Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

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Keep Fasting with JoJo(continued from Lose 2 lb per week)

This topic contains 7,131 replies, has 66 voices, and was last updated by  fitfast 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 2,951 through 3,000 (of 7,283 total)

  • Thanks RT, its a tad warm but I am not complaining after the endless winter we had! Glad I got the aircon in the XR6 regassed last month….it didnt seem very efficient but its never been done before in 13 years, so well due.

    Hi Jo, hope you find your phone..

    Kerry Ann its probably too late, but beginner fasters often get a headache that responds very well to a bit of salt and a lot of water. Headaches fairly common at first, but the salt and water will fix it. I used to have a sachet of miso soup, now if I need to I have a bit of our Aussie favourite Vegemite!

    Hooray, the cherries have arrived in the shops!

    Hi everyone,

    Another dull but mild day here.

    I’m fasting again today as my plan to fast at the weekend didn’t quite go as planned ( what’s new…….. πŸ™)
    If I can motivate myself I might go for a walk but it doesn’t look very inviting out there.

    Nama, I’m jealous as cherries are my favourite fruit. Having said that, there is a lot of nice fruit here at this time of year. We have UK apples and pears, new season oranges, tangerines etc and lots of lovely tropical fruit such as mango, pineapple and melon. A fresh fruit salad made of such bright and fragrant fruit would brighten up even the dullest day.

    I automatically take a couple of pinches of salt at midday on a FD and I can’t remember the last time I had a headache.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    Top 6 Smartass Answers
    SMARTASS ANSWER #6 It was mealtime during a flight on Hooters Airline. “Would you like dinner?” the flight attendant asked John, seated in front. “What are my choices?” John asked. “Yes or no,” she replied.
    SMARTASS ANSWER #5 A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket and he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing a beat, she said, “Sir, I need to see your ticket not your stub.”
    SMARTASS ANSWER #4 A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store but she couldn’t find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy, “Do these turkeys get any bigger?” The stock boy replied, “No ma’am, they’re dead.”
    SMARTASS ANSWER #3 The cop got out of his car and the kid who was stopped for speeding rolled down his window. “I’ve been waiting for you all day,” the cop said. The kid replied, “Yeah, well I got here as fast as I could.” When the cop finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his way without a ticket.
    SMARTASS ANSWER #2 A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. A sign comes up that reads, ” Low Bridge Ahead.” Before he knows it, the bridge is right ahead of him and he gets stuck under the bridge. Cars are backed up for miles. Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his car and walks to the truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and says, “Got stuck, huh?” The truck driver says, “No, I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas.”
    SMARTASS ANSWER OF THE YEAR 2006 A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow’s final exam. “Now class, I won’t tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury, illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that’s it, no other excuses whatsoever!” A smart-ass guy in the back of the room raised his hand and asked, “What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?” The entire class is reduced to laughter and snickering. When silence is restored, the teacher smiles knowingly at the student, shakes her head and sweetly says, “Well, I guess you’d have to write the exam with your other hand.”

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    Thanks RT. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜… love the hand job!
    Have a great weekend. P

    Oh, yes! πŸ™‚ And the stub. Thanks, RT.

    It looks like summer has arrived – temperatures in the 20s, and no rain in sight in the 10-day forecast. I will have to get watering this evening.

    No cherries yet, but great to have the strawberries. I have picked my first ones, yum.

    The cat is at the vet’s. He will have a general anaesthetic to deal with dental problems, and also get a grooming as his coat is very matted. I have combed and cut to try to deal with the problem but his teeth and claws get in the way πŸ™ And he hasn’t started moulting yet, strangely, as he usually gets this underway in late winter. He’s another Merlin, Happy.

    Cheers, all.

    Morning/evening all,

    Ha ha ha RT, thanks for the Friday funnies πŸ˜†

    It’s the weekend already, where does the time go.
    I’ve had a busy week as the preparations for the silly season have started and I hate a last minute rush so prefer to get started early. I’ve bought some gifts and cards and will do some more shopping next week when all this Black Friday nonsense has calmed down.

