Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • It’s a dull, grey day with clouds below us, brightened by spending time with Wiwi and our OHs. She reports that she has been locked out of Jo’s thread – not the forum, just the thread, if any of you can shine any light on this for her?

    First roast dinner of the season, cooked in my new ovens, so hope all works well. I’m back on the wine, too. I decided not to wait until the end of the month, fourteen days was sufficient to indicate that this is not the answer to my sleeping issues. Yay!

    Poor Wi. I’d email admin. We don’t want to lose our French Connection πŸ˜‰
    Wise decision re the wine, B.
    We’ve just enjoyed a lovely family luncheon and catchup. The sun is shining, so all is good for an autumnal Sunday. People out and about everywhere.
    Soup for dinner. 😊 P

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s another cool, dull day here.

    I had an unexpected catchup with a friend yesterday so more wine than originally planned was consumed. I shall adjust my calorie intake today to compensate.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    We just arrived home after a 4km strenuous walk. I synced my fitness monitor for the first time today. 1100 cals burned if I had stayed in bed all day. 1460 burned after doing 9800 steps! Relying on exercise to burn excess intake would be a fool’s game. That would be 1 muffin.
    Mind you, we had a pleasant time and feel great. πŸ˜‰ P

    Morning All,
    Apart from walking the dogs yesterday I just rested and read my book. I ate two small healthy meals – veg curry (no rice) and later small salad. I felt OK when horizontal but light headed when vertical, so decided to continue to lounge around. Not sure of cause of dizziness but feeling fine so far today. Still overcast today and more rain expected so I am choosing to continue my rest for one more day, although a little ironing is necessary later today, I can do that seated. Hopefully I can get back to normal routine on Monday, dance class booked. I have another Murder Mystery night rehearsal tomorrow so I hope I feel OK for it. The Show must go on!

    Barata – I didn’t think you could get locked out of just one thread, weird, poor wiwi. I have been locked out of the whole forum in the past but it was quickly resolved by admin when I emailed them. Technology always gets bugs at some point, program tampering usually. They try to resolve one anomaly and lots more are created. Hopefully they can sort it out quickly.

    Nama- my children loved apples too and I rarely get through a day with either an apple or an orange. I note that I still have several non drinking friends that drink coke. I personally drink tap, mineral or spring water in preference. I still have the occasional gin and slimline tonic with a slice of cucumber.

    Amazon -Great news – goal must be in sight now! Good Luck!

    RT-I must get back to wearing my pedometer, getting lazy these days. Just booked in to a two hour walk twice per month with my Retirement club, should help get me on track.

    PVE- I agree that exercise is not a means to the end, just toning and feel good factor. Cutting sugary foods does help though.

    Just watching a programme about a new three hormone drug being tested. It will involve a daily injection instead of Bariatric surgery. The new drug stops appetite and makes you feel full quicker and longer. Sounds good, should save NHS a lot of money both in surgery and managing conditions. Long term as obesity leads to more cancer, diebetes and other common health risks. 2/3 of us are now overweight so this crisis needs to be addressed. We definitely all need to fight this problem as 1/3 of our children are now overweight which will have disastrous effects on their long term health. They allowed 5 groups of children to shop at a supermarket without their parents. None of the baskets included any vegetables and all included 90 % sugar based foods.

    The majority of very obese people have eating disorders and hunger doesn’t come into the equation. It would be better to invest money in units where people can stay and have their diet controlled and be weaned off addictive sugary foods, with counselling to support them and help them to understand why they over eat alongside education on how to develop good eating habits and feed themselves and their families healthy meals without breaking the bank.

    A hormone injection might be cheaper than surgery but it is doing the same thing in fixing the effect but not the cause.

    Governments also need to rein in the power of the food industry and prevent them via legislation from marketing so much junk that shouldn’t be called food, along with educating children from a young age about food, it’s origins and nutrition.

    Morning all.
    The hormone injection is being driven by our human desire for a quick fix and also the greed of the drug companies…governments dont care at all. Sadly those children shopping would be hard pressed to find anything resembling healthy food in a modern supermarket! Yes I feel cynical!

