Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 3 months, 4 weeks ago.

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  • The winds here in South Australia last night where crazy I got a call from the 1st born son neighbour to say the round trampoline had blown over and was hanging off their back fence
    We went into rescue mode and sorted it out and its still blustery and gusting with powerful bursts not ideal for the poor buggers fighting fires in Victoria thoughts are with them.

    Victoria is really copping it and the cool change is apparently only going to drive the fires further. A bad combination, high temps, dry ground and strong winds. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

    Hi All,
    Got to my dance tonight. Car windscreen frozen but thawed quickly. Pavements and roads icy so we drove very carefully. Danced all evening and enjoyed myself. Waltz and foxtrot with my partner and disco and jive with girl friends. Pretty shattered now. Very high winds here and more snow expected tomorrow.

    My poor old greenhouse has lost another panel.

    Three bean chilli tomorrow, yummy

    We are certainly all experiencing extreme weather…lucky we know how to dance, inspite of it. πŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί Enjoy your bean dish, Jo. 😊P

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s cold here with a dusting of snow, but nothing to be concerned about. The roads and pavements are clear and not slippery, and the wind has died down considerably since this time yesterday.

    I ate and drank far too much yesterday so am aiming for half TDEE today to compensate. I shall have a single meal which will be a quinoa risotto topped with roasted salmon. It would be difficult to make a really small portion of risotto so I’ll calorie count it and freeze some for another day.

    I’m torturing myself as I’m baking a cake for a gift and the smell is driving me mad πŸ˜†

    Sorry to hear about the fires in Australia. I hope some cool weather and hopefully some rain comes your way soon.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Amazon with your ADF v B2B fast days in general terms which protocol do you find delivers the best outcomes for you?

    Hi RT (I’ll jump in while Amazon is asleep)
    I haven’t ever done B2B, but I found a month of ADF recently interesting. Fasting was really easy…much easier than twice a week…but weight losses weren’t huge, but gradual. I found I wasn’t pigging out on the alternate eating days, as minimal food became the norm. I guess it just reinforces what I have found over the past 4 years since reaching my healthy goal…I really can’t eat much food at my weight. πŸ™„ Losing kilos when I was overweight was easy. Not so when already in the healthy range. C’est la vie! Still, the choice is obvious ☺☺P

    Morning/evening all,

    The snow has gone and I sincerely hope we don’t see any more of it this year.


    Both protocols work well if I can stay on track. Doing B2B makes 4 fasts every week possible but can be tough. Sometimes I find my willpower fading on a Friday lunchtime and have a real struggle sticking to my fast. ADF is easier but can be difficult to stick to long term due to social activities. My plan for the next couple of months is ADF and do a B2B rather than skip a FD if I’m planning to eat out.

    When I first did 5:2 I averaged 7 FDs every two weeks with a mixture of ADF and B2B and I lost an average of 7lbs a month. I never tracked or worried about what I ate at the weekend. These days it is much harded to lose 2lbs in a week and it’s all about needing less food now I weigh so much less, something that is really hard to accept and get to grips with and I’m still looking for a way to eat well at the weekend without going overboard and undoing the previous few days good work. I’m thinking ADF will help.

    I’ve written a menu plan this week and am going to prioritise sticking to it and keeping myself busy and out of the kitchen!

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Purple I find the fasting much more doable on a more consistent bases 4-3 works in well with my work life balance and suits me ,Jojo did say once and I quote when having a conversation with some bowling folk that she is not on a diet but she in fact fasts 3x a week that stuck with me.We all have had a few lines on here β€œRemember that reserve of fat you have on your body already and realise you actually don’t need food, you just want it.” do not eat when you’re not hungry no thyself and We do not have to eat all the time, therefore we are free to choose when we eat.
    Amazon good response we continually tweak and self-experiment that ensures we stay engaged with this way of life despite having 26kg weight loss over the journey I have still not been able to achieve the 50% waist to height ratio I think from memory Purple and Happy are in this exclusive club but certainly with rate over time I will get there the protocol that works the best is the one we can stick too.
    Happy Hump Day
    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT.

