Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,751 through 3,800 (of 7,283 total)

  • Well! Our beautiful autumn has come to a shuddering halt. Horizontal rain, gale winds ripping off roofs, single-figure wind-chill high temperatures, thunderstorms (6,000 lightening strikes in Taranaki recorded in two hours), snow and tornadoes today around the country. Sorry that it happens while Wi is showing her family around the country. Stay safe, Wi 🙂 And we have rain to spare. The feijoas will be lying thick around the tree after this.

    And it’s 50 years today since the Wahine sank at the entrance to Wellington Harbour in an even worse conjunction of storms, with the loss of 53 lives. My music teacher was on board, but she and her husband were two of the lucky passengers and crew who survived.

    How dreadful B. Poor Wi.
    I’ve never forgotten the Wahini…I won’t ever go on a boat on Cook Strait.
    Sydney recorded the hottest April day ever yesterday, with 35+!!! I guess that rising hot air has caused your storms?
    Still only enough rain here to send me dashing out to the washing, then it stopped!
    I have just whipped up a low carb cauliflower soup (cauli,stock, leek, onion, garlic, butter, thyme and parmesan) Really yummy!
    Take care my Kiwi mates. P

    P, you are depriving yourself of one of the great pleasures of this world – a ferry trip from Wellington across the Cook Strait, and in through the Marlborough Sounds to Picton. I have done it many times – and lived to tell! (Ferry sailings are cancelled for today.)

    Unfortunately our wind and rain are sourced in the Antarctic, and are likely to continue for several more days.

    39 here today and 38 tomorrow no need to reach for the history books we are living history right now. Fabulous to see the 3 Aussie 10,000m runners wait for the last competitor to arrive and finish the race Australian long-distance runners Eloise Wellings, Madeline Hills and Celia Sullohern finished unplaced in last night’s 10,000m event at the Gold Coast but remained on the track minutes after their competitors had left.
    The trio remained behind to wait for another of their competitors, Lineo Chaka from the small African nation of Lesotho, to cross the finish line five minutes behind the winner. Brought a tear to my eye.

    THAT’S sportsmanship! 😀

    Hi all,

    I’ve spent the morning at the gym for the first time in a couple of weeks. My cough is almost gone and I feel 100% although my legs needed the kiss of life after pushing myself hard to see how much I could do 😆
    I tried out a new coffee shop that I noticed on my way in this morning. When the young woman served me she asked me if I would like a loyalty card and I said I would decide after I’d tasted the coffee. She said that was the first time anyone had said that to her 🙂

    The coffee was excellent so I picked up a loyalty card as it’s definitely the best coffee in the vicinity.

    I’m now watching the Commonwealth Games and it is tipping down in Brisbane. The track athletes won’t need a post race shower 😳
    The sporting behaviour has been outstanding. I was watching a race in the pool and the last swimmer was almost a length behind the field but the crowd cheered him all the way to the finish. So refreshing to see 😀

    FD went well yesterday and continuing the meat theme as I’m still craving it, I bought myself some steak and salad for dinner tonight.

    The North African spiced lamb left from Sunday was turned into a delicious spicy shepherds pie with squash, carrot and sweet potato topping and there is enough for two more FD dinners.
    The plan is ADF until I go away for the long weekend at the beginning of May, and gym 3 times a week plus some walking.

    And as I mention walking the sun puts in an appearance. It has stayed dry so far today and I’m hoping it stays that way as we’ve had a lot of cold and wet since my return from Ecuador with only a couple of nice days here, and some warmth and sunshine would be much appreciated.

