Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 3,301 through 3,350 (of 7,283 total)

  • Ooo…Wi! Very Eurocentric statement re magnets! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
    We read Fung’s epistles religiously. My gut feeling (πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚) has always been that shorter, regular fasts better mirror our evolutionary path. P

    Wiwi, we would love to eat you out of house and flat! Step grandson has just started a job and is on shift-work, but we could work something out. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Can’t remember that I have every heard of the falling panties – song or story? Hum me a line or two… πŸ™‚

    Morning/evening all,

    Day 2 of food free fasting.
    Yesterday was much easier that I had anticipated and I slept really well. Let’s hope today goes as smoothly.

    Wiwi, everything I’ve read on the subject specifies Intermittent Fasting as being the answer to getting our bodies into the best shape we can so I guess the 4 x 7 days is more effective than 1 x 30 for all the reasons stated by Mosley, Fung et al.

    I would not even contemplate a 30 day fast. I’m sure I could do it but Iwould be so unhappy. The physical process of eating and the pleasure it gives would be missed too much and I would be miserable.
    Having done a 4 day fast I know 7 would be doable.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Morning All,

    Feeling a little more mobile and less pain today, I can actually walk to the bathroom without getting hot flushes and moaning loudly.

    I am getting a special ‘eye scan’ done today. My famity have a history of glaucoma so it’s a base line assessment. A cross sectional picture I believe. It’s a private treatment Β£40. Technology moves on I hope it’s worth it. It’s been a very expensive month taxes, car insurance, mot and holiday deposit payments. Frugal February plus long fast awaits, not sure how long yet.

    I travel light and use clothes that I was going to grow out that are not worth effort of ‘taking in’, no going back. Like you Amazon my wardrobe held many sizes ranging from 12 to 24. I have used my dress making skills on the expensive big garments but the smaller ones wait patiently.

    There is nothing tatty in the clothing I pack, very serviceable and smart. I don’t dispose of it all just enough to make some room in the bag. Mostly I mix and match separates, more versatile. Obviously my disposal rule only applies if I am travelling by plane. I really don’t like big suitcases to lug around especially not with a bad back. Wheels don’t cope with every situation.

    My daughter is enjoying summer in Welly again and has managed her first 10 k run. She has followed a strict training programme since November and is doing the run soon in aid of the Animal Shelter she volunteers at monthly. She hopes to raise Β£1000 dollars.

    Wiwi- I will look up that blog sounds interesting!

    Planning a fast tomorrow as feeling a bit brighter today.

    I’ve just read Fung’s blog and he says that 4 x 7 day fasts are almost as effective as 1 x 30 days but much safer.

    I find it amazing that people are daft enough to try a 30 day water fast with no experience of fasting and without medical supervision and also retreats for those who want to pay to do so can be set up without being regulated or legally obliged to ensure that medical supervision is provided.

    So dangerous.

    Hi Jojo, I am a lurker here but just wanted to say that I’m glad you’re feeling brighter.
    I miss your inspiring example and positive energy when you don’t post. Take care!

    Hi Lizzi59,
    Thank you for your comment.
    I try to be positive but it is hard when pain prevents you from full participation in planned activities. I am seeing a Doctor on Friday and looking for a referral to get tests done. Hopefully it will just be strained muscle issues. I am doing the exercises my physio gave me and getting some rest. I am re watching ‘Northern Exposure’ an old series about Alaskan Life. Trying to keep boredom at bay alternating between Audio Books, reading and sewing.

    It must be very frustrating as you are normally so active with all your sports and groups. Hope the test results are re-assuring.

    Food free FD no 2 nearly done.

    I am going to bed early as I’m up at 3.30am for a tennis match before going to the gym.

    I’m fasting again tomorrow as last Friday’s fast was delayed until Sunday. I’m also aiming to be really strict on non FDs this week as it is my birthday on Saturday and I need to lose some weight every week between now and my holiday.

    Hi Lizzi,

    I hope that now you’ve stopped lurking we’ll hear from you more often πŸ™‚

    It’s no good Jo! I’m afraid you’ve implanted a mental image of yourself travelling in rags and tatters, don’t fall asleep or you risk being mistaken for a tramp πŸ˜€

    Seriously though, I’m sorry to read about your back troubles. I know how disabling, debilitating and depressing it can be. Good luck with getting it resolved.

