Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

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  • Morning/evening all,

    I used to have several colds every year and that stopped when I retired. I now average one a year. Last year I was ill on NYE and this year it was Christmas. It’s now almost gone and I feel fine.

    Today the most overrated celebration of the year (IMO) takes place. I shall be at home away from all the madness.

    On a personal level 2017 has been OK but I’m hoping to improve on it next year.

    My very best wishes to all of you for a happy and healthy 2018 πŸ˜€ 😜πŸ₯‚πŸ˜ŠπŸΎ

    Happy New Year all, may it be filled with new challenges, lots of fun and also of course, peace.
    Glad your cold is clearing Amazon, they are miserable things. I am with you, never quite got the big deal over midnight countdowns, every day is important and precious.

    Happy New Year Everyone,
    I really love to party on NYE. I have tried the quiet night in when the children were younger, it wasn’t for me at all. I really felt like I was missing out. Guess I need lots of company. I like to be out and about and dancing.

    I wish you all good health and goal achievements or maintenance for 2018. I would love to say I feel positive about Year 5 of fasting but I can but ‘keep on, keeping on’. I am still committed to fasting as I haven’t found a more successful alternative. I suspect it’s being locked away for six months. Anyone offering to be my food jailer ?
    My partner and I have agreed to a weekly weigh in, might help!

    My first job of 2018 is to plan a holiday somewhere warm, NZ won’t be until 2019 sadly.

    Love to all 🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎ

    I like to socialise too but I detest the pressure to celebrate what is nothing more than the ticking of the clock.

    I went out this morning, walked through the park, stopped for a coffee in my favourite coffee shop and then collected my order from a store before wandering around browsing at all the rubbish on offer in the sales before coming home.

    I am looking forward to my festive dinner and if I can stay awake I might stay up until midnight.

    My 5:2 aim for next year is to nail food free FDs.

    Happy New Year Kiwis and East Coast Aussies ☺☺☺ We have 1 hr 45min to go in WA.
    Have a great New Year all FTS when you leave the old one. P πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡β‡βœ¨πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

    My sentiments exactly, Amazon. I have no idea what all the fuss is about. I will try and go to sleep before it all starts and then will cook a roast tomorrow evening to celebrate 3 of my chaps being home together for dinner. Then back to the fasting and looking forward to trimming some more off the waist in 2018.

    Wishing everyone a healthy and happy new year.

    Hi annette,

    How nice of you to pop in here to say hi. I always enjoy reading your posts as you seem to have such a sound perspective on how losing weight can be made to fit into our lives without ruling them.

    Trimming more off the waist should be the 5:2 motto for 2018!

    HNY to you too πŸ™‚

    I slept through the New Year – as you say, Amazon, an arbitrary tick of the clock – but was wakened later by OH snoring πŸ™

    I am sure there is an Android ap for 5:2, but have been unable to find it. Using my phone would be more useful while we are travelling, so any assistance would be appreciated.

    HNY, all. πŸ™‚

    Just over an hour to the new year here . Jim and I still full of the cold . We will be in bed long before the bells . Happy New Year to you all when it comes..

    WEE xx

    I’m off to bed pre-midnight too! I’ve had many great evenings with family and friends, but rarely when it’s forced… At least Jo will be out partying πŸ˜€

    Anyway, I hope it goes without saying that I wish you all all the best for 2018, and I look forward to another year spent fasting, and sharing, with you. Ha ha, it’s like a virtual retirement home – we’re growing old together online πŸ‘΄πŸ‘΅

    Jo, Amazon, Purple, Wiwi, Barata, Nama, Happy, Wee, RT – you know who you are😜
    Happy New Year.
    I haven’t forgotten and haven’t given up this beautiful cyber group and friends.
    Since October 2 since whatever very painful thorn that was or whatever happed I’ve been on a slow motion mode. At that point despite this being the year I had the most physical challenges I was feeling great.
    Looks likes every time I start or try something there’s a barrier to stop me.
    We are still in bellow zero temperatures in Connecticut planning to leave on Tuesday.
    Tge world is too loud and many of this festivities as overrated,
    I am looking very much get back on my 5:2 WOL. The health benefits are too manyπŸ‘
    Welcome 2018 and many Fasting excuses ❀️

