Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • Well I’m pleased to see you haven’t actually cut fat from your diet Jo! I must admit I was a bit worried by your comment that beans, lentils and vegetables was a balanced diet. Panic over ☹️

    Your slimming councillor gives good advice! I’ve never calorie counted, but these days I automatically mitigate the effects of a large meal by eating less before/ after.

    She’s not my nutritionist, Barata! Apparently she has a Harley Street Clinic, specialising in weight management and eating disorders. Her book is well reviewed on Amazon, aiming to help people develop a healthy relationship with food. But why nutritionists think they are qualified as experts on not eating is beyond me!

    She is quoted as saying, about 5:2 “It is just another faddy diet that won’t help people actually develop a healthy relationship with food.” To be fair to her, I guess if most of the people she sees already have unhealthy relationships with food and/ or eating disorders then fasting won’t help them! But for those of us who were just a bit greedy (😊)…well I certainly think my diet is far healthier now than pre 5:2. I’ve found that the act of restricting food while fasting has quelled my sweet tooth and I think put me more in touch with what my body needs rather than what my brain (or unhealthy microbiome!) wants.

    And on that note… fasting today (although just at the moment I’d quite like to be eating!)

    Hi again,

    It’s a glorious 24C here 🌞

    Had to go back to the car service centre as they’d omitted to return the locking wheel nuts to the glove compartment……… duckwits 😉

    I had a tough time at the gym yesterday and again today and I was talking to someone in the changing room who had also just had the virus that I had and like me is struggling to get rid of it and feeling weak when she tries to do her usual exercise routine. I spoke to someone else yesterday and she said “oh you’ve had that 8 week thing” so it is obviously a tough one to shake and now I know I’ll stop fretting over the fact that I’m still coughing.

    Last week I had a great workout after not going for more than two weeks but my enthusiasm had overcome my weakness and common sense and I struggled for days afterwards so this week I’ve cut the time I spend on each machine and taken more time between each part of my routine.
    I’ve also started lifting weights every time I go rather than telling myself I’ll do it at home and then not getting round to it.

    I was exhausted after my walk in Greenwich on Saturday and when I spoke to my friend yesterday she said that her pedometer indicated we had walked over 8 miles 😆
    The pedometer may not be accurate but my legs were so stiff and sore on Sunday that despite knowing I’m not fully fit I’m inclined to believe it as we were walking for several hours.

    Nutritionists are not experts on how to lose weight healthily and I expect that many of them are on the same wagon as the large portion of carbs on the plate faction who really need to wake up and get a grip on what those carbs are doing to the population. It stands to reason that a permanently elevated blood glucose level is undesirable. As I’ve said before, only small children need snacks and they should be healthy ones not packets of processed cr*p and a sugary drink.
    My great nephew is given carrot sticks, fruit, cheese, nuts and seeds all swigged down with water and because he is rarely given chocolate or cake he doesn’t ask for it.

    I’ve had a good week so far as I fasted on Monday, ate under 1000 calories yesterday and am fasting again today.
    I’m eating my meal earlier as I am so hungry after the gym that I start to pick, a few nuts, a small slice of cheese, a spoonful of PB and self sabotage strikes again. No surprise that my weight isn’t decreasing.
    I have lots of spaces on the shelves in the cupboards and the fridge as I’m not replacing things once they are gone. If that is the only way to avoid temptation that’s the way it has to be.

    As a result this weeks routine is eat earlier and drink kefir before bed so I don’t lay awake with a rumbling stomach.
    Fingers crossed I can stick to it. Saying no to myself is much easier when not hungry.

    Happy, if I didn’t know that she wasn’t ‘your’ nutritionist on who’s every word you hung, I would have been more worried! 🙂

    Amazon, I like duckwit, think I will borrow it if I may. Take care, and get better.

    We never ate out with the children unless it was a meal time. These days the mall food courts are stuffed with all ages stuffing themselves. No wonder…

    Back to work today, feeling pretty good so far. Two eggs for lunch to break my fast, and then a normal FD dinner tonight – I’m trying hard to retain the weight loss that the previous few days has gifted me (okay, not gifted, it was b**&*y painful and I couldn’t eat!). Beautiful autumn day, high of 16.


    I hope you do retain your loss, you’ve certainly suffered for it this time!

    I’ve never needed the services of a nutritionist or dietician. I’m sure they must do some useful work. But I can’t remember ever reading any informed or sensible comments from a nutritionist on the subject of fasting!

