironing later. Who said I’d given up work? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰
    Have a good Monday fast everyone. P

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Fasting becomes such a natural way of life which ever protocol you are following the longer you go along this WOE. I re-watched the original Dr M doco over the weekend and the notion that the less you eat the longer you live with better health outcomes seems so simple uncomplicated and successful..
    It beggars belief that there are still fasting doubters and nay sayers.
    The following grab is from Jason Fung blog this is compelling reading for us the true believers.
    This โ€˜caloric reduction as primaryโ€™ advice has an estimated failure rate of 99.5%. So, if you have tried calorie restriction to lose weight and failed, understand this. You were expected to fail.
    โ€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once startedโ€
    Peace RT.

    Hello All,
    Just booked my trip to Perth and Wellington. Happy Days. Anyone found good hotels or Ait B&B they can recommend.

    Very busy playing County Bowls Games at the moment. It’s all go but my teams are winning so far. Weather a bit unpredictable though. Fog, rain, lightning and thunder then really hot and sunny. Currently can’t see 20 feet for sea fog.

    Not doing too well on the fasting front as eating too much bread. Discipline is needed.

    The conversation today was all about – breakfast is the most important meal and starvation is very bad for you. I just said I have no issues with fasting, proven to be good for your health. They laughed at me. What can you do?

    Let them laugh Jo and prove them wrong! Use your holiday for motivation, set some realistic goals and imagine how great you will feel when you surprise your daughter! Remember how much weight you have lost already and get some belief in yourself back.

    Hi Jo. I always choose to stay at Freo or Cottesloe. Perth city isn’t as vibrant, and you can still visit.
    In Wellington, we found a great Airb&b apartment in Alpha St. Really convenient and full facilities for cooking and washing as well as close to everything. Barata knows where I mean ๐Ÿ˜‰
    A cold change came through last night, but the sun is shining brightly this morning and I’m looking out at the blue, blue ocean, watching for whales. Another day in paradise. P

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Feherty is a CBS and Golf Channel announcer, who finds very unique, colorful and uninhibited ways of explaining or describing whatever is on his mind..(probably always on time delay these days).

    David said one day, “It would be easier to pick a broken nose, than a winner in that group.”

    Feherty Quotes:

    * “Fortunately, Rory is 22 years old so his right wrist should be the strongest muscle in his body.”

    * “That ball is so far left, Lassie couldn’t find it if it was wrapped in bacon.”

    * ” I am sorry Nick Faldo couldn’t be here this week. He is attending the birth of his next wife.”

    * Jim Furyk’s swing “looks like an octopus falling out of a tree.”

    * Describing VJ Singh’s prodigious practice regime – “VJ hits more balls than Elton John’s chin.”

    * “That’s a great shot with that swing.”

    * “It’s OK – the bunker stopped it.”

    * At Augusta 2011 – “It’s just a glorious day. The only way to ruin a day like this would be to play golf on it.”

    * “That was a great shot – if they’d have put the pin there today.”

    * “Watching Phil Mickelson play golf is like watching a drunk chasing a balloon near the edge of a cliff.”

    * “That green appears smaller than a Pygmies’ nipple”.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers ๐Ÿ˜†
    Peace RT

    Oh RT, what a laugh you just provided!
    That guy is in Dennis Cometti’s league!

    My challenge today is to avoid the kilo of fresh strawberries son just dropped off along with his dog! I know they are healthy and low calorie but I am fasting today…..perhaps just strawberries for dinner tonight?

    Thought i would poke my head into see whats been happening Status Quo it would seem i trust everyone will keep on keeping on !!

    Hi RT
    I guess we southerners are too cold to type and the northerners are enjoying summer?
    All as usual here, eating more winter based food, but still fasting, and wearing lots of layers. P

    Hi all,
    Yes and yes, status quo RT thankyou and too cold to type Purple!
    Actually been lying low with a cold, failed two fast days but managed to read a book! Felt much better today so I swapped the novel for a cookbook – big mistake!
    Inspired by Julia Zemiro’s TV show, I dug out Maggie Beer’s best (Maggies Harvest) and got really carried away making chicken stock from scratch. Way too much work for what I ended up with, I seemed to throw out more bones, veg etc than I kept! I have always admired Maggie, but her recipes are a bit fiddly for me, I would rather watch her on TV…
    I hope everyone is ok and managing to stay on track!

    Sorry to hear you picked up a cold Nama. Ihooe you shake it off .
    At least you weren’t inspired by Annabelle Crab’s Back in Time for Dinner! Whipping up a tripe dish (1950s) or using instant potato and dehydrated peas (1960s) might not have heen popular. ๐Ÿ˜‰ P

    Haha you can not of course go past crumbed banana and chicken Maryland and a Tupperware party. Quality Television right there ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Happy Hump Day

    I remember mum adding canned mushroom soup and curry powder to mince to create an “exotic” dish. I don’t ever think fondly of the food trends of my childhood, but it makes good tv. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

