Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,351 through 3,400 (of 7,283 total)

  • Whew! That’s almost everything moved out of the kitchen, dining room and office ready for renovation to start tomorrow. There’s a bit of stuff that won’t make it back into the new rooms. We have now been in this house twelve years (as of this weekend!) so it’s been a while since the last clean-out. Sherry glasses, anyone?

    27 degrees inside, but that’s plenty thanks RT, with the humidity! So it’s very much gin time, especially as both our men’s and women’s teams have been beaten by their Australian counterparts in the Sydney rugby sevens competition. I know the women were favourites, but our men should have done better! πŸ™ Revenge next weekend in Hamilton?

    What a game that women’s tennis final was – riveting stuff!

    You won’t be able to keep that weight loss up, Happy πŸ™‚ Short is great (see me on FB). My hair is too thick to wear it easily any longer, though.

    I rely on that 1/2kg drop when I get a haircut. πŸ˜‰

    Morning/evening all,

    When I arrived at the restaurant last night my friend was sitting at a table for 6. I asked why and she said she had invited a few people, so I had a nice surprise meeting up with friends I’ve not seen for a while πŸ™‚
    Dinner was really good and I had a lovely time.

    It’s very mild here for January,11C and it’s only 9am.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    What a lovely surprise Amazon 😊

    Yes it was and I had another this morning. Facetime with my Adelaide friend who is trying not to melt in the heat.

    Well it’s a mild 11 degrees here too, but low cloud and very windy, so not conducive to outdoor activity.


    My hair is neither very thick or very thin, so it does lend itself to a range of styles. I’ve never gone really short though, as I think to carry off pixie you need delicate little pixie features which I definitely do not have ☹️

    I must admit I am worried about slipping into stereotypical generic older lady hairstyles..! I’m not ready for that yet..although I will be 49 this year. Eeek 😩


    Glad to hear you’ve had a good birthday weekend. Nose to the grindstone again next week…?

    Happy, you DO have the pixie features to carry off a spike hairdo! And you certainly aren’t likely to slip into old lady mode!
    Glad your new kitchen is underway Barata. P


    Oh to be 49 next year……… πŸ˜‰

    My hair is the shortest it’s ever been and I love it. I wouldn’t have had it cut so short before because I had three chins but now I’ve only got the one it looks good if I say so myself.

    Having seen a photo, I don’t know why you think you wouldn’t look good with really short hair. You are too modest.

    I didn’t get my egg with avocado on toast yeterday as I couldn’t resist a warm crust of freshly baked bread with some butter, so I’m going to have it today as my main meal and tomorrow it is back to food free FDs. I have no intention of undoing the good work of the past 2 weeks and I would like to lose another 4lbs before my trip.


    I’ve been buying wonky avocados from Morrisons, much cheaper but never ready to eat. I was hoping for a nice brunch of eggs, avocado, spinach and sourdough this weekend but sadly mistimed my purchase. D’oh.

    And thanks Amazon and P, for the kind words! I always see something more cabbage patch doll than elfin in the mirror! Anyway, we’ll see. I have always been in awe of people who go the whole hog and shave their heads for charity, but good grief, what would you do if it turns out you have the skull of a Klingon… πŸ˜€

    Do the Star Trekers dance I guess πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰


    After the wet winter/spring, avocados are $5 each! So they are off the menu for a while πŸ™

    The kitchen renovator ‘forgot’ to make contact over the weekend to arrange for a key to be left out! If we had both been at work… Fortunately Mr B has taken the day off, and it sounds like just as well, to discuss plumbing options etc.

    it’s difficult to give an opinion on haircuts when you dear ladies don’t post photos on FB.

    Morning/evening all,

    Barata, FB is where I saw Happy’s photo a few months back and I also posted a selfie with my (then) new short haircut a couple of Christmasses ago πŸ™‚

    Happy, my hairdresser used to say that a bad haircut was a six week problem not a life sentence.
    Do you have a woolly hat………… πŸ˜‰

    Seriously, I often see men who are losing their hair who have gone for the shaven head look and many of them have less than perfectly shaped heads and look dreadful.

    Mild and dull here this morning and another hopefully successful week of IF ahead.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    It’s not β€˜need to wear a hat’, more β€˜must remember to wash the back of my neck’ short!


    You’ve definitely put me off posting to Facebook now! The horror of exhibiting myself for scrutiny and comment?! I think I’ll pass… πŸ˜€


    I’m not one for taking and sharing selfies at every opportunity let alone posting them on FB and it took a lot for me to post the last one so I won’t be posting another any time soon either.