    It’s quite funny though to read ‘expert’ opinion on the effects of fasting, and that it leads to obsession with food and binge eating. On the evidence of the number of people who are unable to even do the weekly shop without eating (and then scanning anvempty packet), who can’t even take a short trip on public transport without sustenance, and who can’t walk down the street without a snack, it’s bizarre that the conclusion reached is that fasting is the problem!

    Yesterday started dull and cool, but the sun did show it’s face for a beautiful warm afternoon and evening. I had a lovely walk, no coat or fleece required 😁 A good end to a fast day.

    There never used to be nutritionists, there never used to be an obesity crisis. Cause and effect…? Nah, just surplus to requirements 🙂 I looked around the supermarket this evening, and everyone was fat! I despair.


    I like your thinking! Of course the diet industry doesn’t want to fix our weight problems as they’d put themselves out of work… 😀

    And then there are the “nutritionists” recommending that diabetics must not go for more than a few hours without eating! Give me strength! It is the exact opposite… fasting lowers blood sugars. A safe, free, effective way to overcome diabetes, that the “experts” are terrified of.

    Noooo P! What you need is a pill to pop 😀

    Morning/evening all,

    Another glorious morning and the forecast says 27C 😱
    In April……………madness 😆

    I’m going to slap on some sunscreen and get out in the fresh air. Maybe I can fry away some of this fat 😉

    Seriously everyone, can you imagine how many billions per year the diabetic drugs industry make? Or how much treating diabetes and its effects costs in terms of money and lives?
    Imagine a world where all T2 diabetics were treated with intermittent fasting as a first option. I’m sure there would be a small number of non responders, and more research is needs into a treatment that doesn’t cause obesity, but I guess big pharma are making so much money out of insulin they don’t want to rock the boat.

    Along with not needing to take medications there would be many less long term insulin dependent sufferers who are prone to small blood vessel disease which can result in ulcers needing treatment, and if they don’t respond can lead to gangrene and amputation.
    Jason Fung and his colleagues around the world would be closing half of their dialysis units as the rate of kidney failure would drop dramatically.
    I could go on……

    It would mean millions more people able to lead healthy lives and save health services round the world a fortune that could be invested elsewhere.

    It is amazing that something so simple and effective that would save money hasn’t been exploited.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Absolutely Amazon. But when I discuss this with the GP, who has followed Mr P’s fabulous success, he shrugs and seems to think it would be too hard!!! No! It’s bl***y simple!

    Too hard? Beyond belief, except that he means convincing 95% of his patients. 🙁

    That’s what he means. As he says “It’s not rocket science. “

    Lessons in school? Mindfulness training? ‘Learning that you won’t die if you can’t eat between meals’. ‘Coping strategies for when your muffin/crisps/chocolate bar is surgically separated from your hand’.

    ‘Coping strategies for when your muffin/crisps/chocolate bar is surgically separated from your hand’.


    I’m just home from a lovely walk in the grounds of Chiswick House.
    In the cafeteria there were a large group of 60 something dog walkers mostly overweight or obese, drinking lattes and shovelling down croissants/cakes. They were discussing what they ate for breakfast!

    It’s only 2 stops on the train and on the way there and back I noticed that everyone who got on was obese. They were all under 40. It is so sad.

    I love potato crisps but I rarely eat them as they lead to indiscriminate snacking. I can do without the muffin and the chocolate bar.
    I bought 4 bars of really good chocolate back from Ecuador and I’ve only eaten half of the first one. A couple of squares is enough for me on the occasions that I want any.

    Time for brunch, guacamole with carrot sticks 😃

    Oh Amazon it makes me so sad seeing so many seriously obese young people. I saw a young girl shopping with her Mum in a plant nursery today..she looked about 18, SUCH a pretty face, but grossly distorted in body shape. Her tight black clothes made her look even worse, as if she had some huge rubber rings around her waist, held in place by her stretchy clothes. She was smiling and animated, but she could not have been happy.
    I wonder if junk food manufacturers will ever become pariahs like the cigarette producers have? I doubt it sadly.

    Jack and I baked a cake today (he licked the bowl!) as we are helping a friend with a house move on Saturday and I volunteered to be on cuppa duty..figured cake was the best way to keep the workers happy! First time for a long time I have baked on a fast day and not caved! Having a one metre tall poodle watching my every move helped! Those sad, starving eyes!


    That’s how my Dad and his dogs cook too! He thinks they’re very clever because they get animated when he gets the whisk out. How do they know? Erm, because you only use the whisk is in the making of desserts and they always get to lick the bowl…?! 😀


    The problem is that obesity has become normal and if anyone says anything they are accused of “fat shaming” which really annoys me as those of us who’ve been in that situation are fully aware that the majority of overweight/obese people are already ashamed/have low self esteem/want to be slim, and need help.