    Hopefully 2018 will bring you fewer trials HBC. Keep warm..we’ve seen the reports of your weather β›„β˜ƒ
    No late night for us either. As we are 3 hours behind our home time, minding grandies and off most communication (or electrical) services, we contented ourselves with a couple of wine glasses, bickies, cheese and cashews and wished each other HNY at 9pm local time (our home time midnight). Just as well, as the kids were up again at 7am for a rollicking good time playing in our bed. No chance of a sleep in. 😊
    I do see the start of the new year as important. It is a good point in time to reflect and plan. It’s nice to take time out to consider choices and perhaps avoid future mistakes.
    Each to his own. P 😊

    Morning All,
    Enjoying a nice ‘lay in’ after the festivities last night. The buffet was really good, not a sausage roll in sight. Fresh whole salmon, crayfish and prawns plus lots of interesting salads. My kind of food. There was even a fresh tropical fruit salad for pudding (I think I was the only one enjoying this as others headed for gateaux table). I drank soda water all night which I enjoyed. I danced a good part of the night but it was a very full and hot dance floor so I took some rest breaks to cool down. We saw in the NewYear in style. The 60’s and 70’s singer guitarist was great. Sadly I missed out on the raffle which had lots of great prizes, I was hoping to get the ceramic pan set, my ones are not too good these days. Guess I will need to hit the sales instead.

    I ageee that partying is not for everyone, there were a few people there last night that looked either bored or fed up, not dancers. Maybe they should have a NYE bowls games instead. I guess we do limit ourselves in what type of activities we do on NYE. I might put my ‘thinking cap’ on for next year.

    Fasting today and grateful for it. Happy, healthy New Year all.

    Happy New Year everyone,

    I was in bed by 11pm last night and was rudely awoken at midnight by the bl**dy fireworks 🀬 🀣

    As a result I was up early this morning and it was a good couple of hours before I saw any other sign of life in the street where I live πŸ˜†

    FD today. I’ve started as I mean to go on.

    I’m hoping to go the the gym tomorrow to start off my 2018 fitness regime.
    I want to work more on muscle strength and flexibility and am planning on trying the stretch class which I’m hoping will get my body moving the way it should without reluctance……

    My bog standard scales are showing signs of wear and tear. It took 3 attempts to get the dial above 55kg this morning so I’ve ordered a new digital set which should arrive later in the week.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    They sound like excellent scales, Amazon. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    Morning all,
    Yesterday’s fast effective, I Lost 1 3/4 lbs of my December gain of 5 lbs. Suffering terrible headaches at the moment though, for about a week. Not sure if it’s sugar/carb withdrawal post Christmas activities or my new glasses picked up 23 rd Dec. Drinking lots of water so it’s not dehydration. Not drinking alcohol at the moment so not that either. Also back to getting hip pains at night, so disturbed nights, awaiting physio next week, hopefully I will be referred for acupuncture which worked a treat last time.

    My new Retirement club opens today, I hope we get a good turn out. The speaker is a former ambulance man doing a talk called ‘Have you called an ambulance lately’. Actually I have, it was a 50 minute delay in a suspected stroke case. Luckily we had a nurse on the premises at our club party.
    Not as bad as my friends sister in law who had to wait 3.5 hours on Christmas Eve due to snow on the roads. She lives in Wales. She broke her leg falling down the stairs, it was so bad her leg has had to be amputated below the knee. Horrible Christmas for that family. Take care on the stairs everyone.

    First day without a cuppa went well, made a nice chicken soup for dinner, used up all the excess Christmas veg. The celeriac was good in the soup, first time I have used it.

    What did you get up to on NYD?

    Well Jo, our NYD involved driving 6 hours on long, boring country roads on the other side of the country, waiting in an airport lounge, flying across the country overnight. Gosh, I hope to travel in a more relaxed way for the rest of the year.
    The bonus? It turns out that on NYD all the food outlets, other than petrol stations, were closed for the Public Holiday. Just as well we travel with lots of water and are skilled fasters ☺

    I can’t believe it is 2018. We started 5:2 fasting in 2013!!!!
    Keep the faith gang. It IS sustainable. 😊P

    Morning/evening all,

    I spent NYD doing my first FD of the year and planning menus. It is great fun to sit with a coffee, a note pad and my recipe books πŸ™‚
    I was checking the freezer and found the squash soup I made just before Christmas so had a bowl of that and some fresh fruit salad for my FD dinner. I breezed through the fast as I think I was feeling the effect of a week of richer food than I’ve been eating for a while and keen to get back into a routine.