    Same conversation happening here re the obesity “epidemic”. Tonight’s 4 Corners, an investigative program will be about the sugar levels in cereals, why pollies are reluctant to attack the sugar producing electorates and the failure of our food rating scale to identify food containing high sugar levels. A must see! P

    I suppose at least the TV coverage will help educate the public about the health risks. More and more families do not cook, relying on take away food. I agree the drug solution is not the best solution but at least it will prevent the surgical one. WHSmiths was featured due to it’s ‘at counter’ sales of sweets. They sell 900 bars of chocolate every 45 seconds in this country yet they are really a stationers and booksellers. Crazy! Renamed WHSugar.

    Cereals are particularly bad with high levels of sugar. Kellogg’s and Nestle are not warning their purchasers how much sugar is in every mouthful. Best avoided, stick to good old porridge.

    Apparently a Milo breakfast cereal with 30% sugar scores 4 1/2 stars, while plain oats gets 5 stars!! Crazy rating system!
    60% of Australians are obese or overweight! It will rise to 80% by 2020 at the current rate!
    Drugs or surgery will never be the answer though. Totally changing attitudes to what constitutes food and when food should be eaten are key. P

    Morning/evening all,

    Sorry Jo but I fail to understand why you consider a series of a three hormone cocktail of injections is better than surgery. How are the researchers determining long term and side effects of such a regime?

    In the USA the FDA rules the roost over what appears in pharmacies and on supermarket shelves, no conflict of interest there……

    In the UK they are separate but they are both very powerful and influential and radical change needs to be made.

    We should not be looking at papering over the cracks we should be preventing them in the first place but it would seem that governments everywhere are happy for people to become sick due to bad diet and then be given drugs to treat the effects and leave the disease untreated.

    The other issue is that governments these days seem to be more interested in staying in power than doing anything that would actually benefit the people who elected them. If a UK government took a long hard look at how much money could be saved by the NHS if they didn’t have to look after people with obesity/bad diet related illnesses and committed to a long term strategy it would save millions of lives and billions of pounds but they need to tackle the food industry and legislate accordingly.
    Purple mentions the inadequate food rating/labelling in Australia, which is of course a global issue that needs to be tackled.

    I have a friend who has never resorted to convenience food or ready meals. She cooked a family meal from scratch every evening after getting home from work without spending hours in the kitchen. There was no messing around cooking different meals or items for anyone, they all ate the same meal.
    She never allowed her children any junk food or sugary fizzy drinks but gave them healthy treats and the occasional chocolate bar. They always ate together at the table and not in front of the TV. It isn’t difficult or expensive and her children have grown up into healthy adults who don’t feel they missed out by not being given cheap unhealthy “food” items.

    This soap box is rather worn. I might have to get a new one πŸ˜‰

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Thank you Amazon. As RT would say, “Love your work.” πŸ˜‰P

    Morning all!

    Amazon, re: your friend who spent time cooking. It’s interesting now that so many people claim to be β€œtoo busy” to cook from scratch. What they really mean is that have decided to prioritise other things over proper food. If you don’t prepare the food yourself you are never really going to understand what goes into it (and into your mouth).

    Jo, I too watched the programmes on obesity last week.
    What I found shocking about the children in the supermarket was not what they put in the trollies, but that the parents all admitted that the sugary breakfast cereals the children chose were in fact what the children routinely ate for breakfast.
    But then it turned out that the parents had never stopped to think about the recommended serving size – yep, it’s for an adult not a child! And then the children were asked to pour out how much of their cereal they would normally eat and, once the parents confirmed that was about right, that portion was weighed. Most children were eating roughly double portions. The parents had never stopped to think about portion size… no wonder kids are getting fat, a supersize bowl of sugar first thing in the morning sets them up nicely for the day!

    There’s only so much Government can do, and they won’t anyway, nothing to risk alienating rich backers and voters…

    People need to wake up and take responsibility. Most won’t though. To paraphrase the NRA β€œI’ll give you my cake and fizzy drink when you take it from my cold, dead hands”.

    Jo, I hope your dizziness has subsided. I appear to have had a 48 hour something this weekend. I went for a run/walk on Friday and felt horribly weak and sick, and until Sunday evening had spells of light-headedness, feeling queasy and generally not quite right. And now feeling better, just in time for the working week!

    Chilly here today, dry and bright but a cool wind. I hope you southerners don’t get washed away today! The forecast looks grim.