    What difference does it make if the back of your neck needs a wash?
    You can’t see it 🀣🀣🀣

    Good point, well made, Amazon! My neck can wait for my yearly tin bath in front of the fire πŸ˜€

    Glad to be of assistance!

    500 calorie FD today as I had a lot of carbs this weekend and didn’t want to set myself up to fail. I was craving food at noon so it was a good decision.
    No food tomorrow though.

    I am finally virus free AND pain free so planning to hit the gym every day this week in order to kick start my effort to get my fitness back to the level it was a few months ago. Every time I go back after a week or two away from the place I realise how much I enjoy exercising πŸ˜€

    This morning I was disappointed to find a post workout swim was out of the question due to someone causing tidal waves in the pool……..
    I opted for a lay down in the sauna and nearly fell asleep πŸ˜†

    They aired TMIAD Summer special here last night. It was good to see the reinforcement that the way to lose visceral fat is by eating less, not by exercise. Sit ups reduced waist size, but not the dangerous internal fat.

    I’m doing back to back fasts this week to fit in with social engagements. Marvellous, flexible, free way of life. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ P

    Hi Purple,

    I’m working hard on getting used to eating less every day as I know it’s the only way to go. I seem to have found my willpower and am exercising that along with my body!

    I am constantly surprised by the number of people unwilling to let go of the idea that exercise will make them thin.

    The trouble is, Amazon, so many gyms and personal trainers, as well as tv shows, make a lot of money out of promoting the excercise/ weightloss myth. There’s no money in eating less πŸ˜‰
    Mental health and a good, strong, flexible body are definitely gained through a sensible active lifestyle, but achieving this can also be free.
    I’m also trying to get back to more careful nonfast eating. It is SO easy to allow portion creep when eating with others socially. A couple of fasts in a row should reset the appetite πŸ˜‰ P

    Morning All,
    My back is healing nicely now, much rest and a little walking and swimming. Following doctors orders. My physio gave me some specific back exercises when she gave hip ones on my last visit. I guess without scan I can never be sure of the cause of pain. Just being careful and sensible.

    My debit card has been hacked so I am off to the bank to get an up to date statement for the fraud department. Card cancelled. I suspect it started when paying my car insurance by telephone. I keep my card in a special card pouch so it hasn’t been scanned. Seems my fraudster has bought Nation Express Coach tickets, Birmingham and lots of meals from Hungry Horse.

    I went to my Quilting Course yesterday, about half way through my 4 ft square Beginners quilt. Used some new fabric and some I cut from my old ( too big) clothes. Using stretchy fabric is an issue but overcome by sewing it onto a card first. Very time consuming but rewarding. Next I need to think about adding character to patches.
    Some course participants have made quilts from old baby clothes, quirky designs.

    Incredibly 4 out of 6 course participants were vegan or vegetarian. The cafe served Vegan Rolls, sweet potato and chickpea spicy filling, delicious although not sure I should be having pastry, a rarity for me. They have other vegan and vegetarian dishes too so that is something to look forward to next week. I tried porridge with Almond Milk for breakfast (another food I had cut from carb free diet) but as I was skipping lunch and late dinner tonight, it was an OK alternative to cows milk. Now to find out how coconut milk goes in Kefir, I may need to switch to water Kefir.

    Still using up fish in freezer and hoping to switch to Vegan Diet in February. Reading up recipes from my cook books and BBC Good Food Website.

    I saw frozen avocados in Iceland the other day, cut in half with pip removed. Anyone tried these? It can be a problem getting ripe ones in local supermarkets and green grocers.

    Weight up again, water retention from pills. Fasting tomorrow and Friday this week.

    Amazon- I agree that keeping fit (if you can avoid injury) is great to help you feel good. Most importantly daily fresh air too for 30 minutes minimum. Sunny and mild here thank goodness. The rain and cold since December has been relentless, or feels that way, it’s depressing. I really need to get some proper sun for a week.

    Eating lots of soup at the moment, just feel I need the comfort, hot and spicy of course.

    Happy- Ha Ha – hilarious about the monster pudding connection. I knew the word didn’t seem right. Only had the cream pudding once, very sickly, but I thought it was very traditional at Burns nights. Not sure profiteroles were much healthier, no fruit salad option, in fact no options at all.

    Barata- How exciting? Refurbishing your kitchen! It’s a job that’s needed here too but unlikely again this year. Heating bill will break us this Winter, it’s like a mortgage.