    Jo, I love celeriac and often use it as a potato substitute on top of pies. It is really good if it is boiled with a clove of garlic and then blitzed along with the garlic. It is also good in casseroles, veg chilli curry, roasted and makes delicious soup.
    I’ve got one on the veg rack and it is going to top a lentil bake (think vegetarian shepherds pie) later in the week.

    One of my culinary aims for this year is to get to know ingredients I am as yet unfamiliar with or have rarely used. I’ve bought some miso paste and although I’ve used nori when making sushi I’ve not tried other seaweed, and there are other products from Japan I want to investigate. I am also going to make an effort to use tofu more often.


    If I weighed 55 kgs I would truly have gone into starvation mode 😧

    I’m fasting again today. The gym is on hold as I’m still coughing which is unfortunate but it won’t be much fun if I go today.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    I’m working my way through a few Modern Cook’s Year recipes which use celeriac. Her β€˜macaroni cheese’ was yummy, who would’ve thought of making the white sauce with roasted celeriac and butter beans instead of flour! I don’t eat pasta often, but have some nice spelt pasta which worked nicely.

    She also has a recipe for kimchi, not something I’ve eaten or tried making, but it’s on the list for next weekend.

    It’s my first fast of the new year today. Although I haven’t gained weight, I feel the need for a bit of emptiness.

    The weather is foul again today, so I’m busy making up a long cardi that I started knitting in 2016, and will be getting to grips with my cycle turbo trainer. I can no longer use the weather as an excuse for not excercising….


    I was looking at that recipe the other day and it is on the must try soon list.
    I am very fond of her chilli recipe in the first book and will be making a batch once I’ve made space in the freezer. I bought some dried chillies and chilli powder at Borough market a couple of weeks ago and am looking forward to trying them.

    I’ve just opened some whito miso paste and used it for a hot drink. Why have I not tried it before? Absolutely delicious and only 25 calories.

    Happy New Year, dear Fast trackers.

    I did an Amazon on New Years Eve, and am doing a 48 hour Amazon now.
    I did cook a pleasant meal on New Years Eve, but didn’t enjoy the filet mignon as much as usual. I think red meat is now off my food list at least for a while.
    Christmas was a bit heavy, French style with two feasts.
    I wish you all a very happy fastful 2018.

    I am preparing for the trip across the world next week by doing 5:2 inversely. Participating in a few social events will be all before we get to Perth.
    Leaving snowy France. Hurrah!!! So happy.
    xx Wiwi

    Hi Wiwi,

    I am also doing 2:5 this week as I feel the need to be really strict and disciplined for the first few weeks of the year.

    Lucky you to be going to Perth. I have friends there and I love the city πŸ™‚

    I have some warm weather to look forward to in February but some of it will be spent in the rainforest so will most likely be warm and wet!

    As for eating meat, I’m losing interest and it would seem that a mainly vegetarian lifestyle beckons.

    Once I’ve eaten the last of the chorizo πŸ˜‰

    We flew home from Perth yesterday Wi! 😊 We keep missing each other. We enjoyed watching the sun setting on the Indian Ocean on Monday evening, then watching it rise over the Pacific the next morning. 😊
    No proper dedicated fasts for me yet since pre Christmas, but time changes, travel, limited food availability in the bush and being busy feeding and entertaining grandchildren reduces overall intake.
    Mindful eating seems to work for a while, but I know I must fast again properly soon.
    To ensure control of his diabetes, Mr P has fasted until late afternoon on most days over the holidays. Not perfect, but far better than the slippery slope. πŸ˜‘ The reality is, as RT also knows, limiting calories is only part of the answer…fasting is the magic key.
    Keep healthy folk and happy travels wherever you go. P

    Sorry to miss you, Purple.
    Was it very hot in WA? We are going south to Busselton.
    One of the pleasures of my youth was to watch the sunrise on the east coast of NZ and go to watch it set on the tasman sea side. That’s not far if you are north of Auckland.
    My step daughter lost her CEO in the Hawkesbury the other day. A very high profile British family lost in the seaplane accident.
    Good to remind ourselves and each other that fasting matters.