    I’m adding in an extra FD this weekend as the lunch and dinner invitations are coming in. I am going to make some more of the Andean style pumpkin stew that I tried a few weeks ago and shall be living on it all weekend πŸ™‚

    Have a good weekend everybody 😜

    Hi Fast Trackers And Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰
    A good new Jason Fung presentation from 5/11/2017 here
    Good information not new but concise and interesting as always
    Let’s get our fast on
    β€œIt is easier to avoid eating than to stop eating once started”
    Peace RT

    Hi RT,

    It must be Monday where you are πŸ™‚

    Sunday evening here and I’m sitting watching Christamas baking programmes πŸ˜†

    Hi there. Never had trouble with my weight until I hit my 50’s then went up to about 160lb. Counting calories brought me down to about 147lb but I’ve yo-yo’d up and down since then until about 2 and a 1/2 years ago. Looking after my elderly parents while working full time then losing them within 3 months of each other made me depressed and saw my weight increase to about 178lb. I’ve now been retired about 6 months and want to get fit and healthy and get back to around 145lb. Joined a gym and go there 3 times a week, two good workouts and a yoga class and a line dancing class. I’ve been calorie reducing (between 800 and 1200, apart from a couple of bad days) for last 3 weeks and have lost about 5lb. I did the 5:2 diet a few years ago but fell away as it was difficult to fit it into my life at the time. I think it might be good for me now to try this again, in conjunction with the gym. Need to reduce my blood pressure and cholesterol for my GP! Day one will be tomorrow (Monday) so wish me luck! It’s gym day with line dancing so 500 calories will be tough but I’m determined!!

    You’ll do it Barbarajean 😊
    Remember a couple of things…
    1. Exercise is effective for toning your body, keeping you flexible, strenthening your joints and as a great distraction, but it is NOT for weightloss.
    2. Humans evolved to be able to hunt when hungry. Therefore, we do not need to refuel to exercise. In fact exercising is more effective when in a fasting state. Think about how sleepy you get after overeating. The reverse happens when fasting…you feel energised. Go with it.
    3. A 70kg man can live for 70 days with no food and only water. Not eating, or eating minimally, over 1 day will not hurt you, and in fact is very good for you.
    4. Fasting does much more than just cause weightloss. It actually allows your body to spend the time healing itself.
    This post is more like a lecture because I am 20 hours (no food) into today’s fasting, hence my brain is hyperactive 😊😊
    All the best, P

    Excellent post P. loved the 3rd dot point..

    A quite from you, I think RT. πŸ™„ Sorry I didn’t reference it. P

    Morning/evening all,

    Ditto P, 5:2 in a nutshell πŸ™‚

    Wet and windy here this morning with a sky the colour that makes you want to get back into bed and snuggle under the duvet until the sun returns πŸ˜‰

    Shopping this morning. My weekly shop is getting smaller as time passes so I must be eating less even though I often think I’m not!

    I spent yesterday evening watching demonstrations of recipes of alternatives to Christmas pud which I’m not making this year. After 3 hours of watching the thought occurred to me that these days once I’ve eaten my dinner there is no room for dessert.
    One less thing to spend money on, eat, or ponder over what to do with the leftovers.

    There was a moment that made me laugh and Idon’t think it dawnd on either the presenters or the director or they would have cut and re-filmed the scenes.
    Preseneter makes a hot water crust pastry ie made with lard, with which he lines a tine and fills with leftover turkey, cranberries and sauce, stuffing then suggests vegetarians could make it using leftover nut roast, then goes on to discuss the use of gelatine if there isn’t enough leftover sauce………………….

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Good Morning All,
    Apologies for not keeping in touch. Life is very busy at the moment. Fasting has been a real trial lately but I am determined to get β€˜back on the horse’ I am changing days as Monday and Thursday have become regular meet ups with friends. Focusing on Tuesday and Friday now. Hope it helps. October went so well but November has been a disaster. December will be a challenge as lots of entertaining planned. Trying to stick to one meal and no pud.

    Southern Hemisphere weather is making me green with envy. It’s wet and cold here, very grey.
    Hats, scarf and gloves all in use daily.

    Went to the cinema last night to see β€˜Blade Runner’ gripping but very long movie. My local theatre are showing β€˜It’s a Wonderful Life’ late December. Finally get to see it on the big screen. Love it!

    Amazon- water pastry, I used to love it! Our local restaurant has just decided to exclude vegetarians and vegans, too much work. They just do a set menu for meat eaters now. But I have found a Cafe that are more obliging even Vegan Christmas Meals. Bowls club still only offer cheese salad or tuna mayo jacket potato as veg options throughout the year. Meanwhile meat eaters get a different choice weekly. No progress here!