    Good morning everyone,
    My life has all been dashing around lately, taken in far too much responsibility organising events at my retirement club. We had a meeting yesterday and I asked for some help. We had some offers so my load will be lightened in future. I have planned a 60โ€™s night, a fayre, a Barn Dance, a fashion show, a Christmas Dance and a holiday in the Isle if Wight so we are off to a good start. Next I need to plan 2019 monthly day trips then we are set. Just ticket selling to do.
    I have just got back to Fasting starting with a two day fast, successfully completed and my scales report success. Sadly itโ€™s only a loss of gained weight but itโ€™s something. My trousers were beginning to feel tight.
    I am Bowling almost daily as we are winning our County games and therefore going through to the next round. Not enjoying it as much this year because my form is not as good as last year. Back problems have really held me back this year. All good at the moment though.
    I saw โ€˜On Chesel Beachโ€™ last night at the Cinema. Really took me back in time passing through 60โ€™s, 70โ€™s up to current day. Really sad love story. Conflicts of class, morals, politics, sexual barriers and innocence.
    Keep Fasting friends

    Boy Jo, you don’t plan on a quiet social time!
    A friend at Weymouth took us to Chesil Beach when we were over last time. A very historic area. I must look out for the film.
    We had a yum homemade dinner for guests tonight, so off to bed at the start of Thursday’s, much needed, fast. P

    Winter has severely stuck here. 130 kph gusts at Mt Kaukau earlier in the day, and I am missing my rain gauge to measure the output from above.

    We had a lovely weekend down south last week, flying to Christchurch and then driving to Kaikoura via vineyards and hot pools. There is still amazing damage locally from the 2016 earthquake, and when we went back to Christchurch on Sunday to fly home we were staggered by the spaces still remaining where buildings had been demolished. There are still lots to come down, too. It is taking a good while to re-build a first-world city.

    You may have heard that we are to cull 150,000 head of cattle, in an attempt to eradicate Micoplasma Bovis, which has somehow made its way into our lovely land. Apparently only we and Norway do not have it among our herds, so the government is going to spend nearly a billion dollars in the attempt. All those poor cattle, and the farmers who have spent decades building up their pedigree herds ๐Ÿ™ . But we should be eating lots of beef mince!

    I am pleased to hear you are using the art of delegation, Jo. Too much of anything is not good, especially for your back. The Kaikoura Boutique Hotel was lovely, apart from that can’t suggest anything for your NZ travels except our back bedroom ๐Ÿ™‚

    While we were there I asked the waitress at a restaurant if I could keep the lamb shank bones to bring home for stock. She brought back a take-home container filled, and later came with another! And we were only taking carry-on luggage! So the stockpot will be on the boil tomorrow. Nothing like home-made stock for the soups and casseroles. Just throw in an onion, carrot, bay leaves, celery, and some pepper corns and saved small garlic cloves, Nama, boil for eight hours, cool, drain, refrigerate, cut into cubes and freeze. I think I have it down to a fine art!

    Keeping on, RT. Have just finished a FD followed by 48 (nearly) of full fasting, so thrilled to report that those two kgs have dropped off, even after a relaxed weekend.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Dorothy and Edna, two “senior” widows, are talking.
    Dorothy: “That nice George Johnson asked me out for a date. I know you went out with him last week, and I wanted to talk with you about him before I give him my answer.”
    Edna: “Well, I’ll tell you. He shows up at my apartment punctually at 7 pm, dressed like such a gentleman in a fine suit, and he brings me such beautiful flowers!

    Then he takes me downstairs. And what’s there; a limousine, uniformed chauffeur and all. Then he takes me out for dinner; a marvellous dinner, lobster, champagne, dessert, and after-dinner drinks.

    Then we go see a show. Let me tell you Dorothy, I enjoyed it so much I could have just died from pleasure!

    So then we are coming back to my apartment and he turns into an ANIMAL. Completely crazy, he tears off my expensive new dress and has his way with me three times!”
    Dorothy: “Goodness gracious! So you are telling me I shouldn’t go?”

    Edna: “No, no, no … I’m just saying, wear an old dress.”
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers ๐Ÿ˜†
    Peace RT

    Interesting twist! Have a good weekend RT. P

    Morning All,
    Woken by a helecopter landing on the grass verge opposite. It sounded like it was landing in my bedroom. Engine fault apparently, it left later, all fixed. Not an alarm call I recommend.

    Fasting went well this week, back on track and in control.

    I did go out for a meal last night (leek and potato soup followed by Leek Wellington’ avoided desert and wine. We went to a Charity Gala in aid of local ‘Shed Project’. A retirement group for men and women (mostly men)where all sorts of objects are made from wood or metal. The ‘Shed’ movement started in Australia but is now being developed in the UK. We bid for tickets for Kent Cricket Club and won them. Thousands of pounds raised in one evening. One ‘holiday in a France’ donation raised 2 1/2 thousand alone.

    Off to bowls now on a nice sunny day.

    I have several friends, Jo, whose retired husbands love going to their local Men’s Shed and tinkering around. I think they have saved many a marriage ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰ I can’t see women being welcome in most. They offer a safe haven for the guys to hang out when they no longer have regular workplaces.
    I hear they also tried to start another great Aussie tradition in the UK, too, but without much success….The Saturday and Sunday charity “sausage sizzle” at the big hardware stores (Bunninngs here). It is part of the weekend ritual here, go down to the hardware to buy supplies for the weekend maintenance, and pick up a bbq’d sausage, onions and sauce on white bread while you’re there. The money goes to a different community group each week. ๐Ÿ˜Š P

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