    My ankle is still split after 2 and a half months. The doctor is pulling her hair out over it. I hope to put it in the Indian ocean as salt water is a great healer. Fasting helps, but is not proving enough.

    Of course an inverse 5:2 is a 2:5, Amazon. Well said.

    We were down south too Wi 😊 It was surprisingly cool…long pants, light jumper weather. Perth was pleasant warm dry summer weather.
    The Hawkesbury seaplane accident was tragic. That is where we sail. I’ve had to avoid that plane many times. So sad.

    Morning All,
    Another pound off today and fasting again. Luckily when weight is quickly gained it is quickly lost. It’s the slow gains that are more difficult.
    My new Retirement club was a great success yesterday 70 members at our first meeting. Hoorah! Looking forward to setting up a weekly health and fitness class and walking group.
    I will be buying celeriac again, definitely try roasting it next time.
    Didn’t get much sleep last night due to high winds, the noise was horrendous and the wind has damaged my greenhouse and shed roof. It’s calm now for a while. Only shopping and bowls planned today so not too taxing.
    Have a good day everyone.

    Morning/evening all,

    Quickly gained weight is mostly glycogen, food in transit and water so it’s no surprise it comes off quickly. The difficult thing is keeping going and getting rid of the fat which is where I’ve been failing.

    3rd FD of 5 and I’m feeling hungry this morning. I went shopping this morning and came home with a huge pile of veggies and am planning on a nice big stir fry for dinner this evening, and I’m looking forward to trying out some new recipes later in the week.

    I’m off to the National Portrait Gallery this afternoon to see an exhibition of portraits by Cezanne which I know I’ll enjoy. It’ll also keep me away from food and take my mind off my stomach!

    I forgot to mention that celeriac is great raw, either grated or cut into matchsticks but you need to get some lemon juice on it quickly or it’ll go brown. It is brilliant either by itself, with some dressing or as part of a coleslaw. I prefer it any day over white cabbage.
    You can also cut it into matchsticks and add it to a thin soup such as miso, it can either be simmered for a few minutes or eaten immediately to add crunch.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    I’ve made it through day 3 πŸ™‚

    The exhibition was very interesting and very crowded. Central London was very full considering the weather, but I guess when on holiday we’ll brave all weathers and there were certainly a lot of tourists in evidence.

    We were unable to walk afterwards due to the risk of being blown into the river…….. so we went for coffee and I put my nose in the air and refused to even glance at the cakes, pastries etc on offer.

    I’ve just enjoyed a huge bowl of stir fried veggies and am feeling pleased with my good start.
    Only another 362 days to go πŸ˜‰

    Very good, Amazon!
    It’s windy in France too. Same cyclone.
    I will be in London on Saturday. I hope the weather gets better, otherwise it will be bumpy in the air.

    Hi Wiwi,

    The wind is set to drop this evening, so all should be well by the weekend πŸ™‚

    Morning/evening all,

    Day 5 of B2B fasts and I’m very much looking forward to my risotto and salad this evening and a weekend of controlled but within TDEE eating.

    I decided flavour and comfort is the way to go so will be making dhal and chard, aubergine and potato curry plus some of my homemade flatbread for my weekend dinners.
    The lentil bake is on hold until next week as it provided generous and filling FD portions.

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    Hi Amazon,
    Just had lunch in a fabulous ‘Art Deco’ restaurant. My daughter had grilled halloumi starter then spinach risotto with Parmesan. I had calamari with garlic mayo ( naughty but nice) and then fish and chips (small serving) only 2 fish options, everything else meat based. Really enjoyed it.
    That dhal you are making sounds really good.
    I am still devouring rather generous vat of chicken stew I made, warding off Christmas bugs. Doubling up Kefir too as everyone I know is ill at the moment. We have had three deaths at the bowls club since Christmas Eve, all sudden.
    My friend’s sister in law that had her lower leg amputated from a bad leg break on Christmas Eve but died last week too. She had organ failure which they suspected was due to severe shock and stress of waiting 3.5 hours for an ambulance due to snowy conditions on roads in Wales. Thank goodness we don’t get much snow on the coast, it’s a very scary prospect. Her poor husband and family are distraught, she was an active healthy 65 year old. Seriously folks, take care on those stairs.