    Really weird weather in Australia and NZ at the moment, but I guess it’s no more unusual than our winter lasting until April. Let’s hope it becomes more seasonal for all soon.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I’m glad to hear you are feeling on top again Amazon.
    Re the weather, I know we are desperate for rain, but the late summer is terrific. We are all enjoying swimming and picnicking. Even the mosquitos are still having fun😉 We are off to a fancy lunch (a gift) by the beach today. Must make the most of the stunning temperatures.
    We’ll be over your way in your summer… I’m hoping you get a good one this year. 😎 P

    Hi Barata and Purple,
    Just arrived from airport after a sporting flight across Cooks Strait in a tiny plane(6 passengers).
    25 minutes of which the last 10 were into the southerly you were describing.
    Children are in Motueka doing a skydive. Anxious parents are waiting to hear they’ve all arrived back on terra firma. your OH was at the airport, Barata, and will describe our windblown look. All ferries cancelled today and the swell below was spectacular.
    It’s 50 years since our ferry ‘The Wahine’ sank in Wellington harbour. The storm today just reminds us we live on a fickle island, and understand the decision to cancel the ferries.
    I hope to see you next week, Barata, professionally of course and for a coffee too.
    Our kiddies leave on Saturday.
    Will stop being absent then.

    Morning/evening all,

    We have more rain this morning but it is due to clear up later.

    Purple, fingers crossed for some decent summer weather this year. Glad to hear you are enjoying your lovely autumn weather. I always try to make the most ofthe good weather whenver it arrives as we never know when we’ll get more 😆

    My legs are a bit sore this morning which is no surprise after doing nothing much since before Easter but they’ll be fine by tomorrow.

    Another FD ahead,

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    28 degrees…we had a fabulous, healthy Italian meal overlooking the beach, then a quick change into swimmers and a long stroll along the beach, including a swim. The water temp was lovely. It is such a bonus having weather like this in mid April. 🤗 P

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) 😉

    The teacher asked the class to use the word “fascinate” in a sentence.

    Molly put up her hand and said, “My family went to my granddad’s farm, and we all saw his pet sheep. It was fascinating.”

    The teacher said, “That was good, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate,’ not ‘fascinating’.”

    Sally raised her hand. She said, “My family went to see Rock City and I was fascinated.”

    The teacher said, “Well, that was good Sally, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate’.”

    Little Johnny raised his hand, but the teacher hesitated because she had been burned by Little Johnny before. She finally decided there was no way he could damage the word “fascinate,” so she called on him.

    Johnny said, “My aunt Carolyn has a sweater with ten buttons, but her tits are so big she can only fasten eight!”

    The teacher sat down and cried.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers 😆
    Peace RT


    Thanks RT.

    Oh dear RT! Seems Aunt Carolyn needs to adopt 5:2!
    Enjoy the footy tonight, hope you dont embarrass us too much…..

    Nama the last time we met it was a draw and we let your lads get away on us too early so I am cautious tonight it should be a good match on the Big Stage Friday Night Footy.

    Oh Dear 33 points behind at the half time break the Pies far superior in every department so fast tonight Nama we will need divine intervention.

    Hi everyone,

    Hope the SH Friday footie was good 🙂

    Another cool and overcast day but it is dry and going to be much warmer tomorrow which is good news.

    I’m going to Greenwich tomorrow. I’ve visited the Maritime Museum but not been to the Meridian or had a proper look around the park so am looking forward to it.
    We had planned to visit the Thames Barrier which is the official end of the Thames path but my friend looked it up and found out that the visitor centre is closed for refurbishment so we’ve postponed our visit as it has all the information about why and how the barrier was constructed and how and when it is closed so there isn’t much point in going until it reopens in the summer.

    I’m compiling a list of places in London we’ve not visited yet, but the more research I do, the longer it gets…………

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Thanks Amazon, still in the middle of an exciting game b/w RTs team and mine!
    Enjoy Greenwich, hope the weather holds for you…its bucketing at Adelaide Oval!

    Congratulations Nama and to the Collingwood Football Club they where awesome a great display of powerful pressure and execution Adelaide Football Club was terrible and seemed to me to have no idea what they where doing and no winners on the night.
    We play Swans next Friday night at the SCG we have much improvement and enlightenment to find trust me 😯

    Are you coming over to watch it live, RT?
    Mr P was not pleased when the Bunnies flogged his Roosters this week 🤨😐

    Thanks RT, what a surprise that was! At least our coach might keep his job for now!
    I am hoping that heavy rain in Adelaide gets to my garden in Melbourne soon, but I dont want it too cold please as we are off down the Great Ocean Road tomorrow for a few days.
    Have a great weekend all….
    Hoping all ok with you Jo?