    I am buying my son a Ottolongi Cook book for Xmas, which one do you recommend? He and his girlfriend started veg diet in October.

    Hope everyone is well!
    Thanks for the funnies RT, hysterical.

    Welcome Barbarajean. Purple has said it all in a nutshell.

    How’s it going, Kerryann? Thanksgiving must be just about over.
    Thanks for continuing funnies and input, RT.
    Here the world is white with snow, the sun is shining and the Alps so clear.
    Fastday here too, and the coffee is perking me up. The road is slippery and home seems the place to be.
    My brain goes hyperactive too while fasting, Purple.

    It’s nice to have a few days at home between trips. We came back from Italy a week ago and go to the UK in a couple of days. It was still warm in Italy. Lucca is a beautiful city with walls around. We walked around the walls one warm morning. You can see the marble mines in the nearby Appenines, and the old city houses. It was the last city state in Italy, well after Florence and Sienna had become part of Italy.
    Tuscany is general is just lovely and the people have a lot more heart than in other parts of Italy On Friday last the Italian Navy picked up 1100 migrants from the Med Sea. In Lucca this is reflected by the African migrant outside each bar restaurant asking for a Euro.

    I have a niggling health problem at present which causes me to sleep badly. I have a scar on my ankle which has opened again and is difficult to close. The Doc prescribed almost daily treatment by a domiciliary nurse. Maybe this is paying me back for the kilos I put on in the last 6 months and fortunately losing again. I will look funny turning up in UK in sandals as I can’t wear shoes. Black stockings and scarlet sandals are my basics now. So looking forward to being back in summer in Western Oz/NZ soon.

    Have a lovely day, dear Fasters.
    xx Wiwi

    So sorry to hear about your poor leg Wi. πŸ˜‘ I hope it improves before the long flight. I also hope we get a chance to see you over here during the summer. Cheers P ☺

    Thanks, Purple. It’s amazing that one has the answers to a long healthy lifestyle and then one blows it. My bad circulation is due to Papua New Guinea ulcers, but the rest is up to me.

    Yes, I hope we get a chance to see each other. Maybe I will treat myself to a weekend in Sydney. I’ll keep an eye out for cheap fares.

    Sounds great πŸ€—πŸ€—
    Off to bed zzzz

    Hi again,

    Ottolenghi’s vegetarian books are called “plenty” and “plenty more”. I don’t have either of them but do have Jerusalem and read his recipes in the Guardian every weekend.
    One thing I would say is that in my experience the majority of his dishes whilst always delicious have a long list of ingredients some of which are difficult to source even in London and are also quite complicated but that may not be the case in his veggie books.

    If your son and his GF are new to vegetarian cookery I would suggest Anna Jones. Her first book is called ” a modern way to eat” and her second ” a modern way to cook” with a third one imminent.

    I love the first book and have several recipes that are firm favourites and many of them have also given me inspiration. She offers seasonal alternatives for many recipes which is really helpful. I’ve not made much from the second book yet.
    I also like the fact that many of the dishes are easily divided into portions and can be frozen.
    Her chilli recipe is fabulous and very different from any other meat free version I’ve ever tried.

    I’m doing well with a vegetarian diet when at home and really enjoying having to really think about what I’m eating and ensuring it is well balanced.
    Going out has proved more difficult (as suspected) as the options are often risotto or goats cheese salad which is rather unimaginative. I’ve had a couple of very good bean burgers but if the veg option has been boring I’ve gone for whatever caught my eye on the menu.

    My local cinema is also showing A Wonderful Life which is partly due to the fact that it features Gloria Graham the actress on who Film stars don’t die in Liverpool is based on. I saw it last week and it is an excellent film. The male lead is Jamie Bell who was the boy in Billy Elliot, and this time rather than playing his teacher, Julie Walters is his mother! Fabulous cast, brilliant acting, good cinematography capturing 1980s Liverpool.
    The film she starred in with Bogart has also been re-released, can’t remember its title……..

    I hope your ankle gets better soon, it must be such a nuisance.

    Hello Everyone!

    Wiwi, thanks for asking! Things are going pretty well now that Thanksgiving is finally done. It’s not officially over until Sunday night when we make homemade turkey noodle soup and all the left overs and pies are completely gone!