    Jo, will I see your daughter in the Round the Bays run (walk for me!) next month? Hope your improvement is continuing.

    Welcome, Lizzi. I lurked on the thread for quite a while before I broke in the conversation that these old hands are enjoying. But new faces are always welcome, it’s great to know that the message is spreading.

    No doubt it was Kyle Edmund you were getting up for, Amazon? Well done, him, into the semis. Did I mention that second son is the lead technical advisor for the Australian Open website this year? After doing it forever, IBM pulled out, and his firm won the contract. He’s now obliged to stay until the end, as his boss has injured himself on his European holiday – can’t imagine what the daughter-in-law is saying as she juggles one child in vacation care, one in daycare, and a full-time job.

    Ah, but Lizzi isn’t a new face! She’s an old face (hi and sorry Lizzi, no offence!) returning.

    Thanks for yourood health wishes and don’t worry I can live with the scruffy image if it means I can actually walk. I would of course be a designer version in hot pink jeans and sequin top, I love a bit of glitz. Still suffering here but I know you have been in my ‘back pain’ boat many a time. Physical life as I know it, is on PAUSE and I am feeling my age.

    Sadly I have a competitive bowls match to be played by the end of this month or I forfeit. It’s a Ladies Pairs match. I would really like to do it but I think my chances are very Slim at the moment, even using pain relief. It’s not the bending, it’s the straightening up and standing between turns, 21 ends play is nearly 2 hours, not realistic.

    I am going to the cinema later today, taking a hot water bottle. Wish me luck! I have got to get out of this house or go stir crazy. Walking dogs is not an option at the moment, not even sing Nordic Poles.

    At least my diet is going well, no junk food in the house. Increasing veg and fibre to deal with side effects of strong pain relief taken at night. Trying a fast today.

    My dog Tilly is also not finding life easy. Yesterday my husband found her laying on the kitchen floor crying because she had lost her footing and didn’t have the strength to get back on her feet on the hard floor. We have now added a runner carpet. She is nearly 14. She still enjoys her walk and often runs whilst at the park. She is still eating well although she is getting thinner by the day. Vets can’t find anything wrong so are just putting it down to old age.

    Barata-I wish my daughter was walking, not running this race, I foresee knee issues in her future. Pounding pavements is not a great idea. She has also been getting blisters. I told her about the two skinned special socks so she is seeking them out. There is nothing worse than running with blisters, every step hell. What Charity are you walking for? Hope the weather is fine for you.

    We have had rain almost continuously for the last month, grey, dark and miserable, it doesn’t help my mood. Only intercepted by high winds to keep me awake at night.

    Amazon- I admire your spirit, a true fan of tennis gets up in the middle of the night to watch a match. Hopefully it was worth the effort. I enjoy Eastbourne, Wimbledon and Olympics but that’s usually my limit of watching sport on TV.

    Enjoy your birthday this weekend Amazon. Have you got any exciting plans?

    Have a good day everyone, stay healthy and fit

    Morning/evening all,

    Just out of bed after an early siesta to rest after the exhaustion of 4 exhilarating sets of tennis.
    Kyle is playing so well this year but I fear he’ll come back to earth with a bump on Thursday when he finds himself standing on the other side of the net from Rafael Nadal.

    Jo, you must get a proper diagnosis for your recurring back issue so it can be treated.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, I know I’ll enjoy it.
    I’m going to a North African restaurant for dinner with friends. It is a firm favourite. It is like walking into a souk, with brass plates and North African artwork on the walls, beautiful intricate metalware typical of N Africa decorating the tables and brilliantly coloured fabrics decorated with gold and silver thread and sequins covers the ceiling like a huge quilt.

    The food is invariably delicious and the service is friendly.

    Back to the present, I’m on my 3rd consecutive food free FD. When I got uo at 330 I weighed myself and I did so again when I got up at 9.30 and I weigh 1.5lbs less!
    I was also feeling really hungry earlier but it has passed and the movement on the scales has encouraged me to see this fast through without eating.