    I am having such a huge battle with my self destructive gene to stop the rot and continue my weight loss. Before 5:2 I would have given in long ago and let the weight pile back on, but I now know that I am strong enough to overcome this lengthy hiccup, and if I can do it anyone can.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉
    A woman decides to have a facelift for her
    birthday. She spends $5000 and feels pretty
    good about the results.
    On her way home, she stops at a news stand to
    buy a newspaper.
    Before leaving she says to the clerk, “I hope
    you don’t mind my asking, but how old do you
    think I am?” “About 32,” is the reply. “Nope!
    I’m exactly 47, “the woman says happily.
    A little while later she goes into McDonald’s
    and asks the counter girl the very same
    question. The girl replies, “I guess about 29.”
    The woman replies, “Nope, I’m 47.”
    Now she’s feeling really good about herself.
    She stops in a drug store on her way down the
    street. She goes up to the counter to get some
    mints and asks the clerk this burning question.
    The clerk responds, “Oh, I’d say 30.” Again she
    proudly responds, “I am 47, but thank you.
    “While waiting for the bus to go home, she
    asks an old man waiting next to her the same
    question. He replies, “Lady, I’m 78 and my eye
    sight is going. Although, when I was young,
    there was a sure way to tell how old a woman
    It sounds very forward, but it requires you to
    let me put my hands under your bra. Then I
    can tell you EXACTLY how old you are.
    “They wait in silence on the empty street until
    curiosity gets the best of her. She finally blurts
    out, “What the heck, go ahead.”
    He slips both of his hands under her blouse
    and under her bra and begins to feel around
    very slowly and carefully.
    He bounces and weighs each breast.
    He gently pinches each nipple.
    He pushes her breasts together and rubs them
    against each other.
    After a couple of minutes of this, she
    says,”Okay, okay,…how old am I?”
    He completes one last squeeze of her breasts,
    removes his hands, and says, “Madam, you are
    Stunned and amazed, the woman says, “That
    was incredible, how you could tell?”
    The old man replies, “Promise you won’t get
    “I promise I won’t.” she says.
    He replies, “I was behind you in line at
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    Peace RT

    RT, 😂

    LOL, RT!

    We know you can, Amazon, and fully respect your battle.

    The workmate at the next desk has just come home from Fiji where her family has spent two weeks piling food onto her, culminating in her birthday celebrations on Saturday. She has put on so much weight! 🙁 And she is so unhappy about it. But for her to address it she will need to turn her back on so much of her (Indian) culture, not offering and excepting food every time she visits or welcomes anyone or for every celebration, and asking family to respect her choices when she doesn’t eat what they have prepared. I will support her as I can.

    Sun shining, wind blowing, typical Wellington day.

    Oh RT..who would have guessed, our very own RT is a boob man! Good luck in Sydney tonight..

    Amazon, I hear you. But we have a secret weapon these days (fasting) and I think the biggest battle is ACCEPTING we can never have so much food in one day again. Realizing that is the price of good health. I am certain you already know this!😰

    RT 🤣🤣🤣

    Thanks Barata.

    This spell of unseasonally hot weather has given me a kick as some of my summer clothing is a bit snug at the moment. I’ve hung my favourite summer dress in a prominent place and if I decide to take a trip from the living room to the kitchen I have to walk past it.

    The plan for tomorrow is gym in the morning and Kew in the afternoon. It was 29C in London today and more of the same is forecast for tomorrow then back down to a more seasonal 19C on Saturday. It has been the hottest April day in London since 1949.

    Oh that old trick, RT! 😉😉😁😂

    Well said Nama. The other secret weapon is the massive support network we all have on this forum. Thanks again, Dr M 😊😊
    Stick with it Amazon, we all have ups and downs. P

    Morning/evening all,

    The gym has been put on hold as I’m not in the mood for it this morning.

    Some of the neighbours dusted off their BBQs yesterday and the air last night was full of the smell of burnt sausages 😆
    We are getting good at making the most of fine weather while it lasts, but some have a tendency to overdo things and I predict a weekend of BBQs and too much sun with lots of burnt hungover people going to work on Monday.