    Hi all there has been plenty of rain here in South Australia and it was nice to hear rain water running into my rain water tanks no P I will be coaching from the couch again I plan to go to Adelaide Oval on the 28/7 to see Crows V Melb my 3rd son follows the Dee’s so that will be my live action fix.
    Roast leg of lamb is on the dinner menu tonight with a roasted vegetable warm salad
    with a garlic olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing.
    Happy Sunday Fast trackers

    Ah well RT. Maybe another time 😉
    Duck breast with Balinese (homemade) peanut sauce, reheated tagliatelle (lowers gi), eggplant and wilted spinach is our Sunday treat.
    Send the rain please. We have fires raging all around our very dry Sydney bushland and gale force winds…not a good combo 😐 P

    Pouring in Lorne Purple, hope it gets to you soon..the fires sound serious.
    We just had morning tea at Bells Beach, watching a surfing comp..all those gorgeous young blokes in their wetsuits!
    I am not cooking tonight but both menus sound yum!

    Enjoy the eye candy Nama.😊

    Happy birthday to Happy today and Wee tomorrow. 🎂🎂🍰🥂🍾

    Oh, snap,RT. Roast lamb for dinner last night, and my cousin’s place. Unfortunately I was not able to do justice to it, left some of even my small helping on the plate as I shivered with a fever. 12 hours’ sleep with a sleeping pill last night, but still very woozy today, enjoying lying in the glorious sun – yes, autumn has returned 🙂 OH will be cooking on his new bbq, he has no problems with the dark 🙂 Sausages and chicken drumsticks, and a salad if I can stir myself (or one of the lads).

    That sounds dangerous, P. No rain to send this week 🙁

    Hello Nama,
    Sad to say I was hit by another friend suddenly dying last week. He was our Men’s Captain, a very popular man. He had a massive heart attack whilst on a Caribbean Cruise. It has reallly shocked us all, he was mid 60’s. He had had a mild attack 5 years ago but was in good health prior to his trip. I am going to finals day today which he was due to play in several categories. He will be sadly missed, he had a great sense of humour and was at the top of his bowls performance.
    I am afraid some comfort eating is taking place and fasting not on my agenda last week. Planning a 2 day fast tomorrow, water only.
    I have been very busy organising a Murder Mystery Evening for my Retirement club, it takes my mind off things. I also started a Mah Jong Group. The teacher has been playing for 10 years and was excellent. I picked it up fairly quickly but we are keeping it simple for the first 4 weeks before learning about special hands.
    I saw the new Woody Allen movie Wonder Wheel, it was excellent. Not a huge fan of Justin Timberlake as one of the stars but I thought Kate Winslet was brilliant. I have also attended two amateur productions this week, big contrast, Oklahoma and Shakespeare Review(a friend was in this). Certainly different but good.
    Weather here yesterday was amazing, I did my outdoor swim with an audience of sun bathers, first time in 6 months I have seen anyone in a deck chair at the poolside. I then played my first ‘outdoor’ bowls game of the season. I start coaching beginners course next week so I am hoping it doesn’t rain on Wednesdays.
    Amazon- have you tried ‘one pot’ Soulful – great gluten free Vegan dishes. Not normally into convenience food but these have been a Godsend this week when I haven’t felt like cooking. Spicy and delicious dishes – 3.5 mins in the microwave. Calorie counted too. I will try to reproduce some of these combinations because they are delicious. Glad you are feeling better.
    Purple- Sending you our rain and wishing that those fires are put out quickly.
    Barata- sounds like your other half likes burnt BBQ food, as does mine. Guess I will be making bean burgers this summer.
    RT – Thanks for the jokes, I have needed cheering up.

    Thanks P!

    Yes, another year older, but only a day older than I was yesterday so I don’t feel any different 😀

    It looks like spring has finally sprung here. Not before time! Nice to be warm and see new life bursting out again.