    Not having measured for a while, you prompted me to check RT.
    Phew, despite having settled for an easier to maintain top of my wriggle room weight, I’m still in the 1/2 the height club, although after 6 babies, the ravages of time and an aversion to situps, I’m sure it could do with “toning” πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
    Raining here 🌧🌫 Woohoo!!!! P

    Morning/evening all,

    It’s the first day of spring today and here in London we’ve been greeted with a clear blue sky and sunshine. If it were 5Β° warmer it would be perfect πŸ’β˜€

    RT, I’m nearly at the 50% ratio and have been for quite some time so I know that by the time I reach goal (whenever that might be…….), I’ll be well within it.

    This week is going well so far. After a very difficult weekend when I attemtped to eat everything I could find my self control has returned. I’m fasting today and am planning a walk as it is such a lovely morning.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Amazon,
    I hope you have had a lovely walk by now!
    We have been in country Victoria this week, catching up with family at Jamieson then lunch today at a lovely Art Gallery/Cafe in Benalla. Our old friends are great travellers and husband was sporting a lovely Panama hat that he bought in Ecuador! I thought of you immediately!
    I need to fast B2B tomorrow and Friday this week, my way of compensating for all the socializing. At least it is beautiful Autumn weather so I will be out in the garden, well away from food.
    I also find it hard to accept just how little food I can eat these days to maintain my best weight! But I guess my love of food in general is the main reason I have struggled with my weight most of my life. Of course to quote another Purple gem, “the choice is obvious”! Plus another one for the RT files: “nothing tastes as good as feeling slim feels”!

    Hi Nama,

    The walk was excellent. Lots of spring flowers, buds on trees, camelias, sunshine, noisy wildlife (it’s that time of year…….) and hordes of 7 year olds on school outings. The children were very noisy but it was mostly due to their enthusiasm for being outdoors and I’ve never seen a child of that age so excited at seeing some geese!
    It is always good to see that local schools take their children to Kew as many of them wouldn’t get the opportunity and it is such a fabulous place.
    When I was a child it used to cost a penny and we often used to go there rather than the local park.

    Did you know that Panama hats actually originated in Ecuador and can be traced back to the Incas? There are many theories as to why they became known as Panama hats but the most likely is that Panama was once the trade centre for that part of the world and the hatmakers did not insert labels stating their origin so buyers assumed they were from Panama.

    Panama hats…takes me back to my school hats 😊 The boys on the trains used to try to destroy them!

    In recent years, for obvious reasons, I’ve spent more time observing groups of people, their body shapes and eating habits. It seems quite clear that groups, who eat together regularly, mirror each other’s body shape.
    I know myself how easy it is to overeat, or choose unwisely, when dining with “big eaters”. These days I choose to socialize with like minded people… we select veg based dishes with small amounts of meat and seafood, usually share a few dishes, tapas or entres instead of mains, and skip dessert. Result? We enjoy delicious healthy food and retain our waistlines.

    You are what you eat is true, but you are, also, who you socialize with. P

    Ah yes Purple, but remember “you can choose your friends but not your relatives”? I am not going to miss social eating with relatives who live 2 hours away… and neither am I going to miss catching up with good friends over a meal just because they may be overweight. Several of my oldest friends, who have seen my weight yo yo over the years, have been sufficiently impressed with the permanent improvements I have made to try fasting themselves!

    I agree. But be aware of this. Go for a coffee, not a meal with the big eaters. It’s the regular groups that effect you most. P

    Well done Amazon you are the leader of keep on keeping on and still have the odd indulgence πŸ˜‰

    Morning/evening all,

    RT, thanks but I think its more if at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again!

    Another fine morning here. I’m going out with my niece and great nephew today which is always good fun πŸ™‚

    When I eat out, I have what I want which these days is usually one course. Even if I want dessert I often don’t bother because there’s nothing on the menu that either I couldn’t do at home or that really tempts me, and if I’m going to have something I have no desire to be disappointed.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Well going out with big eaters isn’t necessarily a problem…as long as they allow you to eat what you want! It’s the ones who want three courses, but won’t order three courses unless you have three courses too, despite the fact that you’d be happy to just sit and chat while they eat… Or the ones that think you’re deliberately depriving yourself, and think you’d be far happier for being a glutton and consuming your body weight in sugar… Or that think you’re undereating rather than that they are overeating… that’s when it gets challenging/ trying ☹️

    Having said that, it was day after fast day yesterday, and I managed to overeat all by myself 😊


    Your comment on groups that eat together mirroring each others body shape reminded me of a programme I saw a while ago about people undergoing gastric surgery. One woman’s story stuck in my mind. She claimed she couldn’t lose weight any other way because all her family were big and it was just in their genes…cut to them all eating out together…hmm, nothing to do with the super-sized pizzas, chips and fizzy drinks and huge puddings that they all eat!