    Enjoy your week everyone.

    Hi everyone,

    It’s a glorious if cold day so I decided a walk would be better exercise than the gym. I’m just back from a 90 minute walk in Kew Gardens which was lovely. Blue sky and sunshine, lots of birdsong, hardly any people πŸ˜ƒ
    The snowdrops are in bloom and there are hundreds of other bulbs pushing up their leaves and stems into the winter sunshine.
    There is a lot of work going on, borders being re-shaped, paths being re-surfaced and lots of general tidying up along with the restoration of the pagoda and one of the big glasshouses which will be re-opening in a couple of months after a 3 year restoration project.

    I had a blood test this morning to check my cholesterol levels prior to a medication review next week. I’m going to talk to my GP regarding my concerns regarding taking statins.

    Frozen avocados are fine if you are making guacamole. I always ripen fresh ones by putting them alongside the tomatoes and it seems to work well.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    What a lovely description of your walk at Kew, Amazon. That’s what I love about walking. One has time to take in the surroundings in detail. A bit like drawing or painting. Excellent for the whole body.
    I had a ballet costume of a snowdrop as a 5 year old. I’ve always loved them. 🌼
    The first little bit of “rain” fell here overnight. Our water usage over the summer has been enormous, just to try to keep our garden alive. Many mature trees have died in Sydney this summer due to the extreme heat and drought. We are looking to the skies for more. πŸ™„P

    Regarding kefir, Jo, I accidentally bought Lite milk this week. The resulting kefir is pale milky water. Back to full cream jersey for me. P

    P, I was impressed with the range of A2 milk available when we were in Sydney. I mentioned this at my local supermarket – the supervisor had never heard of it!

    Day one, removal of cabinets, step-grandson downstairs didn’t hear a thing. Day two, electrical work, someone went into SGS’s bedroom to see where the wires went to, SGS not impressed (he’s doing shift work). Day three, plumbing. I will post before, during and after photos on FB. It’s bad enough camping in the back bedroom, but when I have to cater for three meal times (four if OH is late and I need to eat by 7pm) I am so over this.

    After the big heat, and big dry, tomorrow brings the big wind and big rain. Talk about extremes! I did hear a suggestion that the global warming deniers should buy up all the coastal properties!

    I have, over the weekend, read (and am now re-reading) Steven Gundry’s The Plant Paradox on e-version from the library. Eye-opening as to what is really going on inside us. Have bought the book, hope that son’s lady friend in Phoenix, who has lupus, might gain from it.

    Stay well, everyone. πŸ™‚

    Excellent idea B! Low lying coastal properties…mine is high up! I’m not stupidπŸ˜‰
    Our morning drizzle disappeared into an overcast day. Are we sending our precious rain over to you?P

    To Meat or not to meat that is the question πŸ’‘ a quick spoiler alert I work for the 2nd largest beef processing company in Australia and I have done so since 1993 as do 2 of my sons and a third son and his wife work for a large lamb processing company so the red meat industry or meat processing industry is woven into our family fabric. That said I love life and I want to live a long life in good health. So whatever I can do to help myself to achieve that end goal is my plan I do not want to die of a preventable disease so fasting 3x a week for health benefits and longevity check I aim for and achieve 10000 steps per day what I have not addressed entirely is the composition of the food for my way of life. Simco pointed me towards Dr Longo fast mimicking and the longevity diet interesting informative and timely but it was the YouTube presentation β€œuprooting the leading causes of death” and how not to die!!! with these facts that opened my eyes to better health outcomes by learning. I found my meat free week easy and I love experimenting with flavour texture colour as well as different regions food Indian , Mexican , Thai , Asian ,Italian etc and the feeling of being very grounded I have no Ethical issue at all or concerns for animal welfare in Australia Government enforced and monitored Regulations are as high as anywhere in the world so it is not that aspect to adopting a whole food plant based diet.I am also happy to have a steak or a roast I am not that pedantic maybe the Sunday roast would be the principal meat meal. When I smoked yes dear reader I did but if I ran out I did not freak out I only smoked around 6 a day and I could go a day or 2 without them no problems at all. Or have 1 then go days without them I suspect my relationship with meat will fall that way.
    If I can reduce the chances of cancer and other diseases type 2 diabetes lower blood pressure achieve better heart health improve gut bacteria reduce by a simple dietary change then that is a no brainer for me but I am not a saint and am flexible enough to adapt to social requirements as required or as some others have said social occasions or restaurant choices is much more difficult I feel I would simply go the Chameleon and when in Rome . When I was younger I had a pony tail and a beard lived a bit of an alternative lifestyle for you Aussie folk here a Byron Bay or Nimbin experience πŸ˜† hippy happy days.
    These details below I had no idea about so in some respects ignorance is bliss as harden carnivores.
    The more red meat you eat, the greater your risk of dying from one of eight diseases, according to a new report.