    I’ve had a pain in the back of my knee since Christmas. I’ve been using anti inflammatory gel and a knee support to no avail so I gave that up on Saturday. I got up this morning and the pain has gone, and come to think of it my thumbs have stopped hurting.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    That restaurant sounds fabulous, just the job for a special night out. Well done on three food free days and weight loss, I will see how today goes before I commit to tomorrow.

    Well Done on the fasting and freedom from pain. Let’s hope my fast works as well on my back pain. I agree it’s time to get a proper diagnosis on my back, just too frequent a problem now and I am happy to do more preventative therapy to avoid future occurances even if that means ‘no more bowls’. I would find it very hard to give up dancing though. Obviously weight loss is he major factor and will only help me in future. I am also looking into doing more ‘weights’ classes to strengthen core muscles.

    Just a weird tale to tell. A friend (with whom I play bridge)in his 70’s was getting leg pains which prevented him from doing much walking. He is very slim so weight was not an issue and otherwise seemed healthy although he complained about long term insomnia. He was allergy tested and found to be gluten intolerant. He wasn’t best pleased with results as he is a three meal a day, meat and two veg guy. Bread featured significantly as part of his diet. His wife convinced him to do three months gluten free. He reluctantly agreed as it crossed the Christmas period. However he is now pain free and sleeps 8 hours every night after just 2 months. Seriously who knew these things could be related? Incredible! You never know how the body will send you signals!

    I really think allergy tests are significant! So long as I am not allergic to fish, that would be very bad! I have given up so many foods including bread, sugar and meat, it would be very upsetting.

    Now for a long hot shower then a short walk (20 mins – I hope)

    Keep Fasting!

    You shouldn’t be looking at doing any more exercise until you’ve got a definitive diagnosis and a treatment plan for your back. You can dance and play bowls when it’s better. As for core strength a more gentle approach such as regular Pilates would be a much more sensible option, with a view to weights classes of any description once you’ve made a significant improvement to your core strength.

    Hi all,
    Apologies for long silence, extremely busy with granny duties at present. Eldest son, his wife and toddler are staying with us between sale and purchase of their homes and its been a bit chaotic. A 16 month old really thinks the world revolves around their every whim and although I am delighted to have her staying, she is full-on! I have been giving her parents some time-out which they greatly appreciate, but I am worn out every night! I am not complaining, just explaining my tardy posting. Fasting sort of fallen over at present, but avoiding eating baby leftovers and crusts and very active, so not too concerned!

    Sorry to read about your painful back Jo….what Amazon said! I hope you get the referrals you need and slow down enough to allow some healing.

    Well done on your great efforts Amazon, you will be rewarded on those lovely new scales. I have had glimpses of the tennis, but Miss Chloe much prefers to be outside! Summer is in full swing here and my main “sporting” activities have centred around the paddling pool!

    RT you really have been ‘born again’ …. I cant believe you are meat free at present and I look forward to your assessment of it! We have just ordered a new BBQ and am anticipating more outdoor cooking…just too hot to turn on the oven at present!

    Yes Barata I have been deliberately staying mum and keeping a straight face with no comment in regards to undies/knicker’s/pants minimal clothes wet hair new knickers old knickers falling panties and pre-5-2 bras Gee Whizz life is not without its challenges I can assure you πŸ˜‰
    It is my intention to continue on meat free until Australia day but there is a small part of me like Amazon that actually believes I can function quite well without it. πŸ’‘
    Well done to you Amazon food free fast days is such a deeply personal achievement and once the process has been completed successfully one wonders what all the fuss is about.
    Nama yes it is true I will report back next week I will have some really interesting observations as a self-experimenter to share however I have
    Blown the families minds completely 😯 and a meeting has been called because Dads gone quite mad & peculiar πŸ˜†

    “and a meeting has been called because Dads gone quite mad & peculiar”

    Have they only just noticed……………🀣🀣🀣

    My long term plan is a veg based diet with meat or fish/seafood when I really want it rather than buying it out of habit and when I go out for dinner and discover the veg option is an after thought 😢

    Due to social arrangements last week I ended up doing 3 consecutive food free FDs.
    I didn’t find it too difficult but today was definitely the hardest day mainly because I got up at 3.30am to watch tennis and my stomach was grumbling very loudly. Once that passed all was well.