    I am back to bowls most days now as competitions due at the end of this month, it’s going well, getting in the zone.

    Yesterday I did both line dancing 1.5 hours then jive/Tango lesson 1.5 hours. Not sure what hurt more my brain(trying to learn steps or my back which is definitely feeling the strain at the moment. Resting this afternoon which is lovely.

    Only a few more days of my daughters company before she spends some time in London with her brother. She will be trying out the ‘orbital slide’ which is a big attraction for adrenaline junkies. I am sure there will be photos to follow. Would you try it Amazon? (I am not great with heights so not tempted)

    Have a great weekend all.
    I will be fasting Monday and will need it as entertaining Sunday, 12 for afternoon tea. I will try to make it healthy but the guests are real cake junkies. I was thinking of making some carrot and courgette muffins. Any other ideas?

    Hi Jo,

    Why did you not choose risotto rather than fish and chips? It would have been much healthier and very tasty.

    And no I’m not interested in the orbital slide whatever that entails. Sounds like my idea of hell……

    I’ve just had my FD dinner of mushroom risotto with salad. It was delish. I am now busy telling myself that I do not need spoil my FD by having a slice of Christmas cake as it’ll still be there tomorrow.

    I don’t eat rice or pasta, never liked any dish where whole plate tastes the same, only ate 6 chips and no batter, lots of peas and pea purΓ©e, not so bad.

    No pudding either.

    Sensible person, big slides are scary. But the stairs up could be a workout!

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Absolutely 100% correct Purple….
    Some would argue that the beneficial effect of fasting is due to the caloric reduction. But why is there such a striking difference between reducing calories and fasting? Caloric Reduction as Primary (CRaP) has been tried innumerable times, and failed virtually every single time. Yet fasting is often effective where simple caloric reduction is not. The short answer is that the beneficial hormonal changes that happen during fasting are entirely prevented by the constant intake of food. It is the intermittency of the fasting that makes it so much more effective. But the one strategy that does help, fasting, is continually belittled as a dangerous practice akin to bloodletting and voodoo. The problem with most diets is that they ignore the biological principle of homeostasis – that is the ability of the body to adapt to changing environments. The body has a preferred state. If you move away from it, the body will adapt to it. For example, if you are in a dark room and suddenly go into the bright sunlight, you will momentarily be blinded. However, within moments, your body will adapt.
    The same applies to weight loss. If you try to keep a constant diet, the body will adapt to it. This means that successfully dieting requires an intermittent strategy, not a constant one. This is a crucial difference.
    The difference is between restricting some foods all the time (CER) and restricting all foods some of the time (IER). This is the difference between failure and success.
    2-5 which is aka 5-2 inverse wow you guys and your wordsmanship are awesome fantastic πŸ’‘ so stay strong Amazon and Wiwi you can do it… I began a fast on new year’s day so this is day 6 of a prolonged fast for 2018 for me with no end in mind really but just take each day as it comes…I got my walk on early this morning 10820 steps as we are heading to 45 deg here in South Australia
    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’! Audrey Hepburn

    Eat Fast and Live Longer

    β€œThere is nothing else you can do to your body that is as powerful as fasting”
    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT.

    So I tuned in hoping for the Friday funnies and what did I get……..

    Words of wisdom. Well said RT πŸ˜€

    I’ve done OK this week although I must admit to a handful of nuts and three squares of dark chocolate this evening. I’m pleased with my efforts and hope that having got all the generous amounts of rich foods out of my system I can stay on track. I’m planning on 4 FDs per week over the next few weeks.

    I’ve moved my kefir drinking habit to the evening so I can have it at bedtime on FDs which should help me get to sleep on non food FDs when I get round to trying them again.