    Easy (and convenient) to think that’s normal….

    Sad, isn’t it? Normalising overeating can happen so easily. 😐

    Of course the ‘overeaters’ you’re with, and who cause you to overeat, aren’t necessarily overweight! Beware eating with a group of endurance athletes. I know a lot of whippets who seem to have hollow legs! In reality their exercise level is an order of magnitude greater, hence they regularly eat twice as much without gaining weight.

    It’s all about knowing yourself, and not being influenced by others I guess.

    Morning All,
    Feeling a bit low today and need some help lifting my spirits. A dear friend died last Sunday, it was very sudden, a massive brain bleed, no previous symptoms reported. He was planning to re-marry at the age of 67 to another friend, she was so excited at this prospect. It’s so sad, they have both had very difficult lives, Their first partners were abusive but both moved on eventually. Their grown up children have not supported them during the last year when they found companionship with each other. Children can be so selfish, especially adult versions. This kind, caring man will leave a big hole in many lives. He was an advocate of daily walking(an hour minimum at a very fast pace usually at 6 am). He also ate well and kept a fine slim figure. He had a positive nature and fine sense of humour, I shall miss him very much. The bowling community will support my friend but we are all a bit shocked. Reminder! Live for today!
    Fasting is the last thing on my mind at the moment but I will get back to it in April. Food is a comfort when you are low but I will try to ensure I keep it healthy. Short break from the thread is likely while I try to re-group to a more positive state.
    Be kind to yourselves and keep focussed.

    Hi everyone,

    Jo I’m sorry to hear about your friend. Look after yourself and try not to over eat or you’ll only regret it.

    I hate the are you having a starter/dessert/wine/whatever conversation. If you go out to dinner with friends socialising is primary and food comes second. Granted that most of us want the food to be good but these days I’ve no intention of over eating to make someone else feel happy about having a slice of cheesecake.

    I read this earlier and I have to say that commercially made muffins are so sweet I can’t even bear the smell of them.

    When I used to make a batch of 12 muffins to take to work I would add 2 tablespoons of sugar ie 1/2 a teaspoon per muffin and they were always sweet enough. Lots of sugar adds calories and masks the flavour of inferior ingredients.

    After our visit to the Natural History Museum we went next door to the V&A as they have a nicer cafe. My niece wanted cake and she said, I know you don’t eat it often, do you mind πŸ˜†
    I had a scone with jam and clotted cream which was very good and as it was my lunch I feel no guilt πŸ˜€
    My great nephew ate about 1/3 of his cake (a rare treat) and took the remainder home for later but I doubt he’ll eat it.
    We had such a good time and he was very taken with the animated life size model of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

    It has been a lovely day and the sun is still shining.
    Long may it last.

    When I was on the tube earlier there was a young woman sitting opposite me. She was obese and was sitting there with her phone in one hand and using the other to mindlessly shovel the contents of a family pack of sweet popcorn into her mouth. It was all I could do to stop myself from saying something to her.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Husband: I won’t be able to sleep after wards.
    Wife: I can’t sleep without it.
    Husband: Why do you think of things like this in the middle of the night?
    Wife: Because I’m hot.
    Husband: You get hot at the darnest times.
    Wife: If you love me I wouldn’t have to beg you.
    Husband: If you love me you’d be more considerate.
    Wife: You don’t love me anymore.
    Husband: Yes I do, but let’s forget it for tonight.
    Wife: Booooooo ..!(Sob-Sob)
    Husband: Alright, I’ll do it.
    Wife: What’s the matter? Need a flashlight?
    Husband: I can’t find it.
    Wife: Oh, for heaven’s sake, feel for it.
    Husband: There. Are you satisfied?
    Wife: Oh, yes, honey.
    Husband: Is it up far enough?
    Wife: Oh, that’s fine.
    Husband: Now go to bed and from now on when you want the window open, do it yourself.