    I’m very much looking forward to eating something tomorrow.

    IMO it is more of a psychological issue as not eating 3 times per day is the opposite of everything we’ve been told for as long as we can remember, and we are here because we all like food and eating rather too much.

    Not eating on FDs is definitely doable on a regular basis so that is my plan from now until goal is finally reached. And as you say, what was all the fuss about πŸ™‚

    Amazon too true 😝

    Hi RT:

    My children are at least raising their eyebrows. I currently have a pot of cabbage soup simmering on the stove, complete with tomatoes, potatoes, onions, garlic and parsley that were first sauteed in olive oil. And eating fish two or three times a week is also a basic change for me (I love and ate fish, but not that often).

    The Longevity Diet has caused me to reconsider my diet. For decades, based on my research and observation, I have been a proponent of the LCHF diet. While the Longevity Diet and the LCHF diet are not mutually exclusive by any means (I am having trouble eating to the recommended level of fats allowed), I have been forced to reconsider the types of fats I have been eating and the amount of protein in my diet.

    While I have never been a fan of trans fats and ‘vegetable’ oils, I have believed natural animal fats were OK. I am now reconsidering. And it appears protein is like food in general – it is amazing how little the body needs to both maintain muscle mass and build new muscle, just as it is amazing how little food the body needs to maintain a healthy weight.

    The Longevity Diet and Dr. Goldhamer’s SOS diet are similar, but disagree on the ‘O’ part. Also, the Longevity diet does not really address salt. In addition, on Longevity you can eat rice, potatoes and pasta (not to mention alcohol).

    Dr. Longo points out that nutritional knowledge is changing rapidly with the rise of microbiology and the tools that have allowed it to progress. So future changes to what might be the ‘best’ kind of diet for humans are likely. But right now I am pretty convinced that the Longevity Diet represents the current high point in nutritional research.

    Time will tell, and live and learn!

    Take care.

    Hi Simcoeluv I agree 100% I have been intrigued by some great presentations that I have watched recently that has sparked some self-reflection namely the doco film on Netflix called forks over knives
    and I watched a youtube presentation by Dr Gregers
    Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death here
    If you have not seen this β€œit’s a must”
    He is also the author of the book with a very catchy title of
    How not to die πŸ’‘ whole foods plant based
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Albert Einstein
    Peace RT

    Hi RT:

    I watched the Leading Causes of Death video. It carries a strong message. Dr. Longo’s research formed the basis for some of his points, and the Longevity Diet pretty well takes into account all of the points of the video.

    I posted this TEDx/Longo presentation on another thread, but I post it here for those that don’t scout around the site. The Longevity Diet has two parts – food and fasting. This short video addresses why fasting is so important in the diet – sort of like a fountain of youth:

    By the way, my soup was excellent and I really had nothing to do with how good it tasted – just put a bunch of veggies in water and boil. Not the kind of cooking I’m used to doing, but, I think, the kind of cooking I will be doing more of!

    Jojo small advise from my end. Don’t fast for three days a week. Instead you eat less and do workouts to burn more fat to lose weight.

    Morning all,
    Foul day here, windy, rainy and very grey-quite depressing. So envious of the SH weather. Slight improvement ‘back-wise’ but I don’t exactly have a spring in my step yet and bending not recommended at all. Hate relying on pain killers but no choice this week, keeping it to one pill per day. Hopefully the Doctor will prescribe some muscle relaxants on Friday’s visit and refer for X-ray or scan.

    I did two very short(slow) walks yesterday including a slope and hill(ouch!), no choice as trip to cinema. I saw a really good film in my new Armchair Theatre Group yesterday, it was called ‘Three billboards to Ebbling, Missouri. It was a masterclass in film making. There was a good deal of violence, swearing, racism and sexism but a very interesting storyline about one very strong woman’s fight to get her daughters murder investigated by local police. Catch it on Netflix if you have time.