    The Sydney bushfires sound dreadful. We do get wildfires, often spring and autumn, but normally away from housing. ‘Youths’ often get the blame, and may be responsible in grassy areas near housing estates, but in the uplands when it’s vast tracts of semi-natural blanket bog and heather moorland, and particularly in spring, you could put money on it being a deliberate burn by game keepers of grouse shooting estates got out of control 😣

    There’s usually a few causes of fires here Happy:
    Lightning strikes, electricity wires banging together in high wind, kids (particularly in school hols like now), overzealous hazard reduction burns.
    The combination of a drought, high temperatures, strong winds and school holidays almost always results in bushfires.
    Let’s hope the rain RT and Nama are hogging gets here, as predicted, on Tuesday
    Sorry to hear about your friend Jo. Use his early demise to remind yourself why you embarked on this wol. Don’t turn to ‘comfort eating’, it is way too self destructive. P

    Morning/evening all,

    Happy birthday to Happy and Wee 🍨🍷Ice cream for Wee and a glass of red for Happy 😉

    I had a lovely day out yesterday. We went to Greenwich Park and visited the Observatory and the Planetarium. It’s the first time either of us (both Londoners) have been there and it was reslly interesting and enjoyable.
    The park itself is very large and the Observatory sits on top of a small hill which affords great views across the river towards the city. We had a long leisurely walk in the park which has some vry ancient trees along its main paths. It also has a huge flower garden with a lake. There are numerous flower beds which were a riot of spring colour, thousands of daffodils, yulips, polyanthus, pansies etc and lots of blossom and new leaves on the various trees. There were several magnolias in full bloom along with lots of camelias and other early flowering shrubs.
    It was quiet when we arrived at 11.30an but by 1pm there were hordes of people out and about and the large majority were Londoners rather than tourists. Many had been caught out by the weather and were carrying overcoats and scarves. It was a glorious day, clear blue sky and sunshine.

    We then used the Greenwich foot tunnel to cross to the north side of the river and walked to Wapping to an old pub called the Prospect of Whitby which claims to be the oldest pub site in England, the first one being there since 1520 in the reign of Henry VIII. We’ve been there before and it is a nice old place with a good atmosphere, it sits right on the edge of the river and there are marvellous views.
    We had a nice pub dinner and then came home feeling very happy and also rathr tried.

    Sorry to hear your news. I was thinking of you yeaterday as there was a Rock Choir performing in Greenwich by the entrance to the foot tunnel.

    I’ve not heard of Soulful ready meals but would be unlikely to try them. I always have homemade meals in the freezer for days when I’m short on time or don’t feel like cooking.

    I’ve eaten meat 6 days out of the last 7 after waking up last Sunday craving it!
    Vegetarian dinner today though as I’ve got some lovely new season purple sprouting broccholi and am going to make HF-Ws spouffle using PSB instead of spinach and beans instead of pasta and serve it with extra PSB on the side 😀

    Purple, I hope you get some rain very soon.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Happy Birthday Happy, hopefully healthier than ever. Lovely sunny day here, hope you have some good weather too.

    My friend won a Finals competition today, it was a great bowls match, she beat an England player so it was a great achievement.

    Nice walk in the park planned followed by another trip to the Cinema to see Tonya, a film about a talented figure skater. Hope it’s good because it 2 hours long. My body prefers shorter films, I become a fidget after 1.30 hours.

    Amazon- Did you enjoy the Rock Choir? I recently did 2 Flashmob performance to advertise Tesco ‘Run for Life’. Your outings sound really good.

    Barata and Wiwi – My daughter just visited Staglands – looks like a good day out, nature reserve? We should plan it for when I come over next year.

    Purple- I know you are right but my willpower is always weak when I feel depressed. I am doing my best to keep busy. I know it’s self destructive to comfort eat. I am working on meditation to improve my mindset when dealing with death of friends, especially sudden deaths(they seem so much worse). It’s that ‘live for today’ attitude that caused my obesity in the first place.

    My goals are just pipe dreams at the moment, I need support but not sure what to do to get it. I have tried slimming clubs but they are not on the same page as me concerning healthy food/lifestyle choices.

    I am very happy to remain Vegan-at least that is one step in the right direction. More carb avoidance would be helpful to make progress.