    So sorry to hear about your ankle. I hope that heals up soon. I hate traveling when I have any kind injury or illness or anything like that. It makes me grouchy :/ I hope you still enjoy your trip!

    I thought i would post over the long weekend but every time I started I realized that much of my posts would be about all the food we were eating.

    Now, I didn’t completely gorge myself but I did relax and enjoy the special menu and I did manage to put a couple of pounds back on.

    Welcome Barbarjean!

    Purple…that was a great reminder post. The part about exercising not being a big weight loss tool is always a needed reminder for me!!!

    Today was going to be a fast day but I ended up in a business luncheon with no way out and it was impossible to resist eating with the delicious smells.

    There is no denying that by lunchtime I am hungry and cannot be around hot foods. I’m okay if people are eating sandwiches and salads and such….stuff that I can’t smell.

    Work is very busy right now with the Joint Commission on Accreditation here to survey us.

    Tomorrow is a fast day and no amount of anything is going to keep me from it!!!!

    have a wonderful day/night all.

    Hi All,

    Well, it’s been a while, but everything’s OK. As some of you know but others didn’t (sorry RT, thanks for missing me!), I’ve had a health scare in the family, totally out of the blue. It’s been a funny few weeks, anxious and stressful, and slightly in limbo waiting for doctors etc. Things are getting back on a more even keel now, so I guess it’s time to rejoin the world!

    Weight maintenance has been really easy, turns out I’m not a comfort eater anymore…well as long as I stay away from the added sugar and wheat flour. And since the health hiccup, other members of the family are now on board with that, so even less temptation than previous!

    Winter has well and truly arrived in the north. We had our first snow at the weekend. Very pretty…but cold ⛄️❄️ I’ve dusted off the thermals and have a hot water bottle for my feet, but fasting will be a challenge.


    I’ve got my eye on A Modern Cook’s Year by Anna Jones, excerpts I’ve seen look good. I’ve put it on my Christmas list 🎁🌲🦌

    Morning/evening all,

    Hi Happy, lovely to hear from you πŸ™‚

    I have more than enough cookery books for now. The rule is that when the shelf is full which it is, I have to part with a book before buying another.
    Having said that there are several that haven’t been opened for a very long time so I might be able to find space but I should give AJs second book more of an airing than I have so far before buying any more…………… πŸ˜‰

    I seem to have nailed not over-eating on non FDs but am struggling with staying within 500 calories on FDs although I did get through yesterday with a portion of lentil bake and nothing else, no small handful of nuts or tsp of peanut butter or sliver of cheese so hopefully I can continue. Considering I spent several hours watching Christmas cookery programmes I’m surprised although there were quite a few recipes that previously would have been tempting where I thought no, that would be much too rich/sweet/heavy.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    Welcome back Happy. We’ve missed you. P

    Hello all and thank you for the words of wisdom Purple Vegie Eater and other welcomes. Well my FD went well, just under 500 calories. It was not as bad as I thought and daughter no.2 made a pork and veg stir fry that I had minus the rice that everyone else had. A low cal soup at lunch, black tea to save calories, a tangerine and then couple of rice crackers with Laughing Cow low fat cheese triangle and a few cherry tomatoes while watching a film (Everyone else had crisps and chocolate) and that was day one!
    Bit stressed as daughter no. 1 is stuck in Bali due to the volcano!! She and her boyfriend only managed a weeks holiday together this year due to work commitments etc and then flights cancelled back to Australia the day they were due to fly home!! Arrrrrg!
    Anyway, FD day two will be Thursday this week.
    Interesting reading all your comments, thoughts, meal ideas etc.
    Onwards and upwards 😊!

    Great to see you back Happy and hope all relevant health issues have subsided I am reminded of a Dalai Lama that goes like this.
    β€œWhen asked β€œWhat thing about humanity surprises you the most?”, the Dalai Lama answered:

    β€œMan…. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

    Welcome Barabarajean keep on keeping on
    Peace RT

    It’s hard to go past the wisdom of the Dalai Lama. Thanks 😊

    Hi everyone,

    2nd FD of the week going well despite it being a bitterly cold day.
    I went to the gym this morning and it was very quiet. I guess it is a busy time of year for everyone.

    The home vegetarian diet is going well and it is helping me to eat properly by preventing food boredom as I’m trying out new recipes. There have been a couple of things I won’t be having again but I’m learning to love tofu as it soaks up flavour and can be used in so many ways.