    RT and Simco
    Thanks for the video links- seems a good time to catch up on current nutrition thinking. I have been re thinking my fat intake, I cook eggs and fish in butter for the taste. It’s the only fat I have but am still concerned with my high cholesterol levels. Recent tests by Dr M showed coconut butter reduces cholesterol even though it’s still a saturated fat. I think that’s right, I didn’t see the whole programme, just a snippet. My father died of a heart attack at 57 so it does ‘play on my mind’, he was always thin though so weight was not a factor. When he died ‘cholesterol’ had not been ‘news’, in fact diet and health were not big news in the 60”s.

    Shannon – thank for your advice. I can’t even contemplate workouts at present but I promise you I usually do walking, swimming, yoga, dancing, bowls and a fitness class weekly. I suspect exercise is not my issue, unless it’s too much. Eating wise I eat healthily and small meals, maximum 2 per day. Fasting varies from 2 to 3 days per week depending on social life, I only did one fast in the last week which was yesterday although I did have milk in tea and coffee. So much for my new years resolution! At least I significantly reduced milk by having majority of herbal teas.

    Amazon- I prefer yoga to Pilates and continue to focus one class per week.

    Hi Jo,

    You might prefer yoga to Pilates, but I’m afraid Pilates is widely acknowledged to be kinder and more beneficial for people with back issues.

    In terms of what to expect/ hope for from your doctor. X-rays are next to useless for most back trouble. They may reveal disc compression or abnormalities, but that doesn’t automatically equate to back pain. And to be honest, from what you say, I would be surprised if you are a case for an MRI scan on the NHS. Your GP is not qualified to interpret a scan in any case, and it doesn’t sound like you really need to be seeing an orthopaedic consultant/ considering surgery yet (which is obviously where MRI scans are useful). You have repeated episodes with your back, as do millions, but you aren’t permanently disabled by it, and you manage the episodes with pain relief, rest and light exercise. You’re apparently seeing a physiotherapist, who will be better able to help you than your GP. Do the exercises, walk lots, avoid activity that causes the flare ups, avoid sitting down for long periods, invest in some lumbar supports and aids. From my recent experience over the last two years, it’s as much about taking personal responsibility and helping yourself as it is expecting some sort of miracle from a doctor.

    Simco and RT,

    Well, I think I’ve seen it all now! Two men who have apparently been hardened meat eaters and who have both posted that humans can get everything they need from eating animal products… now eating vegetables πŸ˜€

    Thanks both for the links and info. I don’t think Longo’s book is out in the UK yet, but I will be interested to see how his diet varies from my own.

    How do we stay young? Valtor Longo TEDX talk awesome more powerful valuable data to keep on fasting
    Fasting: Awakening the Rejuvenation from Within | Valter Longo | TEDxEchoPark

    Soup soothing the soul with whole foods plant based.
    T shirt on its way mate πŸ˜‰


    Moring/evening all,

    You missed my point so I’ll put it in a more straightforward manner and hope I don’t cause offence because I’m really concerned you’ll make your back worse rather than better and I’m speaking from experience having finally overcome more than 30 years of barely a day without back pain.
    You are over 60, overweight and have an ongoing issue with your back. You lead an active life but none of the activities you do including your weekly yoga, appear to be helping your back but making it worse so you need to take a step back from everything and take a different approach if you want your back to get better and stay that way.
    As I said before, get a definitive diagnosis and have whatever treatment necessary then think about what you need to do to get your back in better shape and keep it that way.
    It is obvious that your core strength is the place to start and after all the issues you’ve had you need to start with something gentle. Weights do not fit into that category. Hopefully you will be referred for some physiotherapy which will give you a start on the road to a healthier back but jumping into the deep end of something your back isn’t strong enough for isn’t the answer and it might be worth investing in one-to-one tuition with an experienced physical trainer rather than going to a class where it is impossible for the teacher to keep an eye on everyone to ensure they are doing things properly.


    I am the only person who has mentioned fasting 3 days per week so I’m wondering if you are referring to me.
    I have lost a lot of weight doing just that and it works fine. People vastly over estimate the contribution of exercise in weight loss. Caloric restriction is 90% reponsible for weight loss and exercise 10%. Working out in a gym for an hour only burns up 500 calories. I know that because I’ve been going to the gym regularly for several years. It tones my body, makes it more flexible and makes me feel good, but it doesn’t make a significant difference to weight loss.