    Hi again
    Thanks P. I am in again, but only by going in through the site. Happy to catch up again.
    Still knees up. The Dr today says she very rarely recommends constant feet up. It will be a battle to get fit again.
    Food consumption low.
    I was missing you all.


    Grim is the word but apparently spring returns to the South East tomorrow πŸ™‚

    My boiler is leaking and not working. It is most likely terminal. Thank goodness I decided on an electric shower and I have a gas fire which is on as it is only 6C here.

    As for my friend and her husband, they’ve always been fully aware that it is their responsibility for what and how much their children eat.
    The level of ingnorance amongst so many parents regarding nutrition and portion sizes is shocking. How did it happen?

    Welcome back Wiwi 😊

    Hi Wi. Good to have you back, but sorry the knees are keeping you chairbound. 😐

    I’ve just lit the first fire for the year. We have been fasting and doing sedentary paperwork all day. With the sun only shining briefly for about an hour, we have been chilled to the bone! We finally decided, as the sun set, that we should test that the fire still works. It does!!!

    I can remember begging my eldest to let us have some party food for his 8th birthday party…he only wanted apples and water. He hasn’t changed nearly 4 decades later. 😊 Parents are a massive influence on their children’s eating habits. Obesity doesn’t run in families…inappropriate eating does. P

    Welcome back Wiwi
    Bad news about the feet up routine but sometimes you just need to rest the body.
    I have recovered from my dizzyness now, strangelyleft with hangover and painful back(result of resting, reading and watching TV(what can you do?).also a very sleepless night with loud gusting winds, rain hitting the windows and stuff rattling around in the garden.
    When I ran my preschool I tried to focus on ‘healthy eating’ arranging talks and sending out literature. Only parents who already packed healthy lunch boxes came to the talks and others ignored guidelines sent out to them. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink? At least at snacktime we only gave children water or milk and vegetables/fruit. Needless to say they ate it without complaint. We also insisted that they clean their teeth after their very unhealthy lunches. They often bought a sandwich at the garage and had an prepared packaged precut apple. Seriously! Most included crisps too. These are same children that reported eating cocoa-pops for breakfast. I think the NHS are trying to educate parents, they just don’t listen!
    Amazon – my soapbox got worn out years ago.

    I used to love Sugar Puffs which we occasionally had as a treat, I honestly never considered the health issues, now paying the price.

    Morning/evening all,

    Winter has disappeared hopefully for the last time and we have blue sky, sunshine, temperatures in double figures and the promise of some decent weather over the next week or two. Fingers crossed……..

    My FD went well yesterday. I’m stuck at home waiting for the surveyor and have no idea what time he’s coming but the visit has been fitted in at short notice so I must count my blessings as I’ve no hot water apart from the electric shower.

    I’m taking advantage of the weather by doing a mountain of laundry that can dry in the sun and sorting out what I need for my weekend away.

    I’ve also done some research to find a recipe that will work with what is left in the fridge and will be trying out a Bangladeshi aubergine, courgette and tomato curry which will be slightly unauthentic as parsley will be used instead of fresh coriander πŸ˜€

    I’m also hoping to get into the garden for some tidying up and weeding.

    Have a good one everybody 😜🌞

    It’s fun finding recipes that use what’s left in the fridge, isn’t it?
    We had sun again today, unlike yesterday’s miserable weather. Only a few degrees warmer, but SO much better…also it wasn’t a fast day 😁
    Lamb casserole tonight…yum. pears, walnuts and creme fraiche for dessert.
    I’ll sleep well tonight. P

    Well I like finding recipes to use up bits and pieces… OH not so much! Tonight’s fast day meal was shakshuka, using up some capsicum and tomato that needed cooking, and with homemade eggs of course. I could see OH’s bottom lip wondering where the meat was πŸ˜€

    Morning/evening all,

    Dull, damp and windy this morning. Someone seems to have mislaid my order for blue sky and sunshine………

    I’ll be testing the recipe today and will be cutting down on the 4 tblsps oil. I read the recipe through again last night and it says serves 4-6, 100 calories per portion. Whether that’s a 1/4 or a 1/6 isn’t specified and I fail to see how it can have so few calories with all that oil πŸ˜†

    It is important to use up bits and pieces as far too much food is wasted AND it is a waste of my money. I am now very good at buying the right amount of fresh produce.
    No wonder I was obese when I was buying a huge trolleyful of food every week.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Calorie count without the oil I guess?!