    My new scales were supposed to be delivered today but they’re not here yet which means I can’t weigh myself in the morning. Having said that I’ve no idea how accurate they’ll be in comparison to the old ones which have been sent to scale heaven aka the recycling centre πŸ˜‰

    Thanks RT. I find that I am constantly reinventing what I do, how I live, so changing my diet and timing of food intake is just part of it. I must have a low bordom level ☺☺
    Amazon, I still get annoyed by the inconsistency of scales. Our original set are in Mr P’s bathroom and read up to .3kg less than mine, so I sometimes whip in there for a bit of reassurance 😊😊
    We are holidaying with family and choosing to skip full fasts for a few more days. However, IF has taught us to be wise. While others grabbed hamburgers and fish and chips, 3 of us (all 5:2ers) shared 2 beautiful grilled pieces of barramindi and made our own salad. Delicious.
    I haven’t eaten risotto for years now. Rice has a very high GI and, I agree Jo, a whole plateful of the same thing doesn’t grab me.
    Be careful in the cold Northerners and keep cool RT. We’ll get that heatwave on Sunday. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

    Hi P,

    I guess I’m judging risotto by my own which is low on rice and heavy on veg and only eaten in 300 calorie servings alongside a huge green salad!
    I eat much less rice than I used to and the new pack I opened for this current batch of risotto has a use by date of 2015!

    Your barramundi sounds good. It’s something I really enjoy eating whenever I’m in Australia.

    I’ve taken to asking for substitutions in restaurants and often ask for green veg rather than a carb, especially if I’m intending on eating more than one course and as I hate seeing food wasted it’s a good option.

    😊😊 It’s interesting how easy it is to bulk up a meal with a delicious variety of healthy salads or veg, isn’t it? I find more and more commercial kitchens off low carb meals. The message is getting through.
    I gave away my packets of rice. πŸ˜‘ P

    I won’t be buying any more white rice as I’m planning on trying other grains for risottos and paella.

    I made a huge veg stir fry on Wednesday. I was stuffed when I’d finshed eating and it was less than 300 calories including a tablespoon of oil.

    I find a small quantity of farro with lemon a nutty addition to salad.

    Hi all,
    Firstly congrats to all the “extended fasters”, I might need to join you soon after the German Stollen that Aldi had this year – very nice! Have had far too much….
    No Friday Funnies Amazon as its Saturday here!
    We are expecting 42 in Melbourne today too, but weather bureau saying its only for one day so thats quite bearable. No gardening today though!
    Jo I was shocked by that story of the poor woman on the stairs – what an awful, awful thing to happen. I hate stairs as I am so clumsy, so always really careful, I am amazed more people don’t injure themselves on them.
    Speaking of salads, between all the stollen I did enjoy an amazing salad at a restaurant a few weeks ago and have managed to copy it successfully. It was called a Quinoa Super Salad (!!) and has curly kale, sliced leeks, shredded carrot, some currants and some pomegranate seeds, with quinoa for crunch and a lemon/honey dressing….yummo. I finally overcame my hesitancy with kale and really enjoyed it like this, very finely sliced. It was served with some beetroot hummus, so I even made some of that – a big success. Always good to add a salad to the repertoire, though still enjoying my coleslaw!!
    I feel for you Northerners in your winter – best thing here at the moment is the swimming is so lovely in the heat.
    I have been minding son’s dog Jack while they are exploring Sydney for 10 days, and quite miss him now he has gone. I dont miss the poo patrol in the back garden though, gosh big dogs do huge piles of it! Next, eldest and his wife and bub moving in for a week in 3 weeks as they have a gap b/w sale of their unit and purchase of new house. Great excitement for them, going from one bedroom to three and great excitement for me to have little grandaughter under our roof for a whole week. I always vowed I would never become one of ‘those’ grandmothers, but I am pleasantly surprised at how much I love spending time with this amazing little person! She is learning lots of new words and delighted everyone by taking her first steps on Christmas Day, that was really special.
    Fasting wize I am now concentrating on retraining my tastebuds after a few too many seasonal splurges – that sugar addiction is never far below the surface and flares up eagerly if given any encouragement. The only way I can deal with it is just not to have any unhealthy foods in the house. Just like an alcoholic!