    You said it yourself in your advice “eat less” and that is the most important factor in losing weight. Choosing to fast 3 days per week is an excellent option.

    Miserable day here, wet with winds so strong people in the street are fighting to stay upright. I’ll be working out at home today as I’ve no intention of going out in such foul weather.

    thanks very much for your info and links. I shall take a look at them later.

    RT is our guinea pig, he tries something out and we all learn from him πŸ˜‰

    Talking of guinea pigs, they are a delicacy in Ecuador………..😧

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Thanks for the information.
    I will do some research on the benefits of Pilates, I was unaware of the ‘back’ facts.
    The physio is not for my back but my bursitis which has affected hips for some years, temporarily relieved by acupuncture and now under going a second course. They do not offer acupuncture for back issues on the NHS. Fair enough, money is tight. If my physio thinks it will help I would willingly pay privately.

    I do believe in self help and am not looking for a miracle cure, a diagnosis would be good, if possible. I have learned to avoid heavy lifting and do daily back exercises. I can live with back ache if I can walk but not the crippling pain that has been my lot this week. Thank goodness that my back pain is not permanent and I realise that millions of people suffer too but I plan to be proactive in treatment.

    Not fasting today, have a good one all, stay healthy

    Thanks, advice accepted and planning changes.

    Hi again,

    It took me so long to write that post that Happy and RT posted in between your post and mine.
    I had so much to say that I forgot to mention that medical imaging might not be the answer but they should be able to eliminate certain conditions.

    This might sound crazy but have you had your bone density checked? It is a long way down the list of reasons why you might be experiencing such problems but it might be worth ruling depleted bone density out.


    Longo’s book is out in the Uk on Feb 8th and available for pre-order on the website of the company that copied my name πŸ™‚

    Time for me to get the exercise mat out and get moving πŸ™‚

    Interesting utube links from RT and Simcoeluv, great speakers get the points across with just the right amount of humour.
    So we are back to Vegans are healthier than Pescatarians or vegetarians that eat dairy. I have done the Vegan diet before and enjoyed it apart from Socialusing issues which were ‘a nightmare’. I also got eczema after 6- months which I think was due to insufficient protein(not keen on a lot of beans). At this time ( 6-7 years ago)I did not eat quinoa (a good protein source)which is a regular in my current diet. Maybe it’s worth trying a vegan diet again. I will give it a go if it means better health. Where does Kefir fit with this plan though? Vegan milk I guess?
    Of course I will still need to ‘fast’ twice per week to continue to lose weight but hopefully ‘plant based only’ diet will be good for maintenance.
    Now to head out in this horrible weather for a slow amble in the park with my pooches.

    I think it is very important to strike a balance between what is the healthiest diet, our beliefs and convictions and what we enjoy eating.
    I have no desire to give up eggs, milk and milk products. I would be absolutely miserable without cheese and I don’t want to become a miserable old g*t but live a long, healthy and HAPPY life.

    I am completely with you Amazon. I too would be miserable without certain foods. I have realized that sugar was the main culprit in my previous diet and thankfully fasting has enabled me to overcome the hold it had on me in the past. I dont eat great chunks of meat, but it remains an enjoyable and important part of my diet. I enjoy far more nuts and seeds than previously but they will never replace meat for me. I await with great anticipation the outcome of RTs experiment!
    Enjoy your birthday celebrations!

    Hi Amazon and Nama,
    I do understand where you are both coming from and agree it’s hard to give up personal food preferences. However I am not that keen to eat meat and only have fish because vegan options are few or non existent at local restaurants. My chosen foods are spicey vegetarian curries preferably served with cauliflower rice. I am not that keen on cheese but currently use milk, eggs and butter. As I have followed Veganism before I am not really concerned. I think it is worth another try. We shall see!
    Life can be a challenge that’s for sure.


    My comment wasn’t directed at you but an expression of the fact that all of us need to remember that life is never without a degree of compromise and we need to find a balance between doing what we believe is best for ourselves (and our loved ones) and what is doable.

    I believe Nama was responding to my comment regarding finding a balance in our diets by telling us what works for her.