    I’m having chestnut and cashew “sausages” this evening. They are nothing like a juicy pork banger but I’ve decided not to make comparisons but look at such items as new food πŸ™‚ They are quite tasty and I’ll make them again with some tweaks to make them spicier.

    Have a good one everybody 😜


    It’s intersting you should say that. I’ve always thought it’s a very odd thing for vegetarian food to describe itself as sausage, bacon or ham. As you say it invites comparisons and suggests vegetarian food is acceptable only if it’s pretend meat!?


    I agree which is why I’m working on not comparing anything I try to sausages, burgers, chops or anything else.

    Whatever they are called the chestnut and cashew mixture is good. I did add a clove of garlic to the recipe. They seem tastier this time and I wonder what has made the difference as I wouldn’t have thought flavours could mature whilst frozen. Maybe the accompanying veg complemented them more than what I had with them last time. And I cannot recall what that was πŸ™„

    I always think of quorn as pretend meat…………

    Hi Fast Trackers and Hello World (You All know Who You ARE) πŸ˜‰

    One day a Madam opened the brothel door and saw a rather dignified, well-dressed, good-looking man in his late forties or early fifties.
    “May I help you?” she asked.
    “I want to see Valerie,” the man replied.
    “Sir, Valerie is one of our most expensive ladies. Perhaps you would prefer someone else,” said the madam.
    “No. I must see Valerie,” he replied.
    Just then, Valerie appeared and announced to the man that she charged $5,000 a visit. Without hesitation, the man pulled out $5000.00 and gave it to Valerie, and they went upstairs. After an hour, the man calmly left.
    The next night, the same man appeared again, once more demanding to see Valerie. Valerie explained that no one had ever come back two nights in a row — too expensive — and there were no discounts. The price was still $5,000. Again the man pulled out the money, gave it to Valerie, and they went upstairs. After an hour, he left.
    The following night the man was there yet again. Everyone was astounded that he had come for a third consecutive night, but he paid Valerie and they went upstairs.
    After their session, Valerie questioned the man. “No one has ever been with me three nights in a row. Where are you from?” she asked.
    The man replied, ” South Carolina.”
    “Really” she said. “I have family in South Carolina.”
    “I know,” the man said. “Your father died, and I am your sister’s attorney. She asked me to give you your $15,000 inheritance.”
    The moral of the story is that three things in life are guaranteed:
    1. Death
    2. Taxes
    3. Being screwed by a lawyer

    Have A Happy Weekend All You beautiful Losers πŸ˜†
    Peace RT

    RT you’ve excelled yourself this week 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    He has indeed!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Have a happy healthy weekend everyone….
    And welcome to summer for we Southerners. 😎😎😎P

    Oh RT, one of your best, thankyou!
    Not sure about Summer Purple. After a record breaking heatwave this past week, we Victorians have been told to batten down the hatches for bad storms! Apparently we are about to receive all of our December rain over the next few days 🀀🀀
    Friday fast day for me today, we were away earlier in the week so some atonement for beachside pizza must be made! Happy weekend all!

    Ps Amazon sorry I cant agree with you about tofu, its not the flavour but the texture! DIL fries it and it seems like a lot of work for nothing!

    Let’s hope the weather bureau are wrong Nama. SA is getting it already. A guy on the radio claims his neighbour in Melbourne is collecting 2 of everything!!! Extreme summer storms are a sad reality of climate change unfortunately. Battern down the hatches mate. β˜ˆβ›ˆπŸŒ§πŸŒ¨πŸŒͺ🌫

    I’m no tofu fan either, but I did have some deep dried silken tofu once… crispy on the outside, soft like cheese in the centre. It comes in so many styles, but soy is highly alergenic for many people.

    I’m having a rough day today fellow fasters. I had an excellent FD on Tuesday and a reasonably well controlled day yesterday. But when i woke up this morning something was just off and it still is.

    My mood is oddly gloomy and I feel fatter than I ever have! I weighed exactly the same this morning as I did on Tuesday morning, no surprise, but I FEEL enormous today and absolutely hopeless, like I’ll never lose another pound and I’m doomed to be this size forever.

    Today was going to be a FD and I started it out very well in spite of my mood but the persistent feelings of gloom and fatness finally won and I ate a handful of gooey chocolates that probably cost about 480 in calories.