    I’m eating out this evening so I’ll fast until then.
    I could make an exception for an ice cream 😉

    Have a great weekend everybody 😜🌞


    We peaked at a respectable 22 degrees yesterday, plenty hot enough for me and a little too hot for running…although my lack of running fitness won’t have helped 😖

    I know I’m fitter than the ‘average’ person, but seeing as the average person is now overweight and very unfit that really isn’t saying much! My back is so much better than last year, so no excuses! I probably ought to set myself some date-limited challenge, like cycling a Sportive or running a 10km…

    I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling. But what a difference you’ve made already to your health and long-term prospects. You’ve massively reduced your risk of a plethora of conditions from T2, fatty liver, CVD, to a host of cancers. And you’re fit for life now! Could the pre 5:2 Amazon have contemplated the gym workouts you do? Or walked 8 miles without really noticing?

    I’ve just ordered two new dresses with some birthday money. I love a dress 😁 Didn’t wear them for years when I was heavy, too busy wearing smock tops and tents!

    Thanks Happy,

    It’s very easy to lose sight of my achievements amongst my disappointment and frustration at not being able to stick with the plan for more than a few days.
    I’m trying to work out what is different now from when it was straightforward but I’ve not managed to do so yet.

    I’ll keep on keepin’ on and get there eventually.

    I love dresses too. I bought 4 last summer and only wore 2 of them so I’m hoping for lots of nice weather in order to get my money’s worth.
    I’ve bought one new skirt and one top and I’m looking for a pair of sandals to replace my old faithfuls that fell apart last year.
    Apart from that I don’t need any more clothes if I can fit into what I already own.
    I have a couple of items of clothing that aren’t close fitting but I’m never going to wear anything baggy again unless I enter a sack race 😆

    It’s only a little over 4 months until my next big holiday so I have a deadline. I’ll conduct a search for my willpower and hopefully find it lurking somewhere 🙂


    I bought 2 dresses last year and only wore one! The other sat on a hanger on the dining room for months as I hopefully waited for some decent weather 😖

    Looking forward to my new dresses this weekend…just in time for normal April weather returning!

    My summer dresses (post 5:2 purchases) sit in the wardrode a lot Happy. It’s either too warm or too cool or I need to be in gardening/ swimming or kayaking gear. Not enough time to play ladies! I find tees, skinny pants and lace up shoes are the go to…with a light jumper just in case. As sure as I put on a dress we end up walking miles and I get blisters 😐 Mr P never has to consider footwear as he doesn’t wear dresses 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Had some great polenta, mushroom and parmesan balls as part of tapas last night. Must make some. P

    I have some very nice flat strappy black sandals with a padded insole. They are so comfortable I can walk all day in them and they look good with skirts and dresses.

    Good old Clarks 🙂

    This weather is crazy, it’s still 18C at 9.30pm on an April evening and going to be 25C tomorrow 😵

    We had a really nice walk today and a lovely dinner in a local pub. Steamed hake with fresh peas, broad beans, wild garlic and new potatoes.

    Oh, and there might have been some chilled rosé Rioja…………

    Delicious 😀

    I only ever wear “sensible” shoes and sandals Amazon. With my poor old arthritic feet, I have orthotics and find, in our sweaty weather, that no matter how comfortable, I usually have to pull out the bandaids if I don’t have socks on. I still walk miles, but prefer to be prepared. P

    You could start a new fashion trend, dress, socks and sandals 😉

    Don’t laugh, Amazon…that is the image of English tourists here…plus daggy sun hats with chin straps, long baggy shorts and bright red sunburn! 😡🤪🤠

    I’m styling dresses with wellies again this year 😀

    You fashionistas are a scream! I wear a dress on xmas day only (if its hot), usually with bare feet after first formalities are over!
    Well done to your team RT, good response to last weeks disaster!

    Niw THAT’S a look I like Happy. 😸

    Come now Nama! Everyone knows Christmas day dress code is dress, thick socks…and wellies 😁

    My Christmas Day gear starts with a pretty dress and sandals and quickly turns to swimmers. 😊😊
    Dressing today for a top of 22, a train trip, walking and a low key family celebration…skirt, tee, comfortable sandals. I DO like my tshirts! 😁😁

    Morning/evening all.

    This English tourist doesn’t do sunburn or socks with sandals and I loathe hats. My Adelaide friend tells me off if I don’t wear one.

    I don’t have any wellies 😆

    Have a goodone everybody 😜

    I regard you as a world traveller, Amazon, not an English tourist 😉😉 Enjoy your Saturday. P

    I regard you as a world traveller, Amazon, not an English tourist 😉😉 Enjoy your Saturday. P

    Yes thanks very much Nama it was a gutsy win or indeed a fugly win (sorry Purple) 😆 traveling with half the team at home on the injury list 😥
    The usual spin tingling Anzac day clash for you on Wednesday one of the great days for the game of AFL not much to comment regards skirts or dresses sorry fast trackers 😉

    Morning All,
    I have managed the week fasting and low calorie and lost 3lbs of the 5 lbs added in early April. It’s so much harder to lose than gain. Basically I am doing the one meal a day plus an apple or soup if needed to keep me on the straight and narrow. We had competitions at bowls club so I have been out in the sun a lot. They laid on Green Thai Curry which I enjoyed without rice, it was delicious. Avoided the ever present bread pudding which was assaulting my willpower visually and nasally.