    Researchers studied more than 536,000 men and women ages 50 to 71, tracking their diet and health for an average of 16 years. They recorded intake of total meat, processed and unprocessed red meat (beef, lamb and pork), and white meat (poultry and fish).

    Compared with the one-fifth of people who ate the least red meat, the one-fifth who ate the most had a 26 percent increased risk of death from various causes. High red meat consumption increased the rate of dying from cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, infections, kidney disease and liver disease. The study is in BMJ.
    The science the research and the numbers are very clear that a meat free diet will be the best choice for health promoting and longevity so it’s never say never for me. As for protein, the more protein you eat, the higher your IGF 1 levels. As high IGF 1 levels are associated with increased cancer and other diseases
    Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. Pele
    Peace RT.

    Phew! I’m exhausted just reading it πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
    As a girl actually born in hippy north coast NSW, I see your reasoning. We eat very little red meat any more, not for any reason other than the enjoyment of so many other foods. If it also means saving ourselves, the animals and the planet along the way, well excellent. P 😊

    Morning All,
    What a dilemma RT, jobs versus long healthy life but it sounds like you have a sensible plan.

    I occasionally used semi skim milk in Kefir, I leave it 2 days to thicken, but it’s best with full cream definitely. Still research vegan alternatives.

    I think research shows that Vegans have the best long term health. Vegetarians that have dairy or Pescatarians don’t have significantly better health than meat eaters. This was shown in the post submitted by Simco.

    I am going for 100% vegan at home and socially I will choose the best food on offer. It’s unlikely that I will choose meat as I find fish preferable. The governments took decades to take on health risks of smoking and I suspect it will take even longer to deal with current health issues related to food let alone planet and animal welfare. At least some of us are doing our bit.

    I saw ‘darkest hours’ yesterday, Gary Oldman was incredible. Whilst there I got chatting to a former grand parent of a child I taught. She informed me her grand daughter is now a Vegan Chef and cooking at a new restaurant in town, can’t wait to try it. Small world, may the planets align.

    Fasting today but feeling very tired, hope I can endure.

    Hi everyone,

    RT, your post makes very interesting reading.
    I’m glad you enjoyed your meat free week and it has highlighted the fact that it is possible to eat really tasty and satisfying meals without making a piece of meat the daily star on the plate.
    As for whether to eat it or not, we are all aware of the risks to us (and to the planet) of eating too much red meat and especially processed meats and as you’ve demonstrated with the BMJ link, the proof is there for all to see.
    I guess for the likes of us on this website, it is about using the knowledge we’ve gained and finding a balance between eating the perfect diet for health and longevity and what makes us happy.
    I have no desire to live a long and healthy life if it is a miserable one because the plate of food in front of me gives no pleasure.
    I thoroughly enjoyed my lamb shank tajine on Saturday but I’m not planning on eating any more meat until I go on holiday when I shall go with the flow, taste some of the local specialities and eat what is available hopefully with gusto!


    I saw Darkest Hour last week and thoroughly enjoyed it and am off to see Three Billboards Outside Billings Missouri this evening.

    I’ve been using semi skimmed milk to make kefir for several months and it is fine. I had to play around with the ratio of grains to milk to get the thickness right and it tastes just as good to me.

    There are plenty of articles on the internet that state kefir can be made with coconut, rice or soy milk.
    Why don’t you get some started alongside your milk kefir and once you get it right you can give up the milk version.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    …… Ebbing Missouri 🀭

    The predicted rain arrived, P. I got soaked getting home, and have just emptied 46mm out of the gauge. There’s weather chaos around the country with the wind, rain, tides and moon. I got up to see the eclipse early this morning (during a waking period) but the clouds prevented any view from here πŸ™ And our 20 degree nights will be down to 12 by the weekend.

    Those films sound interesting, ladies, will make an effort to catch them.

    A very interesting piece, RT. There’s no temptation to go vegetarian in this house, but I can see myself experimenting more when life becomes easier.

    No eclipse here, but the super moon was…well, super! We are lucky enough to have no light pollution here, and the moon was verging on being too bright to look at with the naked eye.