    Thanks for your post. Wow, day 6 of a fast with no planned end…Not sure how to react to that! On the basis that it won’t be hunger that guides you, how will you decide when to break fast? And what was your motivation for embarking upon a fast with no defined end?

    OH is away at the moment, so I have the ideal opportunity for an extended fast…and yet…and yet… What stops me? Well I know I don’t want to lose more weight, and I know the weight I lose from a one day fast sticks. Probably more of a concern is whether I’ll be able to maintain normal function. I’ve experienced a blackout only once while fasting, I’m assuming from a drop in my low normal BP rather than low blood sugar, but it’s not necessarily something I want to repeat when I’m by myself. What a woos I am!!


    You’re a better woman than I! Fish and chips, and you eat no batter and six chips only?! I eat the fish…and the batter…and several chips too many… until I’m taut… Mind you, I’m with you on not ordering risotto when out! Rarely a healthy option, clearly we need a food parcel from Amazon 😁

    No halo for me, I have actually never like batter and I really find 6 six chips is ideal. If I eat more I get carb burn, it might be indigestion!

    Now if I started eating liquorice allsorts I couldn’t stop until the packet is empty, so needless to say, they are not allowed in the house.

    Your long fast sounds great, I will be doing one this year, good luck! Don’t have another blackout though.

    Nama-I am really neurotic about stairs now. Be careful out there!

    Morning/evening all,

    Nama, I knew it was Saturday in Australia when I posted, I was hoping to catch the late edition πŸ˜‰

    When we are young and carefree we run up and down the stairs without a care and move freely and naturally. As we get older we think more about risk and/or lose a deegree of mobility and using the stairs becomes a more difficult proposition than walking in a horizontal plane. I live in a first floor flat so everything involves the stairs and I make an effort to move as naturally as possible.

    My taste buds are well and truly retuned after my 5 days of B2B FDs and I am feeling very positive and enthusuastic about getting rid of the remaining excess weight I’m still carrying.

    IMO my risottos are very tasty and I love them which is all that matters. I didn’t make them very often but autumn/winter is excellent as there are so many wild mushrooms to give it a beautiful flavour πŸ™‚
    I doubt I’ll make any more for months and when I do I’ll be using pearl barley or other grain. I saw the end of a Hairy Bikers show the other day and they made a paella using it and it worked very well but the grains were soaked overnight first as they take much longer to cook than rice.

    Next on the agenda is AJ’s lemon chard and potato curry and HF-Ws dhal. I’m going to add some aubergine to the curry. I’m so looking forward to getting in the kitchen, getting my spice store out of the cupbord and getting busy.

    Next week it’s AJ’s chilli and my take on her lentil bake to fill the freezer with comforting 350 calorie meals.

    I am trying to stop myself eating something now just because I can πŸ˜†

    That’s the end of Amazons’s latest food bulletin πŸ˜‰

    Happy, you don’t need a food parcel as you are perfectly capable of making something delicious.
    As for fainting when doing an extended fast, have you considered rehydration sachets. I know they contain a few calories but not enough to take you out of fasting mode and taking one would ensure that your electrolytes remain balanced.

    Sorry Jo but I still can’t see the point of ordering battered fish and chips and wasting most of it.
    With a little bit of lateral thinking you could get round the choice conundrum eg order the calamari starter followed by the halloumi starter plus a side salad which would hve been healthy, satisfying and no risk of carb burn.
    It always pays to ask in a restaurant especially these days when they can’t afford to lose custom.

    Have a good day everybody 😜

    Morning All,

    Another pound hits the dust so I am a happy teddy, 3 pounds this week.

    The meal was ‘set price’ very reasonable Β£12.50 for 2 courses. I do like Halloumi but it is very salty for my taste nd usually over cooked in local restaurants ( like rubber). Remember I live in a ‘backwater’ in term of vegetarian food, even fish is not popular which is crazy in a seaside town. Maximum of one fish dish on offer against 5 meat dishes usually. Almost every function I attend is Salmon only choice. Occasionally nut roast which usually has no taste whatsoever. The choices in London are incredible. But you can’t put a price on clean air and it’s health benefits. The answer is some cookery lessons for me, it’s on the list.