    Good health and happiness to all.


    There was a sizeable crowd listening to the choir and they sounded very good. We stopped for a very short time as we were in need of a cold drink and the surrounding pubs and cafes were all very crowded.
    It was well over an hour before we got one as our destination was much farther away than we thought. It’s a couple of years since we last visited the place and we had arrived from the other direction, plus there is so much building going on in the area east of Canary Wharf we barely recognised parts of it!
    I was definitely ready for a beer by the time we arrived and a leg and foot massage would have gone down well too 😆

    It is cooler and overcast today but sunshine and warmer temperatures are forecast for the whole week. My aim is to find time for a walk every day.

    Daily goals Jo. Or even 2 hourly goals. They have to be achievable. A smaller, short term goal, when achieved, is very rewarding and spurs you on. You CAN do it. P 🌻

    Sorry to hear of another loss in your social circle, Jo. And yes, certainly a trip to Staglands can be on the calendar next summer. It’s been a few years since we went last, with grandchildren.

    I love the idea of your walking under the Thames, Amazon. How long has that tunnel been there?

    It wasn’t the food that was dark, P – but the night! Food was totally acceptable, even if I couldn’t eat any. Haven’t eaten since Saturday, which will help in addressing those two kgs that have stuck on for the last year or more.

    Another bout of shivering in the night, so I will be off to the doctor today. Unfortunately my GP is close to my work, so I will have to drive into town, having taken the day off. At least I can take a bag full of feijoas for the workmates, rather than lugging them on the train.

    Best birthday wishes for you both, Happy and Wee 🙂

    Sorry to hear you are still unwell Barata. Hope it goes quickly.Sending happy thoughts… (PS I think you mixed me up with Jo reovercooked food 😐)

    Amazon, have you been to the Sheep’s Heid Inn in Duddingston, Edinburgh? It started in 1360! Even has an old wooden bowling alley you can play on.😊 P

    Thanks, P 🙂 . I am just back from the doctor (where I ran into Wi – will let her provide further details if she wishes). Now on antibiotics, and also bought some prebiotics to help the system.

    I popped in to work while I was in the block, to deliver some feijoas for workmates. I brought some in for you too, Wi, but in all our chatter forgot to mention them! They are at reception.

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s a lovely morning here 🌞

    Barata, the Greenwich foot tunnel opened in 1902. It was built to replace a ferry service that took the dockers to and from work. There is a staircase at either end and lifts were installed in 1904.
    The North end of the tunnel was damaged during WWII and underwent extensive repairs so that end is slightly narrower than when it was first built.
    It is 370 metres long 🙂

    We’ve used it 3 times and it has always been busy.
    It is next to the Cutty Sark and I guess it features in tourist guides.

    FD today, so I need to keep busy. I’ve already taken the car in for a service and done a small grocery shop on the way home.
    I dressed for the gym but it is so nice I’m going to Kew instead.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Friends
    My lurking time is over. Today I fasted successfully.
    All 4 adult children are back in the UK. The constant movement has lulled. Fasting will be easy as I spent last Thursday and Friday catering for 50 family members. That was hard work but with the help of my daughter it was a great bonding exercise.

    It was a real coincidence to see Barata today at the same medical surgery. My ankle has worsened again and I am back on antibiotics. I also have a suspected melanoma on my back which will need to be treated in France. Fasting will be strict as we all know about rapidly dividing cells.

    I am glad that spring has returned to UK. I hope there is still some n 5 weeks when I return.
    Happy Fasting