    Did you see Michael Mosley’s programme on exercise last night? It addressed whether running was bad for the knees. It’s not! It’s actually good for the knees. Humans evolved to run, so running is within the range of motion and force for which our bodies are designed. There’s no evidence that running will cause arthritis in later life. So you can stop worrying about your daughter πŸ˜€

    Oh, and dancing is the best physical exercise for your brain!

    Good news Happy. I love running. I’m currently doing it now, during ad breaks, to get my steps up 😊😊
    Anything, like dancing, that combines the physical and cognitive is the best exercise. That’s why I love ceilidhs. P

    Morning/evening all,

    The film was excellent and thought provoking. The only thing I didn’t like was coming out of the cinema into the cold. After a period of unseasonal mild weather the temperature has dropped again and there is a considerable wind chill factor at work. Brrrr!
    It looks lovely this morning with blue sky and sunshine but I know it’s very cold out there……….
    I am so looking forward to two weeks somewhere warmer πŸ™‚

    I didn’t see any TV last night but I always thought the issue with running was the surface rather than the action as pavement pounding rather than track or cross country was deemed bad for the joints.
    I would love to be able to run but my left knee is not in a fit state for such activities, so I’m limited to running for the bus…..

    As for dancing, I love it but these days don’t get the opportunity very often. Another activity to go on the wish list for 2018.

    Third FD of the week today and a busy day ahead.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    February has finally arrived and no more excuses, my long water only fast begins today, no definite plans when to break it, possibly 7 days. No social events until 10th, my husbands birthday. Last year we celebrated this event in NZ with Barata in Wellington. I cooked Lamb Shanks in our sky high apartment hotel, good times.

    Managed a 500 cal fast yesterday but it is very tough when I am at home most of the time instead of rushing from one place to another. I am sewing a small quilt which has been time consuming and drinking lots but my mind is constantly on food. Off to Choir to lift my spirits for the challenge ahead of me.

    Next film planned is ‘The Post’ I am quite enjoying a weekly cinema visit. I hope you enjoy the Churchill film Amazon.

    I have rehearsals for my part in a Charity Murder Mystery Evening. My character is called Wanda Kraystyle but I am not sure yet whether I am the victim. We have three read through rehearsals and use scripts on the evening. My first acting venture but I survived the Strictly Dancing Event last December so I am sure I will get through this evening. Good to try something new.

    My eyesight has been very dodgy since the drops that were used for my recent eye scan for glaucoma. It was only supposed to effect me for 6 hours. Very disconcerting effect, I needed my husbands arm to walk for the following hour, it was cold and sunny but I could barely open my eyes. Since Monday I have had blurred vision for reading. I don’t think I will be doing this annually, possibly every 3 years, I prefer my simpler test chasing lights in the box. At least the results were normal.

    Have a good day. Be careful in Windy Wellington.

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    “The most important four words for a successful marriage: ‘I’ll do the dishes.'”

    “By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.”

    “Marriage is the bond between a person who never remembers anniversaries and another who never forgets them.”
    -Ogden Nash

    “Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash.”
    -Joyce Brothers

    “Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.”
    -Benjamin Franklin

    “The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they’re too old to do it.”
    -Ann Bancroft

    “All marriages are happy. It’s the living together afterward that causes all the trouble.”
    -Raymond Hull

    “If you want to know how your girl will treat you after marriage, just listen to her talking to her little brother.”
    -Sam Levenson

    “I haven’t spoken to my wife in years. I didn’t want to interrupt her.”
    -Rodney Dangerfield

    “Many people spend more time in planning the wedding than they do in planning the marriage.”
    -Zig Ziglar

    “You don’t marry one person; you marry three: the person you think they are, the person they are, and the person they are going to become as a result of being married to you.”
    -Richard Needham

    “My husband and I have never considered divorce… murder sometimes, but never divorce.”
    -Joyce Brothers

    “I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”
    -Rita Rudner

    “Marriage is getting to have a sleep over with your best friend, every single night of the week.”
    -Christie Cook

    “In olden times, sacrifices were made at the altar, a practice which is still very much practiced.”
    -Helen Rowland
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Thanks RT πŸ˜†

    You have a good weekend too πŸ™‚

    I saw Darkest Hour two weeks ago.
    I usually go to the cinema once every couple of weeks during the winter. I find there is more choice than during the summer months when there are more child friendly films doing the rounds.

    I’ve been cold all day today and unable to get warm despite keeping active, wearing lots of layers and having the heating on. It’s the downside of fasting at this time of year but the thought of having dropped another pound or two this week has kept me on track.

    πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜ƒHave a good one RT.

    Poor you, Amazon. It IS staggering how warming any food is. I also hate fast night sleeplessness…I’ve been awake most of the night again after my Thursday fast. I lie in bed, wide awake, telling myself it is doing me good. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜ΆP

    Hi Purple,

    Thankfully I don’t have problems sleeping after a FD. It must be so frustrating.
    What surprised me most was the difference shedding my fat overcoat has made to temperature sensitivity. It’s great in hot weather as I cope much better, but I get cold so easily.
    I was tempted to get some soup out of the freezer but have talked myself out of that and donned another layer.

    I never thought I’d see the day when I wore thermals πŸ˜†

    Amazon, I find it funny (not) when I’m attending a sit down function in airconditoning. I’m freezing and the overweight people are asking for it to be colder as they are hot!
    You would be rude to point out that it is their excess fat keeping them hot. 😊

    Even a warm black coffee can heat you up. I try to dress in extra layers on fast days, before I get cold and, consequently, hungry.
    I’ve always sleepless on fast nights….I can tell how successful the fast was by how little sleep I get. 😣😣

    I wear extra layers on FDs too but it didn’t work today. As for hot drinks, if I have any more coffee I’ll be dancing on the ceiling 🀣

    It’s almost time for bed 😴 then I can repeat the exercise tomorrow…………

    Sleep well 😴😴😴

    I have just enjoyed a lovely catch-up with Wi at our favourite coffee shop. It was good to get out from under the builders’ feet, as well.

    I used to get cold on FDs, but now find no affect on body temperature. Nor do they alter my sleeping patterns.

    Thanks for the chuckles, RT. Lots of true words there πŸ™‚

    Ha ha, yes, well, I expect I wouldn’t get cold on fast days either if I was fasting in New Zealand instead of a UK winter πŸ˜€

    Two degrees here yesterday, but felt colder with the wind chill, might get as high as 4 today if we get some sunshine…

    Amazon, I’m in full thermals too when I work at home. I do heat up well when I’m active, but I’ve definitely noticed the difference without my former layer of blubber!

    Morning/evening all,

    Another cold but bright morning. The forecast says it’s going to hit 7Β°C today but with the windchill it’ll feel like 3!


    I’m hoping that a good workout followed by a hot shower will get me nice and warm and my thermals can keep me that way for the whole day. Fingers crossed I don’t have to wait too long in the cold for the bus home………

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning All,
    I get cold on fast days too yet I still have plenty of blubber. I would have killed for a bowls of soup late afternoon. In fact I actually had a siesta at 4.30 pm until 6.30 pm. I was so tired and cold so stopped fighting it. I woke up with a very bad headache so it probably was ‘t the best idea.
    I don’t sleep well after ‘no food’ fast days but 500 calories seems to be OK usually.

    Saying that I slept well last night which was unexpected. I drank so much honey and chamomile tea yesterday at least hourly. Cold water was not tempting. PVE – Do you drink black coffee on fast days? Wouldn’t that be a problem come bedtime? I rarely drink coffee as I prefer it made at least with half milk.
    First vegan fast day over and stomach feels very empty this morning. Switching from builders tea early morning wasn’t too bad today, usually I dislike it first thing.
    Physio today, more acupuncture for my hip bursitis but it had improved since last treatment. Back is healing well but not out of the woods yet, resting is boring but effective.

    Barata- enjoy your ‘builder free’ weekend.

    Have a good weekend all. I plan on doing some tidying and clearing out plus a little swimming and jacuzzi booked.

    Jo, I don’t have anything except water, black coffee or tea on fast days. I’m up all night weeing, but as I drink no more caffine than normal (I drink it very weak), it is the empty tummy and the evolutionary active brain seeking food that keeps me awake. 😊
    Happy, I’ve been cold at 17deg this week…a bit of a shock after our hot weather. I’ve resorted to jeans, long sleeves, shoes and socks!!!P

    No such luck, Jo. The builders might have gone for now, but the plasterers are in this afternoon, and asking to come back tomorrow (Sunday!). We have no problem with that – they will be self-employed, know that the job has time-constraints, and we all have a public holiday (Waitangi Day) on Tuesday. I am starting to see light at the end of the tunnel – just wish the main renovator would update his plans with my cabinet requirements – must have the red wine drawer under the oven, for one thing!

    17 degrees – we are warmer than you, P! A cool southerly is blowing, but still about 20.

    Have a good weekend, dear friends. πŸ™‚

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