    Mind you, I’m not normally a negative or gloomy person. None of these thoughts or feelings are rational at all. I mean, like I said, I weighed exactly the same today as I did on Tuesday! I did not gain anything at all.

    What the heck is wrong with me???? Some one tell me that fasting improves mood and not the other way around. I don’t want to think that the fasting is decreasing serotonin or something weird like that. There must be some other reason for this mood.

    Sorry to be such a downer today :/

    Hi Kerry Ann,
    I am sitting waiting for the bad news on my car air con repairs ….I may be gloomy soon when given the bill!
    Seriously though, and I mean this nicely, are you an impatient person by nature?
    Fasting takes quite a while to really get the hang of, you are bound to have fast days that fail, we all do even after years of practice. And lets face it, most of us got fat in the first place at least partly due to emotional eating and using food for comfort. I cant say why you feel gloomy of course, but maybe its part of coming to terms with the realization that you need to make permanent, life long changes to your diet and there really is no quick fix? I think those of us that report feeling happier on 5:2 (and many of us do) are those who have managed to stay on track long enough to see results and feel so much better physically and emotionally because we finally feel ‘in control’
    Hang in there, dont beat yourself up and start afresh another day.
    Its hard when other members of the family have treats in the house, but personally if there is fresh bread or cake or chocolate in my house, it calls to me constantly! Much easier now we are empty nesters, but thats something you have to think about and find ways around. Just be patient with yourself and dont give up!

    Hi KA
    I totally second Nama!
    And will add…don’t have temptation in the house! Have some healthy low cal things you can eat if your willpower folds. I use veggie patties (23 cals) or carrot stick or a couple of Tom Thumb tomatoes and lettuce…and LOTS of water. Get busy. Don’t think about food!!!
    Also “food in transit” can mean spasmodic weight loss. Weigh every morning and watch the fluctuations!
    Good luck. P

    Oh thank you both very much, Nama and Purple veg.

    Nama, really sorry about your car repair bill!! I hope it’s not too bad!

    Nama, to be honest, I don’t know if I’m impatient by nature. I’m not sure that impatience is causing this mood. It’s really difficult to describe it because I don’t feel at all like I’m failing at fasting. I think I’m doing really well! I’ve had great success so far and that’s precisely why I can’t figure out why I feel so blah…and blue and you know, maybe I’m just tired. Maybe i just need a really good night sleep, long and deep and refreshing.

    Or maybe it’s my subconscious trying to trick me into eating more so I don’t lose weight. I swear our bodies find all kinds of ways to keep hold of the extra layers.

    It could also be that I have some traits and habits that I’m not so very aware of. maybe I am more impatient than I realize. Hmm. something to ponder.

    Purple veg…thank you for reminding me about carrot sticks. The instant I read that I thought YES! I really need to make sure I have carrot sticks and cucumbers. Those do the trick for me every time.

    What kind of veggie patties have 23 cal???

    The chocolates I ate were at work πŸ™ not at home.

    Thank you both very much for your responses. They both are incredibly helpful. It is so nice to have a place to come for rational support from people who’ve been through it already!


    I presume you are in Australia? I buy “Bite Me” brand veggie patties. Only available in small stores like IGA. Nama knows them…I introduced her to them too. ☺
    I agree our bodies try their darndest to hang on to excess weight. I get really crabbie when fasting. I find magnesium tablets work. (Happiness drug 😁😁)
    Now back in the pool. .

    I’m in Alaska, USA. But I will search and see if we have a similar product. I am on Kodiak island though and we have very limited shopping choices. But I’ll look around. We can do grocery shopping on line too so I can always order something.

    Magnesium! Okay, I’ll give that a try as well.

    Enjoy your swim purple!

    Of course you are. I got you mixed up with someone else πŸ˜‘
    Summer has arrived with a vengeance. ..36deg C today 😊😊

    Nice! Here we are in winter full swing, everything covered in ice temperatures around 0deg C. Sun sounds so good! Enjoy!

    RT, poor Valerie! I feel I shouldn’t laugh, but… πŸ˜€

    Kerry Ann,

    You could be on to something when you say maybe it’s your subconscious, only it might be your gut flora rather than your mind trying to sabotage you!

    I also found that the practice of fasting taught me quite a bit about myself, strip away food and eating and there’s nothing to hide behind. Where previously you might not have thought much about how you felt, and eaten mindlessly, fasting does require mindfulness.