    Take care Wi x

    Morning All,
    Stepped on the scales pre fast yesterday, 5 pounds up after a bad week. It determined me to stick to my fast yesterday plus do lots of exercise to keep busy. Two dance classes, a walk, a 50 lengths swim followed by some Mah Jong practise.also cooked a huge vat of veg curry yesterday, 8 meals now frozen.
    3/4 lb down this morning. Feeling more positive than I have in a while even though I slept very badly last night.
    Bowls practise this morning then another swim plus Yoga. I am determined to get to the gym everyday this week so have booked into various classes. Weighing daily again with an aim to lose 1/2 pound daily. Fasting again today plus cutting white carbs, fat and sugar Monday to Friday. One treat Sat and Sunday, maximum 200 calories.
    Tonya film review (about a real life American scater involved in conspiracy to injure another scatter during 1990’s)was a good film but not for people with no tolerance for swearing or violence. The ice scating was incredible to watch, first triple axle by a woman during the Olympics.
    My daughter is doing Circus Skills course, she was doing trapeze and high wire yesterday(with a crash mat of course). She got more bruises, rope burns and a pulled shoulder muscle but enjoyed it. Masochist me thinks!
    Barata and Wiwi – wish you well and sucesful fasting.
    Amazon-I used to barmaid on the pleasure boats that left from Greenwich so spent a lot of time n that area in my early 20’s. Probably wouldn’t recognise it now.
    Exploring London is a full time job.

    Morning all,

    Jo, I was sorry to read about so many deaths among your friends and acquaintances. Terribly sad, but hopefully you can use it as a reminder and a spur to continue to take positive steps wrt your own health. Sounds like you’ve got a plan, but I’m not sure why you’ve given yourself an unrealistic target of 1/2lb per day? You might just be setting yourself up for disappointment! We know weight doesn’t always come off in a uniform and consistent way and, although you may initially lose quite a bit, early losses (back on the wagon) will be water. Also, why are you cutting carbs and fat? Your body needs healthy fats to function. Are you taking e.g. omega 3 supplements instead?

    Wiwi, so sorry to hear your ankle troubles you still. Hopefully fasting can help with that as well as your suspected melanoma.

    I’m not sure whether I’m fasting today or not. It might be easier tomorrow when the weather is (forecast to be) pleasantly warm! Dull this morning, and although it’s milder than it has been, it’s not inspiring me…. Oh, and I might have eaten a bit too much pasta last night which will make eating nothing today more challenging!

    It’s interesting, Happy, isn’t it, how the longer you experience this wol, the more ovious the connection between eating white carbs and later hunger is?

    Yes, before I started fasting, and wasn’t even watching what I ate, I didn’t really notice as I didn’t allow myself to go long enough without food! I just accepted that I’d be hungry/start eating at breakfast and then graze my way through the day (as befits the heifer that I was!!). I made no connection to the cereals/toast/sandwich/cake/biscuits/pasta/garlic bread that I’d eaten the day before.

    Funny, I was reading an article online by a ‘nutritionist’ (with a book to tout!) who poo-pooed 5:2, said it led to the diet mentally of permanent restriction and would result in disordered eating. Incredible. If beginning eating carbs and sugars when you first wake up, and permanently clutching a ‘treat’ in your sweaty paw to tide you over til the next carb-heavy meal, and not stopping eating until you go to bed, doesn’t count as disordered eating I really don’t know what does!

    Hi ev eryone,

    Wee, sorry to hear your ankle is still causing issues plus your skin lesion. I hope things improve soon.

    Jo, I’m with Happy, how on earth are you going to create a calorie deficit of nearly 2000 calories in a single day in order to lose 1/2 lb per day. You are being over ambitious and setting yourself up to fail.
    Remember the tortoise and the hare? 5:2 is the tortoise.

    It’s a nice day here. I was up early and got some laundry done and out in the sun and then went to the gym. I managed to curb my enthusiasm and not overdo it as I want to go again tomorrow.

    I’ve found a new coffee shop between the gym and the bus stop and I think it is going to be a regular stop. The coffee is fabulous and it’ll keep me out of the kitchen when I get home as I’m finding it tough not to start eating while I’m making a hot drink.

    I took the car for service and MOT and it needed something replacing so I had to leave it overnight and now I’m waiting for a call to collect it.
    I can guarantee it’ll be ready at the same time the school day ends……..

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Happy and Amazon,
    I am just planning to lose 1/2 per day to lose gained weight of last week. After that I will head for 1 pound per week to goal. I am determined to make it by December, a nice size 14 is all I ask. I have been eating toast this last week. Delicious but butter and bread are not my friends. Hence cutting bread and butter. I cook with oil then drain onions, pepper, leeks etc. So some fat gets in my food. Also I use sweet potato, ordinary spuds, mango, and squash in curries along with beans and pulses. Very healthy balanced meals.
    Lovely game of bowls in the sunshine today, breezy but great to be outside again.