    Dull here too, but no wind and the rain passed through overnight. We’re promised increasingly good weather over the next few days, apparently we should expect it to get warmer first with blue skies and sunshine following on. Patience Amazon

    Cool here..obviously Autumn is settling in. Excellent for cooking warmer food. 😁 P

    Hi again,

    I went out to buy a birthday gift and some new bed linen.
    I managed to come home with intended purchases plus a top, a skirt and a pair of trousers.

    No idea how that happened…….. πŸ˜‰

    Nice! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    You picked up someone else’s shopping bag by mistake….? πŸ˜€

    I’ve been looking at the top for a few weeks and the promise of warm enough weather to wear it at the weekend was enough. Of course once in the shop I had to look at what else was on the rails and found the perfect summer trousers 🀩 which will go with the majority of my tops and are perfect with a t-shirt, a shirt or something more dressy.

    As for the skirt, it is the right length, 100% linen and my favourite colour.
    No contest πŸ˜†

    I’m still in search of a pair of sandals and I know the right pair will call to me when I get within purchasing distance πŸ˜‰

    The blue sky and sunshine have arrived.

    Today just keeps getting better as the minutes tick by πŸ˜ƒ

    lots of positive vibe about the thread that’s the only way to start my day keep on keeping on fast trackers
    There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting. Buddha
    Peace RT

    Sounds like a typical male line, RTπŸ˜‰ (change the word ‘truth’) 😊
    Have a top Thursday fast everyone. P

    Yup πŸ˜‡

    Doctor Dementia to Test Your Reading Skills

    I’ve seen this with the letters out of order, but this is the first time I’ve seen it with numbers. Good example of a Brain Study: If you can read this you have a strong mind. And better than that: Alzheimer’s is a long long, way down the road before it ever gets anywhere near you.

    7H15 M3554G3
    53RV35 7O PR0V3
    H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N
    D0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5!
    1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5!
    1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG
    17 WA5 H4RD BU7
    N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3
    Y0UR M1ND 1S
    R34D1NG 17
    W17H 0U7 3V3N
    7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17,
    B3 PROUD! 0NLY
    C3R741N P30PL3 C4N
    R3AD 7H15.
    PL3453 F0RW4RD 1F
    U C4N R34D 7H15.

    This is weird, but interesting Fast trackers!

    If you can read this, you have a strange mind, too. Only 55 people out of 100 can.

    I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
    Another Funny Story About Old Age
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Thanks RT. I thought you’d forgotten Ftisay πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
    Anyone who has had to read misspelt writing over the years, has no trouble reading this. One simply uses one’s semantic knowledge, to make meaning, and one’s graphophonic knowledge, to look at word shapes.
    As a Primary school teacher, and previously as a printing company proofreader, this was the story of my work. I doubt it proves a brain free from aging…but I can’t remember. 😐🀨
    Overcast here, but another record breaker for May…western Sydney hit 29 yesterday. Madness!
    Have a great Friday and weekend everyone. P

    Ha thanks RT! Great to know my mind still works! Maybe 40 years of reading doctors’ scrawl, having to interpret instructions, drug dosages etc in patients’ histories has had some benefits?

    We finally have some lovely, soaking rain in Melbourne 😁, my baby seedlings are all standing to attention with big smiles on their faces. Happy gardener!

    Have a great weekend all. πŸ‘©β€πŸ³πŸ˜‡πŸ˜΄

    Morning/evening all,

    Great post RT. My brain is still functioning πŸ˜‰

    I’m off to Devon for a long weekend with the promise of warmth and sunshine but I’ve packed a fleece and a vest just in case. (For packed, read chucked into the back of the car πŸ˜† )
    It’s a BH here on Monday and it would be great if everyone in the UK got some sunshine.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Have a great weekend Amazon. Hopefully you won’t need your fleece!

    R7, thanks, yeay I can read your M3554G3 too πŸ˜€ Will anyone online admit to not being able to read it though…?!

    It’s a mizzly morning here, but should be warming up. I’ve decided to extend the weekend and am starting with a trip to the garden centre. I’ve done some clearing and have a space to fill. I’m thinking flowering shrubs, for pollinators and cover for fledgling birds. I must be getting old, I hated shrubs as a younger gardener!