    I am surrounded by cheap restaurants offering heated up frozen food. Only four cook from fresh and two of these do not cater for vegetarians at all in their menu. Asian restaurants are OK but my daughter and husband are not as keen as me on spicy food. It may seem wasteful to you but it was a perfect meal for me both in taste, size and calories.

    Back to Ballroom Fitness class today, plus a bowls match this afternoon. Weather cold but no wind or rain which is a blessing.

    Introduced my daughter to the game of bridge last night. She thought it had far too many silly rules. Ha Ha! Today she is trying my shooting target and tomorrow indoor bowls, bless her! A taste of retired life. She turned down the dance classes in favour of her running training, a very strict regime. Sadly I can’t participate in her pleasures due to my fear of heights. I have never understood adrenaline junkies.

    As for stairs, I will be using the hand rail every time and not carrying piles of stuff up and down in future, one hand carrying only. I do think they are vital exercise but will not underestimate concentration needed in future. I still prefer flights of stairs to lifts.

    Enjoy your weekend all. Just roast veg and fresh fruit on my agenda today, possibly an egg later. Eating at the bowls club, they are welcome to their tuna in mayo on jacket potato with lettuce, tomato and cucumber(boring salad which is usually dry) no dressing other than salad cream.

    My ‘no tea’ is not going well, I havead one cup on several days because I totally forgot and drank it when it was put in front of me. At home I have stuck to Honey and chamomile. Now put some tea bags in a pot in my bag. Must try harder!

    I’ve just broken my fast with guacamole on sourdough toast topped with a poached duck egg.
    It was delicious and very satisfying.

    I bought a sourdough loaf before Christmas and had it sliced in store. The machine does it much better than me and the slices come in at 25-35g which is perfect. I have trouble cutting a slice of any bread that weighs less than 100g which is why I’m going to stop making it for a while.

    I’ve completed a calorie count for my menu this evening and it is incredible how low in calories a substantial amount of vegetables and pulses can be and by substituting half of the potatoes with aubergine it is even lower. I find it amazing that raw aubergine only has 15 calories per 100g.

    The Guardian “cook” supplement contains 20 vegan recipes, 4 soups from Anna Jones, 4 Italian pulse recipes from Rachel Roddy, 4 veg dishes from a vegan blogger called Rita Serano (unfortunate name for a vegan……) and 8 dessert recipes. Having read them I want to cook and eat ALL of them!
    Many of them can have milk/cream/yoghurt added/substituted and/or have meat/fish/eggs or cheese served alongside so they would work well for a group/family following different diets.

    There are also several recipes in the magazine that all read delicious.
    I am in food heaven πŸ˜€

    You can all be forgiven for thinking I’m obsessed with food as you are absolutely right πŸ˜†

    All this food! But there are certainly some wonderful ideas there πŸ™‚

    We are just leaving for wet and windy NZ after twelve days in Sydney and Canberra. Not sorry to be going today, with the temperature predicted to be in the high 30s here today. We are taking grandson home with us for a week. I will be interested to check the scales tomorrow, as I have found myself opting for a protein salad on several occasions at restaurants. And for two nights we had fresh salady offerings to nibble on sitting on our sixth-floor balcony with our daughter, just perfect (to OH’s disappointment – he loves a good restaurant meal with chips and beer! – and then wonders why there is no weight loss!).

    Sorry we missed you, P, but we had a good catch-up with Bay in Canberra.

    Stay cool / warm, everyone πŸ™‚

    Amazon, I can assure you, having shared various houses the whole Christmas period with a variety of different family groups, everyone is obsessed with food 😊 Much time was spent planning the next meal and accommodating the wide ranges of likes and dislikes. It is fun sharing ideas and utilising limited leftovers and equipment in holiday houses.
    The good news is,I haven’t gained any weight despite no fasts and even eating every meal. It helps that it is summer and that other members of the group are also low carb full fat eaters. 😊😊 P

    Hi Barata
    We crossed posts while I was battling with this website!
    Also sorry we just missed each other. I’m bracing myself for the predicted temps today. We have been spoil in our travels…stunning weather on both sides of the country.
    Have a good trip home and enjoy your grandson. ☺ P

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