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT


    Happy weekend to you too πŸ™‚

    Thanks RT. 😁
    Take care of yourself Jo. 😢

    Positive thoughts for you Jo.

    Afternoon/morning and welcome to the Marie Celeste…….

    After a busy and very sociable long weekend which involved far too much eating and drinking 😳 it’s back to the Monday fast.
    I’ve just had a very tasty veg, cashew and tofu stir fry for my FD dinner, and written a menu plan for the next 10 days utilising the lovely veggies etc that I bought this morning and fitting in FDs around my socialising.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning/evening Amazon 😊
    I was just thinking the other day about the increase of nut consumption. We eat so many more, and a much wider variety, than we did 5 years ago. Apparently there is a general trend this way, particularly in almonds. Considering how long nut trees take to grow, you wonder how suppliers manage consumer fluctuations? On that idea, I guess sugar cane crops now are being plowed under? Just a thought.
    The day after the fast here…but will not eat until lunchtime. Cheers P

    Hi Purple,

    I’ve always eaten nuts and used them in cooking and now that I eat less meat I use them more often.
    I bought a huge bag of cashews this morning along with a big tub of peanut butter (that contains nothing other than organic peanuts) as stocks in the Amazon store cupboard were running dangerously low πŸ˜‰

    Maybe the locals in countries of origin are being priced out of the market?
    There is an issue with quinoa in parts of South America. It has been a staple of the local diet for a very long time but its rising popularity in the western world has made it too expensive for the locals in some places.

    I think sugar cane crops being ploughed under is wishful thinking………

    I’m going to the gym in the morning and out early tomorrow afternoon so won’t be eating until dinner πŸ˜†
    We are going to Tate Modern to a Picasso exhibition followed by a stroll along the Southbank and an early dinner destination as yet undecided πŸ™‚

    Makes me feel guilty now, thinking about the economic effect of our “healthy eating” whims on poorer nations. 😐
    We eat a lot of cashews, almonds and pistachios in particular. Meat consumption has plummeted.
    I guess YOU are drawn to Amazon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Next stop Africa………

    Finding the go to staples in our chosen WOL is always evolving I’m currently having a torrid affair with cabbage πŸ˜‰ and the minimalistic approach with it as the centre piece to my one pan wonders I have some fried cabbage with onion and bacon in my lunch pot delicious in my mind fellow office workers are not always supportive of the after effects πŸ˜†

    Oooo…a “torrid affair” with a cabbage, RT? Does wyfee know? πŸ˜‚
    Seriously, cabbage, onion and bacon sound terrific! Some foods are made for each other. I guess it is better than soneone eating kippers or sardines next to you? 😐

    I like cabbage stir fried with garlic, chilli and a dash of soy sauce.

    Morning/evening all,
    All this talk of yummy cabbage and its 8.15 here on a fast day for me!
    RT a favourite of everyone in my family is braised cabbage that I copied from the menu at a German nursing home I worked at about 35 yrs ago. Very finely diced cabbage, stir fried in butter with finely chopped onion and bacon – everyone in this house loves it and haven’t tired of it ever! Husband currently loving a keto recipe I found – cabbage casserole. Cabbage is stir fried with Tex Mex seasoning – cummin, garlic, chilli etc, then mixed with fried minced beef, then baked in casserole mixed with lots of grated cheddar and more cheddar on top. All the butter and cheese make it a bit rich for even me, but he would eat it every night.
    I had a lovely bean and chorizo breakfast dish out yesterday (with poached egg on top to make it ‘breakfast’). It was so yummy I bought ingredients on the way home and soaked the beans overnight – so todays homework is to try to recreate the dish I had!
    Amazon you know I have a penchant for peanut butter? Last week I made my own for the first time and love it so much (especially on toasted light rye sour dough), am thinking it would be foolish to ever make it again. Unless I wanted to buy bigger jeans! And thats not going to happen!

    Amazon, please dont mention SOUTH Africa! We Aussies are embarressed at the moment by the pathetic display of our cricketers!

    Cabbage aha.
    n French feuille de chou (cabbage leaf) means a newspaper of very bad quality.

    Cheats…pure and simple!🀨
    All this talk of food is melting my resolve to wait until lunch to break fast. ,😢
    Good luck with yours Nama.
    Love the French use of food words Wi! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ P

    Just think of the smell of boiling cabbage and wait till lunchtime, Purple.
    I am also on a fast till lunchtime but happily NZ time is two hours ahead of you.