    Ate out last night, so need to have at least a sensible day today…

    @rouge trader I always enjoy reading your posts, this one was just great, it made my day, so thanks!

    Hi fasters all! Very quiet on the thread this weekend, trust that’s because you have such interesting things to occupy yourselves with.

    It’s been lovely autumn weather, and the rain kindly fell overnight, so washing could be hung out on both days. There’s not much drying, though, as the sun is so low over our northern bank that little falls on the clothes.

    We had a street dinner at a local Indian restaurant last night – 14 of us, and most enjoyable. So as the street social secretary I am beginning planning for the next occasion, a street progressive pot-luck dinner.

    Those two kgs are doing their darndest to stick around, Jo, in spite of two FDs and two almost-OMADs last week. I’m wondering if it is all those lovely sweet feijoas doing the damage. Oh well, the season for them is nearly over on my trees.

    The grass seed I scattered on the lawn last week has disappeared – either washed into the soil or there are some very contented sparrows in the trees πŸ™ No sign of sprouting yet…

    Good post, RT, easily read, so still with all (most) mblares intact!

    Hi B
    Lovely lazy Autumn weather here too… low 20s in the day, down to 9 at night. The sunshine is perfect at this time of the year for long walks, or reading πŸ˜‰
    We’ve just had a Sunday bbq with about 10 different veg. Delicious.
    I am sitting on at least a kg higher than I like. The trick is to not let it get more, isn’t it?
    As I’ve said many times before, losing weight when you are obese or overweight is easy. Adjusting a few kilo when you are in your healthy range is much, much harder. Good luck. 😐P

    Roast chicken tonight, then – attack on the kgs!! πŸ™‚

    Homemade veg soup for us, then roll on Monday fast πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Btw, well done to the Auckland Blues. Apparently that’s 28 straight losses in rugby to Kiwis!! Woohoo!!! P

    Well I’m making the most of some lovely bank holiday weather. Except to eat and sleep I don’t think I’ve been in the house since Thursday. It makes a nice change to have a warm and sunny weekend!

    Weightwise, nothing to report. Maintenance gets easier as the days get longer, too much to do to be sitting around πŸ˜€

    We get active in the cool. Sitting around is for summer πŸ˜‰

    It has been a good weekend for local teams. In rugby the Hurricanes beat the Lions, in league the Warriors were victorious, and even in netball the local franchise was successful. And as for the Kiwi record over the Aussies in Super rugby – wow!

    Have a good week, all πŸ™‚

    Ah P, well your summer would be a blast furnace cf ours! We haven’t had temperatures consistently in double figures since the autumn so it’s a rare treat to be too warm in t-shirt and shorts. I’ll have sunstroke by this evening of course…!

    It is actually already too hot to work in the polytunnel or greenhouse, but I can always find a shady spot outside in need of weeding…even on a hot day. Outside is my absolute favourite place to be, and I’m never indoors if I can be out.

    I passed a field of cows with calves yesterday, the first day the cows have been out since September. They were absolutely loving feeling the grass under their hooves and sun on their backs, really giddy, and lying down in the grass almost rolling like dogs. Anyone who thinks farmed animals live happily all year round in sheds or mega dairies is an idiot πŸ˜€

    I didn’t realise the cows are inside for half the year! I presumed it was only at night and during heavy snow?

    The grass doesn’t grow over winter, so there’s not enough food for the dairy cows (they wouldn’t produce milk) and the ground’s so wet for much of winter that they’d just make too much mess (and then there’d be no grass the following spring or summer). At least the dairy cows here get 5 or 6 months out, but our local farmers are still old fashioned small producers. There’s a trend towards mega dairies now unfortunately, intensive indoor units with up to 2000 cows, where the cows never go outside. Sadly that’s the future unless people are prepared to pay a fair price for milk that ensures the cows have at least some opportunity for natural behaviour….

    Poor cows! The milk can’t be very good either. 😐

    Hi P,

    You’re right. The evidence I’ve seen indicates that pastured cows produce higher quality milk than totally indoor systems (higher essential fatty acids and omega 3, less pus!).

    Do people who want food to be as cheap as possible realise they are sacrificing nutritional value (and their own health) in the process?!

    Well it’s another lovely morning here, and forecast to be warmer than yesterday. I think I’ll be wilting by this afternoon 😁

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