    I’ve caught up on all of the tennis, done some chores, worked out and had a shower so it is now time to break my fast. I have a small plate of cheese, olives, nuts and some of the leftover Christmas chorizo which will be followed by the last of the squash soup. My mouth is watering…………. πŸ˜ƒ


    I posted this on another link some time ago. It seems there is some interest among people on this thread. It is an interview with Dr. Longo. Long and technical, he covers eating windows, cancer and MS results with his fasting mimicking diet. He points out that the power of the fasting lies in the breakdown of various body parts and the subsequent rebuilding of the body (the TEDx talk info). He said that does not occur with short, eating window type fasts. He explained that he was unable to get doctors and patients to fast, so he developed the diet. Now many doctors and patients are using it with apparently great results:

    If you have the time, its worth it. Much of the information is in the book, but I found it worthwhile to review it after I read the book, and picked up quite a bit of helpful information.


    Happy Birthday Amazon πŸŽ‚

    Jo I am thinking you know how far your body can go. I know your brain is restless. Full schedule that is always.

    For some reason and the advent of algorithms Facebook feed come up with the latest from Dr Valter Longo today as you were talking about.
    Thanks for all the resources from you 2 vegan Guys 😘

    The weather is beautiful here! I started slowly some weight and strength training from my old videos. We’ll see how my body accepts it. No pushing beyond extra. That shoulder still showing personality.

    Hi to all other hard working fellow Fasters 😘

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    Phyllis Dillerisms –
    As your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.
    -Phyllis Diller
    Housework can’t kill you, but why take a chance?
    -Phyllis Diller
    Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing.
    -Phyllis Diller
    The reason women don’t play football is because 11 of them would never wear the same outfit in public.
    -Phyllis Diller
    Best way to get rid of kitchen odours: Eat out.
    -Phyllis Diller
    A bachelor is a guy who never made the same mistake once.
    -Phyllis Diller
    I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them.
    -Phyllis Diller
    Most children threaten at times to run away from home. This is the only thing that keeps some parents going.
    -Phyllis Diller
    Any time three New Yorkers get into a cab without an argument, a bank has just been robbed.
    -Phyllis Diller
    We spend the first twelve months of our children’s lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve years telling them to sit down and shut up.
    -Phyllis Diller
    Burt Reynolds once asked me out. I was in his room.
    -Phyllis Diller
    What I don’t like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day.
    -Phyllis Diller
    The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.
    -Phyllis Diller
    His finest hour lasted a minute and a half.
    -Phyllis Diller
    Old age is when the liver spots show through your gloves.
    -Phyllis Diller
    My photographs don’t do me justice -they look just like me.
    -Phyllis Diller
    Tranquilizers work only if you follow the advice on the bottle – keep away from children.
    -Phyllis Diller
    I asked the waiter, ‘Is this milk fresh?’ He said, ‘Lady, three hours ago it was grass.’
    -Phyllis Diller
    The reason the golf pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can’t see him laughing.
    -Phyllis Diller
    You know you’re old if they have discontinued your blood type.
    -Phyllis Diller
    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Happy Australia Day to my Aussie comrades.
    Peace RT

    Thanks, RT. Another good chuckle. I think the gin in the iron might be a goer. πŸ™‚ You were up late.

    I hope you are continuing to improve, Jo. Our wonderful summer continues – January will probably be the hottest on record.

    Funny Barata, that was my thoughts exactly! I don’t do ironing…but I might be persuaded πŸ€ͺ

    I have to iron pillow cases, Happy. My mother did! I find it no bother to keep up to date weekly in front of a bit of tv. My fear is that the heat will evaporate the alcohol – perhaps I will continue taking it by the glass πŸ™‚

    Happy Australia Day RT.
    Thanks for the laughs πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚

    Morning/evening all,

    Saturday morning here with mild weather but slightly overcast skies.

    I’ve managed 4 food free FDs this week and stayed in control on non FDs, declined cake twice πŸ˜‡ and am pleased to report a 5lb loss in the last 2 weeks. Very low carb and no alcohol (which often leads to unplanned eating) have helped.