    Keep fasting, ignore the critics.
    I do wonder if there will ever be a time when maintaining weight becomes easy, I suspect not! Habits of a lifetime are not easily changed.

    My previous post should have said Wi not Wee 😳

    I’m having ginger fish for dinner tonight. So easy and delicious, a piece of white fish, thinly sliced ginger, garlic, chilli, carrot and red pepper, a squeeze of soy, some shredded basil wrapped in a parchment parcel and baked for 15-20 minutes.

    My mouth is watering at the thought 😆

    It’s been a very productive day, lots of chores including the laundry completed, car collected, groceries done, a trip to the gym and I even found time for a walk in the sunshine 😀

    Jo my dad went to all his friends funerals and often would remark on the way home that he will probably be next but that was not the case he had a full life went into aged care and 9 months into that passed away My mum went shopping came home and collapsed inside I knew only when my sister rang to tell me we all handle things differently I found watching dad deteriorate in front of my eyes more difficult compared to mum but I wonder if your emotional cup is overflowing, which is not the right head space for fasting or for making long term goals I agree with Purple set some short term goals that are doable and build off that platform.

    Wise words, RT, and the most important thing is to look after yourself, be kind and don’t try and push past your emotional endurance.

    Nothing done here, but pleased to announce that, apart from feeling a bit frail, I am well on the road to recovery. Will be off to work tomorrow, to face a battery of emails from clients!

    Your ‘nutritionist’ obviously hasn’t done her homework, Happy. Sorry for all the folks she might sway away from 5:2. In fact, she Must Be Stopped! Letters to the Editor are called for.

    Morning/evening all,

    Another clear blue sky and sunshine morning, I could get used to this…….

    Regarding the article Happy read, I find it incredible that there is so much health/nutritional information on the internet that has been written by people who have based what they write purely on what they believe (and may have written a book about) rather than scientific research based evidence that has been carried out without financial support from big pharma or the food industry. I doubt she’s done any research into 5:2 as a way of life, and she obviously ignored the fact that Michael Mosley is a doctor and tried out IF on himself with medical supervision.

    What is even worse is that there are so many people who will read such an article and take it as fact.

    IMO the most difficult thing about 5:2 which is ultimately what makes it work, is accepting that we cannot continue to eat the way we have been doing. It is not difficult to link the way we eat with our weight/health but so many can’t or won’t because as creatures of habit who love our comforts, we so often resist change even when it is the right thing to do.

    Along with “we are what we eat” I’m also in the “a little of what you fancy does you good” with the emphasis on little, which is why I’m not prepared to give some foods up completely.

    Nuts are temporarily banned from the Amazon kitchen as they keep disappearing without being added to any recipes 😆

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    Just lost my post, arrgghh!

    Sun is shining, birds are singing and I don’t need to go to work. All is well with the world.

    Also I dropped 3/4 lb from yesterday even after Bridge nibbles last night. Luckily nuts and veg dip with hummus an option plus olives.

    I watched three people who claim to be dieting fall victim to chocolate biscuits and sweets on offer. I felt strong and in control.

    Swam another 50 lengths yesterday and did a Yoga Class plus walking and bowls. Feeling good.

    I agree that Nutrition Books should be based on Scientic evidence but we cannot ignore lifetime experience of those working with people desperate to lose weight.

    A former slimming councillor I was chatting with this week said ‘Calorie counting should be viewed like a Bank Account’ don’t spend money you don’t have available’ she said she never recommended exercise as putting more money into the bank because she saw that this was not successful to most long term dieters. Exercise goes into your ‘Savings Account’ which builds up to for you to enjoy a longer pain free life’ ( A holiday from painful conditions). She is slim and athletic, looks 50 but is actually 75. Philosophy working for her. She currently does 2 hours per day of dancing, fitness work or Pilates.
    RT- thanks but I am actually in a good head space at the moment. I could do with a holiday though.

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