    Who knows. But I think most people have the odd fast day which falls over because they’re just not in the right zone. Except maybe RT, who’s a bit of a fasting machine! The joy of 5:2 though is that you haven’t failed if you bail out on a fast day, you just pick another one!

    Re: tofu. I quite like it. But then I’m not such a carnivore as some here…

    Well my fasting is over for this week. One proper fast day, and one day when I skip the evening meal due to an art class. I might step it up a bit in December to get a bit of wriggle room for Xmas. I’m not planning on going mad…but I will have to try the Xmas cake and mincemeat that I’ve made for Dad πŸ˜€

    It didn’t get above two degrees yesterday, and the same forecast today. I’m looking forward to a hot meal at lunchtime!

    Morning/evening all,

    Kerry Ann, I’ve been going round in circles for quite some time in my struggle to reach my goal weight. I finally got back on track mid October and when I weighed myself a couple of weeks ago I had dropped 5lbs of the weight I had re-gained. I weighed myself yesterday expecting to have lost more and I’m the same weight. Previously I would have been bothered by this but I know that weight isn’t lost by the clock so I shall just carry on doing what I’ve been doing since October as I know the weight will come off eventually.

    FD no 3 for me. I have a few things to do at home and a tree that needs to be dressed up in all its finery for the silly season. That should keep me busy until it is time for my mixed veg chilli and guacamole πŸ™‚

    Have a good weekend everybody πŸ˜œπŸŽ„

    Wise words Happy …. we’ve missed you. 😊😊

    Good Morning All,

    I am feeling much better today. Much more balanced after a really good nights sleep. I went to bed early and slept like a rock.

    I don’t think I articulated very well what I meant when I was talking about weighing the same on Thursday as I did on Tuesday. I wasn’t disappointed or discouraged that I hadn’t lost weight. I did not expect to see weight loss…what I couldn’t figure out is why on Tuesday I felt so good and normal at that weight and then on Thursday I felt so enormously fat and sluggish and down. It was weird!

    But everyone who responded still had enormously helpful information to share!! And I will put every bit of it to good use as I am still getting used to this WOL and can use all the advice i get πŸ™‚

    Happy….I think you are probably right about the gut flora as well and the part you wrote about really learning about yourself once food is gone is very true. I have started to learn so much about deeply rooted beliefs that I never realized I had; about weight, weight loss, fear of failure, all kinds of stuff! Now I have to figure out how to change those self-sabotaging beliefs.

    I’m going to spend some time this weekend writing a few things down and clarifying my goals for myself.

    Happy, reading your profile, you sound similar to me in age and build/weight. Your profile says you are maintaining at 128/130….that’s exactly where i want to be! I’m 50 now so I think we are close in age as well.

    Amazon, so happy you were able to get back on track! I am ready to do the same. It may not have been the smartest choice for me to start right before the holiday season but at least I will maintain and not gain!

    I’m at work right now and we are very busy being short staffed so I will have to wait until later tonight to collect my thoughts but I will actually write down my goals for December.

    Thank you everyone! You’re an amazing group, I’m so excited to have all of you to talk to.

    Have a lovely day!

    Morning/evening all,

    I was out all day yesterday at a big food market (Borough) followed by a German style Christmas market. It was a cold but bright day and we had a great time. I tried a few nibbles of cheese, cake etc at the food market and had a warming glass of mulled cider in a pub near Southwark cathedral but didn’t participate in any of the pork baguettes, bratwurst, noodles, cakes etc avilable at the German market as there was nothing that really tempted me. We ended up in an Italian restaurant where I had a main course and some wine so a very good non FD and I am really pleased that I didn’t actually deny myself anything as I genuinely didn’t want it πŸ™‚ (small step in right direction)

    A quiet day at home before a very busy week. I intend to relax, do a few light chores and then cook roasted roots and a kale dish from HF-Ws newest veg book.

    Another FD beckons tomorrow. I am determined to lose weight this month and have joined the silly season challenge.

    Have a good one everybody 😜

    We are doing the opposite pre Christmas Amazon…it’s cherry season. We bought 2kg from the grower, packed a chicken salad, wine bottle and cherries and headed down to the beach (300 metres away) for a picnic dinner. Summer Christmas is wonderful. ☺☺ πŸŽ„ P
    PS The full moon is just rising over the ocean…can’t get much better!

    Stop it! Cherries are my favourite fruit and I’m very jealous.

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