    I’m having a more relaxed day today and then nose back to the grindstone tomorrow.
    Egg and avocado on toast for brunch and out for dinner tonight which I’m looking forward to.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    More relaxed? Go all out and have a great birthday Amazon 😊😊P

    Hi Purple

    Thanks. I’m definitely going to make the most of my day but determined not to overeat and be disappointend in myself tomorrow. I shall definitely be raising a glass or two 🍷🍷

    I’m watching the tennis to the smell of baking bread. It’s a gripping match πŸ˜ƒ

    We’ve had a couple for you already πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ·πŸ·
    Enjoy the tennis 😊

    Many Happy Returns Amazon and Congrats n the successful loss of 5 lbs. nice birthday gift to yourself. I am sure the meal and evening will be fun.

    Sunny day here so heading out with the dogs for a short walk. Walking and swimming are the only exercises allowed for the next three weeks. Doctors orders- along with painkillers and muscle relaxants which I must take daily for 10 days. No X-ray or MRI on offer as you suspected Happy, common problem, no treatment available even Physio not recommended.

    Not all bad news though, not allowed to do vacuuming( no pushing or pulling) bending or lifting either (even light packages). She suspects that I have a collapsed disc, which is very common and will heal itself in 6 weeks if I follow her instructions. So I have cancelled dancing, bowls, gym and Yoga for three weeks. Should be Fully recovered before my next bowls trip at the end of Feb.

    I am seriously considering hitting somewhere on a last minute holiday, checking it out on line. I could really use some sun to lift my spirits. Not sure about managing a suitcase though, even on wheels, may need to travel very, very light, possibly just a swimsuit and beachdress. I will see ow I feel in one week.

    I went to ‘Burn’s Night’ last night. Full tradition of Welcoming the Haggis and Scottish Band and Gay Gordon’s. Brigadoon Exemplified. Lots of kilts and tartan sashes on display. Food was good, I chose melon then salmon, alternative was haggis the chicken in cream sauce. No ‘Kraken’ (I think it’s called that, creamy pudding) for dessert which surprised me, it was profiteroles with chocolate sauce. The raffle was lots of different Highland Malts, so they sold many tickets. About 150 of us in all so Β£300 raised for Charity. Great night..

    I observed the dancing only but it was torture not joining in the dancing groups. It looked such fun, young and old were really enjoying themselves. I think I may join the Caledonian Society – fun people organising top notch events throughout the year. I can’t claim any Scottish Bloodline (well not in last 200 years) but my husband’s Granny was a Highlander so it will be blue tartan for me. My kelt blood is Irish from my Grandmother. Not sure they are too fussy who they accept though provided you pay your membership fee.

    Booked a couple of ‘quilting sessions’ should be interesting.

    Have a great weekend everyone, stay healthy and happy

    Hi Jo,

    Well I would have been relieved to see no kraken (legendary giant sea monster) but disappointed to see no cranachan (raspberry, oatmeal, whisky, cream) on the menu!

    I don’t agree with your doctor, that your back will be healed in 6 weeks, if it is disc damage. Discs have no blood supply so are slow to repair. Also, when you hurt your back, your muscles go into protective mode around the injury, and other muscles compensate, and you can develop some scar tissue, and the muscles then don’t necessarily ever work in pre-injury mode even when the damaged disc is better without retraining. Once the worst is over, in a few weeks, it might be worth booking a session with a good physiotherapist just to check that your muscles are working properly. It’s quite common to end up with gluteal amnesia after a bad back, and hence permanent weakness 😩


    Good work on the weight loss! Have a great day today. You deserve to let your hair down a little! I’ll raise a glass to you later πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‚

    Well it’s damp and dark here today. We had a lovely sunny day yesterday (probably the only one in January!), but it always seems to be the way that the best weather falls during the working week. OH has got a 🐝 in his bonnet about decluttering the 🏠 though, so I’m taking advantage of the poor weather for a clear out. Trying to be ruthless…but maybe this or that will come in handy…!

    Actually I’m feeling lighter already – I’ve had several inches of hair chopped off this morning. Not even enough for a ponytail now, can’t remember the last time it was this short!

    42 yesterday 43 today inside day again Roger Federer should add to his already unbelievable career tonight and the ODI on as well today a great day infront of the box πŸ˜†
    happy Sunday Trendsetters

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