    My dog Tilly had another crisis this week, kept collapsing. The Vet suggested Ataxia and gave me ear drops for her. She recovered in two days and is back to her old self. I was very stressed thinking her time was over and she had had a Stroke. She is now having roast Chicken and rice as an extra meal because her extra tin of dog food did not help her put on weight. She is still 3 kg’s under weight. What a problem to have when I am fasting and dieting she is eating extra plus treats to no effect. Test results cannot identify problems, it is a mystery.

    I too had full blood work done last week at the request of my Acupuncturist, she wants to see my inflammatory markers because my of my pain at night(in hips). Doctor prescribed Amitriptyline which is helping me get some sleep but I really prefer not to be taking pills every night. Results today let’s hope help is at hand. At least my blood pressure was with normal tolerances so no pills for that.

    Amazon – it really is tough controlling life food choices. Many of my friends are ‘skinny’ and eat what they like, when they like, most are not even particularly active. I average 2-3 hours activity daily yet have to control every bite of food. But we have no choice we have decided that ‘health’ is more important that short term food gratification. Several friends have said to me that my healthy lifestyle will kill me, I think not, it will save me from pain and suffering.

    Keep fasting everyone
    Thanks for the funnies RT
    Glad summer is here, trying not to get burnt and definitely wearing comfy sandals and hat. Not too many dresses being worn still prefer trousers.

    Morning/evening all,

    Much cooler here today, around 10° lower than yesterday so it’s back to trousers and long sleeves.I’m fasting today and determined not to get cold.

    Jo, skinny friends may eat what they like when they like but they don’t over eat. If they have cake mid afternoon they have a light dinner or skip it if they aren’t hungry. They may be food lovers but they don’t eat for the sake of it.

    I weigh the same as before I went on holiday which is OK but not good. I am determined to lose some weight this week and not put it straight back on by overeating on NFDs. My self control seems to last 3 days and then go on strike.

    Must try harder.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I just went out to lunch after a meeting, totally unplanned. Tried a new restaurant specialising in healthy eating(in my local town, incredible!). I had a Vegan Hippo which included large mushroom, three bean/spinach hash, sweet potato rashers, toast covered with spicy avocado. Yummy. No more food for me today.

    Off to Mah Jong now then a nice long walk, beautiful day here again, bit cooler but sunny.

    Home made falafel burger with salad for me 😀


    That vegan hippo sounds interesting! Not sure I’d want the toast, but the rest I’d eat 😀


    I’ve been perusing vegetarian/ vegan recipes this weekend and had put a halloumi and falafel burger on the menu for later this week. Sadly OH is not such a big fan of chickpeas so he’ll need a side order of meat….

    Cool here today and raining this afternoon. Back in fleece and thick socks ☹️ I should have fasted today to mitigate too much bread at the weekend, but I couldn’t face it this morning.


    I was wondering what to have for my FD dinner while watching TV and Jamie Oliver gave me inspiration by making falafel burgers. I perused his recipe on-line, had a look in “Jerusalem” and made up my own recipe. I made 4 @125 calories each so had a couple with some salad. I baked them rather than frying and they were very good and I’ll be more than pleased to have them again tomorrow. They are also very filling which makes them perfect for a FD.

    I got up this morning, donned a skirt and summer top and by the time I got home from the newsagent I was shivering so am now wearing long trousers and a hoodie. It was 16C but after several days of plus 25C it felt like winter 😆

    5th Anniversary of our 5:2 fasting regime today and I’m sitting in the sun in a packed commuter train. Roasting.
    I had a delicious meal of huge baked Greek beans, on a tomato sauce, with a salad of leaves, beetroot, honeyed walnuts and feta. Yum!
    Keep up the good work FTs. This is like a puppy….for life 😂😂P

    Congratulations Purple on your anniversary.
    I can sympathize with you, Jojo on food choices. But it’s so much easier in France than in NZ. However I have lost any desire for sugary food drink which helps.

    I am doing very little and my ankle is showing signs of healing. My melanoma is being biopsied, but indications are that it has been caught very early.
    So it’s another day of knees up Mrs Brown, a fast day too with a trip to the cinema.
    Happy Fasting

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