    I once offered cabbage to our resident donkey who said ever so politely:”Thank you very much, but no”
    ” But where’s my B***** apple?”

    My donkeys were always fussy…they liked raiding the goats’ food. P

    I didn’t mention S**** Africa……………………… πŸ˜‡

    I am always worried that the resident French donkey will have disappeared by the time we get back to France.

    The French are very partial to donkey saucisson, whereas for me Gaston (his name) is a very communicative resident of our village.

    1 hour to lunch, Purple(in NZ)

    I bought some juicy brioche HCBs for the family for Easter…they are sitting in the freezer calling out to me πŸ·πŸ·πŸ–
    Enjoy your lunch Wi.

    Morning All,
    I had a bad day yesterday, really low but managed to control eating just soup for lunch and vegan dinner (not even sure what it was, found in my freezer). Lost my indoor bowls semi final Ladies Pairs match yesterday too but really didn’t care that much, it was a close game, only 2 points in it. I think we were both thinking about the funeral today, sad time.

    My poor daughter has and still is very ill with tonsillitis and strep throat, her Kefir has let her down this time. She has been on her own, house mate away, pretty grim being so far away at times like this. Thank goodness for What’s Ap and FaceTime, it allows us to support her as best as possible.

    May head to the cinema tonight, see Peter Rabbit, good cast, should be happy film, I need some cheering up. Seeing Carol King Show tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is well, keep fasting.
    I prefer Kale to cabbage, less ‘after effects’ RT. There is not much worse than the smell of boiling cabbage.

    Quinoa is a favourite of mine and I agree it’s sad that our healthy choices are causing price increases for families that probably have low incomes. Pulses are still reasonable cost compared to meat, fish and dairy though. I am making yogurt from Soya milk today.

    Good to see you back on here Jojo your presence is missed I assure you I don’t know Jo hard boiled eggs in a salad after you pop the lid does tend get a fair bit of feedback as well πŸ˜‰ we are all different Brussel sprouts also have a beautiful texture and flavour but on occasion get abit pricey that said I love em really rocking the cabbage fling yfee seems ok with it and has indulged in a mΓ©nage au tio with me and the fried cabbage but not embraced it completely πŸ’‘ Nama your tex mex keto number has me intrigued enough to give that fly simple food cooked well I have no issues with the greasy fatty yummy goodness of fat 😯 just as a quick fast tracking survey if we were to be sinners for a day and have some carb indulgence which would it be? Personally I could easily bypass the dessert trolley and hot self-saucing sticky pudding and bread bread rolls or all the bakery items for some potatoes rice and pasta of course a savoury combination or does it matter really they are all the devil’s food..

    Jason Fung’s latest blog on weight maintenance is well with reading (Controlling the Body Set Weight – Intensive Dietary Management)
    It’s always good to reinforce our WOL with facts. P

    Morning/evening all,


    I’m talking about the price of quinoa for the people in its country of origin where it is a staple part of their diet. It means more than hardship, more like starvation and it is why I’ll be thinking twice and doing some research before buying any more.

    It’s a dull wet morning here in London.

    I had a lovely day yesterday. We went to the Picasso exhibition at Tate Modern. I don’t understand or appreciate most modern or abstract art so this was an educational visit.
    It was a huge exhibition consisting of 6 rooms full of paintings, drawings and sculptures all produced in a single year (1932),
    There were a few pieces that made no sense to me at all and I’m not sure what they were supposed to mean but on the whole I enjoyed it and we had a good look at every piece and discussed them while we looked.
    I concluded that I liked it enough to explore “modern” art further.

    We went to an Italian restaurant for dinner where we had a very nice meal. I had spinach and ricotta ravioli and we shared a kale salad.
    I shall be recreating the salad at home.
    The kale was blanched and shredded and mixed with Puy lentils, very small pieces of avocado, small black grapes and pomegranate seeds and dressed with a lemony vinaigrette.
    I noticed they also served it as a main course either on its own or with the optional addition of hot smoked salmon, chicken or burrata.
    I might try it with burrata or buffalo mozzarella and I would add some finely chopped red pepper.

    FD today.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

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